Relationships | Victor Jackson | Saturday Night | September 8, 2018 | B2SR18

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can you clap your hands one more time to the Lord a man a man if you can remain standing on your way back to your seats God's presence is here and such a wonderful anointing that's in this place [Music] [Music] feel to talk to you tonight so whenever whenever I preach I always have my timer with me especially when I'm teaching hallelujah and there's been a tremendous privilege being here with you guys and honestly I have something in my spirit to talk to you about very simple but very important and I believe that many of you this will help change your life now and it'll give you some preventive measures for the future and I keep wanting to get into a text but really there the Bible is just so engrained with this I really can't settle well it takes to really read to you but I do have a title for you yeah I've settled on the title and what I want to talk to you about tonight I want to talk about relationships that's what I want to talk to you about I want to talk about relationships and how important it is to have the proper relationships to be what God has created us to be can you clap your hands on your way being seated hey man this this might be I feel like we've broken through some things in this back-to-school revival feel like it's gonna build even more tomorrow morning and tomorrow night and I feel like it got broke through some things really one of the reasons is maybe so you can receive what I have to say tonight and that the word can go forth with free course everyone say relationships relationship have been the catapult for ministries and it's also been the pitfall of ministries did you know that getting in the wrong relationship can drastically affect your walk with God than any of you know that it's so important that we are connected with the right people I've seen too many young people that are on fire and every time they're on fire the enemy will send a relationship and that relationship immediately quenches that fire as long as that relationship lasts you don't pray anymore you don't show up to all the events anymore because you got a date night why I started off rough come on somebody just smile out there I can't come to youth service i me and my boo we we going to Dave and Busters and play a few video games people squirming already I ain't even got money I must I must have stepped right into the vein relationships it can you have to be very careful with the relationships you ain't won't enter into can I can I give you a revelation on how you know a relationship is out of the will of God very simple you want to know you want to know how you know a relationship is out a will of God is if it's secret I'm in trouble in this house if it's secret that's a red flag because if you knew everyone would approve of it you would have no problem letting the light shine on it and it's amazing how church your church folk know how to play it cool meaning y'all can be sitting in the same section y'all don't even make eye contact one time but as soon as church is over send that text message like hey you prayed really well today by the way I love those tears I love the way your tricep reached over in lay their hand on that person and it's really working out but they didn't turn like this that's how you know it's out of the will of God as if it's secret secrets have destroyed a lot of young people you know what happens with secrets when you have secrets what happens is when you have secrets and a soul tie that nobody knows about when you come into the house of God because you're so used to living in secret it's tough for you to open up to God because you're in a relationship that no body knows about so you don't know how to be real anymore you don't know how to be authentic and it's tough for you to be authentic with God when you're always carrying around something you're high somebody get around your dinner would you what your Texan that we can't see help me Holy Ghost secrets have destroyed young people and honestly your secrets are bridge to living a double life and so who you are connected to can drastically affect you some of you are so what's the word I'm looking for so romantic I don't know what's the word I'm looking for away you live off a romance like you you can't wait to find the right one whether you are a girl or a guy you can't wait to find the right one and so the enemy knows where your weakness is so he will pull out somebody to entertain that weakness and it's not going anywhere so you're in this relationship for six months not working on your walk with God not not doing what you need to do and then it ends and you just wasted six months I know that's happened to a few of y'all here I'm talking to you so it is crucial to develop the proper relationships in order to have an efficient and effective walk with the Lord somebody say Amen so everybody just put on a smile for a second hold on let me see the smiles go ahead uh-huh a few fake ones hallelujah moving on I've seen too many ministries destroyed by being connected to the wrong individual this is why Abraham Abraham he's about to die and his son Isaac is 40 years old he's 40 years old and Isaac isn't married yet and so Abraham tells his most trusted servant and he says he says look I need you to go travel on a 550 mile journey to find my son a wife I don't want her from where we are in this Canaanite territory I need you to go on a 550 mile journey and find my son the right wife because if he marries the wrong one the Covenant is in jeopardy you can't just choose anybody for this covenant I need you to go on a 550 mile journey to find the right one there's the revelation it is better to wait and travel far to marry the right one than to marry the wrong one because you're lonely and they're in a convenient location it's better to wait than to get so lonely people you would never talk to all of a sudden start looking cute I'll be in real time you would have never talked to him three years ago but all of a sudden you lonely and your prospects are being minimized