Ratchet And Clank Rift Apart 2021 Ps5 All Cutscenes Game Movie

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what's up guys wolf fantasy here with some gameplay for you guys if you guys enjoy this don't forget to hit that like button subscribe to the channel and turn on your notifications enjoy the rest of the video members of the resistance report to your nearest intake facility immediately we promise nothing nefariously members report to the vip section of your nearest intake facility for compulsory behavioral modification it will be fun your suit seems to be working nicely blending right where is the infobot [Music] where are you going [Music] [Music] [Music] hey it's okay see just me rivet gotta go here it'll help you get home i designed it to be one size fits all so it should thank you [Music] yes [Music] don't you think it's weird to throw a celebration for us i mean we haven't done anything heroic in years what if everyone thinks we're washed up oh what if we are washed up luckily we will not need to perform any heroics unless you count smiling and waving right give a big welcome to the grand marshals of our parade [Applause] will be your host and now we reach the present of our hero's story ratchet the last known lombards whose kind is lost in another dimension will receive a mysterious gift from clay i had a speech prepared but considering that our event seems to be under assault i will cut to the chase ratchet i do not know where i would be without you you are my closest friend my teammate and you have given up a lot i have too the dimensionator so you can travel through dimensions and find your family no pal what dr nefarious ratchet and clay what a wonderful surprise i didn't expect to see you here considering my drones were meant to annihilate you eight minutes ago oh what do you want nefarious yes can't anyone print instruction manuals anymore [Music] uh [Music] [Music] i should have known nefarious would try something like this don't beat yourself up this'll be just like old times come on it looks like nefarious landed somewhere near the train station go mrs zircon we should grab a weapon need a weapon mrs zircon has it all put down the dimensionator nefarious put down the dimensionator yeah right hey you will see what losing feels like spoiler as soon as i figure out these stupid coordinates say goodbye what did you do what just happened we may have a slight problem the bridge is shot there has to be another way across hmm the riffs are reacting to the face quartz in your glove try pointing it at one of them [Music] you think a crushing defeat is all it takes to stop me i mean yes busted again we're going to a dimension where i always win so you can finally know how it feels [Music] the dimensions are weakening considerably [Music] well it is certainly not good great where are we creature [Music] did i do it oh what is this what's with all the neon this is the part where you lose it the dimension ate her ratchet oh dear my arm and no the dimensionator it what have i done what have you done who are you someone with a lot of questions let's go for a ride yeah wait i have to find my friends [Music] i am the winner emperor nefarious you have returned early from your conquest yes emperor [Laughter] [Music] [Music] oh clank clank what is this place please remember to thank our marvelous emperor before during and after making does that mean there are two nefariouses now wait a second you forgot your order we'll come right in mr will sell you weapons but you gotta be less conspicuous or the resistance will not last the resistance [Music] oh apology sugar ms sir khan is still new to all of this release the espionage [Music] no i need to go after that ship how can i get off planet it's a test only royal starships are allowed to leave anything else phantom can help just follow the bait to club nefarious and you will find him club nefarious got it oh and nice work secret agent zircon this is so exciting what's club nefarious gonna sound like [Applause] hi yeah are you the phantom is there a phantom around here only a dancing machine resistance alert resistance can't believe first mission is forever my covers blown [Music] phantom is skid better take care of these guys nice work new guy thanks what is this some kind of secret handshake but hey what do i do with it all right new guy try out your phantom i'll make you a deal you see that blimp you help me take control of it and i'll help you get into nefarious tower it's the only place in the city you're gonna find a royal starship what's so special about the blimp just find a way up to that rooftop i gotta grab my gear but i'll meet you up there rooftop how do i get to that rooftop i'm coming clank just hang on nefarious tower here i come wow what did you learn looks like i touched a nerve all right deal's a deal that's glitch she'll help you get onto the emperor's private shuttle from tower access consoles in that huge statue of nefarious in the center of the city just hook her up and she'll handle the rest what are you doing tearing this whole rotten world down from the inside stay strong brother how do you expect me to get to the bazaar from here [Music] hi you must be glitch i'm ratchet [Music] sorry for all the jostling around earlier things aren't exactly going well and actually i think you're the only one who can help me right now thanks anyway looks like the computer is back on mine you did it glitch welcome back your most majestic majesty here we go five planet destroying cannons and a surveillance state