The Date Tier List - 43 Unique Date Ideas (Never Run Out Of Things To Do)

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today I'm going to rank every single date idea  that I can think of. Hopefully this helps those of   you that are unsure about what to do for a first  date and also those of you that are already in   a relationship but have run out of ideas because  it's always good to spice things up. Now the truth   of the matter is all date ideas can be good it  really depends on what you and your date enjoy but   it wouldn't be a tier-list video if I didn't have  some sort of ranking system so the four things   I'm going to use to rank each of these data ideas  today are number one how casual is it this refers   to how much effort is needed to set up and go on  such a date casual dates are usually better for   first and second dates as they are a lower time  commitment and seem more natural which makes your   date feel more comfortable number two how much  Rapport can be built on such a date this means how   much talking eye contact and light touching will  naturally occur this is crucial for furthering any   romantic relationship number three how fun is  it How likely will you and your day laugh and   smile because of course you want your date to look  back on this day with fond memories and finally no   number four how flexible is it meaning does it  allow you to do other stuff before or after the   date because the more things you do with someone  the more Rapport is built with that being said   let's Jump Right In so we'll start off with one  of the most common date ideas going to the movies   it's super casual doesn't require much planning  it's flexible because you can do something before   and after but the problem is you can't really  talk or even look at each other during a movie   so it's very hard to build any Rapport which is  especially important early on in a relationship   you can do movies later on but definitely not for  a first or second date so I'm going to put it into   the Beats here next on our list is one of my old  favorites which is the park I used to bring all my   dates to a park back when I was living in New York  City and that's because it's very casual with tons   of flexibility right you can grab a bite nearby  and walk around while talking and depending on   what's In the Park you can do a bunch of different  stuff like playing the swings or sit somewhere and   enjoy a nice view there's a lot of opportunities  to build rapport while doing these things but it   really depends on what park you you bring them to  so overall I'd give this an a next up on our list   is grabbing a meal together personally I prefer  to grab a meal before I do another activity like   a walk in the park but it's perfectly fine to just  do lunch or dinner if it's a first or second date   it gives you time to get to know the person and  it's also a low time commitment thing so it comes   off as very casual now it's definitely built into  us to feel closer to people that we share meals   with so you can build a good amount of Rapport  but it really depends on your conversation skills   so overall I would rank this as a low a tier  idea as it's usually not that fun or memorable   on the other hand you have going for street food I  would actually rank this higher than just grabbing   dinner because getting street food usually means  that you're walking around a night market or   some sort of Street Fair where there's tons of  different food and things to do which makes the   experience much more fun I would rank this as a  high a tier because as all the benefits of sharing   a meal while having a lot more activities that  you can do together but only if you can find a   good spot next up on our list is going to a museum  or an exhibit this is a date idea that's great for   deep thinkers now personally I don't think this  is a good first aid activity unless you know for   sure that your date is interested in this type of  stuff because some people might find the entire   experience boring if however you and your date  love talking about deep ideas and admiring art   or history then it's definitely something that  could work it's also pretty casual and flexible   so overall I'll give it a high beat next up we  got going for a drink at a bar now this is one of   the most common dates you'll see in young adults I  know some of you look down on the idea of getting   intoxicated with someone else but in many places  around the world it's part of the culture so it   comes off as a very casual date now alcohol  lowers inhibitions so it'll make both of you   less anxious this often leads to more playful  touching and flirting but you gotta make sure   that you and your data are pacing yourself don't  binge drink because you don't want to be put in a   situation where you or your date get too drunk  one to three drinks for the night is ideal now   personally I will rank this in the mid 80s here  as it's a perfectly funded idea at any point of a   relationship but only if you and your partner are  open to social drinking next up we have grabbing   a coffee or tea which is the classic 15 minute  date this is by far the most casual of all date   ideas and it's best used for a first date its  purpose is to see if there's any chemistry at   all now this type of date is not fun later on  in a relationship because at that point it's   not really even a date I'm putting this into the  low eights here because it's something that you   can use early on in any relationship it's the most  casual of all dates and it's a very flexible date   idea that allows you to transition into something  else later on in the day if there is chemistry   next up we got Pottery or some sort of crafting  activity where you and your partner go somewhere   and make something together this is quite the time  investment because it can take a few hours to make   whatever it is that you're trying to make and you  also have to be quite focused on what's happening   in front of you now there is some room to build  rapport you can joke around about whose cup looks   better but for the most part you'll be focused on  what's Happening in front of you overall I'd give   this some mid beats here it's a decent date idea  but