Why the Movie VIRAL is hilariously MISLEADING | The Pathogen and Infectivity in Viral Explained

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ah 2016. remember the world wasn't a complete chaotic dumpster fire filled with plague and pestilence what a time to be alive the small town of shadow canyon are really just a small neighborhood of shadow canyon basically it's a suburb in california an outbreak of a disease would begin quickly taking over the planet while the current leader of the free world will just kind of tell us there's no way any sort of illness could ever get a foothold in the united states and i'll tell you hearing that stuff now is always a trip because we used to actually hold that belief to be true but hey that's life as the pathogen began to continue to spread across the globe it would ultimately make its way into the u.s beginning in the cities at first then everything was kind of relatively quiet as there didn't seem to be too much information flowing around but as it hit the small town it becomes apparent it was actually everywhere information was just being crushed before it had a chance to even get out by cutting communications as a father goes to pick up his wife he leaves his two dollars behind before getting caught up in the quarantine himself but unlike arnold and maggie who was a complete boss about it this dad would never return for his daughters instead just kind of you know going to another state as the pathogen continued to spread it would ultimately result in infected students and parents acting aggressively and attacking anyone who was not currently infected to fuel their newfound hunger as they were being controlled by this pathogen today's episode we will discuss why the description of this movie is hilariously wrong and i quote following the outbreak of a virus that wipes out the majority of the human population a young woman documents her family's new life in quarantine and tries to protect her infected sister uh first part's wrong second part she didn't document anything this wasn't a found footage movie it was just literally a filmed movie okay anyways and she didn't document it was ridiculous like none of this even happened the absolute mad lads but we also talk about the actual disease what it's doing to everyone's meat suits and why it inspires the aggression but honestly why this doesn't even seem like you would have that much of an issue in terms of actual spread seeing as a vector it's not really an efficient one but first this episode is sponsored by the walking dead survivors mobile game the walking dead survivors is the official strategy game based on the skybound comic series and as such all the characters like rick negan glenn and hordes of walkers are there for you to fight against as well as other clans as you build your shelter recruit your army and grow your reputation as a leader but you better do it fast as your shelter is under constant threat from the horde that is attempting to break it down and infiltrate your base after downloading the game and playing a bit my favorite aspect is and always will be base building against a zombie horde as to me it's always a good time building and thriving in bases as zombies beat on the fences really makes it feel like a nice island in a storm of seas so strengthen your walls place obstacles to slow them down and build up your defense towers to keep home base safe you can also explore around your settlement adding to the area growing its power and collecting heroes that you can then level up and develop to come with you to fight on missions seeing as this is the official game as well you can role plays any survivor you'd like or have the ones you wish didn't get their eyeballs popped out as they're still alive in games such as glenn but it's not just the horde out there other clans are vying for the same resources meaning you can engage in pvp and war games with other survivors in the area using the link in my description or scanning the qr code up on screen right now you can join me in the walking dead and using my special redeem code you can get exclusive bonuses in-game you can download the game and try it for yourself which is always appreciated as it helps the channel as well alright let's get back to it so i'm doing something new apparently most people here actually just enjoy the breakdowns and then those who want to see the science stay anyways so we're just gonna launch into this thing this will probably just be the new format from here on out so let's get to why when a disease of any sort is spreading it's probably your best interest to take standard precautions which if you don't know what those are it's assuming everyone is infected with everything at all times and no it definitely doesn't make you paranoid i mean look at me i definitely didn't choose a career path based on me being a hypochondriac and then just accidentally end up on youtube so we start off our story much like any other movie that deals with disease with a ton of talk about diseases all over earth reports of some mystery pathogen are coming over the radio and there is concern that chinese officials may not have been telling the whole story as it began there thank god that didn't happen in real life so america begins locking down the borders of the country in order to stop the spread dealing with the political fallout and here's the first example of yeah this isn't even a virus they literally just straight call it worm flu in like the first two minutes of the video because