Secret Bosses, Passages, Loot, & More! - The Division 2 Underground (D.C.)

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what's going on YouTube Kamikaze Von Doom here with another division two video so sit back relax grab that popcorn hit that like subscribe if you haven't already and let me know what you think in the comment section below but in today's video we are going to go through every single underground tunnel in the game so I hope you enjoy now what do I mean by every single underground tunnel well you can see right here this is what I would consider one of the many underground tunnels you can see that there are three different entrances and exits and that there is a complete system underground now in each of these underground tunnels there are loot chests there are secret faction tests there are secret bosses there are ambushes there are secret rooms etc etc it's a completely different vibe than the normal division two and there are underground tunnels in both DC and New York City so this is just going to be focusing on the DC underground tunnels because there are so many of them now if my calculations are correct there are over 20 tunnels in DC and I believe there are two or three secret bosses and we'll run into all three of them while we are playing today I mean I'm pretty much you know guaranteed on that two of the bosses are secret bosses that Ambush you and then one boss you actually have to trigger and you'll get to fight that secret boss as well but before we jump into that let me explain the video because this one might be a long one I'm pretty sure it might be now what I'm going to do in each of these underground tunnels depending on how long and how much I talk we're going to be talking about different topics that are happening right now in the division universe so we'll be talking about things like your five Heartland Resurgence we'll be talking about giveaways we'll be talking about secret things within the game we'll be talking about PVP changes what's going on in the dark Zone and conflict we'll be talking about quite a lot of things in today's video because not only are we exploring every single underground tunnel but we're also going to be discussing everything division related so I hope you enjoy that as well now before we even start doing our you know exploring let me show you the build that I'm going to be using during today's gameplay okay now this is the build so I'm going to give you probably like a really quick this is going to be the you know the the quick version it's not quite a one minute build video but it's not going to be a normal build video if you know what I mean okay I'm just going to give you the highlights all right now starting at the top with the specialization I am using the technician the reason being is it gives me the skill right here the artificer Hive which helps out my shield right so I'm using a bulwark Shield now my bulwark Shield is tier six and that is also because of the specialization the specialization gives us one plus skill tier just by using it so we have a tier six Shield we have a artificer Hive that is tier two and it gives us 33 skill repair and I think that's just ridiculous um and just so you know my skill repair my Total Health on this Shield is 13.5 million health so skill repair of one third of that I mean that's that's ridiculous now looking at the weapons um the well I guess actually another reason why I'm using the technicians because of the link to laser pointer I do have that on my king breaker just in case I want to use it but primarily I'm actually going to be using a pistol today I'm going to be using the regulus this is the Exotic pistol um to me it is still the best sidearm in the game hands down now it is a kajika exotic meaning it's based off of the uh that named enemy kajika from Warlords of New York um kajika that's a pathway park there you go so uh that's the enemy from pathway Park and you can see even the quote right here is from kajika as well now what makes this weapon the best sidearm in the game is the talent regicide so headshots will create an explosion I mean headshot kills you will now this explosion will deal 400 percent weapon damage which is crazy not only that but it also applies a bleed so it explodes and everyone bleeds that got hit by that explosion so if they didn't die from the explosion they're going to be bleeding from it as well which is even better now the thing about this is it also comes with headshot as a normal attribute now what I'm doing is I'm expertise upgrading this weapon up to 22. I am currently only at 18 but that's because I mean let's be real exotic components are so hard to come by it's ridiculous and once you get to this point in the expertise it's just all exotic components I feel like the normal materials and the optimization materials are so easy to come by compared to these exotic components anyways everything's maxed out pistol and headshot damage and I'm sitting at 643k total damage Now remind you that is with you know a whole bunch of Blues on this build now what's even crazier is I do have the Memento so the Memento is going to help out my shield and my regulus so it's just going to help me out regardless and then on top of the whole survivability thing I mean it gives me bonus armor from a region so this is going to be a really fun day for me just exploring these underground tunnels because even if I do get ambushed I'm going to be one-shotting a lot of enemies now what makes the Memento so cool is the kill confirmed Talent now this Talent will only stay active if you are out in the game like if you're at a safe area it will not um allow this uh talent to keep going and what do I mean by that is the long-term Buffs so the long-term Buffs can last for five minutes so let's say you know you're on the far East side of the map you get a kill you're at Max Stacks but you need to get to the far west side of the map usually you'd probably want to fast travel to a safe house something like that but typically when you do that you'll lose your Stacks so instead of doing that I'll show you a trick in today's video where instead of doing that I'm going to fast travel to like say a mission or an area that's not a safe Zone because I don't want these Stacks to go away I want to just keep you know keep it going the whole time that way by the time I'm at the 30 Stacks I get 30 30 percent weapon damage and 30 percent skill efficiency so I'm gonna be pretty much unkillable because that uh efficiency is going to make my shield go up from like 13 5 million Health more towards like 17 you know what I mean so then you have to get through 17 million you know Health from the shield and then on top of that I'm rocking 1.5 million armor on this build with you know this regulus once you get that regulus with the max Memento Stacks I mean it's game over now everything is rolled for headshot and crit chance on my mask I'm running the punch trunk that way I can get that 20 headshot but also the pistol damage I am using the chain killer because I am going for headshots and chain killer is pretty much the best thing you want to use aside from like perfect glass Cannon just in case you know you get uh rushed by a few enemies you could really you know proc this head hunter in seconds so it comes with perfect Headhunter so uh after killing an enemy with a headshot your next weapon hit uh deals an additional 150 percent of that killing blow so if I'm hitting them for like you know I don't know just some random number let's just say a million right I hit him in the head for a million I get an additional 150 percent of that one million in my next shot now the cool thing is is that that percent can go all the way up to 1250 percent if your headshot damage is greater than 150 percent and if I go to my pistol I am sitting at 9 190 headshot now that is with the Memento so I am losing some headshot damage there but I also wanted crit chance so I'm at 46 crit chance and with this build with all the multiplicatives and the Memento this is pretty much the best bang for your buck you're as close to 50 crit chances you can be with as high you know headshot damages can be all right so that is the chain killer I'm using another piece of Walker Harris for that additional armor damage and then uh that's here on the holster so like I said everything is rolled for crit chance or headshot and then of course you know your two best in slots you have the fox's prayer with headshot I have armor on here that way I can get my uh Shield up to a tier six and then the same thing applies here with the contractors headshot damage and then armor for the uh core attribute now remember I'm using both of these for the multiplicatives the armor damage and the Damage targets at the cover now that goes with both my headshot and it also goes with my king breaker which also has damage targets at a cover and health damage so what you're trying to do is you're trying to stack as much multiplicatives as possible to get the most damage as possible because at that point they're all multiplying with each other after the the additive damage and that's just I mean come on I'll show you the numbers here in a second because once you have that perfect Headhunter proc with 30 Stacks Memento it is so crazy you'll see you'll see anyways I'm getting ahead of myself that is the uh build um one last time if you want to screenshot it boom there you go uh you can change the secondary to whatever you want I just have the Slayer on there because I do all right so we are going to do every single underground tunnel in the in DC right so here is your complete map of DC now the underground tunnels are only going to be within the light area so this where my cursor is going this is the area that we are going to be in today now we're going to start in the top left so that's the uh top west end of the game and it is called West End then we're going to make our way down to Foggy Bottom West Potomac then we're going to go up to Constitution Hall and downtown west once we finish with that we'll go over to White House and then start going uh from top to bottom so we'll do downtown east Judiciary Square Federal Triangle East mall and then finally Southwest now a lot of these areas only have one tunnel so it's going to be really quick however some of these tunnels are very very big so let me show you some two tunnels that are really cool so there's this one and you can see it goes underneath the reflective pool all the way to the other side that one's pretty fun we're going to see some cool stuff there there's this one right here which is pretty fun it has that Hunter laptop if you've never done that before I'll show you that and then in West Potomac Park there's actually this long one way over here this one's a lot of fun as well so we're going to be showing you some really really cool tunnels and things you might not have never seen in this game now if there's Collectibles or something like that that I find I'll try to mark it for you and then at the very end of this video I'll try to do time stamps for each of these tunnels just in case you want to go to a specific tunnel we'll do it that way as well but I'm going to walk you through all of this so if you have any questions or anything like that just hit me up in chat hit me up in the comments and hopefully I answer all of them in this video so this is our first area that we are going through with the underground tunnels we are in the West End okay now I'm zooming in and I do not see oh here we go we only have one all right so here's this little cluster um and then the west of okay so the rest of the West End area is you know clear so we only have the one underground tunnel to go to so we're going to go to this one right here now the easiest way to go there right now hmm it might actually yeah we'll do uh the west main entrance now if you have that uh classified assignment you could fast travel there as well but I'm just going to go to the west main entrance all right here we go now if you haven't already hit that thumbs up support the channel by subscribing and if you want to further support the channel you can click that join button and become a member we are going to be doing members only giveaways and depending on what uh type of member you choose it will give you more or less votes for those giveaways all right um let's see do I just go to the Aaron let's just go straight to the