Believing He is Weak They Kicked Him Out However He Can Instantly Destroy Everyone

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bodies are dropping left and right in a military base as a little boy is walking through all the chaos but he couldn't care less about all the deaths he just caused and instead he is just interested in finding a woman called Asaka who he has been looking for a door opens and that same Asaka has seen being held at gunpoint by a woman who we haven't gotten the backstory for Asaka is surprised to see yogiri somehow managed to get into this base where she was held captive but the one holding her hostage threatens to kill her if yogur takes another step closer as she points the gun at s aka's cheek yiri just stares at her for a bit and soon after she drops dead Asaka has no idea what yiri did but once again he cares very little for the life he just took and is just happy to have his Asaka back and now yogiri is being shaken awake by a different girl who he doesn't recognize she tells him that her name is darura and he asks what she's freaking out over but she is more surprised that he was able to stay asleep through the huge incident that happened to them there are bodies on the floor of the bus and she's got no idea what they are going to do outside the bus they notice a tail moving so yogur throws a microphone at one of the appendages that had stabbed through one of his classmates and it causes a wyver that was outside the bus to ride in pain it gets up in a position that makes me question the nature of the appendage that was in that boy and then it charges at the two of them in the bus so doara is sure that they are going to die here since there is nothing they can do against the Beast as powerful as that thing but In the Heat of the Moment she presses her melons against yiri and that gets him to care just enough to say something and cause the dragon to dropped dead before them Donar is confused and doesn't understand what just happened so yogur pulls out a video game and tells her to calm down so they can talk but she gets upset that he thinks now is a good time to be playing games she asks if he doesn't want to leave the bus already but he sees no reason to be in a rush since there is no guarantee that the outside will be safe for them to venture out into she understands his point but asks that he put the game down and take the situation seriously for now yoar obliges and asks to be informed of what happened that led them to the situ sitation they find themselves in right now so Donar explains that they were riding the bus like they would any other field trip day but as they went through a tunnel they found themselves in a Sunny Meadow at first it was a pleasant yet confusing surprise but then someone boarded the bus and introduced themselves as the sage Sheen she seemed nice enough at first glance but as the teacher asks the reasonable question of what's going on she Boons his head off without hesitation she tells everyone that she doesn't intend to harm anyone directly but if they make her angry they can around and find out she tries to make a joke but it is so spectacularly unfunny that she freaking kills the driver for her own lack of a sense of humor she explains to the rest of the students that she eated them all here to become sages this world is ruled by sages but it is occasionally necessary to replenish the number of sages which is why they were summoned here she raised her hands and causes a majority of the students to begin glowing as she installs a system in their bodies called battle song it comes with a status window but Dona didn't get one so she isn't sure what it looks like Sheen goes on to say that they have been given what this world calls gifts so they are going to have to use those gifts well to become sages in the near future also they've only got one month to become sages otherwise they die donara raises her hand and asks what happened because she didn't get one of those gifts but Sheen just says that there are times when people aren't suited to receive the magical gifts so in other words tough luck kid you're screwed without a gift she's doomed to become nothing more than Livestock in this world so with that out of the way she tells them that their first Quest will be starting soon where a dragon will be attacking them so they should try their best not to die donar's friend is looking over her menu screen and sees information about the dragon that will be attacking soon the donara still can't believe an actual dragon is going to attack one member of their class gets the attention of the others and asks that they all work together so they can clear the mission and to do that they are going to need to know what they are working with so he asks that they all reveal the gifts that they were given the class comply with his requests and write down their abilities to formulate a plan but Dona who doesn't have an ability can't participate however she wasn't the only one who didn't get an ability since there were three others who where the same thing happened to them aaka shinzaki and yiro kiru and then there is also yagui who managed to sleep through the entire commotion undisturbed but then again it's not like he ever did anything other than sleep in the first place a while later the rest of the gifted classmates who were sharing their ability list begin to leave without saying a word to any of the people in the back who didn't receive one so Donar tries to wake yogiri up so they can follow the rest of the class as they exit the bus but the one who led them the gifted class stops car you he tells him that he didn't receive a gift and while those who did have gained some kind of special ability that allows them to do things like rip a chair out of the ground with ease the rest of the class are just regular people who are still failing P class shinaki asks the gifted class to protect the ones without gifts since they have the power to do so but the guy thinks it would only become a burden for the class if they had to protect people who were so weak the entire time they were trying to become sages thus they came up with an ingenious plan they are going to ditch them all here and use them as bait everyone in the class agreed to do this to them so there is no one to appeal to for help another one of their classmates uses her ability to cast charm on the giftless classmates making them all look far more attractive than they were before but unfortunately they're going to match with that dragon and it's not going to be a pleasant experience for them the rest of the class leaves them to their fate and they have no idea what they are going to do but things only get worse for them as the dragon arrived and began the slaughter and that leads us to where we are now though someone was peacefully sleeping in the back of the bus while his classmates were getting slaughtered yo car now understands the gravity of his situation he is in another world so how is he supposed to charge his video game without any Outlets available aside from that if what they learn from the gifted class is to be believed then there is likely only one dragon in the area so it should be safe for them to head outside now since it is already dead before they go donara ask yiri if he did something to the dragon earlier but he just says he told it to die and it died she doesn't believe him but that's what he did so he just steps out of the bus there are three options for places they can go to after this a hill the city or the forest but it's probably a good idea not to go into an unknown Forest unprepared before a decision can be made Donar notices something flying towards them yiri asks if it is another Dragon but this time is three of classmates hikida fukuhara and hanakawa she's surprised to see them flying in so yui asks if he should kill them just in case donara stops him since they should at least hear them out before they murder anyone but yiri points out that leaving the giftless behind to be killed isn't something a good person would do Dona still doesn't want to have to kill anyone but uner she doesn't hold a grudge against them they may still be hostile towards them for no reason the three gifted students are shocked to see that the dragon is dead and moreover donara is still alive their plan was to use their powers to turn her body into a zombie and well do demontizable things to her and they say all of this right in OT of Dona herself so she realizes yogiri may have been right about them not being good people and is suddenly much less opposed to killing them hikida launches a fireball which is powerful enough to melt straight through the bus and carve into a mountain behind them all to show the power difference between them and force doraa into giving up and becoming their play thing higashida says that he decided in this world that he would do anything he wants and the first thing on that list is to screw D along with the other two guys who say they've been dreaming about this for a long time Dona is freaked out by the thought of what they would do to her but yiri tells her to calm down while he puts them in a situation where they can have a civil discussion he then points at higashida and tells him to Die the others laugh thinking yogiri is just being cringey but to their utter shock he actually does fall to the ground and die they don't understand what happened but yiri told him to die and he did nothing much to explain there he tells them not to move but the other one drops to his knees to help his friend and as a result yiri tells him to die as well hanakawa is now the only one left and yiri reiterates that if he moves at all you'll be killed yiri now begins to explain his ability but first he instructs hanakoa to check to make sure those guys are actually dead so he goes to them and starts trying to heal him his healing ability allows him to help anyone recover from injuries no matter how grave they are but his powers do nothing here because the people he's trying to heal are already dead hanako was start saying yoeri went too far with this but they were the ones who came in here trying to kidnap darura for loot purposes yok's ability is instant death to any Target so if he simply thinks about wanting to kill someone they will immediately die without exception hanakawa can't believe what he is hearing since that power is way too broken but he tries to play it off and get in close for a sneak attack however yogui stops him before he can do anything stupid and informs him that he also has the ability to determine if there is anything killing intent directed towards him so so when you combine the two abilities literally anyone who has the intent of killing yoir may die just because they thought about harming him hanakoa breaks down realizing that there is no way he can win against yogiri but yogiri asks why he got so full of himself after having just received his gift so hanakoa explains that this isn't the first time that they have come to this world a while ago The Magicians of the kingdom of Iman summoned them to defeat the Demon Lord but the gist of it is that they went on adventures in this world for about a year and once they finally defeated the demon Lord your return to Earth the elant seem to remember those three ever disappearing for an entire year according to hanaka after they were returned to Earth they found out that only a few hours has passed since they were initially summoned so yogiri takes that to mean that there is a way for them to return to Earth he raises his hand to finish off hanaka to prevent any future issues with him like he begs to be spared by yiri he tries to get demura to help him out here but after what he said when he initially came here she is the last person who would ever want want to do him a favor as a last resort hanako pulls out a rare slave collar item which will make the wearer unable to disobey the commands of the first person they see he puts the collar on and is now bound to the will of Dana but she doesn't want to have to deal with him so she offloads the task of being his master onto yiri since hanekawa can't disobey his orders now yiri decides to leave him alive for a while but he tells him to go stand in the forest full of magical beasts and weight he also tells him to leave behind any valuable items that he has so Hanah call it is forced to drop his entire inventory worth of loot from his last summoning Dona asks if he may be being a little too harsh and taking all of his stuff away and making him wait in a deadly Forest but they aren't exactly friends and there is no telling when he might betray them in the end Dina then asks why he is sticking with her since she could also betray him at some point but if it happens then it happens he is fine with it since he is the one who chose to trust her donara blushes a little and asks why he's going through such lengths to protect her even though they have basically never spoken to each other before but he doesn't really know if you had to think of a reason then it would probably be because of her melons though she gets read in the face from embarrassment and yells about him only wanting her for her body as well but elsewhere Sheen is in bed and very pleased with herself when someone call yuchi comes in to give her a report on the students she summoned they have cleared the first mission but there were four fatalities in the process Shen assumes the fatalities were from the students who weren't able to receive gifts but while two of them did die there were also tw's rank gift holders that died in the process that's a big surprise especially since they died without any warning but Sheen doesn't think it is anything that they really need to be worried about so she tells yui that he can handle it any way he sees fit yogiri and Donora finally make it to the city gates after several hours of walking but they see the guards closing the gates as they approach yogiri expected as much since is getting late so they rush over to get their attention before they get locked out for the night Dona goes up to one of the guards but they can't understand a single word she is saying the two get brought in and wait under a tent while the guards go get their boss to handle the situation and after a few moments masahito arrives annoying that he still has to work so late into the night he understands Japanese much to the relief of Don Nora and he already seems to have an idea of what is going on here the rest of their classmates came through town earlier that day so he has already dealt with them normally he would get charged a toll an order to enter the city but he receives clear threats I mean instructions from Shen not to get in the way of the Sage candidates so you won't be charging them today yogiri asks about the other Sage candidates he mentioned coming through and recalls that they had mentioned something about going to the capital so he asks which direction that would be but while masiko is not allowed to get in their way there is no incentive for him to help them so yir gets up to leave however as they are passing hits a good look at dona's assets and says he wouldn't mind it if Dona stayed in his Mansion for the night but only Dona she doesn't seem interested and grabs Yo's hand to run away with a look of disgust on her face she may not have liked the guy but the reason she dragged yogiri away so quickly was because she was afraid he would kill the guy for what he said yogar doesn't know why she would think he is the kind of person to do something like that but then again he did kill his classmates back there for just moving so it doesn't seem out of character for him she moves on to another topic and talks about how amazing this town looks it even has people that look like Beast folk her and speaking of Beast folk she get approached by a catg girl called Maru who can tell that this is their first time in town she asks if they might be in trouble