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[Music] hmm [Music] okay well guys your girl finally made it to midgar [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] hmm my name is yuffie materia hunter and elite special forces operative for the new wutai government i have orders to infiltrate shinra headquarters and steal their ultimate material to prove to our common enemy that wutai is not to be trifled with [Music] so members of avalanche where are you come get me already [Music] okay if i was a man in a moogle hat huh wait does this mean what i think it does interesting so i gotta come to you do i you got some nerve [Music] [Music] huh no palm you okay anybody home oh well i guess i'm not going anywhere until i get that elevator i never cease to amaze myself [Music] i thought midgar was supposed to be the marvel of the modern world talk about false advertising city of mako city of garbage more like shoot no this is too weird okay you got this okay that round next smells gone must have gotten used to it way things are going i'll be working for shinra next nice try midgar [Music] i'm talking to myself city's getting to me wait did you just come from any monster troubles or monsters have been acting strange not going to be good for any of us mockery after five has been temporarily shut down and all fires have been successfully extinguished the situation is under control and the people about their cities need not worry about any additional complications we are in the process of conducting a full forensic investigation but we suspect the device needs to be [Laughter] [Music] not bad not bad at all but i can do better yuffie yo there's our palm [Music] so you're avalanche i'm gigi follow me wha wait up i can't help wondering how so chief yeah why didn't you come meet me before i figured an elite w agent could find their own way i may be elite but it's not like i've ever been to midgar and what exactly is a w anyway anyone who lives where you just came from think of it as a code name still can't believe they sent a kid to do this job this kid could kick your ass saying your fresh face is all oh don't worry i know exactly what you're saying give me a break will ya i'll let you walk all over me here we are ladies first they didn't get [Music] i can almost taste your pizza now jessie these two are billy bob and polk and that's niall hi my name is yuffie materia hunter and elite special forces operative for the new utai government i have orders to infiltrate shimra hq and steal their ultimate material to prove to our common enemy that wu tie is not to be trifled with members of avalanche with your full support ready to rumble huh you better believe it so did you guys meet sonan yet he was supposed to be here yeah he got in three days ago he's out on the town as we speak really seems to be enjoying it here oh he does does he you uh got any bags if ninjas always travel light it's like a rule [Music] but i did bring these blue ties famous to chow beans eat up and here you go [Music] can you eat these things guess you do sheesh you ninjas are insane do me a favor yuffie and wait here for sonan i gotta head out your id should be ready for pickup by now then why don't i join you nah i got this besides you reek of trouble [Music] you must be tired from your trip why don't you get some rest with all the noise in this city i'm freaking possible how about you tell me where in the shimmer building they're keeping that material instead don't hold out on me now i know you know actually i kind of don't at least not an exact location all i know is that shinra for most purposes treats materia as a weapon which means the advanced weaponry division probably deals with it and since that's in the basement i see so shinra hides its top secret materia in the basement you won't have to wait much longer my precious i promise just be careful will you please oh yeah you should introduce yourself to billy bob he knows a thing or two about the shinra building sonan's still not back must be in wall market then what's wall market let's just say it's a place for people with mature tastes mature tastes there's lots of different establishments it's kind of hard to explain no i think i get it like bars filled with smoke so thick you can't even see and drink so bitter you want to spit them right back out oh where everyone gets drunk and complains about how kids just don't understand the value of hard work they'll be the death of society ugh how can they not see that they're the ones destroying it wutai's got a place like that where grown-ups drink their lives away it's called the happy turtle interesting there's a happy turtle in midgar as well huh i don't know where exactly because i've never actually been but i do see their flyers from time to time you do huh they're taking down mcgraw one citizen at a time i salute you happy turtle come to think of it there's a man who goes around putting up flyers for the bar people call him old snapper and he doesn't dress like your average midgar male might be from wutai i gotta find him man deserves some dachau beans my teeth you're welcome so the