The Disturbing Case of the Vanishing Killer

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- [Nadja] Well, folks, here's my new backyard, hay shed. You can't even see the house 'cause all the trees. (eerie music) - On Monday, deputies discover three bodies covered in a shed, covered in a shed. (eerie music continues) - [The Raven] What's up, EWU Crew? It's the Raven, here to share with you another shocking, interesting, or just strange, but very true story. Today's story might just have the most insane twist I've ever heard. And what makes it so tragic is that none of the people involved could have ever seen it coming. - And I am for another new video with my mom. - Hi. - [The Raven] Today, I'm going to be covering a story so chilling it'll make you second guess every stranger you see in public. In 2017, the prime and really only suspect of a horrific and heartless crime vanished. And to this day, despite leaving behind a trail of clues, they've never been caught. I want to start by saying if you know or ever happened to cross paths with this person, you should call 911 immediately. On June 19th, 2017, police arrived at a quaint farmhouse property in Idaho to conduct a welfare check on its new residents, a 60-year-old man, his 47-year-old girlfriend and her teenage daughter. (camera snapping) They just excitedly moved into the home, but nobody had heard from any of them in several days. Something just wasn't right. When the first officer arrives at the ranch, he's immediately hit with a smell that stops him cold in his tracks. He knows exactly what it is before he walks any further, the smell of something rotting. (camera snapping) There's a shed near the house, and that's where the odor seems to be coming from. So he radios in some backup and starts to make his way over to investigate. The closer he gets, the stronger the smell gets, and the sheer number of flies swarming around him increases immensely. He can feel in his gut that he's about to discover something he doesn't wanna see. But he proceeds anyway. When he finally opens the door to the shed, sunlight shines through the crack and into the small storage area before him. There on the floor is a bright blue tarp and it's draped over something, or rather someone. (eerie music continues) As he pulls back the tarp, he slowly reveals the bodies of three people laying side by side, all of whom had been brutally killed and left to rot in the shed, likely for days. As it is essentially the peak of summer, the weather has sped up the decomposition process substantially, making it hard for anyone to determine who the deceased individuals are, though it isn't hard for friends and family members alike to assume that owner Mike, his girlfriend, Nadja, and her daughter, Payton are the corpses on their property. Seems like a safe enough assumption, right? But once authorities were able to identify the bodies, they were faced with a shocking twist that nobody ever expected. Told you so. (eerie music continues) While two of the bodies did indeed belong to the trio who occupied the home, one of them did not, which left everyone with two harrowing questions, who was this mysterious stranger lying dead on someone else's property, and perhaps even more chilling, where in the world was the missing third resident? As the puzzle pieces of this convoluted case started to come together, the victims' loved ones would come to one chilling conclusion, no matter how well you think you know your friends, you can never be sure what double lives they could be living. Let's go back to where it all started. By the time Nadja Medley was in her mid 40s, her 13-year-old daughter, Payton, was her entire life. But the single mother often had trouble making ends meet after her husband passed away in 2014. She also sadly lost a child shortly after its birth around the same time. For a while, Nadja and Payton were essentially all each other had in the world. But that was all about to change. You see, Nadja worked as a massage therapist in Ogden, Utah, and she wasn't in a hurry to find love again so soon after being widowed. But sometimes love is spontaneous and just falls into your lap, or in Nadja's case, onto her massage table. In 2015, a charming man with immense presence and personality walked into Nadja's work in need of a massage. The man, who went by the name Mike, was undeniably striking to Nadja. Almost right away, there was a spark between the two, a connection that neither of them could seem to control, which of course is how their unexpected relationship started. Mike was a catch, a private pilot for clients who often needed him to fly all over the country at any given time. (camera snapping) He made good money, was well-traveled, and just happened to be a divorcee of 10 years. It seemed as though fade brought Mike to Nadja's life, as the two were beyond perfect for each other. Their relationship