THE RITUAL MODER MONSTER EXPLAINED | Why You Need to Bring Gasoline to a Forest God's Home

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so you betrayed your friend your other friend rolls his ankle on a hike and your other other friend wants to take a nice jaunt through a spooky force in sweden to get to the bar at a quicker pace huh well i hate to say it but when you forest when you should mountain you're gonna have a bad time deep in the mountains of sweden which looks nice now but i probably won't go there anymore a group of friends is mourning the passing of their other friend all because mr spineless didn't stick up for his buddy the theme today is dunking on him with the illest of will although there is something to be said about never knowing what you're gonna do in the moment and if you weren't aware there is a third option in fight or flight and it's called freeze and freeze this man did anyhow as they are completing their last hike their buddy wanted to take before he was met with an untimely end at the hand of british crackheads or as we just call them standardly londoners a series of unfortunate events would befall the group resulting in them having to basically cut through a forest in order to get to their destination faster this would prove to be generally regarded as a bad idea as they delve deeper into the woodland area it became apparent that something else was with them so in today's episode i am only about three years late on the draw on this one but considering i only recently started adding supernatural creatures to this channel i guess i could have been slower let's take a look at the story and creature behind the movie the ritual and figure out what in the name of all that is pagan is this thing also someone asked sweden if they're doing okay with creatures up there like this so we all know the drill by now but for all new people up on screen there'll be a timestamp if you want to bypass the summary of this movie and get to the lore of this man bear elk then head there for all others let's talk about what we learned from german folk tales which aren't really much better to always bring bread crumbs when you've decided to enter a deep dark forest on a mountainside when it's rainy and the sun goes down at like 2pm oh also i have not forgotten about video games in roanoke gaming i will definitely be covering more i just needed to re-establish my footing after getting absolutely wrecked in november and december in terms of this channel no idea what happened youtube just told me they fixed something and then things went back to normal the key to being a youtuber is just don't think too much about it and don't mind the shaky bridge that falls into a meat grinder so we start off our story with a group of friends or as i'm led to believe mates watching fake football as american football is the real football as you know i have to keep my editor on his toes and if you aren't poking fun at the man helping on a project what are you even really doing with your life as the group is talking about where to go for dudes night out trip amsterdam gets thrown out and from what i've heard it's great if you aren't married so that's off the table another suggests belgium which apparently nobody has been there by choice and i'm glad to see that it's not just americans that dunk on europeans and vice versa but also europeans dunking on europeans excellent robert suggests that they go hiking in sweden to which everyone just sort of looks at him i mean hiking is actually pretty great it's nice to get out of the concrete jungle where the junkies are but it would appear though that they should have left a little earlier heading back from the bar luke wants to tie one on and stops off at a corner store so i want you to look at like how crowded this place is like there's everybody in the streets all over the place heading inside as they continue discussing what to do luke looks over and sees a woman in the corner cowering two junkies see i told you there were junkies out there come and start yelling at robert and luke immediately puts his tail between his legs when he has a bottle in hand and then goes and hides look i can't trash luke too much again you never truly know what you're going to do and react in the moment it's just a fact of life we all really want to be the hero of the story but people do get scared but bro it's england we know lead probably isn't gonna be flying around so swing away meryl you have a bottle in hand but he doesn't he continues to hide robert is on his own so they take his wallet and then they want his ring and i gotta throw this out there just remember jewelry isn't really worth getting your head cracked open for so just give it to him that's why i wear a 300 like carbon titanium ring anyways robert refuses and gets piped to the dome causing what appears to be hemorrhaging in the brain while luke continues to cry in the corner and that's all she wrote for robert nice job luke six months later we now flash over to the hiking trip in north sweden luke wakes up apparently having dreamed about that popular word but it's likely some legit trauma may all of us never be faced with a choice like that as his friends get up they all get some coffee and then begin their hike looking for a place to pay tribute to their fallen friend robert finding a rocky up cropping they place all their possessions that they brought for him and a picture and then pour some out for their recently passed friend eventually they leave the memorial and continue on their hike as they are walking along the teacher known as dom ends up rolling his ankle and getting injured i mean that was a pretty huge hole by the way