The Most TWISTED Case You've Ever Heard | Documentary

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the quiet and quaint town of Bara Ohio was shaken to its core when 13-year-old Robin field mysteriously vanished her family was desperate for answers and a search quickly ensued however someone in particular knew exactly where Robin had been all along despite going so far as to lend a helping hand and looking for the missing girl he says to Sharon have you found her yet and this is the same thing we heard from him the whole time was always have you found her not that she come home but what they discovered was far more gruesome than anyone could have ever imagined the killer was shockingly Brazen he went so far as to visit the victim's frantically searching family with the lifeless young girl hidden in the back of the vehicle in route to dispose of her body I said you better start talking you better tell me everything we better find her she better be alive and he looked at me with the coldest blank looked and said alive it was one of the most inconceivably heinous crimes the state had ever seen 13-year-old Robin was known in the small community of Bara as someone with a kind heart she enjoyed being with friends and family and participated in various Sports such as track gymnastics softball and cheerleading she was the only child from her mother's second marriage where Robin tragically lost her father to a heart attack only one year after her birth Nancy field was devastated by her husband's passing but her five other kids from her previous marriage were more than happy to help her raise the bright and vivacious Robin despite their period of grief it was a loving home where Robin learned the value of helping others in doing so she made no exceptions when it came to her generosity however some on the receiving end would be quick to take advantage of her selfless character on Tuesday April 26th 2nd 1986 Robin left her house for Rome middle school early in the morning her day was nothing out of the ordinary but that would only last a short while taking the school bus Robin typically arrived home between 2:45 and 250 p.m. however when it came time for her stop she wasn't there her half-sister Sharon Schultz would come to notice Robin's unusual absence when she received a call around 3:30 from one of Robin's classmates 15-year-old Warren Paxton Brown who went by Paxton he briefly inquired if Robin was home to which Sharon stated that she hadn't returned from school yet Paxton said that he would call back later before hanging up the phone it was Sharon's birthday and she had plans with her sister to go for dinner and to go shopping but seeing as only little time had passed since Robin was supposed to have come home Sharon wasn't especially concerned about her sister's whereabouts but that would all change soon enough hours went by and there was still no sign of the 13-year-old eventually Nancy was notified of her daughter's strange absence and immediately drove home from work she made several phone calls to friends and family in the hopes that they may know something but to no avail there was no sign of Robin anywhere it wouldn't be long before the mother rallied a large search party that not only included Robin's close relatives but also many of her friends such as Paxton and her next door neighbor and close friend 15-year-old Michelle Jackson Robin's half brother Rick recalls when he found out that Robin was missing in an ewo exclusive interview I worked late that day I arrived home to an empty house about 8 p.m. and there was a note there telling me that uh my sister Robin was missing she didn't make it home from school that day and that uh everyone was ga GED at my mother's house I headed over there and uh started asking questions they filled me in on what they had known so up to that point and um the last they knew was that she got off the school bus and she was last SE with two boys the Frantic hunt would leave the community an utter heartbreak as they were unable to locate even a single clue as to where she might be although they never could have imagined just how close she really was at 10:15 that night Robin's family filed a missing person's report their distressing search continued into the next day however it unfortunately ended in the worst way imaginable on Wednesday April 23rd at 3:35 p.m. a local fisherman along the South Rocky River in Strongsville came across a ghastly scene he found a young girl's body lying lying face down in the water with only a Green Sheet wrapped around her when police arrived they immediately rushed her to Southwest Hospital there Ken and Rick Schultz Robin's half Brothers positively identified the victim to be their little sister though Rick was only 23 at the time he had assumed the role of family patriarch and the Grim task had fallen on his shoulders we went to the hospital and we were met in the parking lot as soon as we got out of the car by few of the Bri police officers one being our friend and he warned us that uh the person we were there to look at was and he's pretty sure it was Robin he gave us a few minutes to get ready and we were brought into the hospital and um they had Robin covered up they pulled back the sheet and uh it was her she was kind of Muddy and uh so we identified her then I had to do the hardest thing I ever did in my life I had to go tell my mother went home um and told them Robin was no longer with us that a fisherman had uh found her in the river in the metr Parks about 5 miles from our home her family and friends alike were