The Cursed Media Iceberg Explained

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cursed media it's a fascinating and equally creepy topic of discussion you always hear about these movies where the cast and crew throughout the entire shoot are plagued with bad luck some type of Misfortune usually resulting in filming and financial issues injuries and sometimes even death maybe it all just stems from a bad Omen but sometimes maybe something bigger is going on behind the scenes whether you believe in the Supernatural or not these cases are very interesting today we're diving into the most cursed pieces of media whether they be haunted video games doomed film sets hexed books or even demonic songs this is the cursed media iceburg [Music] explained but real quick before we get into the video let me thank today's sponsor displate I've talked about displate before and I'm happy to have them again on the channel displates are unique metal posters with a very simple and easy to use mounting system that uses magnets and an adhesive Leaf they're super easy to set up just use the provided cleaning wipes on your wall wait about 10 minutes place the protective leaf on the wall then peel the foil off from your magnet and place it on the designated spot on the leaf push down hard for about 5 seconds and boom you're done simple as that and good news is if you have limited wall space like I do you can also just set up the displate magnets and swap out posters when you want to having a cool little rotation of whatever you like without having to use up additional wall real estate if you don't have the space and best of all no more velcro or thumb TXS required ired and of course display has a wide selection of awesome posters to choose from for whatever you're into whether your passions lie with gaming related stuff movies Comics Nature music history displate has it all even a bunch of official partnered Brands as well to choose from I'm myself this time picked up this really sick Breaking Bad one as well as this epic Dark Souls one and can't forget the Persona 3 reload one which looks amazing so check out display using my link in the description or by using the promo code Source brew and get a great great deal for 25% off your first displate and a 35% off discount if you get two or more again use code Source Brew or hit my link in the description and don't miss out on a great deal for some sick metal posters thanks again to display now back to the [Music] video tier one The Exorcist this is definitely the one that comes to mind when you envision cursed media a film that took on a life of its own as it were out side of the filmed scenes themselves having one of the most infamous film Productions of all time the 1973 horror classic based on a 1971 novel of the same name follows a possession of a young girl named Reagan by a demon and her subsequent attempt at exorcisms by Catholic priests development of the film itself was plagued with hardships from the beginning the director William friedkin was even quoted saying we were plagued by strange and Sinister things from the beginning it is simply the hardest thing I have ever done done in my life end quote these instances consisted of a fire destroying the entire set of the mcneel home curiously enough every room except for Reagan there were also multiple other delays caused by sudden and tragic deaths of family members of the cast but it wasn't just people outside that were affected there were many on-site injuries including a crew member that lost the toe and another who lost the thumb the actress who played Reagan Linda Blair also suffered a horrendous back injury which she still deals with to this day but worst of all it was reported in the documentary the fear of God 25 years of The Exorcist that nine people died during the production of the movie including actor Jack mcgaan who died of flu complications shortly after appearing in the film where his character was also killed off it's these seemingly endless unfortunate events that took place during filming that led people to believe that this film was actually cursed and that the set itself may have been haunted and it definitely adds to the eeriness of this movie let me tell you it's already horrifying enough as is without this behind the scenes context The Omen The Omen is another horror film from the70s involving the Paranormal which is said to have a cursed production that is even more horrifying than the movie itself released in 1976 the movie follows a young boy named Damian who is Switched at Birth and ends up being the Antichrist leading to the deaths of many people surrounding their family the mysterious circumstances with the filming of this movie begins with the lead actor the father Gregory peek being involved in an incident where the airplane he was traveling on was struck by lightning which coincidentally also happened to another member of the crew an executive producer on a completely different flight but then it happened a third time to the film's writer David Seltzer and it still continued even during filming where another one of The Producers was once again almost struck by lightning but that's not where the strange circumstances end there were also many other onset accidents including a lot of animal related ones which includes trainers and stuntmen that were injured by the Rottweilers being used as the hellhounds in the film and even a zookeeper who was killed by a lion there were also two instances of cast members being near places that were bombed by the IRA and it's still not over because the most disturbing incident was one that mirrored a scene in the movie where a character is brutally killed by a sheet of falling glass falling out of the back of a truck and in real life a woman named Liz Moore was driving another crew member when they were suddenly involved in a tragic car accident which led to Moore being decapitated by a tire that struck their vehicle just to add to the disturbing nature of the accident it took place on Friday the 13th August 1976 near a road sign that read 66.6 km from a town called alond you really can't make this stuff up and on top of all of that the movie was remade in 2006 and also suffered difficulties while filming including a few unexplainable and disturbing events of their own one one of these instances was a large film reel of over 13,000 ft of film getting destroyed randomly with no explanation this being of the scene in which the devil's Mark was discovered on Damian but even more unfortunate and even more disturbing allegedly the brother of actor Pete pth died unexpectedly during a poker game after being dealt the hand 666 Poltergeist again another Infamous Supernatural title which had quite a hectic production to say the least released in 1982 and directed by Toby Hooper and adapted from a story by Steven Spielberg the movie follows a typical family that suddenly comes under attack by ghosts that communicate with their young daughter through their TV again like the other films we've discussed many of the cast members and crew felt uneasy on set and believed it to be haunted and there are a number of strange alleged occurrences that took place because of this including a real exorcism that was performed on set in which one of the men involved will Samson the actor playing the Native American Shaman died