The My Hero Academia Iceberg | Level 1

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we are taking on the massive my hero Academia Iceberg and you're not gonna believe how much of an effort this is about to be because as a manga with nearly 400 chapters and now six seasons of anime Maya Academia has a lot of lost details and information that not everyone may know about horikoshi is an author that excels at telling a complex story and packaging it in a way that can be read very simply on the surface level but the deeper you dive the more hidden meaning you find like a delicious breadcrumb trail of Adventure that horikoshi is leaving for us to follow which is what makes my hero academia's Iceberg such an interesting one to explain because this is really about to go deep this video is inspired by the many icebergs that you might have seen online about various topics but especially new world reviews take on his Hunter Hunter Iceberg which I've really enjoyed watching and now I want to give my own spin on it for my audience but if you're a 100 fan make sure to check out his Iceberg which I've linked in the comments section below for hours though let's start off with the very top of the iceberg the surface tier beginning with horikoshi's obsession with Star Wars when opening up the first page of my hero Academia one of the first things that you may notice besides all the stuff going on is that the location of the events are taking place in is known as Tatooine station so that means that my hero Academia and Star Wars both begin on Tatooine and this is something that continues throughout the story of my hero Academia with a lot of names of locations and attacks being references to things in Star Wars we see it repeatedly with different locations and also with mirio's Phantom Menace attack which is directly the name of one of the Star Wars movies there's also of course the fact that Ojo pretty much dresses just like Luke all for one has a mass and a Vibe very very similar to Darth Vader's and of course there's even the visual references to Star Wars like Deco on the cover of this volume of my hero Academia during the Culture Festival Arc besides that we've seen that horikoshi actually did an official artwork for one of the Star Wars movies more recently I believe this is for the Last Jedi and another thing to take note of with this whole Star Wars thing is that the structure of my hero Academia is actually pretty similar to Star Wars showing just how much of a fan horikoshi is Deku all might and Gran Torino's mentor and student relationship mirrors Luke Obi-Wan and Yoda and Deku even shares three letters with the word Luke with the L switched out for a d and scrambled around what makes this name even better though is the meaning behind Deku but we'll discuss that in a moment horikoshi's love for Japanese Comics my hero Academia is clearly heavily inspired by American comics and this was especially evident much earlier on in its run horikoshi Drew several iconic Marvel and DC heroes in chapter 1 where we see a Spider-Man Superman and Wolverine alongside Japanese Heroes like Ultraman and Moonlight mask horikoshi has also told us that he was a massive fan of Ryan Stegman and Dan slot superior Spider-Man run and then he buys Japanese translator versions of comics now when it comes to the MCU we saw that horikoshi actually did a collab art for the infinity war or end game posters featuring characters from My Hero Academia taking the place of the characters from the Marvel movies and when no way home came out horikoshi definitely had some really really positive things to say about that film it's clear that Spider-Man is a big inspiration for Deku and several other heroes in horikoshi's version of Japan and a general horikoshi seems to really like characters that get powers from animal-like abilities with another one of his favorite characters in my hero Academia being a character named Miracle who gets her powers from being like a bunny and this is partially likely because of a manga that horikoshi has done in the past but it also likely ties to his love of Spider-Man now like we've said horiko she has done official art for The Avengers movies but he's also been graced to have some of the biggest names in American Comics doing our collapse for my hero Academia we've seen art by Legends like Ryan Stegman who we just mentioned who made two separate pieces for my hero Academia volume 30 featuring Dobby and shigaraki looking really menacing and another piece for my hero Academia World Heroes Mission featuring Deku vs the film's main villain we also have this alternate cover by DC Comic artist George Jimenez featuring Deku and lemilion back during The Craze of season 4 and lastly we have art from the legendary Invincible artist Ryan ottley featuring Endeavor all might and the usj nomu westaboo all might all might seems to love everything American and of course in story this comes from his time in America after the death of Nana shimora but many fans believe that all might's entire American persona and his love of the West actually comes from horikoshi's love of American culture that we just discussed another interesting thing about this association with America is that all my attacks are named after States and of course he has a very caricatured American comic style but there's also potentially a lot of symbolism people have