Go For A Punch - Lost Media’s Most Disturbing Anime

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a group of young girls wake up in a large bathroom surrounded by nothing but the White Tiles and walls no doors no windows they're trapped for days with nothing but their thoughts and each other only able to talk amongst themselves with no means of Escape eventually after going days without food and starving they start to lose their minds they begin screaming and yelling and bashing their heads into the floor scratching their necks until they draw blood and even Dr ing each other in the sinks this is the story of the most disturbing lost anime ever made go for a punch and is there anything scarier than this premise well I can think of one thing and that it's having your personal information out there on the internet for everyone to see and worse yet being sold to spammers and scammers luckily with today's sponsor Aura I no longer have to worry about that Ora shows me which data Brokers are out there selling my information and automatically submits off out requests to get that information offline not only does it keep it out of the hands of scammers and hackers but also reduces the amount of spam you get significantly and on top of all that aura also provides additional online protection features like an antivirus password management system identity theft Insurance parental controls and even a built-in VPN you get all of these security features at a great price and all in one place no need for a bunch of different subscriptions and applications so if you want some peace of mind when it comes to your online security and not have to worry about any of this stuff and let Aura do the work for you then click my link in the description and start a 2E free trial today thanks again to Aura now back to the video on February 21st 2015 a now Infamous thread was created on four chance xboard asking users the most huffed up things they've seen on the Deep Web and due to this prompt the replies in this thread are some of the most grotesque and vile things one can hear about on the internet truly unspeakable stuff that I cannot talk about here but among them were stories that were a lot more tame in comparison creepy pastas internet horror stories like the grifter dead Bart Satan Sphinx and a new story no one had seemingly heard of until this point as an anonymous user posted the following quote some weird anime about naked girls stuck in a large bathroom without doors having a philosophical debate about getting out of the room after losing hope and starving for some days everything goes downhill they just start screaming and yelling then they all commit assus either by Smashing their heads on the floor or scratching their necks to bloody pieces one girl helped the other to drown in the sink because she asked her to hold her because she couldn't do it I cried myself to sleep right after watching that vid because I just didn't even know anymore why would anyone draw that with such Precision it was horrifying looked 80ish in quality audio 2 Japanese dub English subs lasted for about 30 minutes no credits but it seemed ripped voices sounded very young but uh Japanese sound young in their 50s haven't found or seen it again the name of the vid was something along the lines of go for a punch or something yeah as you can tell it's a pretty disturbing description but compared to the other truly despicable stuff being talked about on this thread it's not that bad to be honest but you can at least see why it intrigued some people despite it coming off as a creepy pasta which to be fair at first that's just what people treated it as for the most part not really taking it seriously just another forchan urban legend but some were admittedly curious the op further clarified a few details in another post saying quote little rather far apart eyes almost like by Miyazaki most had bushy brown hair and only one the one that was drowned had a really brightly colored he- cut I watched it in 2011 for sure ask me for more details if you want I remember everything and not just because I have a partially photographic memory but because it was really intense for me at the time especially because of one particular Scream one girl had it had a really strange Echo to it and it almost made me dizzy the closest reproduction of that sound I can find is from The Shining soundtrack DS irier I swear if I hear the real thing again I'll go berserk pick related the girl with the he- may cut but imagine her with almost white hair the user also further clarified in another post saying quote and also sorry if I misled anyone I'm fing stupid how could I forget there were probably Japanese symbols in the title but I had Windows XP at the time so I could only see them as little boxes but it was like this go for a punch DL SL some code consisting of letters and numbers I'm not sure if the exact amount of boxes is accurate but I'm sure there were less boxes before the English text by the way the layout in the site I watched it in looked similar to today's Bing Video previewer pick related this was the image the op provided of the video player which allegedly looked like this after this a few users became interested in looking for the anime and the lp provided a few more details from their recollection quote I hope you have better luck than me but at the same time I hope you don't because if you're anything like me it will be pretty depressing it just has this abstract feeling to it that doesn't go away for a long time it definitely wins the time record for character development I really felt bad for all of them there was nine girls in the room eight of them looked really similar but all their voices varied there was not even instrumental music just occasional Ambience throughout the video what was most unsettling about this scene were the weird camera angles and no horror music as I'd expect just girls softly sobbing and gagging as they ripped their necks open with their fingers they looked like an embodiment of lost hope and the head smashing Parts I don't even want to go into details title of the video was probably not true to the original since this is the Deep Web we're