covering the entire city if only that blasted dimensionator still worked clank after him now [Music] i'm coming clank oh [Music] why do i need a password i'm the emperor how about i obliterate you instead [Applause] bring me that love so then this dimensionator was stolen by dr nefarious who used it to bring you here now you just have to find your friend who is also miraculously a lombax to save the day and get home you must seriously think i'm an idiot look as real as i'm sure this dr nefarious is this has the emperor written all over it oh dear race for impact oh look out what do you think i'm doing [Music] we didn't follow that longbacks in his robo pet across dimensions just to get stopped by some fuzz balls so you got like nine and a half seconds to tell us where they're at one hang on there now see they are looking for ratchet i am telling the truth [Music] mort good you're okay us oh when we heard those fellas were after our limebacks we were worried about you the next thing we know you're here saving our behinds wait where are the others well some of the morts are stuck inside of that mess there not a clue what it is all i know is it keeps getting bigger oh between that and our new neighbor up there we are not doing too fine don't worry i'll take care of it oh and to keep you all busy while i'm gone got this at zerky's mort can finally fix that ship she's been working on zerkeys oh those pirates didn't give you any trouble did they uh only a little you can give this to mort yourself once you get her from that purple mess over there okay do not enter got it may i take a look i have some experience with dimensional anomalies i sure [Applause] greetings welcome how did you get in here where exactly is um here oh you don't know well i don't either it appears to be a space between dimensions could be nothing could be a cascading and tropic fissure that will soon turn the entire universe into a formless soup time will tell oh oh dear well i am clank please allow me to help right yes clank i am the all-seeing cosmic prophet of interdimensional sector 2255 phase omega but you can call me gary here we are clank former warbot uh teamed up with the lombax became a hero who good for you oh friend of my father i see your father you might just be the one i've been waiting for would you like to help me fix the dimensions you know how to fix the dimensions and why are there copies of me running around they're your possibilities the key to repairing the tsunami but first pick up that nearby sphere so then i says listen mort you morton mort better hide that lemonade before mort shows up wow you saved them how did you do that i am uncertain rivet how the heck are you look who it is you would not believe my luck today my trip to nefarious city went totally sideways i wrecked my ship and now you go on and leave that one to omort well assuming you brought that part i asked for hmm i'll have this whole thing in shipshape just gotta lower the bridge and then i'm taking you to my hideout what are we going to do there this is extremely unnecessary [Music] okay so you were being honest as i have been saying repeatedly you're nefarious he looks a lot like mine evil like him too and that lombax i know it might sound crazy but you think he is your dimensional counterpart or something look whatever's going on here we're gonna fix it we i thought robots are not your thing not all of them just most you know like the emperor his stupid followers pirates yeah i see the irony too oh i apologize i did not mean to um you feel bad even though i just watched your brain diary thingy [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] is [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] you must be so excited for annihilation this is unfortunate you okay bolts you came after me thank you yeah well we still got some unfinished business we should see if mort fixed up the ship extent thank you what does it say phantom muy doy captain quantum klachke me attention resistance i'm posting the emperor's hit list to our network come on let's fix that communicator we've got a dimension to save before the emperor finds us too what's on your mind come on let's hear it i am feeling a bit responsible for all of this perhaps it is because of me that the dimensions are falling apart that ratchet and i are lost oh yeah well hey your communicator's about to get fixed so that's something ah right [Music] have you seen our favorite first mate anywhere i need a signal booster we meet again give me the part did you follow me here another fruitless effort to win my affection give me the part pierre time and again i tell you my heart is taken and yet rusty pete rusty your friend has a saucy tongue [Music] is a violence free zone taken outside i am more lover than fighter but for you i will always make an exception ready to kick some robo butt i have many issues with that question but why not eureka she's done it ratchet can you hear me ratchet can you hear me clank are you okay where are you i saw that long backs take you i am fine in fact i am with the lumbags now hey i'm rivet what hi wow this is oh wait okay i have to tell you something dr nefarious just crowned himself emperor of this dimension he didn't what no no no no no i've got my hands full with my own nefarious that's the thing we've got to get him and us out of here but without the dimensionator i think we have to build a new one i met a prophet from savali named gary he would know what to do i'm only a few sectors away from there i can go check it out what can we do