The Secret Confessions of a Bartender

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we call it pastrami sandwich hang on to tongue people are making out of the ball because it's like they're trying to eat the same pastrami sandwich but they can't really do it make me what whatever you want every bartender no matter wherever they are hates that if you call up to the bar especially on a busy night and you don't know what you want and you don't have money out you like and don't say just give me whatever you like or you know make me something fun no I don't have time to make up your mind for you that's not what I'm here to do I'm here to make you what you want so you got a time with you everybody hates that hands out there's nobody in the world who's like yeah let me create a cocktail for you I mean my Island iced teas people still were those and it's like it's so disgusting like you're also you every bar will charge you extra just because you're an ordering a lion I see and then you're basically drinking a pint glass of like five different ball liquors which are like the cheapest bottom-of-the-barrel booze you can get people wonder why they have hangovers like really bad hangover like you drink basically the cheapest rock up booze possibly could I was working with a new co-worker he had just started you know we had a Saturday night shift together and it was maybe like his second second weekend and he had a lot of to learn so much so that he started he poured four car bombs at last call for a group of very drunk people and I just sort of like stood back and watched because you know car bombs you kind of drink as fast as you possibly can and then you kind of slam the the glass back down and then he I like the idiot that he was at the time just stood in front of them and immediately the girl just projectile vomited all over him and he was like what the and I was like you did that to yourself brother I actually I got punched in the face once breaking up a fight I mean wasn't really a fight at that point this guy was like stomping out this guy's had on the floor it was totally knocked out and I was actually wearing my most favorite pair of glasses at the time that they'd broke in half and so that really pissed me off he was arrested shortly after alcohol you know takes the edge off of so many things so you can have someone who's like going into a rage over a pool game one minute and then you know you kind of talk them off that ledge and they're crying telling you about their mom's sake in the hospital the next minute like all guards are way down you know I would say the average regular customer you have is a man and they can sort of confide things into you that they don't you know then they know hey you probably don't know all their friends and family and be you kind of just listen and maybe offer some advice but it's sort of just like a sounding board but you also have to kind of like that person if you don't like that person just like you more common than that people men will sort of confess of homosexual experiences or dalliance --is that they have tried or kind of want to try which you know to me doesn't really I could care less but it seems like it's like a huge weight off their shoulders when they tell us tell someone that I don't know oh yeah like seriously if I really if I'm not the slightest bit interested in what you're saying there's a switch in my brain and it everything goes off like I look like I'm listening to you or maybe I'm making some sort of noises but I don't after so many years of doing it like it's really easy to just turn turn the volume off on people you
Channel: VICE
Views: 1,320,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, documentaries, interview, interviews, culture, wild, lifestyle, world, exclusive, independent, underground, videos, funny, funny videos, journalism, vice guide, vice presents, vice news,,, vice, vice magazine, vice mag, vice videos, confessions, bar, bar tender, short form, confessions of a, creepy mask, mask, secrets
Id: ui7OVsgQRnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2016
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