underground tunnel I don't want to uh I don't want to sit here and get stuck in the open world oh peace candy but if I do see something to loot on the way I'll definitely go there oh I I'm pretty sure there's a loot box like right here yeah there it is foreign now it showed the underground tunnel here it is right there okay now I would not Follow the arrow the arrow is taking you all the way around I would just run straight for you know that underground entrance and here we are so I am playing on heroic with uh the reanimated global event active so we will be doing that there are no further directives on or anything just a heroic with reanimated all right so here's our first underground tunnel let's see if we get anything good it'd be really nice to find some some cool named enemies and uh pick up some Exotics hopefully we get some Exotics in today's video as well that'd be cool anything good I doubt but we'll see all right so I'm gonna go this way there's a lot of activity above me but I do like the feeling of the underground I really wish that they would uh expand more upon the underground or even like uh they could add things to the game that are specifically underground I mean that that would make it to where you're not adding anything to the existing game but you're adding something new you know outside of it meaning something like you know we have all of these you know wony Campo Idaho Coney Island Manning all of these they were all made outside of DC right well you could do something similar and then have the access point kind of like a you know classified assignment and then you could just go to that part of the underground I don't know fruit for thought oh I think I want to run all the way down here first or did I just go backwards I think I did okay so then run through the red door I'll probably I think that's above me even still now it would be cool to have the open World um experience that they are showcasing with uh division resurgence um I really wish that was added to this game but sadly this game's actually really old if you think about it like when this game was first released there was no uh you know series X or Series S there was no PS5 you know none of those crazy graphic cards that we have now um I think that just waiting for the next iteration would probably be the smartest go because if you remember because this game is so old and the way it's set up they can't do cross play they can't do cross progression you know they can't increase the stash or your inventory it's all like set it's set in stone like they can't add to it what they could do is you know make something separate and then add that to the game where like say you had an underground I don't know uh you had like your own underground stash or like you go to the summit and you have your own Summit stash or you know you go to countdown and you have a countdown stash that would be the only way for them to get around that problem because the way it's set up right now in this game the stash is connected no matter where you are in the game and they cannot increase that number all they can do is make separate stashes you know so they could do it that way but I think that would also increase uh confusion amongst the player base because then they would be like you know where was that exotic man my exotic's gone they stole my exotic there's something wrong with the game The Game's broken this sucks and then it's like well did you check your underground stash oh crap you're right yeah you're right my bad and then by the time they understand you know oh I I forgot it's in this other stash they would have already you know threw shade at the game and then the damage is done even if they apologize and I think that's a big problem oh that's actually it for uh this underground run we just did the full circle look at that that was fast all right so that was our very first run and we are done with the West End um we just picked up everything throughout the entire hoe even even this is bugged out right now jeez so I'm gonna go up top and then we're just gonna go to the next underground tunnel that went by a little bit quicker than I imagined all right so we would want to exit to the left these enemies are just going ham up top it's just lobbing grenades douche all right let's see you should probably take that out real quick why not oh yeah it's because it's reanimated yo they're going against each other and reanimated that's so sick oh his grenade went through my shield it went straight to my health oh yeah oh there we go get healed right here they're doing a lot of shooting and a lot of grenades it's like staggering your character non-stop barrage of uh bullets I'm gonna go around just take out the purples you know this heavy is annoying yo how's he still alive I did a headshot it even gave me the gas for it what there is he there he is I see you there we go if you headshot them they don't come back that's why I'm going for the headshots oh now he has a shotgun ah snap yo look at this he has a shoddy boom thank you come again all right let's go open up that cache here it is and we'll go to our next underground tunnel but yeah in the uh division Resurgence um what they're gonna do is they're gonna make it to where you can um run around the open world and you can find other people whether they're in different groups whether they're Solo or not it doesn't matter you can run up to them and be like oh you're doing this uh control Point here I'll help you and then that way you guys can help each other you can't shoot each other or hurt each other or anything it's just a another great you know way to bring the community together now that was the West End okay so next up we have Foggy Bottom so let's zoom in here and find our underground tunnel for Foggy Bottom actually oop there's one but it doesn't show it as a tunnel so and here's another one but those might not be tunnels what what I mean by that is it's underground entrance but it might just be to a room it might not be an actual tunnel all right the other one is right here whoa that's a huge tunnel you see what I mean I don't think I've been to this one look at that there's an outside Loop an inside loop with another loop attached to it that's really cool all right that's going to be a cool one to do all right so we'll first hit these other two see what they are and then uh we'll be good to go now as far as fast traveling hmm let's see here probably go this way that way I don't lose my Memento Stacks I mean I'm not too worried about it but at the same time it is fun to see those crazy high numbers you know what I mean so we'll just run over there I mean it's a pretty chill day so we're just you know doing some underground tunnels talking about some stuff getting everyone uh back on the same page yo look at that graffiti dude what yo that is sick whoa I don't think I've been over here before and if so it was probably like four years ago check this out man I actually want to take a picture of this let's see here we go look at that that is sick looking capture yeah whoever did that Bravo that's a really cool picture nice artwork okay let's go to our underground tunnel we are 0.4 kilometers away but uh that kind of segues into what I was going to talk about with division Resurgence and that is they have been MIA for four months four full months they have been M.I.A meaning uh their social media presence especially on Twitter they would post or do something they would interact they would ask questions they would uh they they would do several things and then if you posted anything and tagged them they would respond pretty much to everybody and it was always in a very light-hearted manner and it was really cool that what they were doing was amping everyone up the hype was getting big you know everyone was already pretty skeptical about Resurgence being a mobile game but once everyone got their hands on it that got to play it ahead of time there's been nothing but you know praise for it positive reviews and whatnot however like I was just saying they have been MIA for four months not a single word from any platform from any of the devs nothing not one word since uh New Year's actually before New Year's so it was uh right around Christmas time was the last time we heard from the division resurgence and um coincidentally let's get through here hold on there we go but coincidentally four months ago was when Ubisoft Paris was said to do their strike and I made a video on that that they went on strike and uh they were supposed to go on strike in January and now it's April and we have not heard a word from anything coming out of Ubisoft Paris now I'm saying Ubisoft Paris because that is where the headquarters is for Ubisoft mobile now Ubisoft mobile is uh the uh branch of Ubisoft that is responsible for division Resurgence and every time that they have done any interviews or they have had any developers talk publicly about the division Resurgence it has been from a developer or from Paris so no I can't even open this door huh all right well that was that Underground you see how it's not really a tunnel it's just an underground entrance so let's go to this one over here um what's the best way of getting there I guess just running all right let's go oh it's telling me to go through the door I can't go through the door bro can't go through the door let's see can I I can't put a flashlight on that let's try can I do it on the profit nope can't put a flashlight on that all right no flashlight never mind it's so stupid hey guys we made a uh a pistol attachment but it's only for certain pistols coincidentally none of the Exotics can hold it all right we are 0.2 away from the next underground so anyways back to uh division Resurgence that has me a little worried because they did have uh that so-called strike and I'm wondering if that was the team that went on strike you know is the division Resurgence dead as far as we know I I mean I'm not sure I have no idea so it's kind of um alarming it worrisome is the best way for me oh it's shown me to go that way oh here's another tunnel actually I think this is the one it's about to show us is where Cassie Mendoza is yeah so this is the entrance to uh one of Cassie Mendoza's uh locations and it's a little underground tunnel but again you can't follow that you have to go right here for some reason the GPS is telling you to run across the building and I just heard dude I just heard uh one of the one of the guys there he is so this is actually one of the underground uh secret bosses he's the one with the chainsaw I'll wait for him to come over here and show you but this guy typically is only in the underground see him there he is heavy with a chainsaw typically only in the underground but since we're right here next to an underground entrance when I killed the other one with the explosion that's hilarious there we go but yeah that's a part of that Ambush faction oh there hold on oh that wasn't a headshot what all right so here is your other entrance now this is like I said one of Cassie Mendoza's uh locations but this is also a location for a side mission so I'll show you that as well ah crap this is considered dang this is considered a safe Zone I just lost my Memento Stacks damn it anyways this is where Cassie Mendoza will be sitting uh or standing um if she's here and then this is where you would hit the side mission talk to Jane Applegate but all right that sucks I just uh went in here I didn't even think about it being a safe Zone oh no it shows I still have my like two stacks whatever all right yeah it didn't take it away all right cool okay so now the only thing left is that really cool underground tunnel that we saw here it is right here yeah this is gonna be sick all right this is gonna be cool um but yeah so that's why I'm a little worried about division Resurgence is because we haven't heard from them in four months and I'll make a video on it to let everyone else know but I'm giving you the little scoop right now I'm sure I'll see some other creators come up with videos after uh hearing this oh look at this pathway nice I haven't done uh open World stuff in a long time or at least not like open world like a lot of people they like certain parts of the open world and they only you know attract that part of the open world so it's really cool for me to forcefully go through parts that I would typically not go to like this Tunnel right