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what are we to answer that you need to understand for the most part we aren't really sure what we are really as a species and not to the extent of oh we know nothing but more in line with we aren't really actually 100% sure how we work and operate for instance my favorite thing to bring up is people moving despite their brains being separated from their lower spinal cords by attaching a spinal stimulator to the area below the damaged portion of the spinal cord and then they're asked to move it has been shown some people can regain a little bit of movement in extremities that lie beyond the point of paralyzation and with this in mind it becomes apparent that the functionality of our body is more intrinsically linked than just something as simple as the brain controlling body because the body is just as important and it's going to control the mind to a certain degree for instance like with the gut brain that we have uh if you eat the wrong amount of food your brain can become depressed so just keep that in mind but if you really want to get weird with it you can pause this video for like 5 minutes and sit there and try to think about absolutely nothing you'll find this to be borderline impossible to do which begs the question if you cannot control your thoughts who is really thinking and how are you observing those thoughts at this particular point in time or why if you're reading why are you speaking in your own head rather than just absorbing the information why do you have to read to yourself they're all very strange things but the point is our bodies whether we think we are control or not continue to work without our Consciousness really being in control all the time these systems in place exist to help us survive and it's great that these are autonomic functions because I really don't want to have to sit here and think about having to Blink or breathe both of which we are doing manually right now because I mentioned it but because these systems in place run without our input or at least conscious input does that mean if you used another system to run them would they function the answer is yes look no further than the iron lung helping people stricken with polio to continue breathing or during open heart surgery having the heart bypassed and their blood pumped by machines to keep them alive the reality is the body can run by other means regardless of the breakdown of specific organs which brings us around to this Anatomy heavy video today which also gets potentially a little out there in the events of the movie Virus see I started adding the name of the movie to the videos Beyond just its description because everybody would ask me what the movies called an alien species Beyond just a standard cell and flesh beams down to earth with disastrous results for the dominant race down there being a contained event though a Russian crew is essentially stogied as another crew stumbles across what Remains the cyborg creatures created are an Unholy Union of Flesh and metal except they seem more puppet than Homo sapiens so in today's episode let's discuss if these people are actually still living what would it take to keep them alive and how this affects their human Meats suit so we kick off our story with a jump scare of virus are you terrified yet well you should be mainly because there are actually enlightened thinkers and I use uh that with heavy sarcasm on the phrase who say actually Ro humanity is your virus bro quit yapping maybe you're the virus but our species is awesome and has dominated this rock have some pride in your race Humanity number one anyhow seeing a ship on the horizon it's inhabited by Russians as they discuss an incoming typhoon we meet the captain his name is Alexi as a woman calls out to the cosmonauts on the space station or at least I think it's the space station I'm not really sure what the Russians got up it looks like the space station to me but as they Place some chess they're attempting to transmit some data back from their experiments but as one of the cosmonauts looks out she spots something off in the distance you're probably wondering why I'm calling them cosmonauts while the Soviet Union did dissolve about seven years before this movie I believe when the comic came out the Soviet Union was still a thing so they were definitely still cosmonauts they're probably still cosmina now I think what what do the Russians call them I don't know I've never asked surely there's like one Russian person that watches this channel anyhow back to the Cosmonaut she looks out and then spots something way off in the distance taking a picture she calls out to another as he looks as well also I'm in the throws of a migraine when I was writing this and hearing another language while I sat there absolutely boggled my brain the Waris area was absolutely reling right then so as the Grimace Cloud gets closer which I have to mention my G roke make some weird references so strap in for that it might be a little concerning because at minimum that could be some radiation approaching the ship looking out well it looks like a ship of sorts actually which really it's an electrical Cloud as the entire station is then cut off from the surface as they call out an electrical zapping continues as a timer beams down the signal to the ship blowing up everything they then check as someone is accessing the code of the main frame of their own computers so that went over about as well as a wet fart and church but then again according to the American movies I have never seen a Russian experiment go well seems like the Russians are doing all the fun science over there and Meanwhile we're like oh I wonder if uh earthworms grow back half their body after they lose half their body so it's now 7 days later and a typhoon has arrived as a tugboat named the sea star makes its way through God can only hope they speak American because my brain is struggling right now English [ __ ] do you speak it oh