Warframe Or Destiny 2? Which Should You Play?

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so you're thinking of playing Destiny 2 or Warframe you could be from one side of the camp and you want to see what life is like on the other or you've got no idea about both but you're vaguely thinking about trying one both options are fair I'm gonna do my best to break down why I like and dislike both games and give you some pros and cons to help you choose which one you might like more I'm speaking from experience here with 800 plus hours in both and having done all main types of content in both of the games as well as being both a try hard sweat and a once a week Andy at points in both I actually started playing Warframe after burning out on Destiny during season of The Lost please understand I'm gonna try and do my best to cover as much as possible and as deep as necessary but I am gonna miss out some stuff due to how much of both games I'm gonna have to get into and I'm gonna miss out some stuff that might seem more important than it actually is spoiler alert I'm gonna give you the tldr now for those that are lazy and don't want to watch the rest whilst these games are very similar in concept and identities they're both so different in gameplay and respect for players time that it's on the individual to choose which they like more oops did I do a leading answer that's going to make you watch the rest the video my bad let's just get into it then so we're going to start off with the similarities between the games and then slowly Branch off into their differences the main point everyone mentions is that they're both sci-fi looter Shooters so let's start off by showing how different each game's looting and shooting is Destiny 2 is a first person shooter where you loot guns and armor with the main grind being getting good perk rolls on your gear for guns this can be perks that make a weapon more powerful or have utility for armor they're rolled with different numerical start distributions that affect aspects of your character's power usually the higher number is better unless it's all loaded in one star every weapon and armor has a number called its power level that contributes to your overall power score each season the power cap is slightly increased and you will grind out to make that overall number go up to its maximum Warframe is a third person shooter where you loot many different kinds of resources it has an account rank you level up leveling up different weapons and warframes will increase your Mastery Rank the maximum rank is technically 30 with two additional ranks for the absolute turbo sweats a higher Mastery Rank will get you increasing access to more content with it capping out at rank 18. after that Mastery ranked gets you quality of life upgrades and higher standing caps which we'll get too soon you've occasionally Loop blueprints to make new warframes and guns but for the most part you're looting resources and mods guns can be made from multiple different resource combinations and require a blueprint to be made that's usually gained from running a specific Mission unlike Destiny where once you get the gun it's yours in Warframe you have to craft them using the blueprints and this comes with a crafting time that is skippable by paying with a paid for currency but once again we'll get back to that the craft times range from 12 hours for a weapon to three full life days for a Warframe now destiny 2 also has a crafting system this was added in the most recent expansion witch Queen and was designed to help ensure players could make their own God rule of perks if they got really unlucky with their regular weapon drops the system isn't perfect not all weapons can be crafted it's incredibly grindy and your luck will decide how much you'll have to suffer to get the craftable gun you want but it's a good first attempt at solving the issue of being forever stuck looking for that one God roll the main looting aspect in Warframe is mods always in warframes in Warframe are the same and identical until the individual player mods them the way they want them to be this could be flat increasing damage giving it some Elemental effect mods or just increasing the attack speed until you're a wind of Destruction Destiny 2 has three classes the tanky Titans AKA crayon eaters Hunters the mobile energy Shadow the Hedgehog OCS and warlocks the Magic based Sigma Chads and canonically the most powerful and no of course I'm not being biased here these classes are bounced pretty well for the most part and create unique playstyles for each Titans are tanky and defensive supporting their team and stopping themselves from dying Hunters are fast and high damage they can triple jump and they've got some tricks up their sleeve warlocks have a sick-ass Glide the ability to support or deal insane damage the ability to heal themselves or others and have cool looking dangly robes that just exude a drip playing a specific class does not lock you out of or stop you being useful in 90 of content but in raids you don't really want six Hunters just doing damage with no support abilities around as an example I mean solar warlock solar is one of the four currently available elements for choice that completely change up your classes play style damage utility and abilities solar means I can have grenades that apply burning stacks for more damage over time one of my available ultimates creates a crazy strong healing circles it's basically mandatory for someone to have for high-end bossing and personally best of all I can do this you might go wow a dash that's kind of boring do you understand how many times this Dash has saved my life mobility and Destiny can be lacking in some aspects but this Dash is why I played my main class and why I sit and cry over the fact that we used to have two of them okay that's enough of me talking about Icarus Dash let's talk about warframe's gameplay and how that compares in Warframe you play as a Warframe ancient killing machines each one is unique and has a different play style that some of the older ones really show their age in terms of mechanics are not fitting in with the current meta there are 51 warframes at the time of writing so I can't really get into them all but let's get into a couple of my favorites