The Division 2: NEW PLAYER GUIDE (2023)

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so you want to get into the division two here's absolutely everything you need to know as you start out on your journey hey everyone Rogue gold here and today I felt like this was an ideal time to put together a comprehensive new player guide for the game with the recent re-release on Steam I know there's been a lot of sales going on I've seen a huge influx of new faces to the community lately so if you are new then welcome to the game I've been covering this franchise for a couple of years now and been playing since the day the first game released back in 2016 and it's always a joy for me to be able to help anybody out on their journey into the division if you like the game and are considering sticking around I cover all things division including news breakdowns guides and more so please consider clicking that subscribe button it truly helps out and nearly 80 percent of y'all who watch my content aren't subscribed so what are you waiting for you know you want to today we're going to be going over practically everything you need to know about the division 2 as a new player what version to buy the leveling experience the end game it's going to be a long one so sit back grab some popcorn there will be time stamps below that you can use to skip to whatever sections may be most relevant to you and throughout the video there will be a few times where I reference additional external videos that you all can use to gain extra information and knowledge if you so want it so just know that all of those will be linked in the description below the first one being a video I did covering some must-know settings to change within the game as that's something I do not cover in this guide with all that said feel free to ask any questions you may have down in the comments below and let's jump in starting with what do I need to purchase I frequently get asked by players interested in trying the division 2 out what version do they actually need do I need this pass or that pass do I need certain DLC so let's break it all down all that you need to own in order to have access to all of the main content for the game is the base version of the division 2 and its one and only expansion Warlords of New York whether that means you buy them separately in a bundle doesn't matter if you just buy the main game and not Warlords then you can still play the main campaign and reach the level 30 end game the only drawback is that while the game to this day receives free content updates it's only free and available to owners of warlord so without it you're going to be stuck at the level 30 end game which has very few if any people playing it and it's essentially not support supported or updated by the development team so whether you do it off the bat or once you reach level 30 you're going to want to get Warlords and that will give you access to the vast amount of end game content the division 2 has to offer as for any other additional DLCs or packs I get asked about the year one pass a lot without going into too much detail the only benefits you get from owning that pack these days is an instant unlock and bypassing of the progression process for three of the game 6 specializations which are basically end game classes as well as access to the game's 8 classified assignments now these are technically exclusive content however the missions are relatively short they don't offer competitive rewards and ultimately just aren't that necessary so totally up to you but just know that the year one pass is not required in any way any other DLCs or season passes you might see in the store don't worry about those until the end game just the base game and Warlords of New York is all you're going to need let's now move on to the beginning of your division 2 journey what do you need to know when it comes to the campaign and leveling process for the game well to be quite honest with you I don't think you need to know very much could you speedrun things a certain way and min max low level gear to be the most efficient and do all that crazy stuff sure but if your goal is to actually enjoy the game and learn about the game and you know actually just play the game then I strongly encourage you all just to take it at your own pace and learn as you go the game provides ample tutorials to explain basic mechanics and features as much as you'll need to know and from there just experience explore and enjoy the game pretty clearly guides you through the campaign and continues to tell you what to do next so yeah just go in there and get to level 30 at your own pace upon purchasing Warlords the game does offer you a level 30 boost to skip the main campaign and jump straight into the expansion content which you certainly can do but my recommendation if this is your very first time playing is to go through that organic 1 to 30 experience and get an understanding for the game for yourself before diving off the deep end the one thing I did want to do in this section is lay out the exact order of missions to complete for Chronological story order because it can get a bit murky at a certain point so feel free to reference back to this as you're going through the process the first main mission in the game is Grand Washington hotel and the game will take you to that very clearly it will then guide you all the way up until the final mission of the main campaign Capitol Building from there you're going to want to do World Series one through five playing the invaded versions of these missions and finishing off with Tidal Basin and invaded exclusive mission after that you can visit the helicopter pilot at the base of operations