thank God they actually do okay so Ripley calls out the coordinates as they make their way through this crapshoot pulling a cargo ship through the typhoon Ripley alerts the captain that the barge is is taking on water as he doesn't seem too concerned with it but as they look out they spot green water whatever that is I suppose but it begins deforming their boat in the process so I guess green water is just a giant wave so you're probably wondering why I call her Ripley because I get Jam Lee Curtis and Sigourney Weaver confused all the time for some reason I guess the actual name I should call her is Lori really glad we clear that up thanks for sticking through so the crew is now alerted that there's an issue with the door as it's gotten blocked Lori recommends that a new course needs to be set as the engine room is taking on water ALS Al I'm aware her name is in the movie it's like something else but if you've been around long enough in this channel as soon as the name sticks with me that's it that's what you're called I don't make the rules I just work here as they look back the barge ain't doing so hot as the less famous Ballwin brother yells out that they need to cut the barge loose the captain refuses he's 3 weeks from retirement and knows what must be done the captain pulls a force multiplier him as I mean it seems like a little bit of an overreaction don't you think so the cabling then breaks and all the cargo is lost anyways as the captain now realizes his livelihood is gone reaching the eye of the typhoon it's all smooth sailing from here which is pretty odd as I'm sure that water would still be incredibly choppy so day drinking in looking at a picture he talks about letting him down the water in the engine room starts to rise which is a bit of a problem they going to have to go out and Patch it which is my literal nightmare they also realize that they are sinking at this point in the middle of a typhoon in the Pacific when I tell you my soul would simply leave my body I am not joking I'd be day drinking and contemplating things in the captain's Nest as well calling out they still are in the eye of the typhoon but on the radar they pick up a visual of a ship that is also in the eye of the typhoon with them they hail the ship but hear nothing back meanwhile the captain is again contemplating shuffling his mortal coil in his office classic as he's informed there's a ship with him dead in the water he abandons his plan to take himself out and then heads out to the ship before they sink calling out to it again of course it's in a fog looking down in the water they find capsized lifeboats with breaches in the bottom of the hole and then they spot it the Russian ship from earlier with nobody answering and This concerns the crew hm never heard of a complete comm's blackout on one of these things Laura then says it looks Russian not sure how she came to that conclusion probably all the backwards ours she reads out what the ship's name is and like a sort of Almanac I imagine as they continue trying to make contact but nobody responds boarding the ship they came to arm because America and I'm sure the Russians will just love to see that more so because the '90s were like I mean they were our best friends back then right but then again the question is do they really like us now the answer is no as they search it they find evidence of a scuffle with holes in the glass but nobody around and no bodies either going around the side more lead holes are in the side of this boat opening the door some birds fly out and the bridge is trashed also I like how they're in the eye like the eye of the typhoon hasn't moved at all it really does not last that long in one area and looking in the back they do find blood probably a good sign meanwhile back on the tugboat it's continuing to sink I guess that boat isn't just going to be able to tug it out so after saying that I now see despite it's supposed to sound like thug it out it sounds way worse moving on checking out the suab ble atlaw LS they can't find anything in English who would have guessed as they discuss what to do they agree to salvage the ship and put a salvage lean on it as the ruskis will have to pay 10% of what it's worth but would they really that comes out to probably about 30 million if they bring this thing back to shore the captain says he'll cut everybody in at 10% so they'll get 3 million each that's about 5.6 million nowadays so they're going to try to get the main engines running to get this thing to shore they begin to search the ship for anyone living as the captain remarks he hopes he doesn't find anyone alive well that doesn't sound ominous and forboding Captain what a strange thing to say entering the engine room they start trying to get it running plugging in the relays they're able to start getting the things powered up as electricity is restarted though everything starts going Goblin mode you know the Russians could have just like stomped on the relays rather than just leaving them right next to the thing that they're clearly trying to stop from restarting it's pretty bold strategy guys so as the captain then gets a call on the radio the electricity around them begins sparking and screeching which is also a good sign the cameras come back on to life as it begins to look around like someone is watching them Lor then checks the computer all of it's in Russian and something is running on the computer as a camera then reads the captain's name the ship then drops anchor by itself onto the sea star cracking through the poop deck realizing the ship is a lost cause Woods heroically leaves his crewmate behind for literally no reason wood subscribes to the idea of whoever falls behind gets left behind but hey now they're going to have 3.15 million a piece lesser famous Baldwin or lfb for short jumps in to try to save the man ensuring their shares went back to 3 million a piece instantly making him the most unpopular guy at this point they suggest that someone else is on