and so finally finally that they start they think they have no hope but then all of a sudden you're like I'm still interested like like you know what that you're crooked nose isn't that bad anymore you know I can see I can work with the crooked nose you know I'm lonely you know the eyebrows I we can work on it you know the the the the the three moles on the top of your lip it's fine I can we can have surgery everything is going to work out and we can it's amazing how people start looking more attractive when you're lonely like you know what you know what that is not that bad you know we can't we can work as well but you said you would never talk to him because he was ugly no but there's something cute about his ugliness it's been so lonely and they're the only one interested and I know it's not God's will but at least I'll just help my loneliness at least I'll just kind of flirt with it a little bit lead them on I got a crush on them but they're not interested and you're ugly but you like me so we'll text until they're interesting Oh y'all act like that don't happen oh man are there any humans in this building I'm really waiting on them but you know they don't talk to me in public I just stepped right in the vein I just know please pull no punches didn't build up just ah Here I am was that and so Abraham sends this servant on this 550 mile journey to find the right one and this servant brings his ten ten camels to express the wealth of his master and he puts the wealth on the camels he goes on the journey 550 miles 21-day journey he finally gets to the place and there is a well and the servant prays this prayer he says Lord let the woman that offers me water and my camels water let her be the one amen that's a peculiar prayer you start praying some peculiar prayers when you're lonely Lord Jesus a mission if she just lifts up her left hand one time in service looked at Oh that'd be the Jesus if he blinked two times and during the worship of Lord let that be the one Lord you don't have to come to the altar letter just hesitate and if she hesitate to come Lord but that if she wearing blue tonight God let that be my word Oh turquoise will do start praying some peculiar prayers when you're lonely that's a peculiar prayer that this man praise me you know it's peculiar but it's a powerful prayer because it was very common for a young lady to offer a stranger water but it was very uncommon for her to offer the cameras water because when you offer the cameras water you don't know when the camels gonna be done drinking and he had ten and the Bible says that Rebekah offered him and his camels water and a thirsty camel can drink 30 gallons of water in 15 minutes he had ten they came from a 550 mile journey and she was willing to draw 2500 pounds of water for someone she didn't know she was willing to draw 300 gallons of water for someone she had never met and the Bible says that she hasted it wasn't like no water hose it was a whale the Bible says she gave every camel to tree until they were filled and she didn't realize that the serpent hood that she was doing now was tied to her destiny she did not realize her service as she was accomplishing now was tied to her becoming the most powerful woman in the clan the matriarch went what the servant wanted to know is that I gotta choose somebody huh that's doing something for God now they're not worshiping now you better run away huh if they're not nothing holiness now you better run away huh if they don't respect leadership now you better run away you had the worst decision you can make is choose a spouse based off of their potential you have to choose from what they're doing now they'll have a relationship with God now don't think just because you're in a relationship with them and you're gonna drop them into a relationship with the Lord some people say well when we get married they'll be more faithful you know many times I've seen that play out and they get married and he just don't come to church anymore but 19 think he got you tied now how you how you gonna have an effective ministry hello you have to judge them the worst thing you could do is but yeah you know we're gonna relationship well would it do well there a future prayer warrior know he loves God in the future hello the worst thing you could do is choose off of potential you have to see where they are now can I tell you another thing I did the worst thing that you could do is to choose a spouse choose someone to get in a relationship on for one youth camp I got some confused looks out there hello the worst thing you could do is choose a spouse someone to get a relationship with off of one youth conference well brother Jackson why let me tell you why because I don't know how many times I've preached a youth camp and after I do this youth camp I preach it one of the local churches and I start telling this pastor man let me tell you something you're young people they were on the front row they were reading their Bible they were taking notes they were praying people through the Holy Ghost and the pastors looking like this are you serious I said oh yeah they were leading by example he said that's interesting because at home they sit on the back row and they text the whole service yeah you think you've got a good catch because they're in the altar at camp am i speaking alien tonight you can't choose for one event that's why it's instrumental to have a pastor and a pastor's wife involved in your decision before your emotions get tied somebody's that's good teaching it's crucial to have leadership involved with your decision before your emotions get entangled some people they get in a relationship in a relationship for a year that nobody knows about and then they go to pastor and say pastor what do you think and if he says no you want to backslide and leave the church cuz you're like pastor you don't even know him I know it's the first time I've heard of them why didn't you come to me before you got emotionally wrapped into it so if I told you no you would have no problem disconnecting before you need pastoral guidance and counsel and your relationship decisions with