The Dating Coach Who Calls Women Chimpanzees...

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every time you have sex with a new woman that's a new mare in your stable just like chimpanzees in the wild why women cheating relationships part four it's because women don't want you when you're weak and pathetic and lonely it was literally like shooting fish in a barrel i mean you gotta deal with them being club rats what it's like dating models in hollywood parkour i used to see this russian girl tall skinny like a fawn what's up i have a question for you have you ever wanted to have a threesome well i have and i am still wondering because i have asked so many people and i've just now got the answers that i want do you know how many family members i've asked and they have just all given me the same reaction blocked and i message peggy sue from church she doesn't like me i also message all of the homies and now it has created a weird dynamic where i don't think i want to message them anymore they're sending me pictures that i don't want to see last person i asked was my ex who said my emotional intelligence is that of a three-year-old and you know what nobody's believed in me except one person and that person is russell hartley yes the world's best tick-tock dating misogynist just like chimpanzees in the wild he called woman chimpanzees yeah i just wanted to let that one sit with you he is so good at what he does that i actually decided i'm going to take down russ's rules today because i want to be a guy who gets hella goals i don't know if i want to be a misogynist but seemingly i have to be in order to get goals and also wear suits which i don't own so i'm gonna need to shape up really because i want to be as good as russ my sign also just broke so now it says alpha bolio which is even better i just think that's way better than saying alpha boy so as i said today's topic is on a guy called russell hartley who has made a name for himself on tick-tock creating waves of some sort because as we know there is no such thing as bad attention i think the more crazy he's gotten the more attention he's received so much so that i looked on his website and he is clearly delusional if you just go to a section called why is everyone talking about russell hartley you will see pictures where he highlights the amount of views other people talking about him have got like curtis connor who got three million views but the video is called tick tock's worst dating coach he doesn't seem to care another person i think a sam collins video the biggest idiot of tick tock is him again as well as tick-tock dating coach claims women are horses by leon lush everybody who's gotten views he's managed to put a red circle around and try and obscure the title so people don't see it they're not talking about you because they like you russ it's because you call women monkeys horses and other variations of creatures that they're not it's crazy he's also on tick tock and uh somehow he decided to put this up the number one search is russell hartley in the number two search russell hartley is gross over six million people search for that i think that's very humbling when that many people search for you calling you gross wow so the thing is i had to see for myself because i didn't really know what i was in for with this russell heartleading he has a course and at the end of this video i might join it not because i want to but because i'm journalist leo but i really don't know exactly how bad it is i have seen a video of him calling a girl chimpanzee and that is [Music] but before we get into the meat of the video i gotta shout out reikon for sponsoring the channel and this video you could always count on raycon to give you eight hours of continuous playtime plus 32 hours of battery life with this charging case but did you know that raycon's a siri and alexa compatible it makes me feel like i'm a secret agent with the earpiece receiving special commands hey siri will you be my friend hell no brother i'd rather die in a hole i also learned that these earbuds are actually water resistant when i left them in my pocket before doing a load of laundry if you find yourself dancing in the rain like in ray j's music video one wish and somehow forgot them outside or dropped them in a puddle you're good they're built to resist water compared to other premium audio brands raycon costs about half the price with over 49 000 5 star reviews just look at this one from kathy l whose grandson brought her a pair uh-huh so visit 16 leo for 15 off your order today thanks reikon i don't know where they find these people i think in today's society they just pop out of holes for some reason they should go back in anyway before we start the video if by the end you like it please do consider subscribing and follow me on my instagram is 16 leo underscore to give me more people like this to look at because i love it so you may be wondering why russell hartley isn't on a place like i don't know youtube it's because i genuinely don't think he could talk for more than one minute straight without getting tired the amount of hand movements this guy does when he talks like this as if he's doing sign language to a pirate with one eye i'm not really sure why he keeps talking like this he also as you'll notice when he says things does this for some reason as if he's like grimacing i had a date with two women i'm so sorry i don't know why i did it i can't figure it out also this man is famous or infamous for wearing suits everywhere he doesn't go because most of his videos are taking place in the mirror and i don't think he's going out during it i'm