started off slowly, though it quickly grew more serious as the months went on. From after work dates to hikes with Nadja and Payton, Mike demonstrated his commitment to this new found love. After all, he knew just how much heartbreak Nadja had already experienced. He made his girlfriend's daughter just as much of a priority in his life, picking Payton up from school, taking her on lunch dates, teaching her how to shoot, and building such a strong bond with her that soon enough, she started to call him Dad. (gun firing) - [Mike] There you go. Awesome, do it again. (wind howling) Keep pointing that way, do it again. (Nadja laughing) (screen fizzing) - [The Raven] Looking at videos of them adventuring and even having fun leg wrestling in the leaves, you can tell that not only had Mike become a father figure in Payton's life, these two were the best of friends. Nadja's friends saw a dramatic change in the woman when she met Mike, saying that he was the first reason she smiled in a long time, that she had a constant happy glow when they were together. (screen fizzing) Nadja's loved ones followed her fairytale romance through social media. The couple and Payton explored nature together, they had fun at rodeos, went to baseball games, and no matter what, they had fun. It was clear to everyone that Nadja's new romance was flourishing. She made sweet posts, like, (camera snapping) "When to Cheap Trick, Joan Jett, and Heart tonight, "thanks to my ever so thoughtful boyfriend, Mike." "Awesome day at the fair with my little family. "Love you guys." After an impromptu trip to Yellowstone, she wrote, "Because my boyfriend is awesome. "Love you, Mike." - Hi everybody. It's me, Payton. I am going to be like every YouTuber ever, and I'm going to make a vlog, aha. We're going to Yellowstone right now. And how much longer do we have, four hours? Okay, yeah, four more hours. And, yeah, it's a really pretty drive though, I'm happy. - [The Raven] But all relationships have their honeymoon phase, and according to Nadja's best friend, there was a little turmoil that started to brew as time went on. Apparently Nadja asked Mike two or three times for help paying mortgage. After a few times of being asked, Mike firmly declined, saying that they were moving too fast and he couldn't do this. But Nadja was not buying it. She had seen one of his paychecks, which reportedly showed that Mike made $10,000 in a single month. Nadja knew that Mike made a lot of money as a pilot, and she didn't understand why he wasn't willing to help her out financially. This heated dispute became a point of contention, and eventually led to a brief separation of the pair. However, their love was like a magnet, pulling them back to one another in no time. Nadja texted her friend, "He told me separation, wasn't making him feel any better. "We really have a hard time being a part at this point." Perhaps the most difficult part of their relationship to manage was the frequent distance between Nadja and Mike. After all, Mike's work often took him far from home for a considerable amount of time, sometimes for weeks on end, (aircraft droning) which can definitely put some strain on a relationship. But as they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder, which is exactly what happened with Mike and Nadja. The distance and time, it seemed, had nothing on the bond they had formed. In fact, it had only made Mike realized that he couldn't bear to spend so much time away from Nadja and Payton anymore. This once casual relationship needed to be more permanent. So Mike ended up purchasing a ranch in Caldwell, Idaho, and told Nadja that he simply couldn't let her think he wasn't ready for commitment. He invited her and Payton to move in with him, and promised the two of them anything they wanted, open fields, horses, dogs, rabbits, anything to make them happy and allow them to live a full life with him. Nadja's status updates captured her growing excitement, as this living arrangement went from a tentative idea to a concrete plan. Nadja, Payton and Mike were ecstatic to start their new life together. In fact, Nadja was so excited that she started to dedicate all of her time to decorating the ranch. Never in her life did she had so much space to work with and she was beyond ready to turn the farmhouse into a proper home for her and her two favorite people. She started putting up fences around the yard and building pens, coops, rabbit runs, you name it. On May 10th, she shared this video of the expansive property and it wasn't hard to tell she completely fell in love with the land. Notice the shed she pointed out in the background. - [Nadja] Well, folks, here's my new backyard. Kind of liking this just a little bit. Still a little bit of fence to build here (chuckles). Dogs are the only thing that's grazing now. But that will change. This is where the chickens live, hay shed. You can't even