me and Louisa before I ever told her that I was interested in her number one I watched her walk with God number two I called my pastor and say pastor what do you think and my pastor said well let me call her pastor and my pastor called her past it got the whole background check on social security where she went to middle school and my pastor called me back and said I feel good about it see there is a safety in that because if they're putting on a show out in front of everybody they have a pastor they can tell you know no this is the real them at home they're not just putting on a show at camp I watch their walk with God it is instrumental to have a leadership with your decisions there's a covering you have too much destiny for you to hold it all in your own hands you have leadership any time I ever even thought about being interested I went to pass a pastor what do you think and he'd be like now okay no big deal watch this they didn't even know I was thinking about it see some so to many of y'all ruined friendships because you get in this Texan and calling and talking boo boo babe a three hours and then you found out it doesn't work out and now you never talk to him in the youth group anymore act like each other don't exist it's like they're there y'all in the same house playing games you got your back towards each other I'm hitting people between my eyes right now see you didn't have leadership involved now you damage the friendship so I'd always go to pass capacitor what do you think pastor what do you think and with Louisa it's interesting because with Louisa I preached that her church February 16 2011 I preached at her church and she was the church secretary she was the one of the youth leaders on the youth team and I didn't even know her name I didn't even talk to her or anything but a year and a half later God speaks to me he goes Victor you're about to get married I'm not even talking to anybody what do you mean I'm about to get me and literally her face came into my mind and I was like what's her name what is her name so I went were you supposed to find somebody's name I went to Facebook I went to my friend who was the assistant pastor of her church I went to his Facebook and I started looking for her face and her name starts with an L said he's got like thousands of friends and something and then I saw that smile okay here we go the Lord said I'm about to get married so here we go I sent that pretty little quest she accepted I'm like s I said I got to play it cool I got to play cool God said I'm out to get marries I got to play cool so I sent her a mess I said hey how you doing she sent back fine okay rough start rough start I said uh how's the church been she's like good what's new that's going on in your life since I last saw you nothing much lord am i hearing from you and so I was going on a media fast for a week and so I was like man I want to continue this uplifting conversation outside of the media because I'm not gonna be able to talk to her for a week so I said hey do you mind if I have your number so we can speak outside of social media she didn't respond I come back after the week media fans to come back there's still no response cuz a lot of offended this girl and so I said hey I'm sorry if I offended you and she sent back it's fine okay two weeks later my church had a had a conference and her church came to the conference I was on the platform I was about to go say hello to her but the Lord spoke to me say don't you say a word to her I was a lawyer you really sending me mixed signals that I blow it that bad where you gotta find a new wife for me he said don't you say a word I said okay I didn't talk to her and didn't say anything and then two weeks after that conference I felt to send her another message on Facebook which I never do is completely against Who I am so I just said again hey how you doing and she sent back I'm doing fine what about you we started having a nice conversation and it was going too good I think oh I don't want to blow it up this is going too well and so I said hey here's my number if you ever want to talk outside of the media May 31st 2012 was our first text message mm-hmm I thought a witness I thought a witness just now the next day May 31st 2012 and so we text and we just kind of text didn't flirt one time just literally conversation just just talking literally I had a whole questionnaire out where do you see yourself in five years where do you see so five years can you see yourself traveling do you see yourself you know I was just getting all the info on those Oh was no flirtation just information so as I'm getting all this information about her and everything like that and she thought it was weird I'm still weird amen she's like she's like you were such a weirdo I'm still a weirdo but she learned to like my weirdness hallelujah paid off for me hallelujah and so I was teaching a Bible study to a guy named Christian Rodriguez and he was a college basketball player at the school that I'm gonna love my it and I was teaching him a Bible study and it was the summer time so he had to go back to his City and the city he was from was Fort Lauderdale where she lived and he was Spanish and she went to a Spanish Church sounds like this is perfect I'm going to connect them with that church so he can get saved I said hey I there's a great Church there matter of fact I got a friend that's an evangelist he's preaching at that church you and you would love to go there this week he goes yeah I want to do that so we went back this week and then it's coming time for the revival service on a Thursday night and he he he says hey hey I want to go to church tonight but I don't have a ride Fort Lauderdale's about four and a half hours from where I live I was like you know it man it's 4:00 so got if I just get them connected with that one time introduce them to the Evangelist he'll get connected and that's it so I said okay I'll pick you up for church tonight he goes thank you so much I'm driving I'm about two hours away from the church he sends me a text message and says hey bro I'm not gonna be able to go to church tonight I