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shigaraki has had a long year already in my hair Academia with the events of both War arcs in the manga and in the anime but this time we're going to be discussing the day that shigaraki met America's number one hero otherwise known as one of the strongest heroes in the entire world of the series but to go over this story we actually have to go a little back in time to all might's time in the States because this story actually starts with a crew of villains who it seems like recently robbed a bank or something but they rushed down the city streets as we see a young all might with David shield and what seems to be like the all might mobile because it has space for both of them and all my jumps off the car making it go kind of swerving out of control as he jumps into the air using just the sheer power of His limbs to more or less fly up in the air and punch away all the missiles that this villain who is now jumping off of buildings has for all might now more of the missiles head towards all might as he punches them too and ends up kind of going through the large fire explosion that they cause and that Reveals His hero suit at the time which is definitely different than the one that we see later on in the series as all my continues to punch the villain into submission sending the villain falling down of a Detroit smash into the ground down below and the city that kind of looks like New York at least to a certain extent now all might doesn't initially start this battle alone because we see when the villains initially break out of the casino that they were robbing other Heroes do end up responding to keep the villain from taking the 10 million dollars but it's really only all might that's capable of making a difference and as the villain is trying to get away and jumping over buildings and cop cars and any hero that gets in his way he nearly lands on a car holding a young family before all my lands right in front of them just in the nick of time and sends him flying with an amazing punch now this is where we get the amazing shot of all might standing in front of the fire with his jacket kind of flowing in the wind and I still really really want that jacket someone let me know where I could find that jacket but little did we know at that time that we were seeing the birth of a hero and that's because after the events of my hair academia's work we do see a large-scale prison break operation led by all for one where various characters like staying muscular and overhaul do end up escaping prison and getting back out onto the Japanese streets and you can watch my video about that by clicking the card in the top right where I go over the whole Tartarus incident report hour by hour discussing how all of that went down but you could imagine that having all these different villains escaping all these different prisons eventually ended up leaving Japan in a very very sorry State now in an attempt to kind of come and help Japan because no one else seemed like they were trying to we have America's number one hero Kathleen bate otherwise known as star and stripe standing on top of a stealth bomber as they make their way at top speed towards Japan but this is where elsewhere we see all for one starting the monologue about his final grand plan and detailing where exactly things are in those plans all for one says that he's laid out plans that span lifetimes and now as we wind down the clock on this grand plan we are approached by our greatest hurdle and our greatest opportunity spinner seems to wonder what all for one means by greatest hurdle and greatest opportunity and that's where all for one replies star and Stripes the world's strongest woman she hails from the home of the heroes the land of the free and sits at the Zenith of Heroes all around the world underhanded tricks won't work on her if someone like her were to intervene there's no doubt we would be in trouble but if I were to get my hands on her Quirk well the rest is history as they'd say and that's where we see Hawks and best genus driving down the highway near what seems to be the ocean as we see Endeavor in the sky also flying near them because they're all coordinating a way to meet star and Stripes as she heads over to America with Hawks telling us it seems like she's going to be entering our airspace shortly so as soon as she gets here we'll be able to meet her and kind of set up some countermeasures for all for one and all the stuff that's going on but it's then when they get a report from tsukauchi that something is wrong I just received word that there's something else in the airspace around 50 kilometers away from their planned landing spot it's him he's arrived and as the camera rushes towards the ocean in the sky Beyond we see a figure floating in the air waiting for star and stripes and her Battalion of stealth bombers covered in a dark and tattered cloak with his hair longer than we've ever seen before flowing in the wind it's shigaraki now healed from the events of my hair academia's work and shigaraki pulls up hero for all new fit with shigaraki actually wearing what seems to be like a suit very much reminiscent of all for one but he also does have his big ragged cloak which I wonder if that's his costume from the madvillain Academia Arc now just sort of wrapped around him in a cool way and of course this is meant to signify the fusion between all for one and shigaraki which is now more