The Diplomatic Druid - Baldur's Gate 3 - Ep 26

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here smoke powder barrels oh they could have been fun too I didn't expect all these barrels nope nope nope let's gently put down the smoke powder Barrel I wonder what kind of conversation that guy would have had before we killed him oh well that'll have to be another save Amulet of selune's chosen saluda's dream dream evocation can trip we should what happens if we put this on shadowheart gloves of growling Underdog where are Gaines advantage on male Attack rules while surrounded by two or more foes and it probably doesn't work in Bear form it's too bad spring stuff boots when the wearer dashes gain momentum tons of money and that save it's gonna hurt her I'm sorry is it seriously not doing anything an ally you touch regains hit points but possibly falls asleep huh I mean seems pretty stupid to be honest succeed in Saving Thor against blessed Mercy orphan out of combat healing yeah but it's it's only one time for combat too it's really not very useful are you viable to jump down anywhere as an elf you can't fall asleep well that's a good point okay well that's that at the very least I think we're gonna short rest our last one awake and alert we still have to kill the Priestess gut can't give up now seen everything we're gonna basically do the exact same fight we've already done and then we like we reloaded from spiders in there they're neutral which is interesting but now I'll have more of a reason to do it oh um yeah I guess that's fair I mean I would have fight these guys out at some point yeah I would have to fight these guys at some point regardless but I kind of wish I would have done this on my own terms hang on should I reload a few seconds ago I should have just ranged attack killed the um the thing I thought like no no we now vision's fine I can just walk up be lazy and it's okay and then analyze what we're going to do come from the side come from directly or whatever but um yeah right there defender of the people just trash that for me what's today for now I wonder if there's like a side path from down there apparently the spiders aren't aggroad which is interesting we might be able to escape through the prison cell too that had that little tunnel and avoid this fight in the front not that I'm too worried about doing it what's up for discussion I can't talk um anyway the Starion hello hello praise is ever bleeding praise his throne of flame and iron praise you know mcglobiet a tyrannical deity who treats his goblinoid followers as slaves going to interrupt my prayers scared of a real God you always doomless as the rest of them kind of handsome actually that Goblin so how'd you land yourself in a cage cause I'm loyal to my glove yet because I ain't having my head turned by some upstart God I assume you mean the absolute my old tribes falling for this site traitorous bastards wanna help us kill absolute brings us together drow and nose and goblins oh I like sarcastic goblins my new favorite it's allowed a sight so um I mean it seems to be working out pretty well for them actually it won't last I think this is how we're staring around to each other soon enough I'll wait here out in here praying to a real God so that's a no to helping us Kill Them All right in the absence is that noise off their fingers and fry them for summer I just love a good finger fly money did maze I don't think we have to kill these guys but we're gonna now we know annoyingly I'm sorry is the mouse doing Vision oh I forgot the game doesn't pause when you hit Escape um yeah that was all really weird and annoying um I forgot about the game doesn't pause when you hit Escape also like the Sharon's on combat yet [Music] it's weird that like some things are going in real time and some things are turned based simultaneously very bizarre um yeah that I can't I can't um uh I can't hex them first because that breaks that enters combat so you sort of have to open with me at regular attacks I mean I can now I don't think it's gonna be terribly relevant for anything that's gonna happen um let's move over here try to give us come on can't stay idle you just joined battle maybe someone else was still stealth maybe the kid this feels good maybe it was uh Elson that was still idle for sure just pushed all those guys in a pit that would be funny sure now it's not showing a preview maybe it wouldn't go anywhere because he's blocked oh wait I think I targeted Dell there I damn it I should use a little portraits he's too fat I don't think that was a block thing I think I literally clicked on him because it said path interrupted at some point and then it didn't and I think it's because I moved to pixels left [Music] shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times it's kind of a side area so I don't think we actually had to engage these guys at any point but no reason not to right pornography which makes sense yeah I guess the only thing left to do unless we can jump across but again I think at some point we have to take the big chamber this is a side route over here huh I mean maybe with the uh the leap spell I could make it across but I think it's probably main room combat the spiders we can check out that area first and see what's what I