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like I know that I'm like saying a lot about it it's probably annoying but like I'm telling you I don't know how you guys do this you gotta lock yourself in a bathroom and close all the doors I can't see anything okay this might be really bad wow okay hey everyone it's your friend Thinknoodles and welcome back to Roblox doors were today I mean I'm sure you could tell I'm playing on mobile I'm playing on my iPad because like a lot of people have said it's a lot harder to play doors on mobile and I've never tried it this is the first time I've even tried it and I'm trying to get this stupid thing off the screen like I do that and then it's okay it just pops back why why can't you make that go away so I'm gonna give it a try on a solo run here and see how it goes I am not hopeful because I already feel like well I'm really really bad at playing uh any mobile game but I already feel like the screen's too small like everything sucks about this and I think I already understand what you guys are complaining about so while we uh all right let's get all this that part was easy uh while we get all of this Set uh if you guys uh aren't already subscribed to my Channel please do subscribe help me get to 10 million subscribers we're getting closer and closer every single day and I need your help to get there okay so how do you oh okay oh my God you crouch oh this is gonna go really poorly guys because like I oh my I like my uh also if you guys could oh wow opening drawers is the worst first ugh so you definitely well I mean I'm sure you guys can but I can't like Speed Run drawers like I normally would so uh I mean it looks nice it looks just as good as a version on PC um but oh start that's a good start all right 100 coins bam just like that Screech is gonna suck everything is gonna suck like and like even from far away I can't like I mean I know that this was the store but like I wasn't able to see oh give me that yeah give me give me give me uh the the numbers on the doors from far away normally on BC I can like I can eyeball and be like oh yeah that's a dupe room because like that's five oh hopefully I'll get better at these like oh look at that hey did you see that oh okay kind of speed ran those drawers there let's go let's try to get yeah all right you can okay now I think the hard part or the hardest part is going to be seek just because like I mean because I oh man see like I'm like thinking and I gotta like this and then like that like this okay yeah it's not gonna be great um again because I'm just I don't play mobile I think ideally what I would like as an early crucifix uh so that I can just hold it out when I do seek Chase just in case I screw it up was hoping there would be one in this room but no it's just like the Motions like you guys are probably already motion sick from this like because I kind of am um the motion is just not as fluid as I can get on PC for like videos uh it's really jerky and I'm really sorry but this is just the way like I don't know it's not the way that that mobile games are it's just the way that I play mobile games because I don't play them enough to be like really smooth with them like with the camera I know you can make the camera movements a lot smoother it's just that like I look we're lucky we got already the door 13. okay and okay I might have got okay I was gonna say I kind of did get it a little bit early there we go I survived my first entity yay okay that's how you use a flashlight okay that's cool wow it's really dark too um I think it's darker than when I play on PC oh gosh it is literally Pitch Black wow usually I can see a little bit uh but man it is so much darker on mobile holy like you literally have to like hug walls oh there it is uh or uh well I mean if you don't have a lighter or a flashlight but you either have to hug walls or wait for Guiding Light there's no way you're seeing anything on this like I've got my iPad brightness all the way up but yeah like look at this wait well get through there this look at that there it is definitely darker I'm just gonna hug the walls and try and preserve my flashlight but oh dude see look at them oh dude I can't I I'm lost where am I there oh no no no no no no okay okay he's not too bad he's not too bad I was a little worried about him okay I was I was working gobble Timothy what come on what are the odds of two Timothy's in two drawers in a row oh man I don't know if that that's a Doris thing that's not a mobile thing but dude that is a lucky unlucky spawn okay that was nuts also I feel like the Timothy jump scare not as scary on mobile it scares me so much when I play on PC because like maybe I've got my like okay I'm pretty sure this is not dupe just because I saw the lightning from underneath let's just be sure foreign don't trust your eyes you gotta trust your ears man okay this could be yep that's what I thought here we go and now much much better the the first one I I uh I jumped into I did it quickly because like I just I didn't know how getting into a closet even worked I probably should have tested that before rush came the first time but I don't even know what room this is dude what room are we in here oh okay so he's already opened it for us whatever we got another dark one oh okay oh nice nice nice nice okay oh no I just had like so I was just thinking about this and I was like uh when I saw those lights flash that made me think it isn't but I was just thinking halt that's gonna be tough on this dude like like back and forth I think it's I think that was C you know the other weird thing is like