The Dark Path of Infidelity - Do Not Approach Zina

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Zina is the most difficult test of all for me. Even more so because I'm having a really hard time getting married because I don't make a lot of money

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2018 🗫︎ replies
nada yeah you hella Dina Amano topological car teehee without ammo to 911 to muslim-owned yeah even a suitable robber community haha cummin obscene wahida Mahalo come in has a yaha a bath I mean who Murray jar and Cathy Rahman ISA what type of low Hannity Tessa I wanna be here with our ham in Oaxacan an Akuma rahiba yeah you Elodie nominee choco-loco : Salida you slacker come on Malcolm welcome you know become woman yatra allaha wa rasuluhu d'affaires a thousand Alima from bad I bear witness that allah subhanaw taala is alone in being worthy of worshipped and unconditionally obeyed and that muhammad sallallaahu Hani was someone is his final prophet and messenger we asked a lot to send his peace and blessings upon him the prophets and messengers that came before him the companions and the family that were with him and those that follow in his blessed path and their blessed path until the day of judgement and may allow some high notes are Adam Akos amongst them Ilana I mean dear brothers and sisters one of the things that we are learning as our American Muslim community in particular undergoes this evolution of moving into next generation and all of the all of the things that come with living under increased pressure living under the anxiety of Islamophobia where it becomes so difficult to be Muslim so difficult to deal with the norms the social norms that are prevalent in the schools that our children may go to prevalent in our own universities prevalent in our workplaces the things that happen in our social contexts all of the difficulties that come one of the things that we have learned about ourselves over and over and over again over these past few years is that we are not an exception what do I mean by them the things that ill society as a whole l our community as well the things that everybody in our society encounters we to as a Muslim community encounter probably an equal proportion whether that be drug abuse whether that be domestic abuse whether that be fornication adultery whatever that may be we have the same problems that everybody else has and we like to think of ourselves as a community that is insulated a community that is exceptional and in some ways and I'm the not we are exceptional in some ways as a community we're one of the most generous communities that are out there it's a community of service we have things to celebrate as an American Muslim community but in many other ways especially when it comes to social norms we are just as guilty of the same sins that are prevalent around us and it's important for us to confront those sins within our communities to confront them within our families to confront them within ourselves and to make sure that we do not justify this behavior as being normal whatever that behavior may be and we learn something from the pious predecessors that's quite profound that when you see things around you that are taking place things that have become normalized that are disliked by your Creator and disliked by you or do you know things that do not match up with the moral standard that a loss of Hannah Montana has given to us when we see those things around us what do I do we make what do we ask Allah nestled on apphia we ask Allah for protection before anything else we ask Allah for protection protection for ourselves protection for our families we do not pretend to be safe or to be you know excluded or or to have complete power over our desires we understand that we too could fall into these same things into these same sins and so we don't ever feel assured though we certainly work on ourselves with vigilance to make sure that we don't fall into those traps there's very powerful that Omaha Dana about the Aloha know and when you think of Abu Huraira you think of the man who narrated the most narrations from the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wassalam a man of righteousness a man who gave us access to the tradition of the prophets of allah he was on them like no other companion a righteous companion a man that was beloved to the messenger sallallahu wasallam and who served this Deen and people hear him making duaa and you know what your honor he's making a llama in me are you the vicar oh Allah I seek refuge in you min Aesthetica from being a thief Oh as zina or from committing adultery people look at Abu Huraira and say really you you like you're worried about adultery you're worried about theft you're worried about these things that are not befitting to any person of nobility do you think that above what I you know would ever fall into something like that and what does he remind them look at where Shaitaan was and look at where he is now look at him he worshiped the loss of Hanoi Tata for hundreds and hundreds of years and he was of those that were beloved to Ilan those that were close to a loss of Hannah Montana and look what happened to him one fall led to an eternity of humiliation and disgrace it took one trigger and him not responding to it the way that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala provided recourse for him that led to an eternity of humiliation and disgrace so when we see things taking place around us whatever they may be the first thing we do is we ask Allah for protection may Allah protect us from anything that would cause us to fall out of his favour to abandon the high standards that he's placed upon us may Allah subhana Allah protect us from oppression the prophets my son I'm used to seek refuge in Allah Allah many our Ljubica he used to seek refuge in allah subhana Tata and as illa Oh Oh son that I would that you know that I would cause someone to fall or I would fall myself of lima oath none that I would