from there Camp White Oak and Manning National Zoo should be your first two stops followed by the two missions at the Pentagon and ending with the two missions at Coney Island after that you can finally feel ready to safely head into Warlords of New York the last tip I'll offer for the leveling experiences don't over stress about gear hoarding or Min maxing builds or anything like that obviously you can and should mess around with the different systems to get a feel for things but just know that all the way until you reach level 40 and hit the end game you're going to continually get better items with higher stats so don't worry about having the most optimal synergies or saving tons of stuff you don't need to speaking of the end game let's talk about it you've beat Warlords you hit Level 30 what the hell do you do now well kind of whatever you want what's unique about division two compared to some other similar games in the genre such as Destiny is that there isn't much vertical progression by that I mean there isn't a gear score or a power level you need to reach to play different content from the moment you hit Level 40 pretty much everything is open to you you might not be experienced enough to take it on and you might not have the right gear to tackle the challenge but if you see something on the map and you want to say I want to go try that out you can but let's start out with some of the important content-based endgame features the first is a very important one that becomes available at the end game that you should absolutely be aware of and that is open world difficulty tuning if you open your mega map you'll see a button prompt to the bottom which allows you to open global settings press that and surprise you now have new ways to customize the game's difficulty to your liking you can set the open world anywhere from normal to heroic this affects anything that's not in a mission area changing NPC Health damage and overall lethality as well as increases the XP and quality of loot you will receive for the content you play so to start off you're probably going to feel most comfortable around the normal or hard range but once you earn some better gear get more equipped try out challenging and heroic see how they feel additionally this menu allows you to apply to directives to the open world these are essentially modifiers adding additional layers of challenge to further increase the XP rewards you gain from activities and lastly you have the option to reset all control points on the map this means that whenever you go in clear an open world control point it will stay friendly until you manually reset it so if you want a primarily non-hostile world you can do that or you can reset them after every single run your choice another hugely important endgame feature is targeted loot now as you likely know the division 2 is an RPG game with build making mechanics we're going to cover builds shortly but what that means is that you're going to be collecting lots and lots of loot during your division 2 journey all to create different kinds of builds and play Styles and so let's say you want to go after something in particular how do you do that well in comes targeted loot if you go to your mega map once again you'll see another button prompt that says show targeted Loot and what this does is suddenly reveals an array of different symbols and icons now it's going to take you a little while to learn exactly what everything is and what the symbols correlate to and what type of gear but all you need to know is that every facet of the end game ties into targeted loot which is a system that's on a daily rotation and what it does is make certain gear items more likely to drop in certain areas so maybe one day assault rifles is tied to the Lincoln Memorial main mission and then the next day it's tied to the federal triangle open world Zone this does not mean that you can't earn assault rifles elsewhere in the game you certainly still can but it means that if you're specifically looking for a particular assault rifle if you want the best chances of finding it you should play the content or Zone that has the associated Target because you're going to be getting a higher frequency of loot drops in that category so it's a really nice feature one that every kind of division 2 player really takes advantage of and targeted loot spans the entire end game being present in open world content missions the dark zone game modes we'll cover a lot of that shortly but just know that as you're on your quest to make different types of builds and earn gear targeted loot is your best friend let's now move on to a few new pieces of content you may have seen pop on your map compared to when you were going through the campaign assuming you played the campaign through linearly and didn't skip to Warlords you should have a good grasp on what invasions are those are the red icon missions on your map they rotate in every week with three main missions one stronghold and Tidal Basin and completing them each week will grant you extra rewards and useful end game materials another feature of the end game is game modes this is a big Hallmark of the division franchise these are typically more replayable types of content and tend to offer some of the highest quantities of loot for your time two of them also offer the option for you to select your own targeted loot so they're understandably very popular pieces of content the division 2 currently has three available game modes you can access these from the helicopter pilot at the base but you'll also find them in the upper right corner of your mega map the first is Kenley college and while I wish I could say this is a fun mode it's not