The Day Vigilante Deku Had No Limits

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already on the channel this month we've gone over numerous stories from my hero Academia but we started the month off talking about the day that Deku had no limits and now I want to tell the story about the day that Deku found his limits and broke them but to accurately do that we have to tell the story of two Heroes who were tragically taken before their time was here and those two are a pair of Heroes that we heard about early on in the story of my hero Academia the water hose which is a group of Heroes comprised of a husband and a wife who both had water quirks and would often be called in for a natural disaster work like taking down forest fires or also just saving people from any situation where water would be helpful sadly one day while out in the field doing some of their hero work they came across one goto imasuji and this villain was absolutely ruthless and the battle against him caused both of these Heroes their lives now at home they had a son who would be watching the news and learn about the death of his parents at the hands of this villain who was still at large and very dangerous because his Quirk is very very simple but it is a very very very strong and dangerous one now eventually this man goto imasuji goes on to become the villain muscular and he's not heard of for a very long time as the character retreats into the Shadows but eventually he pairs up with all for one's legendary League of villains organization and that's where we see this character rear his head again now donning a mask and covered in a dark cloak as he makes his way into the forest training camp along with Dobby and the other league of villains to take down some of these students and capture one specifically muscular heads his way to the highest peak in the area in the forest and in the present day he ends up finding Kota as Fey would dictate the son of the two Heroes who he'd slain but not realizing this yet and not really trying to hop into conflict immediately when first meeting someone he tries to trade the mass that all for one had him wear on this Mission because he's a newbie showing that this is his first mission with the league of villains for the hat that young Kota is wearing and when Kota doesn't want to give him his hat and he runs away that's when muscular beams himself into the side of the mountain and starts trying to attack the young Kota and as muscular begins using his Quirk and his hood goes off Kota sees his face and sees The Quirk and he understands that this is the man that took his parents down and begins despairing but that's also where we learned that muscular actually has a big gash on his face very similar in fact funny enough to the gash that endeavor gets later on on his face but at the very least Endeavor gets to keep his eye where it seems like the water hose in their encounter with muscular were able to take his eye away and it looks like it was replaced with some weird sort of nomu eye probably by the doctor and all for one but as Kota screams and muscular readies his punching almost hits Kota who else shows up but our hero izuku midoriya otherwise known as Deku Deku gets in between the attack and manages to grab Coda and get him away just in time but since this is a Deku from earlier on who doesn't quite have the finesse that he has currently he actually thuds against the ground and breaks his phone making it so that there's no way for him to contact anybody now at this moment muscular looks at Deku and he's like oh okay you're on the list of people we're supposed to grab ever take out when we get here and that makes me believe that all for one actually was sort of aware that Ezekiel midoriya was the next holder of One for All by this point meaning he's had a lot of time to probably hitch whatever plans he's gonna have in the future now Kota looks at Deku of desperation being like Oh I don't know how this is gonna go here because he doesn't really have any faith in Deku as of yet especially because Kota doesn't believe in Heroes but Deku goes I have to save this kid right I gotta save him so it's gonna be okay Kota even if I'm on my own I'm Gonna Save you and this is the first time that deku's ever gone up against a major villain all by himself with no backup meaning this is going to get very very treacherous very very quickly because again we are dealing with a Deku from early on in the story where he's only had so much training muscular goes You're Gonna Save him huh a budding hero would say that always spouting off about Justice whenever you guys show up muscular then starts writing his Quirk as he takes his cloak off and he goes your name's midoriya right this is perfect you're high up on our kill list I'm gonna torment you real bad now show me some blood and from there the fight begins with muscular jumping and lunging towards Deku with extreme speed and knocking Deku into the side of the cliff that they're both standing on and deku's body does make a small crater in the side of the cliff along with cracks in the Cliff face but that's when muscular realizes wait wait wait wait okay I'm going about this in the wrong order Hey kid we're actually here for someone named bakugo do you know where he is because I might as well just get that information out of you right while I'm beating the pulp out of you and Decker realizes that uh oh there are higher Stakes here than I know but I feel like muscular made a very big mistake here because we see how Deku gets angry on bakugou's behalf throughout the story so I feel like here he only added fuel to the fire that's going to be building throughout this fight when Deku doesn't answer muscular swings another massive blow seeming like he