only later on in a relationship there is the   added bonus of creating something together that  will remind you of the date I once made a bowl   of my girlfriend and we still use it to this day  and every time we eat from that bowl it brings   back some fond memories similarly we have the  cooking class date which is something that I've   gone on multiple times it's basically the same  as a crafting date personally I like this more   because I like to compete with my girlfriend to  see who's the better chef but overall everything   is about the same so I'm giving it a slightly  higher beat here right above crafting next up we   have ice skating this is a somewhat casual date  idea that's great at building Rapport because   most people are not great at skating which means  there's the potential for a lot of light touching   if you or your partner is a newbie you can hold  their hand to steady their balance you can stay   by them as a safeguard if they're about to fall  stuff like that and usually you'll find skating   rings in or near malls which gives the added  flexibility of doing something before or after   the dates so overall I'm going to rank this as a  mid a tier it's not something that you'd usually   do for a first date as it is the sort of mental  commitment especially if they've never done it   before but it is pretty good for a second date  onwards in my opinion as it can lead to a very   fun and memorable experience next up we got going  to a sports event this is similar to going to the   movies as your focus is on the event in front  of you but there is this added bonus of feeling   the energy of the crowd which does not happen at  the movies this does make it more fun but only if   you and your date are both fans of the sport the  state is a pretty big time commitment so overall   I'm gonna rank it as a b tier idea it's slightly  higher than movies because you can build more   Rapport and it's also a more memorable experience  now before we rank the next date idea I like to   give a quick shout out to the sponsors of today's  video audible I've been using Audible for years   now in fact I really don't read physical books  anymore and that's because I find listening to   audiobooks to be far more effective using Audible  has allowed me to learn life-changing things on   the go while I'm doing my my grocery shopping  commuting somewhere or doing my daily chores   it's far more convenient than having to bring a  physical book with me wherever I go as an audible   member you can choose one title a month to keep  from their entire catalog this includes almost   all of the latest bestsellers and new releases  for all genres including Memoirs motivational   educational business philosophy and much more  members will also gain full access to a growing   selection of audible Originals podcasts and more  go to forward slash Improvement pill   or text Improvement pill to 500 500 to get access  to Audible for 30 days free today now back to the   topic at hand we got the zoo which is basically  the same as going to the park but there's usually   more stuff to do at zoos but it does feel slightly  less casual than the park maybe it's the fact that   you have to pay to go in or because you have to  wait on lines but overall it's still a great spot   in my opinion so I'm giving it a slightly lower  ranking than the park next up we got the mall   which is by far the most flexible of all date  ideas there there's food arcades bowling alleys   sometimes even skating rinks in movie theaters  going to the mall is extremely casual because   people hang out in the mall all the time this  plus the unmatched flexibility makes it in my   opinion one of the best spots for first date or  any date in general which is why it deserves a   spot in the S tier then we gotta go into the spa  or getting a massage together this is something   that you should probably only do much later on  in a relationship as it can be a pretty big time   commitment and you can't really talk or even  look at each other when you're getting massages   so there's not much Rapport that can be built so  overall I'm gonna have to put this in the low B   tier next up we got a couples dance class now this  is a pretty big jump outside of once comfort zone   so it's something you should say for much later on  in a relationship but if you do go on this date it   is by far one of the most Rapport building dates  out there because you and your partner literally   have to be in sync in body and mind in order  to execute the moves properly so overall I'd   give this a low a tier because it can only be done  when you're ready very comfortable with each other   then we got karaoke now this is a pretty fun day  idea you have the option to get drinks which can   lead to a wild night where you can do it sober but  either way doing karaoke usually requires a fair   amount of Rapport to have already been built most  people feel shy singing in front of others so it's   definitely not something you do for a first date  but later on maybe for a third or fourth date it's   a great idea it also depends on the culture there  are some countries Where It's Perfectly Normal to   do karaoke and others where it's much more rare so  I'm giving it a low a tier ranking as it's quite   Niche then we got the beach now this is a pretty  big commitment depending on how far away the beach   is and also the fact that you have to bring a  bunch of stuff like a change of clothes towels   and sunscreen personally I don't find going to the  beach fun if it's a one-on-one date it's usually   more fun for me when there's a large group of  people so I'm giving it a high beat here as it's   a bit harder to pull off and definitely not for  a first date unless you literally live next to   a beach or if there's something like an amusement  park next to it that you can go to which brings us   to the amusement park now this is by far one of my  favorite data ideas these days it is a pretty big   time commitment so you shouldn't really use it for  a first date but it scores high in all three of   the other aspects it's extremely fun with tons of  flexibility because there's endless things to do   and there's plenty of time to talk while you wait  for rides or eat and even