or in need of any kind of help from her because if they are she's there to assist with anything she seems a little too friendly for someone they just met so yogiri asks what she stands to gain by helping them out here she doesn't even try to hide it and says she just wants to get along with all the sage candidate boys because they are all down bad and dying of thirst and as a Catgirl if the sage boys become successful in future she can roll in that 10 on seduction and live the easy life from then on Dena doesn't agree with the thought process but she can at least respect maru's honesty on the matter Maru goes on to say that donara doesn't need to worry because she won't attempt Seduction on anyone who already has a girlfriend she was well aware of what yandere girls are willing to do to keep their man so she isn't going to risk it her seductive intentions aside they don't see anything else Shady about Maru and Dano wanted to take a look around town anyway before it gets too dark so they decideed to accept the cat girl's help what's the worst that could happen it's not like this is a trap or anything bul it was a trap the two men up surrounded by a bunch of Thieves after they spend the entire evening shopping in town so yogiri tries to deescalate the situation by asking if they will accept money to leave them alone the thieves agree that money would be nice but what they are really after is talentless Sage candidates like yiri and Dona whenever Shen goes and summons a bunch of sage candidates the ones with good gifts often end up going wild with their power and the thieves have gotten sick of all the dragon ball fights happening in their backyards and bringing down the property value however they are weak as compared to the gift bearers so it's not like they can complain about it either so they do this instead and go after the weak Sage candidates to make themselves feel better they plan to kill yogiri and then make use of duner as irresistible assets but now that he has clear grasp on their intentions and has failed to deescalate yogiri is going to have to make a call to the local mortician donara tries to get myu to call it off because someone is definitely going to die here and it's not going to be yogiri but she thinks they are just bluffing because there is no way someone without a gift could be so powerful in this world Dina has done her best to save them but it's time to make that call First we're going to need five coffins for the people behind yogiri but he tries to take it easy on the rest of the people there so he tells this guy to just half die essentially turning him into a vegetable that was still a little extreme he tries going for individual body parts instead but that is still pretty bad regardless I know he was trying to take it easy on them but at this point it looks more like he's just torturing them so if he decides to just put an end to this Murr realizes that she frecked up big time and tries to beg for her life with her sob story of meaning to make money to help her sick brother but to that yogiri raises the point you tried to kidnap and sell us into slavery she isn't going to be getting a Redemption Arc either as yogiri is ready to put an end to this and tells both her and the last guy to just die however this time nothing happens and they thank the heavens that they are still alive but they aren't going to stick around for yogar to try again so they both make a run for it donara asks him why he chose to let them go but he did didn't his kill success rate is always 100% so just when muu thought she was a safe distance away the death kicked in and believe it or not she dies oh yeah this guy ends up dying too but no one really cares about him anyway with all the attackers dead yogiri and donur begin to walk off however they are called back by the city's guards who got news of the abnormally High m of coffins requested from the mortician so they want to have a little chat with him about what just happened yogiri tries to lie his way out of this and just says that he found these guys on the for already but the guard isn't falling for his excellent deception tactics because she saw the whole thing those guys suddenly fell dead just before they could attack donara can't believe adeler is making them the suspects after they were the ones who got attacked first and if she was watching the entire time why didn't she do something to help when they were clearly in trouble adeler makes the claim that she was just trying to clear find out who those guys are selling all their victims to so they were going to let them kidnap yogiri and donor and just follow them until they found the guy they were looking for she also tells them that the guards have received the Sage's protection so the gifts they have as Sage candidates won't work on them so they should just come quietly if they don't want any trouble however one of her men uses his appraisal ability on both and finds that neither of them actually possess any Sage abilities so they can't explain how yoir could have possibly managed to do this and thus they have no grounds to make an arrest ad Delbert admits defeat and tells them they are free to go and AD delbert's subordinate apologizes for his Commander's rudeness Yogi tells him it's fine but as an apology would be nice if he could hook them up with a place to stay for the night the man doesn't disappoint as yogiri and Doran now have a really fancy end to stay at while donov is still taking on the beauty of the place yogiri asks if she would like to share the same room with him while they are here she finds that to be a bit embarrassing so yogiri offers to just have their rooms be next to each other Dona gets to her room and Marvels at the luxury it provides as she jumps on the huge bed she starts thinking about yogiri and Mel requests to share a room with her and wonders what kind of lwd things you must have been thinking about to ask for such a thing then again this is literally the first time she's been away from yogiri since they got to this world and without him there to protect her she would either be dead or enslaved Thrice over she wonders if yogiri really likes her after all but I think he already made it clear that he was specifically after those soft chest cushions of hers while she squeezes her face into a pillow out of embarrassment she gears a sound coming from the room and looks up to find a ghost floating over her bed she's freaked out at first but then she realizes that that the ghost happens to look a lot like her sister but her sister is still alive and must have done something really bad because this is actually their family Guardian spirit and she makes it clear that she wants to have nothing to do with dona's sister ever again she is here to help Dona in her time of need since she is facing a very troubling series of events but she wanted to help her and why didn't she do it when the dragon attacked or maybe when she was almost sold into slavery twice in the same day the guardian Spirit Moko is an honest woman and tells her that she is scared to death by yo giri and that really tells you it's bad because she's already dead with the kind of power yogiri has if she were to appear recklessly in front of him and make a bad impression she could be erased from existence in an instant so she wants daa to tell yogiri about her before she shows herself to him so he won't think of her as a threat donara says she'll tell him tomorrow but then asks what kind of help mocho was going to give her Moko explains that since she is a spirit she can protect doraa from most things aside from physical attacks in fact she was the one who prevented the battle song Sage gift from being installed into her body back on the bus donara gets angry because Moco basically put her at a permanent disadvantage in this world but Moko doesn't see the problem since she thought Dono would have been opposed to a random person putting something suspicious inside her body the sage gift certainly has its advantages but once you allow it to be installed then Sheen basically has control over you for the rest of your life so it's not the best trade-off besides is moko's goal to ensure that Don returns to the Earth to become the successor of their Family Martial Arts technique but while Dona certainly would like to go home she's pretty much stuck just relying on yoir because she is so weak but that's where Moco is going to work her magic as she will teach donara all the centuries of fighting techniques she knows of the next morning donara meets yo giri downstairs after not getting any sleep the whole night because of moco's midnight training Arc she asks yiri if they are going to meet up with the rest of their classmates after this and that is something he wanted to talk to her about they both meet with a woman called celestina and she's been helping yoi by looking up the locations of all his classmates and how to get to them from here as well as getting language translation and Status concealment items for them Sheen made him a charger for his game console I've got to say celestina is really earning that paycheck she has also prepared two tickets for the both of them to reach a capital by train with a noon departure time yo Gary thanks her for all her hard work and if you were wondering how they've been paying for all the stuff they've gotten they still have tons of gold they robbed from the three returner students yogiri asks celestina if she can take their leftover gold and do something like put it in Investments for them and she totally does it with no issues the two move on to continue their journey to join up with the rest of their classmates and are heading toward the Primal Forest because cesena thinks they will head there to train but Midway through the ride yogiri senses something and pushes Dona down to avoid a slash that destroys the entire train car one of those Dragon Ball Sage fights is happening nearby and the collateral damage is really high Elsewhere One of this world's sages receives a report from a delbart about the situation ation that occurred earlier but they still don't know what happened since the guy who was still alive hasn't been able to give them an answer this was the guy whose eyes yaryi told to die but they do not know about his ability so they are confused in trying to figure out the cause even after ripping out one of the guy's eyes and using healing magic to grow a new one back in place he still can't see the sage then tries to use her vampire nature to turn him into one and give him regenerative Powers but that doesn't work either their experiments are cut short soon after as someone bursts through the wall with a sword in hand but we'll get to that later as we head back to yogiri and darura who are still on the destroyed train yogiri can tell that they were not the intended targets for that attack but it is still pretty dangerous for them to be here it looks like a sage is attacking a robot that the people of this world call aggressors and the battle is reshaping the landscape Donar asks yogiri if he can just kill them because they are in the way but while yogiri may be a killing machine he still has rules that even he has to follow as well he can't just go around killing people because they inconvenience him and those guys didn't intentionally send the blast hits way so there would be no reason to kill him but then again the sage seems to be a piece of so yogiri decides to kill him after all back with the Vampire Sage the person that attacked has just blown away the entire Castle but with her innate healing ability she was able to just tank the explosion she did something terrible to this guy's lover but once again nobody cares about him plus she's Immortal so she doesn't even bother killing him and just Chucks him off the roof she then instructs ad art to find yogiri since she wants to figure out how he managed to kill all those thieves meanwhile after yogiri killed the sage the robot does the smart thing and tries to negotiate things peacefully rather than fight but it doesn't have anything that Yogo wants so instead danara gets something later that day the vampire Sage holds a meeting with Sheen over the dead Sage they just found near the train tracks and she suspects that yogiri might be behind this Sheen doesn't really care but leads her to do as she sees fit so the vampire Sage calls on one of her subordinates and tells him to get the zombie army ready back to yogiri and donara after a ton of walking they can finally see the city of hanabusa which looks a lot like a Japanese City while domond R is still all py and full of energy yogiri is absolutely wended after the long journey donor suggests that yogiri start exercising more often but the audacity of this to say something like that after yogiri just gave himself scoliosis from all the carrying he has been doing for the team he's got a KD ratio that basically caused the extinction of the for Monsters and some Bandits for good measure after realizing she's been of no help at all this entire trip she apologizes but asks that he tells her when they are in danger so she won't be acting so carefree and naive before they go donara asks if his being tired after using his ability means he has a limit to how many times it can be used but nope he has no cooldown on it and the devs Never patched it out so he's free to spam instant death as much as he wants they head into the City and are amazed by its futuristic appearance as they walk through its streets they end up up coming across a hotel that celestina had suggested that they use so they decide to head in and stay for a while before they do anything else as they walk Inside the Hotel they come across one of their classmates tabana who greet them normally like he didn't abandon them to their Doom Donar asks why he is here since from what they know he should still be with the rest of the class in the forest he responds saying he split up from the rest of the group because he didn't agree with their inefficient methods of gaining levels he had something much more beneficial for himself in mind slavery as soon as he got here he learned that slaves were still a thing so when asked how many he wanted he said yes these are the primary members of his Haram Erica Stephanie Chelsea euphemia and RZA these are quite the array of different girls but they all have one thing in common from now they hate daura tabana tells them to shut up for a bit while he talks to his classmates and while he does that yogiri tells darura that he seems really confident so he must have a strong ability of some kind they still don't know what his ability is but he has been like that since he was in high school he had the ladies flocking to him so he was always a bit of a narcissist and he would switch girlfriends more often than Amazon goes through employees tabana speaks up and says that since they've met here by chance then would darura like to become his slave I mean lover she's petrified by the absurdity of his statement but he assures her that it is fine since if she's worried about what will happen to yogiri while he usually doesn't swing that way he'll make an exception for yogiri as well neither of them can believe the they are hearing so they ask what makes him so confident to make a request like that and tabana reveals that he has the class of Dominator meaning he is able to absolutely dominate any weaker beings that is a pretty powerful ability but if tabana is here how does he intend to get stronger if all the others are busy training while he's louing around here but that isn't much of a problem for him since his ability is also broken he explains that after the class had safely made it to the town and were celebrating he was approached by one of his classmates wuori who told him about the true nature of his ability w has the class of consultant so he came to give tabana some insight on what he should do from now on right now in the class