do you have the planet blizzard prime in this dimension yeah why we can locate the phase quartz used to power the dimensionator there if i am right we will be able to recreate the device in no time i guess we better get started then i'm glad you're okay buddy you too ratchet be careful careful out there wow another lombax let's build this thing hello dimensions i know i've been away for uh you know how long so i thought we should catch up what have i been up to oh just speaking with my adoring fans enjoying my lovely scenery and finding out that there are two two insolent lumbaxes running around trying to ruin everything so i'm offering a bounty of three squillion nefarious freedom coupons to anyone who can bring me those fuzzy miscreants dead or alive not preferably a lie so i can have some fun with them first my elaborate spy network indicates that they'll be at blizzard and somali very soon so get to it and if those lombaxes are listening just know that i'm going to crush you into dust and then i'll blast that dust into a sun and then i'll dump that sun great now i'm on two nefarious hit lists on sargasso you said you gave ratchet the dimensionator so that he could find the other lombax's i never thought i'd meet one of us much less find our home if you can even call it that do you really think it would work no no no [Music] [Music] what happened here i am uncertain haven't you punished me enough stupid universe no job no face courts no planet what else do you want huh my mind fine take it if it helps i just found out there's another dimension where bleeds are still intact still intact tell you of course the bliss if the planet hasn't been destroyed yet who was that do you know what she was talking about she must be a survivor of whatever happened here so much suffering but now my imagination has woken from its slumber this honey schmorg bog will be beautiful what's suffering you didn't do anything thank you for your assistance perhaps this will inspire you to make your own art one day i'm just happy those miners are finally gonna get some grub hello do you hear that no voices haven't been hearing them for too long wherever the purple is they are too first the quakes and the blison now this i don't hear anything except someone asking if you'll be drilling for face court soon not until i determine what's going on for all we know this whole drill site is haunted that's why i set my science bots out to scan the purple and i have to pick them up i know it's safe why wait i'll find the bots and bring them back here safe and sound these bots have intercepted a message from your dimension [Music] rivet [Music] oh no well maybe it's not as bad as it i know this is gonna sound totally weird but the morch used to tell me legends about someone on tour and four called the fixer if it's broke the picture will fix it then i suppose we should see if the legends are true i can't believe we saved blizzard how about we fix up this space quartz and save the universe that ratchet's got everything handled right now i knew how to build a dimensionator where would i be [Music] hey uh yeah weird question you wouldn't happen to know anything about building a dimensionator would you ratchet ratchet gary your your reputation precedes you you'll need to go to the interdimensional archives my apprentice can help you but town under attack how did you know i'll go check it out i think i still remember how to stop an invasion so i'm guessing these nefarious guys are looking for a lombax now about those archives hey so embarrassing you all right that was quite the landing who are you sorry i you look so familiar i'm ratchet i'm here to find i think it was gary's apprentice i need to build a dimensionator oh dear well there is little i can do seeing as my archives are walking away hmm how do i get back up there oh you're his apprentice maybe uh maybe we could work together i do not make a great partner hmm how about this if things go badly which they won't we go our separate ways no questions asked team sure team for now in order to reach the archives we must rescue the monks from nefarious forces here these hoverboats will help us travel across the mesa quickly i'm kind of the last one in my dimension yo i'm from another dimension yes i know you do i am gary's apprentice wait a second is that oh good the dimensional map is safe i'd know this riding anywhere bomb boxes they must have built this my dad was the keeper of the dimensionator the original one anyway he gave everything to keep it out of the wrong hands sorry dad do you miss them the long boxes kind of hard to miss someone you've never met but yeah yeah i guess i do i understand perhaps one day you will find them let's figure out if we can even build the dimensionator first can we yes but the forge needed to do so is located at kodaro station the most secure outpost in the galaxy well then let's get moving kt 7 4 ratchet i think kit is my favorite kit it is so we gotta go we must protect the archives there's no time it has been fun ratchet huh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that was amazing can't it's just me i told you i do not make a great partner sure that was intense but it was kind of awesome you do not understand you are not safe around me i was built to be a weapon to keep the emperor's galaxy secure one night on patrol i spotted a rebel in the imperial zone so i tried to stop them that is what i was built to do hurt i am here to keep everyone safe from me and that is why i cannot come with you well at least this mission