the ship Woods realizes the other guys surviv so now their bond is broken forever meanwhile squeaky ends up saying the engines are running by themselves so he goes to shut the engine room door after being informed that there is someone else on the ship as they begin searching the ship for anyone who may still be left squeaky begins hearing something down in the creepy engine room as dog what is that like a mechanical spider squeaky then goes to check it out seeing as the wires are moving and as the camera watches he crawls into the hidey-hole which is never a good idea as he looks down and spots the shadow moving again never go into the hidey holes in the walls because uh Necromorphs and dead space and basically everything that will just totally shred you in there and then wraps him as it begins pulling him down and that's that Mrs that's that also how are they still in the eye of the tyoon typhoons do not move this slow walking into the next room there are casings everywhere checking the medical deck Lori then goes to stitch up heiko's wound like it was literally just a flesh wound and woods left him behind what a Chad clearing out the Armory they then grab everything that they can and continue searching the ship finding the torpedo room and surfaced to airs cables have attached themselves to all the consoles looking at the doors they have blood all over them and they are completely mangled finishing up on hoo's wound lfb says he would probably buy an island as he watches the camera looking at him and that's going on uh or at least while that's going on one woman emerges from a locker and just starts aiming at all the medical supplies and only the medical supplies bold strategy not taking out anyone else what to get away from you gal so they then check her pulse and she's still alive as they continue their search lots of wires are chewed through and many other wires are just randomly hanging down seemingly maybe connected later so as lfb calls down to squeaky he's completely gone and I say connected later because surely the Russians wouldn't build a ship like this then again maybe they would I don't know I I I don't really know what the quality of Russian ships are I just know the quality of Soviet cars back in the day and they were not that great so anyways Lori tells lfb to watch her back as one does as Richie and woods walk around and good Lord what is that thing some sort of like mechanical thing jumps up to say hello as they remark how it smells terrible what a strange little robot so finally Miss Russia 1999 wakes up as she tells them to turn off the power and shut down the ship she then grabs the food nearby because clearly she's starving the captain asks where the rest of the crew is and if they've all gone she keeps saying oh we need to stop the power and we need to move through the ship she then pushes down the captain and uses her last remaining calories to break for it and then grab an axe thank God for Power Bars Lori then gives Chase grabbing a flashlight which seems about as safe as be backing a $5 hooker considering she's going at it alone and she knows nothing about this woman which again in it of itself five anyways doesn't matter finding her in the corner she tells her to drop the axe as Lori then tells her I'm a navigator and Nadia is like oh I'm Chief science officer and I'm with the science team Lori then asks her for the 12th time what happened and bro I cannot tell you how many times I have asked a woman that I have been talking to what happened or what was wrong and got the same vague answers like no lie this has made me frustrated in the movie watching it and beyond belief in real life I cannot stand vague hints and when somebody just won't answer a question moving on eight days ago they got zapped and something on board started learning about how to take them out Lori asks well who is them and she finally responds this was asked like 12 times by the way uh machines were on board taking everyone out grabbing NAIA they then restrain her as she appears to have lost her mind opening one room they spot multiple machines moving all over and it becom becomes clear that all over the ship these things are everywhere as the power is like heavily drawn into the machine shop momentarily everything begins working they appear to be building more of themselves which is actually a Monumental problem that's how you end up with Sentinels that completely overwhelm Humanity also fun fact this has nothing to do with this movie at all but aliens literally throw an asteroid at the machines in The Matrix in an attempt to take them out the lore is wild anyway so Richie calls out to one attempting to like be friendly with it as then he pokes it which then you know it forces him to take a shot at it and in the distance something approaches with a handheld and Fires at them as woods and Richie run out taking minor damage Richie calls to lfb telling them the situation about the Russians the two then head to the engine room which they were asked to do 12 times already why is it always 12 I don't know as lfb heads over there as well he then finds the door has been perfectly welded human hands could have never done this pulling up the shotgun lfb reenacts what his older brother would do just 24 years later also for some reason he doesn't lower it at all even though he recognizes the people is with odd as Woods then sniffs around he smells something bad looking at the end of the hallway what is that it begins speaking Russian and my God it's a '90s cyborg they open up on it and it does very little and nobody on the main deck hears anything that's going on within the bowels of the ship yeah Fat Chance of that so nania gives everyone a little bit of a pep talk about well you're all going to die the captain though wants answers getting our first look at this first cyborg we can tell several things about it based on its movement and functionality first this thing is like really slow super slow it appears to be a conglomeration of