The Lost Media Iceberg Finale

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the day has finally come the last part of the longest Endeavor in this Channel's history which I started all the way back in September of last year and it's finally coming to an end it's been quite a journey and I have to thank all of you for sticking it through to the end and of course it's pretty poetic that this final part comes just after we hit 100K Subs on the channel so thank you all so much for subscribing but for most of all just watching my content and if you're here for the final part probably this whole series so thank you but if not that's all good too we've got a playlist with the six other parts which you can catch in order after this or you could always just start with the first part it's up to you really but without rambling on for too much longer let's take a final dive into the Lost media iceberg secret Gospel of Mark also called The Mystic Gospel of Mark is a longer lost version of the Gospel of Mark which is referenced in a letter which was discovered in the library of mar saba and was written by Clement of Alexandria and contains the only known references to this lost gospel including some quoted excerpts from it one of the quotes is very short and reads quote and the sister of the youth whom Jesus loved and his mother and Salome were there and Jesus did not receive them however the other passage is much longer and takes place during Jesus's journey to Jerusalem however because there are no other sources that prove the existence of this lost gospel its authenticity is debated to this day [Music] Nick So This concerns an Argentine TV station that would broadcast pirated content from Nickelodeon as well as Disney before it was shut down it was also said though to have some original content which is now obscure and lost to time the channel ran from 1994 to 95 but other than a few promotional images there isn't much on this Lost Channel and its original content Pokemon Snap station VHS tapes Pokemon Snap stations were part of a Nintendo marketing campaign where they set up these stations at certain stores where they could print out stickers and such if they brought their game cartridge now this is pretty obscure but these stations when they went to stores came with a few VHS tapes that showed the stores how to actually set it up specifically at least that was the case with Blockbuster and according to a lost media forms post one of these was even briefly available on Amazon but is now missing Fallout 3 gnomes ARG images alright so this here I think is referring to a kind of obscure Fallout 3 ARG that was posted about on the creepy gaming subreddit by user Mr Pyramid Head 11 years ago the post reads quote if you've played Fallout 3 you've probably at some point seen one of those damaged garden gnomes lately I've been seeing those at places where I never saw them in my previous playthroughs a while ago I did some research on actual Scandinavian folklore on gnomes and it got me really spooked about them seeing strange occurrences in Fallout 3 with them made me want to write something about it is it possible for MPC characters to randomly drop stuff on the ground if not I'm not sure how they got there as I said places where I'm absolutely sure there were no gnomes there before here are some screenshots of the recent locations I've found them at 10 Penny Tower girder shade and Vault 106 or 108 don't remember for sure however of course the images are now missing but the ARG was continued in another post on Reddit with a link to a video which is actually still available and keep in mind that this was made way back in 2012 so this honestly comes off more like a meme in the modern day than anything else foreign Martinez accidental shooting this one is just sad another case of a fake social media stunt turned deadly where a young woman from Mexico was shot and killed accidentally while filming some sort of fake kidnapping video for Tick-Tock of all things who you wouldn't think would even allow something like this but either way a real gun was used in the video and went off during filming shooting her in the head and killing her the whole situation is just terrible and thankfully the footage of this happening isn't available although there is some footage of the scene leading up to that fatal shooting Castle in the Sky alternate ending just ever Studio Ghibli film and directed by Hayao Miyazaki Castle in the Sky is an absolute anime movie classic from 1986 and because it's such a popular film and piece of anime history a few rumors have been spread about the film and its production including a supposed alternate ending which was first talked about on Japanese forms in 2007 with images being shared of this ending although they were very low quality and despite speculation into this Studio Ghibli has gone on to debunk this alternate cut existing which some claim they saw in early broadcasts of the film from the 90s but as of now it seems this might not be real as there is no official proof of it that's been found half elf tentacle assault DS okay so this is definitely a weird one a canceled Japanese game developed for the DS which um yeah you can probably guess just by that title it was planned for a 2008 release but the game was an unlicensed product unsurprisingly and was made using a flash cartridge for the DS called an R4 which was able to load the ROM the cancellation of the game might have had something to do with Nintendo cracking down on these unlicensed R4 cartridge releases but that is uncertain purple Yoshi demo now in the video game hoaxes and rumors Iceberg which I mean if you haven't seen this already check it out it's pretty cool Iceberg but anyway we talked about the myth of the unlockable purple Yoshi and Yoshi's story for the N64 however another mystery surrounding the character is of an unconfirmed Game Boy Advance Tech demo that was first seen in 2000 in a screenshot found on IGN's website the exact origin of the image though has never surfaced and not much else is known about it suggesting it could very well have been faked or it could just be from an unannounced and canceled GBA project seriously dude I'm gay this was a TV series that never aired on the Fox network but was planned to Premiere in 2004 before it went on air due to complaints from LGBT groups as the show revolved around two straight men who would pretend to be gay to their friends and family in a reality TV kind of setting with actual homosexual men at the end of the week I guess raiding which guy acted more gay and he would like win money or something I honestly have no idea what this concept is even trying to do but the pilot was created and was described as offensive to those who saw it and so subsequently it was never released [Music] Wikipedia hello world page everybody knows Wikipedia the largest existing encyclopedia on the internet which has been around since