Shame if something were to happen to it

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oh my god anyone can join that means me hell yeah alright so in this game there's this tin called a griefer and apparently a lot of people are pretty afraid of that so that is why we are going to terrify these people for no reason that's a cool base it would be a shame if something were to happen to it i mean it would be really sad though like imagine if all this began burning down like i i i can't imagine just everything burning down and like just getting destroyed that would not be good at all it would yeah i'm glad you're increased damn i'm impressed he doesn't he doesn't oh [Music] what woody no i didn't even do anything no money protect the base protect the base can we we could extinguish extinguish extinguish save the beast what happened there am i like a messiah did i just predict a really bad event all right we're back he burned this sign as well now i feel bad for this server you know let's let's do something good in the world they kind of got griefed last time so let's try and help out this space a bit can i have three twix have five i mean grass oh yeah they're oh my god i got an extra four twigs so it looks like these guys just spent the whole time making farms like there's giant potatoes a bunch of farm plots and then they're like not much else it's day 146 and they kind of just really like farming it seems i'm new and don't starve together why is this hope he's not gonna i feel worse for these people this is like a regular occurrence for them you know they just wanna play don't starve they wanna grow giant tomatoes and like every two days some guy just comes and grease their base i did have a welcome sign in the poster wait that's the sign not go burnt wait a second new mission rebuild the welcome sign all right let's rebuild the welcome sign all right quest completed we did it but we're not gonna stop there obviously see it seems like these guys have a bit of a griefing problem on this server so i will place down an anti-griefing spell on here basically all you have to do is put down a sign and then write some insult like if you grief this base then you're a wick for a domain then we just uh circle the base with walls for extra protection just so they can't grieve the sign in case they get pissed off then all you need is a sacrifice and there we go your base is safe now good luck in your endeavors so i chose this world called fun world because not only is it day 102 but also as the default dance server mod immediately pick widow faker default you know this means war i just wanted to have some fun in the photo world but apparently that was too much and it got kicked luckily you can just rejoin when you get kicked because uh a kick is not a ban hello today is dear club's day [Laughter] so i tried looking through more servers to see if i could find anything interesting but to be honest most of them are just pretty boring so the next day i got orange to name themselves my steam name meat orange orange orange orange and orange you should probably turn your volume down though there's this one called the man's world orange you play you play default wolfgang right yeah okay let's go default wolfgang man let's all say where is base in unison okay three three two one one [Music] i'm not there yet wang who was spelled crafter who did that i can't tell who is yeah i'm telling you his world journey he's done something it's honestly are you feeling yes now i haven't subscribed please subscribe you also go to my best friend oh you self advertiser [Music] thank you for watching and goodbye delete asleep okay we need to find someone who actually recognizes us okay next who's who's next youtuber guys i've actually found people who think it's it's on the united kingdom one they are everywhere orange guy when i join i'll say going today we are a gamer let's let's gather around like one person and just ask them who they are wait wait guys are your people look at all of us everyone kind of do me vibing though we need to surround someone and ask them who their favorite youtuber is who's our victim yeah he's here he's everyone just surround him surround him don't don't let him get away i don't remember the mighty call the tribute we need a rabbit sacrifice for burger just follow them what is this i got the egg guys i got the egg there's so much eggs your sacrifice will not be forgot thank you sirs now i have an idea watch this we require sacrifice of an ancient evil beneath with minimal gear good thing i'm on an island so they can't find me are you testing the have you ever killed the fuel weaver with minimal gear oh what's to build boats okay guys we got like five boats let's go all right let's go just splashed out boats which is all gone how much box is there what are you doing what's going on where's my paddle pin i don't have it all right let's see i'm i'm burning this what why did he why is that wrong towards it oh the this is a good idea so burn the boat at all yeah not at all not at all i don't think he's a torch i think he's trying to kill us grass grass from nothing world oh no no no no no no we're fine though like it's not burning somehow i think it's terrain i don't know as long as we just stall it out using like boards is that how it works i think anyway okay you have to think now you have to sing okay bye guys goodbye okay i guess we're leaving this server then hi i thought my team was offline lol oh can i invite my friends i mean sure oh we have permission join this world do you capitalize the agent hello yes and no asking from warren we have to to reflect what he did capital or lowercase h [Laughter] okay this world has no touchstones pink brown and purple or not orange orange why aren't you more popular we're not getting recognized enough yeah we should all change things looking more popular i have found another orange what one are you i am ever i am the orange orange you are the brown orange you are the purple orange we are i just saw someone we have to find this person do you know what dragon fly is what do we do what what's the end goal what's the end game plan here kill dragon play with this person i hate the giant dragonfly we can kill you but why is it still funny it's what i do it's my job how much did you get paid for it