The Day Touya Todoroki Became DABI

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foreign so the answer to whether or not Dobby was actually Toya toroki has finally been revealed but that's not all there is to the mystery surrounding Toya toroki because we actually only got a small glimpse at the backstory of what actually happened to the Todoroki family and how things got here so in this video thanks to you guys hitting the light goal on the last video we're going to be going over the full backstory of Dobby or toyotaroki to try to pinpoint the exact moment where he became the villain that we know as Dobby where did everything go wrong and how did Toya end up on top of that mountain burning down in front of endeavor let's talk about it but first off what were we shown in my hero Academia season 6 episode 11. in the episode after Dobby's revelation we learn a bit about Toya's backstory where we see a young Toya Todoroki being questioned by Endeavor wondering why his hair is starting to change color because he does have a new white patch of hair on his head which was before all red and this is something that is going to be very important moving forward and a big question that I know a lot of people had right because a lot of people have questioned hey in the picture of Toya that we see from season five we see him with all white hair but here in this flashback we've seen him with red hair and that also kind of is throwing in the question when you look back to earlier Seasons when he was shown originally and even there the way his hair color is depicted is a little different so what is the deal with Toya todoroki's hair Endeavor says himself that his Firepower was even better than Endeavors meaning he was a natural Prodigy at Conjuring Flames from his body and controlling them however on the day where Endeavor sees that his hair had turned white a little bit that's the first time that Toya ever injured himself with his work thankfully a little later in the season more of the family comes together to give us a true vision of everything that happened so let's start from the very beginning with Endeavor meeting his wife Rey in the first place you see Endeavor was a hero that already had some Acclaim and he went to the himura family which was already considered a prestigious family to find his wife now this shows us what's known as a quirk marriage right which is an arranged marriage between two parties where they're pretty much get together to produce an offspring that has a certain kind of Quirk or a quirk that I guess covers the weaknesses of both of the parents for the sake of their children so that a parent doesn't pass on bad weaknesses to their children or give them a negative life based on who they chose to get with just for the sake of love and after that part of the flashback is when we cut to the events that we already saw in my hero Academia season 6 episode 11. now after the incident where Toya first burns his arm trying to train off Endeavor Endeavor starts acting a little different we see Toya saying you got a day off right so you gotta do Quirk training with me and Endeavor puts his suit on and starts leaving the house saying like I keep saying it's for your own good and that shows that the relationship between Father and Son here has very much changed to I'm raising you up to be the next number one hero and making you the strongest to hey we can't even really train anymore right and that's a very very drastic shift in one day because it's like all the expectations that endeavor had for Toya were fueling Toya to get better and then all of a sudden all of those expectations nations were pulled away and we find that endeavor was actually heading over to a quirk doctor's office to explain to him exactly what's wrong of his son and his worst fears are confirmed that again yes while Toya's fire is much stronger than usual he takes after his mother physically meaning his body is meant to withstand freezing temperatures and not fire and this is when the doctor even comments on the fact that hey this whole thing where you're trying to create a custom child pretty much you know what I mean it's not really it's kind of taboo when our current Quark based society we're doing here is not exactly right so I would just watch out about like doing this in the future because you ended up with a child that has a quirk that it doesn't really fit their body and now he might have to suffer because of that I feel like that's kind of the angle that the doctor was working towards but we see on the news that all my is just killing it as a hero right he saved 62 different towns in a day he does all this amazing stuff that it just makes Endeavor angry thinking about the fact that he's failed here right he couldn't get what he wanted and all my is just getting further and further ahead now on the other side of that TV screen we see it actually at home Toya and his sister fuyami are watching the news of everything that all might's done and Toya is driven by watching everything that all might's doing saying yeah so why'd it get a little burned but I can handle this I want to be strong like this guy I want to be better than this guy and we see at this point that Toya is covered with even more bandages and the hair on his head is like a third white at this point almost approaching that Shoto area of half red and half white fuyami tells Toya that she doesn't like when he gets burned either but he runs off and is like oh what would a girl know about it anyway I'm gonna go and surpass all might because Dad's the one that wants me to be this strong and the situation in the Endeavor house just keeps devolving that night we see a little bit of argument between Ray and Endeavor where Rey is like hey we can't have any more children right Toya now knows the reason that we're having more children is because you're hoping for them to achieve something that he never will and never's like hey look I can't do anything about that right like like my son he keeps coming home every day with new Burns he's not giving up on this goal there's nothing I can say to him the only thing that could make him give up is having another