already drove two and a half hours and now my oh my word is gonna look like I came here for her when I did like we hadn't even flirted flirted yet but that the excuse I had was my friend was preaching a revival there I was like okay you know I was just gonna went to the church servers we didn't talk and then to the surface we just said hello all the youth group went out and h-he ate as well and that's how we were talking in a group setting my friend was in an extended revival I went there the next week and when I went there the next week all the youth group we were all hanging out the youth group was hanging out at her house we were all all there and I was like you know it I feel like this is the one I feel like this is the one so I called my pastor I stepped outside her house I'll call my pesos a pastor I know this is the one pastor pastors like really he said let me call her pastor he called her pastor like I said she got the background check corner he found out everything about her he found out things that I didn't know okay pastor he goes I mean he says I feel good about it I was like this is awesome it's not whatever - I said hey I would love to start courting you know if if you like that she goes well I gotta talk to my pastor and I gotta talk to my parents I was like okay cool her pastor gave the okay her parents gave the okay and we started courting June 12 2012 and so recording and I'm driving up it's amazing what love does I tell you what I'm driving up to Fort Lauderdale like almost every week or every other week four and a half hours you know how much tolls that is you're paying at least I'm not exaggerating you're gonna pay at least thirty five dollars worth of tolls you're gonna pay at least actually for like forty dollars you're gonna pay about twenty dollars on the Turnpike you're gonna pay about pay about twenty dollars going and you're gonna pay about twenty dollars coming back one toll is thirteen dollars and seventy cents right before you enter into Fort Lauderdale so I'm going every so I'm going all the time and you know when I go I'm taking picking her up we never drove alone together picking her up her and her sister I'm taking them out to eat we would never gone gone alone on a date we had going with her sister and so I'm paying for her and her sisters mill and and every single time gentlemen that's a tough start when you say can't we go have it's a rough start rough start hey and so and so I'm I'm paying for the mill and her dad would ask that she mean any money I'm like no she doesn't need any more every time I went home I'm like negative 40 in my fing account every time overdrafted just straight up just like it's worth it hallelujah it's worth it it's worth it like she's like she's like I said look I get whatever you want are you into my I think I'm faster okay I'm just get some my nipple off for you one of your french fries you do whatever it's all yours you know anybody know what I'm talking about you do your thing galore they're getting they're getting the big ice cream sundaes and stuff like you wanted something No stomach rumbling going home yeah so we've been coordinating and I'm keeping my pastor updated and how things are going so I first text message May 31st 2012 I first we should when we started courting June 12 2012 now it's July and I felt the Lord speak to me then it's time for me to propose I can't be crazy out there so I went to my pastor pastor I feel like God spoke to me that he wants me to propose a pastor said okay let me pray about it a week later he said I feel good about it as soon as we have the phone I got in the car and drove for hours and I showed up on a Thursday I was gonna propose Saturday night but I wanted to talk with her dad as I showed up early so that Thursday I show up and I talked to her dad and her dad speaks primarily Spanish and I had it really cute how I was gonna ask him to propose to his daughter in Spanish don't ever use Google Translate I was like whoop Osito about the demonio to iha porfavor because you want to ask me for permission to marry my daughter I say yes I'd like to do it this Saturday with your permission he said tonight as I know you don't understand sabado sabado sabado he said tonight and then we're gonna have a family meeting what did I just get myself into and so I told him how I was gonna propose propose me and Louisa we had literally played 300 games of uno we played uno all the time we played it in person where we were apart we played it online of course I was winning you know I won like 175 time Kevin she was in the lead she was in the least she was in the lead but we played it all the time and so we went back into the house and I told Louisa we sat down and I said let's play uno which is common we do that all the time she gets the deck she starts mixing the day she looks away when she looks away I take the deck and I put a fixed deck of cards right there gave her seven took my seven and then I put my car down and the car said draw four and when she drew four he said will you marry me and I got on my knee and we hugged come on some bought it and the first thing she said was and we had never kissed yet we were waiting to get engaged before we kissed and so once she said yes I was and right as I hook her up her dad goes time for the meeting so we start this meeting and he's like he's like he's like what do you have to offer my daughter folks that's a tricky question because I'm an over-thinker I'm a little bit analytical so I'm thinking if I tell them what I have to offer it somehow come across like I've earned her I know I got myself in trouble if you come across if I started listing all the things that I can offer it could come across like I've earned her and I don't she's a gift I can't earn her and so I told them what you should never do I said sir I have nothing to offer your daughter he said huh Louise's looking at me like he said no no like do you have anything off I said sir I have nothing to offer your daughter oh he's just like and so he starts talking about Luisi cause Louisa Lewis Sita because I Lois seat I remember when she was and now she's growing up it