Skyrim - The Real Reason Meridia Became a Daedric Prince... - Elder Scrolls Lore

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foreign Atop The Earth hour every god of every religion intersected and came into Focus the dawn had been hazy even to the original spirits but when Oriel made his will known Across The Unfinished Mundus that he planned to hold a meeting the Adra knew the Mortal realm would soon be ossified and each and every one of them wish to have their voices heard this Tower adamancia had been constructed from oriel's sleek and silver vessel to facilitate this convergence a spike in the still morphing land that stood tall against the glimmer Winds of the Dawn what happened here would be recorded in space-time and remembered so long as the Mundus lived even as the calpic cycle rolled ever on despite the Majesty of it all Meridia could not help but focus on the featureless sky above while her father beamed and Oriel ordained and Mara wept Meridia merely stared upward in a way she was dissociating projecting her thoughts above the world like a Searchlight focused on distant things but she was also disappointed her father insofar as any of the immortal Spirits could have fathers was the god of magic so brilliantly incandescent that mortal eyes would burst before comprehension had time to travel the optic nerve to the mind and yet the sky lacked luster it was shut off from ethereus it was even shut off from Oblivion though Magnus had often reprimanded her for letting her musings Meander into those murky Waters perhaps once the infinite Spirit gathered here had had their say she might have a chance to advocate for more of anu's light in the Mundus but once this convention concluded linear time would begin every word spoken here every action performed by consent of presence would endure eternally thus every word in action bore great consequence even so tensions Rose and with every spirit-bearing witness Oriel and trinamak did condemn law Khan as a Deceiver many things happened at convention but this was one of the two most significant events on record trinamak reached into larkan's chest with more than hands to tear out his heart and Oriel fastened it to an arrow and sent it flying across the encourt continent it was the lunatic laughter resonating from the heart that Meridia could not forget it appalled the Adra and it sent many fleeing in shame from their creation Meridia saw that no God was more Disturbed than her father and he commanded his many children to follow him as he leapt from Tower zero flying and flaring Skyward like ducklings the Magna gee followed in magnus's dazzling wake and for a while Meridia did too but she contemplated creation she was proud of it she did not want to abandon it yes it needed more light but she couldn't bear the notion of another eternity spent in the blinding whiteness of aetherius where our news ineffable light emanates unchallenged she thought of her secret trysts with the illicit spirits and the time she had peeled back the veil on the endless rainbow of illicit Spectra So Scandalous that she dared not recall them in detail and yet she yearned for more of that chaos what was order without chaos what was our new without padamia one without the other was monochromatic but together they were omni-color an infinite spectrum of possibility if she returned to a furious these innumerable Hues would all be washed out and so in her flight Meridia shared the mantle of magni and became a star orphan she emancipated herself from Madness to forge her own path in the cosmos the god of magic tore through the fabric of the Mundus and the great gaping rent his departure made became the Sun and all his Untold Sons and Daughters made tears of their own that became the Stars and each of these Rifts were the apertures through which ethereal light would bathe the Mortal realm Ever After Meridia was delighted for the world she had participated in creating was instantaneously made more magical and the sky was not so dull anymore and this only served to strengthen her resolve as she turned her back on her father's oppressive luminance she instead flew to the outer Realms of Oblivion to artifice a prismatic realm where white light could be separated into an array of colors Beyond imagination this Cosmic occurrence was documented in the tract of merid Nunda long ago likely by the Ancient Aliens and the more contemporary text titled exegesis of merid Nunda Endeavors to translate and decipher fragments of this tract formed of her substance a great drag lens and the light of Magnus was bent thereby the Rays carved focused a new sphere from the chaos which Merit Nunda laughing sparkling declaim for her own thus does merid Nunda ride slide across the Rainbow Road from end to end at one end stretching the dragon at the other end compressing him Meridia was orphaned and she would never return to her exalted home upon high in a furious but from her colored rooms she would never again be confined to a limited supply of Shades and hues and could continue to interact with the Mundus the question is was Meridia prepared to single-handedly embrace the full spectrum of colors from the brightness of a furious all the way to the great Darkness or would she be swallowed by the void and corrupted by the umbral spirits who dwell in Oblivion hey guys it's drew the datrologist here and welcome back to my study after attempting to unravel the unscrupulous psyche of Molag Bal and concluding that he simply does not care about the Mortal experience I wanted to