it's actually a parasite which is definitely not a virus but the description says outbreak of a virus why not just call it what it is honestly i think something may have gotten lost in translation here but it results in a bloody cough fever and in some cases seizures likely indicating that this would be a respiratory parasite to some degree though we will see later it's not just completely bound to that area it's just all over the place they also mentioned how it's only spread through the transmission of blood making it a blood-borne illness as well or at least able to infect you via blood so we start our morning with bird singing and horrible close-up of two kids running second base in a hallway as emma watches on creepily now i remember high school somewhat and i don't remember kids doing like this in the hallways at all everyone was mostly just an awkward mass of hormones but as gracie comes up to emma she asks if she has any food she's apparently hungrier than normal but then again when are teenagers not hungry my sister and i actually went to visit my brother in colorado a few months ago and it about broke the freaking bank with all the food i had to go buy so gracie continues talking about how she's still hungry but i mean she also mentions how she just polished off like double stuffed oreos i mean it's not very nutritious so i think i'd be hungry too meanwhile in biology class they're dissecting toads fun fact i took human anatomy courses back in high school we had to dissect a whole cat having a cat myself it was a little sad but you learned a lot of mammalian structures that way eminem gets a call from lucifer which turns out to be her sister stacy and goes to help her before school ends and then they all head outside emma now meets stacey's boyfriend cj as evan hangs out against the bus like a cool guy back there and stacy offers him a ride knowing emma has the hots for evan as they ride back in awkward silence because remember raging hormones the mom has a meeting in kansas city but should be back later that week that says i love you and the mom just straight up ignores it fatality and as the dad finally turns on the radio to break up the freaking monotony of silence the sister didn't text a bunch of crap like she always tends to do but now we see the most unbelievable part of this movie or maybe it's just sad part because we're in reality you be the judge houses in shadow canyon in california are starting at 175 000 for like a four bedroom house with a three-car garage bro we need to go back later that night gracie is talking to emma over i don't know it's probably skype because back then as they're watching some dude in china cough blood all over a woman's face and baby while gracie just mentioned that her mom was actually coughing in her face all day yes definitely nothing to be concerned about there moving on but as i talk emma gets a paper airplane through her window with a frog drawing she looks out and it's lover boy out there and she says call me then writes down her phone number and throws it back hopefully their young love doesn't horribly end but i guess we'll find out so here's what i don't get everything heads outside which why not just give him a note yourself rather than throwing it but now evan's intoxicated stepfather walks out and as emma makes the first move on evan it now pretty much cements that they're together as she walks in there's a green screen thing on the tv that looks really bad i mean if you look closely at that it looks terrible emma and her old man have a heart to heart and the next day they are watching something about buttflies the dad is talking about the illness going around and how they suspect it's actually a parasite and not a virus although he suspects it's single cell but we will find out probably they're all wrong that said he begins talking about my personal favorite parasite toxoplasmosis gondii but as the teacher talks gracie begins coughing up a bit of blood and then runs out of the room emma's dad then sends her to go check on her as emma walks around whispering in a school for some reason i mean it's a hallway there's no need to whisper she goes into the bathroom but she's not there she then heads outside and sees gracie convulsing on the ground as she runs over another student does so as well to help emma then runs to go get the nurse as the other student has gracie just cough blood all over his face and mouth which is literally my nightmare other people's blood like i can see blood don't touch me with it emma gets checked out by the school nurse and probably just gets a bag of ice in a 10-minute nap but emma tells the nurse that gracie's mom just got back from san francisco yesterday since then her throat has been hurting and she's been really hungry the dad now leaves to go pick up the mom from the airport as families are packing up and getting ready to throw deuces emma looks up on the computer about the mutating strain of worm which i don't know i don't think it's really a mutating strain of worm but she calls gracie but gets no answer then emma looks out and sees a random deer that has nothing to do with anything by the way before a helicopter flies way too close overhead with humanitarian aid the dad then calls back and tells the daughters that the whole county is under quarantine at this point and he can't get back so now we get an address from obama telling us there's no evidence to suggest human to human transmission and there's no reason to start panicking yet oh wait we already