not sure why he looks like a used car attendant or also a flight attendant who never got to aviator plane but this is russell hartley let's take a look so this video is called commenting laughing emoji on the thirst traps i'm not sure why this needs to be done but one night there he goes you know when you turn off the music it looks like the most unrhythmic white man in the world i really cannot imagine this dude going to a club in them not saying please gramps can you get out yep so as you can see he commented laughing emojis on everybody's ig and some of them replied is this the course i need to pay for this oh my god you're gonna scam me in broad daylight and you're i'm the brown one and you're scamming me what the hell is going on in 2022 okay apparently rule number one [Music] uh rule number one comment laughing emojis on those traps not only will that take a long chunk out of your day which you could be using to do other things and better improving your life so that a girl may actually see you doing something and be like i am attracted to that but now you also have the chance of getting rejected by many women okay that's a good start ah let's start with what it's like being a bachelor in real life part one i i love the fact that he's wearing a bow tie i've never seen a grown man wear a bow tie unless he was an old man or chaperoning something at a prom usually if i see a man in a bow tie run because he's magical but evil magical not the good kind so you know i i just wouldn't trust it comments are also turned off for this video so you know it's good what it's like being a bachelor in real life part one do you like how he pops out from everywhere [Music] [Applause] like he didn't just start the video like hey guys what's up he's like i'm going somewhere in the mirror but i won't be here for long oops that fell down now before i begin i want to preface it with the fact that there are two types of bachelors one which is the majority of bachelors where they don't get a choice bachelor dome is sort of thrust upon them because their lack of options with women so incel i'm not really sure bachelor involuntary bachelor in batch or like invol you know when you eat food uh involuntary bread for instance or inbred as we call it and two is when you have plenty of options with women you just choose to remain single we're going to be talking about number two of course we are because you're [ __ ] and this is all based on my experience if you watched some of my previous videos you already know i've been in throughput situations i've been in polyamorous situations i've been in serious long-term monogamous relationships nice i love when you have to flex the amount of goals that you had hey man that is totally believable and just really good bro i'm so glad that you've been in so many situations can you tell me about the [ __ ] that i need to know i'm trying to be a bachelor now before we begin we got to lay some terms down to be a true bachelor you got to build what i call a stable a stable is a rotation of women that you have available to you that you can hit up and they can go on dates with oh that's why i call them horses i got it because you build up a stable not a rotation like bullets in the chamber not anything like that a stable and then he messages them hey right no i don't know i was just i'm guessing pulls a stable of fossils okay build a stable so so far we've learned that you need to put laughing emojis on every thoughts traps ig and also build a stable and put some women in them shaping out to be a good video hang out with do stuff in the bedroom with all of that and you're not dating any of these women you're still just sort of talking and i know how this sounds ladies but trust me i'm a romantic i love when you have to say trust me i'm a romantic what does that mean ross it means i know how to buy flowers from shops for people russ the classic archetypal white guy you'd find him in a hallmark movie as the villain wouldn't you what it's like being a bachelor in real life part two even though there's 10 minute videos i guess back then there wasn't so he had to do them in minute segments he always still comes out even though he's filmed the whole video he's still coming out from the side as if he filmed part one did something with his life and then came back which he didn't because nobody does that it's amazing how he pretends this guy is a real pretender and i it's it's great man now i know what a lot of you are thinking which is why not just meet a woman and then date a woman as soon as you meet her and then that's the deal you just go on down that road you know by the way it's okay to be a bachelor it's okay to want to date a lot of people it's okay to want to [ __ ] a lot of people there's nothing wrong with that inherently it's just the way that you go about saying the certain things living a bachelor lifestyle is not wrong to people who like it living a life of commitment is not wrong to people who like it everybody's entitled to their own situation but what's not good is calling woman horses that's i think there is where the you know i departed that personally which is a perfectly viable road i mean go for it have fun the only problem with that method is that you might start dating a woman and shut out all your other options it's called commitment it's pretty good and then what happens is that a year later you come to find out that this woman is a horrible toxic terrible person for you how the hell did you took you a year to find that out russ russ you got to look for the signs if she's throwing vats of toxic oh you know on her face and be like if she's goggling it