here I've probably been down here once ever so it's going to be really cool all right so you're right next to West Potomac Park let's see what happens here we go now I'm not saying the division Resurgence is canceled in any way shape or form and everything I've seen and posted on division Resurgence has been good I mean there there really hasn't been any drawbacks um from the division Resurgence at all it's a really nice polished game um I think the only thing is the stigma around uh mobile games and that's the biggest thing is uh once they get past that stigma of mobile games they should be good to go all right so is this the the outer loop or the inner loop let's see let's see in our little oh I've already oh okay so I've already passed the first Loop the outer loop okay so I want to turn around and go right so turn around okay go right so this is the outer loop of the uh underground tunnel I don't know what's down here might uh we might get another little Ambush situation going on oh peace candy but we'll see I mean I I've already got the whole setup for Resurgence I mean I'm gonna I'm basically going to play it on a like a nice tablet and then I'm gonna project the tablet or broadcast it to my TV and then my TV will be hooked up to my capture card and then I'll be able to record and you know stream and all that I'll be able to do everything so it's going to be really cool and if you're a streamer content creator that is interested in doing something like that I can uh I can further uh you know give you more details into what exactly I did but it's really easy but that just means we're also going to be on mobile too so we'll be on every single platform that's going to be pretty pretty wicked or really remember this underground tunnel pretty neat oh I killed that guy too oh there he is see like I said the uh the chainsaw boss so we've met him twice now that's pretty cool all right oh look at this hole in the wall yo this is cool all right so where was I when I shot him I think I was right here right okay so what is this hole in the wall let's see ah Ah that's the uh that's the next uh loop okay let me get back out of that there we go and then go all the way down here and then I'll come back and do that inner loop so we're about to be done with the outside um track of this underground tunnel really cool I wish all of them had like you know expansive uh tunnels the way this one does but you know Beggars can't be choosers all right so we just finished that outside Loop let's go see what's on the inside and I thought they smelled bad on the outside peace candy I'll send you materials man expertise upgrades are costly very costly oh man yo this is a sick area what yo this is a sick area man this would be a great area for like a boss fight yo this is sick I like this a lot hold on I'll show you my exact location yeah I'm like dead smack dab in the middle sick this is really cool yo and then it keeps going look at this there's like five levels in one area damn man this would be a good PVP spot too dang imagine if they just added underground to each of the three dark zones you know what I mean because none of the dark zones have underground anything and you could add that to the existing game without messing up the existing game you know what I mean where you could have dze South and West underground added to it so each of the dark zones would have like you know let's just say like a dozen access points and then each of those access points would just come down to underground you know map that's been added to each of those dark zones I mean you would essentially double the entire dark Zone you know without doing anything that would be so sick ah the idea is all right am I missing something I feel like I'm missing something up here yep yo look at this control oh what's over here oh nice it's a control panel I mean this looks like a whole this looks like a whole ass Mission man it's pretty sick oh man peace candy there we go hmm there I think I've looted the entire area now all right yeah and then it has arrows on where to go okay it's the next Arrow oh there it is okay so the arrow there's another arrow okay it's telling me to go in here how do I go in there yo what hold on there's some sort of box I need to shoot I hope this isn't something that they took out of the game and like was hoping no one would notice where do these arrows come from let's let's follow the arrows okay right here is there another arrow right here hmm I wonder pretty wicked that's the first Arrow so why oh no here's one right here okay but why where is it coming from I wonder if there's something done here watch that be a secret room and I don't even know about it dang I don't see any other arrows or anything there's nothing of the sort hit this nope okay hit this nope okay hmm very interesting and there's nothing to turn on Okay I guess we're gonna get out of here I could probably sit here all day trying to figure this out nothing it's pointing to this door and it seems like this door should open up but I don't see any yellow wires or anything there's no Yellow Boxes around I don't know all right moving on oh yeah but that doesn't do anything that would just shock enemies right just like all that does is burn enemies all right let me get out of here I'm like all curious and crap just like oh I wonder all right let's get here boom I think that is it for yeah now did I do both tracks here I think I did because where am I right now this is the outside track oh so that's the inside track okay got it all right so we're done with this underground tunnel so that is it for where are we Foggy Bottom so now it is time to go to West Potomac Park now the first one would be this one right here at West Potomac Park let's fast travel to the Lincoln Memorial Mission here we go alrighty Lincoln Memorial and let's hit this tunnel but yeah those that was uh Resurgence right now heartland's another thing that everyone's worried about but I think that's the uh out of everything division that's the only thing that's like guaranteed right I mean look at this dude with the golf club that's hilarious he's just running at him with a golf club look at him look at him he's hitting with the golf club get him bro oh I can't shoot through the golf club guys so every time he gets in front of me I can't shoot him oh there we go oh boom thank you that was cool all right but yeah like I was saying uh Heartland I mean that one's just guaranteed yo from that far away like that's not even worth it dude like I'm trying to go all the way over here to this underground tunnel I swear the open world it like it tries to trap you just like the dark Zone it's like once you enter they don't want you to leave I call it the black uh Abyss because it's like no matter what you do they'll send more enemies towards you they're like nah man you want to leave too bad there we go all right ooh is there an echo there is oh this is underground hmm all right I think that's Underground let's hit this tunnel all right let's see left or right um let's go left now this is the area with the hunter laptop so if you have not done that yet oh yeah and this is also where the echo is hadula so The Echoes right here um and it would show you all the bosses and everything talking to each other in here this is where a shade crate would be so you could get shade Tech of course you have a dead agent here another dead agent here and then the hunter laptop you would hit would be this one right here it would turn on and then you would see the reflective pool and then it would turn on a light and then you could see this uh X right here to Mark the Spot and that's where you would kill that Hunter it says x marks the spot there's the X it says night time with the moon icon and then it even shows you right here once you hit the laptop now that's to one of those uh year one Hunter masks so if you don't know about that I'm pretty sure I've made a video on it um previously but uh I'll double check if I haven't I'll I'll put some together all right let's see where else this is taking us oh this is the entrance usually a few more things we can pick up here we go and then okay so this is the exit all right so now let's go back to the other one so this was to the left now we need to go to the right see what takes us over there I do like these tunnels though these tunnels with the lights I do like them they are pretty cool yeah pretty cool oh now we're back in a normal underground tunnel cool it's also how you get all of your faction Keys you know quick and easy is go through your underground tunnels I know there's a lot of people I'll do missions with and they're like hey man do you have a Black Tusk key hey man do you have a true sun key so this light is red I'm assuming I can open that door right maybe maybe not peace candy and there's a yellow line that goes up here let's see what this yellow line goes to oh it goes to nothing [Laughter] all right so we just hit that underground tunnel so that's our first one and then here's our next one right here and then for what's Potomac Park oh yeah we have these two entrances we need to check out now this one is just connected to the safe house so this one we know is connected to the safe house so we need to hit this tunnel these two entrances this tunnel and this tunnel yo West Potomac Park is popping with underground tunnels all right let's go to the next one all right let's let's do it if you haven't hit that thumbs up yet what are you waiting on come on if you have any questions for me hit me up in chat or in the comments um what were we talking about we were talking about Heartland now Heartland has um been in development for a few years now um the developers that did PVP for the division and the division two were pulled away once Warlords of New York came out they were pulled away to make Heartland so Heartland has been in development ever since Warlords of New York so it's been it's been a couple years all right here's this underground tunnel right here trying not to miss any of these uh any of these drops I am like a loot Warrior I love looting looting so much fun give me the loot give me the loot the precious loot even though it's all purples with heroic as my world difficulty all right let me know in the comments and in chat if you think uh High ends and gear sets should be the only things that drop in the uh well and Exotics of course that drop in the uh heroic open world I don't think purples should be allowed to drop in the uh heroic open world this is supposed to be the you know the hardest of you know the open worlds should at least give us some some loot to match you know what I mean all right so we are just now getting started with this uh underground tunnel now just for reference we are right in front of the Lincoln Memorial and we are you know just off of the shop safehouse all right let's keep going but uh Heartland looks really good um I remember a few years back they had like some very very beginner uh gameplay surface and everyone was like upset but I mean ever since the uh you know World reveal at a Ubisoft forward last year it's uh it's seeming to uh take shape and you know get polished up and ready to go I mean these these games are free to play so yo look at that nice that's a good drop for open world heroic not bad but the rest of these a lot of these are purples I got a hot shot I have to clear this up so I can keep uh keep on the loot oh what's this armor region headshot and blood sucker interesting all right there we go that should give me some more room yeah all right but no the uh to me it seems the longer they're working on Heartland I don't think it's um I don't think it's specifically to complete it I think they're I think they're making you know additional content for the game before it's released you know what I mean like uh I have a feeling like they're knocking out the first couple of years of content and then they release it once you know division two hits like year five and then I think we're gonna have a couple years worth of Heartland to play I think that would be really cool but we'll see oh I hear the chains oh we've got that boss again here's the third time we've had Le boss I don't see him yet I do have red all over my mini map though 22.9 did you see that oh 23 7. oh my gosh I'm hitting some stupid numbers we did not get the boss right there I heard the chains I didn't hear the chainsaw that that's what