shortly after undergoing a heart lung transplant which failed this was however from the sequel film Poltergeist 2 then there was an alleged instance in which Spielberg tried to use real human skeletons as props supposedly and then there were three more deaths associated with the movie and its sequel again with Poltergeist 2 an actor took his own life shortly after filming named Julian Beck as he had been diagnosed with stomach cancer then in the first movie the actress Dominique Dunn was killed in 1982 by her ex-boyfriend but the most well-known one is Heather oor who played the little girl Carol freeling in the movie who tragically passed away in 1987 from a sudden Cardiac Arrest as she had likely been suffering from an undiagnosed condition called A congenital intestinal abnormality the Hope Diamond this entry is quite unique as it isn't really a piece of media not a movie or a book or even a game but an actual Diamond which was extracted from a mine in India way back in the 17th century said to have an estimated value of 2 to $350 million now currently it resides in the National Gem and Mineral collection at the national museum of natural history in Washington DC but what's so cursed about this incredible Diamond well going back to the 1600s this diamond has had many owners over the years with most of the people who either owned the diamond or wore it ending up suffer uffing from some tragic fate articles began to circulate in the early 1990s about the bad luck and Misfortune that befell its possessors over the years including too many historical figures to name but some of them ended up committing some were killed in violent revolts or mobs or even by loved ones some were disgraced and died in prison and others were tortured and one was even killed by wild dogs some of these accounts are dubious and the legend is likely exaggerated however it is definitely still still a fascinating story and there is a lot more to delve into with this diamond tier 2 The Crow another one of those films that comes to mind when you think of cursed film sets and Productions mostly due to the tragic accidental death of lead actor Brandon Lee the film was an adaptation of a 1989 comic book of the same name and released in 1994 revolving around a man named Eric Draven who is killed by a gang but ends up being brought back to life to act his revenge against those who killed him and his girlfriend it is very well known for being the cause of the death of such a young and upand cominging actor as Brandon Lee was only 28 years old at the time of his death sadly around a week before filming would rap Brandon Lee was mortally wounded by a 44 caliber pistol which had not been properly inspected by the prop master and while filming a scene in which the character is supposed to be shot using a blank round instead the dummy round was actually propelled out of the gun and hit Lee in the stomach and he would try tragically later die of his injuries after an unsuccessful surgery in an attempt to save his life a few hours later keep in mind this wasn't the only accident just the most devastating and well-known one but also there were multiple onset fires which caused injuries to crew members some of which the source of was unable to be identified a stunt man was also severely injured during a fall which resulted in multiple broken ribs and the set itself had been destroyed many times during production which along with the death of Lee led to many delays the crow is actually getting a remake with the film dropping this year in 2024 so hopefully the curse is broken and nothing like what happened here happens again Superman the Superman curse is a phenomenon associated with the high amount of strange occurrences and mysterious misfortunes which happen to befall many of the people involved in the adaptations of the classic DC comic book character this dates all the way back to early adaptations in the 1940s with the actor Kirk Allen who played Superman in lowbudget serials from the time but afterwards failed to Garner much success as an actor due to being typ cast for his performance although he lived a long life till the age of 88 but the same cannot be said about all the actors who played Superman like Lee Quigley who played a baby Superman in the film from 1978 and would later in 1991 at only the age of 14 die from inhalent abuse however the two most cited cases are of the actors George Reeves and Christopher reev not related at all just coincidentally have very similar last names George Reeves played Superman in the movie Superman and the mle men from 1951 and also played him in a TV series called The Adventures of Superman which aired from 1952 to 1958 however Reeves was found dead under suspicious circumstances days before his wedding on June 16th 1959 he was found with a gunshot wound and a pistol next to him with the the death ultimately being ruled as however no Fingerprints of Reeves were ever identified on the gun couple that with the fact that he had been involved in an affair with the wife of a film executive and well you can see how this spawned some conspiracy theories as well as more fuel to the fire that is the Superman curse then there's Christopher reev who is one of the most well-known actors to play the character playing him for almost 10 years starting with the Superman movie in 1978 through to Superman 4 the Quest for Peace 1987 he like many of the other actors suffered from typ casting after his role and in 1995 he was met with a tragic accident which left him paralyzed from the neck down after being thrown from his horse later dying in October of 2004 at only the age of 51 there are several other cases which people point to and there isn't really time here to get into all of them but some believe Marlon brandoo was also a victim of the curse as well as Margo K who played Lois Lane and even Christopher ree's wife Dana reev who also died young at age 44 and apparently even the crew working on the Superman Returns DVD weren't safe from the curse either they were assaulted fell down the stairs and even smashed through glass windows equally though it seems there are people who weren't affected such as the more recent actor to play the character Henry caval Honestly though this deserves an entire Deep dive video like a lot of the topics on this list The Passion of the Christ no matter what your take on chrisan Christianity or religion as a whole is it is hard not to recognize the fact that any movie involving some sort of Christian figure whether it be Jesus the Antichrist or some sort of demonic entity seems to have troubled developments and mysterious misfortunes occur around them and 2004 is The Passion of the Christ does not break that mold directed and written by Mel Gibson the film follows the story of Jesus Christ and depicts the passion of Jesus mostly concerning the 12 hours preceding his death the film was quite controversial upon release and grew some criticism for its depictions while some described viewing it as a Holy Experience regardless the production had quite a few notable and strange occurrences which took place interestingly just like the omen there was a ton of lightning strikes despite that being incredibly rare Jim cavel the actor who played Jesus was hit by lightning on set and not even 5 minutes after an assistant named John molani also got hit which