the very early 2000s the earliest recorded edit on the page was on the same day that the site was launched January 15 2001 rapage was created stating that this is the new Wikipedia however one of the site's Founders Jimmy Wales claims he created the first page which displayed text reading hello world which is a common Trope in web design and programming however there is no proof of this existing besides the word of the founder as the original edit was permanently lost and some have even began to doubt Jimmy's claims to it existing at any point uh yeah that anyway we got another rate your music digital release an EP by this Japanese artist released in November of 2017 and for a while it was lost but I guess this one's been found thanks to somebody managing to download it before was deleted and posting the tracks online although it's still fairly obscure Nikola Tesla's files Nikola Tesla is one of the most famous and important American inventors of all time innovating many fields as an electrical engineer and coming up with many unique Concepts which would completely change the world and even into his old age he was always cooking up new ideas even up until his death at the age of 86 in 1943 which led to many documents that he had on him being seized by the government to keep his research a secret which led to a lot of conspiracy theories over which kind of inventions and projects that he was working on and of course what the US didn't want anyone finding out about however a number of these documents have since been Declassified by the FBI and are available in their vault on the official FBI website but it looks like the infamous alleged death ray invention was not part of it 112 dirt bag 112 Dirtbag is a rather Infamous YouTube channel and mystery that's been talked about numerous times over the years because of a very strange video posted on it in 2011 called happy anniversary which showed an old man laughing eerily in a dimly lit room at the camera which people found out was posted on the same day as the anniversary of The Disappearance of a woman named Maura Murray back in 2004 disappearing off of New Hampshire Route 112 hence the name 112 dirt bag leading some people to think that this could potentially be her killer which is likely why this channel was terminated although they eventually did find the guy and it seems he wasn't responsible for her disappearance according to police and this main video Happy Anniversary does have re-uploads on YouTube but the channel itself is terminated [Music] Andrew show a show for white kids okay so uh yeah we've got a very strange racist kids show made by the KKK yes this is a real thing and it was an online web show hosted by a young kid named Andrew and was actually hosted on the official KKK website there were 21 episodes recorded from 2009 to 2014 although most of the episodes are now gone at this point except for a few which have been archived and just from looking at a few of these topics listed as being discussed in the episodes it's probably for the best that most of these are lost and yeah some of these entries in these last tiers are quite dark so prepare for more of this I guess Toy Story 2 ultimate Toy Box Costco DVD manufacturing error I just love how in Lost media we can go from creepy hoaxes related to real murders to racist kid programs to some of the most obscure off-the-wall miniscule details for missing media you never really know what you're gonna get anyways yes this title might be the most hilarious thing I've ever read and once you're getting to errors becoming lost media that's when you know people are truly dedicated to archiving everything they possibly can but Jokes Aside this entry was kind of a big deal for Costco because in this ultimate toy box DVD there was an error in about 1 000 copies that caused the scene from an R-rated movie released in 2000 called High Fidelity to play in the middle of Toy Story 2 which contained a character dropping the F-bomb and unsurprisingly this didn't go over well with people and the DVD was recalled however since it's so obscure the actual scene has not really been found online although there is a mock-up reconstruction posted to YouTube by user Samuel Barker but basically it just cuts to that scene in the middle of the part where Buzz is stuck in the toy package it's nothing too crazy [Music] self-portrait self-portrait is to say the least a very strange experimental film created by Beatles singer John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono and is apparently just a 42 minute shot of John Lennon's member yes and I guess the goal for this film was to film the audience's reaction because I'm sure it would have been quite interesting and she was actually planning on putting those reactions alongside the footage to create a different version of the movie however no version of the film has since been made available online although there is a hilarious review by a film critic named Philip French which I just have to read as Not only was he one of the only people to see the film but the way he worded it is just so funny for it being a film where you just stare at a guy's dick for 40 minutes it reads quote one film had the camera simply staring at Lenin's lasting some 40 minutes it seemed like an eternity it focused upon the unaided tumescence and detumescence of his member reaching some sort of climax with a pearl like drop of semen the film then jocularly known as John Lennon's John Thomas is actually called self-portrait the item listed in yoko's filmography as erection is in fact about Jon watching a hotel being built Jon and Yoko were in the cinema and during the performance there was a door open to the left of the screen with a sharp red light directed towards the auditorium no one inquired about this but it was later revealed Yoko had installed equipment to film the critics reactions to Jon's comings and goings the audience was to be one half of a split screen feature John showing his all and the critics responding to a frame by frame fortunately or unfortunately yokozaparatus recorded nothing size of relief all around otherwise that film critic Circle might now be part of a permanent installation projected on the wall of Liverpool's John Lennon International Airport Kaiser here we have what is considered to be the first Brazilian animated film created in 1917 and today only one frame from the film is known to survive the film itself depicts Emperor William II of Germany putting a military hat onto a globe on his desk at which point the globe comes to life and swallows the emperor whole CIA torture tapes yep I told you there would be some pretty dark stuff on here now I'm sure there are numerous undocumented cases of this happening but one of the most infamous and well-known instances were the 2005 CIA interrogation tapes which were destroyed in November of that year although the contents of the tapes were recorded in 2002 