child that is perfect that shows him you can't be him like you cannot be that perfect but what I think Endeavor didn't really consider is just like how he'll never give up trying to surpass all might especially in this situation his son is very much the same so by him going on to create a child like Shoto he kind of fueled the fire even worse in his son who knew exactly what was going on the issue of endeavor though was the next child that he had ended up being natsuo and we know natsuo also wasn't that perfect Fusion that he was looking for so as far as Endeavor was concerned it was just another failure and all the while Toya is going without being trained as his dad does all this heroic stuff and goes out there being a hero but he won't teach his son anymore and at this point Toya is kind of too far gone to tell him to stop training so all Endeavor can do or at least all he can think to do is to just not acknowledge Toya whenever he does training and hurts himself and is trying to impress him eventually we see we still is born and when shoto's born you can see even from his hair that it's a perfect Fusion between white and red and everyone has a different reaction in the Endeavor family right Endeavor looks like he's like oh my God oh my God finally we're finally here I hit the lottery let's go and on Rey's face we can see like a defeated face I think of relief like okay finally please just tell me this is the one that this guy needs like let this be it you know like it's a loving motherly face but it also looks like a face of not just relief that she finally was able to give birth and that that process is all over but the relief of let this end you know let this be the end of this Saga and sadly for her and everyone else involved it definitely wasn't on sokoto Peak which was an area where endeavor used to train it's a very very cold area especially in the winter we see young toyotoroki doing his own training drills now not worrying about being trained by Endeavor but he's set up his own test dummies to use his fire on and yeah I mean he is training and doing well but he is getting burned at the same time soya says no dad I can do it too I can surpass all might see look how strong my Flames are already look at me as tears just stream down his face knowing that his dad has more or less just replaced him with the other children but no matter how hard Toya trains it's not enough right he still is putting himself in danger and he comes home one day after training on sokoto Peak covered in Burns and Endeavor is like why won't you stop cut it out you're covered in Burns and you still don't understand you have to look beyond all this stuff with all might and being a hero go play with your family make friends at school there's a whole other world besides being a hero and that's the world that you have to live in but that's just not enough for Toya who says all the kids at my school say that they want to be heroes and with a broken smile on his face and eyes filled with tears he still tries to make a happy face for endeavor saying that I can't understand you wanting me not to be a hero because I've got you for a father but I suppose another interpretation of these words which is the interpretation that I'm gonna take because I kind of like this one better honestly is Toya is saying all the kids at school say they want to be heroes but I don't understand why they would want to be heroes because I've got you as a father right you're my dad and you're a hero and I see how you turned out I don't know why anyone would ever want to be a hero if that's the case and I say that because I do think that Toya was angry here because this is where he has his first real tantrum Ray shouts that they have to calm him down because things are getting a little hectic here and as the rest of the Todoroki family siblings look on Toya says that you lit this fire in me and it's not gonna go out I can't just pretend it's not there and then Toya starts activating the fire around them saying look at me Endeavor and he lunges at baby Shoto who Rey is holding trying to burn Shoto and take him out so really really dark here all the jealousy is kind of boiled over and Toya no longer looks at Shoto as a brother he looks at him as a replacement for all the attention that he wants from Endeavor so in his eyes he has to take him out and stop them from going any further so he can finally get the attention that he had when he was an only child now we don't exactly see how this situation gets resolved because it cuts away in the next chapter to a conversation between Rey and Endeavor happening right after the situation but we do see that endeavor's fist is balled up and his sleeve is completely burnt but because it's a little vague you can either assume that endeavor used his own fire to blast Toya away without actually doing that much damage to him or he went and grabbed him and took the burn and separated him but somehow Toya ended up going to his room and not really being a threat anymore and then we have that discussion again going on between Rey and Endeavor Endeavor says from now on we're keeping Shoto away from the other kids pretty much saying I can't risk losing my perfect son it's not that I'm keeping Toya away from all the other kids I'm keeping Shoto away from them because they could be a threat to him and I can't be here 24 7. so I'm even gonna hire help to help you take care of the only son that really matters to me and this is where he says you you don't take your eyes off of Toya I need you to pretty much take care of him I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure that Shoto ends up okay even if I have to hire help to do it pretty much relegating Ray to take care of the crazy child which is nuts but Rey says all he wants is your attention he just wants you to raise him you to look at him you to like take care of him and Endeavor says all I can show anyone is the World of Heroes and this is exactly where I think I like the interpretation of endeavor that Shoto has a little later in the future or I guess now in the current day because Shoto looks at Endeavor as both the hero Endeavor and the father Angie Todoroki