Why People Are Quitting LOST ARK | Asmongold Reacts

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why people are quitting lost art okay here we go hi everyone and welcome to my channel today we're gonna take a look at the reason why people are quitting gloss stark obviously the game has lost quite a bit of players since its initial boom with the release and that's quite normal however i wanted to read a couple of articles from people that have quit the game or that are upset to see where they went wrong or maybe where the game went wrong we're going to analyze this together because it's important for us to see if there's something we can do about it or if there's something that is just a normal course or misunderstood by players etc before we begin i would just like to say a huge thank you to those of you who voted in my stronghold contest that i held earlier this week i've sent the money to gizmerelda which actually won by a by a mile i'm looking forward to doing more of these uh stronghold visits and reviewing reviewing your plots um with possibly bigger prizes in in the near future yeah cool let's just dive into into the first article right here um i'm gonna read all of it but you're gonna see the most important parts about to quit after seeing how much this game is paid to win um posted on the official forums this person is saying that i've been playing the game for a month i'm currently in tier 3 with 1331 gear score a month 13 days ago when this article was posted having played for a month at that time means he started with free to play so most likely a brand new player to the game doesn't know anything about it i would say for that kind of a player without any help from the outside maybe he doesn't watch any videos either uh 1331 is a good gear score to reach after four weeks in an mmo i i think so too yeah i i think so too like what do you guys think 1331's easy yeah it's like you you can get there for sure like that's not bad or anything i think it's like the more the more problem is like the uh the release schedule that's what really makes a difference and yeah he could have a job which is going to decrease your item level by a lot continues to say that he has lost all of his resources or not lost but spent all of his resources to get there and he is very upset that some people already have 400 000 gold in their bank i can tell you that with an absolute minimum knowledge of lost ark which is which is like a bare absolute minimum after watching maybe two videos 10 minutes each you can most likely be around 1340 as a completely free-to-play player and still have about 20 000 gold in your bank at this moment he continues to say that the only people who are able to play the new content and by new content he most likely means argos are those who put in a lot of money in the game or who received it from viewers um so he's been watching my stream that that's that's really where we're at so this guy has been watching my stream and he's not happy about it it's not a surprise it's not a surprise one bit of another but like this is really what people do i mean they see that they get pissed off and they make posts like this all the [ __ ] time if you're that kind of a person that gets jealous on uh streamers like asthma gold who receives to see like he knew exactly like he knew exactly what what he was talking about like everybody knows it's like oh whenever streamers get a lot of gold no everybody knew exactly who it was that he was talking about let's just say it get it out in the open and move on every single honing material and gold needed to get to 1400 in a matter of days um then just on you really you cannot be jealous of people receiving gifts in the game at the same time you cannot be jealous that the game in general allows for people to send each other materials or have some tradable mats a game who doesn't care about gear is a game like guild wars 2 for example which is a fantastic choice for people who don't who cannot stand the fact that there is a sort of gear progression that can make you money or that can take money from you depending what kind of a player you are and um new content for people exclusively for people who put money into the game absolutely not um i have so many friends who haven't spent a single dime not one time that's not me i've spent some money on the game buying all sorts of crazy stupid stuff from the cash shop not gear enchantment materials but who would believe me however i have so many friends who haven't spent that much true and they are that's definitely true uh do argos they are at 1370 myself i'm also at 1370 and i can be at 13 85 or even 13 19 yeah in a matter of two hours because i have most of the mats already stacked up i'm just not enchanting i'm taking a break maybe i'm selling some mats if the price is good at the moment um the same way as i took a break at 1340 just laying there and selling some mats at a very high price which have now crashed and now i'm possibly buying those mats back at half the price so you know listen it it doesn't take um a rocket scientist to understand what what is what are two good engravings in lost ark but it does take um time and effort in order to flip items on the auction house to always camp to set up your right searches so you can be really fast it's like a lot of knowledge like this happens with every new game that's why if you play the beta it really helps you out a lot is because like you know what to do there are a lot of games that like if you know what to do early in the game you have huge advantages like that's i think a big one for that is path of exile like there are people that play the market in path of exile and that's how they make like a mirror's worth of currency in less than a month or sorry less than a week because they're just playing the market they know what's going to be cheap on release and they know how it's going to go up in value and then they buy it and sell it accordingly that's just always how things go someone places an