talking about even less reliable source of information than Mission posters on 4chan but even if it was deleted there should still be a way of restoring it since it was once posted on the internet that depends on time though the waters get a bit muddied by this point as another user chimes in asking the op if the name sakisanobashi Rings any bells this is the first reference of this name in relation to this story saying that searching on Google gives no conclusive results but it was mentioned on the a board which is dedicated to discussions pertaining to anime and manga although strangely enough a thread about this anime was purged from the boards according to the user again a lot of people though didn't buy the whole story as pointed out by one Anon who wrote quote you'd think that something that Anon described would be well known Not only would it be very strange to have something so gory and sad produced in the80s Era of Japanese animation you'd think this piece of Animation would be well publicized for its contents as there are many animes out there that are well known for just that I hope that if it is real I do get to see it either way not too much traction was drummed up from this thread as there was nothing else in the way of evidence only one other notable post was made around this time at least that was archived in September of that year with the user echoing the same basic premise for an anime that they had seen quote there was this one that not even I remember the name of about a group of naked girls or maybe guys in a room that resembled a bathroom but without doors SL windows and the group slowly breaks down with people ultimately El themselves so to summarize what we have so far the op recalls an obscure Japanese animation possibly dated from the80s was of poor quality almost if it was ripped from a VHS but still had English subtitles and was about 30 minutes in length although it was possibly not the full thing as it didn't include credits the op remembers watching it in 2011 on the dark web using a previewer like the bing one here here they were also using Windows XP and found it on some creepy and obscure site and the title of the video was something like go for a punch with a bunch of other letters and numbers the anime itself featured nine girls all ending themselves in brutal ways in a bathroom without doors or Windows eight of them having a similar Brown hairstyle and the main character having a brightly colored Almost White he- cut also no music just creepy Ambience throughout the duration of the video however due to there being no credits to speak of or any other identifying characteristics there wasn't much to go on an interest in go for a punch began to Wayne with people mostly forgetting about it well except for a few forchain users who kept up hope scouring the internet for any trace of this anime only to come up empty-handed nothing really fit the description given by the op nothing remotely like that premise was found at least not initially not to mention also being in a similar style to that of hayami aaki which is mostly associated with his kid-friendly films it was all mostly a dead end so interest in the case quickly died down after the initial post on forchan in 2015 most people just forgot about it until a series of tweets were made by a user called fabinski in July of 2018 reigniting some interest in go for a punch or saki sanobashi can one of you guys help me I've been looking for a specific manga but I don't remember the name of it it was about three high school students who get trapped in a room and talk about their lives and stuff I remember that they all end up ning themselves with one of them helping one of the girls drown herself and the others banging her head on the concrete I can't find any information about this but I know it's real anyone okay so it's banned in America so I guess I'm going to have to look around okay so two things it might have another name called Saki sanobashi and may be Loosely based off another manga called dragon head but according to sources this had an 80s anime aesthetic to it maybe dragon head is Loosely based off of it all right so there's quite a bit to unpack here but this user claims to be looking for a manga not an anime of a very similar premise to that of go for a punch which they claim might have been also under the name Saki sanobashi like what was pointed out in the original forchan post but was not confirmed by the op on 4chan meaning the association is weak at best but from here on it would become the name this anime is most well known by so for now I'll pretty much be using the names in changeably also though not only is this version they're talking about a manga not an anime but it differs in details such as only having three characters instead of nine also somehow it's banned in America which for that to be the case then someone out there would have to know about it and I've seen it to get it banned in the first place they also bring up a manga called dragon head as something similar that may have been inspired by it dragon head is a Japanese manga series that was published from 1994 to 1999 the synopsis does kind of sound similar as it involves three students who survive a train accident and attempt to survive while being trapped in a tunnel and have to deal with their isolation and hunger but it gets more interesting from here as they then post a YouTube link saying [ __ ] me man however the YouTube link is now dead due to violating YouTube's policy against graphic or violent content which is ominous a few people asked years later what was in this link with the poster replying that they were manga scam amateurish in nature but still very gruesome however they were not related to sakisanobashi they leave off saying quote I'm going to find this and post it here these tweets on their own weren't what kickstarted the new search efforts though but it did provide more evidence which would be included in a very detailed post on the Lost media subreddit called searching for go for a punch a horrifying anime not so known which would Chronicle most of the events in the story that we've covered thus far going over the original thread as