Don't Starve but we all share health

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hello everyone today today we are playing with a mod that shares health with everyone well the stats we have all the same hunger and health if i if i get damaged everyone gets damaged if someone eats like healing food they all healed because i have full hunger yeah he is mighty cause zaptrap is the creator of the mod is there anything you would like to say before i open server to public and when i say public i mean jeffrey the traveler somehow guessed the password subscribe good all right subscribe to orange man he knows what's up all right people got it you guessed the password you deserve to join in that hello woody it's the day i've been waiting for so the interesting part about this mod is that i haven't heard i haven't told anyone what it is i've told them it's a normal world which is all they know but no one trusts me obviously i don't know why so i equipped hello everyone i i i came equipped this time with a decoy mod the equippable wilson mod i enabled this so then everyone will think turn it's it's a server no no no no no i actually tricked them and it's shared health mod yes hello everyone today we are playing with the equippable wilson let's make lots of wilson okay that's a good distraction we won't figure anything out oh my god because there's eight people yes i've already traded hunker who would have guessed uh oh that's not good i think jeffrey knows how do i make a wilson fight in town no it's suspicious we have to eat fast there's eight people which means eight times the hunger drain fake eat this carrot oh whoa oh people are eating stuff i'd love to actually eat anything because other people can eat for me hello star cat border the combined power of us two gave us bother ours exactly it actually is our butter it doesn't really matter who gets it here's a red cap don't tell me he knows what the mods are if one person dies we will all die so um i hope he doesn't eat that red cap i'm changing from mighty to whip me like crazy if you want to damage everyone you can eat a red cap boom we all lost some health you know i don't even know why i should pick up food because like if other people can eat food i need a butterfly and uh glitch clay does not know how to make a game here from the discord gamepl the majority are from youtube i don't i the discords figured it out they they saw what the mod what models on but i don't know about anyone else did they like see communism server i mean technically true i don't know like i'm actually curious how much people have figured it out that there's mods uh honestly i'm curious how long it takes for us to die we're technically just one big entity what's our goal make wilson don't die that too this game is there's like no grass as well i'm gonna go to the portal so i don't die hunger drains really fast it's just a weird bug that shares shut the f shut the up circus wait if someone dies we all it's not even day one completed they figured it out and there's no grass this is capitalism communism always fails our stats or a jew trickster you know if you wanted a communist server here it is everything is ours now there's no you can't just steal all the food eat it and make everyone else starve no you have to eat to support the whole society this is how the game was meant to be played where are we all almost insane what the hell are people doing is grass turned off no this is just some really crap world gen and people stole my grasp to the portal i guess well another server another me can't i've been incompetent and can't find the girl holy [ __ ] look at my health and light why is there no lie at the portal what the [ __ ] well i'm about to destroy everyone's one person died the darkness restart don't die to darkness you got that idiot we couldn't survive a single day i'm sorry so people always go i see them in the comments like oh i i don't want to join because i'll be too [ __ ] or something and everyone here is clearly a good player i don't want to weigh them down which is like usually not true you can just join and do whatever you want even if you die i'm not gonna kick you or anything but here if you die you're gonna kill everyone please don't suck all right every time we start the several pick the next character over which is willow what did he say there orange you should be communist oh crap wickford got the equippable wilson that's nice there's a rock band here let's stick together this is communist server now everything's been stolen this is capitalist server they don't share at all oh my god actual grass let's meet at spawn first night so we don't have someone dying because they couldn't make a torch gobbler wait wait for teamwork yes we got the throat stick man thank you circus i actually have a lighter i don't i don't need grass this is true communism already starving two for each very good homerat he's getting the grass for all the perfect society where we all love grass not like the nuttin world where this orange crafter guy hoards all the grass and like the whole world is empty of all the grass not good not good do we share hunger too maybe why do you think we have 22 hunger not even halfway through day one i'm gonna cook these berries i'll try and keep people up yeah you know my job will be to cook stuff i i'll cook this red cap i mean i'll eat it it's worth it for the longer we can heal there's butterflies everywhere yeah this works look we're a full hunger and stuff if i turn to a beaver and turn back oh god you don't do that don't do that someone's gonna starve like that luckily i'm not a chaotic person i don't trust you at all you were you were fighting dear clubs with your