and then doing green goblin stuff every day i think you know she's toxic i think you know she's toxic if she puts on makeup and looks like the joker and starts doing evil laughs i think you know jerus it's been a year please look at the signs and as a man if you're having regular sex with multiple women you have a clearer head and you're better able to select an actual good partner for your life is that right i didn't know that but also at least disclose that like i'm not saying that he's wrong i'm saying that if you're doing that make sure the other people know what he's saying again not inherently wrong i think you can date multiple people i think it's fine i think that you should be open about it to the people that you're doing with hey uh just to let you know i'm keeping my options open i'm sorry if that hurts and if you don't like me completely okay i i get it but i'm not gonna lie to you and bang multiple people and possibly risk infection other things that just you don't need to have happen in your life for us so let's avoid those problems and be honest with people that's all i'm saying just honesty so when i was younger i was very interested in sexual exploits with women how young ross how young but i digress so as an eligible bachelor what's it like to date several women at the same time [ __ ] dope but there is a dark side to it that most people can't handle and i'm gonna tell you nick oh my god that last shot of his face my god you should hold the camera further away bruh damn he also from time to time says things that we call a hood vernacular i guess uh if you're from i don't know how to say this or that oh he talks black sometimes then it's a wasp like you call people dog but he does it in the white way he's like dog my dogs and then when he just said dope he was like dope don't say that don't just please it's ugh every time you have sex with a new woman that's a new mare in your stable ah he didn't call him a horse behavior you're going to get fired for that don't do that and you want to keep doing this you're going to have mayors coming in and out of your stable and the reason why they go out is because eventually you get to that conversation where it's like so where is this going horses poop standing up i don't know if girls do that i've never asked but when the mayors come to you eventually they go well where is this going this obviously you're not serious about me this isn't going anywhere they're gonna move on okay if you know you have a talking horse and we're not gonna address the fact that your horse is talking to you i can't even get this thing to talk to me this thing means silent the whole time [Music] i would be very scared if you start talking actually but what is okay i'm trying to understand the comparison woman thoroughbred so like the thoroughbred is like the you know the best horse and then you get the little rat horses i don't the bad horses so this is what i think thoroughbred inbred stupid bread that's the horse sectionals i don't know what i don't know i'm sorry russ i can't i don't understand why you just called a woman a mirror wow that is just so misogynistic even if you've been hooking up with girls every single day they've only been with just you since last week you don't know that first of all secondly what's the problem with them hooking up with another guy if you can hook up with a hundred goals i don't see the issue i thought equality is equality so wrong wrong wrong woman of mares apparently wow that's okay [Music] a few moments later you know it would have been even better or a great save if you said women are mirrors and they reflect the best part of yourself then i'd be like [ __ ] you're smooth god damn but he didn't say that i said that so as i mentioned there's a sexual obligation sometimes you just want to cuddle yo stop see there's the black this sometimes you just want to cuddle yo don't don't add the yo don't you don't talk like that you know you don't talk like i don't come out here being like what up dude it's me from 305 what it do [ __ ] talk like how you meant to talk russ please don't add the vernacular is not yours don't do it but i think every man should have a stable so that he can effectively choose his partner with a clear head and not just choose a partner because that's the woman he most recently slept with i think what russ is saying maybe his doodoo brain doesn't actually comprehend things properly i think i can i think i know what he's saying he's saying that you have to explore your options so to speak in a way that maybe the first person you date isn't always the person who's going to be with you for the rest of your life and in to some degree i do believe that he is right there seven billion people in this world i think that sometimes you need to talk to certain people or have certain experience to know what you do like and what you don't like until you find the right one in doing so you 100 can avoid misogyny by calling people horses or other things you don't have to treat women like they're objects because they're not and doing so will waste everyone's time and you have to treat people with respect very few women are woke enough to be able to admit that they don't know what they want my advice is don't ask a fish how to catch a fish ask a fisherman nice yeah why would you ask a girl what she wants she doesn't know what you want you know what she wants you standing in a bow tie in a [ __ ] mirror talking to yourself in a house that you probably don't own and if you do good for you bro you i know that your suit is prada and all that [ __ ] but the more designer your suit is the less people are gonna