left in complete Devastation the temperature the evening she was missing was very cold if I recall it was like in the 40s okay and that created a problem for the coroner to declare a time of death and so the investigation they had a window but they had they weren't really sure the time of death so that was uh hindering the investigation and they were thinking it was later in that evening or the next day as the investigation began to unfold police conducted a series of interviews that would go on to expose a twisted Web of Lies the truth could only remain hidden for so long from the second that the town heard the sickening news several theories began to circulate one of which became most notable David White presumably a friend of robins informed police that he may have seen the young girl riding her bik with 17-year-old Frank salinka along the area of Prospect Street around 4 in the afternoon on the day that Robin went missing the pair may have had feelings for each other or so the rumor was some speculated that perhaps Frank had information surrounding Robin's murder not only that but one week before the tragic ordeal Sharon received a phone call from Robin's concerned friend Paxton stating that Robin should be kept away from Frank he feared that Frank may try to hurt her it's unclear if Sharon relayed the message to Robin but following the discovery of her body the police were more than suspicious of Frank in addition Paxton informed the authorities that a student from Rome Middle School was shouting obscenities through the hallways apparently stating that they were happy to hear of Robin's death unfortunately he could not pinpoint the ident of the sick and twisted individual but police quickly realized that not everyone shared in the mourning of the community's Lost member suddenly there was another possibility that investigators were faced with when a shocking piece of information was brought to light Robin was a well-rounded and happy girl or so that's what everyone thought could there have been another side of Robin one that she didn't want anyone to see police began to ask themselves those very questions when they received word from Robin's brother Rick he told them that his little sister may have written a note expressing her debilitating feelings of depression Michelle Robin's nextdoor neighbor and close friend reportedly told Rick that Robin had shown her the note in person it's not reported as to when this apparently took place but the police were then left wondering if there wasn't a killer on the loose after all perhaps Robin had actually followed through with the wishes she'd apparently expressed in her note as the investigation continued police would soon uncover exactly why Robin was never dropped off at her usual spot on that fateful day according to students who traveled on the same bus the young girl was seen leaving the vehicle at the streets of Baldwin and Wallace which happened to be one stop prior to her own however police were surprised to learn that when she got off Robin was not alone with her were 14-year-old Jimmy Martin and Paxton next author authorities were able to trace Robin's last movements where they went on to speak with Charlene and Winfred Murphy Paxton's aunt and grandmother who were apparently the last people to have seen her alive the three friends made their way upstairs to Paxton's room to listen to music but the hangout was supposedly cut short just 15 minutes later Jimmy left the residence and soon Robin did the same only she was said to be in complete hysterics as she made her way out the door this was allegedly the last time that Robin was seen alive but there was much more to the story than authorities originally suspected to their dismay there was still a substantial amount of puzzle pieces yet to be put together and little by little a most twisted and evil plan would be brought to light they continued with Charlene's interview where she said that she spoke with Paxton later that night around 8:30 and asked if he wanted to accompany her to the grocery store Pax agreed and requested that they stop at Michelle's house to pick up a note that she supposedly had for him next they drove to the grocery store and returned home just before 9: from there Charlene explained that Paxton sat on the floor of her bedroom to watch a few video tapes she fell asleep around 11:30 or 12 and she stated that Paxton was still in the room during that time as Paxton was one of the last people to have seen Robin investigators decided to speak to him next and the story he told didn't exactly align with that of his ants investigators were left to wonder where exactly the truth ended and the lies began according to police documents Paxton was interviewed just hours after Robin's body was recovered where he gave a series of statements he quickly revealed that he and Robin were more than just friends and had actually been seeing each other for around 3 months though according to Robin's family the pair wasn't necessar thily dating he stated that they usually rode the bus home together on a daily basis but Robin supposedly came up with the idea to get off one stop earlier on the day she went missing so her mother wouldn't see them together apparently Robin's family never took a liking to Paxton leading the pair to hide their relationship my sister who still lived at home at the time she had chased him off many of times because she told him you you're too old to be around her so she had chased him away from the bus stop they walked to Paxton's house upon hearing his account police were