in itself is insanely rare but also that same guy had been hit previously by lightning which is such a flex like I would be telling everyone I got struck by lightning not once but twice that's just crazy also cisel was not just struck by lightning but also dislocated his shoulder while carrying the cross and was also accidentally lashed with a real whip also interestingly enough the actor that played Judas who was a self-proclaimed atheist was converted to Catholicism at the end of production and this didn't just happen to him but a few of the other actors and crew members Rosemary's Baby some call Rosemary's Baby the most cursed film of all time at the very least it's in the discussion not only that but this 1968 horror film adapted from a 1967 novel really changed the game for horror as well receiving widespread Acclaim and being considered one of the scariest films to be made at that time the movie follows a young pregnant woman who ends up being involved with a satanic cult who wants to use her baby for a ritual and claim her son is actually also the son of Satan the Antichrist but what happened behind the scenes is even more disturbing as the film's composer in 1968 suffered from a brutal fall which left him in a coma which he never recovered from dying in Poland a year later a producer on the film William Cook in the spring of 1969 suffered from a temporary mental breakdown in which he hallucinated scenes from the movie however the biggest tragedy surrounding the film crew was what would happen to the director and more specifically his wife and actress Sharon Tate who in 1969 was pregnant with their child and in fact even tried out for the lead role although instead Mia Pharaoh ended up being cast as Rosemary Woodhouse however on August 8th of that Year Sharon Tate would be suddenly attacked and murdered along with her unborn Son by cult members of the Manson family this was around the beginning of the satanic Panic movement in America and no doubt this murder as well as the widespread success of the film and novel of Rosemary's Baby contributed to the phenomenon The Beatles White Album so believe it or not this actually ties into the last entry of Rosemary's Baby and more specifically the Sharon tapate murder as at the crime scene cult members left the words Written in Blood Helter Skelter in reference to The Beatles song of the same name released in the 1968 album titled The White Album see Charles Manson and his cult had this strange conspiracy known as the Helter Skelter scenario in which they believed in a coming apocalyptic race war which they decided was the case because of some alleged Vision their members had as well as the Beatles album which they interpreted as containing subliminal messages about this coming apocalypse however it seems the one they pointed to the most was the track Revolution 9 as they saw it as a reference to the Book of Revelations chapter 9 and these people were completely insane obviously but I won't lie some of the songs on this album are pretty creepy especially Revolution 9 I understand this was a very experimental album especially for the' 60s but this song has always and will always still make me feel uneasy and this additional context about the Manon family does not help that feeling at all pus well here's something a little more chill bit of a break from the heavier stuff for a second as pretty much Everyone Knows by now that the legend of pus is a hoax still a very interesting story and piece of gaming history nonetheless as it was said to be a very rare arcade game from the early 8s which which was only available in limited arcades and was used as some kind of government experiment as the machines were regularly inspected by Men In Black the game was said to have been made by a mysterious and unknown German developer and was said to cause seizures and other psychoactive effects to those that play the game before eventually it disappeared from arcades and was never seen again this urban legend likely came about from real cases of people becoming sick and even dying when playing arcade cabinets around the time although it's unclear where the rumor actually originated from The Last Temptation Of Christ The Last Temptation Of Christ is a movie riddled by controversy it's a religious film focusing on the life of Jesus Christ and adapted from an equally controversial novel from 1955 which sees Jesus as a figure that is tempted by lust and other sins which did not go over well with Christian groups in the80s when the film was released the movie was actually directed by Martin Scorsese and after the film released he was getting so many death threats that he felt the need to higher security there was also plenty of censorship protests bans some of which are still in place to this day but the most tragic instance of controversy came from a radical Christian group that attacked a cinema playing the film with an incendiary device which severely injured 13 people The Wizard of Oz The Wizard of Oz despite being one of the most beloved films of all time and being a childhood classic had one of the most horrifying film Productions ever couple that with some false urban legends and rumors that circulated around as well and it's no wonder that this is on this list remember the hanging munchkin thing you know the scene where you can allegedly see one of the cast members hanging in the background well yes this is a hoax but what is real were the hellish conditions the casting crew were under there were dangerous practical effects taxing film schedules which required the actors to take drugs just to stay awake strenuous makeup and costumes which had to be worn for long hours and of course onset injuries including Buddy Epson the actor who portrayed the Tin Man suffering from aluminum poisoning which led to him being hospitalized for 2 weeks or the most infamous case in which Margaret Hamilton the actress who played the Wicked Witch of the West Was set on fire during a scene that involved pyro Technics resulting in severe burns to her hands and face her stun double Betty Danko also suffered from multiple injuries while portraying the character yeah this shoot didn't sound like much fun Madden EA I've talked about the Madden Curse before and it's definitely one of the most interesting gaming urban legends ever since 1999 it seems the cover athletes of the Madden series would end up suffering from some kind of injury a shortened season or some kind of Misfortune after being featured on the cover from 1999 to 2024 about 16 of the 24 featured athletes were cursed in some way after their appearance including the most recent 2024 release with the quarterback Josh Allen who led the league in turnovers however when you really think about it it's not very surprising that athletes get injured in a sport as physical as American football and the decline in performance well that tends to happen even to the best especially once athletes hit their Peak still that doesn't stop fans from petitioning to not have their favorite athletes appear on the cover of Madden out of superstition although most players at this point don't believe in the curse especially since in 2018 Tom Brady appeared and won MVP and in 2020 Patrick Mahomes would go on to become MVP and win the Super Bowl in the same season the King in Yellow this is something you might