everyone is avoiding him because of his class of Dominator and utery doesn't want to fight to break out among them so he informs tabanan that the true power behind his ability is a pyramid scheme he can go buy a bunch of cheap slaves and make them go out and fight for him then if the slaves win he gets experience and can make the defeated people become his slaves as well so his network of slavery will only keep on growing as time passes and his XP gain will be exponential that's certainly useful information but the menu screen didn't have any information like that so he questions how utor was able to figure this out utor revealed that his ability allows him to see the hidden details of anyone's ability but that still doesn't answer the question of why is he giving a free consultation like this as a consultant his chances of successfully becoming a sage are tied to the success of his classmates so he wants everyone to do the best they can do so they don't end up as Livestock on The Chopping Block that basically means that at this very moment tatcha has a number number of slaves is rising and he is gaining levels without meaning to do anything at all so he re extends the offer and asks daura to become his slave but she still likes having her Freedom tabana agrees to leave and says he will give her time to think about the proposal at least he isn't being pushy about it so he isn't much of a threat to them for now but yogiri points out that it might actually be safer for donara if she were to go with him since she would be close to the top in the pyramid scheme but that's still not an option 3 days pass and yogiri has been asleep this entire time and Donar Do Anything by herself because she needs him to be there to carry the team it has been peaceful this far but not anymore as the Zombie Army has begun to invade the city but once again yogiri isn't awake so D just closes the curtains and chooses to ignore it while she's laying on the bed mocha Moko informs her that there is someone currently taring her but she isn't able to see them so since she isn't built to handle threats at all Dona grabs the phone to call yoi for help yoi wakes up to the call for helps so he leaves his room to go save her life again as he enters the hallway he is able to scan and can sense some killing intent coming from someone so he traces it back and kills the as salant who happens to be Erica he knocks on dun's door to tell her there was actually someone targeting her so now they got to discuss their next move but first he makes a call to the local Mor for one more coffin tabana was out in a dungeon when he noticed that Erica's signal suddenly stopped working so something must have happened and on the other end yiri realizes that tabana might come back for Revenge since he killed one of his top slaves so they had better leave soon meanwhile tabana has just effortlessly cleared the 100th floor of the dungeon with no trouble thanks to the skills of his servants which he is able to use at will and now that he is done with that he decides to check on the situation with Erica suddenly dying he looks to her memories and she just kind of fell over suddenly he doesn't know what killed her but euphemia thinks she might have been jealous of daura and tried to eliminate her leading into what they saw happen tabana doesn't really care about Erica but he doesn't want denura to leave becoming his slave so he takes a less diplomatic approach and has some of his other servants try to keep donur from leaving they get cornered by Reza who uses an ice spell to block off a hallway but that doesn't stop yogiri because he can just tell the ice to die and it does he asserts dominance over Reza by killing her wand as well and tells her that he can kill anything just by thinking about it so if she tries any funny business she will die she caves and tells him that she's a wand master so she can attack without a wand also giving him the wand that she kept stashed away in between her Mounds she was ordered to capture darura but that also means the other servants were given the same order and darura nearly gets sneak attacked but she's finally starting to pull her weight in the game and gets her first kill Reza tries to use the distraction to get up and use her extra hidden wand but that counts as funny business and yogiri was clear what would happen if she tried that RZA gets killed leaving only the little girl and her dolls to attack them but he just kills the dolls and goes down to finish off the girl Chelsea is smart enough to know that she isn't winning this so she gives up and gives yo giri all the info that he wants since Chelsea made the smart choice to snitch on tabana he was left with no other option than to use his last resort is cockroach army they may just be cockroaches but with this many of them in one place if tachana gave the order for them all to attack at once then they could probably end up killing a human for instance they could crawl into your mouth and nose and squirm around in your throat until you suffocate to death but now that we've got enough meare fuel for the day we see euphemia telling tachibana that it might not be a good idea to attack someone who claims to be able to kill anybody but tabana isn't backing down because he is a dominator so if he doesn't kill yogiri he won't be the main character he orders the Cockroaches to begin their attack but as soon as the killing intent reaches yogiri he was able to trace it back to tachibana and kill him on the spot now that tabana is dead the Cockroaches won't attack them anymore but it still is a room full of cockroaches so they don't stay there for too long meanwhile Stephanie and euphemia are left with tab's dead body so having regained her Freedom euphemia just dips however as she comes up to the surface she is met by a wasteland where a forest once was in a giant glob of Darkness that had just passed through the area the vampire Sage is also there to get information about the situation she bites euphemia and turns her into a vampire so she will tell her everything that has happened meanwhile Dana and yogiri finally make it out onto the streets but remember that thing about the Zombie Army that Donar ignored yeah looks like that's a problem now back with the Vampire Sage after turning e into a member of her bloodline she asked about Yogi's ability since eukia must have seen at least some amount of what yogiri is capable of doing if his ability is really able to cause death to any Target he wishes then she is curious to see if it can put an end to her Immortal Life in the city under siege people are running around in a panic as they get firsthand experience on what a zombie apocalypse feels like all the while yogiri and Don Nora are hiding in an Alleyway and planning their next move the zombies are pretty slow so yogiri believes they could probably make get out of the city if they are careful not to get themselves Corner Dina asks if he really intends to just leave the people of the city as things are right now but he never signed up to be a hero in this world he made it clear at the start all he cares about are Don's fun bags so she's the only person he feels inclined to protect meanwhile the mayor of the town is outraged that the undead Army's leader masayuki showed up to his town unannounced and is laying waste to his people unprovoked the vampire Sage lady lame personally gave him control over this area so masuki has no right to come in here and destroy it masayuki tells riota to calm down after all they were both once comrades and Sage candidates they both survived the same Battlefield together or at least riota did since masayuki died and got revived as an undead getting back to the point riota tells masayuki to take his Undead Army and get out of his City immediately but masayuki has all the permission he needs from Lady Lane herself so there's nothing anyone can do to stop him since he has literally been given a license to Kill as many people as necessary to find yiri hearing that this was under the orders of Lady Lane riona is forced to concede and hand over the key to the city so Muki can get on with his plans he takes control of the speakers placed all around the city and commands all the zombies to stop attacking for now he then gives the people an ultimum he's looking for a boy named yogiri and a girl named darura so the people of the city have one hour to bring them to him dead or alive and if they fail they'll be the ones who end up dead he's already made sure that no one can Escape by locking the gates to the city so if the people want to survive then they have to get their asses in gear and start hunting down the teenagers riota isn't happy that his citizens are being treated as Pawns in muki's Game of cat and mouse but again nothing can be done because boss lady said so now the people on the street are running around like crazy looking for yogiri and Dona and they are frankly more frightening than the zombies were Dona doesn't even get why they would be getting chased to this extent in the first place but there was that whole thing when yogiri killed one of the sages that was probably a pretty big deal recklessly killing people may end up causing them more problems in the future but just as he says this three people pull up behind him and are prepared to end his life in order to capture him yogar gives a warning saying that he will not hesitate to kill anyone who attacks him but this chuny guy pays no me to this warning and attacks anyway and as expected another coffin now needs to be purchased the other two guys get cold feet after seeing their friend get killed so easily and run away and yogiri is left wondering why masuki would think the cens would be of any use in capturing him as it has already been established that he can kill anybody without much difficulty then again Muki might have been hoping that yogiri would have some kind of moral code against killing civilians or something but yogiri has no such weaknesses still he doesn't particularly like the idea of having civilians thrown at him like Meat Puppets so he decides that it might be a good idea to go negotiate with masayuki personally the two head to the Town Square to meet with Muki and the place simply reeks of death and Decay they get to masayuki and he is pretty disappointed that he didn't get the chance to kill more citizens before yogiri turned himself in masayuki asks if he intends to sacrifice himself for the sake of the citizens of the city but he has come to do no such thing masuki doesn't think yogar has much of a choice in the matter though since he is the one holding the power here but yogar has come to bargain he wants to use the train to get out of the city so if he would like masuki to get rid of the barrier around the city masuki becomes vain throbbing enraged and tells yiri that he is in no position to be asking for favors right now yiri concedes and agrees to sweeten the deal by letting him live even though he's a bastard however messay Yuki can't recognize how lucky he is to receive such a great deal and orders his Undead Army to kill yogiri he believes his army should be immune to whatever kind of De magic yogiri possesses since they are already dead but yogiri just tells them all to die and even though I don't know how it's possible they all die again and this time for good the smile on masuki face Fades as he starts to wish he had taken Yogi's initial offer his Immortal Army has been defeated in an instant and not wanting to be next in line ryota throws his hands up and sells Messi Yuki out Messi Yuki isn't even mad that ryota is ditching him but what he wants to know is how something that is already dead could possibly be killed it's all simple really you say they are dead but they were still moving so yogiri considers them to still be alive and if that doesn't make sense to you it doesn't matter because this is yiri show and gets to decide what dead means Muki can't stand for such absurdity and begins to transform so he can fight yogiri at full power however yogui doesn't play by the rules and just kills him before he can finish transforming there's still the problem of meeing to take down the barrier around the city but that shouldn't be a problem as riota seems more than happy to do whatever yogiri asks of him he pleads with yogiri to spare his life but yogiri never intended to kill him anyway as he only ever kills in self-defense ryota explains that masayuki was ordered by the vampire Sage Lane to kill yogiri the city and the surrounding area are controlled by Lane so as her subordinate he was put in charge of looking after the city that's a bit confusing to them since they got called here by sign to become sages and now they are being hunted down by another sage just then mamoko appears and informs the two that some spiritual manipulation was targeted at this area and all of a sudden all the citizens of the city now killing intent directed towards yogiri and darura if it is a spiritual attack that is making the citizens act up like this then maybe the barrier could block it out but as riota tries to use the key to change the barrier settings he finds that he has been locked out of the controls which could only possibly mean that lane has taken it over and is the one behind this from a great distance away Lane is carrying out her plan but euphemia tells her that what she's doing is really risky Lane already knows that yogiri was able to kill tachibana over a long distance by tracing his control of the Cockroaches and with power like that is already far above the power of any Sage that is exactly why euphemia believes they should just let him do his thing and step aside the Mind controlled people begin attacking yogiri one by one and he is forced to continuously kill them as they attack he has had something like this happen to him before where one guy tried a bunch of things just to see how yoir would react to them but in the end he can always just kill them all if it comes down to it riota is having a really hard time seeing all of his precious citizens dropping like flies right in front of his eyes meanwhile Lane is still doing her thing outside the city and as that Darkness monster from before is approaching it works out in her favor because now she can cause yuli's death without any direct killing intent against him she decides now is a good time to put her backup plan into action and duplicates her body several times in the sky in the city the darkness has arrived within the city borders and it is turning everything that it comes in contact with into sand and it's heading straight for them at the same time Lane explains that she created her clones with all information about yogiri being removed from their brains so with no knowledge of who yogiri is is there should be no way for them to hold any hostility towards him and thus you shouldn't be able to kill them she decides to use the darkness as a queue to begin her attack so she orders the Clones to carpet bomb the city once the darkness dies as she expects yogiri to be able to kill it in the city the people watching horror as the darkness tears for the architecture and leaves nothing but dust in its wake they believe there's nothing anyone can do to stop it but yogiri could definitely do something if he wanted to he has a bad feeling about this but at the same time he can't leave that thing to just kill everyone so he decides to kill it after the darkness' kill of Lane's carpet bombing strategy takes effect and more destruction RS down upon the city yogiri can see the attack but he can't sense any hostility almost as though something is just attacking the city indiscriminately this must be the work of whoever was testing him with the civilians but while yogiri was having this intense tactical analysis he was buried face deep in dona's voluptuous buns this reminds him what he is fighting for so he gets up to solve the problem but that's easier said than done since he