well as these tweets and further analysis of the titles go for a punch and sakisanobashi they speculate as to what they could possibly mean such as sakisanobashi actually being sakian nobashi which would translate to something like saki's room but as the op of this Reddit thread points out looking into sakisanobashi as the title isn't exactly a good lead because it just came from a random 4chan user and not the original poster talking about go for a punch which if it does exist is a better lead in terms of looking for the actual video but what could that mean go for a punch I mean it just sounds like an odd mistranslation which could very well not have even been the real title regardless this post compiled a lot of the known information and sparked more interest in the story which was already getting more popular around this time as noted by the poster who says that on PewDiePie's playthrough of Corpse Party a Japanese horror title about kids trapped in a school that is similar to go for a punch there were multiple comments comparing the game to saki sanobashi so clearly for one reason or another interest was picking up around this time but it would only get exponentially more eyes when YouTuber Justin Wang created a video on the topic in November of 2019 which would only further expand the reach of the story in a video which garnered over 1 million views developments would come in not long after this video with Wang making a second part in this series only a month later now without a doubt this brought the story to the mainstream attention but before the first first part of this series even dropped it's clear there were more people talking about it than ever there were a few scattered testimonies which were archived in this Reddit post from 2019 which furthered the legend including an Infamous scene which is now associated with the anime involving one of the characters heads being bashed into the sink also another user changes the story saying they don't remember them being naked but rather having cream colored Japanese school uniforms besides these new details emerging we also had an image that began floating around which was a topic on the second part of Wang's series there were a couple of other fake images but those had been quickly debunked however one caught a lot of people's eyes and ended up becoming synonymous with the anime as it was included with a story about how they had watched the show albeit under a different name quote nine girls I believe it was in the name I forgot all Japanese I have ever learned locked in the underground facility they all had background stories one was the daughter of some politician one with red hair was the daughter of some Yakuza boss there was some organization that locked them there and streamed the whole thing because they wanted a ransom there was 100% a head smashing scene where the Yakuza girl smashed the head of the blonde one which was the daughter of some lone shark and there already was bad blood between them she did it because they got food in exchange for it this was back in 2011 or 2012 it was pretty well made had Chaos Head Vibes they further state that the name they saw it under as they can recall was something like nine angles or 9° and after searching for this term in Japanese they came across this image called the girl dies nomad. BMP the term Nomad in this context referring to possibly an obscure fan subbing group that could have been responsible for creating an English sub for the anime and even possibly had a connection to an Anime Studio however this was all swiftly debunked in the very same video as being from an obscure anime OV from 1996 called School ghost stories despite this being a hoax this image represented pretty much how the main character who is now known as saki was described and so it kind of became the mascot for this story meanwhile people were still looking into finding the actual anime or Manga or anything remotely similar as people were beginning to doubt its existence once again instead leaning towards the idea that the op may have misremembered details and it actually could have differed quite a lot from what they had originally described a few theories were posited as to what they might have actually seen mostly this was from the guro anime sub genre and if you haven't heard of this then I still have some hope in humanity basically it's a genre which combines the grotesque and disgusting with eroticism one in particular got brought up a lot that being shjo subaki one of the most disturbing and disgusting anime ever produced which is banned in multiple countries thanks to its depiction of snil album against a minor who was taken into a traveling group as part of a freak Show in 1920s Japan but other than it having shocking content it doesn't really have any relation to sakis Sano Bashi as far as I could tell some people also pointed to a manga released in 2016 called brain damage which was alleged to have been inspired from an anime in the 80s or 9s which some believed could have been go for a punch from a few images I saw the panels were quite creepy and disturbing similar to something you'd see from from horror manga artist junjiito but nothing like what we heard about with sakisanobashi also there's no solid evidence that this was based on a previous anime at all so that really went nowhere some pointed to other obscure guro anime and manga some unofficial ones as well as many believed it was so obscure and strange that it probably wasn't made by a standard studio and maybe was created by a small team on a low budget but the fact that the show was available on the Deep Web and that it had subtitles means at least a few people should know about it right a lot of dead leads led to more pessimism and those who once believed it could exist were starting to become Skeptics post on the sakisanobashi subreddit which was created to search for the Lost anime was basically getting filled with memes and Bish post and people weren't really taking the case seriously anymore people were starting to give up and that was not helped At All by what would come next on the same subreddit r/ sakisanobashi by a user aptly named sakian aashi op using a