both flesh and machine but how is that possible what we need to establish is is this machine intelligence or is this human intelligence or potentially even a combination while taking on the human form this person does not appear to have any memory of their former life which will all make sense here in a little bit their body has become mostly a system of hydraulic tubes and wires and these would be very clearly relaying electricity around the body however even with this system in place I do not believe that this person is technically still there based on the the operation they have going on behind the scenes later this is essentially a meat puppet operated by the machine in this particular instance we will see evidence later however of how the process is achieved keeping the person alive okay so the captain at this point is threatening to take out Nadia someone needs to remove that weapon from his possession like he is legit Sund Downing or something so finally lfb shows up carrying the cyborg a conglomeration of again man and machine this thing was the captain of the original ship getting a look at the thing well that's horrifying so Nadia tells them what happened the energy came down from the ship above when it hit their ship 67 were lost instantly due to hallogen gas small machines then showed up first as biome mechanisms showed up next the rest of the crew took their chances in the sea she says that they cut power to the machine in the computer then the machines will die she also says the life form is electrical and not cellular so let's discuss this species for a minute because it's actually highly interesting in comparison with our own bodies and also this is going to get a little out there so strap in the species is said to be nothing more than than an actual electrical current pure energy as opposed to what's down here on Earth which is considered to be pure matter well it's not really the case actually while our bodies are composed of cells clearly the reality is we are just as much energy as well and not like hey man it's like your spirit have some peyote it's more on the sense of the electrical currents that run our bodies and our brains and the electrical discharge contained within have you ever stopped to think about that the electrical energy that flows through your brain that tells your limbs to move is quite literally the information that makes you you the cells El are the ones who push the energy But ultimately the information lies in the chemo electric signals of the brain I know we're getting out there again but it's an interesting topic or at least interesting thought experiment so for this species it would appear to be potentially a different evolutionary path but it may make sense all things considering see the problems with our meat suits are just that really they're made of meat they degrade as soon as they understood the weakness of their flesh it disgusted them this species may have originally existed as all species appear to which is going to be composed of cells but what if you could exist in the universe as an actual energy would it be better or worse and with that could it even be possible again here we go with the post- migraine brain mode but basically all you are fundamentally doing is removing one layer of existence going from a physical being to like an electrical one the energy to run our bodies is already there our thoughts beliefs wants all based on electrical impulses propagated by neuronal activity and if you really really want to get weird with it where do thoughts even come from how does a single neuron know to make you think about something how does it how does that process begin and then continue through there's uh now I don't really know obviously this is above my pay grade I'm just going to go and tell you this but it's basically that the consciousness of the universe and blah blah blah and humans are basically conduits all that not sure if I believe it but it's kind of an interesting idea regardless of if you take a single neuron that begins the process of a full complete thought how does it know to start that thought and how does the electricity that runs between the neurons actually begin the process if it doesn't even know that the process needs to begin very strange but if you were to figure out how to propagate the electrical signals of the brain without the neurons or potentially replicate them somehow would that still be you or would it be something different this species would appear that it is capable of doing just this it exists within the universe as an electrical field of energy containing its Consciousness without the need for cells to basically run Itself by doing so the physical existence of matter would have no impact on a larger scale at least concerning cells on a smaller scale though it might and this may seem rather odd but it goes down to an atomic level as it seems like to me there are atoms that may support the existence of this creature but it's not organic like you and I Instead This may require something as a species we aren't even aware of that exists yet well it doesn't exist to us yet an energy in the universe that this species has found that allows them to exist without having bodies and I hope this doesn't sound like a cop out but the concept of it is beyond just existing in a universe and and being a ball of lightning roaming around it's a Consciousness that uses the universe as a platform and all the energy contained within the bonds of atoms rather than using a physical body of meat as a platform also if you're wondering if I ever talk like this in real life just ask while such gaming he could tell you this is how I talk in real life also we begin to see the bleed over into how the human body is affected based on this species influence so as they look at the Cyborg's brain they find there's no decomposition but there is also an electrical system built into the brain it's keeping the brain alive or so they think now I see several issues wrong