worked out huh yes i suppose it did and if i remember correctly our promise was that if this mission didn't go badly you want to stay a team you are very strange ratchet i've been told that a time or two team perhaps just this once yes i will try [Music] anytime you hear that [Laughter] that's the sound of me destroying lies dirty filthy lies say this dimension is unstable we're being sucked into a formless void false think otherwise i order you to throw your eyes into the local incinerator because they are clearly malfunctioning more importantly the longbacks vandals have not escaped how could they i if even caught them yet huh few morons here you want some truth my love that's bounty is now 27 squidjillion farebox just look at it all so big so real so totally not made up and it can all be yours when you cast those stupid lump axes hope everything's good on rivets end [Music] at least this mission will be a straightforward one i don't know about your dimension but out here things never go according to plan improvisation is a skill you learn very fast i also have a talent for improvisation well i can't wait to see you in action [Music] let's get some face courts repaired new tourists oh welcome to the jewel of our galaxy please enjoy yourselves did you know molina means paradise and junkish is the fixer on this planet he most definitely is great guy the best and single if either of you are interested we were told that he can fix phase quartz baseboards blaze quartz any quartz anything [Music] but uh we've been having trouble with pirates so we asked him to help because you know he's a big guy but after a few days of totally crushing them he just uh broke hmm perhaps we could fix him you two look like you could straighten him out in a mole enough minute but the path to him was destroyed in the last pirate raid so you'll need a hurl shot it goes straight to the smelting pits i am afraid we may end up in a smelting pit piece of cake this looks useful in fact i have a notion that it'd be crucial it's it's faith has brought us together again mapper deet revenge yes fate really loves seeing you get your butt kicked pierre yoo-hoo pirate mateys attack oh dear [Music] are ya sure [Music] i suggest we abandon shift suggested [Music] nice when bolts turn him on first was he turned off because he was broken are you um okay no i am broken as is everything nothing can be fixed oh my [Music] [Music] improvising i may be different than i was but you helped me realize i am still clank i am quite relieved when the volunteers asked me to protect them it opened my eyes to a great many broken things so very many and you became distressed but being able to fix another to see that all is not lost [Music] how can i ever repay you both can you fix this [Music] thank you you just gave an old giant robot the gift of hope it should be i who is thanking you let's get back this is an ocean pretty cool right and just think once we forge this thing and save the dimension you'll have a whole universe to explore how are you not afraid of the future with all of its unknowns i do get uh you asked me on savali if i wanted to find my family for a long time i did i mean i really did but the closer i got to doing that what if they're not what i expected what if i'm not what they expected i just anyways i think we're here [Music] station houses the emperor's most secret research including the only rubion forge strong enough to build the dimensionator so it's our only shot let's keep moving sorry sorry sorry i i thought you were someone else but uh you're not is he okay i'm ratchet oh that is great hello ratchet were you looking for me that would be great too can i call you jeff no and no i'm uh looking for some bliss on oh i know just the place but i lost my access arm in all of this water have to drain it but how rash how calm down i'll handle it if the room is prone to flooding what are you doing here that's actually a funny story was i talking to you you are talking to me we are under lockdown how did you and your steve get in here i am inspecting your facility and how white it is and orange because i am an interior decorator first class and the emperor wanted this redecoration to be a surprise for you and your team but now you ruined it i would never do that's the emperor please come in and consider my memory banks deleted nice save decorator kit schematics uploaded what do we got uh-huh i see [Music] are you winging this come on you ran the forge with auxiliary power only the main power button was right there ah just running a stress test let me see yes everything is breaking correctly let's get out of here before [Music] [Music] come on jc it is me good old jamie wow uploaded [Music] did it work [Music] yes we did it kid you are a good partner [Music] hi wretched i'm ready nice to meet you what are you doing nothing just thinking about building the dimensionator and saving the universes are you nervous about meeting ratchet what yeah a little he is friendly i promise and once we build the dimensionator he will help us find dr nefarious right our adventure is coming to an end bolts you two and dr nefarious will be back in your own dimension in no time hey hey yes um hi um i have clank oh hal i am fine ratchet in fact i am beginning to like my new look for the record i found him like this come on i knew you wouldn't hurt clank pretty sure you're me after all wait what makes you so sure you're not me well i mean come on i uh you got nothing yeah i got nothing oh sorry rivet this is kit i have been looking forward