throwaway account posted their confession claiming that it was all a hoax quote it looks like my previous post was deleted either by a bot or a moderator please don't delete this post you don't have to believe me but just hear me out okay this is a throwaway account because I know that people are going to hate me for having LED them on for so long and to be honest I deserve all the hate you can send my way but I don't want it following around on my main account I made the original post about go for a punch or as it's now called sakisanobashi as a joke it all started when I was browsing forchan and found a thread that was asking about the scariest things you've found on the Deep Web and in classic forchan user fashion I decided to troll a little just for fun I made up some cliche spoopy Lost episode es story in like 5 minutes and gave it an awkward sounding English title since a lot of anime especially lowbudget SL lowquality ones have names like that my only purpose was to troll the op of the original thread since he seemed pretty gold seeing as he was asking people about the scariest thing that they've seen on the Deep Web and expected a serious answer from forchan I had completely forgotten about all of this until just recently when Wang who I watch religiously uploaded a video about it I was really shocked when I realized that he was talking about me since I didn't think that anyone would actually believe my obvious BS it was also pretty surreal that not only had my favorite YouTuber made a video about a stupid troll post I had made but that so many people had dedicated time and effort into looking for for it after I watched Wang's video I started lurking in a few of the discords dedicated to finding Saki and this subreddit I didn't do much I mostly just read what other people were saying and joked around a little bit nothing big just some minor trolling here and there I didn't write any of the fake I saw saki posts I didn't feel bad about tricking all of you at first in fact I got a pretty good laugh out of seeing how people had dedicated so much time and effort to finding a clearly phony Story But as time went on and I started seeing more and more YouTube videos being made about the topic and saw people who were incredibly dedicated such as F Neo I started to feel kind of bad but I didn't want to put an end to the search just yet as it was still pretty funny especially the discords they're wild all of this brings me to today when I've decided to put an end to this stupid joke that has gone on for far far too long I obviously don't have any evidence that I'm actually the op and I don't think there's even any way to prove it I can already see everyone vehemently denying that I'm the op and continuing the search as if nothing happened but just to clear my conscience saki is fake I made the whole thing up as a stupid troll I didn't think that anyone would actually believe me and I couldn't even imagine that it was possible for it to blow up to this level I know that I'm repeating myself but I'm honestly really flattered that so many people have gathered to search for something that I made up in a few minutes I remember seeing a post just a few days ago where someone made a Discord to recreate saki I don't think anything will come of it as I'm sure that people will lose interest in the project but I would be be honored if people actually made this into a real thing I have nothing left to say other than offering all of you a sincere apology for having tricked you for so long they then also provided the images they used on the forchan thread as well as the original image included with the first piece of text on the story including a timestamp which corresponds to the date of the post so that's it then case closed right just another internet hoax well hold on because some people weren't so convinced that this was the op some pointed out how it was strange that they waited so long to show themselves as the creator of the hoax which the op suggested was because the movement was relatively small until Wang ended up covering it funnily enough if you look at the comments on the post most people don't think this is the actual op but they do believe the whole thing is a hoax so it isn't just that people want to trick themselves into believing it's real they know it's fake but they still don't believe this Reddit confession despite all the effort this person went through and order to prove themselves as the culprit it still didn't really work for the most part like they went to such lengths that it makes their story seem almost less credible in a way they provided images with exif data to try and prove their story but it still wasn't enough and to even further drive home that this wasn't the op a few months later a full debunking of their confession was dropped in a post on the same subreddit by user Stelios rotas who has since deleted a lot of their saki sanobashi posts including this one alth although there are still archives that exist including through other videos covering the history of this mystery basically it challenged all of the claims made by the saki sanobashi op account including the use of the images which were examined further only to realize they were uploaded from an Android and not an iPhone which was inconsistent with the images from the thread additionally they provided a sound file said to be the one from the post although it did not have a modified pitch as it was stated to have in the 4chan thread and on top of all of that the Batman fan Bing player image had been downloaded and re-uploaded which was discovered when comparing the file sizes of both the original image and the one uploaded to Reddit but it doesn't end there because then sakisanobashi P made a response post to the debunking of Stelios rotas yes this became lost media Reddit drama if you can believe it this post is very long so I won't go into everything covered here but just know most of it focuses on the sound file you know the one from The Shining well it's a little more complicated than that as Stelios rotas said it was from an obscure metal band which muddied the waters and sakisanobashi op mentioned how the image file sizes were different