fists before so i think this time we might survive just like a little bit longer because people know the twists i mean you know maybe this is kind of a crazy fact but when you know what's going on it's kind of easier to survive i've placed grass at spawn good job comrade we have grass for everyone now no more nothing world crap i kind of want to play wolfgang and see how many times i transform cause it's gonna be chaotic i might i'm not feeling so good i might i'm not feeling so good hello woody total of 18 grass very good i will do a donation as well because i am a kind person very nice all right we have made this uh our science machine at the spawn and we will open our presents to get our skin shoes for all screw i'm gonna attack these beats further honey cobras i could give you three wilsons that spawn oh well i don't even care about losing the health we're gonna regain it really quickly honey yes all right honey well we gained a decent amount of hunger mandrake there's a mandrake got him oh oh i picked up the i thought these wilsons were players yes wilson friend we will grow beautiful army that's how you smell beautiful look at this full health longer full sanity orange i have a present what's the present what's the present what's the present green cap thank you romerod wilson do you think you can carol did war talks he's op for this is he i guess people don't like imps anymore i wonder why i've pre-built alchemy yes let's make our base crock-pot time we'll make the beautiful destination in existence you need flint say no more or should we make base spawn our everyone say spawn i love this server we all agree on the same message okay you think we could advance convinced them where those clockworks the lock works oh there's a bishop wilson help us filthy captain what they deserve bishop oh abigail yes well the horse is on me someone gains sanity we need the wickford no we need a wilson will sin opie we have gears i kind of want to see what fight something like dragonfly won't be because it's gonna be 12 people but we all have the same health it's like does that make it better or worse bases coming together me and the wilson will be the judge of that oh very nice we have a lightning rod already but a bit better boom we have an ice box he's gonna hammer down all the pig houses destroy captain's home yes those filthy pigs they have a full dlc with an economy in it about to be night everyone get a torch ready i don't wanna [Music] why am i insane who did this why are we insane there's a cool elephant that's good oh i'll cook these green caps oh bernie that's correct bernie do your things yes big bernie go attack the creatures nice how would i lose all my sanity again what why sandy solo no idea it's not even like a gradual drop it's full to zero i thought we were doing good nope that was a lie everything's alive it's not a lie these days oh god we're starving and we're also not i'm gonna cook this mandrake i don't want to do it this is our insanity i guess only i got wait the mandrake did nothing who picked 12 guys they just put me to sleep the mandrake sucks rock bot there's your crockpot make something fast we have food at least now and started this kind of oh i never ate the mandarik what now i ate it orange why no idea right now i would like some toys a lot of rocks i mean wood here and then i would want to get some rocks for the walls for dragonfly and hopefully by that point we would have hammered enough pig houses for armor then we just need healing but we're we're starving again a squat and bear be handy where's the goal of interiors hello friend would you like to donate to our food huh if someone with lower max hunger eats something it gives more percentage of hunger for everyone else qualified guilt we have food you can cook this trunk we have chests damn we're sophisticated all right i'll make a hat join the helmet army it's a quality elephant that's nice oh you want to kill it let's go nice good job tim we did stuff okay i'm going to keep one meaty stew on me just for emergencies and someone else can take that one oh a it's arthurian title he made it in what do you know does he know don't tell titan what is going on or as far as he knows i am just going to go get rocks hello tight karma that will bring food to us good hi titan welcome to equippable wilson server should i make burger king goddammit why burger can uses capitalism our king new restaurant wait doesn't titan have like all the wendy skins or some [ __ ] do you have all of them except wait he'd triumphant that's that's the cool one right i don't know i don't care about the skins at all he literally has all the wendy's that's that one yeah with the weird eyes shirt status no lies who told you this shared resources because we are good you can't lie to me there is no lie only true i saw the all's list you suck capitalist two eyes oh i saw a flash of red for a second oh it is too easy look at that hunger drain it's we're we're losing like two a second that's actually kind of terrifying i would like some more twigs but i think the earlier everyone stole them let's just see what's through this storm oh look at this three pattern they're making that's kind of cool wait maybe just twigs in these chests maybe people are nice problems you know oh they're making burger king that's of course they are what what else do you expect people on my servers to do whoa we have a lot of rocks hold on a second how much walls can we make oh we have plenty of rocks this world has been working this is proof that communism works you know you just make a shared stat server and suddenly everyone works i have the walls now except to find dragonfly orange read my phone my god tighten in