The ENTIRE Story of Ben 10 in 54 Minutes

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Ben 10 is the absolute epitome of early 2000s Saturday morning cartoons with its first series starting all the way back in 2005 we've got four seasons spanning nearly 50 episodes along with three movies and today we're gonna cover it all that's right today we're looking at the original Ben 10 series from start to finish so grab your Omnitrix a snack and hit the Subscribe button so that you'll actually be able to become the alien you want it's hero time three two one here we go so as per usual let's get some context this is Ben Tennyson a normal 10 year old kid he loves video games Sumo Slammers the whole shebang he's just gotten out of school for the summer and his parents are making him go on a road trip with his grandpa Max Tennyson he's a retired plumber who's taking Ben on a cross-country road trip for the summer in his handy RV the rust bucket trust me it lives up to its name but also along for the ride is Ben's ten-year-old cousin Gwen a smart but snarky teacher's pet who typically doesn't get along too well with Ben she's coming along for the ride with Ben and Max for the summer because Max convinced her parents it'd be good for her and so here we are the core 3 of the series also this is the Omnitrix it's a watch from space that lets its users transform into a number of different aliens get used to hearing about it a lot there's more to cover a lot later down the line but for now let's go ahead and hop into episode one and then there were 10. we start off how all good shows do with a giant spaceship battle on board one of the ships is Vilgax the main villain of the series and he's got one goal get the Omnitrix cut to Earth and we get a better idea of Ben he's a class Troublemaker with a heart of gold as he tries to save another kid from the school bullies thanks a lot I was just trying to help Grandpa Max picks him up Ben figures out Gwen is coming along for the trip and the tensions start to build back in space Vilgax blasts a ship into pieces causing it to shoot something towards Earth which Ben finds while out on a walk it opens up and reveals a green and white watch which immediately latches onto Ben's wrist causing him to panic yep that's the Omnitrix after a while he messes with it and becomes his first alien heat blast an alien who can shoot flames and Fireballs he freaks out when he realizes his powers and sets the forest on fire by accident which Grandpa and Gwen see off in the distance they head off to find Ben and put out the fire and after explaining the whole ordeal to them Ben puts out the fire he started elsewhere Vilgax is super damaged after the space battle and so he sends a robot to Earth to go grab the Omnitrix Grandpa who oddly seems to know something about what's going on believes Ben and says he's an alien or you know he just looks like one right now the symbol on Heatblast chest blinks and Ben goes back to normal just as the robot Vilgax scent lands on Earth and sends out drones Ben fiddles with the Omnitrix again and becomes wild mutt his second alien an orange dog with no eyes but definitely enhanced senses kinda like Spider-Man he must have the Peter tingle he takes out one of the drones but time's out and goes back into human form right in front of the second one who thankfully is taken down by Gwen using a shovel Ben uses the watch one more time to become Diamond Head an alien who can shoot and create crystals and takes down the robot but is forced to cut celebration short when he realizes he's got to keep a secret identity to go back um Vilgax vows to take the watch from Ben and Ben shows off one more alien XLR8 a super fast alien so yeah with all these Powers you can imagine all the things Ben can get up to in the next episode we start off with Ben saving a family from a house fire and we get an introduction to his obsession with sumo Slammer cards kinda blowing his cover speaking of introductions meet Dr Animo a mad scientist obsessed with wildlife and its mutation potential here he mutates a bullfrog and goes on a crime spree starting off by having an eat his landlord I mean I think everyone wishes they could do that every once in a while but still that's a bad guy thing to do at the grocery store Ben turns into another new alien gray matter a super tiny guy with big eyes to look through cereal boxes and find a rare Sumo Slammer card but ends up having to buy the store's whole Supply thanks to his damages after finding another rare card Ben sees Animo burst into the store on his frog intending to show shoplift whatever he needs for his experiments he mutates a bird and a hamster and nearly drives Ben Grandpa and Gwen out of the store but thankfully even when the Omnitrix is on cooldown Ben's got the courage to at least take out the hamster not even giant hamsters can mess with Ben Tennyson animal leaves and the Gang follow him to the Natural History Museum where he reanimates a mammoth to become his servant to fight the thing Ben becomes yet another new alien four arms a super strong red dude with you guessed it four arms to grab it by the tusks and slam it Gwen also proves herself to be pretty handy in combat as well no space watch required Animo escapes yet again using a T-Rex he brought back to life and this time takes Gwen with him with Ben timing out at the least opportune moment imaginable Ben and Max find Gwen after Animo and his mutant pets drop her off on top of the Washington Monument and so not if I can help it it's hero time then becomes another new alien stinkfly a green bug thing to fly up and get her before she Flats onto the ground they take out the bird and after Ben drops Gwen off with Grandpa he puts his love for Sumo Slammers to the side to destroy animo's helmet which is the source of his power he kept the helmet as a souvenir though here's hoping Animo doesn't get his green hands on it again the next episode isn't super important to the series but it has a few important parts so I'm gonna speedrun through it here really quick timer starts now after playing a prank on Gwen you should have seen the look on your face Ben finds a kraken but nobody believes him due to a boy who cried wolf scenario the only one who does believe Ben is this guy Captain Shaw who takes the guys out on a boat to find it the gang are stopped by a group wanting to study the lake but still don't believe Ben's Kraken Story the Kraken shows up Ben tries to become a new alien rip Jaws but we get our first watch screw-up with him becoming XLR8 instead people are saved but the monster manages to get away Ben and Shaw go after it themselves against Max's wishes find an egg Shaw gets kidnapped by the study group Ben saves him and everyone figures out the study group is actually just guys who run a cannery who would eat cracking eggs Ben finally becomes