immediately suspicious due to the fact that Paxton had yet to mention Jimmy seeing as both Charlene and Winfred stated that Jimmy was waiting outside with the other two teenagers authorities were already questioning the validity of Paxton's statement why would he leave Jimmy out of the story when confronted with the the information he defended himself by saying that his friend did in fact come to the home but left upon his grandmother and aunt's arrival however for an unspecified reason he explained that Jimmy walked back to Paxton's house around 5:00 p.m. Paxton continued with his retelling stating that once he and Robin entered his bedroom she said that she didn't want to continue with their relationship any longer the discussion became emotional as the young girl uncontrollably sobbed while supposed ly running out of the house Paxton claimed to have waited 10 minutes before calling her home phone to see if she had returned but that was when Robin's sister Sharon told him that Robin hadn't made it back home Paxton allegedly made several more calls in an attempt to locate Robin but no one had seen or heard from her he eventually went to Michelle's residence around 9:30 together they made their way to Frank's house to ask if he had seen or heard from Robin but he told them that he hadn't talked to her Michelle and Paxton continued to look for Robin however this was where his story no longer aligned with his aunts remember Charlene had claimed that her nephew was watching videotapes in her bedroom that night and had never left the house on the first night that Robin had gone missing Rick had learned that Paxton was one of the last people to see Robin before she vanished and so after their first search came up empty-handed Rick continued looking I stayed up all night searching looking I went back to Paxton's house uh snuck to the back of the house about 3: in the morning wow and seeing that the lights were on and when I looked in the window I seeing the entire family that lived there were all there and awake at that hour including Pon and like I said this was like 3:00 a.m. and this was a school night so I I mean I kn kned on the door and demanded to speak to him again and and uh when I did speak to him uh he was very vague but he was very quick to point out that Robin was at this boy's house hiding in his garage police were once again met with uncertainty when Robin's sister Sharon informed them that Paxton had actually stopped by her house that day inquiring about their search Charlene also told authorities that she had driven him over he went next door and spoke to Michelle after having seen Sharon she didn't specify what time this took place but it was clear that something wasn't adding up in the hopes of gaining more clarity investigators spoke with Jimmy on April 22nd he walked to the residence with Paxton and Robin he claimed to have never returned that night despite Paxton having stated otherwise police had an uneasy feeling that no one was telling the truth and this suspicion was would only be Amplified after learning of another possible suspect 15-year-old Michelle according to Nancy and Shar and Michelle showed very little emotion when it came to Robin's death the mother and daughter told investigators that they believed Michelle never actually liked Robin and was jealous that she and Frank had apparently developed feelings for each other in a shocking turn of events investigators uncovered that the supposed friends had an argument the night before Robin's mysterious disappearance over a betrayal Robin was absolutely heartbroken when she found out that Michelle and Paxton had apparently shared a secret kiss although it's unclear whether this occurred during The pair's Unofficial relationship or not nonetheless Robin was Furious going so far as to write a note to Michelle calling her a and stating that she knew exactly what happened however Michelle's retaliation would be much worse she wrote a strongly worded letter back to Robin and the ending immediately landed her in some hot water at the bottom of her note was a disturbing picture of a tombstone with Robin's name written across it however Michelle explained to police that the drawing symbolized the end of she and Robin's friendship nothing more regardless it made her look all the more suspicious especially given the fact that Michelle and Paxton might have been growing closer behind Robin's back Michelle went on to explain that in her opinion Robin was allegedly engaging in activity that was out of character according to Michelle she reportedly began to heavily drink and was apparently intoxicated only days before her disappearance on Wednesday April 23rd just one day after Robin's disappearance her mother Nancy received a phone call from Paxton he stated that he found Robin's purse in his home and asked if he could bring the item over however Sharon n 's daughter volunteered to grab it herself as she began to walk down Wallace Drive a silver car pulled up beside her inside were Paxton Michelle and another friend the vehicle came to a stop and Paxton gave Sharon the purse left behind by her sister skeptically she questioned him on where he found the purse to which he said that his Aunt Charlene had actually been the one who discovered it on his bed but this would only further Sharon's suspicion in turn she told Aston that if he knew anything more about what happened to Robin it was time to confess she went on to warn him that if he were to fail a polygraph exam given by police then he would be in a lot of trouble but Paxton oddly