complete than it's ever been with shigaraki of course wearing a very all for one style suit and still having part of his outfit being the other half of the outfit so he can maintain his identity but starting stripe kind of finds it funny that someone made it all the way up here to greet her and she goes you must be one free guy to come up all this way up here to greet me but shigaraki just stares her down if a deadpan an expression not saying anything as star and stripe realizes are you the villain they call All For One and shigaraki responds well who am I indeed we see one of stars Pilots say negative star that's shigaraki tamura and it seems like he can use EMP blast so all units need to deploy their force fields right now and everyone needs to turn off autopilot just in case the emps US you have to be in control of your ship and that's when Star says that there's only one option left here and that's a smash their way through so all the Jets take a formation of stars still standing in front of one of them as she says it's time to exterminate a villain and she promises her crew that if any of them don't make it she'll at least make sure that their body gets back to their families with no man getting left behind but at the same time on the other side of the battlefield in the sky shigaraki has a strange conversation with himself he goes what is this weird sensation I know for a fact that I'm shigaraki tamura but at the same time I am undoubtedly myself too kind of playing off that weird Battle of the wits between shigaraki and all for one for this body and here we see a weird situation where now it seems like their Consciousness has few so much that whoever the main personality is really can't differentiate between who's in control right it seems like a true proper Fusion between both personalities has taken its effect here and that's really really not good for star and stripe because that kind of means that shigaraki has all the knowledge of how to use the perks that are in all for one whereas before he didn't really quite understand how to use all of them to their best effect and we ended up seeing all for one have to take over to use them in better ways to get advantages over on the heroes in the war Arc shigaraki uses three quirks together which are radio waves push and load up and as star screams for everyone to dodge we see a massive burst of like energy coming from shigaraki's hand sort of like a Kamehameha wave just absolutely devastating a large area above the clouds and we even see a large section of the clouds getting pushed back from this attack and as the battle truly begins we see sugar Iraqi being arrogant and joking around of star and Stripes going who do you think's gonna get the first touch in Miss America but star and Stripes responds and says even if I knew what other hidden abilities you have in store for me I have no need to prepare for them because that's what it means to truly be the strongest and at this point star and stripe begins to use her Quirk New Order and let me tell you this is I guess besides all for 101 for all and even maybe more so than both those quirks the most broken Quirk that we've seen in the world of my hero Academia and here's how we see it used for the first time star lets some air slip through her fingers as her hand is in front of her and as she grips it she says atmosphere from here to 100 meters in front of me the atmosphere will cease to exist and this pretty much creates a 100 meter zone of harsh space-like conditions meaning shigaraki has no way of breathing or anything in this large area between him and star and stripe and that's just a scary nature of her Quirk right star and Stripes is able to touch something or grab something and imply buy a rule on it as long as she knows its name so by touching the air in the atmosphere she was able to use a rule to completely just make the air within a certain distance go away and as shigaraki gasped for air trying to get a hold of himself as his eyes start popping and all sorts of Madness occurs with his body he says what a horrifying quirk I want it as he's pelted from every direction by various different lasers but the issue is shigaraki here again does have a good handle of the usage of all for one so he is able to use the reflection and refraction quirks to send these lasers flying back at Star and stripe and all the Jets nearby now having a really really quick reaction speed starting stripe actually makes contact with the laser as it's hitting her and imposes a rule on the laser screaming out laser I can hold lasers and she starts pretty much catching the laser like it's a rubber beams just showing again that starting stripe is just massively massively powerful because this is a very creative Quirk now the second that star and stripe uses her rule on the laser the giant vacuum area actually comes undone and shigaraki uses the spring-like limbs Quirk as well as his all might level power to jettison himself towards starting stripe like we saw all might doing in that first scene in the video now as sugar Rocky Rockets himself towards star and stripe she actually launches herself off the jet that she is on top of and punches sugar Rocky Square in the face kind of catching a mid-air and sends him flying and that's where she begins to activate the conditions of her Quirk since now she's made contact of shigaraki so she screams out shigaraki Tamora If shigaraki tomorrow were to move even an inch from this