How much we've made selling game assets

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in the past two months we've made about $61 in gross revenue through .io and we've made another Zer through selling our assets through the unity asset store if this was all we came for please give us a like or something and then go on with your day for those who don't know about 2 months ago we made this video about our game that we were working on back then Sono ever jate not really performing how we expected it and we were like is this word continuing and we ended up with the answer being no if you're not sure what it's about songs of was like a two Rog light said in Chinese mythology and we'd spend a few months of work on it and we got a whole bunch of art commissioned on it and we were like okay well if we're going to drop development which we did how do we still get something out of it and an idea we had there is okay we got some art commission like these style sets that you're looking at not the character and then also the different icons for the items in the game all of them are like kind of bespoke because you know there's no generic Asian fantasy assets there's plenty of like medieval fantasy and whatnot but not really for that Chinese focus and we figured hey the stuff we had the stuff that we had commissioned it doesn't look too bad so what we did is we actually turned to .o and created three different asset packs the first one was two songs that we got custom commissioned through Fiverr then the second one was all of the environment tille sets basically like our Rocks Our gross our water our bridges and everything like that and then the third one was just purely our icons in terms of like the different icons you could have in game for the items these were all like very Chinese focused as you can see and not like the most generic stuff really so we figured hey let's turn these into Standalone assets and that is how we got to those numbers I think it took us about a day or two to get everything set up in terms of creating the assets to put them on .io and then up until now I think this been about two months at this point we've made $61 in gross revenue now there goes a bunch of money goes away still because we have to pay taxes and I think we're also giving ago 10% you can conf configure it yourself but I mean like 10% is fine for me so let's say I think at the end of the day we've gotten about $40 $45 from selling arested we are definitely nowhere near break even and this was a video as well that I felt like I didn't want to make it first because I kind of think this is boring but on the other hand I think there's some interesting stuff in here as well like for example how Unity the unity asset store I had high high hopes for this to be honest and they have just been crushed completely so I want to talk a bit about that as well as for the individual sales by far the most popular one is our Chinese Garden tile set which has six purchases and they're priced at $7 each then our items we had two sales so that was 10 bucks and then our Chinese game music this one we actually put out for free because I felt like two songs that is not enough to charge money for because you can get like a 100 pieces of music even more on the asset store for like 20 bucks or something so trying to charge money I feel like wouldn't have made us that much money I was like hey let's just make it for for free and let's get it as like a lead magnet maybe someone who's looking for Chinese stuff goes to our profile and is like hey actually this is something interesting they come for the music and they watch the other assets we have but we did allow the option for donations which is why we got $1 in gross revenue from our music one kind soul donated a single dollar and then the last thing we did for .io is we also did a sale a spring sale bundle where you could get both of the assets combined for like a reduced price one person bought this I don't know what I was expecting here honestly I'll link these assets of course down below as well so that's the .io stuff but it's actually the unity stuff that I want to talk a bit more because this one honestly I am not a Unity Insider I can tell you that now I'm pretty sure Unity has blacklisted me as well after the video I made about Unity unite but I think the unity asset store and the unity publisher portal is absolute garbage for multiple reasons the first one is simply the process of getting your asset approved like on .io you can just create something and you put it on there and 2 minutes later it's in there and it's great also I really like how .io actually you know you can see where's your traffic coming from and we actually had traffic to begin with like if we're going to take a look at the Chinese game music you can see like where they coming from and a lot of them is from actual people who are like looking up these stacks and there's also back when we originally launched especially those first few days we had quite a lot of sales and download that's this graph you can see here you can ignore this one this was our Guild architect play test this this is data you shouldn't look at but like this is the amount of views and then also the number of downloads like downloads generally meant sales for the most part that we had on a weekly basis it's like the first week was really good because .io really pushed our assets for us really we didn't even have to do much we had like a bunch of sales coming in I think we made 20 bucks in the first like week or something I know doesn't sound like much but compared to Unity with their $0 it's still a lot better even in terms of just General page views .io has done way way better and honestly the fact that we haven't sold anything through the unity asset store that's not even my biggest gripe the first issue is just getting your stuff on the unity asset store so they have this great like quick start of like oh you get a lot of asset store users and you can earn money or whatever it's a great sales pitch and it's like oh it's very easy to get started and it is it is very easy to get started but getting actually like taking your package and going through the entire process of getting it approved they in their tutorial they say it's like three to five business days but because Unity is currently like kind of in the gutter and has fired I feel everyone except one poor guy who has to manually approve everything we had to wait about six or seven weeks between submitting our asset and it actually being released on the asset store that's why