was just like all right whatever I'm just gonna take you out anyway but Deku actually manages to evade even though one of his arms is broken however muscular is really really fast with his ability to use his muscles in his legs and all the muscle fibers around his body to give himself extreme boost in a way that's very similar to one for all actually so he actually takes advantage of Deku dodging away and lunges and kicks Deku against the cliff this time doing even more damage saying all right since you don't know what I'm talking about let's play this is where muscular actually comes at Deku saying oh you're running away I thought you were gonna save this kid that's just like you Heroes and then Deku does a punch of the strangest wind up that I've ever seen and it lands on muscular I mean he actually gets a pretty solid punch on him even too muscular surprise muscular is like whoa that's a pretty nice Quirk it's really really fast but guess what you're still too weak for me and he's smacks Midori away sending him flying this is where we get the proper explanation of muscular's Quirk where he says my quirk's a muscle enhancer these muscle fibers of mine can be contained even by my skin they raise the standard in speed and power get what I'm saying you're nothing but an inferior version of me and little did muscular know he's gonna find out it's very much the opposite later on in this video when we cover the second fight that these two have this is when muscular tries to crush Deku with last blow but he gets hit in the back of the head by a rock from Kota and Kota actually manages to get muscular's attention by mentioning the water hose and saying like hey that's my mom and my dad those people that took your eye did you torture them like this when you took them out or like do you just like doing that when you're taking down students and this is when even muscular starts to talk about Faye and he's like that's really odd that you're here and you're their kid kind of in this completely unrelated matter but I guess this does have to be fate and we actually learned that muscular who does seem to be a person who's very filled with like grudges and anger actually doesn't hold a grudge against the water hose for taking his eye the way that he sees it which is still pretty Psychopathic is that hey I wanted to kill them they wanted to survive yeah they did whatever they could and they took my eye but I don't really hold the grudge against them because ah you know it is what it is we were both trying to take out the other end I just managed to win so of course I don't hold a grudge against them but my issue of them really is that they couldn't back up their word when they said that they could take me down and yes muscular is saying this about the water hose but he's also really speaking to Deku and baiting Deku to get up and that's exactly exactly what Deku does so Deku launching himself at muscular yelling that the only one to blame is you this is where Deku thinks about all the tools that he has available right he's like I can't match muscular and speed I can't really damage him he's really strong no one's coming to help so that means I have to do the only thing that I possibly can and bring out some all might level power so what Deku does In This Moment is he actually shoves his broken arm in between musculars muscle fibers because muscular can't now de-transform to get Deku off of him because he would be leaving himself vulnerable to deku's next attack and that would probably be okay if deku's next attack was much like that last one but Deku realizes here that speed actually doesn't matter he has to hit muscular with all the power that he can so Deku screams out as he sacrifices his arm and yells Heroes stake their lives turning talk into action because that's what we do and goes one for all 100 in an attempt to take muscular out of the picture but muscular in that last second realizes this one's different from the last one and that actually does give him time time to react to this attack now we get a large impact and explosion on The Cliff face it really just destroys the entire side of the cliff that they're standing on and we see that Deku and Koda go flying but Deku manages to save Kota from falling off the edge now Deku believing everything is over is like all right Kota let's get out of here I handled that my arms are broken but it is what it is we can go now but that's when he hears the rumbling and the creaking and the falling of stones behind him realizing as he turns that muscular is not done yet it seems like muscular in that last moment when he had time to react cover his entire body and muscles so much so that it would tank through midori's punch but he actually did still take a little bit of damage from the technique he stammers forward and puts his serious eye in but I still don't think we have any idea what these eye attachments actually do for him and as Deku tries to run away with the two legs that he has that still work because he hasn't really learned how to use shoot style yet so he hasn't really had any need to use him muscular Powers all the way back up again and now his attacks are doing a lot of damage to the Cliff face completely destroying the section that Deku and Koto were standing on this is when Deku realizes that muscular is actually serious now he's gone full power before he was just playing around with his food but now he's moving actually take Deku out and muscular is very excited at this Prospect laughing and reacting to the fact that Deku and Kota seem helpless right now but this is when Deku says to himself no I can't go anywhere I can't get him anywhere I have to do this myself so let's do it izuka midoriya remember your origin and get this done now muscular