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from what I can tell I looked into it there are 30 possible badges we can get in one run uh really not looking forward to this part guys uh hey everyone it's your friend Thinknoodles and welcome back to Roblox doors where today we're gonna see how many badges this guy get in a single game a single run of doors uh we just got two we got welcome and uh well welcome to the group I think was it is that what that one where I know I got welcome okay and welcome no not welcome back can't get that one but we got group members so I think it'll reload these badges once we beat run uh we got the one revive which is important oh yeah yeah let's try this because we need one other thing to get as many badges as possible and that is some knobs press it like ah there we go press it twice there it goes 100 one revive and oh a boost nice okay so uh we've got two badges already I'm gonna put like a little like counter and editing up here that counts the number of badges we've gotten so far make it look like part of the UI from what I can tell I looked into it there are 30 possible badges we can get actually a little more than that depending on our crucifix situation but the number I'm shooting for is 30 batches in one run and let's see how close I get post your prediction for the number of badges you think I'll get in the comments below and we'll see how close I get to that uh one more thing guys send a friend request to doors badges bro I'm gonna be giving this account away at the end of the video or after you guys watch it obviously I will accept one of your friend requests and send you the password of the account and it is yours forever make sure you change the password once I give it so I don't hack you uh so you'll have this amazing doors account with hopefully a ton of doors badges uh you'll be friends with me I'll leave that I'll leave you on my friends list you can go ahead and unfriend me it'll hurt my feelings but I understand uh you'll probably have a ton of friend requests as well uh and also I'll put 2500 Robux in the account so you can customize your look and you don't have to be this default bacon dude so let's go uh go follow him dude go follow him okay cool uh so yeah the reason I have both accounts is because some of the badges that were going to get are require you to play with a friend I'll talk about some of the other battles we could get we got welcome join the group play with a friend which we just did betrayal is another one oh yeah so this is what I wanted the knobs for we have to do lock picks so we might as well go with lighter uh the reason we have to go I can't see through your stupid fat head uh the reason we have to go with lock picks is because I can't trust the doors RNG to give us enough lock picks to get through the skeleton or through Dora a1000 I mean it may it may happen it also may not uh let's get this open all right cool and let's get this open and actually let's open this up all right cool I'm just gonna hang out right here and we're gonna get one of the badges now when I turn like this that's because I'm uh I'm using uh my other PC with uh with this account with my I don't know do we call that my all or we call that my main I'm not really sure it's technically my main let's get ourselves a little void badge here I think uh this door will do it no next one should shut the door in my face there we go there we go ow that hurt you turned I was telling get away why can't you wait you just rush all the time rush rush rush uh okay so I can go back and now I can grab a few things uh because I did notice there were some drawers uh that might uh they have something good in them and I don't like it we look uh I'm not gonna go back there though because I'll probably avoid myself a second time and not get a badge for it uh the other ones uh that we're gonna get uh well we can get uh whether the friend we can get betrayal back from the dead so that's why I wanted um a revive is because get a badge for that so I'm gonna die on purpose at some point uh that'll also give us one of many uh then we can get out of my way which is rush we can get uh in plain sight which is hiding from Rush like behind a bed or whatever uh we got it stairs back uh you can run which is seek oh baby well that was a waste of money wasn't it we can get uh eviction oh eviction notice oh uh yeah let's do that we're gonna do that in a second yeah so this is another one we can get this doesn't require a friend you just gotta hang out in here while we wait uh we got rebound which is Ambush two steps forward which is halt look at me which his eyes will definitely get that in Greenhouse we don't get it before then uh I see you Screech obviously we'll get him uh we can get a dupe wrong room uh meet Timothy meet Jack now that is going to be a tough one and the reason why is it still oh you gotta chill man yo you gotta chill out hide get off my screen man wow he's angry I hurt a lot man Jack I have not seen him in a closet and I should be opening every closet just in case okay I just waited 12 is we're gonna start bringing them together uh just so that we can uh so I can betray the other account uh but yeah Jack I have not seen in any closet since the uh the the hotel Plus update I've only seen him in blood rooms which as you guys know are super super rare so the odds of getting that not great not I'm not confident on the jack one so I think we're really working with 29 possibilities but you never know you