starts breaking down crying let me tell you this is the strongest man I've ever met this is the most scary man I've ever met I didn't know he was capable of tears but this man that is so scary started breaking down crying and Louisa goes on that side of the table to comfort him and her mom goes on that side of the table to comfort him and is now me the traitor on the opposite side of the table and they're all comforting one another I was like what in the world do I do so we still laugh about it this is what I did I got up from the table and I said Lord Jesus you know God you can work it out Lord you know God I started praying and then when they were somebody needs to write a manual what to do when the dad cries because that's awkward when they were done when they were done I was there Lord Jesus you know when they're done then he gets up from Tim when he walks over to me he was like he puts his arm around my head and tucks it into his side he goes I don't look at this as losing a daughter rather gaining a son and my head is on the run what is going on right now like this was a surreal moment I'm like I'm in the state of shock I'm like what's happening right now and so we wound up text message May 31st Corde June 12th proposed August 24th we got married November 17th 2012 when we got married because we kept our leadership involved when they gave the charge over us there is probably 200 300 people there when they gave the charge over us the power of God began to descend in the wedding people were speaking in tongues people were people were praying when literally there was a prayer meeting that happened in that place there was such a holiness that took place God honored it when we made sure we did it right and the only people they knew before we got engaged the only people they knew that we're recording was my leadership and my home church and her leadership in her home church as a matter of fact how the home church found out it was actually by accident Luiza had come to visit and I was sitting on the platform and my bishop was preaching and he goes yeah Victor got his girlfriend right my worship is that kind of all I put in there man can I tell you the only people they need to know your parents your leadership your home church can I tell you one of the worst things to do especially if you want to be in leadership one of the worst things you could do I'm in trouble don't hate me I'm gonna tell you one of the worst things you could do in this age if you're going to be in leadership one of the worst things you could do y'all gonna still love me after this here's one of the worst thing one of the worst things you could do is immediately after you get in a relationship put a profile picture of you two together I'm in trouble where's Jackson why are you saying that because coincidentally after about a month and we see you're in that photo now alone we know y'all broke up and when it's the one picture in the shot you see the comments all you need is Jesus the Lord's gonna work it out you don't know where he loves no one needs discerning of spirits we know once it's just you and everyday y'all had pictures of y'all too and now we see is just you and your last poster was like a year and a half ago you deleted everything if you're gonna be in leadership in the future not everyone in the outside world needs to know about it except the people that matter because if it doesn't work out it's not a big deal because you had permission you went through it the right way if it doesn't work out okay the whole world doesn't know about it does this make sense because the worst thing you could do especially as a minister of the gospel is have in the span of three years four different profile pictures with different girls and it's like one person said like this girl Sandman he's my world and they're like man how many Rhodes you got you build on a whole solar system this this is your fourth world got a whole galaxy out there you and you have to audacity be in the same pose with different people hello six months later different guy year later this small starts getting a little bit more fate now those like I know this let me work it out I'm gonna give it a try I'm not being real here tonight the best thing you could do is have your leadership your parents know your home church no but other than that you don't have to publicize it nobody knew that me and Louisa were recording except her church my church her leadership and my leadership and guess what whenever I announced on Facebook finally that we were engaged people were like I didn't even know you were talking and it was just great it was just great because you want to put that profile picture up when you get engaged when you get a commitment put it up right people mad at me okay okay I'm trying to help you though cuz we go through your Facebook and your Instagram history you know you can come across like a player you know it's not true when it says you know it's official now because it's like social media official its Instagram official it's fake you like like people won't accept it unless it's like got the seal of the King Facebook the seal of Instagram you're not talking I didn't see it on Instagram well I'm telling you we are no you put it on Instagram I'll believe it come on now it is essential to go through the proper channels and our relationships because it can make or break your walk with God that's why God has given us counsel with the leadership that he's placed over us the Bible says that purposes are established with counsel and purposes are disappointed without counsel God gives counsel to you because you have such a destiny that it must be protected and you cannot throw it away because someone as they say slitting your DMS if this helps somebody can you wave a hand right now if this hurts somebody can tell I sees a lot of hurt think about it it'll be better tomorrow I promise but I'm trying to help you because secrets will destroy you secrets will destroy you have you've been in a secret relationship you need to tell somebody about it and then get out of it do it properly because you're gonna damage yourself everybody