see the house 'cause all the trees. Yeah, baby, we're loving it. - [The Raven] For both the Nadja and Mike, they felt that they'd finally found their forever person. This was a new beginning unlike any other. It was a dream come true. It felt almost too good to be true. And unfortunately that's because it was. (eerie music) In June of 2017, Nadja needed to take a trip back to Utah to pick up some of the horses that Mike had purchased for the ranch. Mike himself couldn't go pick them up because he had to work and wouldn't be around. So Nadja volunteered to do so. Except on the weekend of June 9th, when she was supposed to arrive at the pickup destination for the horses, Nadja never showed up. The worker she was supposed to meet decided to call her, just to check in. Perhaps it was just a simple misunderstanding, or perhaps it was much more than that. When Nadja never answered the phone and never returned any calls, it became clear that there was something very, very wrong. Family friends of Nadja's and Payton's started to experience the same thing on their end, noting that they hadn't even heard from Payton since June 6th, which was the last time she had sent them a text message. Payton's friend, Sidney, started to grow more concerned by the day. Both she and Payton were completely addicted to their phones. There was no feasible reason why Payton wouldn't respond to a text or a call for this long. When no one could get ahold of Mike either, it felt as though the entire family simply vanished into thin air. So Sidney convinced her mother to step in and investigate whatever was going on with Payton and her family. Together, the two called 911 and had someone dispatched over to Nadja and Mike's property, to check it out and see if everything was okay. Mike's concerned relatives also called to request a welfare check, which brings us full circle to the authority stumbling upon the unforgettable scene of three badly decomposed dead bodies. You're probably wondering who those bodies belonged to. Well, let's start with the odd one out. This is where things get crazy. Eventually officers were able to get dental records back to identify the mysterious third body. It was a woman and her name was Cheryl Baker. She is also an Ogden, Utah local, but although Cheryl had been from the area, she had virtually no connection to Nadja and Payton while she had been alive. So why was her body amongst theirs on the farmhouse property? Well, like I said, Cheryl had no connection to Nadja and Payton, she did however, have a connection to Mike. You see, Mike's real name is Gerald Michael Bullinger, and Cheryl Baker was his wife of seven full years, up until her sudden death. You heard me right. Cheryl and Gerald were married for five whole years before Gerald even started dating Nadja. Not only was Gerald cheating on Cheryl by starting an entire new family with Nadja, but the homeware's mistress and her daughter lived in Ogden, had only been eight miles away from where Gerald had lived with his wife the whole time. This of course is why it was so easy for Gerald to pull off living a double life. He could easily move back and forth between his two partners without raising any suspicion. You just can't make this stuff up. However, Nadja's best friend later admitted that she always found it weird that, despite the closeness of their houses, Nadja didn't seem to spend many nights with her boyfriend. She recalls Nadja only staying over with Gerald one time, but she figured that the man was just easing back into things, since he said this was his first relationship in 10 years. I cannot stress how deceiving this man Gerald is. He literally could not get proper funding to actually buy the ranch he moved into with Nadja and Payton. So he had Cheryl purchased the property for him, telling her that it would become their retirement home. In other words, the property Gerald lived on with Nadja was not even in his name. Cheryl had purchased it completely on her own. All the while that Nadja had been sharing excited posts about moving to the idyllic rural land, so too had Cheryl been gushing with colleagues how she just couldn't wait to spend her retirement in the beautiful countryside with the man she loved. Most notably, the ever creative Cheryl, who loved crafting, taught art, and even made her own wedding dress, wished to turn the large shed on the farm into her very own art studio. So it's no surprise that Cheryl had wanted to see the property for herself in June of 2017. She had just retired as a teacher on June 6th, after spending many years working at schools for the deaf and blind. Although she had agreed to stay behind and sell their Utah home, while he was supposed to live in a trailer on the Idaho property by himself and fix it up nice for her, she suddenly decided to drive five hours to where the property is located, excited to pleasantly surprise her