point onwards his heart will stop and it's here where we learn more about the tie between star and stripe and all might she says a long time ago I was saved by a Japanese exchange student while I was with my family near Santa Monica Pier a runaway villain attacked us in our car and as I welcomed death I had only one thought left someone at least saved my sister that's when the events at the beginning of the video took place and of course all might ended up saving star and stripe and we know because of the situation star and stripe more or less considered all might to be her spiritual master or I guess not really her master because it's not like he taught her how to use her Quirk or her abilities but she just pretty much looked at him like her master in spirit but as sugar Rocky listens to this he realizes oh no I'm caught she has me now but in that moment something very unexpected started to happen shigaraki's hair would actually start to grow really really fast and rapidly as he coughed up blood and started to scream and then we saw a large explosion of electricity and energy occurring sending star and stripe flying backwards and as star and stripe gets thrown back very confused wondering what's going on of shigaraki and the fact that his hair grew shigaraki actually stands up going now I get how New Order works it may be a really Supreme Quirk but it's still constrained by rules of its own and this is where we realize that star is actually in a very tough situation here because yes normally that would have worked on shigaraki since he is shigaraki Tamora but the issue is since star and stripe hasn't made it to all might she doesn't really have the information that shigaraki is actually named tanko shimura that is actually not his name and even beside that we also have the situation going on of shigaraki's true personality melding of all for one so even he doesn't really know whether or not he she Rocky tomorrow all for one or tenkoshimura right now in his mind this makes it so star and Stripes Quirk doesn't actually work on shikaraki and she's not going to be able to just get an easy win here by making contact with him and just ending the fight that way she's actually gonna have to fight him into submission but star and stripe really doesn't understand what's going on right and in her head she thinks that maybe he just has some way to get around attacks that hamper his breathing because he survived the big vacuum attack and he survived her order constricting his breathing and that's when we see that star and strife feels like the situation has actually gotten very dire so she puts in a call to the commander to have him send missiles from America all the way over to Japan to try to hit shigaraki with those because she feels like at this point shigaraki has graduated from just being Japan's threat and now since he's putting up such a fight against her he's kind of a threat against the entire world and this is where we see this battle truly escalate to a level that we've never seen in my hero Academia before because as shigaraki lands on his Flying high in no one starts making his way towards star and stripe she grabs the atmosphere again and says the air forms into my shape but a thousand times bigger and we see a massive giant star and stripe made out of air standing through the clouds above the ocean getting ready to attack shigaraki and shigaraki says that even though nothing is visible in front of him because it's not like shikiraki can see the giant shape of star and stripe made out of air he can tell something dangerous is coming and we see the giant air star and stripe punching shigaraki at full speed like a regular star and strike punch as she kind of Puppets the giant with her actual body and this is where a star and Stripes tactic has completely changed because she realizes hey I'm taking too much damage in this fight against this guy and that's kind of pointless and he's not gonna tell me his name right I'm not gonna be able to figure that out in this battle so all I can do now is just use my quirk in the most oppressive way that I possibly can to just break this guy down to Adams so he can't regen anymore it's at this point where she lets out a massive Sonic lap kind of taking a page out of Hulk's book and as the large giant does the same we see a massive air beam just kind of hitting shigaraki as all the clouds around him over the ocean are completely blown away at the impact of force hitting his body and making him ragged but shigaraki's body doesn't completely fall apart yet as he continues to get sent flying through the ocean but star and Stripes seeing this and realizes that she needs even more juice call for all the Jets to hit her with their lasers as she says the lasers all combined into one and we see the giant air version of star and stripe grab the lasers like a giant lightning bolt from Zeus and Pierce it down like a staff or a javelin straight into shigaraki straight through the Earth and into the ocean and we see shigaraki just slowly getting evaporated with the strength of this laser beam but Starr says even this is not gonna be enough because if this was enough then Endeavor should have been able to finish the job right his Firepower hour is stronger or at least comparable to the power of these lasers and the power of this attack and this is actually where we start to see that the state-of-the-art Hypersonic InterContinental cruise missiles are actually on the way and