know how that turns out never forget all it takes is 140 characters to completely trash their reputation and look like the biggest group of idiots known to man shade aside they're all talking about containing the outbreak but they need to take more aggressive steps to mitigate it as emma goes to the kitchen she begins hearing a clicking noise and then goes to check the front door to see what that was as she looks through the mail slot she sees someone at the front door run by stacy goes to check she just straight opens the door doesn't even look like don't get me wrong i get that she thinks emma is being too cautious but she doesn't know who's out there she didn't even bother to check she's just instantly oh you're wrong emma which is not a great way to ensure the stability of your lifespan bad things happen all the time never assume you're safe just because you think someone else is being over cautious but anyhow cj then broke into the house and scares both of them which still means stacy didn't know that he was in the house which means she did not know who was outside literally she could have got got because of her ego anyways so then uh stacey and cj decide it's time to go upstairs the next morning emma is awoken by military trucks moving through the town with some big nerds at the cdc dropping off mres for everyone as well as disaster kits stacey gets a call from their mom and she's still stuck at the airport later on there's a report about infected people going missing which you know is probably a little alarming as the disease is known to make people attack one another so now with all that going on we get the most teenagery teenage thing so there's a disease that is actively in their town it's been at your school everything's shutting down in the military is there so what do you do well of course you go to a party emma was basically vol and told to go to the party because evan was going as well as she walks around with her mask on most people aren't really sharing the same sentiment so everyone is dancing raging party at the end of the world am i right stacy goes to look for cj as he's ghosted as evan and emma go upstairs also mr edgy in the hoodie is the guy who got blood on his face earlier who then went missing as evan and emma pull back some plastic we see the blonde from way earlier in the bathroom with someone who could it be as emma and evan sit in the bathtub he talks about how he likes her before hearing stacy yelling at the blonde chick because cj was getting frisky also i wanna know how this 18 year old has so many tattoos like i get like you know time wise it's not a big deal it doesn't take that long but how could you afford them so in smoker's corner one girl looks freaked out by the guy in the hoodie as he grabs her stoner bro gets up to see what's happening as he turns around and then spits blood all over everyone this causes the party to basically reach its conclusion and stacy and emma hide as emma then sees one girl get grabbed and then we hear her get spit on as infection boy clicks around the party he manages to find them and then spits on stacy who has some of the worms crawl in her eyes evan shows up to save emma as the cops and show up to break up the fun actually i suppose the fun was over at this point anyhow stacey goes and showers emma watches a broadcast on how nests are communicating and talking on some unknown frequency which is pretty interesting actually you social parasites the next morning the cdc has arrived to check everyone seems the process is a little flawed however as they check the neck and eyes and that brings back no information despite the fact that stacy is absolutely infected so now things aren't going so well their dad calls them to tell them basically lock everything down the chinese are wiping out their own towns off the map as now they get a final warning of martial law being declared fun times that night flares start getting popped left right and center like at gracie's house as emma goes to text her dad it's not delivered because the whole area is being blocked off from making calls the military shows up to take gracie as other flares begin being popped as well emma and stacy now begin thinking that they need to basically gtfo which if you've ever played gtfo i've actually done a video on that a little while back if you haven't seen it emma attempts to see if ethan wants to come but except that answers the window and then closes it as stacy and emma drive out the military put up a restricted zone and like literally pitch blackness now why would they actively hide that in the middle of the road why are they hanging out in total darkness no idea but stacey does a smart thing and gets out after the military tells her to actively turn around that's a great way to get your brain some fresh air by the way she says that they need to get by and get their dad but the soldiers are becoming increasingly agitated mainly because she's not listening to very simple and basic commands just remember the military is not like cops anyways so a truck now shows up and tries to run the barricade before getting lit up the next morning stacy's neck isn't feeling so good the military drives by saying it's a felony now to harbor an infected individual and stacy is most definitely infected having a little hole in her neck where the parasite is growing that night she gets pretty hungry and finally decides to spill the spaghetti out of her pocket about how their dad cheated on their mom real stand-up guy it seems nobody