your signs our life is good yes welcome to small burger king we are poor so we cut in the fort food what do you mean we're wrecking the farm oh we're starving we have wilson though we're fine we're out of business come on anyone found dragonfly i did oh story time lead the way take me to the dragonflies this circus hello greetings look for those spam you like your spam and me all right let's move sanity we did lose hunger though was someone sleeping in the tent that might have added to it no it's kind of relaxing like what like around three people are actually taking care of food everyone else is just kind of being lazy we split chops i got the walls and the rocks they can do other things it's day five well it's day five already time flies oh it's a kitschy goose idol do not use that that's gonna put us to zero hunger even though we're like constantly at zero hunger anyway oh my god we're starving again oh nice wig fred i mean it didn't help much but it helped oh but there's twix here there's twix here i have to and there's carrots and berries why is the dragon right with it right here ah thank you thank you for your help homer this is your present you will get one shark will enjoy okay so there's a trail here qualified so dragonfly is over there her pools are here i don't know what i want to build the box oh we should be someone to be designated either oh my god my health no we're gonna die if we take damage we all lose oh cause there's a walter ah that explains like the stupid little sanity we've had we'll build it the box here oh my god because people sort out the hunger you guys suck at not starving i know oh thank you you can heal and eat food not the worst thing to happen today i'm literally picking up seeds to eat the boxes complete with a few square walls we need ham bats armor and healing now so fam bats we can easily solve because there's pigs here although i probably have to wait till them to come out so for now i'll just bother bees for honey whereas wilson do so little damage was never stronger skull i killed all the beasts but i don't remember which life i got from i think it was this one nope biggest mistake of my life we're gonna fight the dragonfly when we're ready high chances we die no no no we have 12 players i'll attack and we'll destroy her first time i fight her legit you got them how much hours do you have on this yeah it's 12 people like don't don't underestimate the power oh skeleton with rocks don't mind if i do uh guys food i'm okay i'm gonna take this red cap okay pig chip i need your meat for a hamburger because i don't like this wilson at all a pig's good i wanna meet you guys obliterated the rock pipe kill all the pigs we need meat nice meat thank you i have enough for amber you know i think we're ready day six we will destroy dragonflight together or we will get destroyed who knows we have some good stuff in here we have butter we can make into the things uh food he's making statues of making food because dragonfly isn't really a boss that does area of effect damage it's just single targets so it can't be too hard or too different from how you would normally do it it can't be too hard i want to kill like orange kill told still yeah tomorrow we go fight follow me we have our friend wilson the the second in command he knows everything about everything so he should be fine no portions for oh yeah we have like three wendy's that's gonna be three abigails that's just like even more efficient so how can we possibly lose we're we're good okay we're good to go all right get in the box yes the horn of mightiness everyone in here the box of power get in here we are blowing the horn of war stargate get in there who else is there titan get in the box get in the box stop typing all right good luck we will fight now oh careful wilson you tell them what to do dragonfly hello cool flight all right sure just go she's stunned already walter why are you attacking the one walter's a bit confused we're starving hey guys okay we're safe we're starving guys just fight it does not matter and that we are starving it matters that we are together shenanigans what [ __ ] daddy goods what well at least the wilsons are scammed us someone died from fire capitalism wins unfairly next time we destroy defoy connecticut's equal starcast are mighty oh we're mighty again i know exactly what i'm doing guys so this won't get annoying at all oh i'm buying again oh my god guys can you do hate the butterflies i had to eat it to survive no i just have to play as wolfgang keep changing forms every five seconds who kept going insane i don't know oh it's a rock thank you for the pickaxe look he would help chop three no well abigail deserved to die yes finally some real construction someone a green cap oh my god that makes so much sense why is our health solo what crawling horror oh my god okay one more round don't die or i swear to god oh crap eat these butterflies no i played wes i blame orange i blame trump we did semi good capitalism fault finally you get it if i spawn in a torch stone will everyone get revived they dead mortals if you want to see this mod and play this with other people and probably diets in the description i don't know why you would ever want this and torture yourself but the option is there if you need it thank you for watching and goodbye i like to like our benevolent host it's benevolent well-meaning and kindly very ver serving a charitable rather than make a profit making purpose okay that is that is thank you that's cool
Channel: OrangE
Views: 495,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7q0GUq7xvKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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