it was so it's just a little Ambush again but you'll get those in the underground it's pretty fun I do really like those uh bosses though it's guaranteed loot drops and they're kind of fun pretty cool it's a different type of uh enemy that you wouldn't normally see all right double loot right here nice definitely going to be stacked up on my materials as well so that's good and we're all seeing what uh each of these underground tunnels have to offer so that's pretty cool as well now I'm going to be doing another uh a part two of this uh where I go in New York but the problem was is New York has just as many tunnels as Washington DC and New York is like a fourth of the size it's ridiculous it's like littered with underground tunnels it's really fun but I just wouldn't be able to fit it in this video because this one's going to be long enough as it is just getting through the underground tunnels in DC I mean we're just about halfway through uh the tunnels but the cool thing is is after West Potomac Park each area only has like maybe one or two tunnels West Potomac Park is the only one that has five I believe five or six it's pretty crazy all right now it's looking like oh yeah there's going to be a collectible right here if you haven't been in the underground tunnels so let me show you my location uh 950 by 1972. this is a location of a collectible I I forget I think it's a painting that you'll get but no I think Heartland is going to be really good um it's it's going to be a banger but I think the problem that we're facing right now is the waiting game I mean we've been waiting for years so I think that as soon as year five starts with the division two they're they're finally going to start giving us some other you know titles to play because you know being on year five of one video game knowing it's a franchise that has plans of expanding uh we need to see something else so I don't think year five is going to bring us an expansion for division two at all so I think the next thing to do is uh just get the next game rolling out and then connect the two you know maybe if you play Heartland you get like Heartland stuff for division two and then if you go back and play division two some more you'll get you know stuff for Heartland vice versa I mean things like that it's pretty much a given because that's what they did with division one and division two so we'll see we shall see now this was the end of this underground tunnel so yep so now that we are at the end of that we need to hit these two entrances okay all right so let's uh let's go do that climb climb climb yo nice washed up boat pretty wicked oh I think there's a uh I think there's an airdrop crate around here yeah there it is there we go nice pretty easy oh let's see if I can get it oh snap oh snap oh got him yo going ham with the headshots yo who just shot what oh for real hey man you don't want the smoke where's this guy at dang that dude just took three headshots interesting and I'm at full well almost full headhunter yeah you see how this open world it's just it's it's crazy get out of here I'm gonna get sucked in like I was just talking about no siree Bob not this guy now I have no idea what these other these two underground entrances I'm going to I have no idea what they go to um it doesn't show you like a big vast tunnel so I have no idea we're about to find out though yo we are right up on top of this territory control oh there we go all right so this is a random look at this another yellow line going to nothing [Laughter] and then we have a uh a generator going to nothing as well let's see where we go okay oh this is to a uh a bounty area I remember this this would go to a bounty area oh the door opens nice oh peace candy now there's that entrance and then this entrance yeah they they both go to the same spot yeah this is a a bounty area you would typically run into some uh some named bosses in this area and I believe there's a door yeah over there I believe that door opens up as well clear this out really quick uh hurt I'm sure there's a collectible down here if you have never been down here before I would highly recommend it I'm pretty sure there's a collectible down here um 99 sure open up the door oh is this another double door yeah okay there's that area let's see where it goes you know these lights are bright hella bright okay yo what is up here a restock but it doesn't let me come on come on I can't even get through there okay didn't all right next one is right there now how what would be the fastest way um there really isn't the fastest way I have to run all the way back ugh run run hmm and then I think we have one more tunnel and then we are done with West Potomac Park this is by far the biggest um area full of tunnels compared to anything else in the map West Potomac Park has uh by far the most all right let's see what Ventures over here now I know there's a chest over here oh that's a heavy there let's kill the heavy real quick get that guaranteed loot oh and there's a loot box right there yeah good luck taking out my shield bro foreign give me the loot give me the loot but yeah I think heartland's gonna come out and it's going to be a banger I think it's going to be huge the only problem is is they're they're dragging their feet they're not letting people know they're not posting teasers they're not even talking about it and I think that is their biggest weakness I think the lack of hype will bring in um doubts and it will bring in expectations that might not you know be realistic but if you show people what's what's happening what's going on you know what the game is going to look like then they'll probably you know have the right expectations because you're showing them what's up okay now what so here is this tunnel we have another yellow line going to nowhere so I don't have to worry about that all right double ladder I like it oh we're still going down dang we're going down deep into the bowels of Washington DC you will see now we're going why oh this is another Bounty area I remember this yeah it's another Bounty area I think that if this isn't like set up for a bounty that you should at least have like an open world boss down here set on like a 30 or 45 minute timer and that way even if people want to do open world exploring like this they would still have the opportunity to go against some bosses I mean look at this entire Arena and it's empty there's no one here I think it it would at least you know behoove the player base if they came down here and there'd be you know a little bit of a fight I mean you know a couple enemies and a boss is that too much just too much to ask for there was nothing up there I wonder if there's anything up here and there's one box door does not open okay hurt peace candy yo if you take a shot every time I say piece of candy in this uh video you'd probably be drunk blacked out drunk I mean if you'd think this would be a door huh and you would think I would be able to turn this huh nope it's like can't open that up either okay all right that's it the virus is a hoax dang dude there's always that one guy there's always that one guy okay so that is it for those so the oh no here we go this would be our next tunnel the fastest way it looks like I'd go Title Basin dang man we have two more tunnels to go through in Potomac but Potomac is ridiculously um what's the word it's like uh enriched with uh underground tunnels I dig it you know what's all the way down here I don't think I've ever ran all the way down here before oh snap oh snap oh those are legit oh snap those are legit get me out of here okay okay my bad my bad didn't know they're about to go all crazy on me I would think there would be like some sort of like crazy loot over here or something you know but there's not see what's over here A whole lot of nothing raggedy swing set oh hold on here's a little airdrop crate okay dude if I can even get to it oh my gosh is this a dead end yo I'm about to have to go all the way back oh my God dude oh my gosh if you're watching this please comment down below I see I see what you did there like look I am completely my God it's embarrassing I'm stuck in the open world why would you even have this in the game why would you even have this if you can't even get through it oh my gosh okay Jesus thank you okay I now I know run around do not run through run around cause that sucked okay oh yeah this house so there's multiple things you can loot around this house so that was the one airdrop crate right here's another one up here so that's two and then I'm pretty sure there's a basement in this house that we can uh loot as well oh that's the underground tunnel yeah look at that that didn't show up on the uh I didn't show up on the map though did it let's see oh yeah there you go boom here we go Evans I have like a whole wreck room down here okay open the door hmm hurt I don't see it yo game just like went crazy there for a second oh who remembers this underground tunnel under the house I don't I remember doing this a long time ago I don't remember if it was like a side mission or something I forget but I remember doing this a long time ago and I was like oh man there's underground tunnel down here bro this is so cool looks like that's the end of this tunnel and we have one more another red door no signs of opening okay oh peace candy all right now one last oh whoa what was that what was that yo that was weird huh okay oh look at the time the tunnel's all glitched out man okay oh there's one more there's one more way up here okay way up there and then we have the uh the big tunnel right next to the DZ South entrance we're getting there though it's a lot of tunnels that's for sure it's pretty cool I wonder what this entrance is way up here though I don't remember this one at all hmm eat this picked up dang 20 mil no snap okay I think we're good oh my gosh another one you're gonna get up here we go okay so where is this tunnel oh where is this yo what is this okay okay let's pretty cool let's see where this leads oh my gosh please oh nope it's opened nice all right let's check this place out okay yeah I don't remember this at all nice tell you what I'm getting a crap ton of materials that's for sure yo I don't remember this at all okay does this door open up oh it is open oh oh snap what is this whoa that was just a fuel can just hanging there hmm let's see what's over here yo another hole in the wall okay I don't want to get lost but nice hold on I need to go back to where I was because this that door's already open yeah okay let's go back to where we were I think I just took the inside loop so let's go take the outside Loop yeah so that was there now we should be able to turn right there we go so this is the outside Loop that just reminded me of the New York City yeah it goes all the way down here too dang this this is where am I okay I see now nice okay hurt okay and that's where I just was okay so let's see we just did that Loop so let me go this way and then try and to right go down here and this would be our exit Okay that's pretty cool and that was a nice little surprise I don't remember that entrance at all that was uh very entertaining uh-oh what's that oh dude is that I don't even want to say he doesn't look like he's sleeping that's really sad all right our last tunnel for to do West Potomac indicate there we are going to the South main entrance DZ self let's go all right let's see get the stuff around the campfire first a little Caravan get together here oh come on there we go thank you laughs no there it is gotcha boom all right now we're finally going to start our underground little journey right here and here we go oh dude can I put that on the regulus oh 30 Explosive Rounds on the regulus get out of town dude oh man this is going to be amazing there we go yo what am I at for uh resources nice we're gonna at least be maxed out on components but still I'm really low on these other ones steel steel is my lowest oh no carbon fiber is okay all right okay all right dude so many materials let's go all right um okay so getting off uh like getting lost in the Looting let's do some more talking let's see so we talked about Resurgence we talked about Heartland let's talk about year five so year five is gonna start um actually you know very soon so year five is going to introduce a whole new year of manhunts and Seasons like we already know and anticipated now the end of year