material i'm looking for is in the shimmer building right and where is that exactly [Music] ignorance truly is bliss huh what did you just say oh didn't mean to offend you of course you probably knew this already but there's a whole other city built on the plate above us shinra building's right in the middle you can't miss it oh that one why didn't you say so now if you want to get topside you first gotta get out of the slums and for help with that you should talk to polk you look kind of nervous i just want to make sure i have the planned down path you know like how to get up top and all that well if you had an id you'd normally just take the train up there but with all the commotion going on that's not really an option security's on high alert if you ask me your best bet is to sit tight and wait for things to settle down some sit tight but i want to go now be my guest then go get killed [Music] harsh [Music] i'm back ah there you are someone's been expecting you what took you sorry about that [Music] what just thinking oh you're nothing like your old man anyway it's nice to meet you i'm sonan kasakabe i was lucky enough to learn how to fight from yeah i don't want to talk about him let's talk about something else like how you've adjusted to life here indulging in adult pastimes which i guess means drinking yourself stupid last thing i need is my partner stinking like an over the hill has been speaking of drinking you've been to the happy turtle if you're part of operation down in one i take it back i am there next time you go don't worry i can do adult stuff just fine well i don't even know where to begin with all that but i do know i haven't heard of operation down in one at any rate i'm looking forward to working with you boss boss as in me well i've got a few years on you i'll admit but out of us dude you've done this longer i i guess i have boss huh i could get used to that feeds being stuck on the bottom rung that's for sure after we get the material we can celebrate your promotion at the happy turtle yeah yeah stupid bird it says the merchandise is good to go handoffs at a depot on municipal storage okay yuffie sonan you mind coming along not at all need to scope out the city anyway really get to know the enemy we'll be passing through a rough part of town so you'll want to go prepared i'll leave you to get ready hit me up outside when you're done okay be right there you guys all set okay streets are kind of amazed so stay close [Music] to pick up your ids there's no way to get topside without him but i thought dj was getting our high ds what happened with that he is but those are different it takes more than one id or even two to survive in this town don't forget midgar was built by shinra or shinra those tyrants put the claws away boss at least while we're in schindler so yuffie what do you think of the undercity way too crowded i can't stand it how can anyone live here i agree with you about the smell but you get used to it quick enough and the crowd stopped bothering you eventually the place can grow on you if you give it a chance ah wait a second are you actually saying you like it here they thought you hated it midgar isn't the enemy shinra is i know w's don't really see the distinction but we do um what was that stuff on the news about a reactor blowing up and all no way that was an accident it had to be avalanche sorry [Music] uh what's up those guys there are from the splinter cell splinter they used to be with avalanche but left after a policy dispute wow look who it is loving your work so how many reactors is that now wait where's cloud we lost him you what he will be okay though right well of course he will a little fall ain't gonna stop a hard ass like him he'll come swaggering back before long you mark my words yeah i guess he will now can we talk about president [ __ ] spouting all that crap about us that lying son of a [ __ ] working for wuta avalanche ain't nobody oh yeah speaking of sons of [ __ ] i heard that walmart its very own don corneo has a stooges out looking for you huh is that so [Music] don't got time for no low-level mobsters we got shinra in our sights fifa you and i both know this is far from over right [Music] might as well get some rest while we still can [Music] right you know what i think i am gonna look into this [Music] good luck out there they're the ones who blew up the reactors cool should we say hi no better not after what they've done you've got to assume shinra's on their tail should keep our distance yeah my thoughts exactly the people in the splinter cell they couldn't care less about collateral damage long as shinra goes down so what's wrong with that sounds good to me we're not out to blow midgar up or tear it down we want to save it from shinra look around nine out of ten of the people living here are innocent bystanders we can't level their home to take down one company well that company almost leveled our home and they've gotta learn their lesson yeah i get that gotta admit i'm surprised you agreed to work with us we're just doing what we think is necessary to build a brighter future that's all there is to