first up we have Goss Goss goes fast like real [ __ ] fast Mesa Prime just look at that [ __ ] this character's abilities could make fart noises and do nothing else and I'd still play them just because they look that cool and finally we have Octavia my main and my go-to character for Content I can't be asked actually playing her first ability creates an orb that are gross enemies when the orb is shot at it makes the enemy take increasing damage her second ability sends out a rollerball that plays music taunting enemies and attaches to the rollerball meaning the enemies are taunted by it shoot it until they damage themselves get annoyed by damaging themselves so keep shooting it on and on until they're dead her third ability gives varying Buffs but the main one is complete invisibility and her ultimate just boosts the damage for everything inside a specific area with these four abilities you can create a taunting damage reflecting decoy that roams around and kills things for you whilst you have the ability to be invisible and take zero damage yup sounds like an Octavia Chad moment but did I mention that the ball plays music and that that music can be edited by you you can compose custom music or copy a classic tune with this mechanic it's exclusive to this Warframe [Music] foreign you also have an operator in Warframe this is technically spoilers but they've been in the game for so long you'll see people using them in public lobbies from the start they are an alternate form that can be accessed at any time using this big blue circle they shoot lasers out their hands and have amplifying or damaging abilities and some sick aerial Mobility with their void sling operators mostly accentuate the combat of Warframe adding more depth but for 90 of the content they're not really necessary except for super late game activities so there's some examples of our destiny class or a Warframe would play in each next onto one of the most important bits of a shooter the guns guns in Destiny are its main thing it being a first person shooter and all you've got all rifles You've Got Hand cannons you've got whatever the [ __ ] this thing is my personal favorite is single shot grenade launchers there are many more weapon types and variants but there is literally too many things for me to cover so let's keep Pace until I get distracted again the guns in Destiny are either regular ammo Special ammo or power ammo aside from Power Armor weapons which you can only have one of you can mix and match special and normal ammo or have two of both if you're feeling brave no one's telling you that you can't use two Special ammo shotguns but you'll be desperate for ammo unless you've got a specific build for it gear in Destiny comes in four different rarity colors the only ones we care about are purple and yellow purple is legendary and you'll be using these 90 of the time yellow is exotic and they tend to be pretty rare when you're starting out but once you have a funeral collection you'll almost always be using one in one form or another legendary gear AKA purples roll randomly meaning that the perks the guns roll with and the numbers the armors roll with are random the main grind in Destiny is getting guns with food rolls and armor with high stats so you can become a more efficient killing machine to get guns with good rolls and armor with high stats Exotics are one of a kind uniquely made guns or armor that have a crazy perk organic and you can only equip one exotic weapon and one exotic armor piece at any time because they're that strong as an example of some of the Exotics I like my favorite exotic at the moment is yorton it's a big toaster that fires homing blasts to enemies and blends really well with my solar play style or to be honest I get to use a very powerful gun that without having to think my favorite exotic armor piece has to be transverse of steps which increases Sprint speed and also reloads your magazine for you after a couple of seconds of sprinting this one is useful because I tend to run two single shot grenade launchers as my main weapons and let me tell you that grenade launchers reload slow on their own also if there's any fellow fighting lion Chads out there I see we might have been [ __ ] with the ammo update changes but we'll bounce back we always do for armor there's also mods every bit of armor has mod slots you have a variety of mods in Destiny some of them are increasing armor stats reload speed for specific weapon archetypes health or damage boosts or utility mods every single bit of armor in Destiny can be enhanced to be masterworked Master working armor means that it gains a plus two bonus in every single stat and gets this really cool looking border around it this also increases the amount of mods that you can put on the armor now the guns in Warframe are static blank slates they each have their own base stats and characteristics but my acceltra assault rifle is going to be exactly the same as someone else's if it's just been made the main difference is modding in Warframe you'll be modding your frame guns swords and even your pets to make them more efficient modding is the act of putting mods that are basically cards onto Whatever item you want to improve you can change them anytime outside of a mission and the system is pretty sick to be honest hypothetical situation with two people person a likes the base stats of the rifle but wants to make it fire faster and reload faster easy mod for reload and fiery and you'll be firing loads of people faster than Elon Musk can impregnate another board member person B person B just wants the gun to one show anything it has doing as much damage as possible and saying [ __ ] how the gun feels I just want to kill they can mod for increased critical chance critical damage and base damage suddenly one click in half the room is dead the same goes for your Warframe want to be useful put utility mods on a support Warframe want to be a tank and never die easy stack obscene amounts of Health Shields and armor now the next distraction based detour before going on to the main section is going to be movement I think these two games handle very differently Destiny 2 controls a typical FPS game but that every class has a slightly different jump Titans Glide or boost High Hunters