it has a strange lockout rotation meaning you can't play it for weeks at a time the replayability factor just isn't there it's mostly puzzle based more than anything and the rewards for it aren't spectacular either so if you're bored feel free to run it through once just for the experience and to get that exclusive exotic reward it has other than that I wouldn't waste your time there next is the summit this one is more interesting it allows you to pick your own targeted Loot and features a wide amount of difficulty customization it's also a bit more solo and Casual friendly than the rest and then lastly we have countdown this is the most recent game mode the game received just last year in season 9 and it's by far the game's most popular and lucrative farming spot it's an eight player Match Made mode though you can play solo on Lower difficulties and it runs in quick 15-minute sessions where you rack up tons of action and tons of loot it also allows you to select your own targeted loot further increasing the viability of the mode and by nature of it being match made you can lean on your teammates a bit for support I highly recommend countdown for any new end game player who's wanting to get their foot in the door and start putting some builds together and the hard difficulty is likely a good place for you to start at and then lastly I have to mention raids these are easily the division 2's most prestige and exclusive end game content as they are eight player tuned activities and at least the normal version of them does not offer matchmaking so as a new player don't worry about trying to jump into raids they are really fun experiences and have some high tier loot with exclusive exotic rewards but take your time and play the game for a while first and once you earn some power make some friends then you'll be more equipped to try them out and when you are you'll find them both on the left side of your mega map that covers the majority of the notable content features to point out with the end game now I want to shift Focus to the numerous progression systems and the underlying features the division 2 offers that you absolutely are going to need to be aware of if you want to effectively and properly continue to earn power and level up once you reach the end game the first is build making now I'm sure you've learned plenty about this as you went through the campaign but earning equipping and tuning gear to your preferences to create synergies is the division 2's primary progression path this comprises of two Primary Weapons and a sidearm six gear slots two skill slots and a specialization similar to what I said about the leveling experience earlier on you're really just going to have to get a feel for it all yourself I'm sure by now you know that every item comes with different stats and attributes and bonuses here's what you need to know about it for the end game gold high-end items teal gear set items and red exotic items are the only three types of year you're going to need to worry about in the end game everything else is lesser in power in these three are equal in statistical power meaning using any combination of them is what will allow you to have an endgame viable build of course there are certain brand sets and talent combinations and all of that that will make your builds much more powerful but those three categories is all you should really be caring about once you hit the end game I recently made a video highlighting my top 5 recommended builds for the division 2 in 2023 I will leave a link for that below so in case you need some inspiration or an idea of where to start as far as build making goes feel free to use that as a resource moving on let's talk about the first major endgame progression system to be aware of and that is specializations I believe you get access to these at level 30 so if you've played Warlords you likely have some familiarity with them you can access the station to view them right inside the front door of the base of operations and these essentially act as end game classes however they're hardly that rigid more than anything they can enhance certain builds and styles of play and they offer access to Unique skills mods and pistols and of course the signature Weapon by default you should have access to the survivalist Sharpshooter and demolitionists the other three the tech technician Gunner and firewall were added post-launch and require additional steps in order to unlock that's the perk I was mentioning about the year one pass if you own that then you get to skip that unlock process if not then at the bottom of the window you'll see a view field research button hit that and you'll see the various stages and challenges needed to unlock the spec and don't forget you can inspect each specialization to see their Associated skill trees there isn't really a best one as I said they all kind of work towards different builds and play Styles so I suggest browsing through each and deciding which one sounds most interesting for you to start with in order to earn points to spend in that skill tree you'll need to have the spec equipped as you go out and play content and I know one effective way to earn points is by running those invaded missions we covered a bit earlier on next up also super important and that's the system you unlock right at the climax of warlord's campaign your shd watch this is the one you're going to find in the bottom right corner of your inventory and while it's pretty self-explanatory it is vital to continuing your power gain after reaching level 40. every level that you earn post level 40 is displayed in the top right corner of your screen and this is known as your shd level and for every level you