so nice catch dom now standard protocol says to walk it off as it's literally your only option you sit for a moment make sure it isn't broken and then keep moving eventually they say they might just leave them there and go get help which may have actually probably been the best decision but he decides to pull together and then keep walking hutch brings up that'll take about 14 hours for them to get to town and they're attempting to reach it possibly a little earlier so if they cut through the deep dark spooky woods they could be knocking back pints by that evening with the promise of ethanol beverages they decide that that is their best option which i would have to agree to be honest with you also i just want to point out this friend group is a lot like american friend groups they don't really seem to even remotely like each other i mean it must be hard to nail in movies or something anyways approaching the woods they start talking about how they should have gone to vegas which i'm pretty sure there's worse monsters there am i right but then they spot a vw bus parked all the way out there and it's overgrown meaning whoever parked it there never came back that should have probably been a bit of a warning but there's bears in the woods so who knows what happened to random people over time that hike in it i mean it's probably not an elk monster that would be crazy moving into the woods just inside the cusp of them hutches compass then stops working so that's probably a good sign although things can mess with that like large iron deposits in the ground and this can kind of make them sort of go haywire so it's really nothing to fear immediately but probably a little strange considering they just walked in and outside of it it was fine as they're in there also the question gets thrown around about why it's too quiet now usually there are some birds or animals or insects or something i'm not really familiar with sweden's forest but in the south of the united states there usually is some kind of noise so complete silence isn't a good thing usually that only happens when there's predators nearby continuing on their jaunt this is a really thick forest and they're all starting to get a little hungry looks like they're gonna have to eat dom as he's the weakest but not if the elk man gets them first they begin talking about robert which bums them out pretty quickly and then stop to find an elk completely gutted up in the tree they hypothesize it's probably a bear that put it up there that's a real stupid idea you got there also that thing is still literally bleeding so that would be a very good sign to leave things are getting late and they are still out in the woods of course in autumn late is like noon there plus the thunderstorms moving in isn't really helping things as they discuss if they should pitch a tent they see norse symbols carved in the trees before finding a very old cabin in the woods which is usually a good sign right before luke walks in though he once again shows us his ability to freeze up when he hears something outside and spins around and then just stands there wonderfully done luke closing the door phil knows what's up suggesting that this is the house that they get murdered in they take a look in the interior and then find more norse symbols hanging all over the place i think i'd rather just keep walking in the rain at this point but then again i'd be the guy that probably gets gutted and hung up in a tree luke is fairly convinced that he has seen something and continues to look outside as phil heads upstairs to search for stuff to burn opening a door to the back room he finds a crude wicker man phil says it's witchcraft which is paganism witchcraft google says no wicca which is related to witches started in england whereas paganism was in central europe everyone had their own gods back in the day but this specific instance is not witchcraft moving on as they sit around the wood burning stove they talk about the next day luke says that they need to go back the way they came as he's pretty spooked hutch says that they don't need to add a date to the trip for nothing they are almost through so they call it and then go to sleep for the night in a rickety cabin in the woods with creepy cymbals everywhere very good i mean don't take shift guys that would be just totally a waste of time especially considering you're in a house that you really don't know if it's even remotely populated or if anybody's actually supposed to be there but then we get a creeping shot to the house so that's not good as luke lies there it quickly snaps back to daylight he attempts to wake up hutch but nobody moves as he opens the door he's back in the shop where robert got his brain some air it's pretty clear that he's straight up hallucinating as the shelves get pulled away and he's outside a bit of sleepwalking eh but as luke looks down he's got holes in his chest and is bleeding not life-threatening but they are in fact there and that's completely horrifying but at that moment hutch is having nightmares too and he's screaming in the cabin he's also peed his pants and dom is in the corner freaking out yelling for his wife and everyone's brains appear to have been scrambled to some degree but there is someone missing phil finding his jacket on the stairs phil is in the nude upstairs praying to the wicker man so uh i would say you all need a gtfo immediately obviously being a little rattled by that they find that the norse symbols are all over the trees dom decides hutch doesn't know where he's going and then spots a path saying screw it he decides that's their best option as it means civilization but which civilization is it because