pointed out in the number one hero of course all might is an iconic figure in Japan who wears American flag colors and uses the power of the Saints to defeat Japanese villains and there are a few interesting Reddit threads about the symbolism tied to that long of Japan the US and World War II which is really an event that shaped the anime and manga industry in Japan as it's one of the reasons why a Manga and Anime even exist now enough about horikoshi we've reached the part of the iceberg where we're going to be talking about Deku because there are actually some interesting things to know about the character first off we have the meaning of the name Deku the meaning of deku's name is actually something that often gets lost in translation for American viewers since interpretations of Japanese characters and their etymology can be pretty complex and interesting but it's hard to necessarily translate that to other languages in a quick fashion during an episode deku's literal meaning is puppet but it can also mean a person without the disposition to be useful useless boring person a word to speak ill of such person the first definition is in reference to a series of old Japanese puppets with no arms and Stumpy heads which go back thousands of years this could be a reference to the fact that Deku is the latest in the line of the one for all users deku's useless was originally an insult meant to be a reference to him being quirkless and not being able to do anything but when he meets ochako she says that his nickname reminds her of the word dekidu which means can do changing the meaning of Deku from someone that's useless and can't do anything to someone that can do anything it's also true that you can pronounce the character that makes up the Izu and izaku and read it as death which when you fuse it with the other half of his name KU just is the word Deku so it's really just also a way of shortening his name or saying it a different way and that makes me really think like oof I wonder if that means whoever named Deku secretly saw him as useless I mean that definitely didn't come from inco but perhaps that would make sense if his father is who we truly think he is but that's a discussion for later Jack midoriya before the creation of my hero Academia horikoshi created a One-Shot titled my hero featuring a character named Jack midoriya who in many ways is the prototype for my hero academia's main character izukumadoria according to horikoshi the following is one of my one shots it came out in the 2008 winter issue of akamaru jump and it's called My Hero since the main character is a salary man it's not terribly suited to a Shonen magazine however this one shot is to me my foremost Masterpiece if I can brag this was my Peak if I ever get the chance I want to draw it out all again that's how emotionally attached to it I am the feel and the art style are both quite different from my last manga but please give it a read this one shot ultimately went on to become my hero Academia with characters like snipe making it into the full series after things were a little reworked in the story Jack midoriya is a normal guy who sells items for a superhero company so he works for a company like detonarot and he tries to get superheroes to sign on with his company but secretly he wants to be a hero himself so you can see how this might have been a prototype for a sort of quirkless Deku type story but horikoshi did thankfully get the chance to draw it all out again in the now 380 plus chapter manga my hero Academia so it's good to see all the passion that he had for it back then becoming this massive Empire with its own Iceberg traitor theories there have been many theories on who the UA Trader was over the course of the series before it was ultimately revealed in the manga some of the theories range from being highly logical to outright insane but here are just a couple there was a theory that toru hagakure was the traitor and that all along she was actually himiko toga in Disguise toru has had a high level of Suspicion on her ever since the usj incident where she and aoyama went missing and we didn't know where they went this Theory takes loops and turns like twice cloning toga to make this possible and the Clone developing its own personality it's just really crazy but eventually it was revealed not to be the case I myself had a theory that Deku might actually be the traitor Without Really knowing it because all for one seemed to have a sort of odd connection to one for all where he knew Every Time Deku dreamed and interacted with the first user so it was plausible to me at the time to theorize that all for one is getting more than just that information from deku's one for all and that Deku could accidentally be leaking information to the villains with him being the traitor unknowingly lastly we saw a lot of kaminari Trader theories based on people feeling like an electric work user should have way more potential than kaminari seems to have heard of aspects of his personality that just seemed like they'd fit well for a traitor his character this would have been a shocker but it seemed all but confirmed for some when it looked like hamanari did a Liberation Army symbol after the events of my villain Academia thankfully like the others kaminari proved that he was loyal to the side of the heroes and never snaked his friends Dobby is