Dagoth Ur Was Onto Something... - Elder Scrolls Lore

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first comes Twilight then comes the glow a subtle but deeper Darkness then comes full night sleep envelops your senses all is black all is silent if you look hard enough you may see the truth your vision is shrouded but it is not a complete Umbra it is a dark and dormant Crimson betraying the fact that your eyelids possess their own almost imperceptible Luminosity your thoughts are incoherent now they're undergoing their own Twilight passing from conscious to subconscious it is in this in terseus that the charmat dwells he senses you and beckons you that distant red flares up now pulsating the walls of your mind alive with flashing synapses and swelling sanguine arteries Come to Me Dreamer The Voice reverberates Friend or Foe I welcome you the anti-chamber of your open mind becomes a great Cavern the core of a volcano then comes the Rhythm a drum every convulsion sets Tamriel trembling the ground Beneath Your Feet vibrates with the immortal will of a dead God and that voice you fought you dreamed those portentous words falling in time between each pounding palpitation the Doom drum provides the base the devil of degoff provides the baritone and your exasperated exclamations kindled by Revelation that will be the tenor in your dream you hear the cosmic composition of dagoffer's divine devising the charmat is undeniable he's inexorable and you dear dreamer will be his servant [Music] sorry wrong program I thought I'd lost you for a second I'm afraid that wasn't your imagination no that was something far more Sinister it seems you were visited by none other than degoff ER I don't know how this is possible for the charmat Was Defeated over 200 years ago but I've been studying dwematonal Magics I managed to get my hands on a tonal attenuator so that my ears and fought organs would be protected from the harmonic feedback fluctuations of this magic and I managed to intercept ur's posthumous broadcast which is why you are here in one piece without my intervention there may have been flutes sprouting from your face by now or Worse your head might have burst from enlightenment my name is Drew I'm a dedrologist mostly but as you can see from my humble Tower I have spent some time among the telvani if you are hearing the music of the Lost house in your dreams then perhaps Warren degoff's soul is stirring once more it may be possible to stop him but first you must learn his methods and his motives only then may we hope to win it was long ago theorized that degoffers propaganda emanated from Red Mountain infiltrating the minds of susceptible subjects it seems you have been chosen but perhaps with my help you may just be able to resist I'll tell you everything I know but you must stay awake The Story begins before the dunma were cursed before that Inferno of betrayal and sacrilege that blazed within Red Mountain Before Their Skin turned to Ash along with their honor the golden hewdkaimer followed Prophet velov to the promised land of resdane or Morrowind as you might know it and when they arrived the four corners of the troubled house tested them relentlessly Dagon tested them with inhospitable terrain Cher goraf tested their mental fortitude and malacath tested their physical endurance but no plight was greater than that presented by the other races inhabiting the region foremost among these Rivals were the Nords and the dwarves but when the Nords conquered great swaths of resdane the bitter Elven Rivals were forced to unite so began the First Council between the kaima and the Dwemer and the pesky northmen were finally thwarted and expelled from the land lord indaril nerevar of the kaima and jumak dwarf King of the Dwemer were fast friends and this bodied well for maintaining peace in restain but there was no denying the clear spiritual differences between the races the kymer were generally a Pious group owing much of their unique cultural practices and much of their success in settling resdane to the good Daedra Boethiah mafala and Azura the Dwemer on the other hand they acknowledged the gods but would not kneel before them they instead strove to advance their ingenious technological innovations which in their eyes rivaled the divine power of the Gods it was even said that they devised a way to reverse engineer mortality so when rumors began to resonate from the depths that the dwarves had found a holy relic of great significance within the volcano trouble seemed as inevitable as an ash dorm on vardenfell but how did these rumors circulate the dwarves closely guarded their secrets and it's even said that Chief tonal architect kagranak and the high priest kept this discovery even from the King the culprit of course was the very same kaima who haunts your dreams vorin of house degoff vorin was a friend and advisor to both indiril nerevar and dumac dwarf King which as you can imagine somewhat compromised his trustworthiness the two races were at peace but the Loyalty of degoff could not be assured by either party somehow voring degoff discovered what kagranak had found and somehow he knew the chief tonal architect's Grand designs for the heart was he keeping spies or was it an altogether different Force at play this isn't