care i'm sorry if you think this is the right way or correct way to live life but maybe sometimes you have to be honest enough with yourself to know that you don't know and maybe the goal is to know i can tell you from my experience i don't always know what's correct and sometimes i need the help of someone who just knows a little more than me and that happens to be a goal so now i know i'm going to get a lot of pushback for women on this but frankly i don't care don't listen to them fellas women are juggling men far more than you would believe they're juggling balls that's why they all use snapchat that's exactly what it is roster everybody web snapchat oh subtitle at all these girls russ oh they're all everywhere russ they're everywhere oh [ __ ] rusted look at all these so many people russell's everyone's just messaging me what the hell is going on russ all these girls just using the snapchat to keep their options open that's why snapchat was designed it's a shame that you know this by being on snapchat and it completely disregards your point snapchat's straight up for hoeing that's it why are you honest so that they can send pictures like this never do that again never do that again ross don't ever make that [ __ ] face again that one with your tongue sticking i don't do that ever again please to six guys at the same time and then pretend that they don't do that [ __ ] i'll do that to six goals right now [ __ ] it i'll put it on my snapchat right now i'm sending that to everyone i don't even care i sent it to everyone it's it's added to my story by the way follow me on my snapchat they're just trying to find the highest value man that they can align themselves with plain and simple i mean that's just nature that's just survival you know it didn't survive your [ __ ] eyebrows what happened to them what is that what women are bigger players than men by far oh what's that nothing i didn't say anything you don't believe me i didn't say that bust open any girls i'm not busting open anything the only thing i bust in last week is a couple nuts sorry that's just true but come on all of these posts that women make on instagram and tick tock where they're just presenting to men are just for them trying to source prospective mates what yeah you lied to me i'ma write that down russ oh [ __ ] russ is opening my mind out he's he's dropping t-bomb he's dropping truths we've got ig pictures you mean to tell me people go on ig and post pictures of themselves their faces and their bodies to look good so that they can get attention i thought it was just for their grandmas i learned something new every year just like chimpanzees in the wild oh there it is third i'm sorry i'm sorry there it is just like chimpanzees in the wild gen z more like chimpanzee it's not funny god damn it's why would you say that to anyone how would you call anyone that that's a human oh my god is does anybody seriously like this guy by the way in the comment section do you like him do you like the way he looks do you like the way he's talking am i wrong or am i right to be a little weirded out by the fact that this man is saying the things that he's saying so as it turns out russ is right one of the things that he does really well is dresses i mean you need to be in a suit everywhere there's nothing quite like the feeling of taking a fat dump in a suit but let me listen to why women cheat in relationships because the thing is i keep getting cheated on even though i'm not even dating anyone just in my dreams and stuff so please go on [Music] oh man he walked there like he was embarrassed like it was the principal's office and they're like russ why are you perving on girls again why why do you have a hole in your locker room why you come on russ and he walked in like if you guys thought that last video was controversial where do you get a load of this one he unbuttons his [ __ ] shirt what even was that russ he just needs something to do with that other hand at all times it's like it's sentient it's got a life of its own why woman cheat oh my god in relationships and you know what i'm concerned okay okay why women cheating relationships part one let's begin with a short story let's do it one weekend i'm in a bar in studio city called firefly it's a really cool place this is like a library on the inside and it's like fire pits it's just like kind of classy you know it's a really horrible situation because the people could now burn the books there's a reason fire in library doesn't after chatting with him a bit i find out that the blonde is there to go on a date with a guy she doesn't know and the brunette as her friend and she's just sort of there for emotional support and to make sure i guess that the guy isn't like like you so we're chatting a bit and i jokingly say to the blonde i said is that guy gonna get a second date before i get my first one just joking around of course just joking around of course let me do the ugliest face i could find just looking around of course i gave it i gave her the look guys and it was on like donkey kong why women cheating relationships part two so it's just me and the brunette and we sit there and talk for like two hours so now's the time where we gotta bounce what does this man do in his life what do you think he actually does that he has so much time to sit in library bars where they tell him russ you have to start reading the books you can't bring old fashions into a library this kid's here and he says that's why i'm here and then they call the cops this dude has so much time to do things i just don't know what the hell he actually does i don't think i've ever sat in a bar that long