defended himself by saying that he was no stranger to the test and had taken it a startling three times before because of Paxton's bizarre comment Sharon suspicions then shifted from Michelle to Paxton you see although she didn't know it the 15-year-old old had a most tumultuous past and had been engaging in rather disturbing activities Paxton was a troubled kid and he'd been routinely expelled from school after failing every subject on his last report card things were rapidly moving downhill but this was when the generous Robin stepped in she knew about his wild Tendencies and hoped to give him a sense of stability by offering to tutor him friends and family noticed an immediate shift in Paxton's Behavior and things were finally looking up however this wouldn't last for long Paxton was known to have violent tendencies according to a close friend Matthew hulahan Paxton's family had apparently grown afraid of the 15-year-old especially his Aunt Charlene according to a police report to avoid angering her nephew she would allegedly buy alcohol for Paxton and his friends though this has never been verified as true this small group would refer to themselves as the Masters Of Destruction where Paxton was the leader according to 14-year-old Norman Clark who had previously been a member of the Masters Of Destruction Paxton would reportedly up on little kids and try to act tough this may indicate signs of antisocial personality disorder however this is only diagnosed in adults those who do show symptoms earlier in life may be diagnosed with conduct disorder as a child or teen the boys went so far to break into Smith and Fairwood Elementary schools and they did the same to the barrier Board of Education to further their deviant activity they engaged in arson and Paxton reportedly set a fire behind St Mary's Catholic School all while taking pictures of the destruction one day while at Paxton's House Norman was left traumatized when he witnessed a brutal encounter he told police that an argument had taken place between Paxton and his mother Linda Murphy while at the home the dispute suddenly turned violent when Paxton allegedly decided to punch his own mother in the face Norman didn't go on to State how the altercation ended though it is safe to assume that Linda may have feared for her own safety from then on in addition Paxton had apparently returned from a stay at the Galah Rehabilitation Center in Indianapolis Indiana just one week prior to Robin's death though it's unclear how long he was there Rick also shared some of the disturbing things he heard about Paxton though it's important to knowe that these are unfounded allegations and there is no evidence to support them being true and we also learned that uh Paxton was also a little bit in the devil worshiping he had a shrine type thing in his bedroom in the bedroom closet he allegedly displayed violent and unstable behaviors yet Robin wanted so desperately to bring out the good in p Paxton and that is exactly what she did or so she thought Sharon left the encounter of Paxton returning Robin's purse with an uneasy feeling and still continued on her way to Paxton's house hoping to speak with Charlene as she had supposedly been the one to find the purse when she arrived Paxton's grandmother Winfred answered the door and Charlene nervously approached the two only seconds later Sharon asked where the purse was found and Paxton's aunt told her that she located it outside of the home however Charlene quickly changed her story stating that she had actually found the purse inside of the house but this was not the only conflicting statement Charlene made during the course of the conversation as the women spoke Sharon decided to ask them about the last time they saw Robin and at first they told the same story they told police then everything became Twisted Charlene changed her version of events and stated that Robin had never made her way into the house and had only been speaking with Paxton outside however the narrative was altered once more as Charlene explained that Robin was inside the residence for only a few minutes but then stated that it might have actually been 25 minutes Sharon left with even more questions than she had arrived with and rushed home to tell her brother Rick about the strange confrontation I had my brother-in-law and one of my friends with me and I spot out of the car so I chased it down and they were speeding to get away from me but then the car come to a stop and he jumped out of the car and ran the other direction so I jumped out and chased them down and I I caught them I grabbed them by the neck grabbed him by the shirt collar and the kid was a little bit taller than me and as I was lifting them up and I said you know you better start talking you better tell me everything and I said we better find her she better be alive and he looked at me with the coldest blank look that I've ever seen and said alive and right then I went to hit him and my friends pulled me off of them days went by and the town continue to search for answers but the truth could only remain hidden for so long eventually police decided to reinter 14-year-old Jimmy on May 1st they asked him to give another statement regarding April 22nd the day of Robin's disappearance they believed that he knew more than he was letting on and as it turned out they were completely correct with that the entire case was flipped on its head finally the truth was exposed Jimmy informed the lieutenant that on Sunday April 20th Paxton told him that he was going to Robin and take her life because