to meeting you um me too i suppose it is time to fix this mess [Music] do you want to um thank you dr nefarious does this dimension love me or what my problems deliver themselves right to me how many times you beat this guy clearly not enough can i try be my guest [Applause] the drought [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] wow what a battle [Music] are we done having fun come on give it up for rivet and her first victory i wish i could have been here sooner however i am thrilled to announce that i finished neutralizing my enemies with the exception of captain quantum and anyway when i heard that the rebel lombax was battling me i had to come hear the universe celebrate your defeat who was celebrating you mean dead wait i've been fighting rebels for years let me help you wipe them out ah my um strange fan wants to assist tantalizing why don't we make this interesting a home game perhaps [Music] it's going to sargasso i have to get there first we're coming with you ratchet we must find quantum he is the last rebel on that list go to ardolas and find pierre he'll take you to him [Music] wait if we are going to face the emperor we should gather as many resources as we can you're right maybe a good idea to hit the arena before we go the emperor was bad enough but now that he has the dimensionator we will not lose your friends so if ratchet is an alternate dimension me and clank is an alternate dimension you were we meant to team up too they do seem happy together yeah guess being on my own is just what i'm used to me too so maybe this is just temporary furious [Music] is all this fighting really necessary can't we talk about this over some lemonade no the emperor despises lemonade nothing should be sour and sweet i am done with these guys so when i was with clank it is just like what thanks a bunch there kid now these jerks will really find out who they're messing with don't you know wash please nice work want to blow that up i could be persuaded not exactly a straight line to the battle cruiser you must stop it we'll stop it together come on [Music] you did it we did it there they are all right all right you're welcome mark break out the lemonade we're getting crazy tonight another unlikely win just in time to cross you off the list after zordu prison you go oh who needs tradition let's spice things up [Music] we appear to be in a pocket dimension luckily the all-knowing emperor didn't realize i know exactly how to get out of him no too far come on rips work with me here you two seem to have a lot of history yeah you could say that i've bought a long time to win our galaxy back lost friends my arm the emperor did that oh uh not exactly it happened during a mission i found a secret entrance into the emperor's tower so i tried to sneak in alone the door was right there i didn't notice when a nefarious war bots was nearby i thought i could run i um i wasn't fast enough then it just stopped i got away before i could finish the job but i built myself this cool new arm so it's not all bad rivet i that's fine hey look an exit it falls well with ratchet is that just me or are there more of those things now i fear the dimensional cataclysm is getting worse well the sooner we find pierre the sooner we can get to fixing all of this somehow we will find a way like always oh what a tone in unrelated news our doll must be closed today for a private event the execution [Applause] shall be shot and or stabbed on sight and remember article 4 of the pirate code never blow up your own bloomin ship of course our only lead to finding captain quantum is about to be and i'll never go now that ship had to go boom on malone one could even say it destroyed itself if anyone wanted to save more now you can't stop the swift arm of justice so captain what what brings ye here you're uh in danger the emperor has a mentionator you already knew we bugged him greatest job we ever pulled so actually he's the one in danger we could get ahead of the emperor with that thing it's my face but you're not a robot what wait this dimension has a quark quark it's quantum captain quantum murderer no no no no it's me it'd be me quantum see she will pay for the file in our captain's head like that both are ye [Music] no no no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good [Music] [Music] so this captain quark is he a pirate in your dimension too no he's a hero even though he's betrayed us surrendered to save his own skin taking credit for our he's a hero because no matter how many times he screws up he's always there when it matters most he never stops trying dimensions falling apart the emperor's all powerful and my life's in danger perfect time for a career change what are you doing hero stuff [Music] quantum actually saved us and now for a message from your emperor my people i did it at long last the pirates are vanquished the resistance is broken and this galaxy is finally mine that's it where's the joy the bliss the murderous enlightenment why don't i feel any different because you equated happiness with success and now that you've achieved it life is meaningless what could you possibly know about success you that's it i haven't really won yet there are still so many other dimensions waiting to be conquered good luck finding them it took me years just to figure out the coordinates for this one that's because you forgot the first rule road tripping always bring a map a map the dimensional map in the archives he's going to sevali you catch all that rivet we'll meet you there no way it must be nefarious