have heard of if you're a fan of True Detective the first season absolute Masterpiece by the way which references a figure known as the yellow king or carcosa and that's not its only influence this 1895 book of short stories written by author Robert W Chambers even inspired the works of HP Lovecraft and the cthulu Mythos many of the stories are said to be some of the greatest Supernatural and weird fiction ever written however interestingly as the stories progress it shifts from the dark and mysterious to romantic stories taking place in Paris that have no Supernatural elements whatsoever due to the strangeness of the work as well as the somewhat sudden tone shifts and hard to understand material it is seen as a work unlike any other and one that could leave a profound effect on the reader making you feel strange as you read it not exactly in a cursed kind of way but it's why it's such a influential work to this day that opaqueness is is part of what people love about it in the mouth of Madness this is a 1994 horror film directed by John Carpenter which follows an insurance claim investigator that is looking into The Disappearance of a famous horror novel author and himself is thrown into the mouth of Madness being seemingly unable to separate fact from fiction the film is inspired by The Works of HP Lovecraft known for his intense dives into the psychologically distressing Cosmic horrors of insanity the film ended up receiving mixed reception upon release but is generally looked back upon more fondly however as far as I know there isn't really anything too notable that happened during production or anything that makes it seem as though the film was cursed I guess it's here just by being related to The Works of HP Lovecraft and the King in Yellow McBeth now MC Beth on the other hand is genuinely considered as a cursed work it is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare and was first published in 1623 but was likely performed much earlier possibly in 16006 it follows a Scottish General by the name of McBeth who becomes consumed by his ambition to become the King of Scotland after encountering witches that prophesies that it will indeed happen he eventually kills the king and takes control of the throne only to descend into madness as he becomes a tyrannical ruler and kills those who stand in the way of his power it's meant to examine the effects of the crushing ambition of those who seek power and the Damage it can cause them and their loved ones what's most interesting though is that it is generally considered bad luck to mention the play by its name when performing it in a theater and it is usually referred to by pseudonyms such as the Scottish play or the Scottish King because a rumor was spread that Shakespeare himself used real witches and spells in the actual story which caused the play to be cursed and now Dooms any production of the play causing Misfortune injuries and even death to casting crew members there are even certain cleansing trials or rituals which tradition requires to be performed in order to save the production from the curse there are quite a few instances in the modern era of people pointing to the curse in action ranging from injuries to Deaths theaters burning down and even get this it being attributed to Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the 94th academy awards ceremony because Chris Rock said the name of the tragedy of McBeth out loud the crying Boy The Crying boy is said to be a cursed painting created by Italian artist Giovani Bolan which was widely printed and distributed a number of incidents are associated with the painting which led to it being dubbed as a cursed piece which is something that was popularized by the British tabloid the sun in a 1985 article which described a story in which a firefighter found among the ruins of burned down houses perfectly intact copies of the painting and even crazier the firefighter who found these paintings well his brother-in-law refused to believe the legend and bought a print himself only for his house to burn down and for his print to also be found intact at which point he destroyed it with his own hands and there are plenty of more cases involving fires sometimes of Unknown Origin where the painting remarkably survives intact these cases as well as the myth of the painting itself were investigated on a BBC Radio production called punt Pi where it was concluded through testing that the prince actually had a varnish which protected it against fire damage which would mean most of the time whatever was holding the painting up in the first place would be the first thing to break down which would typically cause the painting to fall forward protecting it even more from any potential damage even still it's quite shocking the amount of recorded fires there are that are associated with this print obese AA morsa also known better in English as Obey the Walrus is an early disturbing YouTube video that made its rounds back in the day and I remember scaring me quite a bit as well I also remember scare theater making a video about it way back then too but the backstory behind the video is much sadder as it was taken from a film titled the goddess bunny released in 1998 about a drag queen named Sandy crisp who suffered from polio the video spread like wildfire and people began to write creepy pastas about it specifically the video became popular on the Spanish speaking side of the internet with one copy of the video amassing over 30 million views and eventually even a cult was formed around it which is a whole other Rabbit Hole in its own right I suggest blame it on Jorge's video on the topic if you're curious to know more tier three junichi Masuda Lavender Town Theme ah Lavender Town an all-time classic creepy pasta and probably the most talked about Pokémon urban legend of all time known mostly for its creepy yet incredibly catchy soundtrack The Lavender Town Theme created by junichi Masuda the legend associated with it though goes that in the 1990s with the release of Pokémon red and blue there was a phenomenon that took place where when players entered lavender town and heard the music for the first time through the use of binaural beats and certain tones in the track it led Japanese players to end themselves because of the extreme headaches they received as a result of the music this was dubbed the Lavender Town Syndrome of course this is all just made up just a creepy pasta but still one of the most wellknown of its time spreading from forms and quickly becoming a household name online at least in the horror SL Creepy Pasta Community atuk atuk is one of the most fascinating cases of a cursed film mostly because it was so cursed that the film never actually got made it was meant to be an adaptation of a book titled the incomparable atuk which was actually a satirical comedy however the production of this movie was anything but funny pure development hell actually in fact the most common version of the urban legend is that any actor who even shows interest in portraying the main character in the movie would end up dead with people pointing to the likes of Sam Kennison Chris Farley John Candy and John Belushi not only that but production started all the way back in the early '70s and could never really get its footing thanks to untimely cast deaths lawsuits