7 Subtle Flirting Tips (If You Fear Rejection)

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let's cut to the chase does flirting actually work psychologists would say very much so in fact according to an article by self-help blogger and psychology writer Eric Barker research has proven that flirting and signaling your availability to someone is a better predictor of romantic interests than attractiveness generally characterized by specific gestures body language and direct or indirect social cues sex educator and relationship coach Kelly Gonzalez defines flirting as any method you use to signal to someone that you find them interesting and want to engage with them further usually a fun and lighthearted activity between two people who find each other attractive and flirting should feel good for both parties involved and Spark feelings of curiosity and excitement with that said if you want to let someone know you are interested in them but your fear of rejection is stopping you from saying it outright don't worry here are seven subtle and psychology backed ways to flirt number one flirtatious facial expressions because it's often more socially acceptable for men to make the first move women tend to flirt mainly through facial expressions and other non-verbal cues psychologist Jeremy Nicholson states that some of the most common examples of these include turning your head to one side tilting your chin down slightly tossing your hair over your shoulder inviting your lip while smiling as for men number two smile slowly while it's not unheard of for men to follow a few of the same flirty facial expressions as women according to psychologist and professor at California State University Dr Pamela Reagan smiling is the single most effective and most universal method to convey romantic interest to be more specific when a man Smiles slowly at a woman it's less likely to be mistaken as just a casual smile of friendliness number three brief glances similar to the last Point glancing briefly at someone only to look away is another subtle but well-known flirting technique often done by both genders in Dr Pamela Reagan's book close relationships she writes that doing so indicates preferential attention and is a clear sign of positive romantic intentions so if you want to flirt with someone but fear rejection just steal a few glances at them from time to time until they notice number four feather light touch still self-help expert Eric Barker insists that the flirting technique that works better than anything else is a simple touch but don't worry you don't have to invade someone's personal space and worry about making them uncomfortable with your touch just to let them know you're interested there are some ways of learning through subtle touch such as a light brush against their shoulder or forearm a lingering hand on their waist or casually touching their hair number five mind your appearance another great but subtle way of flirting with someone is to be more mindful of your appearance when you're around them and no that doesn't mean always checking the mirror while they're talking to you because that may make you seem vain and uninterested but let's play making a bit of extra effort to look nice for them and yourself think a fine hairstyle or some nice new clothes psychologist Jeremy Nicholson categorizes this as a physical way of flirting along with practicing attractive body language and using touch to build attraction like what we talked about earlier number six tickle their funny bone speaking of the different floating Styles another one is the playful flirting style wherein the goal is more about having fun than trying to start a relationship in an article from Psychology today Dr Nicholson stated that playful flirts know how to keep people interested by showing off their fun-spirited personality and great sense of humor so if all else fails you can always try your luck tickling the other person's Funny Bone I always try to make them laugh and finding ways to have fun with them to let them know your true feelings number seven be more yourself finally but perhaps most importantly as cliche as it sounds being your authentic self with someone you like is a great way to flirt with them why well according to dating coach Clara artz Walker thinking okay how do I flirt better think this is the very thing that kills our ability to have that kind of interaction instead she suggests that we approach flirting by being more ourselves and feeling more at ease with ourselves around the person we like and with this welcome to a winning sense of confidence that can draw people in and make them more interested in you in summary successful flirting starts with a friendly and inviting approach engaging conversations social interactions and a mutual physical and emotional attraction towards one another still psychologists and relationship experts such as archwagger do maintain that because flirting is so personal there is no single foolproof way that will work for everybody on everybody so aside from following these empirically based tips it's also important that you work on being more at ease with yourself and around the person you like have fun when you've flirt try to make some Sparks Fly and see where it goes from there be sure to let us know some of your own personal ways to subtly flirt in the comments down below
Channel: Psych2Go
Views: 1,497,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to flirt, dating advice, flirting tips, flirt, flirting, subtle flirting tips, flirting advice, Fear of rejection, Body language, Conversation starters, relationship tips, love advice, dating, dating tips
Id: mfdS_yzn2Bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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