it in other words you're working with us so we don't work with your old buddies knowing what would happen if we did uh can we table this for later maybe not sure now's the best time for heavy topics yeah couldn't agree more consider it tabled so what exactly does this ultimate material do i'm guessing you have big plans for it like after we steal it well the more material you have the stronger you are right so once we've got the ultimate material will be stronger than anyone i guess you will it's gonna be awesome and not just that by sneaking into shinra hq and snatching their most prized possession from under their noses not only will we deal a massive blow to their morale but we'll prove to them that while wutai might be down we're not out that the gist of it boss sure is [Laughter] see that one well hello there hot stuff how'd you like a shot at the big time with those looks i guarantee you're golden so what do you say ready to be queen of the undercity hey what am i chopped liver kid doesn't need to hear this girl and cover your ears okay you'd be living and working in the most luxurious residence in all you want me to be one of cornell's brides is that it which makes you a person of influence right oh so you know your stuff but i'd say i'm more of a helping hand so why don't you help me help you let's get going what are you doing get your hands off me now don't go playing [Music] no you don't because i'm an adult [Music] also i'm pretty hot stuff myself thank you very much sure whatever helps you sleep at night little girl wow if you want to pull up a seat at the grownups table be my guest go on and carefully react at the happy turtle one again get the happy turtle keep it ready [Music] you're gonna eat those hurts you smug piece of [ __ ] what you're not gonna believe this the hottie of the century just fell right into our lap she did goods under the hood junk in the trunk and down for a bumpy ride sorry ladies but after careful consideration we've decided to go with a more qualified applicant let's go zero okay so who were those creeps anyway don cornell's talent scouts they'll say and do just about anything to get unsuspecting girls back to the dawn's mansion i thought it looked seedy guess you'd have to be a scumbag to build a place like that oh and how do you know what it looks like i saw it while i was scouting the area well we're here now we just have to wait wait for who not sure we used to have someone who could make fake ids in-house but they went off with the splinter cell we've never dealt with this particular vendor before hey uh what's up with that guy mako poisoning that's what happens if you don't make the grade as a soldier or when the military's done using you just another one of shinra's victims them again shimmer is so gonna get it if it's shinra you've got the beef you'll be needing these can't access the plate without them they're gonna scan for those things on the train so make sure to keep them on you thank you hey hold up try it you'll love it [Music] foreigners and their weak jaws we should probably head back and wait for gigia enjoy your material while you still can shinra cause we're coming not yet boss with things the way they are we can't just go strolling up to the front gates we're gonna need avalanche to help us bypass security before we can do [Music] anything what huh what's this about change of plans go to the pillar we'll explain there hurry ggf change of plans the s7 pillar otherwise known as the roof of the slums follow me guys why does he need us to hurry i don't like the sound of this well if you ask me it's high time things picked up around here you like living in the fast lane huh yeah i'm not your garden variety bhutan i'm a rare bloom you're right hold up hey i'm talking to you answer me well uh look a moogle mm-hmm you two go after gigi i'll head back and tell the others what happened [Music] no time for that boss right [Music] [ __ ] got nowhere to run tell us what you know now how about later not stupid is he one of us we don't have time to get into that boss you can ask him yourself once he's safe come on you got brent i'll give you that piece it'll be crawling with do monsters [Music] [Music] sorry damn it we should radio the other squads been looking for you the hell [Music] it's a good word to describe me i'm thinking legendary show yourself [Music] you know she's actually pretty cool i feel bad saying this but after what happened back home i just kind of assumed no one in avalanche could be trusted like they were all the same as the ones i caught yeah i can imagine but it looks like avalanche has changed a lot [Music] [Music] come on you guys just don't know when to quit [Music] you're getting it good enjoy your freedom while you can 10-4 be there as soon as we can [Music] unit three says they've got the suspect detained near pillar maintenance we're gonna not keep them waiting what hillary is have they let him get that lfi i know come on boss nope i'm gonna go to town [Music] first [Music] [Music] [Music] how it's changed [Music] considering all they've done for us i know what you mean though they're all