Baptisms at the Brownsville Revival: 3-27-99

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[Music] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] in the last days [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] in the last days [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well glory [Applause] you made me see it we just wanted to see if you were alive we are seeing god move all over the world and a lot of times you say that you say well that's a catchphrase but god is indeed up to something around the world it seems that people are hungry for jesus like they never have been before and those who have not yet found him are hungry for something and i think that's why those of us who know him need to tell them that jesus is what you need jesus is what you're hungry for i can't wait to see what god's going to do in the next few years in the world i can't wait to see what's going to happen i'm excited tonight we're going to baptize some candidates who have accepted jesus christ and have made a profession of faith and they're going to follow the lord in water baptism and we believe in brownsville that it's a commandment to be baptized it's not an option to follow the lord in water baptism when these these folks are finished with their baptisms we're going to come back and worship the lord some more but right now keep your heart worshiping as you listen to what god is doing in their lives god bless you praise the lord [Applause] hi my name is sandra from tulsa oklahoma [Applause] well i used to think that all i had to do was say sir and then i'd be saved and every night god forgive me i think that before my died in heaven but when i came down here to the revival god just touched me so hard man and and i couldn't even say shut up to my little brother for about two years [Applause] and then i i just told him one day one day because he got and he got on my nerves like so so bad and i came back to revival again and god like threw me down to the floor again and i'm like back with god again sandra i baptize you in the name of the father and the son and the holy ghost hi my name is deborah and i'm from tulsa oklahoma and that was my little girl [Applause] and i came down to revival about two and a half years ago and a friend of mine allen and ruth mather played these videos in tulsa and i didn't tell anybody because they were all on fire for god and i thought that's just flesh but i was born and raised in pensacola and i never wanted to come back here but my mother lives here so i said well i'll come come back just to say hi to mom and i came in revival and my children were touched and they were shaking and and i was bonding the devil because people were shaking but they kept shaking and uh they called me and told me to pick up my daughter and take her back to my mom's and and i was like man i can't do that my mom and my stepdad are catholic and and they love god with all their heart you know and but i didn't know you know i didn't know how they would take that because actually i was embarrassed you know and i didn't i didn't think it was god but i stayed awake all night and i said god if that's you i want it because i don't want to miss you and i came in the next night and everybody's chasing these people around getting prayer and i i wasn't chasing nobody i was just standing there talking these people from arkansas because i'm from up in oklahoma and it ended up that pastor kilpatrick bumped into my side i didn't know who it was and right when somebody bumped into my side i knew that was the spirit of god like i'd never known before and i started shaking and i turned and it was pastor kilpatrick i remember i didn't care who heard me i said god i've never known you like that but i know that's you and i said i'm not chasing that man but i want what he's got and and uh the lord ministered to my heart to stand in the back of the church i said god they're up here and he said go to the back of the church and i went back there and and pastor kippatri come across the aisle and he just said more jesus and next thing i know i heard my head hit a pew and when when i got up all i know is that all i could say is god is awesome and i was trying to tell people i'm not trying to say this and i was going god is awesome god is awesome and i'm thinking i'm not trying to say this and and that's that's all i could do and god totally changed my life and changed my family's life and all i got to tell you if you don't think god's real if you don't think this is real i just i only know the word to say i just ask you to ask the lord god you're a good dad and if this is real you show me because god wants to change your life my life has changed you guys my life has changed [Music] [Applause] i'm candace i'm from tulsa oklahoma [Applause] i went to church all my life and i thought you know i wanted jesus as a savior i wanted that free ticket to heaven but since i was real little i was never taught i had to go to the word i had to live a christian life and i've never taught any of that and so i i grew up just religious and i as as a kid i've always i've always been overweight so i was always teased because i was fat and i was ugly and i was always a loner and it you know through elementary school i had two friends and in middle school i had men and i started going i started smoking and drinking and i just i did not care for my parents at all i wouldn't listen to them i i lived a double life you know at church i was one person that the other i wasn't and and the whole time i was saying i was a christian at school and stuff and i led some of my friends away some of the people that looked up to me i led them away because i said i was a christian and they i i started at high school on freshman year um i met one of my friends and he just showed me godly love and he brought me here in october and i got i i came up to the altars and i got changed and then [Applause] after that in november we came back down here and i was healed of some diseases that just there's nothing that the doctors could have done they