don't know if there's a ladder down um hello can I talk to you probably not in Bear form okay I guess we're just gonna do this fight here forever dauntless my boxed in awkwardly there's a ladder over here you know what I'm gonna do this I like some people in The High Ground for this fight let's do that um I just clicked down to the spiders and see where our characters passed I was gonna take the fight and like oh who cares but no it was like the last one we'll we'll do this one with an intentional we are planning on starting it right now I don't need any attention right now careful division cone were we in the spider oh e-group please no there might be someone up here whole area that way okay I mean we might just be able to sneak out by going around Through The High Ground here hello gilded chest no there's not really any way down here oh the guy in the cages vision damn this is really high up hopefully that's not going to cause range problems for us um I might put her on The High Ground as well so she can High Ground her fire both um thank you I wonder if that's a better weapon thank you it might be I ground our low ground a little high ground yeah she can just fire both things yeah it would also be interesting for us to do some things with the smoke powder there's some things we can Target here if anyone's near some things have some fun oh you're a hit a bunch move unseen now I'm definitely going to want to do melee things with him even though he does have excuse me he does have a bunch of magic arrows that he could use to do some fun range stuff but can I give items to him no he will be able to self-heal he does have level three spell slot should I just drop him out of bear form no you may as well stay in Bear form for now then when he pops out he could do whatever he needs to all right I think I want to move staring somewhere else maybe over here actually and then I have Dallas friend oh I'm not sure we can walk through up that area Dylan house and then might come through here gut is she back in the middle oh I hadn't realized she wasn't in a private room anymore foreign combat yet I'm gonna let them take all their actions absolute will strength in silence actually how many people are actually in the fight here I don't know for sure that this whole room's in the fight nah they must be eyes open mouth shut not a peep again if I hex here first it'll um that'll be well I guess then I get to take my normal action to normal time but if I want to have The High Ground Advantage then I have to open with the attack foreign [Music] [Music] as a bear that's amazing oh yeah the abrasion platforms I really do have to keep looking for destructible Terrain okay how some actual action right now [Music] oh my God we got three on 3d8 because of course we did multi-deck all right rip gut so yeah now that's completed that again rescue can't heal us can defeat the Goblin leaders find uh us the answer to the moonrise Tower [Music] right we still have to find that shadow song but first we have to go and kill everything all right um Gribble I'm like hold on if I want to do an evil run where I recruit that Paladin I guess I'm not gonna like dark urge my way to like murdering everyone in the camp from the start instead I'll play the yeah no that's totally yeah man uh brand me well I don't know about brand me but let's do everything to become friends this is mine too well in The High Ground first or maybe because of the rest and stuff you're no longer temporarily hostile oh this is the same round so I don't have a regular action um maybe break line of sight I know you got hit points I don't think anyone can do anything to knock me down from here thank you all right I don't have an attack but that's okay don't waste a step I know you can't get there but you can get here right why aren't you attempting to walk for you although you don't have a you you only have bonus actions anyway maybe the thing to do just like all the time oh you're blocked there someone annoying okay let's get there you have bonus action but that's it you're concentrating on a blast yeah foreign go to the other side here [Music] I don't really want how I wanted things to end up but all right yeah if one of the warlocks had repelling blast that would be annoying um yeah we can just walk up are you that way great now do I want to dash first I think I'll just go and hide around here all right you're hexed oh someone's up here hello Gribble that can't be damaged should go for the hex Target let my unless I have The High Ground bonus go there because we're going to want to kill you but Gribble is slightly drunk ready you can't get a side angle so shove unfortunately is not gonna end up or maybe it will well let's attack you first then use the bonus action to show although I'm a little bit worried about what happens if we get shoved [Applause] shove off kill a creature with falling damage let me pull back over here for a little bit more safety since there's still someone up here nice where do I go from here it's the one holding the blast
Channel: quill18
Views: 7,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, baldur's gate, baldur's gate iii, bg3
Id: n7Ktj1iq2J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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