their name Tiamat which is ironically one of the characters from horikoshi's last manga barrage so I really really like to see that those were worked into the story here and this is where we started to get more backstory on the hero we see that in what seems to be some sort of military training with the rest of her jet Squad she does have some cuts and bruises and she seems a little angry at the fact that it seems like she lost the combat against her fellow teammate and this is where star tells us that at a glance her Quirk seems to be capable of anything but there was always a hard limit when it came to powering herself up no matter what sort of rule she tried it never worked out right so at this stage in her life despite the fact that she could make herself way stronger with her Quirk it's not enough to make her so strong that she's just head and shoulders dominant over other people but her jet fighters say hey even when your Quirk isn't enough for you to do things on your own no worries just rely on us and we'll always be there for you so we can get everything done together they say that it's got nothing to do with her being a girl and that's just how her Quirk is but she's really the only person capable of catching up to all might because they're both beasts and it's hero starring sharp Smiles because she knows at the very least she never heard the words you're just a girl that's just how it is from her fellow teammates now back in real time we see that the giant version of star and stripe is still holding down the laser beam on shigaraki but shigaraki thinks that she must know that this isn't doing all that much to me this United laser blast is only meant to stunlock me VR Relentless damage all of which tells me she realizes that without a single attack powerful enough to vaporize me that this is pointless so she has to be waiting for something that packs an even bigger punch than this but as sugar Rocky continues to evaporate and regen at the same time star and Stripes plan comes to fruition with the Intercontinental missiles finally making it to their destination star and stripe has to use a rule on the missiles to grab them but at the same time when she does that that's going to mean that she has to take the rules off of the laser beams that are holding down sugar Rocky so in that moment she catches all the different missiles coming her way with the Giant star and striped guardian and all the different Jets fire shooting their lasers downwards toward shikaraki who shoots out of the water like a bat out of hell trying to make his way to Star and Stripes but he ends up actually getting rebuffed by all these different lasers now in that moment sarn Stripes grabs all the different missiles and uses the rule on them saying that they are redirected and actually spins them using the Giant star and Stripes Guardian punching them into the ground all at once at shigaraki using state of the art supersonic InterContinental cruise missile punch as we see a massive and I mean massive explosion over the ocean of Japan that completely clears the skies and makes a giant circle of clouds around the area big enough for even Endeavor to see it off the shore but in this large sparking fiery crater in the center of the ocean which is now just completely blown away right we have the ocean kind of struggling to fill in this space which was burned away from these missiles we see a small hole in the ground and it seems like coming out of it is shigaraki who somehow survived this missile attack even though almost all of his flesh is coming off and that's when everyone realizes that what came out of the ocean flying like a bat out of hell actually wasn't sugar Rocky it was the Flying high-end nomu that actually ended up getting hit by most of the lasers and the large explosion from star and stripe so shigaraki commands the hayan nomu to burst and it explodes causing widespread disarray and star and Stripes formation as shigaraki jumps and darts from Planes of plane jumping towards star and stripe and as she floats in the air with her large air Guardian being able to actually take shigaraki out using the guardian and squish the giant jet that he's standing on she thinks of her friends and realizes that she's not going to take them out just to take out this villain and that it likely wouldn't have done anything in the first place so star doesn't end up doing her last attack and we see that sadly shigaraki reaches her and puts his hand on her face and as sugar Rocky's hand lands on Star and Stripes face he pulls away pulling her Quirk out of her body but as he pulls his hand away it seems like shigaraki used Decay on Star and stripe at the same time that he was stealing her Quirk but in her last moments of having her Quirk she says I Kathleen bait will not decay in a kind of desperate effort to keep herself from decaying away as her Quirk is stolen and this is where shigaraki calls star and stripe an idiot because he was able to steal her Quirk by pretty much decaying her and absorbing your Quirk at the same time meaning that she had to choose which one she was going to protect and by protecting her body using her Quirk she ended up losing her Quirk and now has to suffer being decayed as well and it's at this moment where shigaraki ready is a never before seen fire Quirk it looks like he's actually about to use like flash fire fist or something and he says New Order the atmosphere shall but it seems like he gets cut