four Manhunt that showed um Natalya is still you know the boss of bosses and it showed that um there's things happening in St Louis that General Anderson doesn't really know about and Natalia is I don't know I would probably say standoffish it it sounds like she might know more than what she's um letting us to believe so we're going to have that storyline continue in year five on top of that we are supposed to be getting descent now the new descent game mode is supposed to be going live um the day one of year five so as soon as this season ends the next season begins it says we have uh six weeks and three days so we have just a little over a month and a half be before we get descent so we're going to have descent and year five you know in just over a month and a half that's pretty cool now this leads me to the next thing and that is the play test so massive has just released a uh flyer I guess you would where people can sign up and um participate in a remote play test now this Remote Play test doesn't say exactly what it's going to be play testing however the dates are very uh Curious so the dates are very similar to the dates we're going to have the PTS now a lot of people were like oh these play tests are only going to be for descent that's all it's going to be you know whatever however why would it be about dissent and why would they do play tests remotely when we're all about to be able to play it on the PTS now remember these play tests are on PC only and so are the PTS so if the pts and the play tests are all on PC why would you then do a play test for something people are already going to be testing in the pts see what I'm saying you're kind of you know doing the same thing twice oops man oh man oh dang I had them there we go all right boom got them all really cool um so it doesn't make sense for them to do a play test for descent while everyone's already playing it on the PTS so what then comes to mind is what else are they releasing with year five now remember year five is completely different from The Descent where's my coffee hold on so The Descent was supposed to come out in year four so whenever they were first developing year five it had nothing to do with The Descent The Descent was supposed to come out with season 11 last year so with that being said these play tests are going to be about something else that is being added to year five all right now we haven't heard anything about raids we haven't heard anything about legendaries we haven't heard anything really about the dark zone or PVP so this could be a majority you know it could be a variety of different things oh where I didn't know I was doing a hostel I guess I kinda asked for it hold on give me a second there we go oh let me do this really quick okay set it one more enemy over here where are you running bro there we go ah jeez I was not trying to do this right now oh come on each Blinded By the Light oh that's why poof oh I'm sorry guys I didn't know I was getting into this there we go all right boom okay I'll pick up the bounty so I could get rid of it really quick there we go all right now what are these other enemies on me oh there he is I see you oh come on boom oh and this guy's gonna nope okay cool I was about to say he's about to uh re-animate because I didn't kill him with a headshot but I guess it doesn't matter all right so we are done with uh West Potomac all together look at that look at that so now we have to go to Constitution Hall okay so there are three four different inst uh let's see anymore no four so there are four in Constitution Hall we're gonna have to see I want to say this one was connected to the Foggy Bottom so let's do these three okay and for that I am going to fast travel to where's a good fast travel point I have a safe house I'm gonna lose all my stacks though how many stacks do I have dude I'm near Max on Stacks that sucks um let's see let's we'll fast travel here and then we'll run all the way over there anyways um but yes that's uh all right but yeah so year five so it has to be something else right and I can't wrap my head around it I'm wondering what it could be but let me know in the chat and in comments what you think these play tests for massive are going to be because I don't know a lot of people are saying descent but that just doesn't make any sense especially when we're about to all play descent in the PCS I mean no reason to do a play test when it's already pts ready so it to me it's saying it's something else I don't know we'll see now the next thing with year five is um PVP so they're making huge changes to conflict PVP now they haven't really said much about the DZ pretty much nothing about the DC but conflict itself very much so um oh yeah so we're getting uh kill XP added to conflict so every time you kill an enemy you will get the kill XP oh snap trying to pop that back there it is got it all right restart uh reset my stacks oh come on boom thank you I like how the reanimated gives you uh double the uh Memento Stacks it's pretty wicked all right making our way we're 0.2 away from the entrance and I don't know about this entrance either I don't remember but we'll see now the conflict changes so they're adding kill XP that way you can get more XP they're adding all of that XP to your shade levels because right now you can only get like I think it's like a Max of like 3000 XP per conflict game and the way that's set up you know you would have to do like a thousand conflict matches just to get one shade level so it doesn't make any sense oh oh behind me oh behind me oh behind me oh yo oh my gosh oh my gosh we're going ham we're going ham there we go make sure you hit the uh headshots all right good job geez yeah we're just running into random stuff back and forth back and forth but hey I'm at 30 stacks check this out I'm at 770 on my regulus with a tier 6 Shield that is at 18.2 million Health this is ridiculous right now I love this ridiculous all right where are we going okay we are a hundred meters away from this underground entrance now I want to say this is the only tunnel and Constitution Hall because all three of these entrances are right next to each other so they might all be uh located together all right so here's this one we're going deep into a parking garage oh yeah this one goes into uh an underground tunnel yeah I remember this one nice Okay cool so yeah this uh this is going to be the only underground tunnel in uh Constitution Hall now it won't show you I think it'll probably show you once I get uh into the actual underground tunnel but all three of these are located with each other and then this entrance is located with this one right here from Foggy Bottom so we're not going to go to that one either so this is going to be the only one for Constitution Hall and then we'll make our way up to downtown west okay let's see but no what they're also adding is exotic components to uh count down so those countdown caches will have a chance of a dropping exotic components and I think that's one of the bigger things that I'm excited for is that we need more ways of getting exotic components in this game like truthfully we do and I think getting those in Conflict would help but for me personally I think they need a conflict compensation cache now what do I mean by that conflict compensation cash okay so what I mean by that is they have not added the XP to go to your shade levels ever in countdown or in Conflict never where right after Warlords of New York they made an update to add the uh shade levels to go up in the dark Zone but they did not do that for conflict so every time you're in Conflict if it goes to your shade levels it's going to be like a thousand XP at most right it's not a lot for a conflict match now what they should do as far as a conflict compensation cache is anybody on any platform that I would say I don't know level 100 in Conflict should get a compensation cache for playing conflict so much without getting anything in return you see what I mean because if we put that much time and effort in the dark Zone we would probably be you know shade level 10 000 or something crazy but instead nothing in Conflict was going to the watch therefore there should be some sort of compensation for those that keep playing up and here's our first here's a secret boss right here we're about to do let me clear this up and then we'll we'll do the secret boss so if you are just now tuning in or whatever this is going to be um your secret named I would say rogue agent he's not a hunter he doesn't you know take you know drop a hunter mask or anything like that but he definitely hits and is tanky just like a rogue agent and who am I talking about well I'm talking about the creative director for the game he's actually a named enemy and we're about to uh spawn him in here so let me just clear everything and then we're going to spot into the spots okay and then we'll we'll get back to whatever I was talking about all right so here we go so to spawn Yannick the beard right he is a secret named boss right here so you can see it shows you need to be doing it kind of looks like jumping jacks right oop I hear footsteps what is that hold on let me make sure there's no other enemies up here with me before I spawn this guy because he's gonna go hard in the paint man this guy sucks sucking by uh by being really good he's really tanky and hits really really hard it sucks to go up against him uh but anyways we're up there's a shade crate location right there for your shade Tech but we're about to spawn in Yannick or yeah Yannick the beard here we go all right so you have to be on that manhole cover and then you have to do jumping jacks okay so let me clear anything so my exact location 1578 by 1973 okay I am in Constitution Hall and I am just north of these underground tunnels I'm in the underground tunnels all right now at that location you'll see this manhole cover that's kind of like painted on here and it says to do push-ups all right not push-ups jumping jacks okay so we need to find our jumping jack where are we at let's see right here oh is it the fitness one I think it's the jumping jacks there it is jumping jacks now you can see on the jumping jacks you have one line on the right and two lines on the left right so you can see right here one line on the right and it shows it going two ways on the left okay so it's going to be your jumping jack emote so come down here and here is Yannick the beard uh where is it right here that not work do I have to be on top of it I think I have to be on top of it let's see yep there it goes there's Yannick the beard here we go wish me luck people there he is Yannick the beard level 40. on fire he's on fire oh yo he took my shield away in one hit holy crap holy crap yo I didn't know he could do that no with one hit dude that's crazy yo he killed me oh my God he got me he got me yo he did 21 million damage to me holy crap he did 21 million damage to me what what all right let's go back in there oh my gosh let's go back and get him so he one tapped meleed my shield completely gone shot me twice and I was completely dead and I have 1.6 million armor that's ridiculous I'm telling you Yannick the beard this guy's out for vengeance all right so let's uh let's go back there and the reason I want to go back there is um when I kill him he's going to reanimate he's he's gonna like we're about to go up against Yannick the zombie oh we just got Rogue agents what where it just said Rogue agents detected that's crazy I think I'm I exited the wrong uh way through the safe house all right so now we're about to go up against Yannick with no Memento Stacks he just waxed us out with uh all 30 Memento Stacks so now let's do it with no Memento Stacks because that sounds amazing all right here we go now I logged out and I logged back in to see if I can spawn them again I'm sure I can run all the way through here to the hole in the wall and that's why I said he's not really a hunter but he's not really a rogue agent like he's like a mix of the two he's crazy strong let's see if we can do this again because if I can kill him then we can uh spawn in Zombie Yannick that's hilarious it's gonna be funny okay so we made it back and let's jump down oops there's a chainsaw boss right there hold on let me take care of this chainsaw boss he doesn't really wear a helmet huh there we go all right now let's spawn them in all right round two Yannick I got you