i'm pretty sure cannibals also have a civilization phil decides to follow first and the rest with dom taking point bet that whiskey hutch had earlier would probably come in handy right about now the group is feeling a little uneasy as this point they really have no idea where this path goes but looking at the top of a ridge they can see light so they assume they're close to the forced edge as we move along a pathway they find another cabin and decide no we're not going in there probably a good call dom decides that they need to stop for a minute as his knee is killing him dom is being obstinate about leaving and at this point luke takes off to check the ridge to see if it's actually a way out well it seemed pretty cut and dry but when a pagan god is after your meat suit it never really is coming up to the new area of the forest it's more open but that just means you can really see what's near you which is never good looking at his chest wound he hears something and then sees a hand like 12 feet up in a tree so uh that's pretty spooky so he bolts back to the group luke shows the group his wound and dom tells him that he did it to himself dom apparently has some beef with luke over the roberts situation dom blames luke for not standing up for robert and then luke punches dom and as he eloquently puts it oh so you do have some fight in you but only when you're punching your friends hutch tells luke that he doesn't know whose fault it was but everyone is dog piling on him at this point the not so cheery jaunt gets worse as out of all the places they could have stopped they also find a small piece of fabric in the ground pulling it out it appears to have been a parachuter and broham did not make it out just a boot backpack and wallet despite walking for three hours and the only time it's sunny in sweden they find themselves back out there at night and decide to pitch tents also dom's knee is actually screwed a bit so i guess he wasn't lying about that much tells luke about their plan tomorrow to hike out of there and that they all go to bed and again after that night previous sleeping in shifts is absolutely the move luke hears something out there but then goes into his tent anyways and as he's messing with some of his stuff he hears something again moving around them he's back in the shop watching robert get got all over again before the junkie looks over and sees him it's clear something is rather large and around their camp at this point hutch's tent gets grabbed up and now he's grabbed as i hear him screaming and then nothing else in the distance the group goes running after him but hutch is no longer answering dom says they're going to get lost and that they need to go back to camp that seems to have failed as they sit out in the woods until morning at least things are lighter concerning weight to carry because you don't have your tents anymore but walking through the pathways luke is the first to see it our boy hutch over here has been completely gutted and then hung up in a tree like curing beef jerkys big oof there getting him down they need his compass but his compass is also not working properly anyways because they're kind of in a supernatural area so they take supplies from him and then they use what they can phil suggests hutch was intentionally put there as they knew they were coming this way so that's not good either and again phil knows what's up dom makes shift buries hutch under some sticks as they don't have time for rituals but now they entered another portion of the force as they asked luke what he saw the day previously despite him answering dom still does not believe him finding a muddy water puddle they now all have dysentery because they drink from it but what they do spot in the creek bed are a pair of footprints phil asks are they really going to follow these prints which finally they listen to this man and then go the other way basically at this point phil just totally sealed his fate because now phil is really kind of looking like the best team leader they got but then again considering we see this thing move in the background in the direction that they are going maybe they should have although maybe it was really just a failed trap as they crest a ridge luke spots a bit of a clearing and sees a mountain ridge with the exit to the woods being just beyond the other mountain phil though looks a little strange sitting there as luke looks out and sees fires in the woods returning back to phil and dom phil is not paying attention to luke as he asks him a question shining his flashlight around phil gets grabbed by the creature and immediately dragged off to meet mr old sharp pointy branches luke gets up and then takes off running slamming his head into a tree before once again dreaming of robert he runs out of the store to spot his friends before coming to looking at a flashlight looking for both dom and phil nope they're both gone and all around him he can hear whatever it is stalking him turning around he spots dom hiding he tells luke it's big scary and pink actually it's really just fast and big luke tells him that he found a way out but he needs to move his leg knowing the thing is over in the trees they take off running on three as this thing is clearly stalking them why they stop running is beyond me that's not gonna help they look up and see the tops of trees bending meaning that this thing is pretty large they literally trip out of the woods and then come to a lit pathway you ever feel like you're being herded towards a certain direction well they should now looking up they spot phil is also hanging in the tree now and running to a small cabin the place they chose to avoid earlier