wronged someone or I would my self be wrong you know all of these different things he himself some re Selim felt afraid of these things so we have to guard ourselves and we have to confront these things within our communities and within hours in front within ourselves and that is the topic of infidelity that is the topic of cheating on one spouse it's a nasty disease a disease that plagues our American society to a point that we're talking in the in the numbers of 60 to 70 percent of marriages would involve infidelity and we would be foolish to think that our Muslim community is immune to that that everyone is abiding by the commands of Allah sponsor and that even we we question ourselves are abiding fully by the command of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala how is it that most marriages in this country end up in infidelity and no don't sit there and be like wow America is really messed up we should make his olodum we should migrate to the Muslim world because this certainly doesn't happen there you're dreaming sins are globalised now social ills are globalised things that plague one society are bound to plague another society because of the access and the connection that all of those countries have to each other so what is it that causes people to fall into such a disease and to fall into this darkness and how do we protect ourselves and our homes from it obviously in the next twelve or thirteen or fourteen minutes I can't give everyone those tips but it starts off with something it starts off with a recognition that what a loss of hanumana gave to us of prescriptions is good for us no matter what and we are not ashamed of those things we're not embarrassed of those things we're not ashamed of those things what Allah has given us is for our own good when allah subhanaw taala told adam alayhis-salam and how i Adam and Eve what a chuckle about how these shah jahan do not go near that tree Allah Azza WA Jalla knows that that tree is not good for them and Allah Subhan Allah wants to save them from temptation likewise allah subhanaw taala rather than saying what a tez new do not commit adultery he says what a terrible zina don't come anywhere near adultery and so yes rules and restrictions are placed upon us that are not typically observed in the workplace not typically observed in our interactions today a la semana Matata protects us by forbidding for us halwa to be secluded with someone who is not madam someone who is not someone who is amongst those that a loss of hana tara has commanded to observe hijab Allah sponsor prohibited us from being alone in seclusion with someone of the opposite gender counseling doesn't justify it online doesn't mean anything there are no ways to get around it Allah prohibited it for us Allah prohibited halwa for us prohibited that we be alone because no two people are alone of the opposite gender except that Shaitaan is the third it's what the prophets license said we're not ashamed of that it would be a protection for us and we happily take that as a prescription from a loss of high no it's our honor to protect ourselves even if we will be mocked for it so yes anytime you walk into the measured and safety acid is doing counseling the door is open and that's for our protection as people as Muslims we're not ashamed of them we adopt that in all of our in all of our interactions Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala when he legislates these things when he legislates no halwa allah speedometer allah knows what would come about of technology and what would come about of these different interactions I want you to think about your communications when you communicate with your coworker when you communicate with your friend or whatever it may be someone that allah subhana wa tada has made haddad for you for marriage when you are in communication with that person would you be comfortable with other people observing that entire communication you know subhanAllah now it's very easy for us to engage in these different types of things would you be comfortable or not allah subhana wa ta'ala is watching and a lot knows what one thing could lead to and so allah says what a tough table zina don't come anywhere near adultery and a lot of times when we think about don't come anywhere near adultery we talked about it in the physical sense it starts off with the physical but it usually starts off emotional it's usually emotional betrayal of your spouse you usually it's usually that you start to get attached to someone outside and the whole realm of social media provides so much opportunity for you to feed that attachment shamelessly sometimes without the other person even knowing and you build that fantasy in that attachment and when the Imam al-ghazali rahim allah i talked about how a fan can convert a passing thought to a subtle thought a thought to a thick rock once he gets it into your mind he can entertain it he can create illusion and fantasy he can beautify it for you and next thing you know your language is getting more loose and you need to learn to cut it off for your own good allah subhana wa ta'ala puts those restrictions do not allow your emote do not let your emotional attachment to someone else start to lead to something else an imam no desire to him o allah to out us up and from the wisdoms of a laws legislation is that if you find yourself attached to a person you should not be in the presence of that person even if there is no hawa even if there is no seclusion you should know that yourself you should want to guard yourself from them so that you don't start to develop more interaction reduce your interaction to what is absolutely necessary and don't abuse it it's for your own good and once you start to entertain these relationships what's a bond does very well as he blocks out consequences of your actions he intoxicates you with your sin you don't think about the devastation that this will wreak not only on your Eman not only on your faith but on your family on your entire