comes forward with his last full power attack and Deku does another 100 Detroit smash even though he has his broken arm but he begins getting pushed back by muscular as muscular pushes and pushes and pushes Deku is still getting pushed back even more now feeling the way of the world on him but he keeps saying takoda behind him it's okay I'm okay don't worry just get out of here muscular gets impressed Again by the sheer power that deku's putting out and the sheer attempt to beat him here but that excitement makes muscular even stronger and he smashes Deku into the ground and through this Deku thinks about his mom he thinks about all might he thinks about all his friends he thinks about everything that's happened up until this point thinking I couldn't do this at a hundred percent like it's over and in that moment of thinking about all those things thinking about everything that should really power Deku up muscular releases one last push of his ability and Deku gets completely flattened but in that moment someone else was giving it their best Kota uses his Quirk and splashes water onto muscular probably really cold water honestly and in that moment of distraction I feel like Deku realizes if he hasn't given up what excuse do I have for giving up so Deku Rises out of the ground almost like a zombie and calls out one for all one million percent Delaware Detroit smash sending muscular into the Cliff face and ending the battle completely taking muscular out and shredding all of his muscles leading up to his body and it was at that moment that Deku found his limits and then he completely shattered them one million percent is ridiculous it's not actually a million percent it was Deku hyping himself up but he did call upon some extra power there and I think it was really really interesting to see Deca realize this is is the limit of what I'm possibly capable of doing and now I have to go beyond it and I very very much like how that echoed the original all might vs nomu fight in The usj Arc in the beginning now this is where things in this video are going to get very interesting because we do see that muscular is taking the Tartarus prison and he is locked away for a very long time but later on in the story there's actually a prison break from Tartarus prison led by all for one in shigaraki and that is when we see musculars return to the story now known as Jailbreaker so with the release of all these different villains into the streets of Japan and all the madness that happened after the war Arc we see Deku actually heading into the city on his own to go after some of these villains and clean up the streets and that's where Deku actually meets muscular again it started with a report of one of the escapees from Tartarus prison going to one of these sections of Japan and we actually see yoshindo and his girlfriend nakagami tatami from ketsubutsu Academy which we saw in the provisional license exam going through and trying to get some of the people to evacuate this area but when they turn him down yoshindo leaves and literally as soon as he leaves the area you see muscular hopping from building to building just jumping down and tearing buildings apart as he lands on the building in front of yoshindo yelling hey guys let's have some fun and funny enough yoshindo who does look a lot like Deku it kind of looks like a fusion of Deku and bakugou of black hair tries to take on muscular alone being very much like Deku in the muscular fight that we originally saw sending to Tommy to go running as he says I'm taking this guy down a Peg and we know how muscular feels about that right about people saying that they're gonna beat him so muscular gets riled up and actually starts working yoshindo that's when we see muscular actually crushing yoshindo with 12 000 layers of muscle fibers but yoshindo's not completely out of the fight because he says hey there's some stuff that I'm not allowed to do with my Quirk because it would hurt my opponent but here honestly considering who I'm fighting against I'm gonna use my Quirk to its full capacity and he goes all out shaking every single fiber and muscular's body with his earthquake work using it directly on muscular's bodies saying I'll turn you into a muscle milkshake but it seems like muscular has learned or he's grown from the time that he had away after the loss to Deku because he just covers himself in even more muscle becoming even more grotesque looking as he goes even further in his quest to destroy yoshindo but that's when we see something that he definitely didn't expect with something flying in and punching him so hard that it shreds half the layers of his muscles directly ah and that's when we see a voice coming out of the smoke saying muscular no wonder my dangerous sense was going haywire looking really really awesome as Deku has his dark Deku outfit which is going to be the outfit that it's going to be wearing in the next Arc but as deku's smoke screen gets Blown Away revealing himself carrying yoshindo to muscular Muscular realizes just from The Voice exactly who it is and that's when we have a very very interesting reaction from muscular because again muscular is not exactly the kind of guy who holds grudges necessarily he thinks about things in a very crazy way so muscular looks at season six Deku and he's like how can I forget you you're that kid right Midori yeah I missed you so much I was getting bored right about now of all these small fries you're the only one who could give me a real fight and this is when despite the fact that muscular doesn't have any of his special eyes or anything he grabs some rubble and crushes it using his extreme strength and actually shapes it into an eyeball and puts it in his eye socket just to kind of give him that