you can like walk in this like you can walk really slowly in this you can't do that on on uh on the PC version the PC version you can just go pretty much just one speed or Crouch speed right so it's one of those things that I have to like be careful that I'm actually going full speed especially uh okay we got candle so I want to get it switch it off yeah I don't want to waste it okay oh that could be seek though nope it's not yeah I don't like all the little buttons there or there's like a button to turn this on a button to do that like I don't like that because I was afraid I was gonna hit the wrong one not get in the closet and accidentally turn on the flashlight and shine it and Rush his face that doesn't really do much to rush um so where's seek man okay that's c yeah okay okay so I'm gonna have vitamins ready but I don't want to use them because oh I guess it won't be that bad but I just I just don't like the way the time my timing goes on PC when I use vitamins and like kind of messes things up we have like I want a flashlight battery pretty badly okay this might be really bad I because you've gotta like control yeah geez you gotta dock up and down you gotta go left and right okay so duck wow that's not easy dude okay oh wow I know what you guys complain about bruh okay use that okay wow The Guiding Light is really bright though okay yeah that part's really hard the ducking parts oh geez oh my goodness oh my wow okay dude seek is so hard on mobile oh wow all right I see what y'all are [Music] man you gotta be kidding me what wait a second really there was wow idiot I didn't even see that door you know long has been since I've been duped wait wait wait a sec I didn't have the key mounted man it shouldn't let me do that it lets you do that I didn't even realize that like I thought that you had to have the the the key to even open that dupe door it just automatically opened jerk I mean I didn't try to open it what if I had the key out I would have done it all right here we go again now like I wanna blame it on the vitamin like being there like in the way of where I would be putting my finger on the screen really isn't the case so wait I want to just practice this real quick so let's go here I'm going forward and like so I want to do this and be like that yeah okay so oh geez I almost went too far there I'm gonna try it no vitamins I'm just gonna go uh but again I suck at mobile like you gotta put your like your fingers in just the right spots so there okay and then like that okay that's a little better okay hey hey hey I got bit I got bit that's okay it's okay all right I'll take that just clipped the uh the fire there but um that I I consider successful way better than the first attempt and my heart's feeding fast this is like playing doors again for the I mean it is in a way kind of like playing doors again for the first time like relearning the way to play oh I'm really tired of the dark though man I need yes Band-Aids all right feeling a little bit better bruh oh my come on with the dark dude I don't need you to bite me right now because like I'm already low enough on health okay flashlights oh my come on he is Relentless dude let's get out of here oh my God does he just come more on mobile he's so annoying all right 48 all right it is figure time and I I think I'm gonna be okay on this one are you sure about that because oh geez as I run into a luggage Park um the figure is not about like you know being quick and you know navigating oh this is like empty there's usually lots of money in here um uh like a secret it's it's more about um just being patient careful no I'm pretty careful [Music] approached so like I hear it I see it I got it oh I gotta get that out of here get it go away hey I hope I hear it I got it I gotta move though I've got a little bit slower than normal usually I'm already past this gosh normally see you know the other part is like I can see all my stupid fingerprints like I need to like wash my hands or something dude well it's the paper I'm not gonna bother with these drawers I've got plenty of money for death so hard because you like um oh there's one there okay like us oh not that seeing stuff is um like normally I can see a books sticking out I mean I can hear it and I know there's one like right there somewhere um I just I'm gonna let him go by okay what do we got that is uh seven right so we're almost there we're just gonna get the last one should be over here somewhere there hear it oh it's right there why did I have like three little there were like hands like in three different spots okay so I'm just gonna get back here okay so two three six one five okay now the thing is how do you do the code backwards well I guess most of them are up anyway there's none like no nines I don't know where he is though two three six one five actually it's not too bad on uh on mobile did I not okay I was like I didn't the animation didn't look right oh and the the doors don't even close animated that's weird all right cool done and man I'm on the mobile ah you still recognize me is that a little me I see on your shoulder yeah it is yeah that's right that's all you ever say all right I like this I like this [Music] um I even like this yeah thanks Jeff I'm gonna tip you but man Jeff made like a thousand bucks just now there you go all right don't spend it all in one place Jeff well unless it's college now when you hold the cruise okay that's that's what I was wondering like does it put a thing on your screen so you can like I want to use it uh but it doesn't look like you have to uh it works like crucifix on PC where you just