and not had work to do i'm a pretty busy person i i have a business now so i feel like if he has a business you gotta be walking man to which she responds i need you to know that i have a boyfriend without responding i reached for my drink and i finished it i put it back down i looked over to her and said he's gonna be jealous of the fun we're about to have and then she grabbed a pole and and said russ you didn't hear what i just said did you buddy i said i have a boyfriend and ultimately she came back to my house that night now it's not news that women will absolutely hook up with you even if they're in a relationship if they feel like you're you're going to be cool about it and not be needy and all over not every goal will do that firstly secondly you don't have to in the comment section exercise the lack of trust that i'm seeing because this man is playing on the minds of men and many men feel like they cannot trust the woman and the only reason you feel like you cannot trust someone is when you feel like you're not good enough for them have you ever been so secure with yourself that you've dated someone and said if you [ __ ] up that's great i'll find someone else have you ever felt that way you should it's amazing you should learn to feel a great self-worth about yourself whether you're a guy or girl or whatever your orientation is you need to feel that self-worth because then you can let someone go who doesn't deserve you if anybody's willing to cheat or willing to break your trust or respect or boundaries fine let them go but i guarantee you there's no such generalization as a goal will do this i could bet my life on it for the person that i love and care about wouldn't do that a very good friend of mine tall athletic build very handsome had he didn't work but his wife did his wife was a high functioning lawyer at a firm she was a partner she worked you know 80 hour weeks and he just sort of sat at home chilling she walked 80 hour weeks god god damn this woman literally walked every single day then went to sleep then walked again he was the leader of his social circle he was very alpha male characteristics but and he was a very good looking guy his wife [ __ ] hated his ass because she thought he was lazy and kind of a loser which is why she married him of course come on yeah marry someone because you hate them you lose her and she ends up cheating on him with the other male partner at that law firm and they ultimately got a divorce and you know what she didn't even need a loyal she just called a new guy i know i worked at a big corporation for almost a decade and i can't tell you how many men that would go into work with their head hanging low and they would just give their wife to their paychecks at the end of the week sad i don't know what that has to do with anything but again the misogyny is getting stuck in his brain he's got em brain or something he's insane in the m brain if you know what i mean what he's trying to say and i think this rings true for just any person again not just goals whatever your orientation is i think that it's nice to have someone who can lead you or who can in your moments of uh peril or like where you don't know what to do it's nice to have another person who has a plan whether that plan or is right or wrong i don't know but it's nice to have someone who you can find comfort in who knows themselves whatever that may entail you don't have to necessarily know what you're doing with your life you just have to know that you are this type of person there is a lot of uh love and leeway in knowing who you are because it allows you to put yourself out there at the truest form you're not going to change or become a different person knowing yourself is important okay now i know why women cheat let me listen to why men shoot because you know as he said before you never ask a fish how to fish you ask a fisherman but now he's asking the fisherman how to be a fish i don't understand this man's analogies it's horses chimpanzees and fish he's a very animal based person i have a feeling that he gets all of his knowledge of humanity from animal crossing why men sheen relationships part one so after my last series about oh i love it he's wearing a turtleneck and a suit he's like justin timberlake why don't you do why men cheating relationships and i thought to myself that's a good idea that's a good idea it's up here russ the brain is up here this is not the brain this is a chin you'll get there let's start out with a story i actually met this girl in the parking lot of a walmart i was actually leaving with a couple of bags and some girl runs up to me and taps me on the shoulder and says hey my friend thinks you're cute because you're so good at shopping you're so you know when you're so you know how hot you have to be to shop you just shop i'm like putting things in groceries and girls are like take the cereal and i'm like oh and girls are like that's primitive i like that but i turn around and look and see this girl dress head to toe in a hooters uniform and i was like oh my god that's my dream is it you should go to the hooters then you'll find your dream every day what the hell so i hit it off with the hooters girl i mean that's what i do baby don't ever say that again and i don't know if you guys know this but the college of charleston like at the time girls outnumbered guys something like seven to one and it was a liberal arts college so like half the guys were gay it was literally like shooting fish in a barrel russ has now called woman maris chimpanzees and said it's like shooting fish in a barrel he looks like a guy i would find and ask you know