with this but in some capacity may be true but it's more the idea they bring up whether the person is actually in there or not that I think is important first most of the brain is removed it is now made functional by machines and because of this the behavior exhibited this indicates that the person I think is clearly gone while the outer cerebrum is mostly intact which is considered the primate brain the interior is completely hollowed out and this would have some profound impacts on the state of human conscious ious for instance the brain's Corpus colossum would be gone preventing the two hemispheres from properly communicating along with that damage to the memory areas of the brain which basically they're hollowed out so they're not even there anymore it's not even just damag like the amydala hippocampus prefrontal cortex basil ganglia and in general communication between these areas it's gone so essentially the brain is being used at this point just as a processor how does that work I can hear you asking well rather easily as the internal structures now connect to the neurons it will then send out electrical signals that are propagated by the neurons naturally through Force depolarization because of this the CPU that is installed now just uses the organic interface that allows for the body to move and remember the electricity is the life form so in some ways this signal is transferred to the muscle and Still Remains but also it's transmitted to wires and hydraulic lines however I am honestly not going to lie to you this just seems like a really stupid way to do this why not just build machines out of wires and hydraulics since you apparently have all those laying around and completely eliminate the weakness of Flesh or the very clear aberration in communication because the body and this is seen when the body's like clunky movements it's having difficulty moving the signals sent out by the CPU or the life form itself would not necessarily Inspire muscle movement and coordination of the machine components so they would be slower and barely responsive but I believe there is a reason for this as well but there's actually a few reasons first it may come down to an issue of available materials on the ship by using human components that also possess an electrical system internally the machine can essentially build these cyborgs and forgo large portions of machine machine which would take up more resources you know kind of using what you have sort of like I don't know if you're on a deserted island you're going to build a house out of bamboo and thatch as opposed to just existing in the rain simply because you couldn't build it out of like oak trees and concrete you know you're going to use what you have around you another option may be because these are just simply cannon fodder they are there to be used or really use as little resources as possible to get them up and moving and their only purpose is to protect the life form that creates them so they don't really have to be perfect the third option is actual movement and size the smaller little spider robots are full machine but they're not as effective at moving nor can they attack as well by combining the machine and human element the human brain such as a cerebellum is still going to be able to coordinate movement if it's left in there to a degree making the cyborgs more capable than their smaller counterparts but this would imply that at least some areas of the body are actively living which we will get to in a moment so as it lays there Nadia calls out to it as it looks up and grabs her arm lfb then starts going ham on it taking it out for good destroying the human brain and the CPU contained within this definitely appears to put them down for good although the programming of this particular machine component just appears to be a piece of life form controlling the cyborg not so much like the human element reacting the captain then starts sundowning again saying it's Russian rubbish okay anyways uh that it was just cooked up by the government he thinks it's a medical experiment so finally good Lord the eye of the storm is no longer over them 3 years later because you know that's how it works so as Lori looks out the waves are now starting to move move back in that is not how that works the cyborg is then yeed to the ground and now everything is starting to look terrible Alexi then continues to lay there as a skull frees Itself by mechanical structures as Richie is able to take it out what in the name of mechanicus Servo skull is going on here from this we can see this supports the notion that the reality is humans are being used as an available resource but are not likely to be the intended alteration the skeleton of a human being the important part here while calcium is technically a metal an alkaline earth metal to be exact it is less structurally strong than say like a transition metal like iron or steel steel of course being an iron alloy however our skeleton is still quite strong and if grafted properly to metal it is more than capable of withstanding pressures put on it by metal moving in fact what was it if you jump down and you weigh like 160 lb or something if you jump down like a foot it's like 15,000 PSI on your femur it's something crazy like so skeletons are very strong so because of this we can assume most of the metallic structures in and the cyborg are actually just grafted to the bones of a person for the purpose of scaffolding the Hydraulics appear to be connected to Pure metal while the electrical lines likely run to the musculature itself to sort of assist in movement but really they're also going to connect to nerves because it's using kind of the existing nervous system as a way to communicate with the wires so the muscle will help move the bone and the bone will help move the metal scaffolding which will be furthered by the hydraulic lines again a very convoluted way to build But ultimately it does appear to work and this would still require how that