item there with 2 000 gold great engravings you buy it you sell it right away with five you've just made 3 000 gold gold that can help you get from thirty one to thirteen fourth it takes two weeks to get from thirteen thirty to thirteen seventy assuming you're playing that one character to its fullest assuming you're gathering assuming you're spending a lot of time in the game and especially now with these events with the pvp merchant being there with the extra guardian raids also giving gear and channel material it shouldn't take you more than two weeks and to be fair to to be a brand new player from 1331 two weeks from now so a month and a half to be able to play the end content in in six weeks after an mmo's release as a player who knows nothing about lost ark i say that's a good thing so i i agree with that i think the problem that people have like yeah that because that's definitely true post is two weeks old wait so two weeks is a lot of [ __ ] like two weeks of doing the same [ __ ] every day how is it any good it seems fair yeah but i think the difference is like you can't you you pay to win right that's really what the difference is for a lot of this stuff it's that people pay to win and other people get the advantage faster so it doesn't matter about it being reasonable for like a casual player casual player to get there because a paid win player gets there faster it's like the it's the logic behind it is worse than the reality it's kind of like how in titan forging and wow where it would feel really bad whenever somebody got a piece of gear that was better than yours but it's like it's just logic right that's the way things go it doesn't really prevent you from doing content but it still makes you feel bad now i think it's kind of like a game feel thing um i'm not trying to make excuses for for for lost ark having the option to deposit real money and speed up your progression like that but even with this rushed release that we had so far where there's a lot of peer pressure and a lot of incentives to make you feel that you should deposit real money just because some people have reached the higher um um ceiling in terms of enchanting your gear to access argos phase 3 1400 or whatever um i think that's the that's the problem that people are worried about and that's the one thing that like from now on amazon needs to make sure it doesn't happen and i can also guarantee you that like it doesn't matter how long they wait they can wait until next year to bring out vaulting and there's still going to be people complaining that it's too early or they don't have the item level for it yet like there's always going to be people that aren't caught up but i think to a certain extent they need to be more careful about making sure that they don't release something too early without giving people necessary or sufficient amount of materials to get there without feeling like they have to spend real money that's what the issue is even so you can begin your latest content um in a matter of six weeks from the moment you start playing and that's for a for a free-to-play player at that yeah the next article i want to discuss is uh called why i decided to quit lost after having three characters in tier three and having completed the money i can tell you why is because you have three characters in tier three you burned yourself the [ __ ] out how the [ __ ] do you have three characters in tier three oh my god yeah jesus christ recent argos content uh the person is saying that he hit tier three playing three weeks or so that's really fast to hit um uh tier three content and yeah that's a that's a nice job and several things came playing into my brain as realizations if i wanted to actually continue playing difficult and engaging content i would have um had to look for a guild uh that's that's what's the big deal i mean i guess some people just like to be lone wolves in that case you don't have to look for a guild you can also look the at the party matching tool and you can whisper people you talk to them in the in the party chat there get some insight in into whether they know the mechanics or what gear they have etc um so it's not mandatory uh or you are stuck with pugs and barely any method of checking who is actually capable of doing something yeah joining a guild is definitely very important once you join a guild you are said to be a person that has to follow some sort of expectations in terms of how well your character is progressing i've personally never had that problem ever joining the right guild for you is always the best choice if you join a mega hardcore world progression guild or a whale guild then you're gonna get kicked obviously because they don't want you there exactly and i think that's what happens is some people want to join a guild where everybody is like really well geared but then it's like there are people that basically they want to join a guild where everybody else works really hard except them so like they're like yeah i want to be in a guild that like clears stuff really fast and everybody's like really good they know what they're doing and then they come in and everybody else is putting in 100 and they're putting in 70 and then they get mad whenever people don't want them right and so i think it is really important like if he's never had that problem i think this is a problem for sure is that the expectations will be put on you to do certain things but i don't really have that problem a lot either because i look to play with people that are uh that have the same mindset as me and i think there's a lot of people that want to or believe that they are like entitled to have better players play with them or carry them in content and i think that's what happens they cannot play with you if you want to keep up the pace with hardcore and semi-hardcore players and be able to play decently challenging content with people who have some brain cells you will have to play several alts do the daily grind on each and every single one of them