could get it uh we can get glitch Ah that's one uh we can get Library which is uh supporting small businesses uh please donate we can get we're gonna try to get detour uh then back on track and a1000 I do think that when you uh get a1000 it also gives you back on track it should but I've actually never done it that way I did back on track just at 200 so we'll see how that works uh evil be gone so we're gonna use a crucifix I'm gonna try and use it on figure I'll figure it out Expert Tech interconnected and Rock Bottom okay so I'm gonna get in here and then I'm going to get betrayal so I just need to knock knock knock knock knock oh it's somebody else is already hiding there oh that's too bad hey all right cool I and I didn't even think I was gonna I didn't even realize that I was oh then I was gonna get that uh that Rush badge there oh man now how do you make them crawl because like I've seen that before I feel bad you look so happy when you're dead weird looking at my own body I am going to yeah so we kind of want to keep uh this other count like active for this whole run especially when we go to Rooms um well again I don't really care if it dies I just want to make sure that when we come back because I'm not gonna well try not to die I'm gonna try and beat it the whole way through and I think the account has to actually be in that game when we get teleported across back from rooms to doors just based on the fact that you can sort of like revive each time I feel like you need that the account to actually be in the game or else it won't count as having played with a friend because my session didn't end uh and it will technically end when I beat it and then if the character isn't in the game well yeah oh man oh okay we can get Screech they haven't had them yet and it's been pretty dark oh that's fun I lasted super long you know that I I don't use flashlight I mean I don't you oh nope I'm not doing it nope I need to keep them okay uh but yeah I don't use um I use lighters that much I usually always have a flashlight because I've got like literally like a million mobs gotta open up all these drawers too just uh in case we need a Timothy actually man you know I mean I don't know is there ever a run I get that doesn't oh do we wanna hey what's up buddy there we go do we want to yeah let's go with dupe now I'm not gonna die right hey why not hey hey I already got your badge wait why can't I I guess because it fell off you can't you can't activate the dupe that sucks you're trying to do it wrong and you can't it's nice on only having to manage One account right now instead of like doing the two back and forth oh I didn't really mean you're there but yeah boring [Music] and he of course he knocks the lights out all right so sofo okay we got seek so far good decision on the uh on the lock picks haven't seen any yet which uh makes me think now that we're on like 26 or 27 already that we wouldn't have gotten to in time I mean I guess Jeff would sell us one and you can just find one but I I don't wanna I don't want to put Faith in uh in the RNG and that's why I had to buy and I wish I could have bought a flashlight because I I would I think that's a better use of a hundred uh knobs just because they last longer and then you get batteries and stuff and it'll be really great for robes but uh I couldn't get to Rooms without these lock picks and so far the game has not been helpful at all oh oh we can do uh oh no I don't know which one's the wrong one though I wasn't paying attention wait I see uh so wait I said 27 that would be this is 20. 8 uh this would be 29. so is there yeah this is this is a wrong this is wrong so we wait did I do dupe already I don't know dude oh I don't think I did yeah right um now uh it's not as scary when you kind of expect it it would have been more scary if the door just opened thing that to be do okay gosh I don't even know what we're up to I mean obviously the counter shows uh but I would say like six or seven something like that you know what's what's kind of crazy is that I'm not actually gonna like know how many I got even at the end of the video I'm gonna be like yeah what uh how many badges did I get it'll be on screen obviously but uh like yeah like in editing and when you when you play it back we'll know and you'll know uh but I won't actually know until I get the video oh ow oh I need to pay more attention that was stupid okay you almost didn't though oh hey we got a halt on 46. how so it's gonna go all the way to 49. well he hasn't turned me around yet okay wait what do you mean 47 come on now that's such a lie we were on 46 we went through multiple rooms dude whatever hey we gotta lock it we had locker a lighter uh now um I'm feeling justified in having gotten these lock picks choosing this instead of the flashlight uh I was worried I would regret it and get a bunch of lock picks but as you can see we're already on 48. uh we're gonna get to Jeff's shop and maybe he'll sell us one maybe he won't now I have been going into every single cupboard wardrobe whatever you want to call these a closet that I've seen not encountered a single Jack so also I I'm thinking he is not in this game anymore except for the blood group a closet uh kick out anymore ever since the update I mean I haven't had him kick me out once since the update and you know but I only hide when I need to now I'm hiding everything yeah I still don't see him I don't want to do this like okay I might have like probably not smart yes you don't