stand with me everybody stand with me I'm excited about tomorrow I promise you the message won't be on relationships I promise but there has to be that safe car I am where I am today because I have that apostolic safeguard my pastor and my bishop over my life that helped me to make right decisions I talked to my pastor once a week once or twice a week I talked to my bishop about once a month people ask me well why he talked to Pastor once a week but Bishop oh and once a month and I tell him because it's more I'm more afraid of Bishop while Bishop scary I speak in tongues under the breath when I'm on the phone with him but it has kept me it has kept me anchored it has helped me in my future and they can see things from a perspective day you can't see that will help you because they can see you going having a great destiny that you don't even see yet so they can tell you no no don't don't do that that guy's a loser right no actually I know something that's going on with their family you don't want to mess with that right now you're just gonna break your heart you don't even see it yet but I thank God for a shepherd they can watch over my soul can you lift up your hands right now let's ask God to give us the wisdom and understanding to help us make right decisions in the name of Jesus God I ask you to shed to light in the minds and hearts of these young people to help them make a right decision to love you with all their heart to honor you and their relationships and friendships in the name of Jesus I want you to hear this one last thing you want to know if your relationship is in the will of God oh hi I dare you to tell them hey I'm going on a three-day fast and one on a three-day consecration I'll be talking about on the phone for three days if they won't honor your commitment they're not for you anyone that doesn't honor your commitment to the Lord isn't for you if you go on a three-day and say I can't talk to y'all focusing on the Lord and there's something he takes messes every day not listening to you they don't respect your walk with God and they've pushed you above God you don't want anybody like that you want somebody to be like you know what I respect [Music] they won't honor your consecration they won't honor you if they don't honor their parents that is evidence that they won't honor your parents they always hook him down about their mom they're always talking down about their bet the Word of God says honor your parents if they won't do that for their parents they will honor your parents [Music] I'm helping you for your future I feel that there's been conviction in this house tonight I don't want us to prey on the conviction I wanted to settle in on us so close your eyes and lift up your hands on our time I just ask the Lord to see love this word in your heart and seal this word in your mind and seal this word in your spirit I feel lives have been changed here I feel lives a bit take it out of the fire and thrust it to the will of God you may have to send a text message tonight and in that relationship you know it your heart it wasn't gonna work lay it down and allow God to give you who he wants you to have for his glory in the name of Jesus can you clap your hands to the Lord right now there's sometimes if you're focused on emotion you can completely miss what God is doing in the spirit some services are gonna be blowing and going and some services are gonna be gone just putting that scene exactly where it needs to be delicate fashion and that's what God was doing it don't ever miss what God is doing because your expectation is you expect something that has to happen like it happened last night that that was a word that right there could save your soul like he said save your destiny I thank God that I followed the Holy Ghost and finding my wife I thank God for them and guess what you don't know that on the other side until you get married then you have find out wow thank God I made that great decision so listen to somebody who's got wisdom who's telling you they did it right and God is blessing them and God is using it the time is too short the time is too short God is wanting to part a spirit do powerful things in this earth and you are the vessels that he's raising up I don't care if you're 15 or you're 45 it doesn't matter you are the vessels that God is raising up and it is critical for us to do the will of God especially in the biggest decision of our life aside from our walk with God and choosing him the biggest decision of your life this was a seed that you need a water you need to let this grow because there's gonna come a day when you're gonna have to make them something's I hope to god that you remember this message Jesus name praise God well we're about to fellowship so maybe you'll find your wife in a few minutes [Laughter] totally kidding totally kidding because you have to talk to your pastor first right brother Jackson you're gonna have to pray about it yeah that we might see a lineup to the pastor that's true he might his phone might get overloaded you know with all the texts and phone calls but you know let's let's give him some time but with that being said we've got pizza we've got sloppy joes downstairs $5 but please come down we're not gonna be outside obviously because of the weather but we're gonna be downstairs in the fellowship hall come down and fellowship get to get to meet some people and just have a good time see some old friends and brother Jackson will be with us at Antioch central tomorrow morning tomorrow night thank you all for coming to back-to-school revival and please do not forget what was said on Thursday last night it tonight and take this home with you we love you we appreciate you and of course back-to-school revival we'll see you next year but meet us downstairs in Jesus name
Channel: Antioch The Apostolic Church
Views: 9,177
Rating: 4.9083967 out of 5
Keywords: Antioch, Apostolic, Jesus, UPCI, Pentecost, Pentecostal
Id: 3Qhx0chziEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 57sec (3717 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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