explore a more nuanced Daedric prince and there really isn't a more stark contrast to bal's amorality than the lady of infinite energies Meridia some cultures are quick to dismiss her as superficial greedy or lacking wisdom but while I agree that she can be impulsive and capricious I believe she does have far more depth than she has given credit for it took immense courage to stray from The Guiding Light of Magnus to be cast adrift on the Waters of Oblivion to carve out a home of such radiant Beauty in the void and unlike her former lover Molag Bal I believe Meridia loves the Mortal realm and the intricacies of its inhabitants she did take part in the creation of the Mundus after all and despite her Daedric title and her plane of Oblivion she's without question and Adra she's the very definition of adrik and I am suggesting that her decision to become a Daedra Lord abandoning her kin was done out of love for her creation she wants to be involved in the Affairs of Mortals and while her Mercurial disposition led her to both assault and protect the Mundus I believe it was all driven by Twisted kind of maternal instinct I've made quite a few assertions already that require a lot of justifying so why don't we take a step back to where I began my research this is the story of the orphaned glimmer Meridia it All Began during my Adventures through the northern Tundras when I opened an old creaking chest and there resting atop a bed of septums and rusted iron I found it a beacon its radiant sent the darkness scampering seeking refuge in the gloomy recesses of the chamber and when I laid a hand upon the many faceted Stone a thunderous voice assaulted my ears and reverberated through my skull I almost cried out for Mercy I gripped my head as if to prevent it from shattering but she was inside me now so I steadied my nerves and heeded her Divine din a new hand touches the beacon listen hear me and Obey I found Darkness has seeped into my temple a darkness that you will destroy return my beacons amounts kill crease I will make you the instrument of my cleansing light once the migraine subsided I wondered why would a Daedra Lord disdain the undead isn't that rk's business Meridia did not deign to answer my questions but she could not stop me from researching all there is to know about her and the answer to my question as with all things Meridia was multifaceted Meridia's hatred for the undead is a clear indicator of her investment in the Mortal realm Mortals die and their souls returned to aetherius that is how the original Spirits designed this realm to profane this cycle is to mock the gods who gave them life to seek on death is to attempt to attain the mantle of godhood Meridia herself calls undead beings unnatural as I've hinted at already but will delve more into throughout the video Meridia was hesitant to abandon creation to Magnus the prospect of limiting his divinity was not an option this Mortal realm was not worth the sacrifice according to a cut part of the pocket guide to the Empire Third Edition namely the Imperial census of daedra Lords Meridia was cast from the heavens for consorting with illicit Spectra technically this census is not canon but it ties in perfectly with the tale of Meridia's Exile after convention and gives us some insight into the reasoning consorting with illicit Spectra is a fascinating choice of words because it implies so much Spectra is the plural form of spectrum and to refer to Spectra as illicit suggests that there were bands of color that her father the Magna gee and perhaps all the Adra considered forbidden metaphorically speaking if Meridia consorted with these colors then she became enraptured by their law and perhaps wanted to include them in creation after all the Mortal realm was to be entirely unlike anything that Gods knew no perfect order no unadulterated chaos but something in between and speaking of something in between the etymology of Meridia in our world comes from the Latin Middle day Meridia is quite literally in the middle but I personally think that illicit Spectra has a double meaning aside from being the plural form of spectrum the word Spectra is one letter away from the word Specter and they even share the same etymology for the French word Specter derives from the Latin word spectrum A specter is a ghost or a spirit usually one that incites fear or foreboding and of course illicit means forbidden so illicit Spectra is a perfect description of the Daedra Lords who did not take part in creation I'd argue that Meridia's willingness to embrace illicit Spectra was demonstrated in the adjacent place of League when the Magna gee descended into the bowels of the earth to create mayroon's the razor in secret mehrun's Dagon was a living weapon imbued with oblivion's most precious and scarce asset hope there is much darkness in Dagon his capacity to destroy relies on Spectra that the Adra might consider to be malignant the great crab king of the dregs Molag Bal had taken advantage of creation he had become this Mortal Realms Overlord a tyrant of tyrants and even though the magnet involved endeavored to artifice a prince of good they span his likeness in random swath and imbued him with hope which was a padamayic chaotic trait the hope is usually a force that runs contrary to what is typically expected to happen dagon's Hope was a slave's hope a longing for justice and Vengeance in a realm devoid of both thus the magnity knew that to tear down the cruel oppressors of Lake they needed a weapon with even greater destructive power