rewrites you name it berserk berserk is basically the real life pus okay not quite but it is considered to be the first game to ever cause the death of a person but the story goes that it wasn't just one person but at least two maybe even more according to rumors leading many to believe that the game was cursed this is because a legend spread of a boy named Jeff Daly who died in 1981 at the age of only 19 after reaching a high score in berserk succumbing ultimately to a heart attack and in 1982 another young man named Peter Bowski also died of a heart attack they say 15 seconds after posting a new high score it's worth noting though that some of these accounts are dubious but it is known that at least one person did die while playing this game although it's unlikely the game had anything to do with it and was more than likely a result of a pre-existing heart Edition the Conqueror this one is kind of crazy and I'm shocked that i' had never heard of this movie before the movie itself not so notable actually scratch that because it's regarded as one of the worst films of all time it especially caught a lot of flack for its casting which saw John Wayne portraying genas Khan if you can believe it but the worst thing to come from this film wasn't any of this but rather their filming location as due to filming in Utah near nuclear testing sites many of the crew members ended up developing cancer upwards of 40% of the crew during their lifetimes with 20% dying from it however it is still debated whether or not this was actually attributable to the radiation or not Apocalypse Now Apocalypse Now is one of the greatest movies of all time and is regarded as such as this Vietnam War epic from 1979 is a one-of-a-kind experience let's put it like that it's a more modernized take on the Heart of Darkness a short story from the late 1800s it's no shock to me at least that the film had a nightmarish development even though it was being directed by one of the greatest of all time Francis Ford Copa the man who directed The Godfather there were issues almost immediately as getting the lead role was difficult because of the 14we shoot in The Jungle which many actors turned down before they got Martin Sheen who himself suffered a near fatal heart attack while filming and also sustained many other injuries including in the opening scene which is kept in the film when his character is drunk at the time Sheen had been struggling with alcoholism in real life as well there were also a lot of troubles with with Marlon Brando as he had come to the shoot at over 300 lb of course we now know he would give one of his most iconic performances yet Copa himself suffered greatly as well being actually while filming having an epileptic seizure and just overall descending further into a dark mental state which is definitely reflected in the final product not really a cursed film just a hellish production that pushed cast and crew alike Into the Heart of Darkness res soz gloomy sunde gloomy Sunday first published in 1933 is a song created by Hungarian pianist reso SZ and is also called the Hungarian song due to an urban legend closely associated with it which became popular both in the artist country of origin Hungary and the United States where it was rumored that the song had been responsible for the deaths of over 100 people as it would lead some of those who listen to it to end themselves however there's not actually any solid evidence that this song caused any such instances and it just came out in a Time history which was difficult in both countries but more notably Hungary where poverty and famine were more likely causes of the atypical number of at the time however this didn't stop the legend from spreading leading to the song being banned from multiple stations in fear of this rumor and sadly the creator of the song in January of 1968 would take his own life only bolstering the story even further in all reality the song was not cursed but rather a reflection of the dark times in which it was written Mariana morard glesgorv on a bit of a lighter note Mariana morard glesgorv a YouTube video that was said to have been deleted by YouTube themselves after 153 people who viewed it gouged their eyes out and sent them to the YouTube main office the rest of the creepy pasta states that YouTube occasionally would upload part of the video to coil suspicions and so people didn't go looking for the full thing the story ends by saying that they have no idea where it came from or who the man in the video is well we actually do literally just a random dude turned into a creepy pasta video which isn't even really scary at all it's just this guy's face with a red tint over it Rebel Without a Cause Rebel Without a Cause was the last film to be made starring The Young and upand cominging actor James Dean as he would pass away before the film would release from a brutal car crash at the age of only 24 but it wasn't just Dean who would die early in fact each of the film's leads including also Natalie Wood Sal Mino and Nick Adams would all pass away before the age of 45 sparking the rumor of the film being cursed they didn't just pass away from natural causes either Dean died in a car crash Nick Adams passed away from a drug overdose which was ruled a Sal Mino was found murdered in his apartment in 1976 and Natalie Wood at the age of 43 drowned under strange circumstances while out with her husband as well as fellow actor Christopher Walkin although some insist there is more to the story as her husband Robert Wagner admitted to arguing with wood than night prior to her suspicious drowning Glee the first TV series to appear on this list Glee is a musical series that aired on Fox for 121 episodes and six seasons from 2009 to 2015 however despite it being a hit and day comedy drama series there were many dark things going on behind the scenes and especially after the show concluded in July of 2013 actor Cory Montee would be found dead after taking heroin and alcohol in his hotel room in 2018 18 actor Mark saling ended his own life after being convicted and sentenced to prison for possession of CP actress Nia Rivera also lost her life in 2020 after going missing during a boating trip with her son with her body being found 5 days later presumably rescuing her son from drowning Sports Illustrated much like the case of the Madden conspiracy there is a similar Legend with the cover of Sports Illustrated which states that anyone who appears on the cover will be cursed with bad luck this phenom on has been dubbed the Sports Illustrated cover Jinx and has affected way too many people to list out here just the notable instances are alarming whereas the notable points of contrasting this argument have much less but the easiest explanation is just that people usually athletes are chosen when they are at or near their Peak meaning you can really only go down from there typically right a reversion to the mean as some would describe it being perceived as a decrease in performance it doesn't exactly explain the many injuries though although as we saw with Madden it's really just a matter of in sports you get injuries simple as that the great Omar this one is actually a specific copy of a book one created in 1910 by the bookbinders sangorski and Sutcliffe of the collection of poems called the rubat of Omar kayam the book took 2 