though it's usually a   huge time commitment it does come off as extremely  casual and playful because it's essentially a   giant playground so this is definitely going into  the S tier for me on the other hand you have the   water park which is basically an amusement park  but with water so it has all the benefits of the   amusement park but it's an even bigger commitment  mentally because you have to wear more revealing   clothes which a lot of people would not be  comfortable with early on in a relationship so   it's definitely not something you do for a first  date but overall I put it in the high a tier it's   loads of fun but maybe only from the third date  onwards then we got the escape room which is   basically where you put in a room and have to  solve puzzles to get out it's only a one hour   commitment and it's usually located in a mall so  there's tons of flexibility but it's an acquired   taste some people enjoy it others don't personally  I love going to these even outside of dating like   if I'm hanging out with someone for the first time  I usually ask them to do an escape room with me   when you're doing one you're forced to work as  a team to overcome obstacles so it's amazing at   building Rapport it's also very memorable because  you're put in a high stakes environment that's   totally different than anything you'd normally  experience in real life so overall I'd give   this a high a tier next we got bowling I think  this is the most casual of these sports related   dates right it's fairly easy to learn and unlike  other sports you don't constantly have to move so   there's a ton of time to talk there's even room  for some friendly competition so you can actually   build a good amount of Rapport easily on top of  that there's usually food and drinks so you can   share a meal which is always a plus it's also not  much of a time commitment and it's pretty pretty   flexible depending on where the bowling alley is  located so overall I'd give this a middle a tier   then we have the arcade which is one of my  favorite date spots it's actually where I took my   girlfriend for our first date it's very casual and  comes off as very playful and it's almost always   in or near a mall nowadays so there's tons of  flexibility there are tons of games you can play   which can also lead to some friendly competition  and if it's one of those arcades that gives you   tickets you can even win a prize that gives you  a memorable little stuffed animal or something   along those lines this is the perfect date at any  point in a relationship so in my eyes it deserves   a high spot in the S tier next up is rock climbing  now this is definitely not something you should do   for a first date unless you and your date both  happen to love it I'm saying this because it's   quite the workout every time I go rock climbing I  end up being covered in sweat with extremely sore   forearms so it's quite the ask for a first date  there also isn't much time for building Rapport   as you're mostly focused on the wall in front of  you so overall I'm putting this in the mid B tier   then we got clubbing now personally I love going  to the club but it's one of those things that only   certain people like usually those who enjoy crowds  drinking socially or dancing if your date isn't   really into any of that then there are better  options out there but if they are then it's one   of the funnest ways to end the night there's tons  of flexibility because you can do a bunch of stuff   before going to the club like grabbing dinner  together when you're at the club there's tons   of Rapport you can build tons of light touching  that occurs from dancing together overall it's   not great for a first date but from the second  date onwards it can be quite fun so I'm putting   it in the a tier the same goes for a party we're  talking about something like a house party now   the main difference between this and clubbing is  that people at House Parties usually know each   other so it requires even more of a mental  commitment from your day to want to go with   you assuming they don't know anyone there so it's  something you shouldn't do until much later on in   a relationship which is why I'm putting it in the  low a tier and then we got going to a comedy show   or some sort of live show which is sort of like a  movie but a bit less casual visual but also a bit   more memorable especially if the comedian points  you out and makes fun of you as a couple overall   I think this is better saved for later on in the  relationship where you don't have to talk as much   but can enjoy some laughs together I'd actually  rank this slightly lower than the movies because   it's less casual and a bit more of an acquired  taste next up we got a couple's painting class   now in my eyes this is basically the same as  crafting as you're focused on what's happening   in front of you and you end up with a piece of  art that you can hang up on your wall for the   Memories although I'll place it slightly higher  than crafting because it's usually less of a time   commitment then we got an interesting one which  is inviting them over this is incredibly hard to   pull off for a first date because it requires a  lot of trust but from the second date onward it's   definitely doable now whenever you bring someone  over you're sharing the intimate part of your life   with them you're showing them what type of person  you are so it's very memorable and it builds a   ton of report there's also a ton of flexibility  depending on what you decide to do in the house   you could cook a meal together play games together  or even Netflix and chill so overall I placed this   in the lowest here because it's one of the most  intimate dates but it usually requires several   dates before your partner is comfortable doing  this then we got canoeing or kayaking or any   other water sport like this this is a pretty big  commitment some people get seasick or are scared   of water because they can't swim so it's really  not for everyone if however they happen to love   water sports then it can be great you get to  sightsee while having plenty of time talking   to each other when you're on water but because  it's so Niche I'm putting it into the high beats   here