while it isn't explicitly stated which of the magnet took part in this secret deific construction I'm certain that along with her sister zero League Meridia was at the Forefront of the scheme for she was not ignorant to all the Spectra of the universe even though Shades that most orderly Adra would consider prohibited this would be one instance of Meridia consorting with illicit Spectra both in terms of illicit spectrums of color plucking assets like Hope from the Waters of Oblivion and in terms of specters creating a Daedric prince and as I discussed in great detail in my video on mehron's Dagon which I'll link in the description mayron's Dagon was a weapon so powerful that he turned that hope against his creators and against the heavens he did not stop at dethroning molecbal but he unmade the entire realm pre reaching new Manchester which is Liberty illicit Spectra can refer to so many Concepts and so many spirits Lor Khan's radical imaginings for example if Meridia loves the Mundus as I believe she does and was hesitant to abandon it then you could say that she consorted with these limitful pedemic Notions that lokan implemented when creating the Mortal Realm and since the word consorting was used this could be taken more literally implying a kind of relationship between Meridia and these illicit Spectrum in League Meridia and the Magna gee thwarted Molag Bal because he was a threat to the peace and stopped this mortal world from experiencing itself properly but what if Molag Bal had seduced Meridia leading up to Convention and The Exodus of Magnus and her siblings perhaps Mo like Bal saw that Meridia loved Mortals and was proud of her creation and thus chose to approach Meridia with a proposition and in doing so he could also potentially gain access to the very weapon that was used against him in Lake we know Meridia was not afraid to gaze into the abyss taking heed of the darker tones molagbal knew how to rule and at his side Meridia could rule Tamriel nirn the entire Mundus if she agreed she wouldn't have to return to wiferius and could elope with her new lover and then rule the mortar world and from Meridia's own dialogue with the last Dragonborn we know she takes pleasure in being loved and revered by Mortals she says look at my temple lying in Ruins so much for the constancy of Mortals their crafts and their hearts if they love me not how can my love reach them one mention of Molag bal's collaboration with Meridia comes from the writings of the silent priest Ammon Dro concerning the spirits of the kajiti pantheon in his text spirits of amandro the priest writes the following about molar one of the twelve demon Kings Elder Spirit of domination and supreme law this demon was the first to assault the lattice with intent alongside daegon and merid Nunda we know from his dominance of lyric as well as the plane meld and just his General demeanor that Molag Bal is quite fond of invading the Mortal realm but the inclusion of Dagon and Meridia is not so easy to explain as we've established in the adjacent place of League Dagon was the tool of Destruction that toppled bal's aqueous Empire and Meridia along with the Magna gee was the creator of this tool so the kajiti pantheon is asserting that these free adversarial Spirits colluded Meridia made Dagon and by persuading Meridia to join him molagbal knew he would also have access to her razor I believe this could be one of the most compelling answers to the consorting with illicit Spectra conundrum it even fits the definition of consorting if the two had a relationship but eventually Meridia learned that she was being used for Molag Bal only truly desires domination this background would explain the intense rivalry shared between the two going forward the first documented manifestation of this rivalry comes during the height of a-lead Supremacy in the heartland of sirot the aliens were an offshoot of the ultimate Somerset but time and environmental factors caused the Heartland elves to diverge culturally the jungles of sirit were wildly different to the Tranquil Meadows of verdant alanor there were intelligent birdmen needic settlements and the aliens appropriated a great deal from both eventually the avian folk went extinct and the aliens no doubt had a part to play in that outcome the needy humans were not wiped out but they were enslaved on mass the aliens predominantly worshiped the same adric entities as the Ultima but they had some quirks such as their a special affinity for the stars the aliens believe that light was one of the four basic elements of the material world and they considered Starlight to be the most Sublime form of light also as their civilization flourished hubris and Hedonism proliferated in many citadels Daedra worship eclipsed atra worship and this had a tangible influence on the culture many of the regional sorcerer Kings began turning their human slaves into sources of entertainment torture became an art form and human suffering proved to be a delicacy I'm confident that the Kingdom's most notorious for torturing slaves were the ones that venerated Molag Bal above all other princes due to their fondness for light and starlight it should come as no surprise that Meridia was also well loved by the Heartland elves as for molecbal and Meridia their rivalry came to a head in the conflict between the cities of delladil and abigailis cities that stood in honor of their Patron princes delladil was devoted to Meridia and the aliens inhabiting the city had made it a monument to her luminance according to