of what the CIA calls enhanced interrogation techniques also known as torture on various Al-Qaeda members and suspected members at icia black site located in Thailand during an investigation into these interrogations the tapes were destroyed to hide the evidence of any torture being committed and so the contents of those tapes are gone for good however a lot of the torture techniques used have been revealed by those interrogated including a man named Abu sabida who drew a number of graphic and quite disturbing illustrations of what he went through [Music] 1839 polish photograph this Century here refers to the alleged first ever photo taken in Poland in 1839 which now sadly is lost to time and we don't really have much else other than the man who took it which I definitely won't try to pronounce because I will look stupid San Remo Music Festival 1967. this was the 17th annual San Remo Music Festival which was held in San Remo Italy in January of 1967 songs were performed by groups with there being about 30 participants in total however the tape of this show was lost for 40 years before it would eventually be found again thanks to a copy being actually found and restored however the festival is likely most well remembered for a very sad death of one of the artists Luigi tenko who reportedly after being upset due to his song being eliminated ended his own life you may Nikki demos you may Nikki is an absolute classic RPG Maker title from the early 2000s I mean anyone who grew up in this era come on you gotta remember this game but if you somehow haven't heard of it it's quite the trippy experience to say the very least but in its early stages however there were 10 demos created from June 2004 to December 2005 which are all now incredibly hard to come by four of the later versions have all since been found as well as the fourth but versions labeled zero through three as well as version 5 are still lost Happy Tree Friends First Blood first ever Bonus Pack Happy Tree Friends is a show that I think I've talked about in this Iceberg I don't know it's been so long but I'm sure most of you know what it is a cutesy animation series designed like it was made for kids before the extreme graphic violence and brutal Death Scenes take over the first release of this series came in the form of a 2003 DVD called First Blood which also sometimes contained a special bonus pack although at this point only an image of the disc has been found so it's unclear what was on it and seemingly the case on this has since gone cold Lisa love and idleness this is a now lost and defunct webcomic made by C Shelby based on the video game Lisa the joyful and focused mainly on the character of yado with illustrations mimicking the art style of the games and even being in full color however it went on Hiatus in December of 2017 before it was eventually canceled completely in early 2019 and the comic has since Fallen Into Obscurity with all of the work of this artist being erased including this comic itself lonely girl 15 audition tape lonely girl 15 is one of the earliest known web series to be featured on YouTube being created in June of 2006 and running until August 2008 that was told through a series of Vlogs featuring a young girl named Bree whose parents were involved in some kind of strange religious cult called the order the main character Brie was portrayed by Jessica Lee Rose and I guess this entry refers to a lost tape of someone auditioning for this role in the series or maybe a different one it's kind of unclear but there is a video called lonelygirl15 audition by happy slip from what says 2012 that's still available and I say it like that because it seems like this clip is from much earlier because there are comments that say they are 16 years old making it look like this video was actually posted in 2006 or 2007. around the same time as the ARG Davey and Goliath vulgar dub so back in the early 60s a claymation series was created targeted for a Christian audience meant to explore themes and lessons from the Bible in each episode with the main character Davey and his dog Goliath also a reference to biblical figures however interestingly enough in 1994 14 dubbed episodes were found of the show which appealed to a much more adult demographic with edgy jokes and crude humor however when a group of church members got their hands on the VHS tapes they quite dramatically destroyed them in a fire due to them being offended by the material however two of the known 14 episodes have since been found and uploaded online pasolini's Trilogy Of Death production material Apollo pasolini is one of the most famous filmmakers from Italy with his most famous or rather should I say Infamous work being solo or 120 days of Sodom in fact he was murdered possibly because of this very film this was only meant to be the beginning though as he had planned a Trilogy of films called the trilogy of death and this was just the first entry which makes you wonder what the other two films would have been well the next on the list was going to be a biopic about this guy who if I try to pronounce the name of I'll just look really dumb although you can see where this is going when you learn the man was a leader in the French army but also a serial killer who targeted children but no material from this biopic has ever surfaced as far as I can tell Giuseppe Andrews lost films and songs Giuseppe Andrews is or was an American actor as well as a director and writer known for making several experimental films however strangely in 2015 he disappeared Without a Trace from the public eye in terms of his filmography though there is quite a bit directing many films from 1999 up until 2014 so it wouldn't surprise me if a couple of films at least were lost which is what seems to be the case according to a Reddit post I saw and by the way side note here I may have stumbled onto a different strange rabbit hole and looking into this finding a Reddit user on a r slash Giuseppe Andrews subreddit which is seemingly obsessed with the actor to the point of posting about him non-stop even concerning the other commenters but that's a whole different can of worms I guess so people who dive into creepy Reddit things well there you go for your next video topic I guess dark side of the spoon alternate album cover released on June 8 1999 the seventh studio album by the metal band Ministry is called Dark Side of the spoon and there was actually a short-lived controversy with the album in regards to the cover art which depicted a naked obese woman sitting in front of a Blackboard with the words I will be God written on it which led to it being pulled from a few stores however apparently there was at some point an alternative album cover although that remains obscure and hasn't been found and I'm not sure if this was to replace this one in certain stores and releases or if this is referring to an earlier unused design for the album of