some parts of the body be kept alive in order for the cells to continue to function which again we will see they continue moving deeper into the ship as they can feel the ship actually starting to list as it's just free floating the ship then starts steering itself at one point and as they move down they begin hearing noises and go to investigate finding blood everywhere well that's probably a good sign as they're headed in the right direction they then start hearing something behind the door and as they look inside thinking it might be squeaky they see an outline of someone as they do oh lord it's squeaky all right he's been cyborg behind him however was something much worse squeaky grabs Woods as larger cyborg then just punches straight through his spine and chest ouchies opening up on the thing it does very little you got to aim for the nerve stem of the automaton how topical as I then run to the next room it begins trying to break down the door Richie calls out Mayday as a captain then Sundowns further and destroys their only means of communication as he wants to claim the vessel seriously y'all should have just relieved this dude of command a while ago then try to figure out what the creatures want as Richie suggests maybe we should just talk to him Nadia then sets the computer to English as they ask who it is the thing then says I am aware well that's probably not good super Earth is about to need to be liberated brother luckily the Patriot of patriotism is here that's right that's the ship name the creature in the computer then calls Humanity a virus okay Edge Lord I see the life form is like some 14-year-old in Fedora bro you're the one that showed up here you are literally the virus so the creature begins citing why it wants them for their spare parts like a nice optic nerve heo then suggests that the uh only option that they have is to sink this ship as it will ground out the electricity and kill the creature in the computer or just shoot the computer I don't know so as they discuss here's squeaky he calls out to Steve as then he opens up on it and then runs out of there now this is interesting as we see with squeaky his brain must still be somewhat intact as he has not lost the top of his head however the apparatus that has been attached to a skull clearly is influencing him this is very likely once again a CPU of sorts overriding his naturally occurring firing pattern in his brain to be controlled by the life form's Consciousness perhaps when one of those rounds hits it it's disconnected something or like it disconnected something allowing squeaky to regain some of his Consciousness the reason he would lose it in the first place is likely due to the fact that when the life form's Consciousness is being streamed through his brain the firing of so many neurons would disrupt his own Consciousness much like a seizure would and he wouldn't even really be aware that he wasn't there until he clocked back in and saw himself being looked at horrifically by everyone around him after they opened up on him but squeaky HE then dropped s because the way that he was altered it appears as though his own life support systems were keeping him functional along with the moving Machinery however once his own life sustaining biochemistry was disrupted he would quickly fall and with it his own brain would die that would cause the machine Consciousness not to be able to continue controlling him so the captain continues not really understanding any of the issue at all as they try to figure out a way to sync this thing as the captain's left alone the computer begins watching him he approaches squeaky and is asking to basically talk to him he sits down on the console and tells the computer I'm the dominant life force definitely what somebody with Sundown would you know say but uh he says that he's willing to help bring the ship to port in New Zealand as the creature gives the command to go to a work room Richie continues to freak out talking about how his brain will not become a hard drive like bro calm down you got to keep your wits about you you're going to become an ethernet cord technically so don't worry about it it's not a big deal taking out an approaching cyborg he destroys it and then begins grabbing the parts meanwhile everyone else is just sort of slowly walking around the ship watching out for cyborgs heading to the main computer room it's not as protected as they originally thought it would be entering the room the computer is gone they realize well it moved itself okay so I mean you guys aren't searching like a country sized area you're you're searching a ship it's finite but at this point the computer is somewhere else conducting its own brain surgery as the captain heads to the work room the cyborg greets him and then opens the door for him finding many of the crew being put back together with machines they got a real fun house down here here's some examples of the crew who are used as pure scaffolding rather than a human processor so as a torso sits up you have to understand that the muscle within is no longer functional it would not be able to contract unless subjected to an extreme amount of current but even then it would be limited in what it could do and once expended that would be it so because of this the skeleton contained within is used to give the cyborg bulk while the meat is just kind of an added benefit that allows wires and hydraulics to be somewhat protected and you could see this with the mechanica servo skull that came out the skeleton was what was important not any of the muscle or really even the rib cage so we see likely later usage with the pile of skeletons when the people will reduce down to what the cyborgs actually need rather than the extras which is just the rest of like the human intestinal muscular and neuronal systems this is also why the life forms will likely prefer to put a CPU in holding its own Consciousness into the skull for added protection so as the conglomeration of meat and machines