doesn't know where the the attacks are coming from Dono looks up and she sees something she could never have expected the bombs that are hitting the city are literally all the Clones of Lane yoling themselves into the ground they realize that this is Lane's countermeasure against Yi's instant death and he can't really do much about it since she isn't targeting him and the copies are blowing themselves up so fast that he can even see them in that case if all he needs is to be targeted then riota thinks he can help his ability class is a mayor so he's able to see everything in the town at once and uses the information he has ACC say to find out the next place that will get drone stried he then teleports them all there and as the Clone is about to hit them yoir makes it die before prompting mamoko to use her guardian Spirit Jazz to make a shield around them the shield was some protective plating that can be worn under clothing but thanks to moko's Guardian Spirit thing she is able to turn it into anything from a shield to a suit of armor finally Now donara isn't dead weight anymore all Lane's clones have been defeated in euphemia is telling her that she up when she decided to go after yogiri but she still doesn't see the problem since she can just create more clones to attack again just then the full scope of the instant death hits and Lane realizes oh I really up still she didn't want to die anyway elsewhere a little girl wakes up from a nap in a coffin and receives a pre-recorded message from Lane telling her that she is a copy of her that was made to be its own separate person this was done to avoid attacks from yogiri but we'll get back to that later as yogiri and Donora are about to set off from the city now that they've received some transportation from riota meanwhile we finally get to see what the other students have been up to as we meet ruko who is a samurai class after defeating a monster she enters her tent where a girl called Carol is standing Carol stole ruk's phone because she wanted to get a look at the app she had for monitoring yogiri it seems they were both tasked with spy on him back on Earth but as they check the monitor they are greeted with horrifying news Yogi's first gate is open dor has been put in charge of driving the jeep but from the way they nearly died right there is clear that she she doesn't know a damn thing about driving so she wants to switch with yoi but he's already fast asleep so it looks like she's on her own for this one since she wasn't paying attention Dona is about to crash into a boulder on the road while yogiri is having a wonderful dream involving this woman we get a little backstory of who this woman is and she is seen signing a contract for a job interview she finds it a little concerning that there's a death waiver involved but she's in too deep to back out now and those bills aren't going to pay themselves so she goes along with it she asks if this is some kind of organization but her employer assures her that everything that goes on here is mostly legal but he does sound very convincing he tells her that this facility researches curses so her job will be to take care of a monster she has led down a creepy red hallway and asks where they are heading so the employer informs her that she is tasked with looking after a being who may have dubbed Alpha Omega from the description given Asaka wonders if it might be a human but the employer doesn't really know as he has never risked seeing the thing for himself Alpha Omega has the frightening ability to to kill anything just by thinking about it so they brought in Asaka to be its teacher it's already dangerous enough as it is but imagine a toddler with no sense of maybe I shouldn't kill people for fun having that kind of power that is where Asaka comes in but if you're wondering why she was selected for this dangerous job it's because she's the only one who showed up they get to the bottom of the elevator so the employer hands her a piece of paper and tells her you're on your own now before leaving her to deal with a being she's got no other choice than to go in but they shouldn't blame her if the world gets doomed because of something she did she enters a room that has an artificial environment being generated and walks over to the house Illustrated on the incredibly well-drawn map once there she calls out to see if anyone is home and eventually comes across a little boy in the center room she was anxious before but now she's just enraged by the fact that the government locked up a child in this underground base she's not going to stand around and let this kid become a meat so she forcibly drags him outside and throws him into the creek so he can play for once yogiri looks stunned for a moment but then points his finger at Asaka and kills a monster that was hiding behind her there's no concrete answer on what that thing was but things like that show up from time to time and try to kill him they probably got in by hiding in her Shadow but it's dead now so there's no reason to be worried anymore yogiri speaks up and says he would love to play but it's getting really late now so it would be better if they did that tomorrow Asaka realizes she may have gotten a little carried away and apologizes before finally introducing herself to him but more importantly yogiri tells her he's hungry and finally sets in that she is the adult in the room so she's got to cook in the kitchen there is a fully stocked Pantry but all that is useless if you got no cooking skills she really needs to get something ready before yogur gets out of the bath though so she goes for the broke college student classic a cup of ramen luckily for her yogiri has never tasted this before so he is really happy with his dinner and while he eats Asaka thinks of a name for him she ultimately decided to name him after a dog which was how he got the name yo Gary from this moment on she took on the the role of being his mother figure and taking care of him these were fond memories for yogiri but he is woken up when donor yells that the road to the capital is blocked she is surprised that he can sleep through her reckless driving but he can't help it since he's tired from killing all those zombies back in the city besides he doesn't even get why they need to head to the capital in the first place after all their end goal is to get back to their original World and to do that they are trying to find the sage Sheen so even if they don't head to the capital there should still be other ways available to locate her with that in mind they decided to turn around and find another way past this mountain but as donara is backing up she accidentally Rams into a dragon that was standing behind them they get out to assess the situation but the dragon attacks leaving yogiri with no choice but to kill a thing however that wasn't the only dragon as there was a whole flock of them and they are all hone in and ready to blast them clean off the face of the Earth with fire unfortunately for them they were up against yogiri so moments later they all dropped dead they were forced to wipe out an entire population of of dragons but if you think about it this is Dragon territory so yogiri just pulled up and committed Mass genocide in their front lawn however things aren't over yet as a golden thunder dragon soon appears however the Gold Dragon doesn't seem to have any killing intent aim at them so yogiri sees no reason to kill it after a few moments the dragon says they can pass and then tries to Fly Away in a hurry so it doesn't get killed since the dragon can talk yoir calls it back under threat of being killed and we are introduced to this little girl Dena wonders why why that huge Dragon turned into this little girl but don't let the details bother you right now yogiri asks the important question of why the dragons attacked him and daura in the first place the girl explains that they were trying to test if yogiri was worthy of meeting the swordmaster but he has no idea who the sword master is the dragon can't believe they came all the way out here with no intention of meeting the master but they just want to get to the capital so there's no reason to take a detour now the dragon pleads with them to follow her to the master since her job was to bring promising individuals to him so she can't return empty-handed after losing her entire Dragon Army the swordmaster is supposedly on equal terms with a sage so yogiri agrees to meet him since he might have some Clues on how they can return to their original World Plus they were kind of stuck here anyway so the dragon promises that if they come with her to meet the sword master then she will personally take them to the capital she introduces herself as atila and guides them to the location of the sword master when they arrive they find a lot of people standing around as they are also here to meet the sword master and have a chance at becoming the next Divine King one of the guys there thinks it must be against the rules to come here by car since everyone else had to walk but the sword master himself says he has no problem with it you may think the sword master is a nice guy but you'd be wrong as the first order of business after he arrives is for everyone to kill each other until there are less than half remaining yogar didn't even want to come here in the first place so he asks if he can just go since he isn't going to participate thus the sword master makes up a rule that no one is allowed to to escape the blood begins as the participants begin killing each other and as some people begin to Target him yogiri sees no choice other than to kill him but this time he doesn't need to as someone steps in to protect him and doraa from danger this guy seems to actually be pretty decent but he is glazing the sword master way too much he says there is no way the sword master would ever actually want them to kill one another so it must have just been a test to see if they would act dishonorably just because he said so however the man definitely just wanted to see some of them die yoer notices some magicians casting an ominous spell in the background so he kills them and the good knight continues the glazing saying the sword master must have killed them for not acting honorably they also noticed this guy who was cosplaying as Gojo that bisected one but he's still alive and kicking so he asked anura to put that rainbow colored Stone in his hand she's freaked out but does as he says and as he holds the gem he returns to his unised body the sword master has had enough killing for one day so he tells everyone to stop and follow him because he is continuing the test elsewhere atila pleads with yogiri to keep going along with the trial because if he wins and becomes the next Divine King then she will get a promotion and become his attendant it's not like they have gotten any information yet so they see no harm in continuing with the trial for the meantime but this is getting more annoying than yogiri would have hoped they follow the swordmaster and along the way the Knight who helped them introduces himself as Rick the bisected one is called lonol and now that introductions are out of the way yogiri asks what the big deal is about becoming the Divine King Rick explains that the Divine King was a person who sealed Away the Dark God long ago but even though the dark God is sealed it is still a threat as there are many people working to revive him meanwhile in the back D asks lenel what that stone was that healed him he explains that these are apolog that can heal serious injuries and also be used for GEA games he has always had terrible luck since he was born so he would always end up in terrible situations and more recently he ended up getting sacrificed by a weird cult he thought he was dead for sure but then a goddess appeared and went damn sorry dude giving him apology gems to make up for his terrible life aside from injuries he can also trade the gems for random items but with his bad luck he ends up just getting a brush he used up most of his crystals on that one but he gets new ones every midnight depending on how bad his luck for the day was the rest of the group disappears into a barrier and as they follow they find themselves before a huge Tower Attila seems to have been left behind due to the barrier so it seems like only those that are participating in the trial can enter they enter the tower and head up to to the top where the sword master shows them the seal created by the last Divine King holding hundreds of monsters and the dark God donara can see a girl in the middle stabbing herself along with the dark God one other participant Freda tries to launch an attack at the dark God to kill it once and for all but the barrier slows down time so it may take hundreds of years for the attack to finally reach in one piece might have ended by then the goal for the night selection exam is for them to accumulate 100 points before they get to the ground and they can't cheat by jumping off the side of the tower either Dono wonders if Yogi's power would work on the dark God even with the time delayed but he looks like he feels guilty about something he usually has a rule about not killing things unless he has a reason to do so but yogiri was feeling a little off from all the miasma that was in the area so he wanted to see if he could find the source and get rid of it meaning he already killed the dark lord in the time bubble now that they basically made this whole test pointless by killing the Dark Lord yoir wants to get out of here before anyone figures out what he has done but before they leave lennel hears his name called out by the entitled that dragged him into this competition in the first place she is demanding that he hand over some of his apology so she can replenish her mono before the test begins and he complies but tells her that the apollon do not work for anyone other than him she leaves lenel behind and after picking up his gem the team can finally get moving thankfully since they were delayed the people who went ahead have kindly and involuntarily showcased all the traps that were set in the tower so now their job should be much easier since they just have to avoid triggering the remaining traps in the tower it shouldn't be too hard but then again they've got lenel and their team and immediately after Rick had warned everyone to be careful he steps on a magic circle and gets his chest impaled thankfully he still has some crystals left so he is able to recover from the severe damage he just took and since this keeps happening so often Dona suggests that he just keeps one crystal in his hand at all times now confident that he should be safe he goes running into an unexplored room by himself and for the sound of the blood curdling screen coming from him I don't think he's having a good time in there Rick runs in after him and finds a woman called Teresa standing in the middle of the blood covered room Rick can't believe she would do something like this since she's meant to be one of the Knights of the Divine King but this is well within what she would usually do especially since this is how you're supposed to gain points in this Tower in fact she ended up killing so many people just for the hell of it that she got her title as a knight stripped from her so since she is currently unemployed she decided to try her hand at becoming the Divine King as well and it's a little bonus that she gets to kill as many people as she likes Rick tells the others to get out of here as soon as possible but donara tells him they can't move because there are currently dozens of things wires strung up all across the room Teresa is impressed she managed to figure that out before they could fall for the Trap but regardless that won't save them Rick puts himself in the front line and tells the others that he will keep Teresa at Bay while they find a way to get out of here however Teresa has no intention of letting