he believed that she had used him he then requested his friend's assistance in the matter because he didn't believe Paxton was serious Jimmy apprehensively agreed they made their way to Paxton's house where they popped into Charlene's bedroom to use the phone afterwards Paxton told his aunt of the unthinkable crime that he planned to commit in response she merely laughed at her nephew to which Paxton stated I'm serious still Charlene refused to believe the shocking claim she had no idea just how deranged her nephew actually was overtime Paxton made a disturbing decision if he couldn't have Robin then he'd see to it that no one would tragically had people looked closer they would have realized the sheer evil that he was capable of however this didn't occur until it was too late according to friends Robin was scared to end her romantic relationship with the 15-year-old fearing that he may hit her unfortunately he would do much more than that we heard stories uh well actually we heard one where um he was arguing with Robin shortly before he murdered her um but he grabbed her by the hair and was pulling her down the hallway and a teacher that told him to knock it off and made a comment about a lovers quarrel now these were junior high school kids with Jimmy's detailed confession the truth of what happened on Tuesday April 22nd was revealed and it was far more horrific than anyone imagined Jimmy told the police that Paxton and Robin sat together at the back of the bus while he was just one seat in front of them he revealed that Paxton told Robin he wanted her to listen to a tape at his house to which she agreed next he leaned over to Jimmy and asked should we care but but Jimmy claimed he didn't understand what Paxton meant Paxton then said should we are her disturbingly so Jimmy told the investigators that Robin was able to hear part of the conversation and asked what they're talking about Paxton told her that it was a way for them to rate girls though this couldn't have been further from the inconceivable truth when the trio arrived at Paxton's home he took Jimmy into the bathroom and told him to turn the radio's volume up as he was about to carry out the pous crime they walked back to the bedroom and Jimmy did as he was told while Paxton went to sit on the bed next to Robin from there he asked her to rekindle their relationship and go steady with him seeing as the pair had actually ended things only two weeks prior despite the lies Paxton had told police but Robin said no as she tried to leave the room Paxton stood in her way refusing to let her go she began to cry and attempted to flee once more Norm when she couldn't Robin hit Paxton on the side of his head she screamed and yelled while he dragged her back to the bed where he spit in her face Paxton overpowered Robin and forced her to the ground with one hand over her throat and the other on her mouth he asked Jimmy for his assistance terrified Jimmy stated that he didn't want any part of the brutal attack though Robin fought for her life Paxton forced her onto her back and placed both hands around her neck and hit her head into the ground knocking her completely unconscious after a few minutes Paxton let go but Robin was still alive at a loss for words Jimmy told his friend that he was going to leave but before he could Paxton threatened to him if he told anyone what he'd seen it seems Paxton was able to manipulate most everyone in his sphere of influence including Jimmy however Paxton gave him one last task and demanded that he bring Charlene into the bed bedroom Jimmy followed through with the order and made his way out the door when we spoke to Rick he shared another version of his sister's horrifying last moments he did say that Paxton beat her with the baseball bat choked her and then he called his aunt into the room check for a pulse then he said he got up and left but he was told that if he said anything that that Paxon was gonna kill him and his whole family he was never charged with anything associated with the murder and he would later testify against Paxton at trial since this was the end of Jimmy's story authorities brought Charlene in next for an interrogation as they believe that she was hiding a mountain of Secrets within minutes she decided to confess to the brutal truth and didn't leave a single detail to the imagination the detectives had her continue the story after Jimmy came racing down down the stairs she told the investigators that she went to Paxton's room upon entering she was shocked to find Paxton sitting next to Robin's body on the floor Charlene noticed that her skin was blue and she wasn't wearing any clothes from the waist down and didn't have a shirt on Charlene was overcome with shock and could barely get the words out to ask what had happened Charlene told police that Paxton claimed he was merely quote finishing it before Charlene could say anything else Paxton stated that he needed to meet Jimmy and quickly fled to the streets of Woodmere and Wallace Charlene continued her account and stated that she was horrified when Paxton left her with Robin's body next Charlene told investigators that Paxton's mother Linda arrived home around 4:30 which the teenager wasn't expecting Charlene didn't inform her of the heinous crime that occurred right upstairs let alone call the police as she was afraid of how Paxton would react instead she remained silent a few minutes after his mother's arrival Paxton told his family that he would be in his bedroom for the next couple of hours and sternly demanded that no one talk to him