How to Study Smart - 3 UNIQUE Tips (That You've Never Heard Of)

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one of the most common topics I get asked to speak  about is studying so I decided to do a deep dive   and look for some unique strategies to share  with you today these are studying tips that you   probably haven't heard of some of them are going  to sound strange but I think it's worth a shot   to try these out and see if they work for you a  lot of this information is repackaged from Andrew   Huberman's work I went through roughly eight hours  of his content to Source these tips all of which   I will link to in the description box below with  that being said let's Jump Right In the first tip   is to use certain sounds to increase your focus  and learning a study was conducted in 2020 where   they took groups of people and showed them dozens  of letters of the alphabet extremely quickly one   of these letters was colored red afterwards  they were asked what the red letter was and   also if they saw another letter which was colored  black you can imagine that this exercise is quite   hard unless you're extremely focused on what's  happening in front of you while performing these   exercises the participants were subjected to 40  Hertz binaural beats 16 Hertz binaural beats and   also no binaural beats aka the room was silent the  researchers found that the group who performed the   exercise while listening to the 40 Hertz performed  much better than the other two groups which   suggests that 40 Hertz binaural beats improves  our ability to focus and learn huberman recommends   using 40 Hertz either 5 minutes before study  session or even during it to help you focus there   are also studies on other types of sounds such as  white and pink noise both of which have been shown   to help you focus and even improving your sleep I  suggest you try each of these types of sounds out   you can find free apps and YouTube videos of such  sounds and see if any works for you now before we   move on to the next tip I like to thank filo who  are the sponsors of today's video Philo is the   world's first live instant touring platform their  application connects students to a tutor live for   a one-on-one learning session within 60 seconds  these tutors are available 24 7 and all of them   are highly qualified with experts in just about  every subject you can think of including math The   Sciences English and even programming and because  the sessions are all one-on-one they can give you   a customizable experience to suit your needs  they can help you with homework revised essays   review your notes and even exam preparation they  can help you with the SATs acts and many of the   other popular exams around the world you can  make your learning effective by jumping on a   quick session with a tutor and having them help  you out with whatever problem you are stuck on   so download Philo today by clicking on the link  in the description box down below now back to   the topic at hand the second tip is called overt  visual Focus this is something that is useful for   those of you that struggle with getting into the  flow of studying if you're easily distracted in   the first few minutes of a study session this is  definitely something you should try out all you   have to do is stare at something for 30 seconds it  could be a DOT on the wall a water bottle on your   desk your plant across the room it doesn't really  matter what it is as long as you are maintaining   your focus on that specific spot and if you're  wondering yes you are allowed to Blink now the   reason this works is because over 50 of our brain  plays a role in processing visual information so   when you purposely direct the focus of your vision  onto a single point for an extended period of time   a bunch of mechanisms behind the scene in your  brain start to activate this simple little 30   second exercise will mentally prepare yourself  for the study session it makes it easier for   you to focus for a longer period of time it's  almost like revving up the engine of of a car   before you start a race the trick gets your body  and mind ready for the session doing this for just   30 seconds a day will also improve your ability  to focus over time and you can even combine it   with the tip from before by listening to 40 Hertz  binaural beats while staring at something before   you start studying and finally the last tip we're  going to go over today is in regards to improving   your memory so that you actually remember what  you study now memories are formed through the   strengthening of certain neural Pathways in our  brain and there's basically two ways to go about   doing this the first is through repetition the  more times a certain neural pathway is activated   the stronger the connection becomes the second  way is through intensity Studies have found that   the red correlation between adrenaline and the  formation of memories this may sound surprising   as adrenaline is most commonly known as something  that is released when we're stressed or shot but   this actually makes a lot of sense some of  the clearest memories that we have from our   past are from traumatic moments times where we  said something embarrassing witness something   horrific or got into a fight moments like these  release adrenaline and it turns out that when   adrenaline is released the neurons in our brain  fire intensely making it into a lasting memory   that's why why soldiers who come back from war  often suffer from PTSD they have extremely Vivid   memories of the horrific things they saw on the  battlefield and they can't erase those images no   matter how hard they try now how do we take  advantage of this in a healthy way well the   key according to studies is to spike adrenaline  right after you learn and we don't have to put   ourselves in life-threatening situations to do  this you can actually pump your adrenaline by   jumping in a cold shower or doing something  that scares you such as approaching a random   stranger and starting a conversation right after  a study session and if you're someone who likes   to drink coffee it turns out that caffeine  also releases some adrenaline so the actual   best time to drink coffee would be towards the  middle or end of a study session as compared   to before I hope this video is helpful try out  some of the three strategies that we've gone   over today and let me know if any of them ended  up helping you out besides that guys stay tuned
Channel: Improvement Pill
Views: 968,586
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Keywords: study tips, how to study, study, how to study effectively, how to study for exams, study techniques, best way to study, study methods, college study tips, studying tips, study tips and tricks, how to study for finals, how to study for a test, study smarter, study strategies, how to study efficiently, how to study in college, ways to study, study motivation, study with me, studying, study skills, study tricks, study smart, study hacks, improvement pill, how to study smart
Id: 2HErvwKnLLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 54sec (294 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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