told emma because they thought that she couldn't handle it for some reason and now stacy starts coughing as someone begins pounding on the door and it's our boy evan as he gets in his stepdad keeps pounding on the door but as emma goes to look it's almost like he knows that she's there and then spits blood all over the peephole they then all put on their masks although if these worms can crawl into your eyes i mean the masks don't really seem to do that much evan then takes the force multiplier as a step dad jumps in through the window clearly mega infected worms exit out of his ears and they also begin clicking looking for them they operate on sound only it appears as a step dad finds her he takes one to the dome from stacy and then stacey drops coughing up blood so now they lock her in the bathroom emma tells evan to go and he just says now stick around anyways i mean where is he gonna go at this point emma goes and then tags her garage door with the same symbol in order to throw the nerds off her trail meanwhile stacy is yelling about how she's so hungry and she can feel the worms behind her eyes wanting her to do things she tells emma and evan that they really need to leave but they're totally sticking around anyways so she underlines a bunch of stuff and like a book about how to like get a botfly out of your back and i mean really she could have just read it and committed it to memory but whichever so as they head to the roof to take some selfies evan then shows up to talk to her emma resigns to her fate that she's not seeing her parents anymore which may be correct but out in the distance also most of the towns are already on fire because they've just been straight and destroyed and now our boy cj arrives after cheating on stacy each bro you know i'm just gonna go on a limb i don't think she wants to see you or maybe she does because as he goes to tell her that the army has split and everyone is leaving which that's never a good sign he puts his arm in there to hold stacey and she just begins ripping off his arm and eating it like chicken wing style so after walking in on that they go and unceremoniously bury cj in the yard as emma resolves to remove the parasite so they knock out stacy with probably ungodly amounts of z-quill and canned chicken emma does something stupid also and puts her hand in there i mean i get the whole bonding thing but you don't know what this parasite is capable of stacy now asks emma to find their dad and tell her she's sorry if she doesn't make it so after stacey then passes out the operation begins they enter the bathroom and pull back her hair to find the hole in her neck she puts some tape over it to suffocate the parasite forcing it out as then she grabs it but as she does it activates stacy's almonds as she grabs the rest of it and they start stomping it out well that's a nice shock to the central nervous system which then makes stacey pass out momentarily also cj said that the army left but it looks like the army is like literally outside their window so uh nice job on the info there bro so now things look better for stacy as she starts eating the soup then overhead we see the military is using heat signature tech to find that most of the neighborhood has now gathered in two central houses which where's all the people who weren't infected i mean i know a lot of them did leave but i'm kind of wondering why like evan and emma haven't left yet i know there's mountains around them easily walkable mountains get some water and start hoofing it man so emma now has a nice scary dream about stacey turning and then she hears evan yelling about how all the food is gone so that's not good but they see stacy going for a marathon run so they decide to run her down to one house with all the lights off they find a family in there well dad of the year decided to call it quits early in the game with his family so i mean i can't say i do the same thing but hey maybe that's just me as i move through the house they find a ton of the neighborhood is actually in the back room all linking up with gracie laying on the ground as she's apparently the patient zero nest now everyone is awake and chases them through the house stacey is upstairs holding her head and stacy tells her to end her as then she begins to change and emma is forced to take her out apparently just that one worm in the neck ain't it and i mean if the cure was that easy i'm pretty sure that would have already been done by now so now emma is basically an orphan and siblingless bummer dude so then they burst out onto the roof to get away from everyone else and as they look over to the next neighborhood and spot the military concussively blasting neighborhoods that's probably not going to be good for their life expectancy then they spot one of them is literally heading towards them they then jump into the pool as the whole area is engulfed in flames they head back out of the pool and the entire neighborhood has been destroyed walking out of town oh look military equipment left behind hopefully that doesn't happen again emma then finds a picture of the family telling them to meet at uncle peter's indicating that actually they did make it so now they head to washington state which is a pretty good drive through an infected wasteland and honestly i would like to see a viral too as this was a pretty cool movie but it's still definitely not a virus so first things first worm flu as i've complained about several times is as i just said isn't a virus so that being said while a single