during this time Linda left the home and Paxton saw an opening to speak with Charlene without his mother overhearing the conversation Paxton requested that she come upstairs where she found Robin completely naked on the bedroom floor the two were unsure of what to do but Pax decided to place Robin's clothes in a plastic bag before Charlene took a green bed sheet from a closet and handed it to her nephew from there Paxton wrapped the body before he and his aunt carried her downstairs and placed her in the back of Charlene's station wagon they drove to Michelle's house where Paxton walked next door to Robin's home and asked about their search for the young girl hauntingly so he knew exactly where Robin had been all along as Sharon spoke with Paxton she could have never imagined that her baby sister's lifeless body was lying in that car after they put Robin in the back of the ant station wagon they drove down the street he lived um a block away from my mother's house they uh come down and they park the car in front of my mother's house Paxton uh got out of the car and my sister Sharon was there with the family's German Shepherd and he says uh to Sharon have you found her yet and this is the same thing we heard from him the whole time was it was always have you found her not that she come home it was always have you found her the dog was going nuts barking and growling and Sharon just thought it was because the dog didn't like Pax it you know it turns out that Robin's body was just a few feet away from her Paxton spoke with Michelle for a couple of minutes before he and his aunt drove to a Metro Park Bridge overlooking the Rocky River this was where they would horrifically dispose of Robin's body as if she were nothing but a piece of trash next they drove to a garbage bin behind a store known as Pick and Pay where Paxton discarded Robin's clothes before returning home around 9:00 p.m. for days Paxton Charlene and Jimmy would lie to family friends and police about Robin's murder but the inconceivable truth would eventually Prevail however no one could have predicted just how depraved that 15-year-old boy would turn out to be and all for his Twisted ideas that Robin's life was only a value if she was with him on May 1st 1986 both Paxton and his aunt were placed under arrest months later Paxton finally released the story of his own and despite Jimmy and Charlene's confessions Paxton once again tried to save his own skin on August 27th 1986 while detained at a juvenile detention home the killer wrote a disturbing letter detailing the horrific murder although most of his statements conflicted with that of Jimmy and Charlene's and it seemed he was trying to place the sole blame of Robin's death elsewhere he wrote started a Strangler I said stop it and he did then he said do what you want I got to go he left she was choking it was too late to back out of it she couldn't go home Paxton asserted that walked in the room she apparently tried her best to strangle her eventually Robin died said if anything was to go down he would run away not tell so I ain't going to be the only one kissing bars for the rest of my life finally he stated this will probably make matters worse for me but going to burn with me Paxton was eventually tried as an adult and convicted of aggravated murder he was sentenced to life in prison however he was eligible for parole after 20 years Charlene who helped dispose of Robin's body pled guilty to tampering with evidence and was placed on probation 37 years have passed since the horrific murder of Robin field but Paxton claims to have turned over a new Leaf however he has since been denied parole over the last several years Robin's family members have played a major role in making sure that he remains in prison but this hasn't prevented Paxton from petitioning for his own release on his website he confesses his actions stating I committed this crime I take complete responsibility for it and I know that there's nothing I can do that will bring Robin back he asks that his petition be signed so as to receive a second chance but the victim's family have been quick to publicly reject the Killer's please by creating their own petition against his release so far they have been successful in keeping Robin's murderer Behind Bars and plan on doing so for the years to come we reached out to Paxton in an effort to allow him to comment on the case but he declined citing his concern that the parole board would likely frown upon the communication his response reads as follows I appreciate the opportunity to share but I have to discuss any further participation with Dr K ball a close family friend the parole board views any attempt for me to explain my achievements remorse or the terrible decision I made as a 15-year-old boy with the public as self-aggrandisement they actually warned me against it and told me to take down the offensive website and petition for my release in 2015 I also hired a media company to make a 19-minute YouTube apology update video it was done very professionally and it was also taken offensively I do not want to upset the victim or other parties connected to this tragedy any further so I will proceed with my decision to participate through that lens
Channel: EWU Crime Storytime
Views: 1,557,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, true crime documentary, analysis, psychology, educational
Id: DrvJ6qEqDQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 4sec (2224 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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