just really good [Music] yeah i know gotta be quiet very quiet as quiet as a mouse [Music] good morning [Applause] [Music] oh all right now let's get our rears in [Music] here [Music] [Music] but it looks more like an arms factory to me let's keep it tight boss can't afford any more mistakes now spill it who gave you that information oh his name was something like heidegger wrong answer i'm gonna ask you again all right all right i'll tell you it was rufus you don't say ready to do this boss right now draw their attention you grab our guy a diversion huh i like it but don't forget i'm the leading lady hey you evildoer over here that's exactly what i was hoping you'd ask the world's greatest materia hunter but who am i truly [Music] the single white rose never mind it's just some kid right hey who are you calling a kid award-winning performance boss who are you anyway got eyes on hostile requesting backup hey sentence [Music] [Music] okay later huh [Music] me oh it's over you see that that's how we just do it yep nice work you saved my ass it was nothing well it did earn you these employee id cards they'll get you into the shinra building and pretty much any floor basement included that's where advanced weaponry's got their labs set up and where they conduct their material research what you're looking for is anywhere in that place it's gonna be there you guys should probably get moving where it is shinra's got something big lined up for us nothing less than the destruction of sector seven [Music] but whatever it is they're planning you're better off out of it right i'ma go report to the others good luck up there see you soon yeah next time i'm buying i'll show you what times really party deal [Music] don't forget to tell the splinter cell about sector seven i won't low boss sounds like we better get going but set up as soon as you're ready ready [Music] what's going on to think this is where those bastards plotted their attacks right under our noses too bad they made it out before the military could get here like chickens flying the crew [Music] probably best if we don't stick around let's catch the train [Music] hey hey over here can't believe those freaking morons they damn near got themselves eaten trying to hide that stupid poster you stay away from that factory you hear place has monsters coming out of the walls [Music] i don't think we'll be back here anytime soon so make sure you're ready for anything okay i think we're good here let's roll [Music] what's with all these people due to the recent incident at maco reactor 5 only a limited number of trains are currently in service please note that the sector 5 under city station is closed until further notice thank you splinter cell's done its best to make things hard for you miss this train and there's no telling when the next will be sorry we couldn't give you a proper send-off just know that we're rooting korean okay [Music] oh boy gonna be sick i'll be fine as long as i'm standing up don't laugh melfi always got motion sick [Music] sure trains would have done it too who is melfi my sister [Music] huh she trained under your father at the same time as me and she had such promise had the war was ending but a shinra mech went haywire near a crowd she had to do something we deserve what's coming to him [Music] they do but i'm not your sister are we on schedule yeah the turks are on top of it yes there will be no delays please mr president i am asking you to reconsider no begging the sector 7 undercity is home to more than 50 000 director touristy at least let us issue a warning serve the stench of the director's cowardice fills the room yet again breathe progress requires sacrifice learn to live with it excuse me i have some questions you work for shinra isn't that right then would you care to comment on the rumors that sector 7 will be the terrorists next door they're going to hit the reactor aren't they you [Music] heidi [Music] come on come on hold the door what floor the basement advanced weaponry going down perfect just perfect hmm but oh how the mighty are fallen wutai colluding with avalanche and resorting to terrorism i always thought the wutans and honorable people they used to be certainly but now now they're nothing but blood-sucking flies buzzing around shinra's face would you not agree in light of recent events i mean i would 100 what a lovely smile [Music] i think not foreign visitors should take the scenic route and save her the opportunity to meet our latest autonomous weapons damn it [Music] i'll never get a better chance that was scarlett director of advanced weaponry it was one of her machines that killed melfi calm down sonan calm down remember we're here for a reason right boss i'm sorry don't be i was ready to strangle her myself and that's before she sent us off in the wrong direction where did she send us only one way to find out don't worry we'll get to material research eventually just a little longer my precious just look at this place weapons here weapons there weapons everywhere they're ready for some serious action it sounds like you are too duh i'm like my old man but not some lazy