the Wonder Woman I debated just removing this from the video entirely I had to do that with only a few entries on this Iceberg so far but you know how YouTube demonetization goes but I did say there were gonna be a few darker entries here so uh yeah here we go I guess this was a proposed comic by the Scottish writer Mark Miller known for writing particularly wild stuff but this was crazy even for him it was pitched in 1993 and what he says was a joke but considering the other things he wrote I'm not so sure because apparently DC see somewhat actually considered the idea as they had an artist allegedly sketch one page of it but unsurprisingly this wasn't actually finished and I don't think that that one page has ever surfaced online book of the wars of the Lords this is referring to another lost book of the Bible that is listed as non-canonical it is mentioned in the book of numbers with something it was written around 1000 BC While others believe it could just be another title for another biblical book called The Book of jasher another lost non-canonical entry catch me killer so the catch me killer case refers to another incident of a hoax by someone claiming to be a killer of real life victims this time on a channel by that name posting two videos claiming to be this alleged serial killer who took the lives of 16 victims although after being investigated it turns out this was nothing more than a sick hoax however this was way back in 2008 and the channel has since been lost with seemingly no re-uploads of the content alien octopoids UFO photo okay so get ready for one of the strangest scripteds I've ever seen the alien octopoids said to have been spotted in Spain by a farmer in August of 1968 with these being the sketches of what this alleged creature looked like and I gotta say these look more alien than a lot of the more human-looking Cryptids and even other alien sightings that we hear about today apparently on that same day too another man from Austria took a photo of the creatures or the aircraft itself but that whole situation is kind of unclear because the photo is nowhere to be found so that could all just be cap oh laugh let's here we have some very old pieces of Disney history and lost media those being 30 second shorts created by Walt Disney himself back in 1922 and 1923. there were eight of these shorts in total all of which are now completely lost today due to them apparently not performing very well leading to them seemingly not being preserved at all Ted Danson's controversial performance this refers to a specific performance in 1993 where the American actor Ted Danson known for his role in the TV series cheers put on blackface and made many racially charged and offensive jokes at a comedy club roast apparently he even used the n-word at some point and at this point in time he was dating actress Whoopi Goldberg who may have helped him with his performance but even still for obvious reasons it was not well liked leading eventually to him apologizing for the incident however no footage from this performance has ever surfaced although there are pictures of him in the blackface and there is actually a small audio clip which has been found in a documentary the Kaka man on the industry this is a parody music album by the rapper communion which was released in 2007 with music videos even being produced for the songs releasing on MySpace and YouTube however a lot of these songs were taken down in 2008 and yeah for some reason this guy is kind of obsessed with like it appears in everything he does for some reason including the record label but anyway according to a blog post on MySpace in 2008 he moved on with his life becoming a Christian and giving up on his music career this album is still for the most part lost but a few Snippets have been found as well as some of the music videos Kanye West Black Skinhead Animal Planet version Black Skinhead is a song from Kanye West's sixth album Yeezus released in 2013. however strangely in 2014 Animal Planet released a commercial with a unique remix of the song with animal sounds included but at this point the song as well as the commercial are missing and pretty obscure insane this canceled survival horror title was one of a few projects that ended up never seeing the light of day that was being made in collaboration with horror film director Guillermo del Toro the other most infamous example of this being Silent Hills but this game in particular was being developed by volition for Windows Xbox 360 and PS3 and was meant to be the start of a new horror Trilogy however unfortunately its cancellation would be announced in 2012 by THQ and no builds or any real substantial leaks have been found in Samaria so this here is a very strange potential piece of lost media relating to another canceled horror game which was supposedly featured in gaming magazines in 1999 and was a first person experience developed on the Quake Engine with these super low quality screenshots of what it looked like the game was allegedly about the player character who is a serial killer that gets lost in the Paris catacombs and is hunted down by his victims which now have become monsters however besides that there's not much more info on this title so I'm not sure if this was even a real thing to begin with Hot Wheels crash downloadable maps Hot Wheels crash released in 1999 for Windows is a rather obscure forgotten game which is surprisingly not a racing game as you might expect but rather you just shoot out these Hot Wheel cars and try to just smash into stuff as the title kind of suggests so points for originality I guess the game also had six downloadable extra maps by typing in the password one two three four but these Maps became lost when the site used for this was shut down Maniac Mansion Easter egg version Maniac Mansion is an old point-and-click graphic adventure game from 1987 created by lucasfilm games it's a game about a guy and his friends trying to rescue his girlfriend from a mad scientist while solving puzzles in a surprisingly for the time non-linear fashion the game was also very well received so not too shocking that I got a sequel in 1993 called day of the tentacle which actually had a really interesting and ambitious Easter egg for the time as the first game was actually playable in the second game through a PC that could be found however the first game inside of day of the tentacle is kind of bugged but still works with certain setups for some reason as far as I can tell and it can even be accessed directly from dos using certain commands Mario Zelda famicon so this kind of calls back to something all the way back in tier 3 of the iceberg I know forever ago but a modded version of Castlevania for the famicom that had Mario as a playable character basically anyway in that same article talking about that famicom hack there is also a game called Mario Zelda and like the Castlevania game it's a similar