any of them get out of here alive as she starts striking at Rick with her threads she's definitely a strong opponent and Rick is doing well to keep up with her attacks thus far however donara can tell that Teresa is still holding back so if she gets serious he may be unable to handle her however it's never going to come to that as yogiri tells her to die and Teresa is immediately on her way to the afterlife now that she's dead they remember they had a guy named Len with them and yogiri finds his severed hand on the ground pretty unlucky that he got his hand with a crystal chopped off but at least he is still alive the group head down have now made it to the 98th floor of the Tower and they are informed that this place counts as a safe zone so they are free to rest while they are here and there are even rooms provided for them yogiri suggests that since this place is safe they can split up and do their own things for a while Rick is okay with splitting up but he asks if yogiri and Dono will be all right by themselves they say they are fine and lenel agrees as well since he has run out of apologems for the day and if he leaves this place without one he may die for real this time since everyone is in agreement Rick says he will be going on ahead and Lionel gets R so he can barricade himself for survival yiri asks Dona if she would like to rest for a while but unfortunately there is currently only one room available in the safe Zone and you know what that means donara gets nervous and reminds yogiri that mamoko is still here and she will be able to see if anything happens but Mocha Moko says she's okay with a prospect of a grandchild yoer wastes no time in taking off his clothes but I don't know what you were thinking because you just wanted to change and go to sleep meanwhile midm mag has finally come so after nearly dying 15 times today Lono receives his next batch of apology and gets a great deal on them as well he received 100 apology and a guaranteed ultra rare gasa he is excited and goes for the gasa pull immediately but instead of a weapon or armor of some sort he gives a woman this is the Goddess that brought him to this world but she's not here to join him in his adventures or anything she just wanted to pop in and see if he is still alive she also tells him that she updated his save point so now no matter how many times he dies he will always respond here she then disconnects from the body and vanishes meanwhile in the tower control center the homunculus girl informs the master that there is a problem from our calculations the number of souls that the tower has collected doesn't match the number of people that have died but he doesn't see it as that big of an issue since they still have more than enough Souls available to run the barrier another point of concern is that they will also need to replenish their stock of half demons who powering the barrier elsewhere we see a blue-haired girl running through a field with explosions happening around her she points out that it is rude to attack someone on site when you don't even know what they want yet but the guy is already well aware that she is here to recruit him the girl was indeed asked to recruit him and was given orders to kill anyone who refused to join so she makes sure she has the right person by scanning him with her eye the guy is called satu and he used his gift to build this colony and live a peaceful life here and he doesn't want that messed up by AWA so he uses his power to attack her with a bunch of tentacles unfortunately for him o has hacks built-in since none of his abilities are working s takes out his sword which has a high luux stat on it so her ability can't affect it but that just mean she has to avoid getting hit by suu's sword and she does so quite effortlessly before holding him at knife point and slitting his throat she then gets a message from her talking knife informing ho that she's got another job to complete and needs to head to the city of hanabusa in order to take out yoi she's annoyed that she doesn't even get to catch her breath but starts heading out to complete the mission but before she goes if face I never thought I'd see again shows up hanakoa somehow managed to survive in the forest for a while and he was eventually saved by seu who took him in and let him live in his Barony however now that a has killed him there's no one left to protect this place so he desperately wants to go with her back to yogiri and danora danora was still sleeping when mocha Moko Started calling for her to wake up she opens her eyes and finds Yogi's face first in them titties although it's not like he did it intentionally since he is still asleep besides that wasn't the reason moch moo woke her up it was because she is stuck in the wall she was watching them sleep earlier when yogiri started huging donur in his sleep and thinking some spicy action was about to take place she went into the wall so she wouldn't be interrupting anything but then she got curious to see if they had gotten busy yet so she tried to take a peak and then this happened it seems like the tower has a mechanism to capture Spirits so she's slowly getting sucked into the wall Yoku finally wakes up and she asks if he can do anything to save her but Dona has already given up and thanks mocha Moka for all the time they spent together since the wall is sucking her in yoger walks up to it and locates the mechanism doing the sucking then he makes it die which works for some reason mocha Moko is glad she managed to survive even though she's been dead for Centuries by now but she still wonders what the reason behind the tower sucking up Souls could be yogiri isn't sure but with all that has happened he tells daura that she's going to have to make sure she is ready because he's going to kill anybody that even remotely seems like a threat from this point onward she already knew they would need to kill people that try to kill them and she's thankful to yogiri for always protecting her and she got yogiri blushing really harder from what she just sent to him elsewhere always approaching yogiri and the others in the tower but they run into the dragon and hanoa thinks they should run away but she doesn't think it's such a big deal and just says I don't think a dragon's that bug should be able to fly and immediately after the dragon falls to the ground her ability doesn't simply cause a Force One role it literally changes the world to be exactly as she believes it to be so in other words no matter how delusional she is she's always right but if her opponent has good luck then she can't use it on them the dragon is still a threat though but it gets beheaded by an aggressor who gathers Intel from it and then heads into the barrier all decides to follow it and hanaco it it's dragged along meanwhile yogiri and Dana continue to make their way through the tower by destroying the challenges but the creator of the tower gets pissed and personally comes down to stop them he says the tower was created to maintain the barrier and keep the dark Lord sealed so he can't have it be destroyed Yogi promises that if they let him and donur out of the tower right now then he won't destroy anymore but elaa isn't feeling very reasonable right now he's about to threaten them but yogiri isn't going to wait that long and just kills him they continue through the tower and find two Swordsmen duking it out in a stadium and a guy called masaki sitting on a throne which he must have had to carry all the way here the girl fighting the bunny is apparently a half demon but yogiri doesn't want to get involved and just asks to get through the exit without a fuss however masaki is too full of himself and refuses to let yoa go without a fight while the demon girl doesn't really care what he does masaki calls out the rest of his sermons to fight and starts explaining what they can do but none of that is important because a few seconds later yogiri kills them all masaki tried to fight as well so yogiri took him out too the demon girl recognizes the power yogiri must have to be able to kill someone like masaki so easily so she requests that he let her join him the girl introduces herself as theod a swordsman in Disguise who infiltrated the tower trial in an attempt to locate her sister who had gone missing recently she came here because she had heard her people were getting imprisoned in the tower so she would like Yogi's help in traversing it and locating her sister however helping her would mean going against the sword master so she understands if they do not wish to go through with it up till this point yiri and Dona have basically been going through the tower by destroying it bit by bit so if anything they are already declaring themselves as enemies of the sword master even if they didn't want to for that reason he is fine with helping her out but he tells her not to rely on his ability too much as he is just helping her look for her sister Theo was very appreciative of his offer to help but they've got to have some kind of clue on where to search if they are going to start looking for her sister she doesn't have much to go off of but for some reason she can send something underground so that's the first place they'll look just then they are joined by Rick frira and liel who has surprisingly managed to make it this far without dying they' all head to the next room where the swordmaster was waiting for them so as he sees that 17 candidates have managed to make it through the trials he's about to proclaim the next Divine King but before he can do that he gets interrupted by the hul who have come to deliver terrible news the tower has fallen silent almost as if someone told it to die so they are having trouble maintaining the first barrier and the second barrier is largely unstable right now so there is no telling how long they have before the subjects of the Dark Lord are able to breach it in that same instant a bright light shines through the tower and as everyone opens their eyes a find that the tower has been completely destroyed along with the first barrier but the second one is still barely functional the swordmaster draws his sword as the one behind this destruction descends upon the former Tower he had thought destroying the tower would get rid of the barrier as well but it seems they are maintained by different systems the sword master knew this day would come but he didn't expect it to be so soon still now that things have come to this he asked the candidates to help him defeat that thing otherwise humanity is done for while all this is going on yogiri suggests that they go search underground while everyone is busy with that thing and donara asks if he really isn't going to do anything about it even though he can but as a wise man once said I missed the part where that's my problem besides if he were to defeat that thing now it would probably draw a lot of unwanted attention towards them so it is far more convenient to just let other people do it instead lony sees yiri and the others leave and thinks it might be a good idea to leave as well but Rick stands his ground not wanting to turn tail and run from the enemy the same goes for ferica so they stay where they are and prepare for a fight the dark angel comes down to the ground and demands to know how to disable the barrier that is holding the dark lord in but the swordmaster refuses to give that information up so easily the dark angel doesn't mind if he wishes to be stubborn about providing the information they'll just stand here and kill them all one by one until someone feels like telling him what he wants to know people begin dropping like flies as the dark angel electrocutes them so the Ninja a group tried to stop him by charging forward and creating several Shadow clones however the Clones made no difference as the angel was still able to electrocute them all to death in an instant before he could lay as much as a finger on him Fedder now decides it's her time to shine so she charges up a full power blast of impressive scale but while the buildup was all inspiring it payoff was not worth it as it was just absorbed by the dark angel from behind it pops a boy who was really impressed by the power output of her blast considering she is just a human human the homunculus warns the sword master that the boy is an abnormal being as well but he takes offense to that and says they still have names Loot and or game Federica doesn't care to though and just wants them dead but as she tries to go for another attack on him the strength gap between them is made clear as she has her attack stopped by two fingers kabar backs off to create enough distance to attack again but as she does she realizes she's missing her arm the missing arm is in the hands of lot who turned it into candy when he touched her and proceeds to eat frederica's body part right in front of her Rick takes over and Strikes at loot with his sword which seems to be more effective than magic but still not enough to give him an actual challenge he yells for Lionel to get Frederick at of safety while he can but just then he get a notification that he has a guaranteed ultra rare gacha available right now he decides there is no better time to try his luck than now so he leaves it up to chance and uses all his apology to see what he can get and as the music stops playing it is the Goddess that has been summoned again he doesn't think she's going to be very helpful since she only came a check on him last time but now she's actually serious about fighting here the subordinates of the dark lb that they are currently fighting aren't even the strongest ones so she should be able to take care of this pretty easily they were excited for a moment expecting the goddess to obliterate the dark angel but imagine their shock when orgame starts kneeling to her instead and lud hubs her because they haven't seen each other for a long time now it turns out that meeting the goddess was one of the most unlucky things that could have ever happened to him as her ultimate goal and coming here was actually to destroy all of humanity meanwhile back with yogiri and the others they have been heading downstairs for a long time but it doesn't seem like they are actually making any real progress towards their goal from the way things are going it's almost as if they are stuck in an infinite Loop that is meant to protect something up ahead as they continue to walk Theo suddenly feels a small amount of the magic belonging to her people so donara asks shioiri if he can do something like destroying the mechanism that is keeping them stuck in this Loop but he doesn't think he should mess with it because it might be really important but moments later an unexplained slash Cuts straight through it undoing the infinity loop yogar doesn't know what just happened but since he didn't have to destroy the barrier himself he's okay with it however whatever created that slash is still out on the loose they head into the basement to see if they find Theo's people but if you've learned anything by now the basement always houses the most horrific things case in point the pile of living sludge that were once known as Theo's people they were likely turned into this so they could have their magic drained from them but despite the Abomination she is witnessing Theo is somewhat glad that her sister isn't among the ones that were forced to suffer this fate she puts them out of their misery with her sword and now they know what happened to the demons that were kept here donara asks what they are going to do now yo Kiri says they should head back to the surface for now and they decide where to go from there depending on what is going on at the moment he asks Theo what she wants to do and now that she has seen what she just saw she has made a vow to kill the swordmaster with with her own hands back on the surface the sword master appoints Rick to be his successor if anything were to happen to him so even