the archives held the dimensional map correct yeah rivet kit emperor come on oh no rivet the dimensional map's gone the emperor must have gotten here first we're coming up on his flagship we'll get it back are gary and the monks save we'll find them good luck up there based on the structural norms of the emperor's ships we should find high value assets on the upper level and we're nefarious i've been waiting for this [Music] wait huh it's you i hope you'd find me oh sorry coming back to one's body mid meditation oh that smarts what are you doing here the emperor captured me after he discovered i'd hid in the dimensional map in an anomaly so he doesn't have it yet no but he's opening riffs willy-nilly to get to it it's only a matter of time before he's successful ratchet good news and bad news bad news the emperor's not here good news we're with gary he says the map's hidden inside a dimensional anomaly in the catacombs you can get down there by activating the excavation towers you can activate them via nearby pressure locks you got this bolts we'll meet you down there ratchet i did it hooray now hand it here so i don't have to send your friend's head to tauren four don't worry i'll be hosting a viewing party of my [Laughter] victories run run this is our last chance to stop him [Music] sorry [Music] no you oh it was you [Music] what are you doing here [Music] [Music] [Music] hey zordom in a while hopefully there aren't i wasn't sure you'd actually make it don't thank us yet we need to power down these cells which means a visit to the warden's office did you hear about the disturbance in processing i was informed i am only following the emperor's order just stay out of my way emergency shutdown initiated [Music] ratchet's in a vip cell isn't he [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] someone call for backup [Music] thanks for the save kids are you give us a minute we'll meet you at the ship clank told me i should try to forgive you i um i am going back to zavali i never should have wait you're just gonna hide again now i am very truly i am sorry rivet for everything i i am not a good partner well maybe you could be if you'd stopped to help me that night instead of running away things could have been different or if you just told the truth maybe why do none of you understand i am broken i will always be broken fine go hide we have a universe to save universes whatever i don't need a partner anyway [Music] wait where's kit she's not coming kid should be here she didn't want to be only because she thinks she's dangerous and maybe she is so you're just gonna give up on her because you're afraid says the big hero who's too scared to look for the other long boxes at least my fear makes sense sorry i sorry [Music] you're all okay oh thank goodness we were so worried they can't stop us that easily what took you all so long hey i think i know how we can find the emperor when you're ready to take the fight to him come talk to me okay okay we have to draw him out so i was thinking i'd disguise myself as a robot but with a really big do you know what that sound is listen closely oh the slow inevitability of death no it's me winning what else is new you say oh quite right but you are only a part of one dimension what about the rest maybe i'm just old-fashioned but i think everyone deserves a little subjugation so to celebrate such a momentous occasion i'd like to honor the good doctor who inspired this journey in the first place by invading his home dimension personally what my first stop make a lobolus oh as i'd like to think of it new nefarious city [Laughter] when do we leave [Music] right now [Applause] [Music] are we home i am afraid so uh you are the heroes of this dimension that is hilarious you got lucky last time nefarious yes this calls for a special sort of annihilation i've been looking for an excuse to wear my new stove go what's your move nefarious [Music] there is a battle to be won you've got this quantum emperor nefarious your campaign of destruction cruelty and wanton snobbery is over how's that i have goosebumps you nailed it now jump shoot [Music] this dimension really thinks it will get the best of me we got through to the other side of the city you think you can defeat me i will bring in all of my armies all of my followers you will bow before me [Music] it's gonna destroy the dimensions [Applause] you were right i cannot run away anymore i can't let you do this alone i will hold back his army take him down [Music] every one of you come together to fight for your beloved emperor they're all gone hello no one nope enough i will collapse every dimension into nothing yet over the dimensionator hurry up to him empty boys hey goodbye this is the part where you [Music] lose you really saw you had me [Music] get off of me you know somebody please we can win this together what do you know about winning [Music] you two really are a couple of hot shots who's talking ready to fix this pal i would love nothing more [Music] [Music] hey i'm sorry for what i said before you're my friend and thank you for coming back team team i guess it's time to go home huh yeah our dimension could use a couple heroes right about now well how would you two feel about making a pit stop on the way where are we headed i think you know [Music] is that us [Music]
Channel: WOOF Bandits
Views: 10,982
Rating: 4.9124088 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 56sec (5696 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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