Toya Todoroki this is perhaps the most popular theory in the my hero Academia fandom and the most well-known the moment Dobby was introduced people speculated that he and Todoroki Shoto had some sort of tie but over the course of the series it just kept building and building eventually we would get the reveal that Dobby was in fact Toyota Roki in the infamous Dobby's dance moment in the anime and manga and ever since then Toya has just been on a tear for the Todoroki family trying to burn away everything that's precious to them this has developed from just a fan Theory into one of the biggest plot points going on in my hero Academia even getting main stage focus in the final Arc and many fans say that horikoshi's handling of Dobby and the Todoroki family line is one of the shining stars of my hero the full story of Dobby's pass and how I became who he is today is up right now on my channel so check it out in the card on the top right deku's doctor in the beginning of the series we saw Deku in a doctor's office being told that he had no quirk and eventually as the series went on we'd be greeted by the mysterious silhouette of a character who looked very similar to deku's doctor working for all for one in the shadows this was eventually revealed to be one in the same character with Dr garaki being all for once right-hand man and his biggest enabler now whether or not it was just a coincidence that this is a doctor that Deku went to we don't really know but we do know that the doctor was running clinics all over Japan where he would take people and turn them into the beings called nomu and it seems like he even did this to his own grandson a boy that both Deku and bakugou grew up with so maybe Deku is lucky that he wasn't born of a quirk because he would have been directly in this doctor's sights many theorize that the opposite is true though and Deku was born of a quirk but somehow this doctor stole it but there is currently not much evidence for that in the story yet and with the doctor now arrested and put away it's not really known or likely that we're going to get more information on that plot Point unless it comes directly from all for one himself the normal nomu speaking of the doctor he is directly responsible for the nomu and while the details of the full nomu program and its actual purpose is something that we'll discuss later the nomu themselves are past humans who've been repurposing the tools and fighting creatures fusing The Quirk factors of different people into one base personality to create the perfect being for a specific task these creatures are part of the force that the league of villains uses to up their numbers for various operations throughout the beginning of the story but there's a period of time where they become much less active Beyond appearing sporadically here and there until we find the high-end nomus one of the first major villains of the series was a nomu during the usj incident and now after going through a very similar process one of the final villains in the series shigaraki is more or less a nomu in many ways which is a very interesting parallel hero 2. during my hero Academia season 4's Culture Festival Arc it was decided that the UA students would put on a performance for the school and Arie to lift up everyone's Spirits after some heavy events in the manga this also had the meta purpose of lifting up the spirits of the readers because horikoshi felt like after such a dark and intense Arc with the overhaul Arc he wanted to raise the mood and offer a more hopeful Vibe this was accomplished with the amazing performance of the song Hero 2 by class 1a that wowed the entire school and broke the hole that overhaul had over Arie the song though wasn't actually performed by jiro's voice actress and instead they asked singer Chrissy constanza an American singer from New Jersey who actually does YouTube now when Chrissy was later interviewed on the Rock sound YouTube channel she had this to say about doing the song and how it all came together I think that came through our Japanese label and they knew that I I'm learning Japanese I loved being in Japan it's like one of my favorite places ever it's uh yeah so I think when they heard about it they put my name in and it just like felt like a very natural collab I don't know I was just like it was such a like a cool little thing and because she's like in a band and like playing at her school show thing it was kind of very appropriate too so it worked out really well and I was I was really excited my hero Academia vigilance my hero Academia is only part of the Empire that horikoshi built with successful spin-offs being part of the pyramid my hero Academia Vigilantes Volume 1 released on April 4th in 2017 and it said a few years behind the original My Hero Academia story following another character set in Japan who has a quirk that allows him to Glide along surfaces and it depicts the adventures that he gets into as a vigilante in the streets of Japan while our cast of recognizable characters like all might as well and others make appearances to remind us that this is very much taking place not so far away or so long from our main story koichi our main character is also a massive all might fanboy and his costume is literally an all might sweater from his closet a kind of sweater that I'm sure Deku would really want for himself since koichi has