cell larval parasite is in fact a eukaryotic cell it is also larger than a virus but that doesn't mean in some of the earliest stages it doesn't act similar to a virus in some capacity now it's really more in relation to how our body deals with the parasitic infection than the actual function of the parasite because parasites are not invading your cells and replicating themselves using cellular internal structures and mechanisms instead i would say drifting through your body stealing nutrients along the way and altering your behavior now i do believe there is a specific parasite that this creature is related to but i don't want to spill the beans immediately because susan requests that the people watch these videos for longer so it's time to get into some science i think the first place we should start is the actual life cycle of this pathogen seeing as there are quite a few distinct stages before moving on to the discussion about their eusocial behavior and how this affects the central nervous system as these things are clearly able to operate the human body like a meat mech and turn them quite aggressive should the need arise however they also seem incredibly focused on obtaining outside nutrition which appears to be something of a new trick as usually this is just a byproduct concerning parasitic actions and survival now where does this whole thing start well as the father mentioned previously the parasite at the beginning was believed to be a single-celled organism infecting people now parasites like this exist all over in fact there's a brain-eating parasite in most of the lakes in the southern united states and in the coastal regions known as nagleria fallory which i just annoyed my wife for about two weeks with because i recently got lake water up my nose and then had allergies coincide with what was happening leading me to spiral thinking i had a brain eating amiibos i'll tell you that was a blast but these particular parasites are single-celled and will enter through the nasal passages before following the nerves to the olfactory bulb and then consuming the rest of your brain well attempting to anyhow because you see your body goes nuclear freakout mode concerning the immune response and when the body isn't able to control the infection this leads to something horrible known as primary amoebic meningioencephalitis which basically means your brain is swelling while your meninges are swelling so everything's putting pressure on your brain which can lead to seizures lack of awareness coma and eventually you will meet your end but the point is single-celled organisms like this do exist already in the world but their infection rate is incredibly low so low that since 2011 only 33 people in the united states have actually been infected and this is from like the millions of exposures so i don't tell you this to freak you out or anything but it's important to know your enemy the thing i would like to point out is single cell parasitic infections by themselves have a huge range of infectivity what we see in viral is something that is well outside the normal range of what we could expect a parasite to infect by because believe it or not compared to this movie by again comparison parasites would not be as great at spreading over this wide of a range and vast of an area i mean it could maybe do it if it was waterborne and everyone was taking virtually zero precautions but once identified however parasites are usually overcome rather quickly because of this the parasite enviro would need to do something deviating from the typical parasitic behavior but not something that is wholly unheard of i would direct you once again towards my favorite parasite toxoplasmosis gondii i actually did my senior seminar paper over this parasite to obtain my degree because it's absolutely fascinating to think about what toxoplasmosis does is control the central nervous system by entering the brain itself but not inspiring a nuclear option scenario with the immune system in fact it may calm the immune system of rodents in order to live within them once entering the brain it will alter the behavior of rodents to their own detriment how it does this is by affecting the neural tissue itself and decreasing communication in some areas associated with fear and anxiety which would be the amygdala and it does this by forming cysts within the brain or at least lesions it stops the mouse from being afraid of the smell of cats but the parasite will continue to the point of the mouse becoming actually sexually attracted to the smell of cat urine by doing so this would cause the rodent to approach areas where cats have been or move out into the open where birds of prey are this will inevitably spark an interaction where the mouse would be eaten from here toxoplasmosis will go on to reproduce in its primary hosts if it's eaten by a cat or just continue through the digestive system of a bird of prey and then they are excreted out via waste which other rodents will then find and start the process all over again but this is all predicated on eggs being eaten by the correct animal for this process to function properly now where it gets complicated is when humans get involved if you have outdoor cats and this is just for your information if you are pregnant or your significant other is pregnant you should never let them scoop cat boxes as this can make them become infected with toxoplasmosis which could result in the child expiring but when it comes to our regular brains we can also be infected