how many more do you have in stock so he just he doesn't look like a threatening man i didn't know that this was this and i studied mathematics and i was like the only guy in that department that didn't look like [ __ ] frankenstein well and there are some really cute like foreign exchange girls that were at the college just also study mathematics russell we don't like you i only study for mathematics here's the probability of you getting with me fat [ __ ] zero bro i don't know if you know a calculus you can calculate these nuts son they're not going to date you these girls are like eastern european like russian romanians like descendants i was right i didn't know that the russian part well descendants of gladiators yeah you'd certainly look like a gladiator you've got all the trappings of one you look like a man who goes to the gym to look at people walk out so that's good so i'm studying i'm spending a lot of time with this one particular girl you always think in the back of your mind whether you admit it or not you're thinking hmm something could happen here and something absolutely did this man oozes sexuality when i see him i'm just like he's gonna take my girl away probably kidnap her that's the only time you'll ever get home what are you talking about russ i don't this man is like what i like to call charm free i'm i would love to see him in an environment actually pick up someone i would love to see this man go to work because i just i don't believe it so needless to say they both found out it exploded in my face it was horrible uh that i found out later that the girl that i was living was actually a real stripper and a little bit unstable yeah no there's a lot of things going on ross she was a food is now she's triple she's a nurse listen if you're gonna talk um this amount of [ __ ] you might as well write a book at least that way people can be like oh even though russ has no actual skill he's got a big imagination you seem to have that and if it really happened you know good for you but i don't want to hear about it your voice is grating i'm sorry this man i really wanted to learn how to get through some rust i haven't learned anything except don't do everything that you've said to do but why young men cheating relationships is simply because they don't know any other way to have more sexual experiences and they absolutely should if they're going to kind of know what they want in their life otherwise they're going to resent the woman they end up with which is bad and also somewhat true although if someone is willing to commit to another person then all you have to do if you don't want to be with that person is say the words i don't want to be with you don't get into a relationship if you want to have those sexual experiences and then discover who it is that you might end up with just be honest i want to do this i want to explore this before i settle down if someone hates you for being honest you can't change that that's that you can't be a perfect person nobody's asking you to but being an honest person at least helps and saves trouble that's it that's it cheating is derived on lying there's no honesty in cheating and having sex with multiple women so that you can sort of experience that and kind of learn that it's a bit overrated oh so it's a bit overrated russ admitted it so what are we doing here why are you teaching people this i don't get what russ's point of view is sometimes i just don't understand this man and i don't want to anymore what it's like dating models in hollywood part one so i love models but for more than just the obvious reasons okay so now russ is gonna teach us how to date models i really want to know because i want to date a model because i'm sexy because models in hollywood between gigs have a ton of free time on their hands a lot of them are just chilling waiting around so they're free basically whenever she's not working it's not a good model then is she which at first seems sad but then at the same time these girls are like traveling the world going on these lavish vacations uh partying with a-list celebrities i mean you really shouldn't feel sorry for them this is i mean they have an amazing lifestyle you know if you ever want to not perpetuate the stereotype or bring the power to a more even keel level it's the same thing with only fans not that there's anything wrong with people who do it by the way massive respect for people who do it i i don't hate the player i hate the game by the way if you don't want to do it don't do it if there's no demand for it then there's no supply for it so if you stop paying for her maybe you'd at least stop perpetuating that stereotype that's all i'm saying russ oh i gotta go to a really awesome club tonight at 11 o'clock and that's exactly why i'm boys with all the promoters and club owners in la because one i'm not waiting in line i've never waited in a line not once and two that's where all the hot girls go you never waited in the lion russ the hell do you do on roller coasters you just push the kids out the way my way little timmy i gotta go in that roller coaster you never waited outside the club ever how would you possibly get in the club before you knew the people don't you have to meet them and to meet them you got to wait in line because you don't already know them but you just know everybody who made every club ever you're like not only an a-list you're an s-less celebrity you're like top-tier jesus dear you're like literal jesus if he came back instead of coming back in a robe and some sandals he came back in some skinny jeans a tight t-shirt and a ciggy in his mouth saying get inside the