feeling that he had when he was fighting Deku the first time muscular lunges at Deku saying he would have been content with going on a regular Rampage as always but after what Deku did how could he be happy doing anything else than having a fight with the class 1a student and now this whole different environment we actually get a whole different kind of fight right because before they were fighting in a forest on a cliff face but now they're actually fighting in a city so as Deku stands on top of a building muscular rushes over to it and just grabs it and flips the top off like he's flipping a table with the entire top of the building coming flying off with smoke going and all sorts of Madness as he goes let's settle this with a rematch midoriya Deku goes in hand shindo over to tatami and she kind of recognizes the voice a little bit but doesn't get it right away but this is where Deku realizes and I think I kind of overdid it with the amount of smoke that I'm releasing from my body with my new smokescreen Quirk and the user of The Quirk actually does come out to talk to him putting his arm around deku's shoulder saying hey you did use too much of my Quirk but you did kind of control the situation so don't worry about it and this is where it's great that we have the previous users of one for all being able to communicate with Deku very openly from this archon because they say Hey you know we've all made mistakes in the past when we were fighting against all for one using one for all so don't make the same mistakes that we did right don't let the smoke screen that you created become a tool for muscular and just remember that even we understand that you have the biggest bird in the bear because you're the latest generation right so losing your shoulders up and don't let the power use you it needs to be you who uses the power this is when Deku who's now again filled multiple blocks with his smoke screen jumps into the air with flow and starts flying and then lays out the plan for the battle he wants to reduce muscular's range of vision using his smokescreen and then catch muscular lacking when he comes out of the smoke and that's kind of exactly what happened right muscular jumps out seeing Deku outside of the smoke and he goes for some crazy rapid fire punches in his full muscular form but Deku effortlessly Dodges them because he already saw them coming using danger sense another amazing Quirk that Deku has that you can learn about in my video discussing every Quirk that Deku gets in this season Deku pretty much uses Ultra instinct to dodge everything that muscular does and then ends it with a cool spider Swing Away using black whip running off the side of the building and then turning really quickly as he wraps muscular in Black Whip and swings him full power into a lake nearby now that Deku has muscular completely wrapped up in Black whip he begins asking him questions like where are shigaraki and all for one why do you have the urges to go on these sort of Rampages do you have any sort of regrets is there any other path in life that you could have taken and muscular just proves to be the kind of person who wants to live his life without any regrets and for him that means using his Quirk to its fullest extent and destroying as much as he possibly can and this is where Deku gets kind of sad actually because after the Warwick in my hero Academia Deku is trying to learn much more about the villain City actually fights and find out how they got this way because it feels like if he could understand shigaraki maybe things would have turned out differently or maybe things would turn out differently than him having to take shigaraki down but even though muscular's response isn't exactly what Deku would have wanted it does steal deku's Spirit even more because Deku considers hey if this guy is just a natural villain and this is always the way that his life was going to go and I don't get any sense that that's not true then why is it that I felt that from shigaraki that there was still something in there deep within the crevices of his heart that didn't want to be doing what he's doing this is what muscular aggravated at Deku using all these different tricks of all his different quirks starts to get really really mad and unleashes a final attack back towards Deku but all of his different muscle fibers actually explode because of the attack that yoshindo hit him with earlier and in this moment as muscular tries to recover and reform his muscles screaming out I wanted a legitimate fight with all your power Deku ends the fight with one solid punch of his hood coming off saying this is my power so in the rematch between Deku and muscular Deku was actually able to take muscular out with one solid punch and without taking any damage and that really shows you the difference between season 3 Deku and season 6 Deku he's come a long way in the last couple seasons and if you think he's done growing now you're going to be really really impressed to see what he does in this final Arc once that's animated in season seven [Music] foreign
Channel: Vocal Pineapple Academia
Views: 75,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: My Hero Academia, Vigilante Deku, anime, manga, hero, quirk, All Might, pro hero, Midoriya Izuku, dark hero, anti-hero, vigilantism, justice, Shonen, One for All, cosplay, action, adventure, fight scenes, power, fantasy, superhero, villains, hero society, parody, Deku's story, vigilante story in anime, anime vigilante, anime fanfiction, My Hero Academia theories, anime theories, anime fan theories, top anime videos, top My Hero Academia videos, popular anime, popular My Hero Academia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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