life you're not thinking anymore you're not thinking straight because shape on blocks out consequences it's one of his easiest tricks when you're committing a sin you stop you start justifying behavior you start blaming your spouse for not fulfilling you and then you start to go further and further and further and what is safe on do best then you move on to justifications then you move on to a teller Abidine playing with the dean of a loss of hano etana all of those different ways that we abuse the text and exploit the dean so that we justify what is unjustifiable in the site of a loss of Hannah Wattana things that we are ashamed of from the people but were not ashamed of in the sight of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala so Han Allah Imam Malik Rahim o Allah o Allah when he discussed the secret marriage what Imam Malik Rahim AHA Lassa when he discussed and he said it should be an alt event Amira him Allah called it prostitution what he said about it is very profound he said how could you not be ashamed or how could you be ashamed of a relationship in the sight of the people but not in front of a loss of how to attack it still fits the awesome and we start to take ourselves down these paths and we start to ruin ourselves and each and every single one of us has to know his behavior and know himself and cut things off before they go too far you need to know yourself Allah provided you protections do not allow for yourself to get sucked into the world of the internet those protections where home internet is connected for everybody on the house so everybody can see it's not just for the children it's for us too it's for us to let your spouse see your communications let those things be made or not just not them not be private to where things can get out of hand and get out of control keep your things open for the sake of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to a point where you cannot least care for yourself and take care of yourself don't let it go further what at uh caught up with zina in now who can affect she'll law says it's an evil whassat a Sibylla and it's a dark path it leads to a dark road because once you get yourself in that iNDOT then what ends up happening deception lies more zina more relationships all sorts of shamelessness starts to happen once you delve into that world and we have to be able to control ourselves and stop ourselves and not let those things go further so when you look in your workplace when you look in your friends when you look at those relationships dear brothers and sisters right now I want you to consider every relationship that you have and I want you to ask yourself would you be ashamed of it in the sight of the people and if so why are you not ashamed of it in the sight of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala stop yourself control yourself do not let it grow because it will be a dark path and a person will never be able to get out of that once they start and a loss of Hannah Hannah and I want to remind everyone allah awj says in the quran Cordillera body alladhina Estrada unforeseen luck or not to Muhammad Allah in the Nuba jamia say o My servants who have transgressed against themselves do not despair from the mercy of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala Allah forgives all sins but you have to turn back to him you have to repent and a lot of times what ends up happening with these relationships and you a chef yes and you ask the moms that have to deal with this all the time is that once a person delves into it the same shape on who was hiding from you the consequences of your actions is now exaggerating the consequences of your actions to you when you start thinking tobin when you start thinking repentance you can't come back from this so what do you have to do you have to do more you sink yourself deeper isn't that which Sabon did with the monk from Benny Asahi that we spoke about a couple of months ago isn't that what he always does with us and there is something beautiful and sincere about those who came to the prophet sallallaahu Hardy he was seldom repenting for their deeds and so what do you do if you're already in that situation cut it off and if it's gone too far start to make amends control yourself go to your spouse and tell your spouse that you messed up and I'm ready to make it right I'm not gonna wait to be caught in this I'm ready to make it right what do I have to do and if I have to face major consequences in this world for a lot to forgive me because the main consideration is that Allah subhana Allah forgive me that is the main consideration you have a better chance now when you go to your spouse and tell your spouse I messed up I want to do better and you cut off these things before a person finds themselves already caught in a mess fix it Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala is merciful Allah is forgiving but we have to we have to pursue that repentance ourselves the second thing dear brothers and sisters is the prophets lie some said a believer is not stung in the same hole twice if you messed up once with one because of something because of some circumstances or whatever it is you found weakness in one way don't put yourself in the situation to keep getting stung and finding weakness in that same way over and over and over again and the third thing that I'll leave you with Isadora and I pray that each and every single one of us will analyze their relationships as they leave this gathering the brothers and sisters who are not married and the brothers and sisters who are married but you'll analyze your relationships and analyze what is permissible or what is not permissible about those relationships and stop things before they get out of hand I do out from our messenger salallahu alayhi wasalam which is very profound and he was asked for a comprehensive there are and he taught us this extremely comprehensive drought he said some Allah has set him to say a llama in me as a local Hooda