years to make and was adorned with jewels and gold inside the book cover the volume was auctioned off in 1912 and strangely only sold for half of its asking price only for it to end up on the Titanic yes that Titanic and the book was tragically lost in the disaster and only a few weeks later Francis sangorski of the bookbinder company drowned while trying to save a woman in a lake eventually the other half of the company George Sutcliffe would remake the book only for it to be destroyed again even after being placed in a vault due to bombings during World War II many point to the golden peacocks on the cover which were said to be symbols of Misfortune and disaster possibly causing the Perpetual bad luck of wherever the book found itself tamino's hell another thing I've discussed in a semi- recent Iceberg detailing creepy or otherwise strange images and their Origins but this one is pretty well known and recognized for being associated with a creepy pasta and this image but it also ties in with a Japanese poem titled tamino's hell which spread around the internet with people on image and message boards claiming if you read the poem out loud then Misfortune would befall you or worse so read it out loud if you dare Power Rangers for some reason it seems the cast members of the 9s Power Rangers show would unfortunately be met with a series of tragedies leading some to believe that Mighty Morphin Power Rangers may be cursed starting with the deaths of both the yellow ranger played by th Trang who died in a car accident at 27 then the brother of the green/white Ranger played by Jason David Frank dying Suddenly at 29 of an unspecified illness some also point out how the black Ranger played by Walter Jones suffered an accident at age 4 which made him lose his middle finger on his left hand but this was obviously way before the show and kind of a stretch then there's the Blue Ranger played by David yoast who experienced homophobia by crew members during his time on the show eventually causing him to leave entirely and a kind of random side character played by a kid named Skyler delion would eventually go on to be sentenced to death for two murders but what also be suspected of another one entirely which is just insane and on top of all of that in 2002 in a different adaptation of the show the red lion ranger played by Ricardo Medina who wielded a giant sword would eventually kill his roommate with a different sword pleading to voluntary manslaughter pretty wild stuff for a kids show Busby's stoop chair here's an interesting one a cursed chair sometimes called the Dead Man's chair which is allegedly cursed by a man named Thomas Busby who was tried convicted and hanged for the murder of his father-in-law in 1702 and the legend goes that before his execution he somehow cursed the chair he used to sit at in a pub in thk which would later be renamed to the Busby stoop Inn thanks to the infamy of the chair which remained there for many years gaining a reputation for causing the deaths or Misfortune of those who sat in it which would eventually cause the owners of the Inn to donate the chair to a museum in the' 70s where it now hangs from the ceiling to prevent anyone from sitting in it s/ the melancholic princess okay guys my brain is officially fried I saw Sonnie and the first thing I thought of was Chris Chan what is wrong with me but what this actually is is this image said to be of a portrait of a Japanese girl who ended up taking her own life and somehow managed to trap her spirit inside images of the painting which led to reports of people saying that if you stare at the image for long enough her face will start to change however as it turns out this is just another Creepy Pasta SL interet urban legend and the image itself is actually titled the melancholic princess created by Robert Chang of a character called Princess Ru from a screenplay he had written called tillan Sky tier four Frank Sinatra My Way okay this one was way darker than I was expecting like this phenomenon is so strange you can't even make this up apparently the 1969 Frank Sinatra song my way was popular in karaoke bars in the Philippines at least in the early 2000s sl210 at least popular enough that a significant amount of murders took place while people were singing this song at least six people from 2002 to 2010 as proposed by a New York Times article but most likely even more closer to a dozen as the trend would be dubbed the my way killings and the question is why unfortunately not only is karaoke violence kind of a common occurrence in the Philippines in general but it's actually a phenomenon seen all over the world although to a lesser extent typically it's known as karaoke rage and there are fatal instances that have taken place in the West Asia everywhere really people for some reason getting angry over people hogging the mic or singing a song they didn't like it's very weird also and an accidental bar right there some people think the song My Way somehow encourages this violence or is somehow cursed which is why many places in the Philippines have removed it from their karaoke list believing possibly its lyrics May initiate some sort of innate violence in people although a New York Times writer Nori mitsu onishi rather pointed out that the deaths had nothing to do with the song itself but were rather quote the natural byproduct of the country's culture of violence drinking and machismo antrum now I haven't actually seen this movie but the idea of it looks and sounds pretty cool I have to admit it reminds me of a lost episode Creepy Pasta basically it's a documentary looking into a cursed film from the70s called antrum that causes deadly effects to those who watch it it's presented as real in the trailer but it's actually a fake documentary a mockumentary if you will but they give you like a legal notice in the beginning and have all this lore and World building surrounding the fake film known as antrum which people believe is cursed after a concessions employee at a movie theater laces the popcorn with LSD and makes everyone freak out resulting in the death of a woman at the screening the IMDb scores weren't the greatest but I'm definitely curious and want to check this one out Fury of the demon so spoiler alert this is another mockumentary a French film known as Fury of the demon in English released in 2016 which also depicts a cursed film a lost short by the famous film director George melas which drives the people who view the film to Insanity Fitz coraldo Fitz coraldo is a 1982 film directed by the well-known director verer Herzog which is definitely one of his most infamous Productions thanks to Onset injuries deaths and alleged exploitation that took place during filming like this film shoot sounds like an actual nightmare like they need to make a movie about them making this movie because it sounds even more interesting than the plot itself if I'm being honest like Apparently one of the local laborers got bit by a venomous snake and to stop the spread of its venom he allegedly cut off his own foot with a chainsaw what the there were also multiple small plane crashes thankfully no one died during any of these but many were injured and one was even left paralyzed there were also quite a few deaths of other local workers which Herzog was said to have exploited for labor without going