buddy here we go so you have to be on top of that manhole cover be on top of it and then do jumping jacks and there we are there he is oh oh he Blinded Me crap trying to stay back from him because he's hitting really really hard oh he still got me with those oh man okay heal up come on US versus Yannick the beard yo how dude how I wasn't even next to him any one hit melees my shield dude oh my God he's about to kill me again how does he do that I was like way down the stairs but then when he shoots me he doesn't do too much damage it's his skills and his melee that crap hurts man yo he still got me with the air burst oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm gonna die I'm gonna die again all right so Yannick uses Air Bursts and he uses um oh my gosh almost got him I almost got him almost got him almost got him almost got him dude what the [ __ ] oh God he got me again 21 million damage again oh my God okay all right let's do it again no I'm not I'm not backing down from Yannick the beard I'm not backing down from this guy I tell you what though if I switch to a Scorpio build he'd he'd die instantly just saying just saying it's because I'm using a regulus build that he's not dying fast enough but don't fret because I'm Gonna Keep the build on I'm gonna beat him but I'll tell you what though he's a little tricky effort tell you what so he uses only air burst Seekers and a striker drone let's go back up come on with it come on the title of this video is going to be I fought Yannick for 30 minutes me me and Yani kept fighting each other and beef beef between uh oh hold on we have enemies right here [Music] there we go nope you about to come back nope yeah look at that bonus armor it means nothing against Yannick the beard this is crazy all right so here we go again through the hole in the wall I have it on heroic too I mean I don't have any extra directives but he hits like a hunter looks kind of like just like a rogue agent it's crazy though shout out to Yannick the creative director for the game his uh his named his named uh enemy version of him is really hard to take down here we go again take three wish me luck if I die again I'm just gonna come back with a Scorpio let's be real all right here we go wish me luck wish me luck Jumping Jacks and here we go thank you halfway three quarters those secret Minds hurt bro oh got him I got him I got him let's go Yannick the beard let's go let's go oh third time's the charm you know that that one was rough that's probably one of the hardest boss fights you'll ever do in the game I promise you it is unless you uh the only reason I got them that time was that when he went to throw a grenade I shut him in the head and made him drop it so as soon as he dropped it that's when I got a lot of my damage out of the way because if he didn't get stunned by his own grenade I probably wouldn't have been able to do all that damage but that was still pretty fun though ggs Gigi is Yannick you made yourself a really hard boss to fight it's really cool all right let's see but that's it for this uh Constitution Hall uh underground tunnel I think we're about to hit the other side of the exit in all of our faction keys out of the way there we go all right now we're out the other side now now that I'm in the actual underground tunnel let's see if it shows up on the map oh it does look at that oh wow it goes all the way out over here but you see it started here we were in the parking garage and then boom underground tunnel all the way through I mean it's it shows it's still going ah dang I don't know how uh how far this underground tunnel goes it's gonna be pretty cool I think I just heard another uh chainsaw boss we'll see you hear those chains rattle you're like oh yeah you hear the chains rattling and he's really close especially with my headphones on it's super loud let's see nope didn't catch anyone's aggro might be above me let's see yeah we're going back up wherever we're going all right that looks like our exit up here special bullets foreign identified yo it's still it's still going how far is this underground tunnel gonna go oh now I'm full on uh loot again that's not a door to open that is not a door to open either okay another hole in the wall yo okay full up about to have to look at the map see how far I just went underground that's crazy Empress with glass Cannon and status effects I could use that so many purples you get rid of those purples man if you're looting and heroic you should at least just get high ends I mean they don't have to be the best roles in the world but at least high-ends and gear sets only that and probably Exotics right so that'd be it if I was uh voting that's what I would vote for what's this crit chance weapon handling nope no thank you get out of here all right and I can pick up my other purple there we go main the ivory tunnel I am I think I'm in the ivory Tunnel right so there's this door right here no yeah oh the ivy tunnel my bad I said ivory yeah I'm way over here holy crap I'm way over here okay well that is your uh Constitution Hall area crazy yeah that's where I just came out of okay would that mean I could loot this uh control point right here right nope it's the other side I get confused sometimes when I'm running around this map I think it's up here on the left yeah near the control point see if I can do it without uh catching any aggro it's not the store it's oh man I'm Gonna Catch aggro going to the door ish ah I caught it whatever I just wanted to loot the control Point man I just wanted to loot the control Point man I looted it let's get here all right Next Stop downtown west it's way up here there we go all right get out of there before they mess me up all right downtown west and then we will be hitting the White House and then doing the east side of the map pretty crazy all right dang nothing to pick up man there we go one thing yeah that'd be scandy let's go do you see that it had a hit marker and I hit it did it open up something for me ah that door's still red I didn't do anything hmm okay another hole in the wall where are we oh nice yeah this tunnel goes on for a little bit okay cool very cool and I want to say this is the only tunnel in all of West End or uh downtown west right yeah because it goes yeah there it is yeah okay all right downtown west oh just spawned in some enemies I hear them and see him oh you would jump you would I was about to mess you up too bro okay I got you I got you oh they followed me up there dang dang come on now we're playing we're playing uh the chasing game you see when that boss hit me it barely even touched The Shield at all but when Yannick the beard hit it because that that ish went to zero real quick all right just shows how uh how much of a really really strong boss um Yannick the beard is compared to the normal bosses hurt give me some more Special ammo incendiary bullets nice that's going to be a good a good addition to my Arsenal ketoki I think that's it for up here yeah there's some water right there I don't I don't know if I need it I think I might be full on water but let's see yeah all right I am full on water this is perfect for material Gathering um food water components Gathering uh components Gathering and receiver uh protective Fabric and receiver components Gathering these underground tunnels go on forever man oh hurt okay so where am I right now oh okay so I can go to this exit and then come back or right here not bad not bad there we go ran all the way down there for one thing of uh ceramics her they hid that one it's about to run right past it oh another one I think about full of my oh no I still need hyena keys hurt there we go now let's see what's the next thing to talk about what's been going on with the community all right we're done with this one boom okay so that is it for uh downtown west and actually the entire west side of the map we have done all of the underground tunnels there so so now what we're going to do is we're going to start at Washington DC well not Washington DC the White House section and then we're going to go downtown east Judiciary down this way and then finish this next half is going to be a lot quicker because uh West Potomac Park has the most tunnels had anywhere like combined so the rest of these are going to go by pretty quick so let's go ahead and go to the White House yeah all right base of Ops let's see I know that tunnel was up north right here okay so I could probably yeah might get away with doing this National Bond Armory and then I know there's another tunnel down south so we have two for uh the White House territory oh ambush how is that not a headshot that second one there he is oh 10.5 mil there we go you have to wait for the little green lightning to uh animate and then shoot them in the hood and then I believe that is a challenge during the global event that if you kill them before they stand up that uh you complete some challenge all right underground tunnel about 140 meters off there's an elite Patrol are they close yeah we could do that really quick I like to watch things blow up yo those helmets man there we go let's hit that Underground go go where are we at all right and here we are done all right let's see oh oh secret room they have all these doors with all these red lights on them oh no I can open it hey I was just about to say you can't open up any of them uh but you can for this one apparently okay just looks like a shortcut nope peace candy I haven't been here before I don't think because this store is still locked usually when you open up doors like that they stay opened oh look at that M1A CQB nice some cool little uh tanks I need to go back where I came from that way I don't get lost I'll open up this door and then go back all right so let's see where I'm at in this uh oh interesting okay so I need to dang this is gonna be a big one okay so I actually need to keep going and then just go back around the other way so these are two very long tracks so here's this exit and then I'll double back pretty sure oh I'm back at the beginning okay uh I hit that red room that's what it was okay so here is this track oh 31 million dang all right oh peace candy and here's another red door no that's the one that went through hmm I think I'm already done it would seem that way yeah all right so there is that tunnel and then the other one is South Washington DC there it is we'll go to DCd anyways uh what was the next one we wanted to talk about uh the specialization revamp that's right that's been up in a discussion right now so the specialization revamp isn't coming to the division two and I thought I made that clear um quite a while ago during uh the latest uh special report that uh the developers had right before the release of season 11. and basically what was said by Morton the product directors he kind of laughed off the idea of uh specialization revamp it said that because of that intelligence Annex that was released to us from the last Dev team that they are still paying for it today meaning they don't have any plans of doing anything right now and that they're still getting questions and whatnot because they brought it up before and that's why they kind of go with this new strategy of they just don't tell us what's going on because if it changes they don't want the backlash and they don't want people to get you know super excited and uh you know anticipate something huge when it might change so as far as that goes uh Paul a hofstein did tweet out um the other day that they are not doing the specialization revamp in that there are a lot of features in that specialization revamp that would not work so because of that they are uh uh you know back at the what would you call it the troubleshooting phase they're they're still troubleshooting they're they're still trying to figure out how they would even do that so if you're wondering anything about the specialization revamp it's not coming anytime soon it's still in the uh troubleshooting phase to see if they could even do something like that um but who knows maybe maybe we'll get some sort of you know specialization 2.0 or something later down the road but as far as right now it's looking like a big no I think they're going to focus on conflict and then maybe a little bit maybe a little bit of the dark Zone but then that's it I think they're going to be done they're going to focus on PVE stuff and um that'll be that because the specialization