now appears to be their only refuge getting in and shutting the door they see an old lady playing a record and standing by the fire before they are both knocked out by cult members then their hands are bound to the floor and things aren't looking good for them people are outside and they appear to be building some sort of pagan cross although it's more y shaped again things aren't looking good for what's left of the squad as people come in and give luke something to drink none of them are looking too healthy life of a cult member will probably do that to you she looks at the wounds at luke's chest before showing him that she has the same one too looks like they identify who's been chosen based on this wound dom doesn't have one so they grab him and bring him upstairs before they appear to like do something to him anyhow later a woman comes in and says they are preparing a sacrifice although they returned dom back they literally just beat the crap out of him but i mean he's still in the same shape as i don't know why they did this to him anyways dom talks about how he saw his wife in his nightmare and how he saw what was happening to him he tells luke that if he survives he needs to burn this place down hell yeah brother burn it to the ground and get some crusades up in that forest and now we can cue the sabaton so now dom is brought outside and tied to the cross thing and in the distance there's quite a few bodies placed all over the trees so this isn't looking good being left there as night descends luke is attempting to break free to help dom dom begins yelling at the cult to get on with it and get on with it they do the tree starts shifting as luke dislocates his thumb to escape but uh i don't think he's gonna make it dom then looks out and sees gail exiting out of the woods when your wife exits out of the woods and she seems completely fine is probably not your wife she comes up to him as her eyes change and instead it's mr creepy elk man as he rips him off the cross he drags him over to a tree and then impales him so now all that's left is luke he puts his hand back into the binds to appear captured as a woman enters and gives him food which she doesn't look like she's too much into this cult and may have some humanity but uh here's my only thing his hands are bound to the floor behind his back how is he supposed to eat luke asks what that thing is and she responds it's a god and there's actually only one god man that thing keeps them there and she goes on to say it's a privilege to worship it it says that they will all be placed in the trees because that's just how they roll which luke at this point decides it's time really to nope out of there moving through the creepy cabin the cult of personalities are standing outside worshiping further getting ready for luke's sacrifice it's probably not a sacrifice as grandma culty goes to retrieve luke he's upstairs looking at the very many previous cult members who have gathered over time in this room what's worse is they're actually still alive so luke does the right thing and relieves them of their not so mortal coil heading downstairs grandma confronts him and he just straight up punches her lights out good lord but as the members burn this rustles the jimmies of the elk god everyone falls to their knees as not to get got and luke goes to lock and load brides of christ the elk very obviously upset starts grabbing members for recompense as luke exits the room another cult member has his hands up saying look i watched for supper before taking some lead to the guts walking into the next room a cult member drops his axe and falls to his knees as the elk god drops the woman's body from earlier he's been snacking on some eyes apparently luke runs out and we get a good look at this thing luke raises man's answer and then takes a pot shot but uh well you just alerted that thing that you were right over there so now it turns into a game of keep away which hasn't really gone well it's clear this thing can make you hallucinate at this point using your memories as it makes him see the store luke says whatever and keeps running as he's almost out the creature catches up to him and pulls luke up in the air and then looks at him but then drops him for some reason that way i guess because it looks like he's submitting the thing rears up and now we see that it's super hideous luke stands up and then it grabs his head pushing him into the dirt hallucinating robert luke grabs an axe and slices a thing injuring it as he apparently does have some fight after all just when it comes to his own life i guess sprinting out of the woods and into the clearing he looks back to see the creature cannot leave that area yelling at it it yells back and it's kind of like a rottweiler behind a large fence luke begins walking amongst the hills and spots a road in the distance with a car on it being the sole survivor i'm thinking my game plan would be to come back with several gallons of gas and let it all burn time to weed out the old gods alright so what is this thing and why would anyone ever take the time to worship something that completely wrecks you if you make one mistake and furthermore why not pretend to worship it and then go like oh i gotta go pick some berries on the edge of the forest or something and then just straight up leave and never return back and go back to your normal life well let's talk about that shall we because there's some lore on these things that back in the day sure when we were simply building fires and at the complete mercy of whatever was out there it may have been uh not so awesome for us but since splitting the atom and obtaining the power of the universe i think