really want to hide in those because like even like because it well one it makes a stand for a word as we know it's only challenge the two like I think it like it attracts him your heartbeat in there because you're like scared or whatever uh it actually attracts him over to you so I I really don't want to be doing that I'm gonna actually like forego Jack in here for now Oh weird where you going man screwing up my route here man two six seven eight open it oh yeah we got we got uh we got that achievement another badge all right Jeff okay you got Chris yeah oh and he sold a lock pick okay these are the exact and that wait do I have enough money oh Jeff I am buying you out bro oh wait I hold on so we need to like okay I'm buying this because we need it for a badge I'm gonna buy this I need that so now we've got 470. let's do all of our tips first and see if we have enough left with a flashlight ah yeah thank you Jeff hey man you just got rich look at that I bought everything it's my man uh hey hoblino you're gonna see something different today Jeff charges so much for restart dude I mean who's got that kind of Plata you know I is that a new one I don't think I'd seen that saying before they are they adding sayings to him okay hey I was gonna say no but yeah there we go look at this oh and it's a big old room this is the perfect time for my Jeff funded flesh father flush light what is a flashlight it's a light you put in the Toilet Man oh good okay I got in really early a little bit too early for my liking actually okay and relax hide relax okay one nope I was gonna say he went a long way back I'll know when he stops because I'll get the badge for it come on oh dude it's a five oh no there it is hey I hear you right now I got full health man I can't do this we want to go into rooms with full health obviously because actually huh if you don't have I don't I don't know the answer to that actually um actually I think I do if you don't have full health when you go into rooms it will look like you have full health but you don't and then if uh A90 hits you you will die against the kill I think uh so you do want to go in with full health so you get at least that one bit of leeway with A90 hey what's up my man what about you like he hadn't showed up for a long time oh you were almost on door 60 and we hadn't seen a single Timothy sometimes he comes on like door one he likes he likes to torture me man right so uh really not looking forward to this part guys uh I um here comes about two and a half hours of pain and suffering it won't seem like that to you um um it'll just be a few a couple of minutes here I got the perfect song for it the song Let's get in uh let's go and then we gotta bring the other count in because we want to just keep it across like I said do I have to like so I click continue can this ah there it is everything's better with friends play around with a friend okay so we don't need that account anymore we don't care about it it is going to stay alive and that should revive me and I want to do a video on this because like I have an idea about this hey we got detour gotta be careful because A90 actually literally can spawn in this room trust me you can I've seen it happen uh but yeah I wanted to try something with an idea that I have uh for another video on on the way that the revive system works uh and specifically with rooms all right start the time lapse all right I'm gonna show you guys something that just happened uh because of the alt account and it's something I've never I did not realize and this could actually be like okay hold on uh let me beat that uh this this is like some doors lore stuff right here so uh I'm gonna go ahead to think about door 20 here I'll listen just in case but should be okay watch Watch What Happens here okay here's door 20. ready nope okay let's go let's go 21. 21. yeah [Music] I got glitch and it gave you the achievement so this is really crazy because this is the only entity that I have ever seen cross over to Rooms glitch can go between the dimensions uh none of the other um none of the other entities that I can think of transfer into rooms but glitch does that's huge someone had posted a tweet on this and I'll put it on screen uh and I just and and I kind of forgot about it uh until I was watching the other screen get glitched and I was like no way because I saw the screen turn red but I didn't have the sound on and I did it again and sure enough there it is glitch can transfer to rooms [Music] thank you over the edge I feel like I'm flowing through the air the pain I felt is painful [Music] I am restricted fixed upon the web I need to kick the habit that my mind is breathing in freak out I've got to see all my life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you burn in the fridge that keeps us I'm here and I'm feeling [Music] exaggerated that's what you must see the story's over now I must conclude [Music] you are oh freak out I've got to see spend all my life I'm fine facing it all Fearless [Music] [Music] oh that was quick that didn't feel like two and a half hours that felt like four minutes or so just that really felt like really long but I wasn't looking at the dog my goodness this is the part I was most worried about it is getting uh and look at that thing it works and there's two of them I want two I want two I would do um cool I thought there wasn't nothing there was another person here right uh would they also if they made it all the way through with me oh wait continue yeah