through the proper local channels which led to a group of disgruntled locals Burning Down the film set at some point leading to them having to start all over the whole thing was just a disaster with Herzog even saying in an interview that he should not make movies anymore and quote I should go to a lunatic asylum I feel even if I get that boat over the mountain and somehow I finish that film anyone can congratulate me but nobody will convince me to be happy about that not until the end end of my days not only that but there was also drama between lead actor Claus kinsky and Herzog himself which was so great that a native Chef working on the film offered allegedly to kill kinsky for hertog although he declined The Mars Volta the bedum in goath released in January 2008 the fourth album of the rock band the Mars VTA was titled the bedum in Goliath and was said to have been influenced by a demonic presence this all stems from an encounter the band had with an alleged demon while using a spirit board one they called the soothsayer which was said to have influenced this said to be cursed album they allegedly used actual lyrics from the spirit as well as some poetry which they had found hidden underneath the board before eventually deciding to destroy and get rid of the board because it was causing them bad luck and became somewhat of an addiction for them they encountered many problems making the album after this point including suffering from mental breakdowns having audio glitch out and disappear on them and even suffering from physical accidents like breaking a foot taboo the 6th Sense taboo the 6th Sense is an NES game released in 1989 by Rare which was marketed not as a standard release but a party game in which players are dealt tarot cards after inputting their name gender and birth date because of superstitions around tarot card readings the game features a warning before you start that it's meant for ages 14 and up and is only made for entertainment purposes however there was an urban legend that started surrounding this game G that had accurately predicted the deaths of several of its players although this is just a rumor and nothing more so far as we know that is Toad Road Toad Road is a horror film from 2012 which follows a young college student played by actress Sarah and Jones who gets into a drug habit and becomes obsessed with the idea of a road that leads to Hell called the Toad Road located in Pennsylvania which supposedly has seven Gates which slowly as you pass through them lead the person going through to themselves until they eventually reach hell in the film it is implied that she died along this journey while on an acid trip as she disappears for 6 months and is never found which is ominous given that the actress who played her Sarah Anne Jones died of a drug overdose shortly after the film premiered a disturbing and sad coincidence the Misfits Marilyn Monroe's final film that she acted in is quite controversial that being 1961's the Misfits starring Monroe's character and her group of friends and their relationship ships what's interesting about it is not only the fact that this was her as well as actor Clark Gable's last movie due to their deaths but also the movie was said to have been cursed as it was shot on an indigenous burial ground leading to many unfortunate occurrences during and after production such as famous actor Clark Gable dying of a heart attack only days after wrapping his shoots and Marilyn Monroe dying about 2 years later there were also many problems while filming including the location itself as they would film in the 100° desert for long periods of time the grifter this is a 4chan urban legend and creepy pasta about an alleged cursed video titled the grifter said to be one of the most mysterious and disturbing videos ever created with these images being supposed screenshots of it with it also being said to have included multiple murders which all had the same doll in the background of the footage obviously this one is not real but it's still a well-known and classic internet Creepy Pasta lafin absolute do this is another madeup cursed film known in English as the absolute end of the world which is the subject of an episode in the horror Anthology series masters of Horrors with this episode titled cigarette Burns being directed by the iconic John Carpenter the film was said to have started a riot which ended the lives of many people when it was premiered and even starts to drive the protagonist insane throughout the episode as well also interestingly enough this episode Stars Norman Reedus as the main character looking into the film as well as Udo KY who Ires him to look into the Lost film both actors would end up being involved in games by hide coima kind of random trivia but interesting nonetheless products advertised by Jackie Chan Jackie Chan is a very well-known and beloved Hong Kong actor martial artist and stuntman known primarily for his work on action films from the 80s and '90s however despite most movie projects that he's been a part of being a worldwide success the same can't be said for when he advertises products leading to a notion or more like an urban legend developing over the years that any product Jackie Chan promotes becomes cursed to fail some of these instances include game consoles CD players and even controversial hair products which all declined in sales after being endorsed by him of course it's all just a coincidence but that didn't stop Nick Asia from popularizing the myth the curse of Sarah black this refers to an allegedly cursed YouTube video which is said to be haunted by a medium who could communic unate with the dead that suffered an early death during one of her seances and now haunts this video leading those who now watch it to suffer a similar fate or at the very least have Misfortune befall them although actually I'm pretty sure this is just an early ARG kmfdm AOS this is another music album created by the German band kmfdm which just so happened to release on April 20th 1999 the same day of the Coline high school massacre coincidentally both of the perpetrators were fans of the band kmfdm would later release a statement condemning the actions of CLE bold and Harris and Eric Harris himself noted in his journal before his death The Peculiar coincidence not only in the release date of the album but also its title given what they had planned for that faithful day tier five Memphis rap sigils Horror core is a subgenre of rap which started in Memphis describing usually real life homicidal violence which was common place in the ' 80s and '90s but adding a supernatural and psychological horror twist inspired by slasher films of the time extra Gore and violence beyond that of what was normal at the time surrounding this is an urban legend known as the Memphis rap sigils which likely originated from forchan which argues that there are eight cursed tapes from famous rappers which contain The Souls of murdered victims thanks to a Satanic ritual that was allegedly performed a pretty wild conspiracy but interesting nonetheless kill switch kill switch was said to be a cursed game that very few people ever had the chance to play as it was very hard to come by on the internet and would delete itself from your computer after you played through it only giving you one chance through the game