and it will make us do the exact same thing not expire but really like cats people will become attracted to the scent of cat urine or in general just not minded as much this may also make a person start hoarding cats which may be the crazy cat lady down the street legitimately the person may actually have parasites in their brain altering their behavior and if you think you're safe guess again i know i'm just hitting you with all the worst facts today in the u.s 11 of the population has been infected at some point six years and older and in the world this is as high as 60 so it's an incredibly common parasitic infection mainly because of our love for cats but your body typically clears it on its own without too much detriment now as a single-celled organism it's much easier to move into a host but toxoplasmosis does not turn into what we see in viral it will remain single-celled throughout its life cycle never changing into a worm-like creature that we see which let's hit up the next stage of its life cycle shall we we see when stacy gets spit on this appears to be the point where the disease has entered the respiratory system such as the lungs and trachea in a large enough capacity to be infected in the blood likely the parasite is single-celled floating around the body or a very very small multicellular organism but after a few days has passed and the person continues eating and fueling the new growth they will likely turn into the larval worms here they will enter the lungs slightly chewing their way through the tissue into the alveolar sacs as these are easily accessible from the circulatory system and then further up into the bronchi and then line weight as they continue to grow and amass in the lungs this would cause the host to begin coughing up blood as well you know now there's holes in their lung tissue from here things rapidly progress as a person begins feeling unwell their drive to eat would still be rather high likely by the other smaller forms of the parasite within the bloodstream ransacking nutrition and growing but also the larval worms within the lungs are doing the same thing this would inspire the host to eat more and more to fuel them growing the parasite faster eventually this continued growth would annoy the lung tissue to the point that coughing would become pretty standard ejecting more of the parasite however the parasite isn't like a virus or bacteria it cannot just be sprayed out and drift through the air direct contact with bodily fluid is necessary for its propagation because of this there likely must be some sort of trigger shortly after the seizure process where it infects others so what it looks like to me is when the seizure happens that's when the worm is officially in a larger control of the mind or at least the body as either the multicellular parasites have either bypassed the blood-brain barrier entered the cerebral spinal fluid or entered the brain in some sort of capacity or there is the adult version of the parasite on the body that has begun knocking the host out of conscious commission which i believe really it's probably a combination of all three there's a reason for this but to get there we must first wrap up its second stage of the life cycle when the seizure stage has happened the body is now under control of the parasite as this happens the younger larval forms in the lungs are primed and ready to rock upon finding another person who is uninfected a spasm in the diaphragm and contraction of the intercostal muscles would take place pushing air out more forcibly than normal from the lungs and this would bring up with it blood and worms these adolescent worms will then crawl either into the eyes of the person or have already entered the mouth infecting them but we can also assume considering there is blood in the lungs and the more multicellular small forms that are in the blood likely the blood itself does also have the parasite now where does this violent spasm come from well getting to the adult stage we actually see what's happening concerning this parasite or at least it's late stage after entering the body the parasite will continue to grow within that body likely contained within the blood that was spit on by the person smaller versions of parasite also exist in the bloodstream as said it appears as though one dominant adult however would take control or a larger control of the body moving around to the back of the neck just above the thoracic vertebrae and at the bottom of the cervical vertebrae the parasite will sit and continue to grow it seems at this point it will begin tapping into the spinal cord itself where everything at this point goes wrong interacting with the spinal cord at first it can control the body in some ways but the host will still resist the input of the parasite if the emotional bond with another is strong enough such as with stacey and emma however should the emotional bond just not be there such as with stacy and cj parasite can override what the host wants to do forcing them to eat anything if they haven't eaten in a while leading to things like cannibalism when it comes to infecting others the parasite would be able to manipulate the spinal cord via likely pressure causing a massive contraction of the diaphragm and again intercostal muscles and i believe this shows the parasite to some degree does have control over that spinal cord function now before getting too far ahead i can hear you saying well roanoke why isn't the body actually doing something about this well