hack but this time with link replacing Mario in the original Super Mario Bros game Fish with Attitude title released in April of 2012 and created by crowdstar before it was removed on December 31st of 2017. the game involved players breeding fish and expanding your virtual fish tank with different species however since being removed the game is now unavailable for download and is lost V you know I probably said that wrong but moving past that this could be a few things not an expert in Russian media but this usually refers to a short story written by Nikolai vasilyevich about the demon creature thing called V however this story has been adapted into many different films over more than a century and the first three earliest silent film adaptations all don't survive today but most of the ones after this point are still available [Music] nicocado avocado lost videos nicocado avocado is a rather Infamous YouTuber known for his strange Antics as well as his mukbang videos but like most YouTubers especially big creators like him not pun intended he's actually losing weight which is great for him but I mean Youtubers with lots of subscribers they tend to have some unlisted or even deleted content wanting to keep a cohesive brand image and maybe not have videos that don't mesh well with their current content and I suppose Nick is the same I remember there were even videos of him from I think a completely different Channel when he was much skinnier but yeah I'm sure there's more missing content out there me at the zoo too me at the zoo we already talked about on this Iceberg but yes everyone knows or at least most people have been on YouTube for a while know of the first video ever posted to the site by one of its Founders jod Karim however over the many many years since this video has been posted there were hints at a part 2. typically in the video's description either being posted by jod himself or by someone else hacking his channel which has actually happened in the past but no second part has ever been released MK Ultra documents MK Ultra probably needs no introduction at this point but just to give a brief rundown it's one of the most notorious government operations done by the CIA known for looking into mind control brainwashing and psychological torture techniques all of which had a very storied and Infamous history most of which was expunged by the CIA themselves when the project was being looked into more closely due to various crimes being committed during this operation and leading to many conspiracy theories as to what else may have been hidden or even destroyed because in 1973 under the orders of CIA director at the time Richard Helms most of the documents related to this were permanently destroyed although in 1977 still over 20 000 documents were recovered some of which have been made public and Declassified as of 2001 due to the Freedom of Information Act Amy Winehouse Raider online photos Amy Winehouse was a British singer who was active from 2002 until 2011 before her untimely death due to alcohol poisoning at only the age of 27. joining the infamous 27 Club however after her death as described in a radar online article nude pictures of her were leaked online of her during a drug binge and were offered for sale which is just absolutely gross and thankfully it seems these images are lost because the article reports that they were never published or may not even exist at all Ricardo Lopez handwritten diary also known as the Bjork stalker this was a man who became obsessed with the Icelandic singer and in 1996 sent a letter bomb to bjork's house before ending his own life thankfully police were able to intercept the package before it got to Bjork but Ricardo was dead and in his house there were not only many video diaries found addressing Bjork as well as his plans which now have some footage that can be found online including of his which is disturbing but also there was a physical handwritten Diary of over 800 Pages most of which was never made public Sergey eisenstein's Mexican project this one was a little confusing but in 1958 a documentary was made called eisenstein's Mexican project about a film he worked on in 1930 that was never finished and I believe is the actual lost media here with this film being called K Viva Mexico or Long Live Mexico it was said to be a pretty ambitious project covering quite a bit of Mexican politics and culture even being called quote the greatest film plan and his greatest personal tragedy and despite filming being quite hectic and the project seemingly being too ambitious for the time a whopping 50 hours of film was actually produced although most of it never saw the light of day there was a cut down version of about 90 minutes released in 1979 and later some restored versions but nothing close to the amount of footage that was recorded and probably not anything like the director's original Vision with most of it seemingly being lost for good [Music] David Murray Rose sightings the Loch Ness monster a classic Cryptid everyone talked about including myself numerous times spoke the real-life urban legend as well as the GTA version because of course I did and all that to say I think this is referring to a specific sighting of the creature by a man named David Murray Rose back in 1934 in a letter he wrote to a newspaper where he describes the creature that he thought looked like a crocodile seen in Loch Ness hence where the cryptid's name came from but I'm not sure what this entry is referring to exactly in terms of lost media possibly some sort of photographic evidence or something because all we have is the letter oh Svetlana alexiovich interviews she is an investigative journalist from Belarus who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in literature in 2015. she also authored quite a few books with a lot of her Works focusing on the Soviet Union and in order to do this she conducted many interviews with people involved in Soviet and post-soviet conflicts for her books as well as the accounts of others from different notable conflicts such as the war in Afghanistan and I guess these books are said to be like collages of these interviews showing the struggles of real people but the actual interviews themselves in their entirety for I'm sure a few reasons are not available at least I think that's what this entry may be referring to foreign radio television of the Thousand Hills an approximate translation of this Rwandan radio station that was broadcast from January 1993 to sometime in 1994. it's notable for taking place during one of the darkest times in recent human history the Rwandan Genocide this station infamously played a role in dehumanizing the Tutsi people the ethnic group which the Rwandan government was attempting to kill most of the audio recordings from the station have since been lost all except for one brief message although some transcripts do survive and what was recorded