earn you simultaneously earn one point to spend in your shd watch there are four categories of bonuses damage survivability skills and miscellaneous plus a fifth Scavenging selection and they contain different individual stats like crit chance explosive resistance skill haste Etc and from shd levels one to one thousand you will continue to earn incremental upgrades to your power in the form of these stats by the time you're done you'll have the likes of 10 extra weapon damage 10 percent extra armor and much more so it's absolutely worth your time to remember to check in on and spend your points and is a great starting goal once you reach the end game is to start leveling that up next up I want to cover the various different features and progression systems that are housed at your crafting and recalibration benches these benches are always nearby each other and can most easily be accessed at your base of operations in DC both inside the White House and underneath the helicopter pilot as well as in New York's Haven settlement now with these two benches allow you to do is to craft tune augment and do so much more to your earned gear that can truly allow you to go to the next level of end game Power so I'm going to go over them one by one the first is recalibration this system allows you to completely change one attribute on any piece of equipment you owned except for Exotics everything else let's say you get a high-end piece that has literally two out of the three rolls D1 no problem recalibration will let you correct that one roll and make it the one that you want in order to do that however you're going to need to build up your recalibration library a tab that can also be found here on the same bench the basic idea is you're building up a collection a library of stats talents and attributes that you can then use an infinite number of times to put onto other pieces of gear meaning let's say you enter a 15 weapon damage value for masks into the library you'll always have the option to place that 15 stat onto a new piece of gear that you acquire but you have to submit it first which is why it's such an important thing for new players to be aware of the way you build up your library is by donating pieces of gear that have the stat that you want in other words you're going to need to extract the stats that you want saved so let's say I have a chess piece with weapon damage that I want to save I'm going to enter my recalibration library go to chess pieces find the one that I want to donate and you can then select that specific role to extract and save to your library in the process this does permanently destroy the item you extracted the stat from so it's important to carefully pick out which ones you want to use for a donation but it's that simple once you enter your stat into the library you can then put it onto any piece of gear you like for the rest of time you'll just need to obtain the proper resources go into recalibration and voila two important things to note here one keep in mind that you have to save stats for each kind of role for every gear slot so you can just enter one weapon image role and be covered for every item you'll need a mask damage roll a holster damage roll Etc and secondly there is a recalibration library available for both level 30 and level 40 players so again it's up to you if you get Warlords or not just be aware that progress does not carry over between the two so if you plan to move on to the level 40 end game don't waste your time or resources building up your level 30 library because it won't be there when you get to 40. alright next up we come to crafting this one should be pretty self-explanatory shouldn't be too crazy but the division 2 does allow you to craft a wide variety of things from gear itself to weapons mods certain Exotics Etc just go to the crafting bench at the base and see what blueprints you've got this is less of a how-to section and more of just a don't forget this exist type of shout out because it's not revolutionary you just collect blueprints get the proper resources you need and hit crafted items can have equal power to loot you find in the rest of the game they're not any lesser they're just a bit more random in what stat levels they'll drop with so use crafting as needed another important feature to be aware of is exotic reconfiguration now you probably aren't going to use this for a little while into your division 2 journey but it's still good to know about it and it's much less talked about than many of the other features so I definitely wanted to highlight it you might have heard me mention a minute ago that the only category of item excluded from recalibration are Exotics and that's because they all come with fixed stats meaning every Coyote's mask exotic will have the same attributes Etc however you do have one tool to try and improve any stats on your item that you may have and that is via reconfiguration so for this you're first going to need to have an exotic that you want to reconfigure then you're going to want to go to Anaya the NPC that sits by the crafting bench inside the White House you're going to find that she has a blueprint for sale that's labeled as a reconfiguration for whatever exotic you own buy that and then go right next to you to the crafting bench from there go to whichever category of item the Exotic is under whether it's a weapon mask knee pad whatever you're going to then tab all the way down to the bottom node on the left hand side this is where the Exotics are at for each category find the blueprint for the one that you have and there you go you can donate the one that you currently have in order to reconfigure it what this will do is destroy the one