club baby is that what we're talking about okay i'm just i'm not trying to say you're lying i'm just saying that you are meeting hot girls at clubs is great i mean you gotta deal with them being club rats because usually they're underage usually they're under age are there us usually they're underage oh god i don't know if i can write that one down ross i think you better check yourself before you wreck yourself brother i used to see this russian girl tall skinny like a fawn like a fawn just he watched old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o and said e-i-e-i-ho and then did it i used to see this russian girl tall skinny like a fawn beautiful i mean russian girls are like descendants of gladiators i mean they're absolutely gorgeous that would be greek and this girl would go on dates with absolute ballers in l.a and they'd go to nice places these she would tell these guys to bring her home but she would say to bring her to my house bring me home to his house this little shitty bring me him to his house i need to go to his house you take me in your uber you take me or you not take me i don't know bring me too little scrunny man how she has brother's suit it might fit me and the guys were bringing it over to my house thinking it was her house and then she said oh it had a nice night kiss him on the cheek and well and then she'd come inside to my house put leftovers in my fridge and take her dress off as she was walking up the stairs to greet me for the evening i'm putting leftovers in fridge because at the club they give me a lot of food to eat and i have to take it home i can't eat like my tummy get bloated i have to put it in the russell fridge and freezer and microwave then i undress i feel bloated like whale i just go in the ocean but bathtub i say russell come fish me out in 20 minutes i'm going to sleep now and russian girls already have a pretty cold demeanor but this girl is a stone cold killer russell i'm going to i'm going to blow tranquilize the dart in your face if you don't pick me a brother ultimately that relationship ended because she came knocking on my door one night at like 2 30 in the morning she was sloppy drunk and i had another girl in my bed and she's like can i come in i'm like it's not a good time she was like do you have another girl in there i was like yup so i don't really know what that was i think it was a flex but also somehow the saddest story about a man who gets a goal who has no respect for him so that's that's lovely rules for picking up girls in clubs rule number one first things first if you even want to play the game you got to get into the club you can't even hate from outside the club you can't even get in chris brown said that but he said it to this guy and i've only ever waited in line one time but you said you never waited in line ever in the last video russ you've been lying to me and i don't like it i see guys coming out to la coming out to hollywood trying to go out with their boys just to be stuck in line for the next hour and a half or maybe even all night and i hate to say it because it does have a lot to do with the way you look and it is that's just tick-tock i see guys coming out to la coming out to hollywood trying to go out with their boys just to be stuck in line for the next hour and a half or maybe even all night that's how he talks that's it so the first rule is never stand in line go there one night when it's open and be the first guy there once inside ask the manager and say hey i love what you've done with the place it was nice to meet you sam so the next time you say oh sam knows i'm coming you get in every time hey can i meet the manager no of course not why the manager's not even here why would the manager be at the specific venue right now why would he be here when you're here apparently you have to meet the manager just so that you can get out inside every club do you know how time-consuming and stupid that is all right then some of you guys are really messing up when it comes to approaching women online this is the first time he's not in a suit and looks like a dad it's all dating apps if you ask me the only difference between dating apps and say other social media is that you don't really know if they're single or not that's one of the most forced it's like someone punched his gut and that reaction he laughed because girls aren't going to put their boyfriends in their social media that's just bad marketing that's not bad marketing and most girls do that stupid sorry lovely thing where they put their initials in the bio so you know that oh oh a p b p g t e b cool i i think it's actually even better sometimes putting the link in the bio being like taken taken please don't message me some weird stuff great great idea if i get a gopher i'm gonna do that just so people know oh look at that melissa got engaged unfollow and the girls know this they know that if they put their man in their profile or whatever it's like they're gonna lose a hundred or a thousand or a hundred thousand followers in a snap yeah well maybe they don't need those people because if those people only wanted one thing from them maybe they weren't meant to follow them in the first place it's a dating app they're all dating out i'm gonna show you how to stand out please show me how to stand up so they're all dating apps so every single girl only wants attention even those who have photography pages and have almost no pictures of them or only their art or skill set that is all they're worth thanks russ love that rules to sliding in the dms rule number one before you even begin to try to hit up girls you need to first work on your