rip Jaws an angler of fish looking thing that swims fast bites hard and can only breathe underwater and saves the kraken's eggs from the cannon guys and then gets caught by Shaw who thinks he's one of the kraken's babies see I was kind of Speedy there alright okay next episode kinda has the same deal as the last one where it's got some new aliens and not much else so let's try and zip through this we kick off with Ben stopping some ATM robbers using a new alien upgrade who can take over any form of technology which in this case is a truck you know I'm just now starting to wonder how the heck does Ben feel when he does all this uh anyways Ben Gwen and Grandpa head over to the rant Vera's Place some body snatcher aliens attack the senior neighborhood and Ben gets bored with his aunt's house and decides to mess around he becomes a new alien ghost freak the name says it all and he goes to investigate the town finding a suspicious old guy and following him until he times out after a brief chase the Mane is scared off by water leaving Ben utterly confused Ben and Gwen look for the old guy but get attacked by more alien seniors and run into Grandpa Max who yep is also now one of them good God look at those teeth he could use a brushing [Applause] long story short the kids find where the Body Snatchers have been storing the humans they free Grandpa the aliens reveal their true utterly terrifying form Ben and Gwen take the aliens out using water and save all the seniors before the aliens Fly Away in their UFO alright back to more lore heavy episodes Vilgax gets three bounty hunters to go after Ben 6-6 this purple dude tetrax this guy on the hoverboard and crab he's the crab they find where Ben last used the Omnitrix but start to fight a bit over who's the head of their team and so the three split up while the rust bucket is being repaired by Grandpa Ben and Gwen go explore an old western Ghost Town get over yourself doofus you don't scare me while trying to scare Gwen though Ben uses his watch which alerts the bounty hunters right to his location crab gets squished but does know some counters depends aliens and six six attacks the rust bucket once the three get back on the road popping the tires and putting everyone back at square one six six and crab both chase after Ben but tetrax comes in and knocks out the others with him grabbing Ben and pulling him off he explains he's here to take Ben off planet to get the Omnitrix removed as it can't be entrusted to some child so yeah apparently tetrax is somewhat good I guess Ben isn't interested though and so the two fight it can now simply be removed but it's eventually revealed that tetrax is actually the same alien species as Diamond Head ah the other two bounty hunters now teamed up arrive with Grandpa Gwen and the hoverboard ensuring nobody gets off Planet so Ben becomes gray matter and helps tetrax take the villains down afterwards tetrax tells Ben after seeing his smart cards during the battle he thinks the Omnitrix is in good hands for now and leaves him with his hoverboard as he heads back home yeah apparently he was lying about how he needed that to get off Planet oh also Vilgax isn't happy skipping ahead a bit we've got the episode Kevin 11. it introduces a super important character for the future named Kevin Levin why is everyone's last name in this universe a number upon I swear we're gonna meet a character named Clive five at this rate Ben gets the family kicked out of a hotel you can't always tell me what to do you're not my dad and after a fight with Grandpa he storms off to an arcade and meets Kevin who seems to have some electrical powers after taking out some old gang member friends of his Kevin takes Ben to his place a little corner in an abandoned New York Subway and explains he lives here alone because his parents didn't want a freak afterwards Kevin and Ben break into a warehouse to grab the new Sumo Slammers game early but the police show up meaning they've gotta run Ben ends up having to tell Kevin about the Omnitrix and becomes stinkfly to fly the two away Kevin wants to try the Omnitrix out himself so the speed guy at the arcade was you huh you're the man but Ben explains it doesn't work like that and so the two decide to team up and do whatever they want with their new powers oh man that doesn't sound good thankfully Ben comes to his senses when Kevin wants to crash a money train into a passenger train to steal some cash with Ben realizing it'll kill hundreds of people the two fight and Kevin absorbs some of the Omnitrix's energy getting the powers of heat blast Ben stops the trains from colliding and hops onto the rust bucket for an escape making up a bit with Grandpa too but before they can really reconcile Ben realizes he's gotta go after Kevin and finds him at his old gang headquarters terrorizing the guys with his new powers the heat blast Powers fade away but he gains four arms Powers thanks to Ben and so the two fight until Ben times out Kevin tries to steal the Omnitrix but is blasted Away by its power and so the others leave the scene Ben apologizes to grandpa but grandpa says he'll still have to earn his trust back while Kevin seems to have harnessed the energy blasted off by the Omnitrix that can't be good at all you're funny in the episode The Alliance Ben's got to deal with a violent biker gang who all turn out to be girls until some of vilgax's drones come in and try to take the watch from Ben Ben is able to take both of the villain groups out but not before grandpa is seriously injured and so he takes him to the hospital meanwhile the head of the gang Rojo gets embedded with some of vilgax's machines and using her new powers to attack the police I know I was asking if morphing was comfortable for Ben but I can't imagine being turned into a cyborg while fully conscious would be very good either Vilgax communicates with her and tells her to find the Omnitrix and so she bursts into the hospital to grab Ben while he and Gwen are waiting for Grandpa to recover Ben briefly takes her out where is it I couldn't get it but she quickly lures him back to her by attacking the police station and so he becomes upgrade to get the job done for real this time but not before Ben meets Vilgax via whatever technology he's using for the first time he takes Rojo down she loses her technology Gwen kicks her in the face [Music] yeah and grandpa is finally out of the hospital still though the meeting with Vilgax stuck with Ben afterwards so yeah pretty solid development there next up is the episode lucky girl grandpa is taking Ben and Gwen on a Museum tour don't let mummy face get to you she's probably older than that spell book until a new villain hex shows up looking for the arkhamata book of spells Ben beats him but showboats afterwards to the annoyance of Glenn she's a bit tired of not getting attention saying