can triple jump and warlocks have the best Glide distance warlocks and Titans can do a little Dash depending on their subclass and Hunters can roll away from danger these little changes contribute to a class identity but they can all reach about the same locations with their different jump types now Warframe however who doggy Warframe has some [ __ ] movement wall running double jumps for everyone expert bounce on ropes and the single best movement mechanic in any game except for Titanfall 2 bullet jumping bullet jumping is where you crouch first and then press jump whilst crouched your character arcs and Springs to wherever your Crosshair is pointing bullet jumps can be done from a slide and whilst in movement so basically never stop bullet jumping sorry my bad I got distracted again where was I we've got gameplay Gunplay looting movement okay next we're on to the content so with all the mechanics covered what will you be running with these mechanics let's start with Destiny 2 which personally has more varied content like all things in Destiny 2 what content you run is decided by what you're looking to do you have bounties given by vendors to do specific content with specific criteria by doing this you can get guns and armor as well as more powerful gear that increases your power level we talked about earlier as an example there's weekly objectives to play the three main playlist activities strikes PVP and Gambit strikes are post-campaign story missions designed to be ran speedily the reward okay gear but really you run them for the weekly bonus and any bounties you have now contrary to popular belief PVP AKA The Crucible can be pretty fun if you go in understanding Destiny 2 is not a competitive or well-balanced experience most of the community seems to Grumble and groan about playing PVP after doing the minimum three games for the weekly reward I think it's fun as [ __ ] [Music] give me some numbers [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] and finally there's Gambit Gambit's a weird one it's a pvpve experience where you and your team work to summon and kill a big monster before the enemy team does the same at points you're given the opportunity to go over to the enemy site to kill them to slow down their progress when I first started playing it like everyone else I really liked it but Gambit shows its cracks fast imbalanced teams and setups teammates with a title for playing a lot of Gambit but not understanding the basic [ __ ] mechanics just [ __ ] bank The Drifter is literally telling you to do that the script can wait anyway aside from the three main playlist activities you also have content like raids which are cool as hell and super fun to do in a friendly group don't you [ __ ] it not all raids are made equal and I'm looking at you last wish you torturous bastard the current rage in game are great but with a thing called content vaulting and Destiny they don't always stick around so with great humility I beseech the bungee please bring back Scrooge of the past you have three player mini raids called dungeons that's my favorite content in the game to do because I get to goof around with my friends and enjoy content that can actually be challenging at points whilst not feeling like the end of the world if I cause a wipe and this is an apology to my friend sibo because I am always the one that causes the wipe oh I feel another distraction coming I'm sorry but I have to talk about the visuals of some of these areas my favorite dungeon is shattered throne but my favorite dungeon visually is prophecy this sci-fi vaporwave looking environment is stunning and running it for the first time is unreal and aside from the Mainstay content there are seasonal activities you have to have purchased the current season pass to participate but they tend to be good loot rewarding activities they can get pretty stale very fast all content in Destiny 2 is about getting new guns and armor or increasing the power level of your guns and armor whilst there is aspirational content like grinding out for fancy titles or Cosmetics the main end game is making the numbers go up to their Max limit to be the strongest when you do content you've been doing for the entire season Once you're at endgame the choice is to keep the ground for resources and aspirational content or drop the game for the remainder of the Season until the next one starts so that's a quick overview of content in Destiny 2. let's jump over to Warframe and see how it fares I'm gonna be honest here and just say that Destiny beats Warframe in terms of its content variety look at this star chart each of these has many nodes with multiple different activities and unique locations but the only thing that I know for real no but seriously Warframe has so many different Mission types such as extermination where you kill everything capture when you rush to kill and Capture One Target and then murder everything on your way out defends where you hold down an area and murder everything and survival where you might have guessed it you murder everything until you want to leave not to say that Destiny's not similar everything involves standing in an area and killing grabbing and throwing balls and killing or wave defense and killing but with Warframe being basically a horde shooter its mechanical depth is not that high one of the big Greens in Warframe that's technically optional but you will want to do them eventually for all the content it's factions factions have a reputation system and you want to rank them up to unlock the new content they have such as end game systems weapons warframes cosmetics and a lot more there are six basic factions accessed from one of the social spaces in game and each of the game's open worlds also has two factions to level up Warframe has three open worlds but for clarification they're more like big open areas as I feel like calling two of them open worlds cheap let take Fortuna as an example my favorite visually but universally the worst one to progress your job is to Aid the resistance Fighters Volk Solaris in fighting back against the Corpus forces this is done by doing bounties and getting reputation bounties are two to five staged missions that task you with various forms of killing in return for standing that standing is used