the text titled the withering of delladil it was a city of pleasant promenades of learned Scholars of meticulous Artisans and of lysom dancers and also did delladil have Warriors Fierce and proud above all lovers they did venerate the Lady of Light Building for Meriden under a chapel of colored rays and beams which was for Glory like a piece of a furious brought down to the mortar world and the people of Della deal were proud thereon abigailis on the other hand was a city dedicated to Molag Bal and the aliens dwelling there were not so elegant and not such skilled craftsmer they attempted to construct a chapel of similar Majesty to their Patron but it paled in comparison to the brightness of the one built for merit the aliens of abigailas were masters of War not of art perhaps the king of abigailas had spent too much time listening to Bal for he could not rest so long as delladil appeared to be in any way Superior to his City the beauty of delladil inspired vexation in the king of abigailas like a bright light across the valley that he could not snuff so he resolved to Snuff that light by any means necessary the text continues the king of abigailas mustered all his soldiers and on a night in which the skies were lit by a furious racing Aurora he marched them across the valley to Della Dil but when the King and his army arrived they found the land empty for the city of delladil was gone unto every brick and the King thought he heard laughter in the lights in the skies mirth that turned to shrieks of fear that came not from above but from back across the valley in haste the king marched his soldiers back to his City but when they arrived at abigailas they found it utterly destroyed as if by scorching light and of the families of the soldiers and the King nothing could be found but their Shadows burnt into the walls of the city thus abigailers but of the fate of delladil nothing more was known the text fails to mention some details like the name of abigailis's King a numeral and the secret power that he possessed a numeral had been working with Bal to prepare a necromantic ritual capable of enslaving thousands of Souls this spell was called the mortem vivicus and had the Meridian worshiping inhabitants of delladil not outwitted a numeral it certainly would have been Unleashed upon them the scorching light that destroyed abigailus was caused by an artifact of marid nundu's creation the Prismatic call as for The Disappearance of delladil it has been theorized that the city was transported by Meridia to molagbal's realm of Cold Harbor and became the hollow city which is protected from baal's influence by the Lady of Light the strange thing about this is that you rarely see one Daedric prince having any influence in another Prince's plane of Oblivion these Realms are extensions of their masters so with the exception of share goraf who is also jiggalak this kind of interference should not be possible perhaps the relationship between Meridia and molibal goes even deeper than we think Cold Harbor is described as an apocalyptic imitation of nirn as if nern lacked the full spectrum of color and was left pallid and gray I also theorized in my Molag Bal video that his realm is composed of the salvaged remnants of League after it's dismantling and if Meridia played a part in both the creation and destruction of Luke then perhaps she has some sway over Cold Harbor coincidentally in his monologue to the champion of cyrodiil Manco Cameron attributes the realm of Cold Harbor to Meridia not to Bal but speculation aside it's clear that Bal and Meridia's Dynamic goes deeper than we know the second instance of their rivalry truly demonstrates the fickle nature of Meridia the Khajiit believed that she assaulted the Mortal realm alongside Baal but in the 582nd year of the second era she foiled the Lord of domination at every opportunity and played a pivotal role in preserving the Mortal realm from catastrophe for more details on the plane meld be sure to watch my video on Molag Bal but in summary Bal endeavored to drag whole swaths of known into his realm of Cold Harbor by using gigantic machines called Dark anchors this was made possible due to bal's collaboration with Mana Marco the king of worms Mana Marco initiated the soul burst a massive explosion of Arcane energy which sundered the veil between nern and Oblivion while the Khajiit would call the Luna lattice by supplanting the leader of the Fighter's Guild and replacing it with one of her servants Meridia weaponized The Guild against bal's Invasion and from the hollow city which we can essentially call her Embassy in Cold Harbor Meridia had the perfect foothold in enemy territory for tamriel's Defenders to assemble Meridia's light destroyed bal's machines and safeguarded the forces of known as they orchestrated the Lord of domination's defeat simply put whatever their relationship might have been in the distant past Meridia maintained no love for Molag Bal by the time of the aliad empire in the middle morafic era we've already discussed why Meridia would despise the undead but there's no doubt that her hatred for molegbal would only serve to exacerbate this enmity molagbal is responsible for the curse of vampirism after forcing it upon an innocent young Priestess of RK in ancient times so if Meridia considers immortality to be a profane mockery of creation then intelligent Undead like vampires and liches who likely sort out these curses willingly would be the worst offenders in her eyes earlier I mentioned the beliefs of the cat folk