he's only a hero because he got lucky enough to find a watch so to cheer her up Ben gives her the souvenir he got that day meanwhile hex just bursts out of an ambulance and floats away yep there he goes He heads right back to the museum to grab the book but can't complete his spells as he realizes his gem is missing and yeah you can guess where it is Gwen's new gem necklace is making her Super Lucky and so she decides to start being a hero herself nicknamed lucky girl and so she starts to get to do a bit of showboating herself hex learns Ben and Gwen to him and tries to take his gem back from Gwen but she just keeps getting luckier and luckier eventually hex finally nabs the gem and starts to destroy the city so Ben and Gwen go after him with Ben using his powers and Gwen doing great work even without her Jam they beat hex Gwen destroys all the gems including the luck one and Ben even admits she did a good job you did a good job oh man not everyone needs an Omnitrix to be a hero folks that's your big lesson here you just need a luck amulet in the finale of season one Vilgax has done healing and is going down to earth himself he lures Ben out by attacking a city and the two finally meet face to face Ben slows him down but Grandpa urges Ben to get in the rust bucket immediately saying he doesn't want to pick a fight with Vilgax wait a sec how does he know his name after Ben charges back wanting to fight Vilgax catches him and instantly referreds Ben back to normal that is scary he kidnaps Ben while Gwen and Grandpa head into a secret base in Mount Rushmore where it's revealed that Grandpa wasn't a normal plumber before he retired I wasn't exactly a normal plumber before I retired him they find Vilgax and bust into his ship thanks to the rust bucket's secret upgrades and rescue Ben from whatever machine Vilgax is using to remove the watch though it definitely messes with it a bit and causes Ben to switch aliens every couple of seconds Vilgax also apparently knows Grandpa must have gone to the same High School Ben and Vilgax tumbled to the Earth and continue fighting while Grandpa and Gwen escape the ship but the two are caught causing Ben to sacrifice himself to save them Vilgax takes Ben back onto his ship but grandpa had activated the self-destruct sequence on it Ben escapes with Vilgax trapped and heads back to the surface where he's got a bit of catching up to do with Grandpa to put it lightly cool way to end the season in the first episode of season 2 we get a little flashback of Max AKA Grandpa and Vilgax meeting alongside another plumber Phil it shows what Max thought would be the last time he ever saw Vilgax when he strapped him to the side of a rocket and launched him at his own ship blowing him up Max then also explains that the plumbers are an underground organization designed to take out anything extraterrestrial but even still the Omnitrix surprised him as he thought it was just a rumor later that day the group actually bumps into Phil while trying to catch a loose alien [Music] ah who are you who am I and he explains that after Max retired the plumbers basically disbanded due to Vilgax being out of the picture so now he's running his own startup Plumbing business another situation comes up and the three go to help out Phil this time finding two aliens that kinda look like wild mutt maybe they're the same species Ben becomes wild mud to try and talk to them right in front of Phil so now he knows about the Omnitrix Phil whips out a Sonic whistle he conveniently had to stop them but they managed to break free and only thanks to Grandpa is everyone able to make it out okay you know Ben you'd make a great plumber suspicious of the whistle Grandpa heads up to the Plumber's secret hideout only to find the null void projector is missing but is in the hands of Phil who's apparently been releasing aliens from the null void to catch and make some money from his own business he releases another to try and Kill Max but Ben saves him just in time and is now firmly against Phil they beat the alien and go after Phil while Gwen hides out in his car and fights for the null void projector while they're on the road ultimately Phil is sent into the null void and the plumbing business once again goes into half hibernation in the next episode Ben becomes a new alien cannonbolt just as a meteor crashes down from above him turns out cannonbolt can roll at super high speeds and also turns out the meteor is actually a giant alien tick gross oh oh and turns out The Tick is some alien worshipers that trail it along and it also turns out that the tick sucks the nutrients out of planets and destroys them so yeah turns out the situation is pretty bad Ben uses each alien to try and destroy the tick but each time his efforts fail he doesn't use cannonbolt though as he just thinks he's useless to make matters worse those cold dudes trap the three so they can't do any more damage to their precious parasites no way I am not scrubbing that thing's feet eventually Ben decides to try cannonbolt as a last resort which he uses to go through the ticks internal organs causing it to burst so yeah turns out cannonbolt isn't useless after all enjoy the rest of your day in the next episode it looks like Ben's gone crazy and is starting to wreak havoc the special alien containment team shows up to take out Ben but he escapes right afterwards Gwen and Grandpa head back to the rust bucket to get an explanation from Ben who apparently has just been sitting around playing video games the whole time Ben decides to figure out who's ruining his reputation and sees a fake forearms on top of a mint so he heads in to stop him the three investigate and Gwen and Grandpa figure out a heat blast they're seeing isn't really bad and so the real Ben goes hero to stop him only to find out that it's Kevin who can change into any alien at any time now Kevin only has trouble keeping a human form rather than an alien one and to cap things off he says his new goal is to frame Ben for a ton of crime before flying off he's always wondering away oh we're considering getting a leash Kevin starts destroying the Golden Gate Bridge as Diamond Head and after taking out the leader of the alien capture team he's confronted by Ben the two fight until Kevin changes back to a human briefly before becoming a huge collage of all the aliens at once and yeah apparently he can't change back he's no looker that's for sure Kevin gets blasted by the capture team and the leader recognizes that Ben's one of the good guys and all is well until Kevin once again pops back up in who knows how long turns out Kevin's comeback won't take long at all as just two episodes later in Grudge Match he's back ladies and gents have you looked in the mirror lately it's payback time for turning me into a freak he and Ben are fighting in a windmill field until they're