like get close to dying or about to die and then uh then you get it or then it uses it don't you dare even suggest it guys I know what you're thinking oh man you know what that's not okay um okay I don't know how far behind he is oh that was kind of messed up all right thought I had those um okay is that like the loudest dupe on earth right there it is where where uh okay it's like where did Rush even go um so yeah I was gonna say don't even suggest it wait oh yeah this is a plant run but don't OMG this is gonna suck um so uh I was gonna say don't suggest it we're not doing rooms okay that's that's uh that's not happening let's just try and beat regular doors okay your rooms can maybe come in another video if you guys want me to play mobile again uh if this gets like I don't know 50 million views or something then I'll play mobile again otherwise never again all right well Guiding Light did this thing Russ and it was right there if I if I'd gone right oh man I would have been through that in a jiffy but nope blew it chose the wrong yeah and sometimes it happens so yes 64. that's probably them okay that might be the latest I've ever seen uh rooms spawn like because obviously the next one's gotta be Hospital uh but no we're not doing it so stop suggest oh look at a really late Hospital too then okay I mean I'm not hating that oh it's funny like because my hot bar is so long right now like it's covering up my health I've never seen that because on PC where's the hospital dude are we getting like a 70 there we go geez let's go get our skeleton or let's go get our plants okay so now we've got healing helpful there we go finally gonna get back to full health it's been like the entire video not with it with with low Health all right all right okay just a chill spot for a second and we go and I think yep we're gonna have seek uh now I'm trying to think what is most important here like the darkness in um in Greenhouse is gonna be a real problem normally I can see the floor and uh and the upcoming closets although I think I kind of know the layout of the of the rooms so seek this seek has no ducking right I'm trying to remember I don't uh it might have a bit so I'm gonna turn off everything I'm gonna do exactly what I did the last time um and cross my fingers uh I don't right that was very unexpected okay I really I was like what is happening dude this thing is not working I almost white crucifix out just in case I screw up yeah I'm gonna yeah just because like that was the problem the biggest problem for me in in the in the first run was seek this is a completely different Chase so I think crucifix is the right move here I like oh my goodness that was bad that was really bad so I don't know why it did that but I've got it out just in case yeah there's no I don't think there's any ducking in this one yeah it's just like reflection oh I might have chose podcast hey I'm really glad I didn't have to use that I mean it was there but I'm really glad I didn't have to because like I'm worried about like I'm worried about hole I'm worried about Ambush I'm worried about dark roams and uh most mostly uh oh what holy cow what bruh where did that that was such a quick spawn and I did not even wow that was unexpected um but yeah worried about Rush apparently or I should have been um but yeah I'm like I'm worried about the greenhouse and not being able to see can you please give me some light oh thank you ah right okay so there's a lot of doors here hopefully we can get some Flashlight batteries all right so I got one that's super great oh no okay so I'm just getting this out because like I don't I mean I know his timing like like I don't know my timing he gets really quiet on mobile until he's almost there free the key goes completely silent again here he comes that's four he's got maybe one more in him nope we all good so we are gonna get to the greenhouse now uh I don't know if this is gonna be an early greenhouse and then Courtyard or Courtyard let's see what happens could be early for you nope okay so we're going we're going normal run uh 90 quart uh 90 Courtyard nope hey take it back okay um yeah hold on sometimes yep that's what it's gonna say um sometimes it acts like normal Courtyard I mean a normal Greenhouse in that it spawns uh Rush right away um okay let's oh dude I cannot see it oh I am definitely gonna step on snares okay so we got two rooms I'm gonna go ahead thank you yeah yeah it's bro go go go go okay okay so we're gonna get support our Courtyard here 92. all right all right all right okay let's get off to the side here let's take the breath a little chill a little Zen meditation here here's the thing when if I have crucifix out right and I step on a snare just going through the scenario in my head with the crucifix still work because I had it out or would um or would rush still kill me if I was incapacitated I feel like he's still gonna kill me so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do this and then I'm gonna go here because right inside we're okay now I gotta like I gotta scan the floor oh I can't I don't even oh geez not what I wanted to do and it kind of scared me but can I okay it's that all right cool all right handle how we doing how we doing how we doing okay this looks like another angle room ah this sucks let's see the end of the room yeah uh bro I don't even yeah it is angled this way okay okay I need to get in okay candle okay let's go to the Next Room okay it's out I think that's Rush it is okay cool and let's wait for that to come back is it why is that not coming back bro well yeah oh it's because of eyes okay oh no don't