though he doesn't intend on dying here today if he were to die Rick should be able to hold his own using the power stored inside the tower Lionel feels terrible for bringing the goddess here when her goal is to wipe out all of humanity but even if he dies he will just end up back at the last safe point so he takes a Gamble and asks the goddess why she's doing all this she had a pretty decent relationship with him so she explains that a long time ago her boyfriend disappeared without saying anything to her this is the dark lord we're talking about and after you went missing she sent a bunch of Messengers all over the world to locate him and found out that he was sealed away here but no matter who she sent out she was never able to beat the sword master so she started thinking that if she sent someone as unlucky as Lionel here his bad luck might rub off on them and make the sword master lose for once Lionel knew he had bad luck but he never thought it was bad enough that a God would use him as her trump card to destroy Humanity to top it all off she uses a magic mirror to check the status of the people who could pose the biggest threat to her but for some reason it looks like they all died of unknown causes things are going great for the goddess so she takes out the barrier's core and is about to crush it to finally revive her beloved yogiri and the others make it back to the surface just as the goddess is about to break the barrier core and as she does it crumbles to Pieces allowing time to flow once more however instead of the lovely reunion she was hoping for the dark lord plummets to the ground because yoir killed him a while ago and everyone is left in utter shock while everyone is confused Theo takes the opportunity to run up behind the sword master and slice his head off to get a revenge for what he did to her people at the same time that blade Invader from before stabs the goddess to gather information while she is in a State of Shock after it leaves she falls to the ground but while the stabbing wasn't enough to make her lose her life she has definitely lost her mind after losing her darling the rest of the Dark Lord subordinates prepare to take revenge on the humans for the death of their lord and since things are going to get bad if he he does nothing yogiri tells Theo and Dona to hold on to him for a second he then uses his ability to kill all the subordinates of the dark lord as well and if you're wondering why Theo and Dona needed to hold on to him they didn't he just wanted to experience it after all the subordinates are dead darura asks if they should do something about the Goddess that is firing off blasts indiscriminately she has just gone insane and holds no hostility towards yoi so he sees no reason to kill her at the same time o is dragging hanol WS the former Tower as the blasts erupt from the goddess he just wants to go home but she assures him that there is no need to worry since they won't die from this main characters always have plot armor protecting them from getting hit by random shots she approaches the guys who are taking the front of the goddess's attack and asks if they seen yiri around here Rick knows yiri but this isn't the best time to be looking for a friend as they are a little busy right now o acknowledges this and decides to help him finish the battle so she can find yogiri sooner she scans him and relays that he is has become the new swordmaster so he should have the power necessary to kill the goddess Rick gives it a try and lunges forward to attack her managing to stab her through the gut and finish her off and now that that's done always is back to searching for yogiri it doesn't take long before she spots him through the dust so she scans him to get a sense of what she is up against and she immediately regrets coming here the scame gives her intense nausea as the only information she can get is that yoker is the end of all things in the shape of a man there is nothing that can beat him she starts throwing up so yogiri asks if she is all right but she is too scared to get any closer him she makes up an excuse by saying she wanted to deliver Hanah Calla to them but yogiri doesn't want him in the first place with nothing else to say she makes a graceful exit so she doesn't get killed by him leaving Hanah Calla behind offend for himself after all is said and done there are only a few people left alive there are many things Rick would like to ask about starting with Theo over there that sliced off the sword Master's head midf fight she says what she did is Justified so it has nothing nothing to do with him but while he didn't exactly like the sword master after his death Rick is now the new sword master so he is kind of involved yogiri tells Rick to go take a look in the basement to see what the old swordmaster was doing behind closed doors and if he still wants to go after Theo then yogiri will side with her Rick doesn't get what he thinks he can do because up now he has yet to see yogiri do any fighting but the Divine King tells him all for being ignorant and informs our misinformed friend that yogiri was the one who killed the dark lord and all his subordinates the power he possesses is immeasurable so Rick understands that if he says she was justified then he can't argue he asks what they all plan to go from here in Theo states she will keep looking for her sister euphemia yoar and Donar remember hearing that name back in hanabusa so she decides to head there first meanwhile yo- Kiri and Don Nora will be heading to the Royal Capital so Rick provides them with two pendants that should get them in with no issues with that they head off on their next Journey leaving Hanah Calla behind again and elsewhere Sayan gets news that AOA has gone off the grid after encountering yogiri she is starting to get curious to learn what yogiri really is so she decides to summon someone who knew him from Earth she summons a random scientist and asks him about yogiri but when the guy learns that she brought yogiri to this world he thanks her for saving all of Humanity on Earth unfortunately since yogiri has been using his ability here it sets off a code red on the scientist's device which in turn blows off his head and leaves soon more confused than ever about the origins of yiri back on the bus the students first arrived on one of the students wakes up and begins hearing a computer voice playing in her head it informs her that there isn't much time left so she going to have to bear with it and accept the BS it's about to explain she's apparently an artificial human and the body consists of several units which work together to function normally the one in control of the body right now is the personality unit as it has the highest Authority among them so she's the one who gets to make the decision on what they do from here ayaka's body has limitations placed on it to imitate a human but the hole in her chest is incompatible with life so she can either choose to keep being human or take the limiters off and stay alive she never even liked any of her classmates to begin with so she obviously doesn't want to die because of them and agrees to release the limiters with the limits broken her body will be able to repair itself but she's going to need a lot of organic material to do so and it just so happens that there is a dragon corpse just laying outside the bus she hesly grabs a chunk of flesh but after taking one bite she realizes this ain't that bad actually we get another flash back to Yogi's time with aaka and she was really struggling to prepare a family meal with the cooking skills of a broke college student whatever it was she tried to make Gordon ramse would not approve in the slightest and neither does yoi as he tells her straight up that her food is trash she can't handle being roasted by a 7-year-old so she yells at him that he needs to say the food is delicious no matter what when a girl cooks for him otherwise he'll never get laid yo Gary doesn't really get what she's talking about but she just tells him to say her food is delicious even if he doesn't think it is he says it's delicious but that lie doesn't make her feel any better because deep down she knows her cooking skills suck yo car ends up finishing the Tracy of a meal and now that food has been taken care of Asaka looks at the list and sees her next task is to teach him some elementary school stuff she's getting fed up with the amount of work she has to do for this job and she doesn't even get a bonus for it she resigns herself to her fate and begins teaching yoi how to write when she suddenly hears the sound of someone approaching yogiri isn't too bothered by it since he knows it is probably just the porter that brings supplies every once in a while she goes to check and finds that the Porter is actually a robot that they send down here because all the people are too scared to being mere Yogi and once Asaka realizes this thing brings supplies for them she asks for some Elementary School equipment and a cookbook so she can learn to suck less at cooking and some things for entertainment as well but with that taken care of she goes back over to check on yogiri and decides he has worked hard enough for the day so she says it's time for a break to play outside they get outside and Asaka still can't wrap her head around how this place has such a wonderful view but is actually located underground yogiri is having fun playing in the artificial nature here but Asaka can't help but worry that she won't make it out alive of this place for some reason the month ends and aaka is set to give her report on what has been going on with yogiri the scientist applauds her for successfully surviving a whole month on the job as this is an all-time record she complains that she has finished teaching him elementary school work but anything higher is beyond her level of expertise but the scientist assures her that it will be fine since they can just use a remote education system for that Asaka was hoping to get an actual person to teach yogiri but while that would have been ideal it's not exactly easy to fill the position when you have to sign a death waiver to take the job the scientist asks if she isn't happy with her current working conditions and she's obviously dissatisfied after she was locked in there for a month but the scientist knows just the thing to persuade her and drops a fat stack of cash on the table and once Asaka opens it all the dissatisfaction immediately leaves her body there's still the issue of not being able to use the money while she's stuck down here but she's free to take a break from work whenever she wishes it was in the contract but they thought she would die early or resign before she would ever need to take a break so they forgot to mention it to her Asaka is a little worried about who will take care of yo giri while she's gone but you should be fine with just the robots as long as she's only gone for a few days she is just now realizing that there were robots who could have been cooking for them this entire times so there was no reason for her to learn how to cook but at least after the past month her cooking isn't as bad as it initially was Asaka decides to take the break right now and slams the paperwork on the table and we later see her napping on a bed but when she wakes up she isn't familiar with this location at all she tries to remember what she was doing before she blacked out which was some shopping so more shopping and even more shopping before ending off the Night by getting the best room available in a hotel that was an amazing night but that doesn't explain how she ended up here she thinks she may have been abducted and a voice tells her that she is correct about that assumption she was indeed kidnapped but there's no need to worry because they are nice kidnappers and have no intention of harming or harvesting her organs that obviously doesn't sound very reassuring but the voice goes on to state that they are an organization that seeks to save the world by sealing away the danger so they would just like her to answer some questions for them meanwhile back in Yogi's confinement base he has noticed Asaka has been gone for a while so he ask one of the robots what happened to her the robot informs him that she is currently on a leave of absence but he wonders when she will be back here was getting a little lonely so he decided to go outside and look for her himself but first he asked another one of the robots if it knows where she went but it doesn't have access to that information so yogiri then asks who would have information about Asaka and is informed that the researchers would likely know the robot really sold out the entire facility and leads yogiri to the door that will allow him to go outside however it explains that this door cannot be open from the inside since it is remote controlled so yogiri just calls out to the scientists that are watching in the cameras and tells them to open the door some stuff happens and the lead researcher makes it to the room only to find that all except one woman are dead the woman was the only one who listened to yogiri and opened the doors but when the other scientists tried to stop her they were all killed in an instant right now the woman is currently opening every door yogiri asks her to with tears in her eyes because she doesn't want to die and the lead researcher can't stop her he never thought you would be able to kill people even when he can't directly see them but since things have come to this he tells the guard standing behind him to shoot the woman that is opening the doors however before he could even take Aim yogiri had already put him out of commission and he dropped to the ground the lead has nothing more he can do so as yoga walks up to him and asks where Asaka is he answers the question she's currently on leave but he doesn't think she will be coming back anytime soon because she was abducted by a certain organization yogiri asks why they haven't tried to save her yet but this facility is unable to challenge that organization because they are too powerful if that is the case yiri says he'll just go and save for himself but he also tells him to not mention all the people that die here today to Asaka when she gets back and the next thing we know there's chaos all over that organization's base as yogiri is making his way in and killing all the soldiers that tried to stop him the heads of the organization aren't surprised that their fodder soldiers weren't enough to stop him as they believe yogiri can kill anything that he looks at but that makes their job simply to kill him before he can look at them Unfortunately they were wrong about the conditions of Yogi's ability as once all the snipers had gotten into position and were ready to fire they all dropped dead before their fingers could even get close to the trigger meanwhile Asaka is still in her holding cell wishing she had applied for a more normal job but she's also worried about Yogi's well-being since she can't be there to look after him just then she hears explosions from the chaos happening outside and thinks this might be a good opportunity to escape while everyone is in a state of confusion but as she heads for the door the head of the organization comes in and points a gun Ator Asaka is now being held at gunpoint by her and used as a meat Shield to get y yiri to back off yogiri is glad he has finally found Asaka the head tries to Blackmail yogiri by telling him she will kill Asaka if he comes any closer but that goes about as well as you would expect once Asaka is safe yo Kiri runs up to her and asks to go home so the two head out of the organization and as saaka sees the Carnage B giri caused while trying to get to her and while she's taken AB at first yiri did all this for her sake so she holds his hand Tighter and smiles at him they later return to the confinement base where the lead Archer is waiting because he wants to have a