abducted by aliens they pop into a gladiator Arena and each take down a robot before they're sent to a room with a bunch of other aliens who explained they've all been captured and forced to fight to entertain the fans the champion of the ship technorg shows up to eat his dinner wow major disrespect and picks a fight with Ben the head of the ship slicks vigma beams Ben and Kevin to him and decides to make things more interesting by chaining the two together telling them that if one of them dies the other will too Ben and Kevin start to get the hang of working together and figure out that Kevin though only having a fraction of the power of each alien can combine the powers to make up for it which they use against technor to beat him Ben spares technoric and so he vows to serve Ben and Kevin so the three work together with the other captives to escape the ship Ben becomes upgrade to take over slick and control the ship and sends the competitors home and then everyone is gone Escape pods back to your home planet Kevin figures nobody is around to stop him from killing Ben until Tech Nord comes out and saves him sending Ben home and fighting Kevin for the foreseeable future I think the biggest takeaway here is that aliens have weird names the episode Camp fear is pretty much only noteworthy because the debut of wildvine another brand new alien of Benz who's a plant-like guy who can use thorins extend his Limbs and throw bomb seeds wish I had more to say about the episode but hey cool alien the episode Ghost freaked out changes the entire way we think about the Omnitrix it starts out with a nightmare of Benz with ghost recelling him to get him out later that day while Gwen's touring a prep school the clown freaks a gang of weird mutant clowns go figure start to rob the school and so Ben goes hero to stop them but gets ghost freak despite not choosing him he viciously beats the clowns and when Gwen asks him what he's thinking he says Ben's not here the clowns flee and so he floats after them but when the Omnitrix starts to time out he says I'm not going back Ben times out and then comes face to face with ghost freak how did this even happen well apparently the DNA used for ghost freak contains enough for a full life form meaning he's basically been trapped for God knows how long ghost freak bursts into his true form and tells Ben he needs the Omnitrix to become whole again and the only way he can get it is if he possesses Ben but right before he can he gets burnt by the Sun and runs away unfortunately though he finds a loophole around the Sun issue by taking over a tuba player's body man who'd have thought that Ghostfreak was so dang evil he then recruits the clowns to be his minions through some fear tactics and then abducts a student of the school to draw that out he learns he can't merge with Ben while he's an alien but knows it's only a matter of time until Ben's human again luckily grandpa is a trick of a sleeve for when that happens he's got a beam that shines light as bright as the sun to take the Paranormal jerk out but to dodge it Ghostfreak keeps hopping bodies and eventually hops into Gwen where he threatens to make her jump off a building if Ben doesn't give up drop the weapon and I'll melt with you and take over the world Ben surrenders but becomes gray matter right before a ghost freak takes over meaning he's still got a chance or at least he did until he once again times out at the worst possible moment thankfully though Ben does some quick thinking and pulls a curtain to blast ghost freak with some daylight incinerating him wow so no more becoming ghost freak then oh also the clowns are captured in case you had a doubt that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me thanks Ben the next episode is absolutely next to no lore implications so I'll cover it really quick but here's the interesting bits to try and get new aliens Ben messes with the Omnitrix and breaks it a bit even leaving the ground a bit radiated from the incident there good as new Dr Animo shows up with his bullfrog and Ben goes hero but this time he's a weird mixture of stinkfly and forearms ah Animo finds the piece of the Omnitrix Ben broke off and sees what it can do and grabs it before hopping off Ben tries to become hero a few more times but it never really works out too great eventually he meets Animo who has harnessed the Omnitrix piece to create mutants Grandpa gets blasted away and turns into this which in all honesty gave me nightmares when I was a kid I mean that's kinda terrifyingly gross Ben turns into rip Jaws in heat blast and figures out he's immune to animals rays and eventually stops Animo before he mutates the whole world Gwen flips the piece of the Omnitrix around and blasts grandpa with the right to revert him and my sleep schedule is safe you know cause no more nightmares in a season 2 finale Kevin who seems to have become a space pirate of some sort finds Vilgax floating through space and wants to team up with him over their shared hatred for Ben Tennyson big yikes back on Earth then again messes with his watch and unlocks master control of the Omnitrix meaning he can switch between alien forms at any point and has no cool down would you mind taking a picture me and my wife [Music] overpowered much Ben's having fun with his new unlimited power or at least he is until Vilgax and Kevin track the watch's energy and find him and instantly pop him back into human form Ben saves Grandpa and Gwen and then goes after the baddies but after Grandpa shoots the null void projector at the two Ben is dragged in as well and trapped inside so this is what the null void looks like huh Grandpa sends Gwen in to save Ben and she quickly gets used to the inhabitants before looking for a cousin they find each other but Gwen is captured by Kevin and so Ben agrees to give up the Omnitrix for her safety they manage to pull the watch off foreign but Kevin tries to run off with it himself causing Vilgax to go after him Ben and Gwen Nabbit but are confronted by the two while trying to escape and so Gwen tosses it off to ensure they can make it out or so it seems as it turns out she actually tossed a grenade and left Kevin and Vilgax stuck together as she and Ben escaped clever stuff right there but also this whole ordeal reset Ben's master control so now he's right back to getting the wrong aliens and timing out that's great okay season three time it's Grandpa's birthday and Ben and Gwen forgot to get a cake but that's kind of the least of their problems as a portal suddenly opens and Gwen is abducted by some random flying girl causing Ben to run in after her they arrived 20 years in the future seeing a statue of Ben 10 000 the hero of Heroes and immediately run into one of Ben's old foes some Rhino with a laser horn made by DR Animo Ben 10 000 shows up and takes him down but is pretty cold