we could just nuke it from orbit starting with the forest this was likely not the original forest size back in the day as made mentioned by hutch this whole area at one point was a vast sprawling forest only now has it really changed with only patches of the force left it appears to have just been a side comment but this may explain why some of the forest god's jimmies have been rustled to this extent the force acts as its domain and as long as trees are present it is able to effectively inhabit that area and appears to have existed just in there when luke makes it out of the forest it has to stop just at the edge as it appears to be where the domain ends now all i'm saying is it must be related to magic and this being the reason it has to stain the actual force itself because i've seen orca whales beach themselves to grab seals and then head back in so i'm not really thinking uh there would be a reason for this creature to just stand there more so when luke is actively taunting it just beyond the veil of the woods which is quite the bold strategy cotton so next what actually even is this thing well it's referred to as motor which you're gonna have to bear with me because this is norse and i'm not 100 certain of the pronunciations but i'm pretty sure i can mimic them which is why i'm going to tell you it is known as a yotun which is related to paganistic culture in europe back in the day and is related to odinism so it's about to get real deep in the culture of the nordic people by the way again referred to as mulder which i'm just pretty sure i'm changing the pronunciation each time this would translate into english as mother now you might be sitting there saying oh wait a minute isn't this a son of loki and yes for some reason the actual movie they refer to molder as son of loki but in reality it was a female in the novel what had happened was at some point a small village existed back in the day in these woods this would imply that these people set up shop and then this thing showed up considering the ages of the bodies that we see hanging out inside the attic this may also imply that considering the forest was way more vast back in the day which seems to be the common theme in europe because they really did cut down a lot of their forests which also fun fact in the us there is not supposed to be deforestation as for every tree cut down by companies more are planted as to avoid what happened in europe so see we occasionally learn from things now this is not to say there are no force in europe or like trees or anything so before you hop into the comments section that has been said there's just considerably less as laws were different 150 years ago and reforestation was not really looked at as necessary typically we know different now because we probably don't want to deep fry the planet in a few thousand years anyway so it appeared to me that this small village was likely not a target initially to mulder because again small village in the woods likely there were many more areas to wander and traverse as the woods were all free game to this thing however humans are gonna human and without even realizing it we began limiting the real estate owned by a pagan god until eventually like a rising ocean making one piece of land into a bunch of islands the same thing would happen to this area of the forest once this creature was cut off typically because of yolton heritage it likes to be basically revered in worship because these things have got an ego that makes the human ego look like a monk by comparison upon finding this small town likely back in the day there were several towns that would worship this thing to keep it at bay but now to keep this small town alive in exchange for their worship she would offer them immortality which sounds like a terrible idea because the way they are living a seems really boring and be horrible all around i mean like i do enjoy dark scary woods just as much as the next guy but i would not want to stay there until the sun goes supernova but walking it back for a moment i kind of glossed over what a yotan was so what is this thing well it typically refers to non-human figures in north mythology such as anything apart from humans dwarves and elves it's not really well defined though as sometimes they're also called trolls but even then it gets more interconnected as sometimes jotun are also simultaneously connected with the ice giants that odin promised to deal with back in the day but then it even goes further than that when they say odin thor themselves are descended from the otnar which are related to the otens now it may just be my layman's perspective but it appears to be a whole mess of supernatural conglomerations that eventually led to other sects of supernatural conglomerations that were against the others and this really wouldn't be that strange considering i mean look at humanity we were literally the same species with slight variations in appearance and typically we were at one another's throats all the time so why not supernatural paganistic gods that look different from one another although i will also add it appears that even though some of these supernatural beings are related to others in terms of lineage some appear to look like man obviously while others look more like twisted beasts and even still some are considered to be absolutely beautiful so it's really just luck of the draw on what you end up as motor ended up with some of the worst luck imaginable because she definitely falls in the range of twisted beast so let's take a look at her shall we to start this thing is gigantic as you might imagine it's picking up full grown men and eating them in tree branches