only 5,000 copies were ever said to have been produced with the game itself centering around your character waking up in and exploring a coal mine with you pointing click style collecting items and walking around solving puzzles in a complex maze which is haunted by a demon this however was all just a creepy pasta reminiscent of other urban legend games in the genre like pus as the story actually came from a short story written by author Katherine M Valente that was published in a collection of her stories titled The Melancholy of a Mecca girl NBA Jam NBA Jam is a series of classic style arcade basketball games based on the current NBA rosters at the time which also featured insane and unrealistic dunks but also cool Easter eggs and his is generally remembered fondly by those who played it however the game is plagued by one specific and disturbing rumor an urban legend surrounding the player dren Petrovic a shooting guard who played for the Nets and died at only the age of 28 years old in 1993 during a traffic accident only a few months after the release of the arcade game that same year which interestingly when the game was ported to home consoles the developers took him as well as another player Reggie Lewis out of the game entirely after their passings however in the arcade versions a rumor was spread that some of the cabinets were haunted by petravic as occasionally it was said that the announcer would randomly call out his name even when no one was playing it and the game was in demo mode in fact this sentiment was echoed by one of the game's creators in an interview where he claimed that this had happened while the team was playing Mortal Kombat next to an NBA Jam cabinet when suddenly the announcer started calling out petrovic's name which was shortly after his real life death he claims it is likely a strange glitch yet it only happened after his past and is not limited to their cabinet but any original version of the NBA Jam arcade machine Kleenex it's a fine day this is a notorious Japanese Kleenex commercial from the80s that's quite creepy and has garnered quite a reputation for that very reason as being haunted or cursed with rumors circulating that if you watched it at a certain time the video would change or you yourself would become cursed after viewing it further rumors spread about the actress in the video dying shortly after this in a m Ward after going insane and some even suggested that she became pregnant with a demon baby yeah wild stuff all I really want to know is what they were thinking when they made this commercial and how this was actually supposed to sell tissues Untitled Fatty Arbuckle biopic I believe this is referring to a film that never got produced focusing on the life of controversial silent film actor Rosco Arbuckle also known as fatty who was one of the most popular stars of the 1910s until he faced mult criminal trials including one involving the assault and murder of young actress Virginia rap strangely enough actors Chris Farley John balushi and John Candy were all approached to play the role of Fatty Arbuckle in the Untitled film before passing away shortly after leading to the film never being made and making many believe not just this production was cursed but perhaps even the man's name and likeness itself Satan Sphinx this is another supposedly cursed internet video that I've talked about what it feels like a million times Times by this point it's your standard Creepy Pasta kind of video that was said to contain subliminal messages and was part of some government experiment that would lead its viewers to end themselves after viewing you know the usual stuff the alleged video originated from forchan surprise surprise and the whole thing of course isn't actually cursed or even real to begin with don't open your eyes another allegedly cursed video it being one translated from Russian it's kind of your standard Affair containing some of what you'd expect in one of those creepy pasta type videos it's just a bunch of random somewhat creepy footage spliced together minky Momo here we have an Infamous anime known as minky Momo one covered by Kenny Lauderdale in a video with almost 5 million views the anime aired in 1982 and was pivotal in creating and popularizing the magical girl anime genre and is also known for having one of the most insane anime finales ever especially for a kids show essentially the main character a little girl named Momo loses her magical powers and gets hit by a truck and dies that's the ending this was so crazy that it spawned a whole new urban legend around the show and its last episode well not the actual finale because they were eventually required to continue the show but either way a devastating earthquake not only happened that day but also on the actual finale air date of May 26th 1983 a day which harbored one of Japan's worst earthquakes in recent memory allegedly again when the show re-aired the finale in 1995 there was yet another Earth earthquake disaster if you can believe it so yeah after these odd coincidences many people began to think the episode was actually cursed tier six uh this this is an allegedly cursed YouTube video yet again which shows a blurred and distorted face of a man for about 30 seconds while a strange droning sound is heard in the background progressively getting louder before the screen cuts to Black it's mostly just a typical Creepy Pasta video akin to the likes of Mariana morard glesgorv however took on a new story when in 2014 a YouTube user made a video detailing how it was actually cursed describing their experience en countering it discussing rumors of the video being a government experiment or just being cursed in general then after the user watches the video the image appears on their PC jump scaring them which they captured on their phone there's only one other video on this channel which was likely a continuation of this ARG although it didn't really go anywhere Beyond this as far as I can tell although almost every comment on the video is in Spanish so it's likely this is another internet urban legend that became popular with the Spanish-speaking creepy pasta side of the internet the orphan story lastly here we have a supposedly cursed Spanish novel called The Orphan story which was written by a Roman Catholic pret in the 1600s although it would remain unpublished with the manuscript surfacing in 1965 the book itself details the life of a 14-year-old orphan on his adventures throughout Spain during the first Global age it is said however that whoever works on the book dies which happened to two other professors who were working on publishing their own additions of the story leading the book to be labeled uad Spanish for Bewitched or cursed yeah I guess you're welcome because if you made it this far we're all cursed by now you're welcome so might as well like And subscribe right right anyway check out displate for some cool stuff and I'll catch you guys next time peace peace out
Channel: sourcebrew
Views: 148,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sourcebrew, sourcebrew iceberg, iceberg, iceberg explained, lost media, cursed media, cursed media iceberg
Id: S_AlOmmLDPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 0sec (3420 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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