to everyone else even older Gwen who yeah was the one who napped young one also she can use magic now which is pretty fun she needs young Ben for help with taking down Animo and knew the only way she could get him to come to the Future was by taking Gwen that's kind of sweet I think I mean it's still kidnapping so I don't know tell me I didn't grow up to start agreeing with Mr dweeb all the time anyway future grandpa shows up and uses the future rust bucket to take Ben to animo's base and yeah apparently he's now bino gorilla now Ben 10 000 uses some new aliens who we haven't seen yet on Animo and also has master control over the Omnitrix now which he uses to stop Animo all by himself wanting help from Young Ben who he tied up Animo escapes Ben's confines after he leaves though and starts to restore an utterly decimated Vilgax man first he teams up with Kevin and now Animo geez Ben goes after an alert and finds Animo going for the null void projector with Vilgax emerging from the shadow shortly after young Ben shows up and helps him take on Vilgax while the gwens and future grandpa fight Animo also apparently Grandpa has a robot arm now considering the show released in 2006 we've still got three years to make this stuff a reality so I better expect laser guns and Robo arms in our future Ben 10 000 decides to bring back a bit of childishness into his life thanks to Ben actually I was getting ready to settle this the old-fashioned way and goes human to take down Vilgax while the young Ben sticks with the aliens probably a good choice for a 10 year old he uses a hoverboard to lead Vilgax to a pool and then becomes another new alien to freeze him in it which young Ben names arctic guana Great Name the gwens and Grandpa stop Animo and they celebrate future Grandpa's birthday together with future Gwen saying she really brought Ben to the Future to try and lighten up Ben 10 000 and it worked like a charm ten thousand gives young Ben a cake he and Gwen head back and they celebrate their Grandpa's birthday properly so much went down there I swear my brain is spinning next up we've got the episode a change of face in this one a villain named charmcaster shows up and tries to cast a spell to switch bodies with Ben so she can have the Omnitrix unfortunately Gwen accidentally switches places with Ben and so now charmcaster is in Gwen's body and vice versa Glenn goes to jail and charmcaster is closer to the launch so her plan almost worked I'll give her that at charmcaster tries to get on Ben's good side as Gwen but he knows something is up as she quickly jumps from being nicer than usual to more violent than usual and then wants to cook an apology meal for Ben yeah Gwen isn't a cook last time I checked foreign escapes prison and charmcaster finishes her dinner and when the two meet charmcaster uses what she cooked to do another body swap spell except this time she switches back to her own body and switches Ben and Gwen by accident you're not gonna get the chicken yet Gwen can't figure out the Omnitrix and so everyone is captured [Music] but through some teamwork Gwen's able to escape and become Cannon bolt charmcaster starts her body switch spell up one more time but again is foiled when Ben kicks her out of her bubble and switches back to his normal body Ben beats her and Gwen even keeps charmcaster's book of spells so she can start learning magic so apparently that's how future Gwen learned in the episode Ben Wolf grandpa takes Gwen and Ben to visit an old plumber friend Wes who's a part of a Navajo Native American tribe Ben seems pretty into his daughter Kai but before he can talk to her purple lightning strikes the area and a big wolf looking thing shows up It Books it before anyone can stop it and a flood starts but thankfully Ben is able to save Kai without even going Hiro also the wolf stole a satellite because apparently that's just something wolves do the guys go to track down the wolf Ben becomes wild Vine but time's out at a bad moment the wolf slashes Ben's Omnitrix and is run off by the others while trying to impress Kai Ben starts having strange things happen to him okay Stranger than usual with him slowly but surely becoming a werewolf apparently the only way for Ben to revert back is if they take out the wolf and to do that they need a special pendant dipped in some spiritual cactus juice while the girls find the cactus the guys once again find the wolf and by the time they do Ben's Gone full wolf himself they put the pendant to the wolf's chest but nothing happens and he again darts off the group figured that this isn't some Navajo werewolf it's an alien one which explains both why the pendant didn't work and why Ben's changing into him it's likely because the wolf registered his DNA in the Omnitrix with that slash of his so yeah that means once again Ben's got a new alien in his Arsenal complete with a Sonic howl while fighting in a cave Ben and the Wolf have rocks caving over them but Ben luckily escapes Kai says she isn't interested in Ben unless he's a wolf that's weird only I can talk to my cousin like that you just blew it big time and the equipment that the wolf stole is shown to have made some ominous Contraption do we have any idea what it does yet not at all in the episode Under Wraps we've got a mummy issue and look purple lightning again Ben and Gwen hear about it while doing some farm work and go off to find him later that night where instead they find weird Purple Cows they take the cows down and then find the mummy who's digging for some purple rock he almost crushes Ben and disappears alongside the rock leaving him and Gwen perplexed now aren't you glad you went to bed early also in case you were wondering Ben goes alien to do a bunch of the farm work which goes against the entire reason Grandpa brought them there he wanted to teach them the joys of hard labor but when you've got nominee tricks it ain't hard at all once they're done with their work the kids tell Grandpa about the mummy and the cows and when he runs some tests the cows are showing high traces of corrodium which is a super unpredictable energy source from space apparently if the mummy gets his hand on enough he could turn everything into stuff like the cows I like the purple color and all but not that much they go off to search for more to see if they can't find and stop the mummy but once they arrive at the ice cream factory where A Shard is located Ben does the mummy's work for him by digging it out himself and then the mummy shows up great he gets his wraps on the corodium and shows off what it can do to someone who's exposed to it mutating him into a purple monster of some sort geez I hope this turns out all right you should be safe in the mutation effects The Mummy captures Ben and tears his protective suit but also manages to register its DNA in the Omnitrix by accident and so