and get paid like a single molecule of serotonin for each correction it's not very lucrative serotonin shut up so i know it's only this one must do with this island make me the boat why does he want to make a boat oh hi oh my god okay so this guy thinks this is [ __ ] right you can make bought two more places basically speaking of of uh hamlet and i'm led to believe so we gotta break the news to them sorry about the wrong game oh the poor guy i'm not sure yet i only just started there no we have breakfast where we make our money which orange should tell you the bad news which one is it gonna be let's let him decide i'm calling light orange brown i'm color blind okay whoever is brown orange he bought the wrong game we're sorry oh no i thought this was meant to be funny now i feel sad you could you like correctly use the right your but you misspell everything else breath picking is the base literally just that campfire yeah wait what where are you red base this isn't the piss go up more okay okay well i don't know where the base is another pig village oh science mission is this the base oh no no you went okay so there's a path between the oh yeah science machine that must be basically next to the campfire with the chest no i'm in a picture but no okay so the saddle on the cobbles go back to the fire pit from the cobblestone path and then take the other path oh my god of course that's workers oh they made an alchemy engine now oh i just made an alchemy engine great i'm gonna walk over there place it and burn it oh would he just place another alchemy yes why because i felt like it is the base in the rock bottom no you're not too far now are you choking me go back and go past the base where the hell is the base how did you get into the rock biome without passing through the base oh hello i just walked around apparently time to place down the third alchemy engine now we have three of them hell yeah alchemy you need this base why so many of these it improves your stats just give them false information you only need one you need minimum four you're crazy no why'd you say that that makes it obvious it's a joke but it increases your stats is super fake i haven't died once not because it's strange oh you're hitting him with the hard facts [Music] orange we're going come along oh we're trying to get another hamburger what the hell there is no time for him that goddamn man we're probably gonna starve on the way there trippy boy who the hell is this prepare the line for when he joined the what pair the line for when he oh yeah the line what why no way no they always be broken i see one of us i believe one of us left there's someone else joining now though wait there is say the lion board hello everyone hello everyone hello everyone yeah they left us did we scare them also the wendy just ditched us oh there's a rear set piece here i love the take torches yeah it's yours my friend i was wondering where you were going with that oinks well i have enough links isn't it like super c no yeah actually yeah i mean it's the closest thing we have to money here no it's with a c oh you know i'm gonna do it yeah i wonder if this guy just thinks like everyone is one guy on his alts how come he hasn't questioned this like he hasn't questioned it all i said was kind of invite my friend maybe he thought i meant my alts maybe they just like don't care they must care it's not bad i guess but like they just see something like huh yeah that's a thing so this guy is new to the game so sorry like um yes having three people called the same thing it's completely normal right it's like another wendy character them god no why not foreign don't starve said to eat them i watched youtube tutorial and he said to make mandrake suit well i can confirm there's nothing past the big bind that's a shame where the hell is that wormhole take me away is this world lord or is it just me i don't think it's large what could be dragonfly is he in that savannah maybe i don't know i i found the swamp nothing there there's nothing from there i just found them it has to be in the savannah there's no way i found some sort of desert but i don't see what kind it is yet and this is dragonfly on dragonfly you found it where okay so yeah it's like we have to go a little bit into the swamp only a little wait meet at base i found it what are you doing making a farm we must go to bait i need dragon point [Music] what if i burn you can't burn the plots wait what does that do i wonder yo it's like a reusable campfire do that again this is a reusable cab fire fire pit if you give it a genius play this is like in the book of top player don't starve techniques this is like a very low budget fire pit i don't know what you're talking about you just light the garden rig magic on fire and it can't burn out are you coming i'm not gonna make it there what i'll be there okay i'm gonna go find him i will find you what other secret base [ __ ] this this guy's a professional he's been playing all of us this guy just has 10 aces up his sleeve oh i found her oh they just made the base and it has a crock pot ever comes with a touchstone you mind if it's so far away i don't want to go oh my god is it past the savannah i pointed out on the map yeah it's past the savannah okay follow me stand back i might have a little bit not enough walls but we'll be fine we can make more wait can you hammer merm houses for the second stone i mean there's like boulders around here so why would you need that yeah i don't have a prototype though oh we could probably we could make a science machine right right now right here i don't want to alarm you guys but i put it on the disk space on the video i'm gonna stop recording logs why'd you put sticks there yes okay yeah we can make cut stone nice all right get in the box get in the box get in the box we're gonna fight good luck all right where's the dragonfly you need food oh no who's dragonfly what the where's dragonfly wait what huh did you turn off the dragonfly if we just got caught we just got [Music] did you like them did you like and subscribe them and they were okay but they seemed like noobs
Channel: OrangE
Views: 139,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bGe2w84nnXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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