do that okay let's let's close the uh before z uh which means though that it's nice because then Rush can't spawn but it's also gotta gotta try not to get bitten okay oops that's what I was afraid of okay okay what I mean which direction I'm facing and I don't want to look at my eyes 97 out so I think that's Rush yep you hear him let's go okay is that a single brush yeah double it is a single why didn't he open you good okay oh that sucks I'm like mashing the crucifix because I I don't cannot see because I'll do it I don't know where I'm going am I even going the right direction oh geez Jesus I died oh baby let's go yo my candle ran out just in time let's go and guys even though I'm on mobile I'm on my main account so you know what that means right I must use the Chris the crucifix the lock picks okay so here's what's gonna happen gonna what oh I was like what it don't work on mobile uh okay we're gonna get that open okay so everything's open we're gonna get crucifix out and we're gonna uh well I'm gonna do what I normally do uh with a crucifix as backup because I don't know I just don't know how this works on mobile I mean I know how it works technically but I just don't know how I'm going to do um and I just want it in case I screw up okay see like that and I'm down okay I'm down okay so where are we here I I hear it okay I got one yeah this is gonna be very difficult because it is so dark and I barely have any lighter or flashlight left I don't I can't even see where the exit of this door is man so what I'm gonna do is um I might use it on you gotta be careful um I'm gonna well yeah I'm gonna wait until Guiding Light comes he turned around anyway wow it's so dark but yeah I'm gonna wait till The Guiding Light comes so that I don't miss any of the uh the fuses because I might have missed one in here and I like I don't want to be going back to any of these rooms dude I okay when it's like not flashing I literally I don't know where I am bro he walks by me CM this is so bad all I see is my own reflection that's helpful for us for me to actually like see and inside here um there's no more in here man I cannot believe the difference like I know that I'm like saying a lot about it it's probably annoying but like I'm telling you like I don't know how you guys do this you gotta lock yourself in a bathroom and close all the doors I can't see anything hey okay there's one under there I'll go back to that one let's get in here and be safe how many did I have I was not looking just now because there's Wonder there he's gonna he usually turns around comes right back General but not always look at this one okay let's get back in uh what is that six it's hard it's so small um okay it's going that way so okay are there two here or just one one okay I think oh dude no no get out of there get out get out get out get out oh dude nope okay just in case just in case I'm standing right Crouch yeah okay oh yeah I learned that the Crouch only challenge is why you can't hide in closet it makes you stand up when you come out it's cheating I'm gonna get this out I'm gonna go this way I don't like how I can't see anything through it but whatever okay all right all right okay so I'm assuming the last ones are upstairs please be upstairs I don't want to go back down I don't want to go back in there it's too dark it's well lit here okay I feel at least one all right there's one there there's usually like like yeah there's two and there's yeah there we go so there were seven down three up yes One Step Closer guys all right put them in I got crucifix out just for when this uh when the uses end just in case I walk right into it for something stupid uh I'm safe okay so let's access this is interesting like to do it with my fingers rather than a mouse it's kind of cool actually ah it works great all right that's two I don't think it mentioned eight okay all right that would have been Expert Tech right there okay okay all right go this way [Applause] Chris fix isn't out oh dude no I'm I'm using this come on bro wait what happened to him hey bro I want to kill you I'm not what happened to him is he okay hey bro you okay what happened are you having trouble with the mobile controls yeah me too bro what happened to him I'm really afraid to go down here and not like Beat It like it's gonna glitch on me and like bro Broski help me oh look he he walked into the wall what do I all right let's just can I come on bro come on oh I feel bad for him it won't work the crucifix I'm afraid to use it because like he's glitched like hey I don't want to touch them like there okay there you go it'll give you a little boost I've never seen him do that before oh let's go I did it only one death it was first seek Chase [Music] uh but I will admit it is much harder on mobile than it is on PC with the darkness uh with well me being terrible in mobile games of course uh yeah it is definitely a big challenge but I need it all right let's fly away all right here comes the drop [Music] yeah all right you should get double not like double like extra knobs for that for like there should be like one line that says beat it on mobile plus 20 or something I feel like it's at least 20 percent harder ah right well guys there you go if you guys enjoyed the video and my doors content click the like button and subscribe and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 2,089,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: elBe4vw4Mks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 17sec (1877 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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