and he has very different thoughts about how those two people have done their jobs but here it seems like Endeavor has kind of Cast Away the role as NG the father and he's only able to act as Endeavor the hero so far a person who he doesn't see as ever being able to become a hero he feels like he has nothing to offer them which is why he feels like he has nothing to offer Toya in the first place he's like how can I possibly be a father to this child when the only thing that I think I'm good for in the world that I can show him I can't show him he can't do that so it's kind of endeavor looking at himself looking down on himself and not having the confidence to being a father in the first place and not really thinking that through it seems like Endeavor really wasn't ready to be a parent but he was ready to be a master to a fire user to have them raise up and become stronger than him you have to have both of those things sorta if you're going to be a proper master and he definitely didn't have that but in response to everything that endeavor has to say Rey kind of looks at him like just exhausted at this whole situation saying aren't you just running away to go play Hero you know what I mean you have a son here that you have to raise he's clearly troubled and you're just hiring help and running away to go be Endeavor when you fail to be Angie and a vain Pops in endeavor's head but I believe he walks away away from the situation because that's the end of the night that we see before getting a five-year time skip so when the Todoroki family is now a little older here fuumi is 12 natsuo is a and Toya is 13 and they all say that they want to go out and play ball together so they do all go out and play and actually Toyo looks pretty normal here he has like a computer set up he has toys he seems like he's calmed down drastically at least to the point where he can get along closely with his other siblings and that's where we actually see that one scene that we saw early on in the series where Shoto is looking down at the rest of his family members playing together next to that old lady but Endeavor grabs him and is like hey we have to go train don't even look at them they live in a different life than you do we're in the world of Heroes and even from outside the special Dojo that endeavor hat built for training his children you can hear that there's training going on in there so you just have Toya playing outside of his brother and sister knowing that in there Shoto I guess the Holy One the proper one is being trained for his real purpose so the real reality that Toya was a failed creation was pretty much just inescapable at this point in his life it's here that we actually see Toya crying to natsuo like Dobby says in episode 11 and we see him talking about various things like hey is endeavor really like what a hero is nowadays you know they have all these children to make the perfect work user and then don't even pay attention to the ones that aren't the perfect one like that's messed up and it seems like natsuo is just tired of hearing about it right where he tells him hey you want to like go talk to fuyimi about this once in a while instead of me but Toya instantly starts crying and getting really really intense about it saying that the women in the family are good for nothing and the only person who can understand them is natsuo the next morning we see Rey actually confronting Toya before he goes off to that mountain peak to train saying you need to go hang out with your friends or your classmates or something please don't go up there to which he responds I don't need friends we live in two different worlds they live in one world and I live in the world of Heroes and that's when I think Rey really thinks to finally ask the question natoya like do you even want to be a hero or are you just doing it because of your dad bad right are you just doing it because of some expectation and you're suffering for it just because of who your dad is as a mother she tells him that there are many available paths to him in life and there's countless options Beyond who his father is for him to try to be when he's older but Toya snaps back at her like what the hell do you know right where'd you get that some self-help book I know the fact that Grandma and everyone in the family was poor so that's why they more or less sold you off to Endeavor so you didn't even actually get with someone for love so maybe you're also to blame for why I ended up like this because if he's not the perfect family and I have to look past him to become whoever I have to become maybe you should have thought about that before you also created me more or less saying to his mom that the only reason she wanted him to be born was for money still not really giving Endeavor that entire blame because he looks at it as well at least Endeavor was trying to create a hero you just wanted money for your family and that's that's really awful to say to your mom honestly and she really has a reaction like that's kind of the most awful thing she's ever heard in her life and I'm sure Rey honestly cry died after that because that's just after that argument Toya makes his way back up the sokoto peak and we get a little bit of narration saying that Toya was always small because he came out of the oven a little early but Emily had a growth spurt at the age of 13. and we actually do see him training once again on sokoto peak in that area with even more testimonies than before and they're all they're all on fire because it's seems like Dobby's gathered all his Firepower in his stomach and shot it out at all the different targets kind of being his own version of prominence burn I'm sure which is a move that I'm sure he was going for because it's his father's signature move and this is where we also learn that this is the point where Dobby's fire changed from red to blue it changed as a result of his growth spurt which made his fire get even stronger Toya being really really proud of himself for what he achieved up on sokoto Peak goes to Endeavor and he's like Hey listen dad next time you get a day off you gotta come up with me to sokoto Peak to see what I'm able