were non-curable i had to live with them the rest of my life and i was just i was healed and i baptize you in the name of the father and the son and the holy ghost [Applause] my name is lisa and i'm from tulsa oklahoma um i got i got saved in october of this last year and um i i thought i really knew god but i i didn't and i told everybody that i did but i didn't and he he really changed my life and i still didn't i didn't really know him and this these past few days he's he's really he's touched me like like he's never touched me before and it's really changed my life and he told me to get baptized last night so right here [Music] baptize you in the name my name is keisha hackbarth i'm from dubuque iowa but i go to a bible training center in tulsa oklahoma hallelujah jesus is so good he's so good um god has done so much for me hallelujah about two months ago i got a hold of a tape from brownsville that changed my life i knew god i knew jesus as as lord and as savior but i didn't i didn't know his love and i didn't really know him intimately i knew discipline and that was it but i listened to some testimonies of people getting baptized here and it got to my heart listening to people who really had something and i wanted what they had so bad they had something with god that i wanted that i needed i knew i needed it i needed a real touch in my heart from jesus i wanted to be intimate with him so i i started going to a bible study and two weeks ago on saturday two weeks from today i watched a video from brownsville and that you guys sing this song and it said i'm sorry for the things i've done but it's all about you jesus it's not about me it's all about you jesus and something broken me that day and i was screaming at the top of my lungs i gotta know god i gotta know god and he put a burden in me so strong that i couldn't let it go out i said there's no way i can't let this go i don't care about the world i don't care about sin i don't care about people i just want to be with god and i'm not gonna let this go i don't care who tries to stop me nobody can stop what i have inside nobody can take this away and i won't let anybody take this away last two nights ago god talked to me in the youth service and he told me now i know i that you love me because you're obedient to me and i didn't understand that kind of love but god showed me and last night he set me free of sin i didn't even know existed he set me free of religion and pride and thinking that i am somebody because i know some word i ain't nobody without him i'm nothing i do not have the right to tell other people who they are just because i know some bible jesus is lord he's savior he's my king he's my prince of peace he's the lover of my soul and i'm fully prepared to die for him right now i want to be a martyr for jesus christ and i want everybody to know it in the name of the father my name is laura i'm from jacksonville florida the lord led me here and i came to receive a deeper anointing and last night the lord broke bondages in my life and i had been baptized before but it had been a long time and when the pastor said when he said we should be baptized you should be baptized the lord spoke to my heart and he told me to be baptized again and he brought the bondage of pride and whitman my will and so i just i told him i wanted to be baptized and i love the lord with all my heart or i baptize you in the name of the father son and the holy spirit hi i'm nicole schellhammer i'm from findlay ohio and last year in january in 1998 i came here and the lord just blessed me here and i was saved i never grew up in a church and i didn't know about anything and i i went back home and i i wasn't really living the life i should have been and in march of 1998 i came back and ever since then i've just been living a life that jesus wanted me to and it's it's it's been awesome and i thank you so much thank you lord bless you lord and cold and cold we baptize you in the name of the father and the son and the holy god [Applause] um i'm kind of nervous and i said i wasn't going to cry but i think i'm going to do it anyway the lord saved me from a cold stale religious attitude and i was dead and about a year and a half ago they started praying playing the brownsville tapes at our church and something happened to me when i saw the first one and my life was changed but when i was baptized a long time ago i was stale now i have a new walk and this walk is gonna hit our church and i didn't ever think i'd get to come but some friends from our church brought me and the lord told me to get baptized last night and i just i want a new thing with the lord yes i baptize you in the name of the [Applause] father step right up here hi my name is elizabeth i was raised in satanism six generations tuesday before last i was supposed to commit i was made plans to commit suicide last sunday um this friend of mine i met at a concert who goes here named kim said that her god was more powerful than mine and she was going to send me a ticket and if my god couldn't help me that i could come back to oregon and kill myself so i came down here and took about four and a half days and and i came here and i was like yeah god can't deliver me of all the millions of demons i mean everything went wrong on the trip and things started breaking down almost didn't get here and so um the demons when pastor kilpatrick came over and said they they kept saying well he's not gonna he's like we're not gonna leave and so it was like i told god it says if you can get all these millions and thousands of demons out of me first i'll commit my life to you because that will show me how much more powerful you are than satan because i was always thought that saint was god and so um somehow pastor steve came over and i told him the demons are not gonna leave and all of a sudden i remember him just saying the demons are gonna leave in jesus name and all of a sudden i don't remember all what happened he just started getting really upset and the next thing i knew i woke up and the demons were gone and so then so