standing at roughly 12 feet tall but likely still over that it's actually going to have to bend down pretty far to look into doorways and considering this is europe that comes out to about 3.65 meters tall she's a fairly tall lass she also appears to be amalgamation of an elk and human torso missing its head due to the height she is let's start to figure out how much she weighs you should never ask a female paganist to god that at all so the average elk male stands at roughly 5 feet tall and can weigh between 700 to 1100 pounds depending on several factors with the females weighing between 500 to 600 pounds with an average of 4.5 feet tall because sexual dimorphism is a real thing in the world don't let anyone tell you any different now it really doesn't matter though whether she's male or female because she absolutely dwarfs any of the standard elk at 2.4 to 2.6 times the size of the average male elk on top of this she is said to be about 12 feet tall but i don't think anyone has gotten her to sit still long enough to measure her actual height judging by the houses around her and just how much taller she stands in the average man i would put it in reality between 12 feet to 14 feet she seems rather proportional to an elk as well so splitting the difference i would imagine her closer to 13 feet tall we will keep it in the median with the average male elk at around 900 pounds so i will give you the hedonistic metric measurements in a moment so if you take 2.6 times 900 that comes out to 2 340 pounds so over a ton of weight or about 1061.4 kilograms of elk body mass but you can't forget there's more attached than just that with the human torso legs and arms attached which is actually the head of this creature the average adult male human because it does look like an adult model human based on chest features we could realistically add about another 150 pounds which comes out to a grand total of 2 490 pounds or 1 129 kilograms and at a height of 13 feet averaged or just about 4 meters tall again she's pretty thick the size of the elk body and the quadrupedal locomotion allows her to run through the forest much faster than a human can traverse and at that height she almost has a bird's eye view at least in the tree branches of looking down on potential prey that enters her domain the head also has full functionality concerning movement it doesn't just appear to be a human body but is also able to act like one too using the arms to grasp where the head should be there are just a pair of yellow eyes and complete blackness what's interesting though is the yoten also shows that somewhere in the coding of their genes the human body structure exists in these twisted beasts amongst the beautiful examples of yotin which is beautiful by a measurement of human standards these also exist taking into consideration further that odin and thor are said to look like humans as well in some capacity just way more jacked which also suggests which i'm not really into pagan religion so someone correct me if i'm wrong that humans in some capacity must also be related to all the gods that they worship which actually seems to be a common theme in humanity we are related to what we worship or we come from them in some capacity but moving on considering motor is supernatural she also has the supernatural capacity to completely scramble your brains which is where she looks for certain criteria to be her followers so i just want to point out something real quick it's jotun but motor it could be moder it could be mudder let me go with mojo and that's just me making sure i'm saying that correctly the motor has the ability to influence how humanity sees everything around it and what's actually happening when it first comes into contact with the friend group hutch pees himself and is screaming during a night terror phil strips down and starts to worship the wicker man upstairs and dom starts screaming about his wife while robert is still worth food the only one to really do anything apart from have their brain completely just messed with is luke who goes outside to see what has happened to robert this is essentially motor reading the minds of their victims promoter to choose a specific person and add them into the fold of those that worship her they need to have exhibited great pain at some point in their life except this pain needs to be something that will haunt them forever no matter where they go for this to happen it appears that she must force those memories to re-emerge in the mind itself which when everyone was sleeping has different effects on different people ultimately luke would be chosen to join the group of those that worship moser to which she would systematically begin taking out other members of his group the reason is based on the person as much as it is the pain mental resilience does exist within our species and varying levels of it there are those that can witness horrible things deal with it in the best capacity that they can and then move on due to this resilience whereas others who may have witnessed the same thing would be mentally broken for the rest of their lives and this is what motor actually feeds on for everyone in the group as with all humanity we all deal with mental anguish in different ways what affects one person and vice versa is completely different amongst the individual that's what makes human interactions and experiences fairly dynamic every one of the friends in the group had a different pain associated with the passing of robert and like they had different pains in their life as well not likely they did it's just the reality of being human but even prior to robert's ultimate demise luke appeared to be the most