to do and it never looks said I'm like what and lifts his shirt up and sees an actual big giant burn across Toya's stomach saying what's going on here why does he have Burns in places that I can't see usually he's definitely been still training this entire time even though he's not supposed to be because Endeavor didn't know but Toya tries to keep it positive saying hey don't get mad what I can do now is really really cool and I might even be getting better than shotoro all might one of these days like you really really got to come up to the mountain and see what I'm able to do because after I'm better than Shoto and all might you're gonna have to give me some respect and then you'll be glad that you created me and that's where we do see Toya starting to break down even more and more pulling his hair out and starting to cry in front of his dad getting really really worked up again Endeavor rushes into the room where Rey is in and we don't see the entire conflict but it does seem like he pushed her down to the ground or did something because he's screaming at her and she looks like she's knocked over and we see Shoto who's old enough finally to talk going don't bully mommy don't be mean to her while Endeavor is shouting and screaming at Rey saying damn it all I asked you to do was watch that boy and you couldn't even do that why didn't you stop him and broken Ray just looks up at Endeavor and says I can't stop him I can't like I I can't stop him because like Endeavor when he has his mind on something there's just no stopping he just takes too much after his father and this is where things in this already sad story start to take an even sadder turn because we learned that when Toya goes up on sokoto Peak waiting for endeavor to come and see his new move Endeavor doesn't even go up there to go after him to get him to come home in fact Endeavor himself says looking back on the situation that he thought he'd only be fueling Toya's fire but the truth is that he actually just had no idea what to say to him they both kind of failed as a parent here because neither of them were able to stop him so as Toya sits there alone on sokoto P crying and crying what ends up happening is he actually accidentally cries out fire fire comes out of his tear ducts and it's so raging as it catches on to his hair that it starts spreading to his clothes and all over his body so the fire just gets hotter and hotter and it starts burning more and more and this is where Toya realizes he actually doesn't know how to stop the Flames he's only ever learned how to raise the heat Endeavor never taught him that far he only ever taught Toya how to turn the heat up so as Toya is burning in sokoto Peak his emotions and his Panic only raises the heat level and makes things worse until Toya eventually burns down the entire Forest on sokoto Peak and like we saw in my hero Academia season 6 episode 11 Endeavor gets there when it's already too late things have already gotten too bad and apparently nothing was left of Toya Todoroki that is the end of his story but not actually later on in the manga we actually get an update to this backstory showing what happened to Dobby afterwards and how it was that he was actually able to survive this incident in my Academia chapter 350 in the final Arc of my hero Academia actually we pick up on that exact moment where Toya is completely drenched in fire burning down to the bone and he starts running running through the fire running through the mountain saying hot hot no I don't want to die I still haven't shown him what I could really do and he eventually makes his way into a small little Pond that I suppose that was there and he throws himself into it getting the fire off of his body now we see that in the process of him running into this Pond he screams and part of his jaw actually falls off which is the only part that endeavor was able to recover later on to actually prove to him that Toya was dead but he still had his doubts now left his own devices here in this situation Toya probably would have died or at least never been the same ever again it is the kind of situation where he just would have been a burnt corpse right he was laying pitch black all charred up down to the muscle in this pool of water but that's when a very very interesting thing actually ended up happening a man walked through the fire of the forest completely Untouched by the fire unburdened by it his clothes weren't even burned at all and he found Toya before Endeavor was able to found him and this man in an all-black suit in a top hat was actually all for one everything cuts to Black and then mysteriously Toya wakes up later in a strange room it looks like he woke up in a daycare that's been renovated into being a hospital room or at least reused as a hospital room as he lays in a kitten paw bed with all sorts of origami and signs around him that say hey get well soon Mr sleepyhead but he has an IV in his arm confused at how he's still alive Toya goes out and starts questioning some of the other people that are there who are also children who seem to be younger or around his age and he says what is this place but he realizes immediately that the voice that came out of his mouth is not the voice that he remembered having when he was initially burned and that's because it's been three whole years since the sakota peak incident and Toya's actually been in a coma the entire time being healed by some mysterious benefactor here as a result of all for one's actions now Toya does try to leave this place is saying I have to go back home and I got to get back to my family but a mysterious happy sunflower guard tells them hey you can't go anywhere you live here now with everyone else these are your family members and they're you're gonna warm up to them pretty quickly because you have no other choice but toyo's like no that's not gonna work for me okay I gotta get home to my dad he was too busy to come and see me but of course he's worried sick about me they're probably looking for me I have to go apologize and after all this I I just want to be around my dad I just want my dad to look at me again and that's when all for one appears