i committed my life to jesus christ and this is just to show satan and everybody that i'm never going back to satanism or my family and that i'm just i'm going to serve this god 120 just as i serve satan and i'm just this is the true one true god is lord jesus [Applause] christ i baptize you in the name of the father son and the holy spirit jesus yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] my name is fern and i'm from little rock arkansas [Applause] last year in march my husband called a youth pastor friend of his in minnesota because he was having a struggle with his life and i had been praying that he would get deliverance and he would get peace and this friend from minnesota told him you need to go to the brownsville revival so he called me at about 10 o'clock one morning i was at work and he said honey i'm on my way to pensacola and he said i'm going to the revival i said okay you know and and i was kind of like a skeptic and so when he came back and he walked through the door the spirit of the lord was just all over him and i said god forgive me forever doubting you so i watched the video and i was immediately touched and he said i'm going to take you in april so in april he brought me down here and even on the trip i was being touched by the spirit because he would get up after his visit down here he would get up and he would pray and and he would just cry out to god and praise him and thank him and i was just saying god god i want that i want that kind of deliverance so we came down here and i could just walk on the parking lot and i could feel the spirit all over me and we sat back there and i couldn't get any further than the last few on that side and i just started weeping and i saw all this crud in my life and it was as though god was cleaning me out and and i i just almost couldn't make it through the praise and worship i was just weeping and i was crying out to god and i was saying clean me out lord get this crowd out of my life i don't want it hanging around me anymore i want to live for you god i want you with my life forever and it was though when the state hill was preaching i was saying please get it over with i want to hear the mercy seat i want to go down i want to give my life to god thank you jesus praise him and he will i promise you that when we went back to arkansas everybody thought we were just crazy and i can't believe that he has given me beauty for ashes burn we baptize you in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit [Applause] hi my name is greg moore and that was my wife [Music] all right i came here well i was a mess i was a walking garbage can as a child i was lost my family my four brothers are gone and uh you know ever i was just a magnet for weirdos and people just they just zoomed in on me and and said you know i want to spend some time with him and uh it was a mess and it was all men i mean it was it was not it wasn't good and uh you know there was one person in my life man there was one man he was younger than me who who told me about jesus and and put up with me unconditionally and and called me and and and just bugged me and uh and and told me the word one man in my life to and i i just don't paul mackey thank you and i uh you know i i still didn't know the lord but this he showed me the lord he told me about him and and i he was the only only person and i uh i i try to serve the lord and you know i never knew him it never touched me i i just knew that he was out there and i drugged my wife from one church to the other denomination after denomination and uh it was a while since it's been 10 years since i've seen paul he's a youth pastor in minnesota and i i called him and told him you know god had forgotten me he knows that he doesn't you know he doesn't know me and paul told me to go to the brownsville revival in pensacola florida yeah okay so uh i got up the next day i went to work at nine o'clock i rolled up my tools and called my wife i was south of florida pensacola bound said this is it it was like a one-way trip for me you know i didn't want to go on my my prayers were death i wanted it and i zoomed down here i mean i i walked in them doors and i stood by their air conditioned vents and it was it was a full house and one song later steve hill got up if march 19 1998 smooth talker blind walker i got proof and he called me out he said there's one man there's a man here who you know that god he just called me out i was at first i didn't come and six or seven men came down there and he got up and said you still ain't came i knew better to take a chance and i walked down that aisle and it was awesome it was awesome you critics you don't know i was a mess and i turned around and walked away i didn't know nothing about prayer after church that was my first trip i didn't even know it that and i went home i was drug free for the first time in my life thank you steve thank you and this is my 13th trip in a year a year last friday and that's our vacation and uh i just thankful i i just thank you i thank y'all for being the man that you are you know and standing up and and the simplicity and uh just for what the lord is doing here you know it's real put your walls down and he'll let he'll come into your life you know i can't i only had two minutes i can't tell you the garbage that's come in and god just cleaned me without nobody touched me i just said a simple little prayer in my life as it would never be the same thank you jesus the holy spirit oh um our church group has come but i guess this makes the third time in the first couple of times i just didn't see any reason for me to come and this time one of the people at the church said well how about if i give you the money to pay your way to go and i said well i just need to get the time off and i went to the boss lady and i said um we're planning on going down to florida for friday and saturday can i have it off if you want me to i'll stay i really will you know i'll stay she comes back five days later and tells me i have it off to get here and um last night i got down at the