all the limited edition variants as well there are many similarities and parallels between characters and mha and Vigilantes like knuckle duster and all might being one of the key ones but Vigilantes has also introduced Concepts that were later used in my hero Academia like The Quirk enhancing substance trigger which first appeared in the spin-off before being used in the overhaul Arc of the main series another fun fact is that several Vigilantes manga covers are directly based off of my hero Academia manga volume covers and I'll show those right here now with the series now over an mha ending many fans still speculate that koichi may make an appearance in my hero Academia before it ends just to bring everything full circle since of course Deku very briefly appeared in chapter 1 of vigilantes in a skit where they introduce the concept of what a vigilante is to class 1a and of course artist bet in court and the manga ran and jump Giga and Shonen Jump Plus respectively until it ended in 2022. my hero Academia team up missions Vigilantes isn't the only my hero Academia spin-off because we also have my hero Academia Tema missions which began in July 2019. the series is drawn and written by Yoko akiyama and instead of going for a completely original story with new characters just set in the same world this series Ventures to give us more time with the characters that we already know by covering the Advent of a Tema Mission program between Heroes which causes many of our characters to end up doing hero missions and formations that you normally wouldn't see together like Deku and Momo or bakugo and Hawks giving this manga a very clear appeal to fans of the original series Tema missions is a lot harder to read compared to Vigilantes which was always up to date when it was running there are volumes of Team Up Mission and I believe the first volume is available to read on viz online with you being able to find nine chapters there however I believe there are 30 plus chapters of this series with most of the chapters still having yet to be translated it isn't completely clear if my hero Academia team emissions is supposed to be considered Canon but I don't think that there's anything in the series that would necessarily break my hero Academia Canon so I think it's safe to consider it Canon especially since it's done by one of horikoshi's assistants and his praised his series and pushed it up on his own as part of the hero network are the movies Canon speaking of breaking Canon the my hero Academia movies present an interesting argument among fans who were split on the debate on whether or not the films are considered Canon or faithful to the actual plot and there's often argument about whether taking the events of the movies and applying them to the story would really make any sense at all this argument happened over the course of the story as the movies were released with some sources saying the movies aren't Canon and others claiming them to indeed be Canon now for those that don't know what Canon is it's pretty much just arguing whether or not it actually takes place in the story of my hero Academia or if it takes place in like a parallel universe where we're just watching the character is for that period of time in the movie or in whatever other source that we're watching them in with the release of my hero Academia Heroes Rising the second film of the trilogy of movies shouldn't release statement right telling customers that the movie wasn't Canon and it didn't spoil anything for the upcoming season when in fact this was incorrect and started a wave of confusion that was never present for the movie's original release in Japan horikoshi himself has said multiple times that the movies take place in the same story as the main work and he's taken steps in the story to include more aspects of the films in the original work so this can no longer really be questioned some examples of this are the fact that star and Stripe from the world's strongest woman mini Arc in the manga is originally a character that we saw all might save during the flashback we saw of young all might from the first film my hero Academia the two Heroes nine from Heroes Rising was first tease in the manga when shigaraki discussed all the things he wants to destroy after meeting the doctor and we can actually see nine on the page floating in a similar pod to what shigaraki was floating in during the first war Arc afterwards when shigaraki proves himself to gigantom machia during the events of my villain Academia the doctor tells shigeraki that before giving him everything he's asked for there's one more thing that he needs the league to do following this we have the events of Heroes Rising where the league is seen transporting nine at the beginning of the film and this was clearly the task that the doctor had for the league since we never saw them doing a favor for him after this dialogue in the manga after the events of the movie take place the doctor then gives shigeraki The Quirk surgery in the manga making shigerwaki an even more perfect version of nine who was a beta for shigaraki lastly after Deco and shigaraki shared one for all heroes Rising it seemed like the movie worked very quickly to backtrack on bakugou having any lingering attachment to The Quirk after the events of his final battle against nine however in the and bakugou faces a key crisis