on a monitor saying I'm afraid that that won't be possible anymore and this is where we get a full rundown of Toya's injuries and actually learn how he survived right because in conjunction with the Quirk doctor it seems like all for one had him work on Toya's body and give him surgery to cover his body or at least the places that were burned very badly with regenerative tissue and it's taken three years for Toyota to finally heal enough for him to wake up and look sort of normal even though his chin in various places on his body have been completely replaced with other flesh all for one says you won't be able to use your power like before you sustained grave damage in several organs your somatic nervous system is impaired causing Sensations like pain to become duller and in general your body has become weaker meaning you're never going to go back to the person that you were before now before how you were we would have even loved to have you join our team with Toya not really knowing that all for one is talking about the villains there but now how you are you're kind of just a failure but if you stay here we might be able to return your Firepower to how it was before right you're a failure but I can fix you kind of trying that game of manipulation that we know all for one is really good at and that same kind of tactic was successful on tenko but here it really doesn't work on Toya and in fact going that route might have been the worst possible way to go with Toya because Toya just doesn't go for it he actually completely disobeys all for one to his complete shock and surprise saying I have no intention of learning from any anyone else but Endeavor and this is where Toya completely snaps Burning Down the entire building that he was in in an attempt to escape and ultimately getting away now you would think that's kind of a loose end right there right like why would they let him get away in that situation but the doctor explains that Dobby wasn't supposed to last even a month after he left that facility it's actually a mystery to them how Dobby survived period and that's still a big mystery to this day even to the current chapter of my hero Academia because we still have no idea how Dobby survived after leaving that facility considering even the Doctor Who did the surgery on him is saying he shouldn't have survived a month out there given the state that he was in he still needed more care right just because he had woken up at that point didn't mean that he was ready to start walking around and leaving he needed more of our care but somehow he survived anyway they were so sure actually that Toya wasn't gonna make it that the doctor and all for one were genuinely surprised when giron brought Toya to the league of villains because they thought that he he would have been long dead and even though we don't know the entire situation of what happened to Toya after running away from the facility we do know one thing we do know that he actually did go back home he tried to go back to Endeavor and the rest of the family but upon arriving to the house the first thing that he was met with was his own memorial that was in the house which is the memorial that we saw in my hero Academia season five but even though Toya had made it back to the house without anyone noticing he realized that nothing had really changed if anything things had only gotten worse with the way that he saw Endeavor was still training Shoto Endeavor still after seeing how everything affected his family haven't given up on that dream and was still acting exactly the same if even worse and Toya felt like at that point his family had completely moved on from him and that he'd rather not go back home and not stay with Endeavor in them if it meant living in that hell and it's at this moment facing everything that was going on with the family that Toya bowed his head at his own memorial within the house and said a prayer to himself saying good by the Toya and that Toya had died and that Dobby was born and those are the events of the day where Toya Todoroki ceased to exist and Dobby was born now we don't know how Dobby managed to survive or how he manages to survive a lot of the burns that he actually gets in the series but it's driven a lot of people to have various theories and even on this channel if you're looking for something to watch next you can go and watch my Dobby Phoenix Theory though do consider that that does contain some spoilers for the my hero Academia manga as well just like this video does but in that video we go over the theory that Dobby might actually have some secret aspect to his Quirk that lets him survive when he does get very very badly burned and that might be the reason that he survived after leaving the doctor's place but also it shed some light on how he's surviving some current events in the story because yeah he's gotten pretty burned as the story has reached its final Arc more than ever before it kind of seems like it makes no sense for him to be holding on so definitely check that video out and hope you guys enjoyed this video I love you so much it's pineapple I appreciate you guys for taking some time out of there to check me out and please give this video video a like give my channel a subscription we got more my hero content coming on the way this season is only halfway over so are you excited to learn more about Dobby in the next couple episodes let me know in the comment section below and let me know what you want to see next
Channel: Vocal Pineapple Academia
Views: 858,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Day Toya Todoroki became Dabi, Toya Becomes Dabi, How Toya Todoroki Became Dabi, Toya Todoroki, Touya Todoroki, Dabi is Toya, Dabi is Touya, The Day Touya Todoroki Became Dabi, Touya Todoroki Reveal, Toya Todoroki Reveal, Dabi's Backstory, Toya Todoroki backstory, MHA Toya, MHA Touya Reveal, The Life of Touya Todoroki, The Life of Touya, The Life of Dabi Todoroki, The Life of Dabi, Vocal Pineapple, MHA, dabi toya, Dabi touya, touya, My Hero Academia Season 6 Episode 14
Id: INxOgf2EfxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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