what toka well a fafa well Rena Lamas a local Hooda what touka well a fava well Rena Oh al I asked you for guidance but it's one thing to be guided in knowledge he died a film or roast of lemon guidance is in knowledge and then there is guidance and action so it's one thing to be guided in knowledge but sins corrupt our heart and they corrupt our mind and eventually corruption in our action could even corrupt our knowledge so the prophets I son says say Allah many ascetic al-huda what took ah ask Allah for tequan the ability to abandon sin to stay protected from sin tuktuk wise literally to be shielded from sin to be shielded from those things that would compromise you being on that path and it's really interesting because in the days of the prophets like someone he tells us to ask for guidance he rarely only specifies guidance but there's something else after the guidance to keep you on it a la Habana Dini was said didn't e o Allah guide me and keep me on that path of guidance so he said say Allah - I don't kill Hooda what took off because the scholars say that a lack of taqwa will eventually corrupt your lot year he died as well a lack of taqwa will lead to a lack of Hidayah as well it'll take you off the path as well and then the second to Allah - article Hooda what took aa while a have modesty to be protected from fahisha from sir a Sibylla that dark path to be protected from wickedness to be protected from those things i ask you for protection modesty Allah faith well Lina and to be self-sufficient why when you look in surah - remote mean own a loss of hannover to a dimensions in the beginning of certain what we know on the top two things that usually lead to the corruption of an individual either money or Zinner or both so Allah faff well Lina are things that we seek protection that we seek from a loss of hundreds means of protection to fail in one usually will lead to a failure in the other because once a person if the person starts to feel poverty and Rina is a feeling inside a feeling of being suffice it's both physical and it's a feeling because some people have lot a lot from a loss of hundreds Anna but they're not feeling fulfilled some people masha'Allah they've got they've got the the American Dream we've got the the spouse the kids the the house whatever they call the American dream all right though I'm sure the American Dream is always an evolution as well but some people would have everything you look on the outside masha'Allah a picture-perfect life but they're not fulfilled they don't have Lena inside their hearts that the profit slice I mentioned to feel suffice and when you don't have that it usually will lead to a compromise of your modesty so say Allah - Allah Cal Hooda what touka well Hoffa well Dina may lost parents oughta put those traits inside of us protect us and protect our families from the from the scorn of Zena protect us from anything that would lead to us falling out of favor with him or lead to us to oppress his creation Ilana I mean acutally other stuff Eladio that can really start must mean for stuff grow and no one before ahem did he learn you know blonde I mean whenever gone in loblolly meanwhile he were to intervene along salli wa sallim wa barik alaa Dakota Sioux DK mohammad sallalahu salam on Ernie he or Safavieh Salaam to seem in kathira the brothers and sisters I repeat the game plan to you to reanalyze and reassess all of your relationships to make sure that what you are doing is in accordance with a loss of Hanwha to allah and if you see yourself becoming attached to a person to cut it off before it leads to something that would hurt you and hurt your family and I ask all of you to memorize that there are and to mean that you are Allah - Allah can hooda what - car will Asafa well Reena most comprehensive there are or one of the most comprehensive drives that we have from our messenger I think his salat wa sallam taught through his blessed guidance and all of us make sure that we never allow shape on to belittle the consequences of distancing ourselves from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala before we commit in action nor do we allow Shaitaan to convince us that the consequences of our actions bar us from coming close to a loss of Hannah wa'ta'ala once we recognize the crime or once we recognize the sins that we have committed may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala allow us to never despair of his mercy and may a loss of Hannah Tata forgive us for all of our sins whatever they may be may a loss of hundreds how to forgive us for our small sins and our big sins for our public sins and for our private sins for all of those things that would cause us humiliation in this world or in the Hereafter may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala protect us and protect our families may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala never allow us to feel distant from him may may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala bring each and every single one of us close to him and guide us and keep us firm on the path of guidance and not allow anything of this dunya to distract us or to take us away from his guidance Allah meaning illuminates well mostly mineral muslimat idea even houma la mattina kissimmee Arrancar even Mooji Buddha watts Loredana or Hamner Y for an hour to ad-lib nominal amnon for now in a Motorhome na nanika animator class serene Lama su chuan most other Athena famous ad rubee ha1 and most other FINA FEMA sheriff Imahara be ha rebadow la ilahe admirable understand we eat young her and in fact it wasn't monetary what buddy yo common I'll come to the Quran South Carolina's carrucan wash guru hana Nina is it lack of radical llahi akbaru Lara mattis neuroanatomist wrong [Music]
Channel: VRIC
Views: 29,409
Rating: 4.9394774 out of 5
Id: XVQHdQ2m1ok
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Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2017
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