or um pay with your wallet if you really is that true like i feel like i haven't had that many bad experiences in lost ark in general like whenever i've just clicked the matchmaking button like i'm not talking about like making pugs on my stream but like just in general like i haven't really had a lot of bad experiences in general uh you got boosted well how do i get boosted in matchmaking though like we wiped on some of these bosses for an hour how's that getting boosted yeah i don't understand yeah it's like it makes no sense streamer experience is different yeah no it's not if i click the matchmaking button it's the same as anybody else clicking the matchmaking button the people there weren't watching my stream they were just clicking the matchmaking button too it's the same exact thing i guess it's like it's a mixed bag right because like i'm sure sometimes you'll get a group it's like i have this like because i farm the night fox yoho like every day and sometimes the kills will take two minutes sometimes they'll take 10 minutes because people just don't know how to do damage and they suck like you get sniped in matchmaking what do you mean there's no snipers in matchmaking clueless stream sniping cues that happens in every mmo you play you really think your popularity in itself doesn't advertise your post there's no post there's no post you click the matchmaking button and it automatically assigns you three other random players whenever i had the three other random players assigned to me none of the three of them were watching my stream this is what i did for my first hard modes whenever orisa i got 1370. just go watch the vod why why why why wha what is going on here it's different in lost stark as well since you can't queue from anywhere like in wow yeah i have you done a bissell raid with random matchmaking um yes yeah i have it's just people are saying something it's just not true it's just so annoying man people are saying uh people watching your streams are anything matchmaking at the same time as you to get grouped up with you in the dungeon but that didn't happen that didn't happen like it didn't happen the people that i played with like they weren't watching the stream i want to keep up with the hardcore players that means you have some leads that should make you also hardcore and if you want to keep up with someone who's hardcore and plays 12 hours a day and you cannot play that time then maybe you should lower your expectations to a point where you can keep up with those people the idea or i think that's that happened a lot in classic wow like a big example of this in classic wow is people would want to join guilds that got all the world buffs and they got they were really serious about buffing and everything like that and then they wouldn't do it themselves or they wouldn't put in all the effort themselves it's like you have to find a guild that has the same level of mentality that you do and i think that if you join a guild and you don't fit in with that guild you should try to find another guild that fits in with you because like the problem is people join a guild and then they don't conform to the way the guild behaves and then they get mad about it that's not their fault that's not the guild's fault that's their fault you shouldn't have joined the [ __ ] guild yeah they want the result without putting in the effort exactly of 20 years ago everyone um is equal because 20 years ago we were 15 as opposed to 35 years old that's an idea from the past if you want to be hardcore you can be hardcore but if you want to be casual and keep up with the hardcore players i believe that's um just an unfair um thing to exactly to to blame maybe for um and and also it's not healthy for your mental health to to always feel compelled to keep up with someone hardcore because in your brain you're also hardcore but in reality you're not because you're on two and a half hours a day i am not going to bro real [ __ ] real [ __ ] no cap on a stack ain't that the [ __ ] truth oh my god like that's what it is people the thing is like i had to admit this to myself right it's like after a while like i had to admit like listen i don't have the time to play the game the same as i used to right i can't be as serious as i used to be and i wanted to pretend like oh no that's not the case that's not the case you still do what you want to do but the fact is that you get older you have more responsibilities you have other stuff to do and you can't go you can't go quite as hard as you used to man yeah that's all you stream all day exactly i scream all day that's my whole point i'm screaming all day i can't waste my [ __ ] time farming out [ __ ] that's boring i gotta entertain you guys that's the whole point it might my point exactly and then you fall off yeah you fall off that way that's exactly what happens and that's life to grind content i don't enjoy do a lot of adventure tomes press g five million times just so smilegate or amazon can randomly decide that maybe the next content release will have an item level i haven't yet managed to get now it's like i mean what he's saying is like it's so true you know what i mean like it's so true but at the same time it's really [ __ ] funny whenever somebody actually says it um yeah i love it i admit that our release so far has been rushed lo stark's intention as it is a lovely game and a game that really wants to be inclusive uh to the majority not to everyone that's playing an hour a day but to the majority of active players lost arc should be inclusive and that's what they're striving for in the latest post on the official website they did admit that it was a bit rushed that people were not ready to enter 1370 at the time when 1370 was a thing if they would have just exactly they said hard mode of the best dungeons which are also 1370 people would be far less incentivized to deposit real money just because there is no new content uh the first base rate something extraordinary argos let's get there there is no 