let's discuss my favorite topic to ruin everyone's day so we actually need parasites it turns out there is evidence to suggest that allergies in the first world countries are becoming worse because we lack parasites in our diet parasites are known to have calming effects on our immune systems and without them our immune systems can become overactive and that's the key point they can literally calm our immune systems in some capacity to not attack them as readily i believe this particular parasite is most definitely lulling our immune systems into a more docile state but even if it's not something you need to know about parasites are our bodies are really not that adept at dealing with them regularly parasites completely sidestep our immune system as they are just faster than our eosinophils and neutrophils or when it comes down to our neutrophils they could just completely rip them apart such as with nagleria fallary the point is parasites are just jerks but we need them for the time being until we learn how to take the effects that parasites have on our bodies and create something that we don't need the parasites for but will still allow our bodies to exist as such so moving on the typical input by the adult parasite though is to find the uninfected and spit on them infecting them with their young so we see when stacey takes the parasite out of her neck the adult was several feet in length or roughly about one meter this would be wrapped around her brain stem and spinal cord and likely also go up into her skull in some capacity but also up into her eustachian tubes which run to drain your ears so ripping that out of your neck it's wrapped around all that stuff oh that's gotta be bad but using the eustachian tubes is interesting as it can actually enter the middle ear and reside here waiting for sound to be picked up which it can use to hunt we see the adult does not have full access to the brain or an understanding of what signals mean concerning chemoelectric signals from neuron to neuron as the eyes are just virtually never used in fact the host is rendered blind late in the infection process which we will discuss why that is but we see with evan's stepdad that his eyes have completely glazed over and we hear stacey talk about how she feels the parasites behind her eyes this has proved to me that the multicellular smaller version of the parasite are still all over the body and in the brain altering the behavior even though she is infected with an adult who seems to be controlling things from her neck so the point of this is removing the parasite did very little besides removing one point of control but considering what comes out of stacy's mouth later other adult parasites would have likely been able to take its place after removal they just hadn't gotten there yet once detecting a noise using the mechanical sensory information provided by the inner ears of humans the parasite exits the ears and starts clicking this would appear to be a form of echolocation however if you don't move then there is no new information to display your location but the eye is virtually destroyed by the parasite likely crowding it and with too many nutrients being taken from the eyes this can lead to tissue destruction and that means the worm itself has to use your body in order to hunt but must use its own sensory information to actually complete that hunt which again this says to me once you know this it's actually really easy to move around the infected so internally what is actually happening with this parasite i can hear you asking that now and that's a great question viewer well much like toxoplasmosis considering we see a change in the behavior at first which unlike toxoplasmosis becomes hunger then eventually progressing into falling back on base or instincts with no recollection of your prior life it appears to me that the infection takes a similar pathway lesions in the brain can alter behavior dramatically if you didn't know by having lesions formed the amygdala and mice they can completely change everything they know concerning survival once infected with this parasite and viral these lesions would show up slowly at first due to the parasites actually in the bloodstream that have now moved into the brain once here this would induce hunger which means likely these lesions would first form in the hypothalamus as the hunger continued in the parasite reproduced this would eventually cause more lesions in the brain until finally so much of the tissue was destroyed the brain would be operating in eco mode and you would just kind of turn into an animal driven by hunger and the need to consume anything as the parasite is telling you that you're starving which likely you are as nutrition you take in is being used to fuel the parasite which in turn would cause more ghrelin or the hunger hormone be released to keep telling you that you're starving at this point once controlled what i find most interesting is is not so much how it controls you which i mean that still is pretty cool as it's literally pulling on your spinal cord like a puppet string to just move you around while your brain slowly withers and becomes more animalistic leading to less and less resistance from your conscious being but also how the parasite interacts with one another it seems that there is a familial bond amongst the parasites as they will return back to a central nest of whoever started the infection this original helmet is the one who oversees the entire process of infection as they all answer