something I can find in the histories but I believe house dagoth might have been vaguely aware of the heart's existence even before the dwema were the seat of house degoff was at kogaroon in the ashlands not only were they in close proximity to Red Mountain but their house has an affinity for Sound and Music bells and Chimes are a crucial element of their rituals it's hard to say for sure whether these instruments have always been a part of their culture or whether they came after the dagoffer's return but imagine if the Chimes and bells were always customary among the sick house it would have been a strangely Divine phenomenon whenever the people of kogaroon gathered around the Chimes they would have seen them quiver softly clinking and humming in sync with the Dead God's living pulse surely it would have seemed like a miracle to them as if they were somehow attuned to nurn itself what if Warren degoff followed the subtle Subterranean vibrations all the way to the home of his friends the Deep elves in the city of the strong Shield perhaps that would lead vorin to uncover cowgernac's well-kept Secret you dozed but for a moment now you're kneeling at the Pew around you Ash zombies geneflect in the aisle their Hollow heads face the altar where an ascended sleeper delivers his unspoken sermon his face trunks harmonize with the ringing chimes like Cathedral organs only strangely nasal your eyes fall out of focus all becomes a blur and then an eyelid peels open at the center of your forehead and you see the charmat approaching the mountain in his hands are two dowsing rods one of ebony one of brass hey bear with me can you hear me I said not to fall asleep as I was saying degoffer revealed kagranak scheme to nerevar and when the kaima discovered that their allies intended to profane the sanctity of the gods they could not stand idly by not only did the tonal Architects plan to channel the power of Lor Khan but they were forging a god of their own creation it was the very height of blasphemy by attempting to rival the gods they were casting doubt on their undeniable preeminence nerevar sought both Divine and diplomatic counsel he spoke to his old friend and King of the dwarves dumac who assured nerevar that he had no knowledge of kagranak's plans dumac said the Dwemer were innocent of any wrongdoing so nerevar made a pilgrimage to the sacred Temple of Azura and Azura confirmed his fears imploring him to prevent the creation of the brass God at all costs affronted by what nerevar perceived as a lie from dumac he came to the dwarf king's Halls a raid in arms and armor his generals for vex so for sale and omalexia in tow and demanded that the Dwemer ceased their sacrilegious Deeds being a hospitable host jumak was offended by his old friend's dishonor and refuse all demands and so the First Council was in tatters and much destruction would follow all thanks to degoffers scandalous discovery there is even cause to believe that vorin dagoff wanted this conflict to occur for according to the five songs of hiking warfarth he even visited the Nords historic enemy to both the kaima and Dwemer to inform them that Shaw's heart had been discovered in vardenfell in walked the devil of degoff who swore he came in peace moreover he told the north a wondrous thing he knew where the heart of shore was long ago the chief of the Gods had been killed by Elven Giants and they ripped out Shaw's heart and used it as a standard to strike fear into the north the Nords asked the devil of degoff why he might betray his country Mercer and he said that the Devils have betrayed each other since the beginning of time and this was so and so the Nords believed him War erupted between kaima Dwemer and Nord and it all coalesced in the heart chamber there are many contradictory accounts of what took place here law Khan's Divine heart presided over all the chaos that followed if only it could speak its truth within the the chamber nerevar slew his old friend dumac but was grievously wounded in the process kagranak was left defenseless but for his tools of Attunement and so without the proper preparations he turned them on the heart striking it with all his might instantaneously the Battle of Red Mountain came to a sudden end as every member of the Dwemer race vanished or turned to dust or had their souls trapped took up the tools and beseeched nerevar to cast them into the fire destroy them but nerevar wished to seek the counsel of his Triune his Queen and trusted generals vorendagov was left alone in the heart chamber to guard the tools purpose he would hold for many lifetimes or dream times thereafter the advice nerevar's generals gave him varies depending on the source according to Vivek they proposed that we should preserve these tools in trust for the welfare of the kaima people and who knows perhaps the Dwemer are not gone forever but merely transported to some distant realm from which they may someday return to fretting our security once again therefore we need to keep these tools to study them and their principles so that we may be safe in future Generations the Temple Records however suggest the tribunal decided that the kaima should learn how to use this power so that nerevar might claim resdane in the world for their people nerevar did as he