this video also took so long we've been working on this since basically February you can see that here February 19th is when we started with the assets on h. because there it's easy to put on it for Unity on the other hand it's like April 8th and April 10th which was a crazy long time that you just have to sit around and wait and that's also just time that you're not earning anything regardless that's the first thing I don't like the second one is something that I actually only found out when I Was preparing for this video and that is that our pricing is the same between edelio and unity like that's what we configured here or that's what you would think because I don't get Unity but they actually charge more if I go here to our creator page where all of our assets are listed you can see okay we have the three assets similar as to what we have here perfect these other two event Forge and saf card don't listen to them right now but then suddenly this is $8.79 and this is $549 wait that's not what I configured here I could find no documentation about this but seems like Unity is just up charging for some reason without telling me anywhere why that is I think that's not something you should do when I configure a price and you approve that price let me actually use that price I don't get it it's kind of frustrating honestly I don't know the reason for this but it's very unclearly communicated and then of course we get to the matter of they have no visibility or they don't give as much visibility because to be honest 85 page views as well over about a month time that is not much we have better statistics from .io and I would actually expect Unity to be bigger in terms of the asset store compared to .io because you also need to keep in mind by default .io charges a 10% cut for any sales that they do which you can actually configure down to zero if you're like hey no actually I want to take everything for myself that is something it. allows you to do it it's very free whereas Unity takes 30% the industry standard same as Steam does for example and steam gets a bunch of sometimes for hey 30% is a lot but honestly I think steam is worth it because steam there you get a lot of visibility you get a lot of tools like the Steamworks you get the achievements and whatever I think that is worth it whereas here I have no clue why I would want to pay Unity 30% of I mean nothing at this point but still for them to take multiple weeks to approve a single asset they're not transparent in their pricing and their analytics in terms of how many views we're getting is not even better than H.O so not the biggest fan of that we were actually planning on making two more Unity related assets from our event system and our safe system that we wrote which are pretty cool things if you ask me but going through the process of waiting another 8 weeks for them to approve our assets it's just not a priority for us right now now for the people who are like wondering like Hey how do I make my own assets I'll give you a very quick rundown of the high LEL concept first thing you have to do is you have to start a Unity project this is if you want to export the like asset store file if you just want to do purely the pngs and only on H.O you can skip this all you need to do is you create a blank project in there you make a folder with your studio stud name then one with your asset name and in there you have to make a few folders especially the demo one is one that you need to have and then the about page and the other stuff like for example are prefabs that is where you actually put all of your various Sprites and whatnot we also here have one with the the blank Sprite sheets from aprite and stuff like that you can choose that it depends on if you're doing 2D 3D or whatever important thing is you have a demo scene here which just showcases your asset showcases everything this is important to have if you don't have this Unity won't approve you but other than that like you need an about which is also very easy but other than that this is everything then you have up here you have the asset store tools and you can just go through like their uploader and validator and that's it in terms of how does it look for .io we once again just have two folders with the aprite files and then also with the regular Sprite sheets all in it and that is everything we need to do there you just zip all of this up and you send it to itch and that's the ass it's really easy to do so that's why I figured hey this is something that you can consider because a lot of game developers they come to me and they're like hey MX I'm working on my game or whatever but I'm not earning any money anytime soon how about I sell some Assets in the meantime to see if I can earn an extra Buck but then I can just point you at this $61 it doesn't really make sense I feel Maybe I'm Wrong maybe it's just because our art is bad hey that's probably what you're going to be commenting now but I think definitely once again it's the temperary expectations I was expecting more especially from the unity asset store like .io I'm honestly kind of happy with .io is kind of what I expected but Unity especially was not really what I was looking for so I hope this gave you a bit more insight into how does the asset store thing work if you do have like some previous game assets that you did create and you're like hey this is quality enough that I can actually sell it I think definitely put them on ID out there's nothing you can lose because especially is is pretty easy to do but I would never Bank on it on that becoming your main income source maybe if you're a very talented 3D artist there's more demand for it but I feel like our assets aren't that horrible in terms of like the price and what you get from It Anyways that's all I really have to say kind of a bit of a different video I hope this gives you some more insights like I said at first I didn't really want to make this but it's like whatever I think there's still a bunch of information in here if you have any questions you know where to find me in the description down below or in our Discord server and apart from that thank you more watching and I'll see you guys in the next one bye
Channel: BiteMe Games
Views: 7,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamedev, indie, indie developer, game development, unity, c#, blender, game design, game studio, devlog, development, startup, forge industry, flega, steam
Id: BOJauWm5bds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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