revamp like that's going to take so much and it's going to take a lot of balancing and a lot of patches and a lot of testing so I'm not sure I think they're just going to move on to the next form of content that they have in the pipeline and uh just let spec revamp kinda you know fade away um but the idea was really cool when they first brought it up but I understand that it's kind of something that they mentioned way back when and they're not doing anything with it now and they're still getting crap for it and understandable um but yeah they're totally focusing on year five and what they have coming they're not really focusing on that because the specialization revamp was already supposed to be out and the fact that it's still in like a development phase or like troubleshooting phase I mean it should tell you enough right there oh look at that I'm full on components let's go let's go this is a nice little farm doing all of these underground tunnels what I'm excited for is getting my hands on that descent uh game mode I want to see what that's all about um and then whatever they have in store for year five that they're doing those play tests for I want to see what that's about too um and then Heartland I think that specialization revamp and division Resurgence those two are you know they're put back on the burner I'm not sure what's going on with Resurgence they've been too quiet for too long Uh something's going on there we shall see but they did announce during that open Beta or whatever that was with no NDA they did say all through it that it was coming out this year so fingers crossed but we'll see I typically don't believe it until I see it type of deal with this uh franchise because they've said a lot of things that would happen that end up not happening so you just have to wait and see that's all but it does seem like that descent game mode is coming so that's gonna be pretty fun to see okay and that was that tunnel boom all right and that is it for Washington DC so now let's go to downtown east and this is going to be our first underground tunnel for downtown east all right we're we're moving along now there's only a few more uh actual tunnels we've already gone through more than half of them so shouldn't be much longer now but we'll see now as far as getting another raid I would probably say no I I don't think we're gonna have another raid um maybe I don't know we'll see what descent is because I'm not sure how exactly that's going to scratch the itch for the PVE Community you know but we'll see what descent's all about but if I was a betting person I would probably say like more legendaries or something you know what I mean or something that could give us the opportunity to do legendaries or something more challenging uh PVE wise but again I'm not sure what descent is that might be exactly what I'm you know talking about something to test the PVE community in a good way because those raids were a big test you know however the problem with those raids is that you'd have to get a people usually you know with a microphone everyone's communicating has the right builds and you know has synergy but with this descent game mode it was originally developed as a solo game mode and then they added uh the ability to have four people with you so that tells me that this is maybe something challenging for the PVE community that you could do by yourself which I'm always game for I I like to uh I like to venture around solo especially if I only have like a few minutes here or a few minutes there I don't want to have to like bother someone and then be like oh I gotta go like you know five minutes later so I typically you know stick to playing Solo or do like solo matchmaking or something like that um but maybe this descent will scratch that itch that I am desperately needing because uh solo countdown is not that fun you can do it but it's not that fun um even doing the General Anderson it was fun when you had a guaranteed exotic but now it's just not that's not going to do anything for us so we're definitely going to need something that we can do with a group but also solo that's definitely um on the to-do list no Exotics yet I mean I've I've nearly been to every single underground tunnel and not one exotic yet I've ventured through these tunnels a lot um especially the ones in West Potomac Park and I actually do get quite a number of Exotics just saluting and killing people in the tunnels you do get some Exotics here and there but here's another tunnel down that's it that is all she wrote for downtown east I believe let me see downtown east Underground yeah that's it okay so now we're going to Judiciary Square and our closest way of getting there would be probably District Union Arena let's see probably go to this one all right and we're off so a lot of these sections are only going to have one underground tunnel so it's going to go by pretty quick like I said the only problem is is uh getting to those tunnels is uh a lot of commute time all right territory control I just want to go through it though I don't want to fight them ah I'm gonna run into them either way that sucks oh my gosh I was about to say I can't hit a headshot here we go oh behind me oh geez see this is what I get this is what I get I'm over there doing a territory control with hyena and now I'm fighting Black Tusk that's cool up and now I'm apparently assaulting a control point great this oh my God this is why you don't do it that's why I call it the black abyss you do one thing and all of a sudden you're forced to do five other things it doesn't help that I'm like dedicated to the uh pistol build oh come on why is this uh turret so beefy there we go there we go all right there we go cool cool moving on now where are we going here it is underground tunnel I don't remember this underground tunnel way over here hmm uh here we go let's see what else is there to talk about with the division currently hmm well we're about six weeks away from the next season which would indicate we are about one or two weeks away tops from getting uh the PTS so the pts is going to be very very soon I would say within the next week or two point if I was a betting man I would probably say two weeks because that would give them a full month to do the pts get it ready and ship it out I mean that's plenty of time that's enough time to give you two phases and then give you two weeks of uh of time to implement those changes whoa that was a long ladder yo that's long that's crazy it's like twice the uh twice the drop as normal ladders oh peace candy but yeah so we'd probably get descent in like two weeks I mean that's pretty damn close I'm excited and then what four weeks later we get it in the real game I mean that's man that's really close and then a lot of people are like man this is a down time and it's like yeah like I told you season 11 if you're not a sniper it's not really a season for you it's just a season for you to wait for uh you know year five in The Descent game mode however the ninja bike did help it out a little bit I do enjoy that ninja bike even though it's bugged but whatever like the one thing I'm happy about with this season and it's bugged it sucks it was a little upsetting but I get it I mean live service games you're gonna have you know Miss mishaps and there's certain types of updates so a lot of times you have to wait for you know a big client update for it to go out to all the servers we'll see though I'm very hopeful when it comes to uh the future of this franchise that's for sure and every time Ubisoft like talks about their franchises they mentioned the division so I mean I'm not worried at all I just wanted to hurry up I'm sick of waiting you know impatient which I think a lot of us are but ever since the pandemic and it like making all of these games drag their feet or get released you know too early I'm actually happy that you know Heartland has taken its time as long as it comes out polished and ready to go I'll be happy but they need to say something soon because the anticipation and the hype sitting around it is like starting to get sour they need to you know give us a fresh batch of hype get everyone excited again and I think they are remember that what in six weeks what does that put us into so that puts us into like the end of May so what then we get the Descent in the start of year five at the end of May and then right there in June we at Ubisoft forward I I'm really really thinking that Heartland is going to be a big Staple in uh this Ubisoft forward that and Avatar I think those are going to be the two really big ones for this Ubisoft but we'll see I think Avatar is definitely going to be a huge hit especially with this franchise and that second movie doing as well as it did it just you know validates how big that franchise is all right there we go another tunnel down I can go all the way up that rooftop I bet there's loot up there I don't remember this area at all where am I okay I'm like in the middle of Judiciary Square and I think that's the only yeah that's the only tunnel in Judiciary Square yeah we're flying through this part the east side of the map doesn't really have any uh tunnels as much as that west side tell you what though I will be good on materials I hope after this and the sad part is is all the Looting I've done I only had one item that I actually wanted to keep and it actually had decent roles I mean a lot of these are having very very very bad rules either that or they're purple like gross get out of here purple yeah we are getting materials though I will admit okay now our next underground tunnel is going to be in the federal triangle I believe this one only has one underground tunnel as well yeah there it is there it goes now the fastest way to get there would be I could actually hit this one from Viewpoint all right here we go now if you've stuck around this long um thank you I appreciate the support and if you haven't already hit that thumbs up support the channel by subscribing you can also do Super Chat super thanks they're super comments there's you could hit the join button and become a member there are so many different ways you can support this Channel and I appreciate you for uh sticking around and at least watching the video that helps me out as well so thank you all right Federal triangle here is the one and only tunnel and here we go I like the Colors oh look at that blue nice you would think this computer would do something sadly it does not whoa yeah some of these tunnels are cool man they're all unique I enjoy it I think that's the big thing about this franchise is a lot of people just enjoy playing it I think that's the biggest uh thing it's a unique game and a unique you know franchise and a lot of people just really enjoy the game for what it is the open world oh look at that key box right next to a gearbox nice I'm full on Keys though let me see yeah look at that I'm full oh I need two more Rikers which I think I can only get in New York City so I'll get that in the next video but I need more hyenas dude I open up like three hyena boxes like every day just as like a I log in and just open up three boxes let me know if you do that as well there are several hyena boxes that are really easy to get I feel like I've been here before yeah I've been here before haven't I this looks so familiar hmm think this is a copy and a paste of the uh the other tunnel I hit but this one has no boxes to loot very odd oh here's one scalpel nice just got me a name to item okay fair enough yeah this is like a direct copy of another underground tunnel so odd so odd okay yeah because the other one had the uh gear crate behind the huh it's so weird yo I'm not gonna lie this is lazy AF this is a Tourette copy because remember the arrows oh look the arrows are here too it's the exact same thing hold on let's see if the arrows are in the exact same place right here yep oh my gosh they're in the same spot right here right there and then up here near the door oh my gosh they are all in the same spot it's stupid you know that's super lazy I'm sorry that's that's the exact same underground tunnel as the other place whatever moving on it's crazy and that one had less boxes dilute so it's like they copy and pasted the underground tunnel thing the map but then gave us less things to loot inside of that map crazy um and the arrows were in the same spot too like come on like we weren't gonna