husband with an impromptu visit. (screen fizzing) It was weeks before she was supposed to be there, but without a job to tie her down, Cheryl saw no reason why she shouldn't go reunite with her husband for a little while. Upon arrival, we can assume she was perplexed to find that there was a substantial amount of progress being done on the property, and confused when she saw a fully functioning home with a car parked in the driveway, and animals running around. This was her property, and she surely hasn't been working on it. She probably thought Gerald was having some construction and remodeling done for the two of them as some kind of surprise. Perhaps Cheryl hopped out of her car and walked up the driveway, interested to see who was inside the house and what they were doing on her property without her consent. From here, we can only speculate what really went down on that fateful day. Maybe when Nadja opened the door, Cheryl's newfound suspicions were only confirmed when Nadja asked who Cheryl was, and the two realized they were being played by the same man. As for what happened after Cheryl and Nadja met face to face, the details are unclear. Presumably the two women found out that Mike, Gerald, had been cheating on both of them with each other. It's likely that they were both incredibly frustrated with themselves and each other, but mostly Gerald. And at some point, police assume that Gerald must have discovered that the two women had found out about each other, unraveling his secret life. That's when officers believe he became violent, as his whole world came crashing down in an instant, it is alleged that he took out his anger on not only Cheryl, but Nadja and even young Payton. That's right, the three gruesome bodies on the property were tragically identified to belong to none other than sweet and considerate Nadja Medley, her innocent daughter, Payton, and Gerald's 56-year-old wife, Cheryl Baker. When the bodies of the victims were analyzed, it became clear that they had all three been shot in the head execution style, before their corpses were discarded into the shed on Gerald's property. In addition, while some of the animals on the property were alive and roaming around, such as a snake and some rabbits, several animals, presumably family pets, were found dead, including some birds and three dogs, who just like the human victims, had been shot execution style. All of the specifics of how that came to happen are unknown by almost everyone, everyone except Gerald himself. But he is nowhere to be found. Can you imagine how it must have felt for the victims' loved ones to find out they'd been caught up in one big lie this whole time? (camera snapping) One of the things I found most bizarre about this case was the fact that Cheryl's relatives came forward to say that the whole time Gerald was having an affair with Nadja, nobody noticed any signs of him pulling away from his wife. They remembered him as a supportive husband, who made time to spend holidays with the in-laws and go on outdoor family adventures. In fact, they believed Cheryl thought her marriage was absolutely perfect. Just the thought that Gerald was such a good liar that he could keep up the charade convincingly for so long is mind blowing to me. On a similar note, one of Nadja's friends was so confused by the news reports, stating that Cheryl was Gerald's wife, that she reached out to the news channel and told them, "Uh, I think you have it wrong, he wasn't married." It's safe to say that Gerald was extremely successful in pulling the wool over the eyes of everyone he knew. I think Cheryl's brother put it best when he said, "I don't know what his plans could have been. "Just pick one and tell the other to go home. "You don't kill them." And that's another fascinating rabbit hole of this case. What was Gerald's plan? Well, the first assumption might be that he always hoped to keep his two lives separate, but promising both as partners a new life in the same exact house was obviously a ticking time bomb. Cheryl's brother has speculated that the closest theory he could come up with, was maybe Gerald was waiting for Cheryl to sell their house in Ogden, which was in her name, so that he could cash in on the money before leaving her for his mistress. After all, it is weird how much Gerald seemed to struggle with money, given his seemingly lucrative career. I kind of wonder myself how much he was actually working. Both of his lovers were okay with him being away for weeks at a time because of his occupation. But since he had to fit in quality time with both sides, maybe putting in actual flying hours was low on his priority list. All the same, I really wanna know what Cheryl thought when he saddled her with all the financial burden of the buying the new Idaho farmhouse. But what if the choice to bring his two lovers to the same area had a different purpose. That's