and the teachings of the silent priest amendro who asserted that married Nunda conspired with molecbal to assault the Luna lattice while she may have done so in the past the events of the plane milled run contrary to the kajiti view that Meridia is an adversarial Spirit Ammon Rose description of Meridia is scaving spirits of amandro reads merid Nunda full Spirit of greed the orphaned glimmer she's the daughter of magras Who Loved only himself and his own creations did not take a mate but instead forged Children of the IFA marid Nunda is a cold Spirit born of light without love she is intellect without wisdom knowledge without purpose she's the consort of demons and some songs blame her for orchestrating the death of Mighty Law College when married Nunda dared assault the lattice Azura struck her down before the valiant's gate and dragged her away from it she then cast married nunder into the void and bound her there with mirrors there are a few important assertions here to call Meridia intellect without wisdom is understandable considering the fact that at least in kajiti spirituality Meridia has both attempted to invade the Mortal realm and successfully protected it from an invasion she also aligned with the tyrannous aliens in their efforts to quell the Elysian Uprising which seems more like something Baal would do though it's understandable since the aliens worship light and by extension her but I don't think it's Justified to claim that she orchestrated the death of Mighty Law College everything we know of Meridia's departure from the magnity suggests that she was averse to abandoning creation a creation that was only possible thanks to law Khan Oriel trinamak and Magnus all opposed Lor Khan that much is certain and Meridia was evidently not on her father's side at convention whether you believe she was exiled from afarious or whether she left of her own volition it came about because Meridia was sorting with Hues or Notions that the Adra did not approve of I believe amandro and the Khajiit as a whole are so eager to denounce Meridia because of their love for Azura the queen of Dawn and Dusk and matron of the cat folk in many ways they are both associated with light and with the sun and the Stars Meridia comes from the Latin meridianum which literally means noon the point where the sun is at its apex and it's no secret that Azura's vanity is profound Meridia is beautiful and radiant like Azura so Azura's followers portray Meridia as shallow and cold and all the stories tell of Azura's victories over the glister witch but I don't think Azura can reasonably take credit for Meridia's emancipation from her father I would argue that Meridia does no love even if her father never showed it to her and I would argue that Meridia's bravery in defying her overbearing father following her own convictions is a sign of wisdom and what's more I think even amandro agree as he contradicts himself in his own text the section of spirits of amandro that pertains to Magnus says the following magras the sun god Azura judged him as too full of fear to rule the sphere in other words despite magnus's diviningcandescence and his ample contributions to Creation he ultimately stumbled at the final hurdle where commitment was put to the test he was willing to impart his ideas upon the Mundus but he was not willing to pledge any of his power to it his contributions were therefore rather superficial since they required No sacrifice whatsoever Meridia though she was willing to give up her family all in the pursuit of colors that strayed from the accepted norms and she was not alone that rare manuscript the tract of meridnunda supplemented by frastus of Elena's interpretations provides some insight a fragment of the manuscript reads when known as the nine corrugations who followed the parabolas that led away from magnets married Nunda was of these sisters as was Nemo lie as was Zero leak as was frastus in his exegesis States this appears to identify the Daedric prince Meridia with the so-called star orphans those are newick ER entities that separated from Magnus when that Divine withdrew from the creation of the orbits these nine members of magnet were sparkling projectiles following the defiant curves that contradicted Magnus and emancipated them from him even with only small fragments of the ancient manuscript to draw from the evidence is crystal clear that Meridia and the other coruscations willingly chose to defy Magnus as opposed to being banished and to draw once more from this tract there is an excerpt which supports the notion that Meridia was not afraid to embrace Darkness and sought the wisdom that could only be attained by analyzing and reconciling the intricacies of the entire Spectrum illicit or not it reads we speak to Merit Nunda regarding the light for she is the scintilla that fears not darkness and swims the waves of pull and spin chaos Lords of Oblivion chided Meridia for her trespass and bade her return to orbis but Meridia was unfazed and constructed her colored rooms in an act of divine will and by forming of her substance a great drag lens bending magnus's light she brought a furious with her into Oblivion focusing a concentrated Ray of a news ineffable brightness into the void she brought the purest of Spectra into a place of dense untraversable tenebrosity and so even in her plane of Oblivion which some would claim is her Exile Meridia inhabits a domain of her own design filled with all the Spectra of the orbits a mixture of anuik and padamayic with this in mind I want to