14 15 to uh to get to or 1400 you can do all the stages so much less incentive for people to try to keep up with the whales like this person seems to be trying right uh so i admit our release was rushed but at the same time with feedback and with the recent communication from amazon future releases will be there future releases of content in terms of item level increases will be there when the active majority is going to be ready at least that's what they said and i can tell you and i've always told you this for years already that lost ark wants to wants to have everyone be able to access same as argos should have come when most active players would be 1370 to let them i think that's what people are so paranoid about now and like it's going to take a while like it's pa no the thing is like there's probably here's what's going to happen this is what i'm assuming is going to happen is that the normal mode is going to follow the average progression curve of a casual like a semi-casual semi-hardcore player like half and half like 14 15. i feel like if you're semi-casual semi-hardcore half-and-half you'll probably hit 14-15 if you're playing regularly uh for the next month like you probably will uh unless like you get extraordinarily unlucky or uh you know you miss a lot of things right i think most people will probably hit that that are you know half casual half hardcore uh but 1445 that's a whole different [ __ ] story hitting 1445 is insane like i i don't think that's gonna happen for a lot of people except like the super hardcore players and the uh the omega whales start argos and then the whales are going to get to 1400 right that's no problem or the popular streamers which receive gold for free um that's fine but at least most people start argos and then the whales are going to get to 1400 they'll finish all three phases and just wait there while the normal players free-to-play players are going to take a bit more time a couple of more weeks to get to stage two and then so on but at least everyone's involved in the most recent contest with the most recent drops with the with the attractive things that people sell on the auction house for 20 40 100k with the previous person was mentioning so i i'll give you that uh but but if you if you are forced to grind content you don't enjoy which is the content in lost ark then maybe this game is not for you it's as simple as that i personally i think that's the same with any mmo like if you don't like grinding for content and you don't like those types of progression cycles maybe playing an mmo isn't the right option like that's just straight up the truth like there's a lot of people who it's like this is what happened in rather lich king i think with wow is that wow tried to expand the audience of the game into people that don't like mmos fundamentally and that caused so much trouble that caused so many problems and i think also like it's not good for anybody if you're playing something that you don't enjoy like obviously whenever you play a video game and like you play an mmo or an rpg there are going to be parts of the game that you don't necessarily enjoy uh whether this is like small things like running back from a boss fight whenever you die larger things like repairing your gear you know limited durability on things there's always going to be things that are not ideal in terms of the player experience because the developers feel like this is something that needs to add uh permanence or significance to certain things in the game i think some of them are valid some of them are not valid there's a spectrum though exactly and these things exist on a spectrum but what i will tell you is that if you are spending most of your time doing something that you don't enjoy you actively don't enjoy because for me there are some things that i do in the game it's like i don't necessarily enjoy this but this is just a brain dead activity that i'm doing while i'm watching a video on my second monitor right it's not really a big deal it's almost relaxing in a way but i'm talking about things that you actively dislike and genuinely don't do that's the kind of stuff that i think they should just get rid of like just like stop doing this stop doing this to yourself stop making this part of your life move on and do something that you enjoy that's what i think like what do you guys think about that i feel stupid for grinding or something you can buy and even more stupid for paying a thousand dollars for a [ __ ] game i think that's the truth yes exactly because people have like it's very easy for somebody to say i make fifteen dollars an hour and i can spend uh fifty thirty dollars let's say and save ten hours it's better for me to work at my real job and then spend the money in the game but then whenever you tell yourself that you're like wait a minute why am i this [ __ ] idiot that's spending money on the game what the hell is wrong with me that's the difference like either everything in lost ark but if i don't like it then i'm not gonna do it if i don't like to play more than one class i'm just gonna play one class but with that one class i would maybe play 10 hours before having an expectation to keep up with the hardcore player anyway maybe this person is not really used to playing mmos in general i would have to say that um lost stark for a korean game and this is without defending for a korean game oh yep here we go let's go stark because i really don't mind people's opinions are people's opinions the game is not for everyone i'm i'm um saddened that they feel this way but it is what it is it is worth it too is for uh some people that are maybe a little bit more laid back more casual don't want to get through uh this this grinding or maybe world of warcraft is for some or final fantasy right for people who enjoy more of this and less of that there's many out there um but i wanted to say that lost arc for a korean game is not that is not let's say is not that punishing not that grindy when you really narrow