he does indeed see all might's one for all Vestige in its fiery form and his own sort of Vestige world so that further concretes the events of that movie as Canon because otherwise bakugou and the manga would have no attachment to one for all directly for him to have seen this Vision the my hero Academia games My Hero Academia has had movies and spin-offs but it doesn't just stop there the series has also had a number of games My Hero Academia battle for all was a game that was released for the DS before the first episode of my hero academia's anime even aired the interesting thing about this game is that not only does it feature the core roster of class 1a students in a 2d fighting game said during the first season of the anime but in this game Sugar rockly actually starts off with white hair because the developers didn't base his appearance off of the anime designs that gave him blue hair and said well with horikoshi's actual art that all featured chigaraki with white hair outside of the one volume cover that the anime team drew his blue hair from where there's a blue background that would obviously be casting light on his white hair making the anime version of shigaraki's hair likely an error all along my hero Academia would go on to get games like smash tap smash Rising Ultra impact and the strongest hero which are all mobile titles smash tap was discontinued and changed in the smash rising of some updates but ultimate really that game Ended as well leaving us of ultra impact a mobile game by Bandai of a lot of constant support and we also have the strongest hero which I believe is owned or published by Sony in the west and originally created by a Chinese company and this game features a sort of open World gameplay with more impressive character models and fluid gameplay than the turn-based structure of ultra impact but less characters overall the main series of games for my hero Academia are the ones Justice anime Arena fighter titles of which there are two many fans enjoy these games While others feel the combat is extremely lacking leading to fan-made projects that completely change the balance of the games in an attempt to make them more fun and competitive called one's Justice remix in the near future or maybe even by the time that you're watching this video there's also the game My Hero Academia Ultra Rumble which may be one of the last games to see series ever gets in this battle royale game you choose one of many heroes or villains and then spawn on a map alone or with your squad of friends to travel through UA's usj Center and battle other heroes and villains to ultimately come out on top now I played the beta of the game and it was really fun and after some balance patches and a full-scale release I'm hoping to try it out on the channel popularity polls my hero Academia has had eight popularity polls over the course of its run in weekly Shonen jump and people often have fun of the characters that end up on this list and in which order they appear Deku has only ever won the very first popularity poll with bagugo coming in first place in every subsequent poll often we also see Shoto in the top 10 and characters like Endeavor Hawks and Eda have given themselves solid places in the top 10 as well of course in any sort of public boat like this there are also bound to be characters that get votes that don't necessarily make any sense and mha is no different people have voted for very funny things like deku's shoes p Pikachu Mega Man horikoshi and his mascot and even Naruto Minetta hate one of the most hated characters in the entire history of the series is minoru Minetta a short character in class 1a that makes a part of our extended main cast people have gone far of their hate of this character drawing all sorts of fan art taking him out in fan fictions and even making petitions to have him just outright removed from the series now Minetta deserve really gets hate for most of the series for being a needlessly perverted comic relief character who played a very cowardly and small role in the class but over time it seems like the hate for this character has lessened as he's gotten much less perverted in the series but still if you're a fan of Minetta and this fandom I would just keep that to yourself honestly and maybe you might want to look for a better role model now all of this here is only the first layer of our Iceberg only the stuff on the very very surface that you might not know about so this is really going to take a while to comb through but stick around because I promised the obscure your craziness that we're going to discuss and the things that this fandom have done will honestly shock you in our next part [Music]
Channel: Vocal Pineapple Academia
Views: 33,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iceberg explained, iceberg, my hero academia, the my hero academia iceberg explained, vocal pineapple, my hero academia iceberg, boku no hero academia iceberg, Vocal Pineapple Intro, MHA Iceberg, Bnha iceberg, My Hero Academia Iceberg Explained, MHA Iceberg Explained, Vocal Pineapple Iceberg, bnha iceberg, the mha iceberg, jjk iceberg, hxh iceberg, iceberg tiers explained, Deku iceberg, Deku, Shigaraki, Lady Nagant, Nagant, MHA 381, All Might, All for One, Tomura Shigaraki
Id: Q3tD6r4glH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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