look at them the captain says they are planning to SN the ship you know what loose lips snc ships Captain so the captain then spots woods and doesn't really seem to care as now he's just aead bro thanks cap so finally the computer asks if he's Everton the dominant life form the computer then asks him to help him survive returning back to the door the computer room is now welded meanwhile Richie has just built something running to the next door the other door is also welded shut they attempt to pry it open good luck with that as then they turn around and another cyborg approaches as they begin firing on it doing very little damage he goes going Goblin mode on it as lfb stays back to fire some more before they all head up the ladder can you climb cyborg didn't think so you giant nerd coming out onto the surface of the vessel the typhoon is in full swing heading higher and higher up Lori almost gets lost as hio hio whatever goes to grab her hio however gets hit by a wave and before lfb can get to him he is lost to the waves with a fate that's fairly horrific what's worse being taken out by cyborgs or being eaten by a shark and a typhoon I don't know so now it's just Lori Nadia and lfb Nadia then looks out to observe the situation as Richie continues to make money moves down there which uh setting up a fail safe which I mean what he's building should probably take care of everything to be honest with you so as they set up a M to try to figure out where they're specifically headed they realized they're heading to Lord how Island which would allow for the life form to head anywhere it wanted to they need to destroy the ship before they get rescued they will flood the hole with fuel and then detonate it as they look out well Mr cyborg is back taking a look at it it would appear as though the captain's deal was about as beneficial to him as a glass Hammer is to a carpenter as he has been completely turned way to go man you're an idiot so as he walks in he talks about oh you don't recognize me no they recognize you I think that's just your Sund Downing talking like it's the other way around bro do you recognize them so as he asks what's wrong well Captain you've been turned into a cyborg Lori then tries to attack but as uh really does nothing to be honest with you lfb tries again and nothing happens so this example proves that to some degree depending on the influence of the life form the body is alive and specifically with the brain those that are now changed like changed and not like taken out and then changed their brains you know might be good to go so there appears to be a caveat to this it just depends on the timing those that are being rebuilt have been gone for 8 Days those cells are necros and there is no way they would function the captain however and likely squeaky were still alive and functional however their brains can be overridden by the consciousness of the life form due to its electrical component and this may be also a two-way street it was said that the life form was learning about the Russians by plugging itself into the brain of a person essentially it can tap into the frontal lobe which typically this is where uh the optic placement at least on squeaky was and also on the captain being over the eye this is where it's going to go these wires would feed in through the orbital socket and into the brain where the life form would be able to grab memories because remember again the electricity that is forced through is the actual consciousness of the alien not just regular current because of this existing in every neuron memories pictures events names sounds that one time uh you ate a 72 oce steak at chilies and got free food for a year or the first time you went to go kiss a girl uh and you accidentally just clicked teeth entirely and it was actually kind of painful all that would be known for like to the life for is probably laughing at you nothing would be hidden and this allows for it to take over a planet quickly Beyond just creating cyborgs as it could potentially exist in many different humans at once possibly even increasing its own intelligence by using the multiple brains as just one large processor so the creature then starts talking through the mouth of the captain as Lori goes to take some pot shots and lfb tackles him into another room the captain in self destructs rapidly burning through the grading below and looking at him he just a mangled mass of Flesh and metal that would 100% have destroyed supporting organs such as the heart lungs all the circulatory system and the spinal cord as well as probably frying the brain because of those being burned the machine component is now completely useless as there is nothing piloting the body because probably even the CPU is fried they now know what the life form is planning heading down to the fuel area they spot Richie as he pulls a force multiplier on them as he doesn't know if they've been affected by the machines or not Richie then mentions how I have my own plan turns out Sund Downing is contagious so they open the fuel tanks now and begin to flood the as Richie runs off lfb then sets a 15-minute timer and attaches the concussive force Detonator to a support beam Lori then calls out to Richie saying they are abandoning ship as another cyborg begins breaking into the room this one much larger it leaves four bodies to create this one it rightly goes after to attack like lfb first and Lori is almost knocked into the fuel as a result as it starts throwing a Tipper tantrum above Lori is ultimately knocked in as then she finds bodies below and I mean to be honest with you the cyborgs are sort of worse uh as the cyborg then looks down at her it can't really do anything as it handles like a concrete fridge but it is able to finally jump down and then Corner her grabbing her leg as it pulls her under the fuel and somehow she's knocked unconscious the cyborg is in scanning her as it intends going after her brain so as it asks her if she speaks English it asks