vulnerable mentally and he's the whole reason they even went into that liquor store to begin with judging by the expressions the rest of the group had when he mentioned that they should go in and tie on another one and the fact that it was the middle of the week or a sunday night as dom said it was a school night and he was a teacher it's possible luke does not effectively deal with traumatic events as well as others might because of this when motor looked into each of them and determined who was in the most pain she chose luke all the other people back to the small village consisting of like one house all had the same issues as luke just in different ways they had all been in great pain at some point in their lives which made it easier for the jotun to warp their minds and not have them fight back they would be impressed into a life of servitude with apparent immortality but really it's like a deal with a genie or the monkey paw scenario from what we saw in the attic yes you are technically immortal but the issue is your body continues to age and decay as you also age so uh be careful what you wish for those that have gotten to the point that their bodies can no longer move and function will still be kept alive in a dark attic sitting on benches until again the sun goes supernova or some dude with a torch comes in and lights them all up this also happens to be what sends modern into a rage she's not a merciful god that's for sure whether it's taking those who have not experienced enough pain and have mental resilience and slamming them into a tree which is why hutch was grabbed first as he was keeping the group focused and together or destroying her followers for allowing luke to burn down the cabin she really doesn't seem to be a great thing to worship anyhow once luke was marked he would essentially be given a choice worship or perish but after the cabin fiasco it seems like she does not really so much give him a choice but instead pushes him down until he eventually stands back up again and catches her with an axe this makes me think that the amount of worship she receives is what gives her the power she has and the blow she just received concerning the burned followers in the attic had greatly weakened her allowing luke to even have the possibility of escaping lastly i want to talk about how you really bring this thing down it appears to me that it's definitely corporeal in some capacity but its main weakness it's really just completely tied to the woods in which it resides if any institution became aware of this thing's actual existence which if luke isn't held as completely having lost his mind when he returns home this is actually a fairly easy takedown while it is possible for this thing to screw with your mind an even easier scenario exists which we have all probably just thought about and i mentioned it earlier just straight up burn the forest down this could be something as easy as luke literally coming back with a gas can and a lighter stay right outside the perimeter and then just start throwing gas everywhere perhaps come back during the drier periods as well when the woods aren't so wet this would be between about january and june so split the difference and come back in like april light it on fire and get out of dodge if the whole thing gets burned down then the yoten has nowhere to go and would likely perish in the flames as well the other option is capturing it this one you would likely have to ask yourself what is the point considering it couldn't even enter a cabin in the first place it's not supposed to leave the woods it would appear to me that barriers are quite effective against this creature while i can easily navigate the woods human creations could confine it quite readily like you know metal the issue is the bait used to lure it into a container but it also may be as simple as just injuring it we know luke was able to hurt it pretty good by destroying a chunk of its followers and then heard it again with an axe to make his escape so by this logic other forms of counters potentially forced multiplication would be on the table to take this thing out or at least subdue it but again i doubt the military would really take this thing seriously to any degree but who knows what sort of programs exist if there's actual yotans running around in the woods but there's also the issue of if you do capture it and you do remove it from the woods does it just straight up de-materialize because again it is based on magic mulder preys on the vulnerable concerning those who have experienced great pain through mental anguish which makes them more susceptible to her influence finding the leader of any group out there and taking them out she will continue to single out those that she wants before finally making them choose to serve her or become meat pinatas put up in the trees luke would finally go on to find his manhood between his legs and despite not helping robert had no problem helping himself in the end and escaping what a guy
Channel: Roanoke Gaming
Views: 644,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the ritual movie, the ritual kill count, the ritual monster, the ritual movie monster, roanoke gaming, the ritual monster explained, the ritual monster appearances, the ritual monster first appearance, the ritual, the ritual 2018, the ritual netflix, the ritual ending, the ritual ending explained, ending explained, ritual ending, ritual final scene, jotunn, monster explained, nextflix, netflix horror, trailer, clip, final scene, ending, explained, breakdown, movie reviews
Id: 7OzRlTe2fS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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