Ben goes alien to make sure his weak human form isn't mutated he wants to become the mummy but he gets upgrade instead and thanks to some quick thinking he freezes the guy with liquid nitrogen also apparently the cows and worker that were mutated are fine now because they weren't exposed too long so that's a relief the episode the return fittingly starts off with the return of the space Wolf who heads over to the ice cream factory to free the mummy and just is our favorite security guard shows up they vanish well that's a heck of a team up Ben Grandpa and Gwen hear of a storm that postponed the launch of a NASA space shuttle which you know is pretty normal except this storm has purple lightning uh-oh meanwhile at Nasa a scientist named Dr Victor is introducing some new thrusters for the shuttle that will make it perform even better at high altitude but the flight was canceled for the time being and Victor isn't happy Grandpa contacts an old friend the place does this guy look familiar that's astronaut in the program but Dr Victor sees them and wants them out especially after seeing Ben's Omnitrix but they go off on their own anyway Victor takes over the shuttle operations all on his own With a Little Help From The Mummy and wolf these guys have gotta have the weirdest friend group Grandpa and Gwen find Dr Victor on the security cams likely causing the purple lightning oh a mega Merry-Go-Round while Ben runs into the werewolf and becomes the mummy for the first time to try and take him down but again the wolf is able to get away he's got to be the slipperiest villain ever I swear nobody ever catches him Grandpa Gwen and Ben go to find him they do the mummy shows up and then Victor shows up and transforms into well I guess Victor Frankenstein or more accurately Victor Frankenstein's monster look I don't want to get into details he gets uglier and meaner looking sister competitis [Music] Gwen protects the gang with a spell but not quite enough as a bunch of rubble Falls onto them giving the villains a chance to get back to their shuttle work after he gets Gwen Grandpa and himself out of the rubble Ben finds the monster's Hideout and watches Dr Victor send the wolf back to New Mexico and to his satellite equipment he tries to stop Victor but is smacked around leaving Victor to launch the shuttle while Gwen and Grandpa are inside trying to shut it down that's not good apparently Victor also took the time to set up another experiment too that being the resurrection of ghost freak the head of the team and one who set this whole plan up okay that friend group just got 10 times worse oh also Grandpa and Gwen are in space with the mummy this is probably the worst situation Ben has ever been in in the next episode Ben's getting some ice cream nope I'm kidding Ben is dealing with the whole ghost freak problem he's running for his life to make sure ghostfree doesn't get control of the Omnitrix while Grandpa and Gwen try and turn the rocket around Ben figures out ghostfreaks man sister plan is to use a corodium beam from space and the satellite equipment in the desert to get a huge radiation Shadow across the Earth turning everyone purple and leaving him at full power all the time yikes Ben times out after doing a little bit of damage to some machines and Grandpa and Gwen are attacked by the mummy and sent into space stupid watch Victor finds Ben but accidentally touches the Omnitrix meaning Ben can become whatever he is now too he uses a light beam on ghost freak and smashes Victor into the rocket and heads up in a rocket himself to help Grandpa and Gwen the two who made their way into a satellite stopped The Mummy right before he sends the grodian beam out as Ben shows up and sends the mummy into space ghost freak also snuck up to the satellite though and turns the beam back on and accidentally succeeds in casting the darkness over Earth turns into the Frankenstein looking alien to take down ghost freak while the mummy who isn't actually gone just yet is shot into space yet again by Gwen Grandpa also deals with Victor who's floating around in space while Ben is then ganged up on by the mummy and ghost freak man nobody wants to just give up here do they Grandpa crashes the rocket into the satellite saving the Earth and blowing up the equipment by the wolf okay Victor also inadvertently sends himself in the mummy through some sort of portal well so much for them pretty sure that's a null void portal too Gwen and Ben float back to Earth are saved by Grandpa and after he shows up one more time they all take out Ghostfreak together and Tumble back to Earth ghost freak is added to Ben's Omnitrix once again and they're stuck in Egypt well I mean I guess that's what crashing down from space will do to you all right believe it or not that last episode wasn't the season finale this one is I'm gonna make it through it kind of quick though so listen up a new alien girl shows up talking about the Omnitrix and after a short fight with Ben Grandpa interrupts but apparently the two know each other the alien's name is xylene and apparently she was the one who sent the Omnitrix to Earth yeah remember that ship that blew up in the very first episode that was hers she crashed on Earth and went into a hibernative state until now but hearing that Vilgax is in the null void she feels it's cool to head back home also her and Grandpa seem very close we see them that xylene was sent on a mission to get a new DNA weapon that being the Omnitrix years ago and offered to take backs with her but he had to stay home and yes they were a couple at one point I don't quite know what to think of that but I'll go ahead and just say good for them if this keeps up I'm gonna hurl sap back in present day xylene asks Max to go with her to space and he considers the offer before a drone of vilgax's shows up and attacks Ben and Gwen the rust bucket is destroyed but the group beats the robot or so they think they start to piece the rust bucket back together when xylene and Ben get into an argument and it's revealed Max was supposed to be the one who got the Omnitrix not Ben Ben runs off didn't you get it she wants Grandpa to go away with her just like before 4. the robot returns kidnaps Max and so Gwen Ben and xylene have to make a truce and work together to save him to take the robot out for good xylene helps Ben unlock an alien up Chuck a little green guy who can eat anything and then spit it back up blowing it up Ben eats the robot saves Grandpa and all is well with Grandpa deciding to stay on Earth instead of go with xylene but he does give her a parting kiss again I'm just gonna say good for them and move on we're gonna lose you Grandpa nah you can't get rid of me that easy alright folks grab your popcorn it's time for a movie that's right you guessed it we're watching Ed and Eddie's Big Picture Show no I'm I'm just