and spread throughout the country is some of the most disgusting words you can hear typically repeating the disturbing phrase translated into English as kill all the Cockroaches [Music] duango9.wad duango or diwango also called dial-up wide area Network games operation was a server and series of Wads that hosted multiplayer Doom death matches one of these rumored entries in the series was duango 9. with some files being found that suggested it existed but it was never released even though a duango 10 would be made leaving a strange Gap in the wad releases although one of the creators later confirmed that the ninth one was not even complete by the time the 10th one was made meaning it was likely never even finished Yukiko okada lost radio broadcast Yukiko okada was a Japanese singer and actress who tragically had her life cut short at the age of just 18 as she ended her own life most likely due to the stress associated with being an idol singer and TV actress however there are quite a few radio appearances which have been found and posted to YouTube which are also all compiled in a lost media Wiki forms post from user film Hunter although perhaps a few or maybe even a specific instance of her being on the radio is missing but I couldn't find any notable known instances of this but again this is a kind of a hard thing to look into with most of it mostly having info in Japanese pre-release Raichu back in 1999 when Pokemon cards were first being brought over to the US and picking up steam a few pre-release events were held at various bookstores and the like to Hype up new future releases and at some of these events there would be exclusive pre-release cards such as the cliff Fable scene here but one of the more mystical I guess you could say ones and sought after ones was the pre-release Raichu which may only be a mere myth although The Story Goes that it was printed on complete accident the pre-release text was never meant to appear on a Raichu card and so only a few were ever even printed with this error some claim to own a legit copy but others say that this car doesn't even exist legitly at all either way it's still pretty interesting the Vance devil diary this refers to a diary that describes and tells the first known account of the Cryptid known as the Jersey Devil it was found in the Diary of a local Woodsman named Vance larner however despite this known account being talked about in relation to the history of this famous American Cryptid the diary itself is unavailable except for a short passage although this might be the only part that is worth reading in regards to this Legend the entry itself is dated October 1790 and reads quote it was neither Beast nor man nor Spirit but a hellish Brew of all three it was beside a pond when I came upon it I stopped and did not move nay I could not move it was dashing its tail to and fro in the pond and rubbing its horns against a tree trunk it was as large as a moose with leather Wings it had cloven Hooves as big around as an Oak's trunk after it was through with the tree it yielded an awful scream as if it were a pained man and then flew across the pond until I could see it no more blackcom here we have another application featured on the screamer Wiki of a computer virus known as blackcom the reason it's on this Wiki is because after flooding your screen with fake virus alert messages sometimes you will be met by some kind of screamer although in the videos online that I saw it doesn't capture any screamer in this Trojan still viruses being lost media I'm gonna go ahead and say that that's a good thing although I am a little curious as to what the screamer actually is white youth Focus another lost program from the KKK who would have guessed which actually still has a YouTube channel up right now as of making this although there are publicly no uploads available the description reads quote youth focus is the top spot for racially aware young people to get their news whether it's Entertainment News school news or world news it will be of interest to Proud white teens everywhere the program is hosted by Billy Roper a former High School history teacher and coordinator of the knights party Crusaders Youth Corps and Shelby Wiki of the white nationalist band Heritage connection but other than that there isn't much other info on this [Music] kid thulu and the Jan Ken bunch this is a lost and unreleased game from new grounds being developed for Flash in 2009 in collaboration with Ed gold of Eddsworld it was meant to be a Mega Man style game where you fight a group called The Jan Ken bunch upon on John Ken the Japanese word for rock paper scissors with the player character being a kid version of Cthulhu however sadly the game was never finished and remains unreleased in any state hearted hearted is a very obscure lost in the title described in an r slash lost media post by user gaming person throw which states quote hey Reddit about a year ago I was searching through a website like or gamejolt I'm not sure but I found this game that had some RPG stuff it was pretty buggy and it was probably a demo I only took one screenshot of the game played it then forgot about it recently I found the screenshot that I cut while posting some stuff on Discord please if anyone else played this game and still has it post in the comments I tried looking it up on both websites and on Google but to no avail all I remember from the game is that Hearts were your attacks it was an RPG and there was one boss implemented I really need to know if anyone else played this or knows what happened to the dev and this image is the only thing that we really have on this lost game which could just have all been made up we're not too sure here maesta missing panels the maesta is one of the most famous altarpieces ever conceived being commissioned in 1308 and arguably the most famous work of the artist studio it's a massive and elaborate piece that wasn't finished until 1311 including a few different scenes however some of these scenes of this double-sided Altarpiece were at some point removed and eventually unfortunately lost lost books that appear in the Bible Well we covered a few Lost Books already but yeah this just about covers everything else of course which uh there are many lost or considered non-canonical books I mean winagoon which is a much bigger Authority on this than me did a two-hour video on the subject so yeah I'll just direct you all to go watch that if you're interested he makes amazing videos anyway I mean come on if you're watching my videos let's be real you probably watch him so yeah minder minder minder so this is quite the strange case I must say it's apparently a lost Belgian anti-immigration game called minder minder minder or less less in English where you had to swat different racial stereotypes for points most interesting though is the fact that this was actually endorsed by a real Belgian politician and journalist