right, many people theorize that Gerald may have been hoping to start a polygamous marriage, where his relationships could seamlessly merge into one family, or where Gerald could have his cake and eat it too. Still, I just don't know if he would take that big of a risk, knowing both women would be furious at him for his infidelity and more than likely not open to the idea of sharing a husband. Yet another thing people have called into question is Gerald's religious views. There seems to be many conflicting reports. Nadja's best friend has stated that both Nadja and Gerald were very atheist, but Gerald and Cheryl were apparently dedicated members of a Hindu temple. Still other articles claim that Gerald told Nadja he was a Mormon from Montana. I was able to locate some information that came from Gerald's first wife, a woman named Jacqui Garcia, whom he met in the 1970s when they were both freshmen at what is now Brigham Young University, Idaho. He reportedly served his mission in Manila, and then married Jacqui at the Salt Lake City LDS temple. But from the very start, Jacqui says she got a bad feeling about her groom, saying she knew it was a mistake as soon as she got home from the honeymoon. And the next 10 years of their union would show her his true colors. She said his deceptive ways were so extreme that, "You could catch him red handed, "God could be pointing at him, "and he'd still lie all over the place." Jacqui also reports experiencing physical abuse at Gerald's hands. The first time she was shown the darkness hidden within her husband was during their very first year of marriage. They'd been arguing and she found herself on the floor, as Gerald loomed menacingly over her. She slowly looked up at him and asked, "You wanted to hit me, didn't you?" He said, "Yes." (screen fizzing) Not long after that, Gerald allegedly did cross that line. Jacqui says he would hit her once during arguments, and she would stop talking. It got to the point where she feared greatly for her life. Still, she tried to make it work, reaching out to the church and loved ones for help. But to her dismay, Gerald was so good at putting on a friendly mask to the outside world that nobody really believed her story. At this point, she had really tried everything, counseling, a domestic violence hotline, even sending Gerald to therapy for batterers, but ultimately their marriage would come to an end in 1988, after years of infidelity on Gerald's part. And he quickly began a relationship with a woman who would become his second wife. There's not much information available about this second marriage, but it is claimed that he left this wife to marry another mistress yet again. That mistress would have been Cheryl Baker, his third wife, but because all who knew her attest to how pure hearted and genuine Cheryl was, there's a pretty good chance she didn't even know she was the other woman in the first place. And with this background, we can understand why Gerald would learn Sanskrit and attend Hindu temple with Cheryl, while simultaneously connecting with Nadja as a supposed ardent atheist. His first wife explains, "He compartmentalized. "He was whatever way somebody needed him to be." And indeed, Gerald was Mr. Perfect, prince charming for both Nadja and Cheryl. Unfortunately it just had to be at the same time. But had Cheryl suspected something fishy after all? Oddly, the last text a friend received from Cheryl around the time she would have been heading to the Idaho property read, "Take care of my dogs. "I don't know if I'm coming back." At first, this wasn't too concerning, as the recipient of the message just assumed Cheryl had decided to take a backpacking trip with Gerald, as they were known to do, but seeing this message with the gruesome context behind it makes me think Cheryl may have had an idea what was going on, and was going to the home for more than just a light-hearted surprise visit. But then again, many have raised the question, how do we know Cheryl's even the one who sent that text? Would her husband have used her phone to send it after her death? Personally, I don't think Gerald would go out of his way to send a text like that, just to protect their dogs. After all, it would tip people off that something was wrong. And if the many dead animals found on the farmhouse property prove anything, it's that Gerald doesn't care that much about preserving his pets' wellbeing. However, CBS reported that the text was sent around June 11th, and authorities believe the crime occurred on the eighth or ninth. So with that in mind, maybe Gerald really was behind the odd message. But on the topic of if Cheryl suspected the affair or not, there's one last thing that really confounds me about this case, the social media posts. With how recent this case took place and how close Gerald's two lovers lived to one another, I just absolutely cannot fathom how he was so