to increase your rank with them up to a maximum of five the issue is is that you have a daily standing limit based off of your overall Mastery level at my current limit I can get up to 26 000 standing per 24 hour period any more is wasted and with each rag you go up per faction the amount of standing required goes up as well this means that day one you can easily get base rank in a faction but by rank 3 out of 5 it'll take at least two daily resets to get that so you're just stuck waiting on time gaining in order to actually keep doing the content you want to do time getting is a big thing in Warframe and Destiny 2. in Destiny your weekly time gated for how much you can directly increase your overall weapon and armor power level and in Warframe your faction styling is time gated and so is weapon in Warfare frame crafting Warframe used to have raids but they got removed due to not being the best and that not many people played them but with the renewed Community interest it seems that they'll be coming back in some form in 2023. once you beat every level in the star chart you unlock the steel path which unlocks the ability to toggle to a harder version of the star chart that adds a flat hundred level increase to all enemies as well as bonus modifiers for increasing difficulty you'll gain 100 increased mods and resource drop chance as well as end game resources just for doing the content this stuff isn't mandatory for a long time and it's mainly just for squeezing out an extra 10 to 30 increase in strength for your guns and Frames end game in Warframe is kind of whatever you'd like it to be there's the Mastery Rank you'll be increasing but there's no definitive end game activity you can grind for Unique Cosmetics Niche guns and mods to make you stronger for Content you've already been doing it's more of a collect at all or collect what seems cool to you thing there is no major incentive to becoming Max mastery rank in Warframe other than the prestige of being known as a legendary rank above 30. while you could sweat tote steel path people only really do that if they're there grinding out a specific resource let's summarize this shall we I'd like to close with some personal thoughts about both the games you see the reason I dropped Destiny and tried Warframe was because of fomo fear of missing out is such a huge factor in Destiny where it could be missing a timed event seasonal activity or just missing your weekly power gain in Destiny you feel like you have to log in each week otherwise you're missing out on something in Warframe I play what I want yeah sure there's time gating but it's not log on or you miss out it's hey you grinded this out this Frame will be ready in three days you can grind something else or just come back when it's ready I never feel like I have to log on to Warframe even timed event rewards are just end game materials I can earn more than I would need to use with only a little bit of grinding because I've worked hard and done some grinding I'm always going to be powerful in Warframe if I quit for 6 months I'd be just as powerful as when I came back in Destiny 2 I'd only be slightly more powerful than a brand new player but I guess I'd have more cool guns than them Destiny's seasonal power grind creates burnout even for intermediate and heavy Grinders Warframe has grinds that cause burnout for sure but they're not not mandatory and basically optional Destiny has eververse the in-game Cosmetics tour with two currencies bright dust which is earned and silver which is bought well it's nice that you could earn some store Cosmetics the Cosmetics are on a fomo weekly rotation unless you use the paid for currency and you get a pitiful amount of bright dust which creates rationing and planning for your spending in Warframe there's Platinum the paid for a currency but the thing about Platinum is it can be traded between players Warframe has a huge player trading scene for cosmetics warframes and end game mods in my 800 plus hours of Warframe I've bought about 40 pounds worth of platinum and I don't need to buy any more because I'm an end game player I have access to grinding out the best items and mods that I can then sell to other players for paid for currency I feel rewarded for playing the game and if I choose to buy a fancy cosmetic pack it's because I'm choosing to support the developer and their amazing choices I've spent way more than 40 pounds on expansions for Destiny 2. and what I got in return was not guaranteed to stay forever with sun saying during the process of writing this video they said after the newest expansion there will be no more expansions on setting which is great seasonal content will still be sunset which makes sense to keep down content below but unfortunately I don't trust like that anymore with Bungie over 200 pounds worth of content I paid for is gone guns that I grounded hours for were Sunset without so much as a reprisal I've come across as heavily negative towards aspects of Destiny 2. but this is only because I love the game so much I still keep up with the story I play The Dungeons with my friend its core gameplay is unmatched in the looter shooter space but I just don't want anyone that tries it to not be aware of the pitfalls that could come with the game I played season of the plunder and I'll try season the Seraph but for me Warframe respects my time more I hope this has been a help for anyone thinking about playing one of the games in spite of my pros and cons about both I still play both and I still think both are 100 worth trying out if you like literatures I just hope whichever one you try problems that I've explained are gone or at least mitigated but that's all from me I've got RuneScape reads to grind out so instead of doing that I'll be standing at the bank doing nothing instead of reading I thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: SonnyD
Views: 344,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warframe, warframe guide 2022, warframe gameplay, destiny 2, warframe, warframe 2022, destiny, review, destiny gameplay, destiny 2 lightfall, warframe duviri paradox, warframe guide, destiny guide, destiny guide 2022
Id: FfF8ttvHVXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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