um would they get a tablet as well or does just one person get it because like it's still there right when I picked it up so I think it would be for everyone who is still alive all right that's the part that I was most worried about because I don't play a lot of rooms guys um but there we go we got back on track okay okay okay so now I like while I was waiting in lockers and stuff I did some counting and it looks like and I could be wrong we'll have the counter on but I think we are at 20. uh having gotten a1000 back on track uh and Detour uh so let's keep it rolling um I really really really well I guess I don't need to hurt right I got full health uh and it's not like a fake full health you know oh yeah so that was one uh that I was thinking about that I missed so far uh and that badge is the um in plane sight badge and I know some rooms get it in yeah I know some rooms to get it in I just uh I haven't had that like perfect opportunity yet I'm still looking for Jack that might be one we don't end up getting we're already at 70 something we got seek uh we've already had an early halt so maybe don't you do that to me on this on the seek Chase I mean I I have I do have crucifix I can use it if I need it I want to save a figure but I mean it doesn't matter which badge we get from that we get to take a break if we want but I want all figured out I like that fact better and you know what's interesting actually is that I uh and it was one of the things I was worried about during uh rooms I I didn't have any vitamins at all and there was one particular encounter that was insanely close uh far too close for comfort and I have not I mean I I didn't buy anybody probably get some here I didn't buy any vitamins of course because I couldn't in the in the pre-run shop nope but we have not found a single bottle of vitamins isn't that crazy ah get it here we can get it here come on give me a vitamin I just want one for combine so many of uh lock picks it's crazy oh okay oh we're gonna get in plain sight let's go I'm gonna pull this out just in case though yeah we should get it yeah I was just pulling it out just in case that I like and I almost used it on dude um so we should get in plain sight here that was kind of perfect yes I'm so happy it's a perfect this is one of the perfect rooms for it but you just never know where the Ambush going both directions okay shut up dude I ain't messing with you laughs all right cool oh and I could have done it here probably is I don't know I do I don't know with Ambush with Rush yeah I definitely could have especially like I think I think I've done it with this one before right here uh that yeah you can hide from Rush here but Ambush yeah I probably could have gotten by with Ambush there also it doesn't matter we did it that's all that matters oh okay oh he came quick yeah we wouldn't have been able to do it in this room here oh no no no I just realized something oh we need to die uh I can use hide right uh yeah cause we can't okay we can't do it in Greenhouse um because once we're in Greenhouse we can't revive so yeah this is the part that's so hard because we could literally uh do a 1000 no depths uh maybe I'll do that in another video very similar to this one let me know if you guys want to see that but this one is about getting all of the badges and if I don't die that's two badges that I don't get you know and I gotta get them so I think we're going yeah I'm not even gonna go to 90. we're gonna let hide kill us it's gonna take a few uh a few oh actually that was pretty quick a few kick outs here as well only three okay um yeah so it's not gonna let us back in for a bit we will get all our items back do not worry I've tested this before okay here we go you know hide gets I think Hyde gets really angry really fast if you're hiding inside and there's nothing to uh there we go we got one of many uh and there's no entities he gets really mad really fast but we're we're in the we're before 90. yeah I know I know five where's my mouse okay all good hey all right which one do we want first let's put um let's put I don't know candle through some things lock pick uh lighter flashlight uh rechargeable flashlight and tablet oh I wasn't using it oh we can use it against figure okay we got it so the only ones we're missing are the final badges uh okay so it's starting with Greenhouse which is really good that I died but but I just did because I'm not sure that we would have been able to uh you don't get a badge for stepping on a snare do you I don't think you do I'm gonna check that right now actually because I don't want to miss out on that we've just checked the week really quickly okay no you don't okay just wanted to be sure that I wasn't missing out on something awesome okie dokie let's finish this thing off so uh as you guys can probably tell We're not gonna meet Jack unfortunately so that automatically puts us down to 29 we still are missing eyes so let's uh let's hope that we get that I mean like it would be really weird if we didn't get eyes in one of these rooms but um there we go thank you right on cue all right so that'll give us that right yep okay don't get in there yeah get in there okay okay okay uh I stole jeez now eyes is being a turd thanks eyes okay I gotta oh come on gotta get through here almost done that okay okay here we go okay so that's out that means I think Rush yeah that's what I thought you try to trick me screech but it ain't gonna work bro okay oh still okay now we're good [Music] I