you own and give you a brand new one with totally random stats so it's important to note that this is not a guaranteed upgrade I could have halfway rolls on every slot reconfigure an exotic and it comes out the other side with quarter rolls on every slot so it's not a guarantee but it is your one and only option to just re-roll the whole thing and try to get better roles so that is exotic reconfiguration next thing to talk about is starting to get On The Fringe of stuff that you really won't need to worry about for a good while into the end game but again it's still good to be aware of and that is optimization if you go back over to the recalibration bench you'll see the optimization tab the name makes it pretty self-explanatory this allows you to optimize your gear items all you have to do for this is pick out which item you want to optimize by going to the correct Tab and scrolling through then you choose which individual stat you want to work on optimizing you cannot do it for them all at once and then optimize to your Delight this system is notoriously expensive it costs a lot to max out even one stat roll and it uses its own currency system so you will be farming for a while before you can really interact with this much but it can certainly be valuable to be able to just bump up that last stat you were needing to max out on an item Alright and then we finally come to our last endgame feature to be aware of and that is expertise now I'll just be straight up with you you do not need to worry about this system when you're first starting off in the end game you're going to want to build up a currency and resource Space by selling and deconstructing unwanted gear and that's when you're not donating stuff to the recalibration library the expertise system requires a lot of donation a lot of direct dedication into leveling it up it is certainly important it essentially acts as an shd watch system for your weapons and gear allowing you to upgrade them beyond their maximum power but it is absolutely a later on in-game feature to interact with I would break it all down here however it's actually kind of complex and there's a lot to explain quickly so once more I will leave a link in the description to a dedicated video I did Breaking that system down so when you get to the point in the end game where you're ready to tackle the system come back to this video and find that link or search it up and you should find it pretty easily and worry about it then but for now just focus on the other stuff that we already covered okay folks those are all of the major endgame pieces of content and features that you need to be aware of in the division two do you feel more prepared to take on the end game you're probably thinking no because you still haven't told me what I should be doing what I should go play and well that's kind of the beauty of it my friends as I said earlier on the division 2's end game is incredibly horizontal everything is open to you you just have to figure out what your goals are and how you want to achieve them do you want to make a super solid build right off the bat maybe you go do countdown and get lots of loot do you want to explore the world a bit maybe you tune your world difficulty and go run some control points do you want a PVP you should probably get a build first I will also leave a link to my beginner's PVP guide below but the bottom line is I can't and don't really want to tell you what to go do because there's a lot of content to choose from and it's all worthwhile and valuable in its own right bounties control points missions game modes raids they all offer their own unique experiences but very little in this game is locked to specific activities or content some is but the majority is not so all I can recommend is that you take the knowledge you learned in this video come up with a basic goal of what you want to start doing and go for it see where it takes you maybe you'll get an item that you weren't looking for but it inspires you to make a particular build maybe you end up doing a piece of content you really like so you do more of that wherever your path leads I hope this guide helped you become more acclimated and prepared for the division two in its end game and I very much hope you enjoyed thank you all so much for watching leave a like if you enjoyed this video and be sure to subscribe with notifications on so you can be updated every time I upload let me know your thoughts on this new player guide my friends if you are new to the game was it helpful was it not if you're a veteran around here are there any words of advice you would pass along that I didn't cover as I said at the start if you have any questions whatsoever now or in the future please feel free to ask away in the comments and I will be curious to hear everybody's thoughts that's going to do it for me today folks enjoy your journey through the division two once again thank you all so much for watching I hope you have a wonderful day and until the next one guys real gold out [Music]
Channel: RogueGold
Views: 179,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: division, division 2, division 3, the division, the division 2, the division 3, roguegold, rougegold, division 2 game, the division game, division game, division 2 news, division 2 content, division 2 update, division 2 new content, division 2 new update, division 2 guide, division 2 review, division 2 2023, division 2 2023 review, division 2 new player, division 2 new player guide, division 2 builds, division 2 tips, division heartland, the division heartland, div 2, div
Id: 1BfRduqxX9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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