unbothered by Nadja constantly posting him on social media. I mean there's pictures, videos and posts, where it's abundantly clear that Gerald was a part of this little family. Going to concerts, rodeos and hikes together, was he not worried that the friend of a friend might see one of these posts, and then the whole jig would be up? Granted, it seems like Cheryl herself might not have been that active on social media, but it's just crazy to me that Gerald wasn't more paranoid about how much Nadja posted him. It would have just taken one mutual friend from Ogden, seeing those, the lovey-dovey updates to expose his lies. However, it seems like Nadja just referred to him simply as Mike in her status updates. So I'm guessing that he didn't have a Facebook account to even tag, but still. Regardless, you wanna know the most frustrating part about this investigation? Authorities believe that Gerald Bullinger had a distinct head start before anyone even noticed that Nadja, Payton or Cheryl were missing. In fact, Gerald had 10 whole days to start his life on the run before anyone was even looking for him, and to use them to his advantage. According to investigators, Gerald actually spent the first 24 hours in Idaho after the death of Nadja, Payton and Cheryl. Just thinking about the possibility that he slept in the farmhouse with the three dead bodies right next door in the shed is absolutely chilling. And actually, one neighbor told reporters that she had actually heard screams near the property in the middle of the night, around the time when the murders would have taken place, but she didn't call the police because she wasn't sure if it was an animal or a woman, and figured that a neighbor who lived closer to the farmhouse would report the strange activity if it was really serious. What's more, other neighbors would actually report hearing gunshots around the time of the crime. But then again, this was not really a big deal. The rural area was full of hunters and target shooters. I mean, we even saw that Gerald taught Payton out a shoot. So of course neighbors would assume the gunshots were from recreational use. (screen fizzing) Still, I think it's important to clarify that even though this property was technically rural, the houses are close together enough that I find it strange no one noticed anything weird. Perhaps the dense aligning of trees that Nadja had looked forward to receiving privacy from was just enough to hide the dark deeds taking place there from any curious eyes. - [Nadja] You can't even see the house 'cause of all the trees. - [The Raven] However, from the victims' manner of death, it appears that there may have not been all that much of a struggle that could have alerted anyone in the first place. It is believed that Nadja, Payton and Cheryl all died from a single gunshot wound to the head. This makes it seem like Gerald had the time and control to carry out a cold and calculated execution. But consider the circumstances. Whether Gerald was home when his wife met his mistress or he arrived home later to find the angry women waiting for him, it seems like the ensuing passionate argument would have been very chaotic. If Gerald had pulled out a gun, it's hard to imagine that the three victims wouldn't have tried to fight back against him. So how was it that they all died of such clean and precise bullet wounds? Some of theorized a scenario in which Gerald was already home at the farmhouse with Nadja and Payton, when suddenly he saw Cheryl's car pulling into the driveway. Knowing that the jig was up and that he couldn't take on all three of them at the same time, perhaps he decided to take out Nadja and Payton first, then waited at the door to surprise his defenseless wife with a sudden attack. Some have posited that Gerald could have shot Nadja and Payton while they were asleep. I suppose this would make sense if Cheryl had arrived to the property late at night, and maybe that would explain the scream the neighbor heard. But ultimately, we just don't really know those specifics for sure. Investigators say that on the morning of June 10th, Gerald casually went to get breakfast in the next town over in Nampa, Idaho. It seems like he wasn't even in a rush to get away. And apparently, he wasn't scared to show his face in public. I can just imagine him monitoring the news to check if the bloody crime scene he left behind had been discovered yet. (screen fizzing) After enjoying his morning meal, Gerald was heading back to Utah. Once back in Utah, Gerald switched out his truck for Cheryl's car that had been having some maintenance done, in an effort to throw investigators off of his trail. And finally on June 11th, Gerald was seen on video entering the Bridger-Teton National Forest in Wyoming, which is the last known location of Gerald, as it was the last time police were able to track him. After some searching, authorities