The Dark Side of Being an Escort | Informer

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Interesting that Vice actually posted something other than cheerleading for prostitution. Vice is a tired, old misogynistic and patriarchal site that’s all about libfem and easy sex for men. Let’s not forget their pathetic hate article about FDS, ladies!

👍︎︎ 86 👤︎︎ u/riseaboveagain 📅︎︎ May 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

I am really shocked and encouraged that a platform like Vice would publish content like this.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/cherrypepsilvr 📅︎︎ May 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

My heart breaks for her.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/spinaflora 📅︎︎ May 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Some of the comments are depressing

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/DifferentBar6 📅︎︎ May 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
i've been escorting for 10 years on and off i first started escorting when i was at university and one day my friend just said to me oh i know a girl and she gets loads of money for escorting and i was only 18 at the time and naively i thought it was just going for dinner with men it was more of a sugar baby roll i had in my head when i got to my first job i soon realized that it was definitely not since then obviously there's been a lot of jobs and i try and block them out i can't remember all of them i don't know how many people i've had sex with it's probably thousands during clothing the hotels are actually still open secretly yesterday i picked a hotel it's basically like a brothel everyone does it though in the first few months of the lockdown i actually didn't do any meets but luckily some old clients had managed to find me again it didn't really stop anyone clients were still meeting escorts were still breaking the hotels no one was scared of the virus i swear when it comes to sex men do not get a shirt they all seriously just do anything the guy was like do you want to give me clothes like tommy you want to give me clothing and make me die i was spitting on him and coughing on him and then afterwards he's like did you get tested have you got covered and i was just like you weirdo i've had other weird stuff so big one is um hard sports and that's showing people eating hair and on them the weirdest one i had was a guy that wanted me to save us a week's worth of in the freezer and go to a domination dungeon with him and he poured it all over himself and then i was just standing there calling him a literal piece of and he was just rubbing it all over himself one thing another weird one is um peeking you can be like the submissive one giving them a repeating on that or they could be the submissive one and you're cheating on them saying you're a piece of like i'm puking when you look at you're disgusting a lot of people do arsenal back which is a very scary thing because um sti is obviously prevailing in society and you just never know and i've actually had a few squares and it's like why would you ask an escort for a girl about me when you know that she could have 10 guys that day they don't give a as you grow older and get more experience obviously you know your boundaries and you know but when you're first into it you do get pressured a lot to do things that you may not be so comfortable with every client you see puts you at risk when they pay the money and want the certain service they're happy with it until after they come and then they feel like a and they want their money back and you never know when someone's gonna have a psychotic attack it's a risky business one day um i got into a bad situation where i got locked in the room there was three guys they all had sex with me and then they didn't pay me after that situation i ended up calling the police straight away the guys actually got convicted and one of them went to prison basically it feels like you get raped when you have had sex under the impression that you're going to get paid and then the guy takes the money back and you feel like you i'm not you for free i'm not doing this for fun especially at three o'clock in the morning some of the girls who are like illegal in the country or being kept out and stuff they are definitely too scared to go to the police you have to have like four layers of skin in this job you have to have very thick clear skin and then you can't go to a normal girl and tell them i want you to show me or i want you to force me to suck a cop they have to go to escorts for this sort of stuff like the guy that comes to me to eat my shirt he's not going to ask his wife to so he can eat it so a lot of them are actually quite talking about their life the whole time and saying life's like this and it's like that this is what i do i'm just assigned to me and i don't really care i don't need just discussion why you're booking me i just want the money but obviously they feel guilty in a way that's why they have to explain themselves when you're an escort you start to think everyone does this and it gives you really trust issues a lot of young people do as well you'd expect it to be people that aren't good looking can't get girls people that have confidence issues it's not like that at all some of my biggest clients who's friendly regularly or very good looking young guys some of them are drug dealers they've got a lot of money to spend and they just want a late night and they don't want to have to go through the hole pulling up someone they know and all that so they just do it for convenience it's just a sad world that we live in that you can earn so much money from literally selling your body and if you've got a normal job and you work done hard you can't even get close to the fitness that you see over the years i've definitely made i've hit a million i've had so much design uploads luxurious holidays beautiful things and it doesn't buy happiness i need some life-changing things to happen now because otherwise i'm going to be stuck in a cycle and i'm 40 years old still known for money which i do not want it's bad enough as it is that you stoop that low in yourself and you have to be a very strong person especially to not take drugs while doing this job because you see a lot of shirt and also it's very depressing and lonely and you live a life when i was younger i used to be a bit more open about it but i found very quickly that people don't want to talk to you if you are a sex worker it's not a respected job it's something you don't feel proud about shouting out to everyone and sometimes i think i've got ptsd because i literally get flashbacks sometimes or just random times of different clients and i had a goal in my head that i wouldn't be doing it past a certain age and i really don't want to be doing it after that age because i want to have children and have a normal life that's really all i want but i do want to be rich you
Channel: VICE
Views: 4,241,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Escort, pandemic, abuse, sex work, lockdown, documentary, documentaries, docs, interview, culture, lifestyle, world, exclusive, independent, underground, videos, journalism, vice guide,, vice, vice magazine, vice mag, vice videos, VWN, Vice World News, world news, news, sex workers, the dark side, dark side, prostitution interview questions, prostitution documentation, hard sports
Id: lDfboy7MB-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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