The Danger of Sharing Your Game

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all right first question from C Lewis 4744 would you release a prototype on steam or to see if your game has wings or are there more dangers than advantages I'm guessing that a lot depends on if you are making a living as an indie Dev or just doing it as a hobby dangers um I'm going to guess that you're talking about if you post something on online uh a game that you're working on or a prototype that someone's going to steal your idea I I think a lot of people would tell you not to worry about that too much and I would agree I think the thing with sharing prototypes and things that you're working on with with game design is that there are a lot of good ideas the the difficulty is not the ideas really per se it's the execution so if you're working on a game or a prototype and you've got this really great idea that's awesome someone's going to see that if you're going to share anything at any point someone's going to see that idea and that prototype and if it's a good idea they're going to think wow they may have that thought they may even make an attempt to execute it but from point A all the way to point Z which is having a finished product or or doing anything with that idea there's a whole lot of things that can go wrong and most people in between those points they're they're just going to stop and they're not going to do it honestly it's the execution is the hardest part and if you've got a good idea uh it's it's good to show it I think steam is more of a place to go when you want to s sell it excellent place uh there's no fee to upload people are used to having indie games being on there and looking for Indie Games in that way um you know steam you got to put up a 100 bucks to even put it on there so I I would do absolutely and social media share stuff on social media if you're trying to um as you say uh see if it has wings right see if it's interesting see if people are clicking with it social media is good for that because it's very quick and the things change over all the time if you go on to a subreddit um you know if you're working in G because we you know we focus on G A Lot in this channel if you're focusing on building something in Gate then the gate subreddit is a is a good place because people are very eager to to share uh and to look at things that are being made in the engine um they're pretty active they're pretty active there you know going to a Game Dev subreddit you're you're kind of preaching to the choir you could get some feedback but for the most part it's just people trying to show off their stuff to other people trying to show off their stuff which is not uh super helpful um you places like Twitter you can get uh eyes on your stuff on Twitter and again it's very quick um it does take a little bit of time time to build up but there are those you know special days like screenshot Saturday or trailer Thursday and if you post something and it's interesting especially if it's a video uh that looks good and is short um or even you know Cycles through on itself those those work well yeah I I wouldn't worry about stealing really share it if you want to build interest for your game think about how you want to first show that prototype or that demo to people what you're going to show and and have a plan of attack when you're doing that oh uh uh one other thing to that point before we uh get too deep into this game jams game jams are awesome game jams are great and it's a great way to test out a prototype you're going to have eyes on it you know you're going to have eyes on it people are going to look at it and vote and you know when it's going to happen because there's a time period for that voting and an endpoint to a game Jam so game jams are another good place to do that so check that out uh user RX 3x L7 zn1 U that's rolls right off the tongue uh what are your PL what are your plans for the room behind you awesome okay yeah so I'm looking at my my monitor screen so this uh this is my new studio and I used to be up which was great I I love that space and it worked it worked pretty well um for what I was what I've been doing the issue is I'm as you might know stay atome Dev I'm a stay-at-home dad so I've got a little one who sleeps which is when I can work if you're a parent especially to to young ones you know that the the free time you have is very compressed so I'm I'm usually working during nap time uh or really early in the morning or late late at night and each one of those times she's usually hopefully sleeping and the the room that I was in was adjacent to where she is and that just wasn't going to work so this is the new studio I can be as as loud as I want I can uh uh record I can edit I can play music I can do all these types of things and it's not going to disturb anybody which is awesome and also I don't have uh any noise coming in and I I haven't finished the walls yet I got to get doors I'm looking for um certain doors so it's a little bit open but when I get this contain man this is going to be airtight and soundproof which I'm excited about so that's the plan and in fact uh I could let let's talk about this because this is this is new so this um I actually got contacted by flexispot and they make these standing desks I've had a sponsored video earlier and that's actually what my uh working desk is it's a standing desk and I cannot uh I cannot recommend enough a standing desk it is I'm not going to say lifechanging but it it's it's important because sitting is and I know I'm sitting I'm sitting right now but sitting is bad it's really bad for you and being able to stand or or sit depending on what you want to do at any time and have everything sort of contained on that uh desk and moving freely that is is awesome but anyway that's a tangent the uh they they contacted me after the first Q&A video and they sent they sent this bad boy and it's perfect because I wanted more of a a conversational setup I'm sorry I'm hitting the desk and I'm sure it's feeding back on the mic but uh yeah I love it it's a nice dark mahogany um in fact I'll um I'll shoot some b roll while I'm talking about it because that'll be much more interesting than me sitting here the uh the main thing I needed was the ability to move this thing around so in this studio I'm going to have different uh set points and uh I need the ability to move things around including this desk and this thing comes with wheels which is awesome and if you've ever had a if you have a flexus spot desk you know that they're they're decently heavy duty like this thing can take I think it's like 350 375 lbs it's got the wheels it's got uh this really cool uh control mechanism you can't see that here um b roll we'll do b-roll on that and yeah you have presets that you can use so I can can move it up actually let's move it up o wow ah so you can move it up and down which is great very smooth and just it's super flexible and whatever I might need it for and I'm going to do I'm going to try a couple different things in the space and and see uh see what sticks and have fun with it so yeah this is one set I was going to do and then I'm going to have a set like it's against the wall and then you can have different backgrounds and and set that up long ago I wanted to put a a green screen back there I I don't know that I'm going to do that this time but yeah no this desk is great so uh thanks to them for for sending it in uh they did give me a couple links so I'm going to put those in the description if you're if you're interested at all to check it out uh but but yeah thanks to them for for sending this in I think I like it I like it so that's what's going to happen in this space um thank you for asking that that's really cool and I I do want to say I before I finish this off that the the last two videos the the response and the comments has been awesome I did not expect to to have on I didn't expect that many comments to be honest and I didn't know how it was going to be received it's very different type of video than uh I usually do on the on the channel so yeah it's great to see the conversation uh there's really been better advice than than what I'm giving and some cases uh in the comments so that's that's great keep the conversation going that's that's kind of the point uh to kind of talk about certain things within game development or or professional life or or life in general honestly so yeah keep the comments coming thanks for watching and if you've got a question about about anything it could be game developments life uh what have you just fire it away do it in the comments and uh we'll get to it in a video and we'll have some fun maybe we'll do a um a live stream I've never done a live stream before maybe we'll do a live stream that would be kind of that would be interesting I think about how to set that up yeah okay cool let's do a let's do a live stream some point if you're interested let me know in the in the comments we'll see uh yeah I I'll catch you in the next one and as always keep creating
Channel: StayAtHomeDev
Views: 7,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game development, game dev, game sharing, game stealing, game dev marketing, godot, stayathomedev
Id: oV4YxmUqmxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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