altar and got rid of some secret sins in my life that were just causing a barrier between me and the lord [Music] [Music] andrew i baptize you in the name of the father [Applause] praise your lord my name is jim coggin i'm a infantry colonel in the united states army my soul stands erect tonight before you the heavenly hosts and the demons in hell that say that jesus christ is my savior and he is my lord it's not always been that way i grew up on a small farm in north carolina i accepted the lord as my savior as a young child but i did not accept him as the lord of my life i came here uh for the first time last summer in july and what i had seen dimly before i saw face to face and i thank the lord for that and i went back to fort leonard wood missouri and i told members of my sunday school class and people in church and anybody else who would hear that the lord is real that he loves you unconditionally unconditionally and he wants to see everyone saved and brought home and so i brought three three van loads back in in october we drove all night long and i sit in an aisle and saw a drill sergeant come to jesus christ praise the lord [Applause] but i also came down myself and confronted the sin in my life the lord wanted to cleanse me the lord i said lord use me he said well you got to be cleansed first so i came down and got things right with the lord and i've asked him to continue to use me so here i am lord i'm i'm going to the pentagon now i need your prayers i might be a colonel i might be a colonel but i want to be a soldier in the army of jesus christ jim i baptize in the name of the father son the holy ghost i'm andrew i'd come here the first time a couple of weeks ago i'd fallen out of church and i'd been in sin and uh i come here my heart was had a burden to get saved i come and got saved but we had to get back so i could go to work and i missed the baptismal and i always want to be baptized and a guy come to work and that i work with and he said uh we're going to pensacola next week he said you want to go i said what you know sure i want to go you know because you know i'll go with people that wanted to go so we can get some more down here and they can experience what i experienced and just luckily that uh we made it in time that i could get baptized here tonight and tonight the old me is gone and jesus christ comes through me tonight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign my name my name is donald and uh i'm a liar in and ask the lord to give me the truth but i don't lie to y'all i've uh the i've i've pursued sin to drop to the gates of death and the lord snatched me up time after time after time and and i'd go back in in my lust my dishonesty my deceit my pride my big shotism would pull me back it would tempt me back i would be tempted back and and each time i go back the bottom would get lower the lows would get lower and and i'd do things that i never dreamed i would do and and and i just can't go no lower i just can't i just can't go no lower this can't go no lower and and and last night you know i came up here i came up here and and just somebody invited me to ride along kylie said you got to see this dong and and uh and and i can't i came up here you know and when i was packing my stuff to come up here i packed some swimming clothes you know i figured well well they're having church i'll slip off to the beach and i had no clue that i was going to be in this in this and no clue no clue i had no clue i was going to be here you know and and i felt i felt contaminated and dirty all my life and and and i never i never never dreamed that i would enter in to the throne room of glory i never dreamed that i would go to heaven i never dreamed that i i come to church i come to church just just so i could just live just a little bit better you know so i could live just a little bit outside of that hell that i walked in and and and i come to church just saw this last time just because this guy that i worked with i admired his his mannerism and i wanted some of that to rub on me you know i had no clue i had no clue that i was going to get saved i had no clue i was going to come to brownsville man i had no clue that i could ever enter in [Applause] and and i've been in that bondage like was preached last night and and when it was freezing i had an altar call man i was i was like i had one foot ready i was ready to run i had my place picked out on that altar i must spot jones two people got on my spine [Music] and i pray god don't never let me go back don't never let me go back to that let me enter it don't never let me go back in my old way and and and he's he's going to he's going to kill that old life that i live in it's going to die right here it's going to die it's going to die right here that little wire and oh con artist that it's going to die right here praise god [Applause] my name is josh parsons uh i was saved here this last september uh but uh well before that uh i me and my mom moved down here from iuka mississippi and uh well i found the lord that september and uh i backslid three weeks later and i moved back to iuka and uh i just i just been living a bad life ever since and about a month ago i got in the truck with my mom i was coming down here to visit she said the lord's done told me you're gonna be saved tonight i said what i said all right whatever well she prayed for and everything and uh well i just i thought well okay i received the lord and everything i really didn't think nothing much about it so uh i went to church that next night and uh i i i didn't go to the altar i mean i just thought you know well i'd dumb been saved and everything so that i was going back the next day and uh it just dawned on me that that i had to do god's work i just had to do it and ever since then i've been lawyers led me to anoint my school and just pray for my friends my family and it's just been awesome josh i baptize you in the name of the father and the son in the holy ghost [Applause] james hi my name is james canard i'm 18 i'm i'm originally from virginia beach but i lived