and then we got camping or going on a road  trip both of these are huge time commitments that   require a lot of trust so they're only viable  much later on in a relationship if you do go it   can be quite fun but you have to make sure you  plan ahead and bring a ton of things to do it's   very memorable and great at building Rapport  because you're basically surviving together so   I'm placing it in the low eights here because  it's such a huge commitment then we got laser   tag this is something that I love doing it's a  lot of fun but it's a pretty big ask for first   date you're basically running around non-stop for  15 minutes and most people are simply not trying   to get sweaty on a first date the great thing is  that these are usually located in malls so there's   a ton of flexibility and it's memorable because  it's you and your partner against the world but   again it's not that great for a first date so I'm  putting it in the low a tier then we got three   date ideas that are all very similar watching a  sunset hanging out on a rooftop and stargazing   all three of these are great ways to end a date  but they shouldn't be the only thing that you do   on a date they're more like a cherry on top so I'm  placing them all in the beads here if they are the   only thing that you do but if you stack them with  anything else on this list then they would jump up   to a higher tier next up we got a random tour in  the city this is only fun if either one of you is   not a local because well locals don't really get  excited going to well-known tour sites in their   own City overall this is a decent in date idea  because it's pretty flexible and it gives you   a ton of time to build rapport but because it's  usually such a big time commitment I'm putting it   in the high B tier then we got doing a puzzle  together this is a very casual date idea that   usually occurs at someone's house so it requires  that level of Rapport to pull off it's very casual   but kind of boring so it's definitely something  for later on in a relationship when you've run   out of stuff to do together it does give you  something nice that you can hang up on the wall   though but I'm still gonna have to place this  into the low B tier and then we have going to   a concert or Rave now this is a popular thing to  do as a couple nowadays but usually much later on   in a relationship because you can't really talk  at a concert or Rave but you can dance together   it's also not for everyone because you have to  enjoy large crowds although there is this magical   feeling of being one with the crowd that usually  occurs which is nice overall if you're both into a   certain type of music it can be fun so I'm putting  it in the low 80s here because although it's niche   it is quite common for people to like stuff like  this next up we got biking this is a somewhat   casual thing you can do you both rent some bikes  and bike around the city this allows you to be   pretty flexible because you can visit multiple  spots and do different things like eat or sightsee   if you plan out a few locations to go to then this  can be quite the enjoyable date so I'm putting   it in the mid a tier then we have a trampoline  park for those of you that don't know what this   is basically it's a giant facility filled with  trampolines that you jump up and down on it's sort   of fun you can do back flips and jump into foam  pits you also have plenty of time to build rapport   and talk as you explore the different parts of the  park I usually see these in malls which is great   for flexibility now I wouldn't do this for a first  date but from the second date onwards it does seem   all right so overall I'd put it in the low a tier  next up we got hiking this is enjoyable if you and   your partner like nature but it does require a  fair amount of trust because you're going into   the Wilderness together it's also quite the time  commitment so it's not something I would do early   on in a relationship so overall I'm putting it in  the high B tier then we got something interesting   which is sleeping over in a unique place where  you book a strange Airbnb a haunted apartment or   something along those lines of course since you're  sleeping together it's not something you can do   early on in a relationship but it can lead to very  memorable experiences and loads of fun depending   on how interesting the place is because it can  be hard to find a worthwhile spot I'm putting it   into the B tier then we have volunteering where  you work together to help others out it's filled   with Good Vibes but it's not something I would do  early on in a relationship because it's quite the   time commitment and the focus is on others and not  you and your partner but it is a nice way to spend   the day if the two of you enjoy helping others out  overall I'm putting this into the low beats here   as it is a very Niche idea and finally we have  mini golf which is a fun casual date idea not a   huge time commitment and depending on where it's  located it can be quite flexible there's a ton of   time into chat while playing which is great for  report so this can be a good choice for first or   second day which is why I'm putting it into the a  tier and that's it we just went over 40 different   date ideas I know some of you may not agree with  my rankings but hopefully this video served this   purpose by giving you a huge list of things you  can do for dates in general if you ever do go on   any of these dates let me know how it goes in the  comments down below besides that guys stay tuned
Channel: Improvement Pill
Views: 1,717,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: date ideas, date ideas for first date, date ideas for couples, dating, dating advice, date, what to do for first date, what to do on a date, date ideas tiktok, cheap date ideas, first date, dating tips, best date ideas, good date ideas, best first date ideas, date tips, great date ideas, fun date ideas, free date ideas, first dates, what to do on a first date, first date tips for men, first date ideas, date night ideas, unique date ideas, dating ideas, improvement pill
Id: EU8RkqgvHLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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