Holy burled walnut veneer, Batman!

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hi guys it's turnet john's furniture repair starting another project in the shop today and it's this vanity here um this came in from a customer who we've done lots of work for and they've got a whole bedroom suite but in their recent move this guy got into trouble uh so this is the leg here and it's snapped right off on the frame from down here other than that we're going to refinish the whole thing uh we'll be doing the rest of the bedroom suite and on a later date but right now we're just going to repair and finish this one so just back to the original color and shine up the hardware and clean it up and make it look like it was uh when it was due so let's get out okay so i got all the drawers out and got this thing flipped on its side to deal with this leg first of all and uh you can see here where it's broken is right where the attachment was for the skirt and really did not leave any wood i mean it's not really structural so it wasn't a big problem but if anything hit it it was going to break so basically just little pieces of wood holding on that with some veneer over top so i think what i'm going to do is actually take this screw out and i'm going to glue this redo this dowel joint here and glue this back in without this screw here and uh perhaps just put a glued corner block down here instead of a screw here at all because uh what i'm gonna do is actually fill this with a wood dowel and then glue that in with epoxy so it's got a solid piece coming across here i mean i could drill it out and put another screw in for holding on but it's got one here on the end and if i just put a little glued in corner block here it'll be fine so [Music] that's what i'm gonna do so let me grab a screwdriver and get that screw out of here and what i'm going to do now is drill out both of these um dowels that are broken off here [Music] okay so that's all cleaned out and this guy's all cleaned out and i've got a new dowel here so i'm just gonna get some epoxy mixed up and i'm gonna glue this in here and i'm gonna actually fill this with epoxy too so i've just got my west system here just gonna do a half batch and i'm gonna add some sawdust here just to thicken it up the west system sells a uh silica thickener but i just use sawdust because it's free and there are a whole lot of stuff that's free in this shop that's for sure sometimes i spend so much money on supplies i wonder if i make any okay so that's nice and thick i want to be able to fill up that big void it does a pretty good job of thickening and the other thing is you can use wood from the project that you're working on to color it so that's always helpful too okay so some of the uh back veneer was loose here so i'm gonna glue that at the same time first i'll just get my glue in the joint here a little bit of my holes kind of coming through that side too yep get the clamp first so i'm going to insert my dowel here give it a good twist so i get some good squeeze out and then i'm gonna probably cut it off around there and before i put this leg on i'm gonna fill up this void here i don't even know if i need to put a dowel in here to be honest i think what i'll do is just put the corner block across this break i think that's completely sufficient for this repair and then i'll also put it in this end you guys have watched my other videos kind of know i make up my mind as i go with a lot of these jobs so i'll say one thing and then i'll do something completely different if that annoys you i'm sorry but i'm honestly just working and figuring things out as i go so you get to hear my uh entire mind process as i work through these repairs and figuring out which process i'm going to use and sometimes i think i'm gonna do something and when i get to it i'm like you know what this is a better way so i'll do it this way so just bear with me okay so we've got uh the epoxy in the joint and this is all here so i'm just going to bring this down on the joint there we go okay so that is all solid full of epoxy so that's good don't need to put a wood dowel on there what i will do now though after clamping this up is get a wood block behind there and clamp this all straight so let me get a clamp here first so i'm going to just run this corner block it's pretty nice and hefty so right across that whole joint put that on there and then i'm also gonna while this is drying put it across here just so i get this joint as flat as possible try to put this clamp on so there's room for my other clamp to go back on awesome so that can dry overnight and then we've got uh eight legs on this cabinet and we can get to uh doing the stripping so i'll see you tomorrow okay guys so it's next morning in the shop here and let's get these clamps off so good so that's pretty nice and sturdy and that break is really nicely come you together see there so nice and flat across the joint and the leg is nicely sitting in there so now we just need to clean up the glue and we can get on to the stripping [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] [Music] yep [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] me [Music] uh [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so this top's got a lot of depth in the walnut veneer so i'm just going to steam it before we sand this top i just got our cotton rag that i soaked with some water it's not too serious but i don't want to sand this walnut a lot because i really like when walnut has that nice chestnut patina and if you sand it a lot walnut can get uh really red so i want to kind of keep in mind that i don't want to sand a ton because they've got three other pieces that go with this scent and they're not going to be getting those refinished for a little while so i want to send it back as close to the original color as i can so it doesn't look too out of place while they're waiting to get the rest of the stuff done so i've just been doing light hand sanding on everything lots of times i'll steam without a rig if we're sanding quite a bit and i want to really get in there but with this i want to be really careful not to so it's too crazy with the sanding [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so i've got the first coat uh sanded i did two coats in the top right away and this all uh is sanded with 320 so what i'm gonna do now is hit some of the light spots with a couple toners so the spots like in here uh and you know all the trim around here i did do a a glaze of burnt ember before uh doing all the spray work and that's helped a lot to bring everything into town but it needs a little bit more so i'm gonna do that and then the whole thing is gonna get a raw ombre tint so look at that gorgeous veneer though it's really popping [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] all right guys here it is all finished the panel's installed and that's it for this piece pretty pretty straightforward um we did feel the inside of the drawers they were pretty dirty so those are all nice and clean i always do that and uh the top is silky smooth it's got such a beautiful color going on see that nice walnut there and all those beautiful burls on the drawers our side that we repaired right down here can't really see anything but it's right there that we repaired this uh break on the leg that we did get you a closer look yeah right there is that seam that you can barely see so that's all nice and sturdy now and uh it is ready to go it looks really awesome just love this piece and there's a whole bunch more to go with it so i'm excited to do the rest of the set when it comes in and there was also a mirror that went with it that i've got over here this guy's all good to go as well so once again thanks for joining me on this one and if you enjoyed this video don't forget to press like and subscribe and uh you'll definitely enjoy the rest of our videos
Channel: John's Furniture Repair
Views: 98,027
Rating: 4.9543147 out of 5
Keywords: trena, john's furniture repair, thomas johnson, antique restoration, spraying, sanding, stripping, shop, workshop, woodworking, refinishing, refinish, project
Id: GQZkqTurZrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 43sec (1723 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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