down here for about three years and um i got saved at my school about a month ago but i didn't know the lord if i've been away from the lord from 18 years and i didn't go to church about 16 years and just one day a friend of mine's high note got me to come told me to come to brownsville and yeah that's what i did i came to brownsville and you know i was watching all these people and they was on fire and they were hot for god and i was like man this is awesome i gotta i gotta do that i wanna be like this but i didn't know i didn't know i didn't know the lord and you know i had to start reading the bible and i when i started reading the bible i started understanding and i started learning more and i was still holding on to sins and my pride were not letting me go and i prayed for the lord and i prayed that you know just to let him go then i can just let him go one day and then steve hill just he was preaching about the liars and the sinners and i was like just going back in my seat now like oh he's got me and i was oh and i started feeling guilty and i started and then once he called out to call i just ran up there and i was just started praying and i broke down and i was like please just free me and i got freed and now i understand the lord now i'm on fire and i'm getting all the excess baggage off my back i just dropped and i let it go and i'm like praise lord [Applause] [Music] my name is jason smith and i'm in the united states navy and it keeps me away from home a lot and i can't be around friends and family and uh recently i got a hold of one of them and i hadn't talked to her in a long time and she told she told me what's going on up here and she said you got to get up here so i came up and i just that was it i i had to give my life to jesus and i did and i just gotta say mom dad i'm gonna get you i'm gonna get you here jason i baptize you in the name of the father and the son and the holy dude [Applause] hello my name is kurt bowers i'm from pier south dakota i'm 38 years old and i want to give you a warning i've lived for 37 of those 38 years a life of sin i've said that i was a christian but god's been over here and i've been over here and i just kind of rubbed on him once in a while i've been blessed with a beautiful wife and three beautiful daughters a wife who's prayed for me for twenty years that i'd come to jesus that i'd be honest that i'd quit being an unfaithful husband an abusive husband that i just tell the truth two weeks ago tonight i set my family down because my wife couldn't take it anymore i told her the truth last june and two weeks ago tonight i set them down and i told them i've been an unfaithful husband an abusive husband a liar for 20 years our 21st anniversary is the 15th of this next month i'm going home on tomorrow my wife's planning to divorce me because she doesn't believe that i love jesus i want you to real i want you to hear that you can't walk over here and believe that jesus is real that you really know him unless you really find him you got to put him in your heart and you got to go after him i'm giving all the glory to jesus today and i'm going to run after jesus as hard as i can please hear what i'm saying the hurt and the pain that i've caused to my family they never deserved no one deserves what i've put them through but i want to give all the glory to jesus and i'm going to go home and trust that jesus can restore and heal what i destroyed through sin [Applause] wow there's a lot of people my name is glenn i'm from south carolina and i want to give god all the praise and all the glory and all the honor for who i am today at the age of 21 years old i was delivered from drugs and alcohol i was set free but i failed to deal with the issues of my heart i said in church for years with a call of god on my life and i ran from him and i didn't deal with the anger and i didn't deal with the strife and the unforgiveness that was in my life i was miserable man i was miserable two years ago god began to deal with my heart and i knew that it was now or never i knew the call that he placed on my life my father's a pastor by the way and i knew the call that was placed in my life that what jesus had a purpose for my life and i began to hunger and i began to thirst for the things of god and i got real with her you hear me i got real with god for the first time in my life i got real with god and he said come to this revival i never heard a brownsville i never heard of this revival that was going on and i came and i got real that night and i ran to that altar and jesus washed me with his blood and he cleansed me and he set me free oh lord i love you jesus that night that night i said in my heart i would do what you want me to do jesus i will go where you want me to go and it's been a wild ride brother steve i've seen people saved and healed and delivered and set free and recently the lord's been dealing with my heart about getting training about getting in his word and going somewhere where i can be established and the lord told me to come to brownsville i'm here this weekend on business i came for a job interview and i'm coming i'm planning on moving here and i'm gonna become part of this ministry and part of what god's doing here and i'm gonna grow and i'm gonna learn and i thank you lord and when i leave this place i'm gonna be on fire for you jesus this night i give you my heart i give you my soul i give you everything jesus glenn i baptize you in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit hello my name is chris gregory i'm from australia i now live in texas i've never known the guy i've never known lord my mother came here in the women's conference and she came back telling me she'd spoken to god i thought she was crazy i now realize that i was the one that was crazy last night i was saved and i was delivered from drugs and lies and after this wash i just want to walk in jesus shoes [Applause] amen [Applause] jesus my name is ricky watkins i'm from tulsa oklahoma man uh the lord has been drawing uh john near to me so this whole week man uh this