where the Detonator is as it begins electrocuting her lfb comes in and does absolutely no damage to it as Nadia tries as well Richie then fires a freaking RPG at this thing guaranteed to turn everyone near it like into meat paste and all I'm saying though is Richie is definitely surviving the Terminator War if this thing gets loose so he goes to pick up lfb as a cyborg gets back up knocking down a bunch of support beams on Richie and lfb Nadia and Lori then start noping out of there at this point as a cyborg gives Chase they close as many doors as possible between it and them and then they begin listening as Lori is now a little messed up from the experience back in the Battle Zone lfb gets up first and pulls the beams off Richie realizing well I don't think NEOS sporn is going to fix this that's still tnder so Richie then tells him to get to the missile room and tells him he will understand when he arrives and then Richie just kind of shuffles that mortal coil and that's that guess he will not be surviving the Terminator War probably because of uh the Baldwin brother let's be real here so Nadia then heads down with Lori on her tail as they need to check to make sure that the life form is no more which they run into it almost immediately with 10 seconds on the timer as then it crushes it stopping the timer from going off Nadia tells Lori to run as Nadia gets grabbed and it asks her if there are more devices on the ship Nadia blows the canister near herself at this point probably not damaging that cyborg very much but definitely blows herself up at least now it can't like electrocute your brain Lori runs out and closes the door as the thing is now after her she runs into lfb as they start climbing out of the ship heading to the missile room they find a rocket motor as their way out the life form continues freaking out in the distance as Lori gets into the ejection seat eject Doo cousing her the cyborg keeps trying to break in as lfb Falls backwards onto her and they both eject before the creature can grab them it then spots the Trap that was set for it which de Ates everything blowing up the entire ship as the British spot the explosion in the distance they assume it to just be the flare that they requested earlier with the ship destroyed and the storm having passed lfb and Lori survived as the helicopter casually shows up several hours later based on you know how slow that eye was moving at least a typhoon was and rescues them I don't blame them it just is looking over Lori then spots a man on a boat near them as well it's heo and as she pulls back his hair well uh his face is looking pretty bad good assume oh no he's a Cy actually he's not it was those dream sequences they always did in the '90s heo is actually gone forever thank God he's not a cyborg so she wakes up on the helicopter weirdly enough heading back to the British Island surely for a spot of tea in some crumpets and thus concludes virus wow what a ride this life form is rather interesting as it uses a different form of existence continually to do just that exist whereas humans only use this partially by existing as energy and essentially being almost a personification of consciousness of the universe it can move through creatures of matter controlling them given certain events if humans were still in the Stone Age though this thing would have no shot at taking over anything however because man has created machine which is a perfect medium to give this life form physical representation it would definitely become a massive fight for survival more so if that thing got uh to the mainland and took over the nuclear systems of this planet of course what would be its end goal really destroy the planet just for funsies create machines or is it trying to liberate everyone's Consciousness contained within our finite shell of meat suits wouldn't that be hilarious ious if it was actually trying to help us and then we just destroyed it whoops so anyhow I want to thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed then leaving a like would be awesome of you and subscribe as great St to when I post I want to hear what you guys think because obviously this thing is deemed as terrible but if it was able to liberate its own Consciousness and become immortal maybe it wants other finite beings to be able to do the same possibly I don't know but I don't know if I already said this I'll drop Twitter Discord patreon Riles and merch links in the description but speaking of patrons I'd like to thank mine real quick first huge thank you to our astrophys this death dancer thank you my man also like to thank our scientist Chad the enjoyer of scientific explanation to be great horror movies Dakota 23 Josh Blanchard Lucian Dragon metric system the last final girl on the left and trash panda in a trench coat and the rest of my patrons I think you guys as well your help goes a long way towards keeping everything running is greatly appreciated so uh we just covered on row and Oak Tales a video over uh the stonehinge that was located under the water of of Lake Michigan it's kind of strange if you want to check that out I'll link at the end of this but anyhow that's going to do it for me I hope everyone enjoyed and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: Roanoke Gaming
Views: 298,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: virus movie, movie review, movie trailer, story recapped, movie explained, horror movie review, movie recaps, psychological horror film, mystery recap, mystery recapped, movie recap, story recaps, thriller movies, science fiction, action movie, movie trailers, movie review in english, mystery movies, horror movie reviews channel, full movies 2024, full movie malayalam, psychological horror films, Roanoke Gaming, Virus movie, movie recap sci fi, movie recap horror
Id: 7_t-WwcJujg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 26sec (2306 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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