kidding although if you're interested please check out our Ed Edd and Eddie recap okay for real it's time for Ben 10 secret of the Omnitrix animos got a DNA nuke that'll mutate the whole world and he's also got Grandpa and Gwen now that's a recipe for disaster right there Ben goes heat blast and tries to melt the bomb which works for the most Bart but does send out some DNA wave that messes with his watch Ben tries to go stinkfly to catch Animo but keeps on swapping randomly and becomes gray matter luckily he still manages to catch him but still very weird that night tetrax returns to talk to van and says that he received a signal from the Omnitrix that indicates it's about to self-destruct and kill its host that is not good apparently they've got to get to the creator of the Omnitrix Azimuth and have him turn off the self-destruct mode in less than four days or else Kaboom oh and they don't know where he lives but they can at least track his DNA signature thanks to the watch what Ben also has to leave Grandpa and Gwen behind because apparently there's a lot of people out there who aren't a fan of Grandpa alrighty then tetrax takes Ben on board and introduces him to his Pilot gluto while elsewhere Vilgax yeah freaking Vilgax has escaped the null void and is wanting to take Ben down and snatch the Omnitrix this keeps getting worse and worse they find out that Azimuth is on a prison planet but then get an intruder oh no Vilgax has already broken into the ship oh wait no it's Gwen she figured Ben would need the help that'd be fine and all but she instantly almost kills herself and Ben by opening a door into space but they're thankfully saved at the last second by tetrax jeez also apparently the only way to save Ben is to take off the Omnitrix so no more Super heroing for Ben after that oh also it turns out that every time he transforms the self-destruct countdown speeds up too can this day get any worse for Ben oh most species love humans considered quite a delicacy well yeah it can when the three reached the Prison Planet Ben has to wear this embarrassing disguise to get around all while he's surrounded by space criminals great tetrax heads off on his own but gets attacked by 6ix and Ben becomes up Chuck to take out who he thinks is Vilgax but it turns out to be a girl of the same alien race as him that's why Ian never jumped to conclusions folks the girl says she helped make the Omnitrix too so Ben Figures it's got to be azimuth hi you guys have all had dinner right the gang alongside Azimuth escapes the prison planet with 66 close behind but uh that wasn't Azimuth they saved it was azimuth's assistant my ax she was a bit fed up with how self-absorbed he was so she erased his DNA signature from the watch and put in her own she knows where Azimuth is though but also knows the truth about the Omnitrix self-destructive sequence if that thing blows up it ain't just destroying Ben it's destroying the entire universe why would you even put a self-destruct like that in the watch why also she put a little inhibitor on the watch to make sure it doesn't shoot out any weird pulses remember that Vilgax picks up six six who tells him about my ax and the two so already get on the same page after a little tussle of course after Ben guides the ship to the location using his Omnitrix Vilgax shows up and Boards titrax's ship tetrax and my ax go out to sever vilgax's ship from their own and gluto finds vilga attacks finally the battle we've been waiting for and it's over Vilgax won Gwen finds what's left of him but she's cornered by one of vilgax's henchmen and so gluto sacrifices himself to save her he's the real hero here thankfully to avenge our favorite glob of goo's death 66 is shot into space and so is Vilgax they got what they deserved the group reaches Azimuth Slayer and get attacked by wild vines I don't care with Ben having to go hero to try and save Gwen who gets kidnapped as much as he tries Ben can't seem to open the hatch to find her and so is forced to focus on Azimuth tetrax tries to console Ben by explaining he's not the only one who lost a sibling revealing that he used to work for Vilgax and is partially responsible for blowing up his entire home planet jeez how does that guy sleep at night now his goal in life is to make sure Vilgax never gets his hands on another world-ending weapon and so here he is making sure Vilgax never get the Omnitrix they find the Creator and talk to him via a hologram but he's unwilling to help turn off the countdown saying that this is the consequence for misusing his creation okay this guy's a huge jerk Ben busts through the doors and into the Creator who turns out to be a gray matter in a giant suit well I mean whenever Ben went gray matter in the past he always got an intelligence boost this explains some things Azimuth explains the device was never supposed to be a weapon in the first place as he built it to Simply Be a device to understand all the beings of the universe but thanks to Vilgax and Ben it's a weapon now the play starts caving in and so everyone flees outside only to be greeted by Vilgax and all his forces Ben starts fighting with a laser gun but is saved thanks to gluto yes oh and Gwen's alive too yay I guess I'm just really happy about gluto Ben takes off the little inhibitor and blasts everyone I'm still not sure the universe is worth saving with Azimuth coming in after to deactivate the Omnitrix he then brings it back repaired and with a new alien way egg who's really big he takes out all vilgax's Army and then tosses Vilgax into the cosmos so that's that so wait Azimuth could always just fix it I guess he just wanted to scare people into not misusing it with that story okay kind of jerky but also kinda smart Azimuth and my ax fly off to find a comfier home and gluto takes everyone else to Earth where it's back to business foreign who knew and speaking of back to business it's time for our next season season four here we go the episode perfect day starts with a Bus full of cheerleaders breaking down in front of Ben followed up by a spaceship Landing with 6-6 and another villain volcanoes hopping out Ben beats the two but notices Gwen actually worried about Ben after he takes a hit you're good to go yeah yeah you're awesome he also notices Kai was on the bus yeah the girl from The Werewolf episode after the fight grandpa takes the kids to a pizza place and also lets Ben keep a new Sumo Slammers game that just falls out of the truck which seems weird of him to allow but even weirder is that when Ben tells grandpa that the Omnitrix has been freaking out he says it's probably nothing and to ignore it this day seems too good it's all a bit strange it gets even stranger though when another set of Grandpa and Gwen come out and try to grab Ben causing the old pair to grab them and fight a more normal Grandpa and Gwen managed to get