named Philip de winter although it has since been taken down and is lost [Music] Shigeru miyamoto's minecraft-like project I've referenced this before anyway it's a project by Shigeru Miyamoto of Nintendo that he's referenced from back in the N64 days a game similar to that of Minecraft a craze no doubt he definitely wishes Nintendo didn't miss out on bro craft Herobrine live streams speaking of Minecraft this here is talking about a lost live stream that is said to be one of the earliest sightings of Herobrine an Infamous Minecraft urban legend which was captured live by the streamer Copeland in 2010 although this video was of course a hoax and while screenshots do survive from the encounter in the Stream the video itself is gone lost book of Lehigh the book of Lehi also called The Lost 16 Pages was a translation of the text according to the founder of the Latter-Day Saints Joseph Smith which ended up being lost by his scribe Martin Harris in 1928 possibly because it was destroyed by his wife foreign Blair Witch kidnapping This concerns a topic that blame it on Jorge did an entire video about so go check that out if you're interested or haven't seen it yet but the gist is in 2002 and inspired by The Blair Witch Project film a group of young men kidnapped a girl and filmed it taking her out into the forest to a shallow grave acting like they would kill her before actually letting her go because according to them they were trying to make the most realistic horror film ever made well I guess they achieved their goal kind of not really actually but they were arrested and tried for the incident despite saying the woman in the video was in on it suggesting that the film was actually way too real and since then footage from that day has been hard to come by except for some clips which are featured in a documentary about the incident by MSNBC blowfly girl blog and photos this might just be the single most disgusting story ever to come out of the internet that I've heard at least and if that's not saying something I don't know what is but don't worry I won't get too deep into the imagery here or the whole lore just a brief rundown but essentially this is a story of a girl who while doing things in a dumpster use your imagination there got some uh insects stuck in her yeah right I think I think I said enough already basically the whole thing has super elaborate descriptions and prose making it seem like this is just a story of fiction which hopefully it is but even still it's quite disturbing that someone could even come up with this and thankfully there are no photos or anything like proof so we don't have to look at that but also probably because the whole thing is just made up at least I hope so for Humanity's sake Yucatan tape this refers to a tape recorded in 1977 in Yucatan Mexico that may have captured a strange Cryptid a pterodactyl looking giant bird the footage was even seen and analyzed by a famous cryptozoologist named Lauren Coleman however he and a few others believe that it was simply just a large bird but the footage has only really been mentioned in one book mystery and akambarro and no footage from this incident has been located the green elephant uncut version the green elephant is a Russian Film from 1999 which is still readily available in a roughly 1 hour and 30 minute cut however a rumored longer version about 2 hours and 20 minutes is said to exist which has not been recovered the movie is known for being extremely violent and graphic which is why some think an uncut version could be out there but so far there is little proof of its existence five starkle men again we got a noise group with some lost pieces of music a group active in the 90s with a few known lost albums highlighted nicely on a lost media Wiki article yonlu unreleased songs sorry if I mispronounced that but yolu is a Brazilian songwriter and singer who sadly passed away at only the age of 16 with his music being released after his suicide in an album simply titled yonlu a film was even made in 2017 based on the young musician's life however it seems there could be some unreleased songs as the album was released after his death with the help of his parents finding the music on his computer meaning they could have left some songs out or possibly not been able to find them all and he also had some songs posted online which have since been taken down and are likely lost as shown in this Reddit post with a specific track called prison the secret film talked about this guy a couple tiers ago the infamous artist John Duncan known for his controversial and strange art but even by his standards this one right here is downright mysterious and kind of creepy because back in 1978 he created a film that was premiered at an undisclosed location in Los Angeles and showed it to only eight people all of which were shown it one at a time and swore to never revealed the contents of the film to any living Soul no one even knows who these eight people were and the film itself after being viewed had its only copy destroyed as well as the location in which it was seen making this one of the most secretive films ever made Calvin incident photos so for some good news here we actually have a piece of found media one of the most highly sought after pieces of UFO evidence and a photo that was missing over 30 years it was first taken in calvine Scotland in 1990 by two hikers who spotted this strange object flying in the sky which has still since not been identified thankfully the image was found once again by a British journalist named David Clark who made it public some still think it could be a hoax but others think this is some of the best photographic UFO evidence out there January 6th phone logs seven hour gap kind of similar situation to the call with Richard Nixon but this time we have some missing phone logs and a seven hour gap recorded on January 6 2021 but according to an official review of Trump's phone logs from that day it appears they are actually complete although it's really hard to tell because they use a super outdated system for generating these call logs from like the 1960s and the record-keeping practices in the White House generally aren't as good as you might think they'd be ambience filmed over the course of 14 years this movie is over 30 days long that's right one of the longest ever produced and was scheduled for release in 2020 although it never actually came out there's a few screenshots and you know just a short little trailer just over seven hours long you know nothing too crazy but if the full film did end up ever releasing it would only be the second longest out there being beat out by a film called Logistics released in 2012 at 35 days long Mall dad game looks like we've got another evil farming game kind of situation here in a post on the r slash tip of my joystick Reddit a user describes the game quote indie game where you're a man desperately looking