go on a brief tangent the creation myth of the orbits regardless of the culture always features the interplay between the two primordial forces of light and darkness of Order and Chaos when I refer to anuik and paramayic that's what I'm referring to the interplay of anuit Order and paramaya Chaos certain spirits and certain cultures tend to lean one way or the other the Ultima of Somerset for instance would be an example of an anuit race they follow aedric Gods especially those like Oriel who Proclaim that mortality is a trap and that Mortals are children of aetherius who must strive to return to Heaven by any means necessary I'm generalizing of course as no tamrielic race is a hive mind well the hist would beg to differ but let's put a pin in that topic for now on the other side of the septim races like the dunma or Khajiit or more padamayak revering Daedric Spirits or a mixture of adrik and Daedric with no regard given to the arbitrary distinction Meridia's wisdom lies in her decision to place herself right in the middle of the two at the heart of Order and Chaos I like to use the shadow metaphor when explaining the interplay between Anu and padami a news light was all-encompassing there was no Nuance but padamiah created obstacles for a news light to bounce off of these obstacles created shadows and that's where the magic lies that Divine spark that allows conflict and variance and variant sounds a lot like Valiants the word for the magic that emanates from the Stars which the aliens collected in their Wells and since we're talking about Shadows there's a lesser known form of magic called Shadow Magic I want to save this topic for another day as I believe Shadow Magic is far more powerful than the Mages of Mundus realize but one sorcerer named azra night wielder began to understand this power before he was prematurely killed a mysterious text The Scroll of Shadow holds the following wisdom upon its fold parchment Shadows were not in the absence of light but a reflection of possible worlds created by forces in Conflict a light strikes a rock and the shadow is a record of their Clash past present and future we've spoken in great detail about Meridia's tryst with the illicit Spectra and I believe this description of Shadows summarizes this Spectra better than anything else a news light was so ineffable that the primordial force needed opposition in order to experience itself Magnus and some of the other aedra have fallen into the Trap of not understanding the importance of the interplay the necessity of shadow in making light meaningful Meridia would be nothing without her dark side she is often called the bright lady the Sunfire the radiant one the Lady of Light but all of these titles miss the Nuance of Meridia she's neither adrik nor Daedric anuik nor padamayic she is in the middle she is the Divine coalescence of both take a look at her primary artifact no I don't mean Meridia's Beacon I mean Dawnbreaker this sword was forged in a Holy Light that breaks upon her foes burning away corruption and false life and yet it was forged from ebony a material said to be the crystallized blood of larkan himself the patamike trickster whose dark heart endures in harmony with the Mortal realm a realm of limitation and conflict which Meridia loves ultimately Meridia has proven herself to be capricious and nebulous and to some this means she's unwise but Meridia is not light without love Magnus is light without love why else would he Forge his children from The Ether in place of taking a mate I believe Meridia has a kind of Twisted maternal instinct when it comes to the Mortal realm of Mundus she helped to create it she refused to abandon it she clung on to all the manifold colors of the spectrum both light and dark and she was disowned for it but even in Oblivion she took some a furious with her she loves life but is also sought to control it like a manipulative mother in some ways she might have been confused as to how to properly show her love since her father was incapable of teaching her and yes her desire to possess all the colors of the universe may make her greedy but her fluctuations between light and dark are what make her such a fascinating character one I hope to see explored in much more detail in the Elder Scrolls 6. and there you have it guys when setting out to unravel the secrets of the glister witch I never imagined she would prove to be so complex researching Meridia was like staring into a kaleidoscope single out one facet and I'm sure you could label and Define her with ease but adjust the aperture of your mind open yourself to different angles shift perspectives and the picture painted of Meridia suddenly becomes now impossible to define words become inadequate you can only gaze upon her lustrous form and interpret her for yourself thank you so much for watching my interpretation of Meridian I hope you enjoyed it my name is Drew the datrologist you've been watching Drew Mora and I'll see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Drewmora
Views: 106,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meridia, daedric prince, skyrim, elder scrolls, eso, meridia lore, daedric prince lore, skyrim lore, elder scrolls lore, molag bal, mehrunes dagon, meridia's beacon, a new hand touches the beacon, ayleids, planemeld, vampires, khajiit, khajiit lore, azura, dawnbreaker
Id: Y1Aj_4V0N8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 19sec (2179 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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