Ben on the rust bucket and explain the forever Knights captured him and set up these clones they try to explain more but are T-boned by a Jeep turns out it was the head of the special alien containment team who says that Grandpa and Gwen are shapeshifters sent by Vilgax and were lying about the whole forever night story Vilgax arrives and tries to send Ben to the null void but Ben stops him first with ahead of the sact telling Ben to send the shapeshifters to the null void next Gwen tells Ben it's a little fishy that Vilgax tried to send Ben to the null void before he got the Omnitrix and so he figures it all out sending the sact members into the void the leader turns out to be the leader of the forever Knights Enoch who's made the perfect world for Ben to distract him while they remove the Omnitrix and so now they're making his perfect nightmare they show up at school and Gwen explains to Ben that she and Grandpa basically snuck into Ben's head and now they've got to escape before the Omnitrix is removed or they're all terminated they find a glitched area to leave but are confronted by a barrage of Ben's enemies luckily though this is all in Ben's head so he can do whatever he wants he makes himself and Grandpa's superheroes and Gwen a rat so not funny Ben that's Ben for you Ben escapes and takes down Enoch in the real world trapping him in his own dream machine to end off the episode we see the real head honcho of the forever Knights arrive after Ben's fled and says he'll have to deal with Ben himself hey it's kind of like the Thanos post-credits scene in Avengers Age of Ultron Marvel copied Ben 10. no question about it in the episode divided we stand while fighting a mutant seagull Ben becomes another new alien ditto what does he do duplicate himself of course the seagull is run off and we see just how many Dittos Ben could make Nobody messes with before Dr Animo shows up and steals one to extract the DNA and in case you're wondering Ben can't change back to his human form without all the Dittos being together the Lost ditto breaks free from animos jail causing all of them to start floating towards each other Ben goes back to human form and thankfully is rescued by Grandpa and Gwen after the seagull statues him they're making me nuts animal pops up and with the DNA he took from Ben was able to make monsters based on any of Ben's aliens he wants and so he chooses stinkfly and ditto thankfully one of the things about ditto is that if one feels pain they all do and so from destroying just one of the stink flies all are destroyed Animo is defeated Grandpa deletes the alien DNA files Animo had on his computer and Ben's ditto'd out for a while alright to close off season 4 we've got a two-parter Ben 10 versus the negative 10. here we go Grandpa's doing a favor for an old plumber buddy by driving his kid Cooper home from summer camp while it looks like the clown freaks are trying to rob Fort Knox alongside subliminal a villain with the power of hypnotism don't worry that's all you gotta know about him Ben Grandpa Gwen and Cooper arrive on the scene But realize none of the gold is stolen and find a hole that leads to a secret abandoned plumber base with it looking like the villains had stolen something though we aren't quite sure yet the villains returned to their base and offer the weapon to the head of the forever Knights whatever his name is please tell me that you didn't forget the super duper breaks to go with the super duper turbo they show up to another plumber base and find Clancy a guy who can control bugs who in this case is using wasps to scare everyone out of a building again that's all you really gotta know about him they get past him and find Rojo and charmcaster have broken into the Vault Dr Animo finds Ben's group though and so a big old fight starts up the villains grab a key and escape and apparently they've got what they need to rule the world according to Animo so that can't be good how come I'm stuck Mr maggot lucky Grandpa figures out that the villain stole a key to a highly unsafe energy source called sub energy that was given to the plumbers by an alien many years ago whoever knew about it has to have had access to Top Secret plumber Intel and while I think we can guess it was the leader of the forever Knights by the end of this episode as he meets the gang at Mount Rushmore as the episode ends the next episode picks up right after the last one with a big fight going on between Ben and the negative 10. Cooper miraculously helps Grandpa and Gwen sneak into a bit of the base while Ben takes care of the others outside With a Little Help Ben is able to sneak into the base as well Grandpa figures out the forever King is actually a former plumber named Driscoll who was caught stealing weapons from the agency to benefit himself he was kicked out but knows Mount Rushmore incredibly well which means no good for the tennysons that said they do have a little extra help from Cooper who apparently can understand and control technology on a sort of psychic level dang the villains break in but are put back a bit and locked away from the sub energy however Cooper turns on them and the Gang realized subliminal must have got to him earlier they incapacitate him before the bad guys bust in once more Ben becomes Eye Guy another new alien who does God knows what and the fight is on the numbers game is a bit much for Ben's team and so the forever King gets his hands on the energy he escapes and Ben follows thanks to the other villains being pitted against each other thanks to their egos they later get trapped thanks to their issues too Ben takes on the forever King as upchuck and now that hits the spot beneath the sub energy blasting the king into God knows where all that's left of him is his gear dang oh and Mount Rushmore is really badly damaged so yeah so much for sightseeing and that is the original series of Ben 10 but there is one last thing I need you guys to see but be forewarned it's a little cursed that's right there's a live-action Ben 10 movie called Ben 10 Race Against Time here's live-action Heatblast live-action gray matter good Lord this transformation is so funny some dried out husk guy that gave me nightmares as a kid live action Diamond Head and live-action wild mutt so there you go folks oh also the other Ben 10 movie destroy all aliens is pretty good too just not entirely useful towards the plot of the rest of the series give it a watch if you want anywho now that's all I got for you guys today thank you all very much for watching and stay tuned for our Alien Force review see you next time
Channel: JarToon
Views: 848,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1w3XhM5e5p4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 24sec (3264 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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