off by something going on inside but I bet he was going to make the atmosphere flammable between him and star and stripe and then burn it using his Quirk doing something just amazingly powerful it probably would have been a massive explosion but thankfully something ends up going wrong here because the fight is not over inside of the Vestige world we actually see a completely healed star and stripe staring down shigaraki as he walks of all for one in his body fusing together and outside of the Vestige world we see shigaraki's body kind of blowed up in a nasty and disgusting way as it then starts to explode all around and all over him tomorrow's body begins to break apart as he realizes my quirks are rough entering inside me and this is where we learned that star actually set up a trap beforehand just in case her Quirk was taken by all for one saying that New Order will revolt against the other quirks inside of all for one and that's where sugar Rocky are I guess all for one is in a very very unprecedented situation right because all of all for one's life he's only know that quirks are given and taken but they're never destroyed so this is kind of unseen and ridiculous and it's an impossible situation only possible by the interaction of these very specific characters now shigaraki tries to give New Order away to one of the pilots but they all laser him down and he's actually not really able to respond to this to the point where now the lasers are actually starting to do damage to shikaraki and he's actually in a lot of trouble it's then when we see Star and stripe finally decaying away thinking about the time that all might saved her and watching her Jets kind of finish the battle against shigaraki and at this point with his body falling apart shigaraki calls on The Quirk of the high end Nomo that he was flying with earlier that he stole before and starts flying away towards Japan as star and stripe inside of his body starts ripping him and all for one apart from each other and all the different quirks that they have now shigaraki crash lands into the house of two random villains and as shigaraki puts his hand on this guy's face trying to give him new orders so he can have a break and figure out what to do here he realizes that New Order is actually gone because it seems like from fighting all the different quirks that are inside all for one they managed to eventually destroy the Quirk new order that was kind of like a virus inside of shikaraki before all of his quirks were deleted but this makes it so that shikaraki yes he did win against star and stripe I end up taking her out but he didn't end up getting the one thing that he wanted the most from the situation which was The Quirk and he ended up actually losing some of his quirks to this battle with star and Stripes saying that as long as people are still willing to help each other the will of a hero will be passed on and someone will definitely arrive to take down all for one and put an end to shigaraki and inside of shigaraki we see a really really angry all for one like a very Furious all for one saying get out of my body you corpse as the star and stripe within all for one starts to fade away but we see deeper inside tenkoshimura is still in there very much like how Deku saw him but he's being covered and constricted by hands struggling to make his way out of the shigaraki and all for one personality now this battle wasn't for nothing because eventually we would get the data from the battle between star and Stripes that was recorded on the Jets that she was fighting with given over to the heroes and all might for the final battle and this also gave the heroes more time to prepare because they were supposed to fight shigaraki the day after this happened but because of the damage that happened to his body from the Star and stripe fight they ended up delaying the events of the final war by at least another week which was the final time extension that the heroes got leading up to that final battle but that guys was the story of the time that shigaraki found met and defeated America's number one hero and that was an amazing battle that I don't think we're gonna make it to in season six of my hero Academia I think it would be an amazing surprise just like the high-end versus no move fight in the last episode of season four I believe but I just don't know whether or not to count on seeing it so I did want to do this video covering the fight kind of continuing our series and covering different stories in my hero Academia and let me know in the comment section below what you want to hear of next you can check for a playlist of all these different stories that I've been going over and I love you guys it's pineapple I'll see you next time peace [Music]
Channel: Vocal Pineapple Academia
Views: 419,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shigaraki Meets America's Strongest Hero, Shigaraki Fights America's Strongest Hero, Shigaraki vs America's #1 Hero, Shigaraki vs Star and Stripes, Shigaraki vs Star and Stripe mmv, shigaraki vs star and stripes my hero academia, mha shigaraki vs star and stripes, The Most INTENSE Fight in My Hero Academia Explained, Shigaraki, Star and Stripes MHA, Shigaraki vs Deku, MMV, mha, my hero academia, bnha, Shigaraki vs, Star and Stripe vs Shigaraki, MHA American number 1 hero, MHA America
Id: step8oRx6v8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2023
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