chat with Asaka she asks what is going to happen now after that whole incident but really despite all the people that died nothing is going to be done it's not like anyone has the power to punish yogiri for what he did in the first place she then asks what is going to happen to her then but since yogiri has clearly grown attached it looks like she's stuck doing this job now however he assures her that next time she wants to take a break they will assign her a guard so something like this doesn't happen again while Asaka doesn't like how he said it she also doesn't have any intentions of abandoning her job either because she can tell that if she leaves yogiri as he is now he is likely to go on a rampage at the next slight inconvenience for him so she needs to teach him a bit more to get him to the point where he won't be a danger to the world back to the present Donar is staring at yogiri while he is sleeping in mamoko can tell that she is into yogiri now she doesn't exactly deny it and mamoko would be more than happy to have yogiri added to the family bloodline so Donar has got her blessing for those grandkids and she isn't opposed the idea either Yoli wakes up soon after so donara makes mamoko swear to not mention anything about having children with yogiri so she changes the subject and says they have arrived in front of the Capitol Gates but she has no idea what they are going to do from here they are also surrounded by guards who have come to investigate the strange new arrivals so the captain ask them to step out of the vehicle as they chat with the Guard Captain Torx he asks them to identify themselves so they tell them that they are Sage candidates try and get here for trial that would make sense but Torx doesn't trust them yet however as soon as yoga pulls out the pendant Rick gave him the guards all fall to their knees as that as a pendant of the royal family Rick is apparently a member of the royal family so Torx agrees to let them get into the capital but then someone comes out and says just because they have a royal family pendant doesn't mean they can break the rules this is David Rick's younger brother and since he is also a member of the royal family he sees no need to accommodate people just because they apparently know his brother he wants them to show him some proof that they went through the sword master trial by facing him in battle since there is no way they would lose if what they claimed was true especially since he isn't that good with a sword Dono wants to back out but mokoko eggs her on because David isn't an overpowered sword fighter they get into position for the fight and Moko explains the fighting style she taught Dona while David is using the Orthodox methods Dona is playing by Street rules so as the match begins Dona immediately throws her knife straight at him and while he was distracted by the knife she Ducks down and dashes behind him before landing a devastating kick and preparing some scrambled eggs it is safe to say that he is down for the count so she is declared the winner of the match the rest of the guards praise her for the skill she just displayed as they've never seen anything quite like it before but that's all part of the secret technique training mamoko gave her and on another note he is still on the floor in as much pain as ever so yogiri asks if they should do something about that but donara thinks she should be fine since she didn't kick him that hard after all a while later yogiri is taking a look at the castle walls when David who is finally recovered comes up behind him and explains that it has a spell cast on it by a great wizard named igaa who is the same guy yary killed in the tower but he had better not mention that part David offers to guide the two through the city and it turns out he is not a bad guy after all he was just a bit suspicious of them after showing them around for a bit yiri says they'll be fine to go along from here because he has something he needs to discuss with daura they'll be meeting their classmates soon so she needs to decide whether she will forgive them for what they they did or not they head to the castle where the rest of the class is gathered for a speech from the King but as the king begins speaking one of the students gets up and says he doesn't have the right to talk down to them because he's not their King so the king gets up and gets right in his face the boy was confident in his ability to defend himself because of his ability but something happens that prevents him from using his freeze ability so the king cuts off his fingers and proves that while the boy may not be his subject he can still make him his anytime he wants we see shy walking in a grassy field as seemingly looking for something and as she walks through a barrier which leads to a white Subspace she finds what she was looking for OE who has been thoroughly traumatized by Horrors she saw when she tried to scan yo giri once OE realizes Cheyenne is there she starts yelling at her for dooming this world to death thanks to her careless actions of bringing yoi she knows she's an assassin but this was never in the job description so she wants nothing to do with any missions involving yo giri or his friends it doesn't look like she'll be leaving her Panic Room anytime soon so shy tries asking the the talking sword She carries with her what happened the sword explains that AA has been like this ever since she first encountered yogiri so cheyen asks what information they managed to gather on him after their encounter they weren't able to get much from scanning yogiri but they did learn a few things from hanala though meanwhile hanaka is laying on the ground and begging for his life as he usual does the boy that was serving the goddess had asked him to State what he knows about yoi so he frantically starts explaining everything he knows about Yo's ability to kill anything he thinks about he even warns him not to think he is an exception to the rule because he certainly isn't but the boy still doesn't believe yogiri is actually able to do all that it's not that loot doesn't believe what hanakoa is telling him but his top priority right now is to kill yogiri and to do that you will call upon powers that must be greater than yogiri he pulls out a key which I assume summons kolu but it's actually something far worse it is a key to the seal that holds the Dark Lord's sister the Dark Lord's sister is so messed up that the dark lord had to personally seal her away when he found an opportunity to do so and if she was scary enough to make the dark lord fear her she should have enough power to beat yogiri that's all well and good but having dealt with yogiri before and now hearing about this Banshee a little sister he wants to excuse himself as a member of the main Cass and live a peaceful life as an NPC unfortunately as he was backing away with great speed let pops up behind him and grabs his hair because he still needs hanoa around he doesn't have a lot of information on yogiri so he is going to bring him along hanaor really doesn't want to go especially since people would think he is gay if he travels alone with another boy he gets dragged by the hair as he complains that he would have liked it more being dragged around by a girl meanwhile back at the meeting with the king the kid who got his fingers chopped off is receiving some limited medical attention from his classmates while the king casually informs them that they are required to Traverse the underground Labyrinth beneath the capital and defeat the dark God in order to attain their titles as sages the king honestly think thinks they are just going to die in there because they lack the skills necessary to pull it off but it's not his job to care so he isn't going to complain about it also to explain why the boy's ability didn't work when he tried to use it earlier is because the royal family in this world have the ability to weaken the powers of sages so while they are within a certain range of him their powers won't work but he doesn't have to worry about his fingers since once the King has stepped far enough away from here then they should be able to reattach all his fingers the king makes his exit and all the students are left silent as they wonder what they should do now all the while yogiri and Dana are standing in the back and watching this unfold Dana finally speaks up and gets the attention of her classmates who are all stunned and confused by the fact that she is still alive while also completely ignoring Yogi's existence elsewhere in the Kingdom the others from the tower trial have just gotten off the train with a Divine King and have brought her to what should be her church as she walks in she's greeted by a man named hollers who informs her that he is the current Archbishop of this church the Divine King's first thought after being revived A Thousand Years Later was to return home but she never would have thought this place would change so much in the time she was gone holler is offers to show her the way to her room where he sits down to have a chat with her he says he is Overjoyed that she is back but they had thought she was stuck keeping the dark God at Bay over by the tower that much is true but thankfully the dark God was slain so she is now free in that case hus asks what happened to the seal key but the Divine King had never heard of any seal so she doesn't know what to say holis believes she actually doesn't know about it so he pulls out a magic item and uses it to weaken her while that happens yogiri and Dona are having a discussion with their class president and he straight up tells them that he doesn't think it was a bad decision to leave them behind and if put in the same situation again he would do the same thing she asks if he is displeased that they survived the dragon but before he can answer another one of their classmates comes over and says they shouldn't be fighting with one another in a world where they have so few allies the girl seems to be wellknown but y yiri never paid attention in class so he has no idea who she is donara informs him that she is called a Kino and back on Earth she was a famous Idol in the entertainment business so it's no surprise that she is so really popular among her classmates yeah Zaki makes the argument that they can't be sure they can trust the two but she points out that he is only saying that because he knows that if he were put in the same situation they had to go through then he would have definitely been seeking Revenge by now with how she is talking it is clear that aino is the one in charge here me yazaki lost a large chunk of his influence on the class a while ago Yogi and donara end up being accepted into the group so yogiri heads to a lounge area with some of the other boys they are complaining that the girls are allowed to move between the first and second floors freely but the boys are banned from entering the second floor for any reason while they were talking they realized Yogi has no idea who they are which is a little hurtful since isum actually put a lot of effort into talking to yogiri back on Earth he tells yogiri that they are The Losers of the class any presume yog car is one as well since his gift says he is just an insect Hunter meaning he can only kill bugs with his ability the others here have abilities ranging from reader to Master Cook but not the useful kind of cooking there is a knock at the door and another guy called fukai shows up wanting to speak to yogiri Meanwhile upstairs donor learns why the guys are banned from coming up to the second floor and it is mainly because of the people with the ability of high plot there are three guys in the class who got the ability of Master meister and Mania in their respective preferred tags one can stop time while another is able to look through clothes with x-ray vision and the last guy just straight up has tentacles so the girls naturally avoid them at all costs just then there is a knock at the door here as well and the two girls who know of Yogi's true nature have come to have a discussion with Dona regarding him downstairs yogiri is talking with fukai and asks what he wants so fukai responds by referring to him as a God and telling him that in this world he has also become a deaf God so he can now do the same thing he has admired yogiri for at this point yogiri can tell fukai was tasked with keeping an eye on him back on Earth and he knows he probably has reasons preventing him from sharing too much information like a neck bomb but he asks what he is here for fukai explains that while he was tasked with keeping an eye on yoi he was never allowed to look at him directly he then proceeds to poke out his own eye and place it on the table that eye was one that can detect the supernatural so if he looked at yogiri directly he probably would have ended up as traumatized as AWA after he leaves goiri picks up the eye he left on the table and asks the other guys if they want to keep it which they really don't following that Dona comes in accompanied by the other two girls and asks to talk to yogiri they head outside and ryuko immediately bows down and apologizes for what she has done she urges Carol to do the same because now that yogiri unsealed the first gate is able to kill anyone no matter where they are so if they get on his bad side then he can get rid of them whenever he wants Carol finds it funny to see ryuko freaking out like that when she is usually so calm and yogiri realiz realizes that these two have been watching him as well Carol is from the organization ruko is from The Institute and fukai is from a cult that worships him he knew people were surveilling him but he never would have thought there would be three separate people Carol changes the subject and asks about yiri and donar's relationship and if any non-f familyfriendly things happen between them donara denies this very quickly but yogiri ignores the question and just asks what is going to happen now elsewhere euphemia is sitting on a rock and missing her sister Theo when a vampire approaches her and proclaims that she will become the hair to the bloodline by killing her and though she doesn't really want to euphemia is forced to kill her on the spot back to yogiri and Donar they've been given the rundown on everything that happened with a class recently and also find out that ao's ability makes it possible to restrict the use of one's abilities particularly the high protagonists that aside yoir tells them he came here so he could talk to shine about getting home so the others agree to join forces with him the next day the students are set to head into the dungeon for the first time and they are all wearing outfits that match their abilities but look way goofier than they intended the guy for their expedition soon arrives and Dona is shocked to find out that it is Rick who will be helping them on the boys's end the one assisting them is David who informs the group that as a member of the royal family his power is able to fully suppress a demonic creature and lter asks that he suppress their powers as well so they can test out how capable they are here the battle begins and yogiri uses the lines of malicious intent to dodge the attacks from a monkey demon before finishing it off with a stab to the Head leaving the others impressed with his capabilities meanwhile up in a city hanaka is in tears as he walks with luk Luke heard Hanah Calla complaining that he would rather travel with a girl he went he has now dressed up as a girl and asks if there is some kind of Festival going on here since the people seem to be very Lively hanaka begins to mock Loop for not knowing anything about City Life despite him not knowing what festival is happening either in any case the sister of the dark God should be sealed away somewhere in the capital so they are going to have to search around until they find her euphemia is currently walking through the woods after she got herself