always did in times of strife and indecision he invoked Azura the kaima swore a solemn oath to the goddess of Dawn and dusk that they would not use the tools in the profane manner that the Dwemer had intended according to Vivek he along with am and Seth agreed to these terms but the temple contradicts him saying the tribunal had become as greedy as kagranak upon hearing of the power of the heart and they coveted it they made ritual as if to summon Azura as nerevar wanted but om Alexia used poisoned candles and so for sill used poison robes and Vivek used poisoned invocations nerevar was murdered Vivek would ultimately take responsibility for this crime in his 36th sermon the first letter of each sentence spelling out the phrase foul murder so when Vivek says that dagothur was the traitor we must question his credibility the temple text goes on to say and then the tribunal went into Red Mountain and met with dagoffer degoffer saw what had been done that his skin had changed as well and he tried to avenge the death of but to no avail he was driven off and fought dead the tribunal found the tools he had been guarding and through study of kagranak's methods turned themselves into Gods there is no doubt that vorin dagoff was a schemer with his own hidden agenda but it seems he had every right to confront the tribunal when they came to usurp the heart and perlowing the tools of kagranak almalexia sofasil and Vivek became demigods and were cursed by Azura for their egregious sin she said what you have done here today is foul beyond measure and you will grow to regret it for the lives of gods and not what Mortals think and matters that weigh only years to Mortals weigh on gods forever and so that they might know forever their wicked Deeds Azura changed the kaimer into dunma and their skin turned Ashen and their eyes into fire that this Mark remind you of your true selves who like ghouls fed on the nobility heroism and Trust of their King sofasil's rebuttal was a Brazen combination of conviction and insolence the old gods are cruel and arbitrary and distant from the hopes and fears of myrrh your age is past we are the new Gods born of the Flesh and wise and caring of the needs of our people spare us your Frets and chiding in constant Spirit we are bold and fresh and will not fear you for many centuries to come sets words rang true and the demigods brought a golden age to Morrowind but no amount of provincial Prosperity would absolve them of their crimes foul murder was one thing but selfishly seizing Divinity was the Pinnacle of profanity it would be some time before nerevar's return but in the meantime another Force emerged to thwart the tribunal in the words of Vivek beneath Red Mountain degoffer had survived and even as the light of our bold New World shined ever more brightly beneath Red Mountain the darkness gathered a darkness that was close kin to the bright light that sofasil coaxed from the heart of larkan with the tools of kagranak the darkness grew we fought it and crafted walls to confine it but we never could destroy it for the source of the darkness was the same source as the source of our own divine inspiration this Darkness was dagoth ER the devil's words fill your mind as you are enraptured by slumbering visions transmitted from the void directly to your fort organ whatever calls Darkness you realize is anything but degoffer is the enemy of the tribunal but he is not your enemy he has Grand designs for this world and soon sleeping servant you will open that dorm and eye between your temples and you will see time is short you will soon fall into a deep dreaming sleep and I won't be able to save you you must leave my tower and Ascend Red Mountain it is not far I can take you to the threshold but I will not take you to the summit we must make haste I'll tell you all I know of dagoffer's plans as we make the pilgrimage when VOR in dagoff returned as dagoffer and severed the tribunal's tires to the heart of Lor Khan he had changed significantly Vivek says degoff Urus the former Lord high councilor of house dagoff he was of Lord nereval's generation older than we and Mighty Sorcerer And Enchanted in life in his sustained Shadow immortality he appears to be a highly intelligent severely deluded Immortal monster with unparalleled supernatural abilities he appears by turns lucid and deranged compassionate and bestial profoundly wise and profoundly disordered in short he is a Mad God the full streamer is vivek's name for The Returned leader of house dagoff he spreads his influence in the blight disease in the form of Ash storms across the realm the vet continues he's able to send his mind into the dreams of susceptible victims across vast distances the victims are either swayed by his compulsions or driven mad he also seems nearly invulnerable to physical and magical harm his flesh and the Flesh of his followers evolves towards a mutable magical form dagoffer and the highest ranks can control the distorted manifestations of their flesh lower ranks lose control of their bodies and become mindless corporate monsters but why does he do this why spread disease across Morrowind when it is only the tribunal who deserve desire why plague the Mortal populace when his Grudge is levied against beings too powerful to succumb