hear you I hear you and I'm in this is a lot of rushes this would not have worked on the uh Crouch only right wait what okay I was gonna say man and I did not none we got it let's go all right hey now the only one I'm worried about now oh oh look look here we go here we go how many we got let's check out the fuses here okay so we got like it looks like woof we got like four in that room maybe oh five in that room look at that bang bang bang uh we got two over there two over there that's nine so then there's gonna be one way up there here we go so now we know where they all are um thank you uh let's go do what we do uh oh we're finally here after hours [Applause] and oh yeah look at that I just now realized I did not see a single vitamin in the entire game not even a one that's that's I don't think that I don't think I've ever had a run like that that's two three we know there's five where are you four where's the fifth one do I need to get my tablet out again okay where you at oh no but you know what it shows where they like it shows where they were even if you got them so we got the four over there no I think they're unless like I missed count like I unless I got like four all right what are you doing you turned around um yeah I think I only got four here why is he scraping the walls like that there might have been one like just outside the room or something okay there's supposed to be two in here oh but they might be just outside and there's one oh there was one oh there was one there that's the one I saw that I thought was in the room it's actually in the hallway okay and this could also be in the hallway or right here yeah it's in the hallway so there's one in the hallway over there and then one over here so I gotta get back huh that's weird there's one over here oh yeah there was look at that huh thank you tablet oh I didn't know there'd be two out there though I don't like that I also don't like having vitamins or not don't like not having vitamins okay there it is so we know we've got them all now we know there's one last one upstairs oh yeah and we have to do interconnected so let's go down there first let's do that another badge all right now this is for the person who ends up with this account I'm gonna give you the rechargeable flashlight I'm just kidding of course I'm giving here you go enjoy your tablet your scanner it's all yours whatever you want [Music] I think that was all of them one well besides the the which I almost forgot to use the crucifix as this one and it is still a little bit of luck um so I'm just gonna try my best here and you gotta get them all on the first try to get because uh Tech Expert Tech badge and it's really the third one that's yeah okay okay so here we go it goes fast and you have to guess on one seven if I guess wrong I'm done I got it let's go yeah baby all right we're gonna um we're gonna come out here we're gonna do this let's come on come on come on hey don't you push me okay I need uh give me that badge to like happen or something why is it not giving me that there we go evil be gone all figured out and got ta look at all them on the screen baby give me my rock bottom sup I I mean we've checked off I'm checking them off now actually uh just about everything actually everything I thought we were going to get except for one so we ended up with 29 badges out of well 30 possible I mean you could have gotten more with an extra piece of fix didn't see one in the rod unfortunately uh and we didn't reach out but I I thought it was a long shot honestly but other than that we saw every entity in the game uh we got all of the badges from that and there's our Rock Bottom with 29 stanking badges ah now unfortunately we got the one death but we needed it for those badges and uh the next person that joins is actually gonna get that 30th badge they're gonna get uh the uh welcome back badge which I couldn't get because this is all on the same day and all the same run but uh let's go ahead and uh I don't even know I forgot what the badge there nope that's not it was playing on character uh but yeah they'll be able to get this one and get that 30th badge but there it is a1000 single death the doors badges Pro guys I hope you enjoyed the video this a little while to make well over three hours if you did click the like button subscribe let me know in the comments below whether I let you down with only getting that 29 whether I met your expectations or whether I beat them getting almost all of them that's almost 100 that's definitely an A plus I think a 97 guys it's pretty good grade don't forget to send a friend request to doors badges Pro and I am going to select one of you randomly to give this account to and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course noodle line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 2,422,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, thinknoodles roblox, roblox, roblox doors, doors new update, roblox doors new update, doors all new ending, doors roblox, doors new update ending, doors new cutscenes, roblox doors update, roblox horror game, doors update, doors update thinknoodles, doors new update gameplay, thinknoodles doors update, doors shears, doors challenge, thinknoodles roblox doors, thinknoodles new doors update, thinknoodles doors challenge, doors badges
Id: gMUg1pCv3lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 20sec (2180 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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