week uh this is our spring break i was supposed to go and party with my friends spring break got 10 killer oklahoma i was supposed to get uh full of drugs and alcohol but instead i'm here getting full of the lord [Applause] [Laughter] this is great ever since the age of 13 i have had a bad drug addiction against crank cocaine and marijuana i've been an alcoholic i've been involved in gangs and man i thought i was saved two years ago but it was just a proudest overcame upon me when i was saved and sin filled my life and this week god called me into brownsville revival he said when you come to brownsville bible son i will raise you up and he oh man glory to god i'm so happy to be here i got the joy of the lord upon me right now man i can't really i can't stretch it out as much much as enough uh that's how much the joy has the joy of the lord has just filled me up i mean i can believe in my heart that my family's gonna be saved my school's gonna be freed i am redeemed of sin i just thank you so much and i just want to thank you lord so much for giving me love and grace just thank you jesus thank you jesus and thank you god and i just want to shout out to my family if they see this i just want to say i love you father and mother and i want you to be set free just like i am i baptize you in the name of the father [Music] i'm nathan chadwick i'm from tulsa oklahoma and i just have one thing to say that jesus christ is my lord and savior and nobody's going to take that away from me and i've been delivered from drugs alcohol being a gang selling drugs and i just totally got re you know re converted to to know jesus i've actually before i came here i um i went to a bible study and i saw a tape on this revival and it just totally shook me god shook me and actually that next week i was supposed to work my boss was on vacation he's the atheist actually and i was like god how am i supposed to go on this you told me i'm supposed to go on this on this revival thing and so i was praying about it and i was talking all my friends and i went home i called my boss and he was totally okay with it and he you know he was willing to go to church with me and all that stuff so i don't think he's an atheist after all you know and i'm just willing to to be on fire i'm gonna go home and just go in all the fast food restaurants and just stand on tables and proclaim jesus christ [Music] [Applause] i want to tell you guys i'm the happiest person in the world right now my name is paul lawson from tulsa oklahoma and i'm going to take this real equip because you know right now my lord jesus wants me to get baptized so i'm going to go really quick right here but um [Music] should i go now hold on i'm going to tell you something real quick um come on okay um well i'll say this i'm not on fire for jesus i'm just hungry to know him that's all i gotta say i'm hungry to know jesus christ i've been hungry for him for about two years my really close friends julie along wherever you are hi she uh she led me to a group of people who were radical for jesus christ they became my spiritual family my mom and dad they were part of the asbury revival i've been going to this revival for a couple years they got me hooked up with some brownsville tapes i'll tell you right now you guys i can't get away from the spirit of god ever since i saw those tapes i have not gotten away from the spirit of god he has come to him with my dreams he's come to me on my little times i'm just by myself lord talk to me one time he says paul you have pride in your heart he says paul you have lust in your heart paul you have self-ambition your heart he said there is no room for my spirit in your heart i'll tell you right now that scared me to death because my god that i read in the bible he's the god holy universe in the palm of his hands if he's that big of a god i'm scared if he says he doesn't want me i'm scared if he says there's no room in my heart so that woke me up i repented about two weeks before i came to survival well actually before that i i was thinking about going to a ski trip and thank god for for people who are accountable i had two girls beat me up make sure i was coming here but um the lord spoke to me and told me that paul about two weeks he said i i just in the supernatural realm someone was coming up inside me saying you have got to get here it's like the soil is calling my name out it's nothing from god it wasn't the people who were beating me up it wasn't the people outside on the tapes it was god call me by my name the bible says he has called you by my name and i am his i belong to him and when i came here i found out what i was what i came here for as soon as i came in here the power of god hit me hit me hard i began weeping and crying i knew that something was going to happen last night is when it happened last night is when it happened steve gave the word and i thank god for that word so much because it set me free those shackles are binding me it reveals something god's glory revealed something to me that i didn't see before it was a light to my path i saw something that it was a stomach block that i've been stumbling for a long time and when it showed it to me i have got to get out of my life that's what i said to god i ran to the altar got on my knees and said god and i'll tell you right now when you hear god's voice that's the most beautiful thing in the world throwing a girl on the face this earth and give me the kind of joy that god gave me that night last night and the lord spoke to me he said the shackles are free come and follow me and run with me i said back to him god i'm going to follow you and i'm going to run with you to the days of my life and i'm taking you back to tulsa paul i baptize you in the name of the father and the son and the holy ghost foreign
Channel: RevivalFireOkie
Views: 1,658
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 09G3ygovlkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 43sec (3703 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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