catch that well I mean the boss wanted 28 tunnels he got 28 tunnels oh dude another oh that's a deer I was about to say another dog but no that was a deer and that is it for the underground tunnel in the federal triangle where am I okay all right where to next now we do East Mall okay now we already did this tunnel so we already know about that and this tunnel is the control point so we don't have to do that all right any other hoop here's a tunnel right here boom can get there by fast traveling here okay so Air and Space all right now we are moving on to the East Mall we're in the last two sections of Washington DC which means we only have like maybe two or three more tunnels and then we're done pretty cool though I like exploring these places and that uh that 1v1 with Yannick was really fun I like doing that all right let's see here here we go wish me luck you know again with another stupid long ladder Chrissy oh hold up how does this underground tunnel go okay there fair enough so that means this is a dead end yeah oh okay gotcha it showed it going off on a t and I was like what's going on here the door's open oh piece of candy you know if someone gets bored watching this video or once like a challenge to do I would uh I would recommend counting how many times I say peace candy and then you can either do shots per the piece of candy or just write it down and tell me I I probably I'm actually curious to know how many times I say it it is quite frequent it is a problem I need to change it what would I say um if you had to choose for a alternate ooh peace candy um a little reference what would you say or phrase what would you say like would you go like the DJ Khalid route and be like Oh another one yeah what would you say boo boo boo oh this tunnel doesn't really have much loot either look at all of this area no oh yeah I got some uh Ceramics Electronics look at this whole whole ass room with nothing what's that about again nope oh there's one thing hold on I got some steel and titanium but that's it oh this is where I came from stupid stupid stupid I'll just run through the up top okay what else is going on what else is going on hmm uh X defiant is coming out soon it's been a lot of Chata about X defiant which if you remember back in the day it was called uh Tom Clancy's X defiant and it actually does have maps in the game that are from the division two and they also have a faction from the division in the game the cleaners so you can play as the cleaners and you can play in maps that are from the division two pretty cool yo none of that had loot that whole last section didn't have loot it's crazy this tunnel sucked all right so that is it for East Mall right oh no one more okay let's see here boom I can run there all right but yeah so X defiant seems to be coming out soon as well but that is a first person shooter it's like a Call of Duty uh OverWatch type of hybrid but it's featuring um a lot of Ubisoft and Tom Clancy IPS like uh Ghost Recon uh division Splinter Cell things like that oh we have an elite Convoy see what I can do here yo how do you not die there we go there we go there we go oh dirty dirty all right keep it going now this is going to be your last um underground tunnel for East Mall and then we have one more section and we're done and I'm actually excited to see the ones in New York City they they're completely different vibe and completely different um just overall developed they're different so it's going to be cool to go back and see that as well I don't want to take them out all right and here we go now let's see how this one is laid out all right so it just a straight line and then it branches off to two different exits okay and then as far as Southwest we have one oh that's a big one nice two three okay so we have three different locations all right let's see what this one's all about hmm nothing oh there's one box yeah there's two there we go sorry felt a little parched hmm dude there's nothing in this tunnel some titanium hmm hole in the wall I like those okay hmm gotta tickle in my throat all right come on let's get out of here that was kind of a bust let's go to the other side as we're going deeper through these uh tunnels the last few tunnels seem to be very lackluster I mean look at this there's nothing no doors nothing look at this all the way through nothing wow wow that's not even a loot box nothing wow okay next so there's an entrance over here which is very odd let's go see what that's about so we have three new entrances in one tunnel but maybe these other two are tunnels they're just not showing up when you uh highlight them we'll see in my opinion this uh classified assignment down there that's one of the best classified assignments in the game it's a lot of fun and this uh graffiti right here is really cool a little Reaper love them love it okay underground tunnel you know it shows it right there why are we running all the way around that's because of this park here's the park entrance right here yo look at this park wow I haven't been in here in ages where am I way over here in the East Mall that's awesome nice if I were a collectible I would be here how do plants grow from seed to flower it's a title for a podcast hoop I see something over here I did not okay look at that that's so peaceful all right oh no is there never exit over here oh there is okay whoo all right oop ambush there you go there you go fine sir see you when I see you okay now how is this one laid out oh it won't show me hmm okay let's see it'll usually show you the tunnel uh map whenever you're actually in the tunnel but for some reason this one does not see what's happening yeah there's a hole in the wall you had me at hole in the wall see what is going on here it's super dark super dark right here uh oh I hear them I hear him where is he oh snap oh snap oh snap oh snap oh snap you can get the explosions off of the uh zombies as well oh come on yeah why is it so dark right here jeez I can't see anything super dark he came back 20 million let's go that dude came back for more that was funny oop I see you dang got him uh it's like its own little area but you see how I came down here and there was a boss that should be the way all of these underground tunnels work like you know like once every 30 minutes 45 minutes have a boss show up in each of these tunnels at least make it fun you know it would make it a reason to go down to these tunnels and I think that in itself would help the replayability aspect of this game even though there's so many things to do within the game I think that making more things replayable would definitely help out the overall you know I don't know popularity there's really not much to loot though the one thing what's in here okay A Few Lockers nothing too crazy alrighty um a lot of this I mean let's be real a majority of this is just reskins from the other tunnels but there's more loot over here which is good closets are a little bit different whatever it's fine I thought I just heard another little ambush all right so this manhole um was actually its own tunnel that's pretty cool I like that that's really cool um it was a great surprise actually oh look boom and now we're heading towards the exit and then there are two more tunnels and we are done let's see oh it's over here nice I always like a a nice little gear chest at the end of a hallway definitely helps and then the exit should be right here yep there it is oh look at that Arrow why why is there an arrow there you see that what's it pointing to hmm but you see that Arrow right I wonder what why is that there you know they just put it there just to put it there tell me why what is that fireworks oh nice hey that was cool that was really cool I don't think I've ever seen that before that was a cool surprise all right where are we oh wow oh okay so those are the two all right so that's just one long tunnel all right and our last tunnel is going to be right here and we are done we'll make a little you know a little shortcut space admin there we go 0.2 away and again thank you all for uh you know sticking around exploring the underground tunnels with me and listening to me just openly rant about some things I appreciate it hopefully it's helpful in some ways shape or form there we go I thought this would be a shortcut but we'll see oh my gosh and then of course I alert those guys down there of course I do of course yo how am I not head shutting them wow hmm yo what's going on here oh of course I'm on fire Joe all of the loot how is that not a headshot here we go 16 headshots just then pretty sick not gonna lie there we go all right Last underground tunnel here we go all right and here it is everyone Our Last underground tunnel if you haven't already hit that thumbs up support the channel by subscribing I'm Kamikaze Von Doom thank you all so much for joining me and here we go let's see if we get any new surprises in this last underground tunnel and then to show you the layout let me show you really quick there you go so it's going to go out it's going to Fork and then uh come back okay now I'm going to end with this uh little answer to uh a question and that is am I excited for the future of the division and I would say yes um I can't speak on all of the things I know but I can just remind everybody that I am a part of several um you know integral parts of Ubisoft I am a Ubisoft partner I'm a Ubisoft Creator I'm a part of the Ubisoft Creator team for the US I'm a part of several Creator teams and Ambassador teams for Ubisoft games I am also a part of the ETF for massive entertainment and there I'm a part of a lot of things that are revolving this franchise now without mentioning anything that I you know talk or hear about from any of those you know teams and groups I can safely say that yes I am excited for the future of this franchise I think that there are certain marketing things that I would do differently I think that there are certain things uh Community Based that I would do differently I think there's a lot of things like that um that would need some tweaking and TLC in my opinion to help the community out as a whole but with that being said I I'm still really excited for what's coming um it's a good time to be a division agent that's for sure it might suck because there's a lot of uh communication errors and it might suck um that there are hey look I'm already done and it might suck that there are a lot of delays and waiting involved but you know the the pandemic did put a damper on that but it's been years and I think that that excuse kind of uh falls off now and now it's what's going on like it's that Michael uh not Michael Jackson that Janet Jackson song from way back in the day what have you done for me lately and it's kind of what the community is saying it's like what have you done for us like you've given us all these things for us to give you money you've done all these things for us to give you more Revenue you've done all these things to keep us here but what what are we getting for you know we we got the ninja bike that the community wanted but it's bugged it doesn't work properly I mean it's just things like that you know and it is what it is ups and downs but again live service games are pretty hard to keep going uh for both the division and for you know Destiny fans alike there's a lot of uh mishaps but it is what it is either way we're here and we love it so we'll still be here but yes I am excited for the future of the division and I promise it's going to be a good year but all right that's it I'll talk to you in the next one take care everyone thank you so much for sticking around with me and uh yeah peace out bye
Channel: Kamikazevondoom
Views: 20,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheDivision, TheDivision2, Division2, The Division Underground, DivisionUnderground, Division 2 Underground, The Division 2 Underground, the division 2 underground, the division 2 specialization revamp, the division 2 season 11, the division 2 pvp changes, the division 2 hunters, the division 2 builds, the division 2 underground boss, secret boss division 2, yannick the beard division 2, division 2 yannick the beard, Kamikazevondoom, kamikazevondoom, kamikaze vondoom, kvd division 2
Id: yhPdP4Ug98w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 29sec (10349 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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