were able to locate Cheryl's car at an abandoned campsite, but Gerald wasn't anywhere to be found. At least investigators think he wasn't. There are a variety of theories surrounding Gerald's current whereabouts. Amongst the most popular are the fact that he easily could have managed to hitchhike his way out of the national forest, and maybe even out of Wyoming. However, some people also theorized that Gerald could have just continued his way through the woods and taken his own life out of guilt. Canyon County Sheriff Kieran Donahue has even said multiple times that his instincts lead him to believe that Gerald is dead. But whether that be from intentional self harm or just exposure to the elements is up for debate. Some netizens have complained about law enforcement's insinuation that Gerald is probably dead. These online theorists point out that if he wanted to end his life, he probably would have done it in the heat of the moment, directly after the crime, instead of fleeing the area. Close friends of Nadja's believe that Gerald is far too egotistical to end his own life. One anonymous individual who knew Gerald for more than a decade quipped, "If you know about sociopaths, "you know they're unlikely to kill themselves. "He would have to feel guilty, "and he doesn't have a conscience." I want it to look a little into the actual definition of a sociopath, since the term seems to be thrown around a lot these days. The official consistent behavior patterns indicative of the disorder include the following, lack of empathy for others, impulsive behavior, attempting to control others with threats or aggression, using intelligence, charm or charisma to manipulate others, not learning from mistakes and lying for personal gain. There are clear examples of Gerald exhibiting each one of these criteria. So perhaps that title would be a good fit for him. Or at the very least, it can be said that he exhibited sociopathic behavior in many aspects of his life. Cheryl's friends even said the eventual husband and wife met on a plane. And by the time they landed, he had gotten her phone number. So there must've been something infectious about his personality. Too bad he used it to manipulate those who trusted him most. Law enforcement emphasized just how rugged the 3.4 million acre area he disappeared into is, saying that it is littered with grizzly bears, wolves and coyotes. Gerald apparently has taught survival training in the past, but even if he was able to sustain himself for a little while out in the wilderness, he probably would have had to find more welcoming accommodations before winter fell. What's interesting is that many of his old friends actually theorize that he could have used his trademark charm and charisma to convince another unsuspecting woman to take him in. I'm sure if he's still alive, somewhere out there, he would be going by an alias. So that's why spreading his photo around is so crucial. The sheriff has said that the evidence points to him still being in the country, probably within the west, if he's indeed still living. But here's where things get even crazier. On July 20th, nine days after Gerald entered Bridger-Teton National Forest, a couple of workers from a recreation center reported seeing someone who looked just like Gerald, in a tent at a camp spot less than two hours from where his car was found. Could Gerald have narrowly escaped being caught again? On June 28th, a tip was received from someone who thought they saw Gerald driving south on Interstate 15, near Salt Lake City, while others reported possible sightings of the fugitive in Pocatello. Police dogs, helicopters, and infrared technology have all been employed in the expansive and intensive search for the suspected killer on the loose. But all to no avail. What's really weird is that one sheriff stated plainly that they collected evidence that indicates Gerald is dead, but he stands firm that they can not be closed-minded in this investigation. I would really like to know what that evidence is that indicates he is dead, but it doesn't seem to have been made public. One of the most eerie things about this case is that Nadja's Facebook page has not been taken down. And so, we can still read her final posts. They're like a time capsule, showing a woman who is happy, optimistic, and totally head over heels for her boyfriend, excited for the future. In her very last post, she says that the last thing she thinks before going to bed is life is good and affirms that she has found love. Before that, a photo of Payton, a cute snapshot of Nadja with her dog, and a scenic picture of the rural front yard she loved so much. An even older posts from 2016 is perhaps the most sad of them all. Nadja shares that she is a survivor of mental and physical spousal abuse at the hands of her late husband. She bravely writes, "I'm much better off now "and definitely a survivor. "And