through a mall to find your kid the very end reveals you're actually a child predator looking for a kid you've been stalking he further describes it quote the game was an RPG Maker indie game you were a dad an average looking guy wearing glasses you search places in a mall like an arcade and have to slide machines around like blocks to pass through you get increasingly frantic thoughts from dad things like where could he be I just saw him the very end shows you cornering a kid and the camera pans menacingly as the dad Smiles so I understand the subject matter is horrific but it does bug me there's a lost game floating out there that I thought would have had a bigger controversy any help is appreciated okay guys I'm not gonna lie to you I did not think this thing was real this sounds like a random fake Reddit game Tails as old as time you know classic hoaxes I mean such a game could not actually be real right it's just another evil farming game right update I found it after combing for a year I finally turned up the game no way what's the okay this is definitely something worthy of a deep dive someday Pope Pius VII photograph God these names are killing me anyway photography was technically first invented all the way back in 1822 by a French man named niepse or however you'd say this name anyway born in 1765 which I just have to highlight because it's crazy that someone born in the 1700s had a hand in developing photography like is it just me or does that just sound wild anyway side tangents aside in 1822 he invented the first lithographs which would engrave photos using the light of the Sun and allegedly the first photo engraving he ever made was of Pope Pius VII which would be the first surviving photograph had it not been destroyed when he actually tried to print it Robert steinhauser doomwad another alleged lost Doom wad here but this time with a much more disturbing backstory so to be created by a man named Robert steinhauser who committed a at a school he previously attended in Germany in April of 2002. in regards to this lost wad it might not even exist although Robert was said to play this game a lot so it is possible but if so it remains lost never open this whole thing just sounds like some kind of Creepypasta but the story goes that there exists a raw file with one of the scariest images that can be found on the internet called eeriness.jif it's apparently an urban legend originating from Russia although no one has ever managed to find the real file supposedly or it just doesn't exist menstrual Munchies songs a pretty grotesque name for a band but things only get even more disgusting from here because this little-known group is mostly known because one of its former members Connor Betts was the perpetrator of another in which he killed nine people in Dayton Ohio including his own sister before he himself was gunned down by police the songs he and his band produced were also very disgusting having very disturbing themes and titles which YouTube would not like me to read out loud and all of their accounts were deleted after the shooting and so a lot of their music has become lost and I say good riddance you're a yes you saw videos this is another pretty disturbing case we have Yura yesusov an alleged Russian serial killer who had all of his internet activities including blogs and videos supposedly wiped from the internet there aren't many references to him left online but for some reason he is associated with this image and likely not even a real person given there is such little information on this topic although an online personality test dedicated to various criminals describe him as such quote Russian trash blogger known for his love video for cross nodar Anarchist movement the obsession with dazai series and the ultimate Frog video all the activity is deleted at this moment but found some acceptance on 2ch and zerochan Pokemon death version this year is The Unofficial sequel to another screamer game pikachu.exe it was released in 2014 and was your classic edgy Creepypasta exe game basically red eyes blood screamers Lavender Town the whole nine yards however the game is not playable today as it was removed from gamejolt although footage of it can still be found image of Odessa image of Odessa also known as mandelion is a piece of cloth which the face of Jesus is imprinted on which was first recorded in 593. it quickly became seen as a miracle and became a holy Relic and was moved to Constantinople but disappeared when the city was sacked in 1204 some claim it reappeared later in France but then was also lost again during the French Revolution fukushi masaichi tattoo collection this Japanese doctor had a very strange hobby I guess you could say collecting human skin with tattoos that's right throughout his career fukushi collected over 2 000 human tattoo pelts which were even recorded through photographs although most of his collection ended up being destroyed in bombings during World War II in 1945. however over 100 pieces still survived today and are displayed in a museum in Tokyo PDF Hit Parade zdf Hit Parade was a music show that was broadcast in Germany from 1969 to 2000 that hosted mostly German schlager music and has had over 300 episodes according to IMDb however episodes 2 through 25 which aired from 1969 to 1971 never got a home media release and have since become scarce and hard to come by although some of the audio from these episodes have been recovered and that finally does it for this crazy series and the biggest undertaking in the history of this channel over 10 hours of content and 1 000 entries of lost media and yes before you ask there will be a super cut of this Iceberg just like we did with the previous ones not sure when it's gonna come out yet but it will in other news though expect uh more new icebergs headed your way for the channel but in terms of lost media content at this point it feels like I've covered almost everything I've wanted to cover I'm sure I'll delve into it like here and there but after this insanely long Iceberg I think I might just need a little bit of a break from it I'm not done with it entirely just got a lot of other exciting projects on the way but with that being said it's been me Source Brew thank you guys so much for watching and uh thanks for getting us to 100K Subs I can't believe we actually did it but uh you guys are the best and once again in the description we've got the playlist if you want to catch any of the other parts you might have missed and uh yeah I'll see you all in the next video take care and peace out
Channel: sourcebrew
Views: 173,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost media, iceberg, iceberg explained, sourcebrew, sourcebrew lost media, lost media iceberg
Id: H1eH_V9UEs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 20sec (3440 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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