because of how his phone downloads images or something but none of this is really all that important in regards to the bigger picture I think this Reddit comment sums up this interaction perfectly I love that someone is debunking someone for making up an anime that both parties know doesn't exist truly the Pinnacle of Internet drama these guys should have got an episode of drama alert or maybe maybe one day they'll get a segment in a turkey Tom video or something either way the search at this point wasn't really leading anywhere people were giving up Hope on ever finding it and most came to the conclusion that many already had which was regardless of the veracity of the posts of Saki sanobashi op go for a punch was likely a hoax however the story isn't over just yet as of Fairly recently in the search a few notable leads have come up which are still worth looking at in a way the search was revitalized as people realized now more than ever in an era where media preservation is finally becoming mainstream that this was not the case just a few years ago and there are many many bizarre and obscure pieces of media that virtually no one has heard of just waiting to be discovered out there this was all exemplified in a post on the sakian no basitu Reddit another one dedicated to the search of go for a punch in which a user describes one such piece of media an obscure Japanese horror film titled the lady in the sea of blood meant to be an example of a piece of disturbing media that flew under the radar and had barely any presence on the Internet or at least was not well known on the English-speaking side however it wasn't a direct comparison to sakisanobashi or go for a punch just merely stating that it is easy for obscure media especially from overseas like Japan for example and especially older media like underground horror films to slip through the cracks as it were but some took this post very differently thinking maybe that this film was what they were looking for all along while the this wasn't exactly the case after finding the film it's clear that they do have at least some similarities first off though it is a liveaction movie and not an anime and also only has one main female character but it does show her bleeding to death in a bathroom and on top of it all when a person involved in the distribution of the film was questioned about it he said there was an anime adaptation of the film called the bloody punch of the lady now could this really be what we were looking for all this time the person involved with Twisted danger the company that distributed the DVDs also gave an image that they were sent as proof of the anime's existence and also helped shed light on a real deep web anime site called Dark anime.com which many theorized could bew the op viewed go for a punch all those years ago things were finally Beginning to Look up for the search and then a bombshell was discovered on the wayb back machine archives for the site go for a punch Nine Girls suddenly wake up just to see that they are in an unknown place which looks like a bathroom genre guro dat created 1986 everything lines up right this this is it this confirms its existence well not so fast because the user who was posting all of this information the one who interviewed the employee of Twisted danger the one who looked into the dark anime.com site was user called Chris Abel who many started to believe may have been making up everything as the way back machine post from the dark anime site could not be found when people went looking for it only for Chris able to respond saying that it had been taken down for some reason possibly because of people Mass reporting it but it just didn't really add up more likely it was Chris AEL who made up the entire thing and this again was likely a dead end as he would later leave the community after dropping a post saying he lost interest in the search but denied the accusation that he fabricated any of what was found now it makes sense that people get disinterested in stuff it happens all the time and you can't fult someone for that but for someone who was so dedicated to up and leave only after major Revelations were made and just when people begin to suspect you're making stuff up well it doesn't give the best outlook on the situation still we had the lead of bloody punch of the lady it seems that this wasn't something that was just made up at least it had been supported by another YouTuber called brutality will rule 666 who posted a review and series overview confirming the fact that this was a series of films with up to five of them being produced as well as the anime which was discussed by the Twisted danger employee allegedly now if there ever was a lead that could get us anywhere it might just be that alleged blood punch of the lady anime but hold on because remember the only reason lady in the sea of blood was brought up in the first place was as a comparison to go for a punch not literally as a theory of this being it or somehow related to it so probably this is just yet another dead end but before I give my final thoughts on this whole mystery we have one more lead which became prominent a little more recently which might hold the strongest weight of all of them in February of 2023 a YouTuber named mousi uploaded a video delving into this comparing this anime to the sakisanobashi story the anime which is actually a hentai translated to English is called Feast of the angels and is incredibly disturbing more so even than that of go for a punch however it is around the same length as what op described it also has a bathroom and a drowning scene and the main character has a similar appearance to the one described in the fourchan post and it was released around 1985 so could this be it or maybe this was what inspired the original story well it's possible again like I said this is honestly much more disturbing than what was described as it involves a girl who isly abused by a Yakuza gang and ends up taking violent revenge against against them as a result however some have also made a connection between this OVA and an Infamous Japanese guro artist from the 8S who already was a prime suspect in the investigation into who