presentation is he screaming was it just me it's not it's pretty loud right rules to sliding in the dms this man is it's an echoey bathroom and it's just louder with his vocal booming presence over there is this why they kick him out of that library bar russ you're screaming again what okay get up your pictures in your profile should be of you you should be the center of the focus you should look attractive you should show that you're living an exciting and interesting life what if you're ugly and you live a horrible lifestyle like me what do i do russ please help me out that's going to be the thing that makes her respond this is hilarious how many times did they have to practice that one he was like action russ and this is like crap action ross come on ross come on this is hilarious thing that you do the amount of practice and effort that went into his fake personality i'm almost sorry for him yes but no selfies in the bathroom yeah only videos the best way to communicate that is to be fun funny and witty that's enough to communicate that you're smart as hell or at least smart enough something fun and funny god damn both jesus christ i don't know if i could do both usually it's funny but it's not fun look at that look at that look at my back line are you kidding me look at my back line oh yeah damn well that's my ass but like look at my okay i guess mine doesn't fit too well brought it head to toe as you can see there uh prada oh there you go prada okay uh helenstein's 35 bucks it's a sweatpants i think i got it for 18 dollars prada except for the shoes these are last season's bashimi's they're a little dirty i don't even have shoes i just got socks on 9.99 i don't have a tie i guess that's the drip i just wanted to bring up this point because russ always does the drip check and i want you to know that if you're a guy and you're trying to pick up a girl you don't have to wear expensive things i think if a girl really likes you she'll care about you there's something i've been neglecting to tell you guys and i think i need to flex this earring costs more than his whole suit combined i don't even want to tell people the price i don't care that anybody sees it i did not get it for anyone i do not care i don't think a goal cares i don't think people who really care about you care about your monetary status i think that they'll like you for you so please you don't need to wear a suit every day if you're not comfortable in it wear something that makes you feel comfortable and something where you can feel your best in and that way you can do your best please don't worry about what this man is saying you don't have to literally go out every single day just like a girl doesn't have to go out to the grocery store wearing heels when necessary that's all i'm saying now we've looked at a lot of rust and i think it's time to finally look at the testimonials because i love his rules i think he's fantastic and i want to get his blueprint i'm gonna just email myself okay so i'm sending it oh my god before we can help we need to better understand your situation i've been in at least one long-term relationship of marriage sure i feel intense anxiety and i am unable to approach attractive women sure i am confident yeah sure yes no i got it you're on the wait list hi britney here from get coaching just letting you know that i've just placed your name in the waiting list for the next available masterclass how to get a girlfriend in 42 days if you want one here's a recap of what's included week one text game guide week oh sorry week zero they start from zero week one how to overcome anxiety week two how to groom and style yourself to be more attractive week three how to master conversation and body language week four how to effectively approach women week five how to effectively approach women week six how to have a successful first date take six weeks before you go on a date oh you get bonus how to always appear confident and two how celebrities and male models always have perfect skin i'm clicking the link now and it looks like i'm in the wrong place i tried so hard to get russell hartley's courses i wanted to be a man who could finally get what other men get i wanted to be like russell harley but unfortunately it just seems like he doesn't want me to be as good as him i just want to be as good as russell hartley because i think it's important so sad that i tried joining and couldn't get through because russ won't allow me he knows that my powers will be too strong at that point and i'll be like thanos if i snap the panties just fly off alas my dating with woman remains nothing and i am no closer to getting that threesome than i was at the start of this video this video has taught me nothing about myself other than the fact that maybe i'm a good person for not calling woman animals but then again maybe he's a bad person for doing that i think the best thing i can say is honestly guys goals and everyone else if you're looking for a partner the best thing you can do is realize your self-worth if you focus on yourself you might just find that person thank you so much for watching the video i hope you enjoyed it i'm going to look at someone even worse the next who time that pokemon his name rhymes with mandrew great all right i'll see you on the next one bye-bye [Music]
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 323,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sixteenleo, sixteenleo comedy, 16leo
Id: jhusQbLPUK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 18sec (2478 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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