promoted to the origin blood status by accident when she nearly gets trampled by a horse she tells the horse to stop and it listens her halting its charge while a little girl comes running up after it the girl apologizes for losing control of her horse but euphemia takes one look at her and immediately bows to her because this is the separate clone Lane had made before she died the girl doesn't have a name yet so she makes one up on the spot and decides she will be called rly from now on back in the capital Loot and hanoa head to a local Tavern so they can gather some information on where the dark God's sister may be located be lud asks a waitress what the festival is about so she explains that is to celebrate the fact that the sage candidates have all come to the capital and are on the fifth floor of the labyrinth despite only recently starting their Conquest after learning this hanakoa looks over and notices that some of his classmates are seated across from them so it would be really bad if they spotted him to solve the the issue lure uses a disguise spell to prevent them from being recognized however in a turn of events ayako walks into the tavern and immediately starts beating one of them nothing the others do is able to stop her and once she's completely Cav in the guy's skull she declares that she will kill one of her classmates every day as part of her revenge after she has left shy shows up and begins questioning hanaka about yogiri he tells her everything he knows and once he is of no use to her anymore shyen prepares to use her death ray to kill him however it doesn't work and instead covers him in cream Hana manages to live another day and later yogiri and the others are planning on how best to find cheyen and since she will show up if they fail to become sages yogiri thinks that's the safest bet to meet her meanwhile Cheyenne and her confident are deliberating what to do about yoi so she enlists the help of utui to get rid of him in exchange for extending the deadline for the others to become sages aaka is currently top of tower looking for her next victim among her classmates but she's unable to find anyone since she is is a robot her system begins analyzing the DNA that was gotten from the Dragon Meat she ate but while it was busy doing that a rock gets thrown in her head with a great deal of force and accuracy she is durable enough to not immediately die from it but it still hurts like hell so she asks the system to find where the attacks are originating from as more rocks are sent hurdling towards her the system is able to pinpoint the attack's location and as a precautionary measure it advises that she uses her flight ability to close the gap between her and the sniper as soon as possible inama riona who has the ability to increase her strength by several times her normal capacity and she came in with the game plan of just chucking rocks she couldn't just let shinozaki get away with hunting down innocent people for the sake of her own Twisted sense of Revenge so now that they are face to face she switches from her main plan of throwing rocks to her backup plan of throwing hands as riona tries to box shinaki into submission all of her attacks seemed to be reflected by some sort of barrier she had set up so they aren't able to connect as she would like them to having in all she needs shinozaki finally fights back and as expected riona gets beaten also losing an arm in the process in the face of defeat and having lost an arm rather than scream out in pain she begins looking for excuses for her loss by saying shinaki only won because of the royal family that weakens the gifts of all the students within the capital meanwhile hanala and loot have just entered the dungeon where the Dark Lord's sister should be held captive he is eager to get on with the Revival by traversing the dungeon but hanakoa remains hesitant because they have no plan of attack heading in here he could just leave him behind if he keeps complaining so much but the fact remains that they don't know their way around here so they would probably just end up getting lost if they tried it now just then they notice a girl standing suspiciously in the middle of the dungeon Hannah coell wonders if she is one of the explorers of the dungeon but that doesn't seem to be the case as loot recognizes her he calls out to mana and asks what she's doing all the way out here she had recognized the smell of her sibling but she couldn't wait for them to reach her so she came out instead Hanah cette is even more confused at this point so he asks LW for the identity of the girl and she is revealed to be the one they are looking for the Dark Lord's little sister elsewhere we see an assassination bounty has just been put on Yogi's head but as for the man himself he is sitting in his room all day which donara scolds him for doing nothing by being lazy he corrects her by saying he is actually spending time learning to control his power so he doesn't just kill people immediately as evidenced by his ability to now only kill a portion of a flower instead of the whole thing at once however aside from his training he really hasn't done much since they got here aside from a little stroll around town and his snack while he strolled Dona gets up and says he must really be enjoying the peaceful time he has if he can have so much fun despite the situation but it's not like he had a completely peaceful time either as while he was walking through town he was targeted by someone that sounds pretty bad to Donan which is why yoir wants her help with something he has planned back in The Labyrinth Hana asks Mana if she was really sealed with way down here which she confirms to be true although she still doesn't really know the reason for it however she has a major brother complex so she isn't even mad at the dark lord for sealing her away and believes she must have done something to deserve it somehow her delusions aside hanekawa asks how she was able to come to the first floor if she is meant to be sealed in the depths of this place and the answer is actually pretty simple she could leave whenever she wanted since the seal isn't strong enough to hold her her delusions led her to believe that her brother didn't want to be too strict with her so he made the seal weak enough for her to be able to leave if she ever wanted to look clarifies that she knows for a fact that the dark lord used every bit of strength he had to offer in order to seal Mana away but it would seem that wasn't enough to keep her down with that out of the way Mana takes a moment to ask if they have any of her brother's belongings with them since she can smell his scent on them Loop responds that they brought the key to the seal that was holding her so he hands it over immediately meanwhile Shinu Zaki is flying over the castle and has just used her system to locate the castle where the king should be as well as the person she believes would be the king here she bursts into the king's run while he was getting busy and tells him straight that she wants him to deactivate the barrier that weakens the Sage's gifts he obviously goes for the offensive route since she is an unknown Intruder but he was not built to handle the amount of main character energy she possesses so he gets fried to a crisp almost immediately shibazaki then turns to the woman in his bed and confirms with her that he is indeed the king of the Kingdom and once she is certain of that she leaves since the barrier she began now meanwhile Mana has brought Loot and hanoa to the town she created for herself in the dungeon and I'm not saying she's crazy but she fantasized about having kids with her brothers so much that they became real however hanak call would definitely thinks she's crazy after killing the King shinozaki pulls up to the hospital where Rona was recovering and tells her to resume the throwing of hands she was doing before now that the king is dead she should be at full power so there will be no excuses this time ran seems like she's ready to go so she gets out of bed to attack her and from the blow she just landed she may actually stand a chance against shinozaki like this they end up outside but riona isn't letting up as she need shinozaki into the air and proceeds pound her face in unfortunately she still doesn't have a solution for shinozaki's attacks as she gets her arm chopped off and her body suspended in the air while she's choked out if even at her strongest shinozaki is still this much more powerful than her then there is nothing left to prove so she will kill her now after shinozaki's Rampage the night before reconstruction is underway but none of that matters to yoi as he is taking a nice walk with daura he wants to find the people who are targeting him and since darura has good eyesight he was hoping she would be able to spot them if they try anything she's a little disappointed since she thought yogiri was asking her out on a date like she still manages to turn it into one anyway at the same time SRA is being aimed at Yogi's head and although the gunman doesn't want to do it since he knows it will mean he gets killed he also being tortured into firing the gun by this girl she wants to figure out of an unring murder attempt still counts enough for yoir to notice and from the guy's lifeless body it looks like yogiri noticed next the girl plans to Target darura to see what happens Dana drags yogiri to her favorite restaurant only to find it completely destroyed by shinozaki's Rampage she is angry but there are still other places that she can go to with giri so she starts searching the map just then a bullet is shot soiri pulls her out of the way before she is killed leading to a random dude in the background meeting his end the guy behind the computer orders for more shots to be fired but he didn't realize the mesky had gotten himself into when he messed with Yogi's girl as yogiri is now after him he immediately tries to vacate the country for the sake of his life but yogiri kills his helicopter mid-flight and causes him to crash he parachutes out but almost immediately after donor appears behind him and pil rides his head into the ground once the guy regains his footing he finds himself face to face with yogiri the fact that he didn't immediately run away means he knows all about Yogi's Powers at the same time mamoko makes herself useful and takes out some spirits that were sent after darura she proceeds to finish off the two Spirits by Smashing their heads together the guy starts sweating now and throws all the spirits at yogiri but they are all killed one after the other he has nothing left to fight back with but before anything else can happen a knife is thrown at yogiri by the girl from earlier and this time he was actually taken by surprise and needed to be saved by darura he actually seems to know the girl and says a command which forces inju to go offline he tells darura that he will explain everything later but first he threatens the guy so he tells him everything he knows meanwhile utor is doing his own research on Yogi's capabilities and trying to come up with a way to counter them back with hanekawa and loot they are being L around by mana and Luke takes the opportunity to apologize to hanoa for bringing him all the way out here he appreciates the apology but it sounds like he's getting ready to die with how he is talking lot hands hanakoa the key to the seal and says he is now the representative of the dark lord so Mana probably won't kill him as well but she is definitely going to kill loot once she finds out he let her brother die back on the surface with yogiri the man has just told him everything that he knows and Promises not to come after him any longer but yogiri says he is still going to kill him anyway yogiri knows that the guy's ability allows him to create any object from Earth Here meaning he could make as many andu clones as he wants and that's something yogiri can't let happen so he has to die they later bring Andre to a room where yogiri explains that she is someone who we used to play with as a kid or to be exact it is a robot that was modeled after enju but this one was made to kill him he wants her to be able to rest forever but that doesn't mean she is dead she's probably doing fine right now and and relaxing at home what he was referring to as the robot version of her since no one would want a robot version of themselves out in the world doing evil stuff meanwhile shinaki is going after more of her classmates but she chose to go after the chef and we all know he's about to cook shaki's arm gets chopped off in an instant and she's left shocked since she was sure her dragon scales could block any Attack One of Yo's abilities allows him to cleave anything he considers to be an ingredient so no Shield can block his attacks with that being the case shinosaki tries slicing him up before he can attack again but he just appears again as reveals that another one of his abilities allows him to be in multiple places at once to cook efficiently he also knows the exact location of anything he considers as an ingredient so she can't hide from him either however while his abilities are definitely broken he didn't have an answer for the most important part of being a chef so he got cooked after Yugo was killed a meeting was held among the surviving class members to decide what to do from here on out they are being being killed at an alarming rate and the kingdom has asked them to leave immediately because of shinozaki's constant attacks so the only option left for them is to complete their objective as soon as possible and all head into the dungeon we next see them on the sixth floor of the dungeon and David has volunteered to go with yogiri and donur because he wanted to see this floor with his own eyes the class prepares to battle an army composed of thousands of monsters and honestly isn't much of a challenge for them as they wipe every single one out meanwhile in his Chambers lud informs her that her brother is dead he was expecting an outburst of emotion from her but she calmly states that she knows death will come for everyone and she will definitely take revenge on the ones who killed her brother but first she's going to have to make sure he comes back by giving birth to him hanako doesn't believe he heard her right but she was dead serious about it and took lud's arm so she can use the essence of the Dark Lord on him to make it happen she was about to take his head as well but hanoa stops her and asks if she can at least let him live she surprisingly agreed to let loot live as long as hanekawa undos the seal so he does so without hesitation back with the class they are setting up camp for the night and build a freaking Castle to rest in they have a party to celebrate their success in getting through the underworld easily so far but yogiri is nowhere to be found and is spending his time playing games outside he ends up spotting David who seems to be acting strangely so he follows him until he sees that he's about to walk straight into a pit yo car stops him but he is still unresponsive and moments later a menacing Aura begins to emerge from the whole as the ground shakes meanwhile back at the castle cheyen has just shown up and doesn't like that things have been so easy for the class so she wants them to just kill each other until someone gets strong enough to be a sage the news causes great worry among the class but they have bigger things to worry about as yo giri seems to have opened his second gate as he plunged into the pit this was the end of episode 10 thanks for watching subscribe to not miss the next part
Channel: AniSpot Recapped
Views: 618,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime recap, anime recaps, anime summary, anime
Id: 0_8vEYeiBdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 45sec (6525 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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