could have been responsible for go for a punch yui Agata who is only linked to one other anime production that being a film called the satisfaction this again has a really twisted premise and a description of the anime reads as follows quote one day Reiko the class president who is the object of admiration among the male students at her school suddenly had a dream in which she was beared by a demonic pervert however this dream turned out to be an even more brutal reality that came back to haunt her this anime is really obscure and lost media as only a few Clips have surfaced online and they are very strange and quite eerie and most of it I can't show on YouTube Last of all although considered a stretch even by the user who posted this themselves there is an interesting thing going on with the name yui Agata quote if you look at the first name the first character means to have and the second character can mean for in Chinese they share some characters as Japanese and to perform in Japanese the last name Agata is this in Japanese and this is the phonetic a of course now it would be crazy if Gata means punch right it does in Icelandic got to means punch in Icelandic could it be possible that someone inputed this in some '90s translating machine machine and the Machine failed to recognize it as a name so it brute forced a translation looking through several languages before spitting out something similar to go for a punch remember that in the op's post they say that the name may not be exact and the op might have watched the entire collection of anime and conflated the plot of theeni Tachi noen AKA The Feast of the angels with the mistranslated author's name could this be the case I mean it is possible but more likely their explanation sounding similar to that of Google translate really might be how they made up the title I'm not aware of any '90s technology capable of doing what was stated here but I know for a fact that this is how Google translate works if you input something and don't specify a language it can autot translate which might have happened when the op made up this title but either way if go for a punch is completely fabricated or parts of the story intentionally or not were borrowed from the works of yui AATA and more specifically Feast of the Fallen Angels whether it's an evil farming game situation or just a complete hoax it doesn't really matter so here's where I tell you yeah it doesn't exist you're probably not surprised by that by now but people do still have some pretty strong opinions on this and yes there have been cases of bizarre and creepy pieces of alleged media which did turn out to be very real just look at clockman or crybaby Lane but is this really a similar situation personally I don't think so I do find the premise and mystery behind it captivating and many others did too obviously which is why they stuck around looking for this for so long despite there not really being any solid evidence that it actually exists and I think a lot of that comes down to the way it was described in the original post there's just enough room for nuance just enough vagueness to make it seem like it may be genuine the lack of complete detail the strangely off-putting title which could very well be a bad translation from a real Japanese title but at the end of the day it's so interesting that people just want it to exist when in reality I think deep down people know it's just a creepy pasta that someone made up on forchan either that or details were misremembered and what they actually saw was Feast of the Fallen Angels or some other disturbing anime or Manga we discussed here but whatever way you slice it I just can't see saki sanobashi or go for a punch in the way that it was described as being a real thing especially with the whole story of it being found on the Deep Web which just makes it sound more unbelievable in my eyes because if you know anything about the Deep Web downloading and even streaming anime is a lot harder than it might seem and yes obscure pieces of Japanese media fall through the cracks all the time and get lost seemingly permanently as we've seen as media preservation was not a huge thing online until pretty recently and still I feel like there would be some Trace out there something pointing to its existence that would have been found by this point it's kind of like Bigfoot you know but hey maybe that's just me and maybe one day it will be found and I'll look very very stupid and honestly I hope it does happen but there's really not much else to say on it I still appreciate all the work that went into searching for this and I hope one day I'm proven wrong like I said because at the very least we were provided with one of the most interesting internet SL deweb Mysteries Ever in my opinion but after learning about these other obscure disturbing Japanese movies and Anime all I Learned was that reality is a lot more Disturbed than people's darkest Creepy Pasta imaginations so you can walk away from this knowing that much more disturbing and grotesque media exists than that of go for a punch besides just because the real thing doesn't exist that doesn't mean that it didn't spawn a bunch of interesting adaptations of the story because it definitely did there's a ton of fan art of it first of all but also there's full-on fan projects like mangas and even a video game a visual novel which actually is available on Steam and I've purchased I just haven't sat down and played it yet but from the artwork and the reviews and everything it looks pretty good looks like a pretty faithful Recreation of the story and I guess it's the most complete version that exists as of now in terms of an actual form of consumable media but that's where our story ends was it real no probably not was it a fun and interesting internet hoax absolutely and who knows one day maybe just maybe we'll be proven wrong
Channel: sourcebrew
Views: 154,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sourcebrew, lost media, sourcebrew lost media
Id: 9gAsiT_puMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 13sec (2113 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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