locally to her making the species eusocial much like antsar new queen or could even be a king we don't really know would go out leaving the old nest behind and begin forming its own colony in this case however rather than just moving dirt and laying eggs humans are the ones that are essentially the colony being that they are social this helmet would needed to have actually changed from its typical behavior that we could expect from parasites into something totally different however as the adults grow and continue to take over the body they too will increase in size compelling the host to return to the original progenitor of their nest once there the parasite will exit out of the mouth or ears and enter the mouth of the original host where the worms could communicate with one another now what are they saying well it's hard to tell really information could be relayed about potential new prey general health of the bodies that they are in if it's time to just move on to another area for more food things such as that which considering the whole neighborhood at this point is infected i would like to point out did you notice that there were two houses with a collection of people meaning that possibly a new queen or king may have already been created and set up a second infection process in the area meaning that they too would leave on their own fairly soon so we finally arrived at my last point that i would like to cover judging by what we see how these worms affect human behavior their life cycles and what they literally look like what sort of parasite are they then well it's clear to me that as i've already said they're hellmuth parasite they're essentially worms and in this case i would be hesitant to say that they're a roundworm and are more likely a flatworm because of this i believe that they are actually related in some capacity to a tapeworm now there are some things that would need to happen for this to function correctly the first is tape worms are not actually all that friendly if you didn't know when another tapeworm is in the body they will compete in attempt to get rid of it they will also try to oust different species of parasites as well basically they are incredibly greedy for the body's resources for this species to work properly they would need to become a much more social species which after hundreds of thousands of years of living in our guts that may be possible should enough of an interaction happen but just know this tapeworms will actively sabotage one another if they get in the way potentially the ones that broke off from the standard tapeworm family were ones that were successful and much better at reproducing in this new way forcibly infecting other hosts which in nature would make them feel a niche that doesn't yet exist which would give them an edge to spread faster and further than standard tapeworms the main thing that supports this idea of them being an offshoot of a tapeworm is actually their life cycles when you think of tapeworms you probably imagine the massive several feet in length worm in the guts right well that's not actually how they start there's actually an infection known as cystocerosis and this basically what happens when you ingest tapeworm eggs they'll hatch and the larvae are released while they're still multicellular they are incredibly small and as such can infect large areas of your body such as your brain muscle and epithelial tissues i'd also like to point out that the parasite in viral is suggested to be single cellular but it's also possible that it's just really small much like the tapeworm and is able to spread throughout the body using the circulatory system we can actually see this is the case with evan's stepdad who has the parasites all over his neck just below the skin anyhow once this infection has started this has the capability to create cysts all over the integument system which then can spread to the brain and spinal cord leading to things like headaches altered behavior and in some cases seizures but on top of this it can lead to swelling of the optic disc affecting the eyesight of a person the pathophysiology of the parasite tracks with what the tapeworm is capable of down to the destruction of the body to a large degree but also concerning its life cycle as well because of this i personally believe it to be an offshoot of the tapeworm family one that was more successful in conquering a host you know what that means we actually have several medications that are capable of paralyzing the tapeworms however it's not 100 effective because in general the effect is paralysis that allows you to pass the parasite if it's wrapped up in your brain stem then where does it go after paralysis this may be why the parasite has not yet been stopped as medications that immobilize tapeworms are not as effective on this species
Channel: Roanoke Gaming
Views: 397,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Viral movie, viral, viral trailer, viral movie, drama, horror, horror movie, scary, scary movie, sci-fi, henry joost, ariel schulman, analeigh tipton, sofia black-delia, michael kelly, outbreak, virus, quarantine, infection, infected, fandango, movieclips, movieclips trailers, trailers, new trailers, hot new trailers, hd, viral video, Roanoke gaming, Viral movie parasite, viral movie explained, viral movie explored, Viral movie pathogen, Viral worm scene, viral movie neighborhood
Id: 9jj-CbUtEkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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