it down the gear doesn't break for example when you enchant it or um yeah you don't go back a level same as other korean made mmos were in the past um also even even western mmos used to be like this i think again like i said this yesterday is that a lot of people think oh well you know games now don't respect your time old mmos not only did not respect your time but they actively disrespected your time and the players used that as a badge of honor it's like not only like they're like please disrespect me more it's like some [ __ ] bdsm relationship with the developers of ultima online of how much can you waste my how many levels can you take away from me how much my gear can you break like it's just crazy i don't understand it at all in any like what is wrong with you of stuff that you get in game right literally to be six weeks into playing an mmo from the get-go from the start from the bare bones of it and to be ready for for the latest content same as it is my example which i haven't again focused necessarily on honing and on gear i've done my stuff but i haven't put extra effort into it i was more focused on other things and many many other people who you see them running around either close to being at uh 1370 for argos or maybe even have surpassed oh people are hitting your only goal and concern is the item level of your character i personally believe that's a that's the wrong way of of playing lost ark and i disagree with that i think that like it is not the wrong way because the game literally says this is what the goal is like you can't say you can't you can't put a goal out there and then say like listen like if you want to beat the the content that's coming out in the game like you have to be this level and then it's like we're trying to get to that level doesn't matter like well then why why is it that level right like how does this work if it's allowed in the game because of the game then that's a way of playing it but in my opinion you shouldn't you shouldn't abandon a gear score just because you're somehow inferior to someone who has more gear score than you that's definitely not the case but at the same time leaving peer pressure end here and from here on out it's your zone what do you want to do in the game and there's also a bit of peer pressure that stays here and that's a good thing you will get item level you will get gear score you're not inferior just because you're at 1340 compared to someone that's at 1395. oh yeah that person could have purchased his gear so that doesn't make them a better player or a smarter player or a more skilled player it just makes them a player that has done other things what have they done maybe they played 12 hours a day maybe they played six to seven out well maybe they're good at the game too like or they just got lucky like there are people like this is what happens in a lot of games right is like you get an item like this happened in classic wow if you got edge masters gauntlets you just got your epic fly you just got your epic mount like that's it some people just get really really lucky and yes or some people imagine this they stream maybe they deposit real money we cannot know right but at the same time what's important is for you this zone right here so you can be happy playing this game that's what i did from the beginning of the game and i'm quite happy with my item level i'm quite happy with the fact that i can do all of the content in the game i'm happy with what i have achieved so far for my account and for my for my for my heart for my passion to to to play this game and be happy in it very happy uh with everything that i have so far and i've also just somehow passively kept up with with with with um uh with gear score to a point where i'm allowed to do everything exactly and i think that's obviously he's going to be able to do that because he's played the game for so long you know what i mean like he's played the game like he he played the game and like i think it's like russia or korea i forgot which one so like obviously like he knows what to do but i think there's a lot of new players especially coming into it don't really understand that i just hope that like really whenever new content gets released there's at least a version of the content that a casual player can approach and do i think that like having like for example right now if you are trying to like hypothetically hone your gear to like towards 1490 right now you are a [ __ ] [ __ ] like there is literally no reason to do that like people that are trying to hone to 1490 are just dumb asses and we will be doing that pretty soon after after we finish this video maybe we'll get something else but yeah so we are gonna get so i've got some uh leap stones i farmed them out yesterday and we got some more upgrades to do today it's gonna be [ __ ] insane guys like i am so [ __ ] ready for this this is gonna be amazing like i'm gonna hit every single one i farmed about that's right well no i actually did like i i actually did like i had to go and do like the boss rush thing again i got some more stones and uh then we'll uh we'll have to farm out some more too after that but um yeah i think so the game has to uh i'm on the front page of lsf i'll look at that afterwards if you guys want me to give me a minute has to offer and in future things will only get better according to amazon and smile get with their facebook announcement they they're trying to to keep the pace of the player and that's what lost ark is all about so i have high hopes for the future i always advise my audience to play however it makes you happy and i'm so glad to see that on my discord for example there's so many of these kinds of people i don't know if my advice or they were like that already to begin with um but i'm happy to see that people um at least the people around me do the things that make them happy and passively they still sort of keep up with gifts and i think this is like i don't know if it's like this in the other parts of the world