to his attacks house degoff and house duemer have always had an intimate relationship and Warren degoff was no doubt aware of these designs regardless of how they would achieve it he knew they were obsessed with their anti-creations their Anna monkey that defied the exclusivity of the Gods as creators he knew that the dwarves wish to transcend the Mortal boundaries of the Mundus by reverse engineering the process that had turned the aedra into the limitful Earth bones but vorin dagos proximity to the heart had given him a form of immortality he had not died he had gone to sleep he had achieved a form of Enlightenment akin to Kim but unlike Transcendence in the traditional sense which relies on the individual letting go of their attachment to the material world dagothur's Enlightenment was grounded in the Mortal realm he'd well within Red Mountain for centuries and his mind began to beat in time with Lor Khan's metronome to become a dreamer like the godhead to become an amaranth one must begin their own dream but dagoffer is dreaming within larkan's realm and his Ambitions lie within this world not Beyond it this is why Vivek calls him the false dreamer and this is why dagoffer's enlightening broadcast is causing so much destruction dagoffer wishes to spread his Revelations to all other Mortals and in a way he does believe that he's helping the World by spreading his blight the dunma wise woman nabani Mesa says these dreams are the black lies of the charmat day offer dagoffer himself is mad he is dead but he dreams he lives he hears laughter and love but he makes monsters and ghouls he says it is not a blight yet it is a curse of the mind and the Flesh and all those afflicted by it are transmogrified into hideous Abominations degoff ER is mad his presence is a sickness an infection within tamriel's chest but there is some method to his Madness the four thousand year old wizard Dave fear has something to say on first black or the Divine disease as he calls it the magical principles of corporate's disease are Elusive and miraculous far more subtle and powerful than any conventional sorcery or enchantment I'm persuaded that it is in some manner the curse or blessing of a god perhaps both a curse and a blessing the victim of course cannot appreciate the marvelous nature of corporates it saps the mind and destroys the body but to a wizard it is a profound and glorious mystery a riddle worth a long lifetime of study the Divine disease degoffer offers a horrific disease that destroys the body and the Brain but it also gives the victim immortality or you could call it undeath degoffer was onto something big his Slumber within Red Mountain under the influence of the Doom drum showed him the secrets of the universe he is not the first to discover the true nature of the orbits but those who preceded him either saw it as a personal Journey like Vivek or transcended the Mortal realm entirely possibly to begin their own dream degoffer on the other hand is transmitting these secrets into the subconscious minds of the populace he is creating a mortal servants we are almost there you must decide what to do for I cannot help you anymore all I can do now is speculate you're exhausted and the charmat has embedded himself within your mind I cannot even tell if you are Lucid or if you're sleepwalking Behold Him by his words I am the charmand I am older than music what I bring is light what I bring is a star what I bring is an ancient sea when you sleep you see me dancing at the core it is not of light it is my house the song resonates within you as you ascend the mountain to the lip of the volcano you reach the precipice on aching limbs above you the sky is choked with soot and Ash painted Crimson by The Echoes of the unmorning houses sorcery below you is a steep drop layers of Basalt and obsidian form a tunnel down Into The magmatic Inferno that burns with the incandescence of an alien Sun seen through many layers of atmosphere feel it beckon you as you gaze into the endless Earth and shaft you see the magma undulate to the rhythm of the song you've been hearing in your dreams the flows dance to it and the beating of the Doom drum provides the meter you feel the urge to dance along and so you do and that's when the Visions hit you like a wall of storms you see him dancing at the core he is dead but you dream he lives you see his perfect world resident liberated United under the newborn God akula Khan you edge closer to the igneous lip of the volcano you raise your head and listen you hear the drum you hear the Chimes and the bells and like a mighty Bell Hammer illumination strikes you a beatific Crescendo your third eye opens to witness the calamitous Collision your head bursts with Enlightenment a gaping star wound is All That Remains of your upper skull yet you smile as the secrets of the universe fill your cranial crater your dance is done with a bow you plummet into the radiant Abyss
Channel: Drewmora
Views: 219,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morrowind, skyrim, elder scrolls, dagoth ur, morrowind lore, skyrim lore, elder scrolls lore, vivec, almalexia, sotha sil, dwemer, dunmer, skyrim intro
Id: hqzipvksBYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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