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this one's from zenoa I'm currently working on a topown shooter do you think it's best to upload mini or fulllength devlogs around 10 minutes to get your Game's name out there or is it best to keep it low until you are closer to being ready to release I've seen people do both ways it's sort of the the gradual reveal and you're slowly building but I've also seen people like work on something for years and then they just like drop this amazing trailer and it goes viral and people freak out I would say that um you know option b is maybe a little bit more risky it's a lot more risky uh to to put everything on this giant release at some point to wait till you've almost finished your game and to not have anybody see it uh a common thing that you will hear is the very first thing you should do when you start making game is marketing and IT maybe is not the very very first thing but it's quite early so you need to think about how am I going to present this game in whatever form that is to an audience and the sooner you do that the more time in the market you have and it's almost like investing really you're you're building up compound interest hey that's a pun there you go You're Building interest as you are showing your game I would I would do it early I would I would start it out as early as you reasonably can to show interesting and cool things now if you're you're not if you don't have anything truly interesting and Visually appealing to show off you're not going to really get any Headway anyway so it's more of a point of when will I have something to show and sometimes not sometimes a lot of the time when you see those devlogs of people you know Dev log zero right and they're like I've been working on my game for a week no they haven't they've been working on their game for a lot longer than a week and they've just finally reached a point where they're have something that can show visually yeah I think plan out if you're truly serious about being commercial and selling and and having that uh uh marketing part of your your Game Dev Journey think about a plan a marketing plan of how you're going to present your game and what things you want to show what order you want them to show them in how far along the development process you want to show those things and you know you get to a point where your your stuff looks good people are interested in it and then you're kind of like oh look at this feature look at that feature right I I think the best it's not well my opinion here's my opinion you you want to get to a point where you have a a vertical slice of the main mechanics of your game if you don't know what a vertical slice is um people describe it as a sort of a a piece of cake so your game your entire game is the entire cake and that cake has many different layers uh sound art programming game mechanics everything right and one slice of that cake is going to be one level or one part of a level that's going to show all of those different aspects in as polished of a form that you can get it to at that point right so if you have a really cool uh prototype that you're working on or you're seriously working on a game that you're going to release get a single five minute experience of that game super super polished and work on all the different aspects that are included in that so if you're working on a firstperson shooter game you would have a five minute uh really you can almost do a video right a five minute experience a trailer a video that show like like polished assets polished programming and and functionality now you don't have to make it look like a triaa game but if you get it to a point where people have a pretty good understanding of what you're trying to achieve and what you're doing in the direction of your art then you've got something right and you can start sharing that you can start taking parts of that and post it on Twitter post it on on Reddit uh make a devlog on YouTube build an audience and if you've got something that's polished and it looks good and is enticing and is interesting then heck yeah like post a devlog because I've seen initial devlogs get like hundreds of thousands of views and T to 20,000 subscribers off of two to three videos that's not everybody right but if you hit the right cord you absolutely can do that so yeah I devlogs are definitely worth it and sh ing things are definitely worth it but you got to have a plan have a plan of attack Oliver Nichols 7493 says great hearing about another dad of little ones awesome goads uh thanks for the honest chill discussion what mic and video editing software do you use good question um yeah so I I did some research when I started doing this like a year and a oh almost two years now wow that went by really quick yeah so this mic is a Audio Technica shotgun mic I think it's the uh at897 uh it's I think it's an older one the um actually let me grab the this one this one right here um this is more of your uh Dynamic mic this is the sure MV 7x and honestly I don't I don't think it was all that I think it was under a 100 when I got it uh but this is a super great I mean this is more of a you know podcasting kind of mic and this is good for direction straight on the sound is good so I I utilize both these mics in different situations uh it's all going through a Focus right um I think it's a solo yeah Focus right solo so that's your your audio interface so you can control the game and you know Monitor and and provide some some phantom power if you need it and uh that's basically the audio setup really if you if you have at least a clear signal on what your audio is doing you can clean up a lot of it and post um so that's pretty much all I have for for audio Hardware the video editing side I I use Da Vinci resolve exclusively I tried Premiere I wasn't a huge fan and I'm not a huge fan of paying a subscription fee for it um but eventually resolve is free and amazing and utilized in the actual video industry for what it does so it takes it takes some resources but I you any video editing is going to take resources so you got to have a decent computer to run it but you know if you have apple I think I don't use apple so I don't know the name of all the Stu but iMovie if you use that I'm sure that's fine yeah Da Vinci resolve and uh sure and Audio Technica shotgun mic and gets the job done works really well and then camera wise I know you didn't ask this but I'll I'll answer it anyway is a uh Panasonic Lumix G7 which is an older camera but again does 4K and uh 60 frames and it does a good job so um yeah that's the equipment
Channel: StayAtHomeDev
Views: 16,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamedev devlog, devlog, devlogs, godot, indie devlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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