because i don't live there but lsf malding oh good all right great that'll be content then we actually have to get into the game okay uh like i think we should go with a five and a five hour intro today rather than a six hour intro anyway um i think that with a lot of cases uh what's the [ __ ] i completely distracted myself i you guys totally [ __ ] distracted me [ __ ] things that make them happy and right so this is what a normal person does they're walking down the sidewalk and they see some dog [ __ ] on on on in the grass they see some dog [ __ ] in the grass they walk by it and they go about their day this is what a lot of people here do on the internet is that they're walking down the sidewalk they see the dog [ __ ] they say what the [ __ ] is that that is disgusting they get down on all fours they start rolling around in the dog [ __ ] they get it all over themselves they're like oh my god i'm so [ __ ] dirty this is disgusting i hate this oh my god why did somebody put this here and that's what they do that's that's the way people deal with things on the internet that's the way just don't make it stop [ __ ] watching it stop [ __ ] doing it passively they still sort of chase this year but it's not their their obsession on a daily basis to check youtube uh who is the highest item level right now did he spend 5 000 or 19 000 euros on his four perfect engraving so mmos in general you thought if it was rich or nick uh yeah there it is well doesn't matter if it's low stark or if it's guild wars 2 or world of warcraft final fantasy gear in those games is just part of the whole story there's other things in every mmo that can be enjoyed and that should be enjoyed we've forgotten this apparently in 2022 we only care about the gear score that's it that's all that matters and in some games it's easier to get that gear score in some games it's not right but at the same time those games that have easy gear score are not the most popular games out there so people are not necessarily looking for that people people want to have something to work towards as long as it's not something that other people can buy a fast track to i think that's the difference is like a lot of people want to have a game that has like a long form progression system my favorite thing about lost ark is the fact that you need good gear to get better gear because that's one of the main things i liked about wow because it made me feel like every step that i made to progress my character actually mattered whereas like now in warcraft i don't ever feel like what i'm doing matters because it's like i'm just constantly building us a castle on sand and then [ __ ] you know ian comes over every six months or so or let's be more realistic every year or so and he just rolls around in it and [ __ ] ruins it again i just ruin it again again and again and again people don't even know what they're actually looking for but i recommend you you know i don't know relax i guess is the word that i would like to use um don't be obsessed with things you will also in no time as long as you enjoy the game but if you don't enjoy playing most of the things that help you in lost ark with your gear progression so you can help the stated cause of keeping up with the hardcore guy or or a baby whale out there right and getting to do the last one that's right then if you just don't enjoy playing the game either then obviously might not be might not be for you in that case um i wish you lots of love again thank you so much for watching i'm gonna see you in my next one until then take care and stay safe all right that was pretty much fair yeah sure what do you guys think like i i do think there's a lot of people who go out of their way to like get mad about that kind of stuff and like everything yeah it's a good video yeah sure i think that again as as time goes on as time goes on there's going to be less people that act this way and get mad about it because those people will have moved on to the next game and then they're going to complain about that one after that so yeah watch the korean whale video no because it's uh it's an uh it's in korean so i don't really speak korean and that's what the problem is this video helped me with my anxiety i don't know why it brought me a little piece yeah well i think there's a lot of people that you always feel like you have to keep up with the rat race okay yeah you always have to keep up with the rat race and keep up with them and i think that's just the way that the culture is right uh that's the main thing check subtitles i don't want to have to read out the subtitles and read them while i'm watching the video i just find that weird uh the reason i stopped playing so i started starting to feel like a job i feel like every mmo is like that yeah every mmo probably is like that and um the thing is also final fantasy i would say is probably not like that but people pick up final fantasy and then they drop it later on so it's effectively the same thing even if it's not if that makes sense right it's like you you have this same general thing happening where you're playing a game for a long time you finish the content and then you move on i think it's just that simple that's what makes sense to me and uh let's look over here final fantasy 14 is literally a job that's actually a good point i never thought of that once free to play players can no longer make gold due to everything down to one gold and barely able to press the home button they will realize how much pay to win this game is the funny thing is that this guy made this comment seven days ago and it's already coming true this is that's a that's a [ __ ] good one right there holy [ __ ] [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 390,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, lostark, lost ark, quit lost ark, asmongold quit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 56sec (2216 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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