drunk i fight for what i believe in something he never understands i wonder how we stand behind bars he means not well if the government has something to say about it jail's where he belongs that's my master you're talking about luckily i know exactly how to liven things up with a little experience just don't go dying that might feel very interesting results let's show what happens when you mess with that was the worst minions good sports why did i ever think for a second she'd be nice to us she knows damn well it's gonna be a pain in the ass getting up there honestly how do i do it now then sona how you feel about giving me a boost madam director the intruders are about to reach the research facility and we'll let them meanwhile find out what it is they want you do have eyes don't you then you can see that while they are simpletons they've made it further than any normal wutayan ever could clearly they are ninjas teenage ninjas and they've come such a long way we simply must roll out the red carpet my trusty steed should provide a fitting welcome i think keep me apprised would you ma'am cut system power to the research facility bar access to confidential data then retrace their steps find out why they're here above all do not let them out of your sight sir oh material where are you [Music] loyal minion this their idea of mood lighting cause it's bad might be the power that thing's off too talk about hitting the jackpot this must be where they make their material maybe let's keep moving the fact they work with us might help both parties put their differences aside and avoid a conflict that's what i got out of it anyway i figured as much before you got here i did a little bit of [ __ ] found out what they want collections they don't see the world how we see it and when you look at the world what is it that you see dust plumes of gun smoke and i'll never forget oh come on how could we have gotten so lost easy now focus i know spirit of the champion sure you ate it you sound surprised i'm glad you're here likewise it really helps knowing i'm not alone in all this yeah same here [Music] ah i think i found our way across right shall we [Music] [Music] huh [Music] check that out [Music] it does look more important than the others this has to be it oh sweet baby come to mama light light i need more light [Music] level three power grid online initiating marco energy saturation deploying security grid now we're cooking man another stupid dude these doors [Music] seriously [Music] oh [Music] oh so have you found out what they want yet we think so we can't say for certain as their behavior is erratic but they appear to be searching for material excuse me you mean to say that these savages have gone to all this trouble for materia so far as we can tell yes how very dull be that as it may i suppose i should talk to them yourself but i know just what you need to listen up a little after such a long journey you must be sensitive luckily i have toys for that all far [Music] and i think you'll find it just up ahead hurry now don't keep me waiting so boss what are you thinking that we're walking into a trap i guess but it's nothing we can't handle right have said it better myself [Music] welcome to our state-of-the-art weapons testing facility this is where we push every piece of ordnance to its limits and beyond such tests are an invaluable part of the development process go on see where the magic happens subjects approaching test site test will begin momentarily beginning analysis oh [Music] what they bother analysis conclude continuing trial select ordinance type to deploy for this trial selection confirm initiate ordnance deployment procedure beginning analysis thank you so what to think aren't i just awesome analysis concluded beginning final test subjects approaching test site tests will begin momentarily beginning analysis another one for the books how impressive seems like they have underestimated how resilient human just can it's quite the treat i assure you only the best for our honored guests after all whenever you're ready where are we that thing can't be operational can it we better hope not boss at long last wutai's finest dane to join us you've performed admirably quit acting all superior we both know you're afraid of us is that so well maybe i am you should know there's more where we came from lots more and you'll never see them coming just imagine a whole clan of ninjas landing on your doorstep oh my we must do something right away well you can't don't say that won't you at least give us a chance allow me to present this will be a memory to cherish for the rest of your lives all 30 seconds of them hey oh thank you but i'd rather suspect that's a long way to play you're gonna get what's coming [Music] oh useless not nearly mobile enough should have been known those actuators weren't up to the task time for an overhaul [Music] hello my my mind how the tables have turned proud of yourself little savage what are you doing [Music] [Music] this is a surprise to what do i owe the pleasure these idiots want to digitally replicate me so i'm indulging them i'll say transporting [Music] when will shinra learn there is no replicating you they ought to know better looking forward to this i am it has been too long since my last hunt what you do tell us is this how it's done in wu-tai you just howl until you get what you want that's enough zone on i got this all right lady out with it tell us where you're hiding the new materia don't play dumb now we know you've been cooking up something super powerful well well wutai must have some highly skilled intelligence operatives that or we have a mole in our midst you are correct that we're in the process of creating an exquisite new material however it is far from complete yeah right you must think i'm stupid when i lie to you regrettable though it is other plans have been deemed a higher priority what other plans well just between you and me my colleagues and i are going to drop plate number seven on the slums oh dear i think your friend might have run into trouble aren't you going to save him quickly now there you are who are these [ __ ] no clue you just appeared i hate to be the bearer of bad news but just hit me with it there is no ultimate material not yet she said it's still in the works and she mentioned something else they're gonna do what they're gonna drop plate number seven on the slums apparently this is bad let's go with us let's cleanse it it oh is it over somehow i seriously doubt it oh man i so don't want to go back out there but i don't think we've got a choice work you stupid no good door won't budge meaning we're trapped i want them to suffer the rest i leave to you ugh [Laughter] [Music] they figure we need a challenge meaning we're in for a world of hurt let's do this okay this is getting old of your [Music] projections don't [Music] [Music] now can we please get out of here already i don't like the looks of this i feel like they're here to help subjects on site it's time to initiate this vf field test sir uh [Music] what are you doing [Music] the place where my brother and i like to play cool now mind moving aside let's take a different deck wow can't blame a girl for trying no let the games begin [Music] oh abnormal readings detected the control program's been compromised containment protocols [Music] [Music] how dare you how dare you stand in my way where were we i don't know what this crap is oh [Music] [Music] no darkness let's get out of here yes let's finish this did we we did awesome don't want to spoil the moment but we should probably get going but i'm so tired i could carry you you win sheesh uh [Music] [Music] oh you gotta keep going for us no stop it [Music] yes [Music] uh [Music] [Music] damn [Music] [Music] help me [Music] [Music] you [ __ ] i'm not a kid i'm not your sister this is just [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] hmm don't think i can do this alone the amazing yuffie wants you join her team and the sky's the limit hey barrett were you really walking the whole way yep calm still pretty far though isn't it another full day give or take question when my mom says a full day she means from the time you get up in the morning till the time you go to bed but for me it means from the time you get up in the morning all the way through till the time you get up the next morning so which is it for you gotta go with elmira on that one that's a relief is it though cloud [ __ ] you've had to hoof it from sun up to sun down tons of times this is all just same old same all right that's right but even so we're all gonna need to stop and rest especially you [Music] yeah yeah i know anyway marching into the unknown ain't easy but don't worry cause i'm here to lead the way that's comforting of course it is all right everyone let's stop here for a minute leaders orders now breathe in that fresh air actually scratch that [Music] let's uh save it for later when we're not so close to midgar guess this is goodbye city of marco [Music] hmm like this yep just like that cool no way a car [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is it with these damn birds oh sorry about that no need to apologize [Music] man [Music] look at that [Music] where's the roof when you need one gonna be okay should be but weird my stomach's in knots that's its way of telling you it's hungry let's move [Music] it's been a while huh long time no see how you been listen hey i'm back [Music] eric [Music] you
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 112,410
Rating: 4.9540982 out of 5
Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, FINAL FANTASY 7 REMAKE INTERGRADE YUFFIE PS5 All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 4K 60FPS Ultra HD, final fantasy 7 remake intergrade all cutscenes, game movie, final fantasy 7 remake intermission, final fantasy 7 remake intermission trailer, final fantasy 7 remake intermission length, final fantasy 7 remake intermission dlc, final fantasy 7 remake episode intermission, yuffie, yuffie ff7 remake, ff7 remake, 4k, 60fps, ultra hd
Id: OXWq4vD7jWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 18sec (5778 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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