let me tell you, real people don't hurt others." About a year before the murders, she posted a photo of Mike and Payton, writing, "Happy Father's Day to all the real dads out there, "those who inspire their kids, "who are there for their families, "who take the time to make a difference." It is truly tragic to see just how much she had to go through already. And even then, she had no idea the monster that her boyfriend, Mike, really was. At the same time, Payton actually had her own YouTube channel, and going through some of her old videos really hit me hard. - Hello, everybody, it's me, Payton. And I am back for another new video with my mom. - Hi. - So today, I'm going to be painting her face galaxy. (somber music) Comment down below what type of video I should be making next, I have a very one. - Please don't say paint your mom. - Just paint your mom all over all, oh God. - Ew. - (laughs) I will block you. - Not on YouTube, you won't. (somber music continues) (Nadja and Payton giggling) - [The Raven] Her last video shows Payton sharing her New Year's resolutions for 2017, having no idea that her life would be cut far too short. - I just wanna be able to, I don't know, have my own opinion more, be able to say stuff more. If I don't wanna do something, say no, I'm not gonna do that. And, well, standing up for myself also. Being able to tell people when something is hurting me and getting them to stop, eeeh. God, I need to focus. Fourth thing is I wanna do more writing 'cause as I doubt any of you guys know, I love to write, I have stuff published in my school's book. That's really good, I might read it to you guys. 'Cause it was kind of a way to express something I love to do. I love to sing it, and that's why I do on that channel. I love to write my own songs. I just learned how to play guitar, so hopefully. I'm not great, but I can do stuff. And so, hopefully I'll be able to do that more. But it's just altogether, just doing things that'll make me happier. Do things that will make you happier. Don't just sit here, saying, you know what? I'm gonna do that, and it'll be great. No, do something, actually do it. Do something that will make you happy. Do something that will impact your life for the better. If that's getting rid of some of the friends that treat you like complete, then get them out, get rid of them. If you wanna go talk to that hot guy at your school that you've had a crush on forever, do it. Don't just wait for the right moment, 'cause guess what? There will never be a right moment. We don't have enough time in this world to just keep waiting for the right moment, 'cause eventually we'll just give up. What we wanted to do won't seem important. We'll lost the interest, and we'll just live our lives not knowing that we did that. We'll just live our lives in the what-ifs, and that's not okay. You need to put yourself out there 'cause we have one short life. And no matter what you believe happens afterwards, we have one life, and you need to live it the way you want to doing whatever you want to do. Not what other people want you to do. Live your life the way that makes you happy. But just listen to me. It's more important to live in the now and live like we're gonna die tomorrow, than live like we have 20 years ahead of us, or however many years. (button clicking) (screen fizzing) (eerie music) - [The Raven] Gerald Bullinger is really the only person of interest in the murder of Nadja, Payton and Cheryl, and needs to be located, dead or alive, as soon as possible. (camera clicking) At this very moment in 2021, Gerald Bullinger is still considered armed and dangerous, and is very much wanted by the law. So keep your eyes peeled for a Caucasian male in his 60s, who is around six foot one and weighs approximately 240 pounds. From the last time he was seen, Gerald Bullinger has gray hair and brown eyes as you can see in this photo of him. If you see him, do not approach him, but please call 911 immediately. And if you take one thing away from this story, remember that people are not always what they seem. And if something seems too good to be true, it just might be. (screen fizzing) Cheryl's brother has lamented, "I don't trust my own judgment on people anymore. "I thought Mike was a nice guy. "I'm not sure we would know the true story, even if Mike were found." (camera snapping) Now I'd like to pass this story off to you. What do you think happened to Nadja, Payton and Cheryl? Why would Gerald remain on the run if he is not responsible for their deaths, and where do you think he is currently? (screen fizzing) (eerie music)
Channel: EWU Crime Storytime
Views: 3,115,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true crime documentary, documentary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 23sec (2243 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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