The Curious case of Derrick Jaxn | #HeresTheThing

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four three two that's one what up y'all welcome to here's the thing i'm getting on stage [Music] quick announcements before we go on which i think i'm going to start doing this at the very beginning church announcements quick church announcements i like that i like it keep your distance next week next week on stage studios app angel show episode two is out it is has on angel it's a fantastic show thank you she's great she is talented patreon already has my full tour schedule it has not been released to the public yet oh it will not be released to the public until after my patreon has had a week or so to get their tickets when these tickets come out i want you to know wait if you want first of all there's people who already have tickets from last time come on if they didn't get a refund from the venue they still have tickets and the show was rescheduled second of all these shows are socially distant yep and they're already comedy clubs so it's 150 and it's at half that's 75 tickets right you can't be black and weight it's not can't be both you can't be both you can't be bothered with this tour you better get them this tour was selling out if you can't wait to see it's already selling out at full capacity okay can you be white and late do you can't be white ladies can't be late because i can't help you and now it's not the church it can't add seats it's limited seating patreon will get tickets early they already got the full slate angel's coming tour with us except for two dates i'll be on twitter um and chemistry studios app okay bye all right first things first first things first and i hesitated to talk about this but i it was true you hesitate i looked for it in the docket last night and when i didn't see it i was like i'm not even going to worry about it we could not we couldn't let this go and then and then you texted me this one you you were aware it was just i thought it was just it was something it was it was i mean we talked about kirk i don't even have the he's my friend to hide behind i supposed to say yeah why wouldn't you want to talk about it this this just dropped at the top of the docket you know what i mean docket dropper so derek jackson if you're not familiar he is a he is a relationship guy on social media yeah who basically a lot of his popularity is uh telling women what type of guys they should get what they shouldn't expect uh-huh should and shouldn't take from a man um he's been popular for a long time i did not follow him because i don't feel like i'm his target demo no you don't i don't i don't i'm a woman who needs to hear relationship advice right in any way shape or form i tend to not be a big fan of those type of accounts anyway uh-huh um just it's just not my thing yeah so um uh over the weekend there was rumors that he had stepped out oh a lot his whole brand is built on yeah his whole brand is built on wholesome healthy relationships and he went into some hope yes it's what he wanted to do yes he did he uh he leaned in he leaned in i didn't even know he was married i didn't either i had no idea this man was married i don't think he knew either apparently he didn't know he was married he forgot self-proclaimed relationship expert thank you kat from the patreon self-proclaimed relationship expert so yesterday uh he dropped an apology uh video mm-hmm uh holding his wife's hand no my god my god unison it was a tight it was a big double fisted yes i it was a frankie frankie beverly and mays don't let go mm-hmm before i let you go you're gonna hold this hand here don't you let me go i know her hand was throbbing bless your heart okay i'm gonna hold you you hear me baby don't let me go don't leave there is that where this went [Music] [Applause] uh and he proceeded to get on my nerves mainly referring to himself in third person i'm derek jackson and i derek jackson cheated on my wife and derek jackson has to be accountable for derek jackson's accent actions my other problem he spells his name j-a-x-n there you go you don't like the the cute little spelling i don't i don't like it so angel as a married woman yes uh your husband is not a self-proclaimed relationship expert he's a knife expert nice and he's good at fixing stuff and knowing if things are hot and on him and greg you know all that would you sit up there and have your hand in a lap while your husband confessed to stepping out on you uh not on his channel if we gonna do it i'm getting the views i'm getting the monetization first point ain't no way and i bless her heart it looks like he just woke her up and said sit down we're gonna do a quick video and she is looking like life has just left her so i my heart first of all is going out to her because i'm like i don't think she signed up for the circus but yet he is over here clowning and just holding there it oh god take her time take your time if marcus was holding my hand or something like that it's only to prevent me from slapping the mess out of him he's it'd be more like let me just hold your hands tight cause she's been wailing on my head all morning long 45 underneath it i am not about to sit here and watch you articulate just with such eloquence how you are a dog you know i uh i told her everything every account and it wasn't just flirting i mean i had sex with these women i busted open i was up in there i mean it was great he was just being so descriptive and she's just sitting there and i was just like bless this baby's heart there no that i don't i don't even care if at the end of the day for some strange reason i have decided oh i'm going to stay with you i'm not going to stay with you during your apology no no you got to do that on your own and you won't hear me you will hear me in the background tell them about sheila tell them about her old ugly chick work at krogers can y'all believe that she don't even get to work to sell checkouts they don't even let her they put her in the back she's so ugly doing socks that'll be me yelling and karen yo he messed with her whole name karen you all know we don't do carrots like that all of it that's what going to hear in the back of him being like and i'm sorry y'all i was with my mama when he did this vest i was with my mama that's what you're going to hear as he's trying his best to get through an apology and then stuff lying at the back of his head and i want to also [Music] no no tell him like you were crying to me don't be trying to be all manly now with your v-neck on put on a crew neck shirt this is what happens when you have muscles why do you guys think i stay out of shape it keeps me humble do you think that would be the case for dudes i don't i don't i don't trust that what there are dudes who'll be good and just jiggly all over the place that still be mad confident uh being all up out of their marriage that's not enough no it's not enough that's their muscles every time i go to work out the weights be like do you really want to be here and be strong no go home to your wife with a soft body it's better for your marriage this is what your family needs i just uh they're no they're i first of all i would love to see you sit next to mark because you will be twitchy guys cut y'all got it we can't do this live we can't do this alive we're just not gonna do this alive first of all my husband this is what i love about him he does not care enough about the people on the other side of this camera to ever decide i'm going to apologize to y'all about anything i've done to my wife no no he so derek he's like listen i'll be making money off of talking in this car so i need to you know holla at these people marcus would be like i ain't making money this way no more i'm trying to save my marriage by like he murdered me right back to the general contractor's office linkedin with a hammer and a hard hat on that's that's why you this is the thing this is what i i talk about in my master class of social media you cannot build a persona based off a person you aren't because now when this comes out that was your whole brand yes that's your whole brand and you came and that's not your whole personality that's why i be telling y'all i say [ __ ] i wasn't expecting that yeah you know i i closed it off at the end right okay i don't want y'all to put y'all gonna be pissed y'all gonna be mad i'm gonna say stuff that offends you i'm gonna disappoint you i'm gonna disappoint myself for my wife i'm gonna do something right i don't want to come off as this host i'm a i'm a great husband and a great father i am not a perfect version of either of those people if you listen to the love you'll be like this the calf guy dog like if you listen to our podcast you'll find out i'm a struggling husband like everybody else you know trying to love a woman that i've known for 20 years as she changes as i change as life changes all that type of stuff i think what happens is you get caught up in that persona because it's been a long time she said she was gone for like nine months she was gone from nine months from him left slept on her mama's couch six months or nine months or something like that it looked like she was ready to go back to her mama's couch all right it looked like she was ready to go back to her mama's couch and i don't blame her that's the thing man i i agree with you on the i i'd know my wife i just there's just no way i don't think she gonna sit up there and take it cause everybody was like let me look at her was that a bonnet it turned out to be a hat but it looked like a bonnet oh she wear glasses she can't see clearly that's why she didn't see him cheating what else like how just she's going through she go like everybody was like you bro why are you here why are you this why this why are you taking that why why yeah no she's going through i would be sick you also would hear me throwing up in the background all that yelling i gave you my best years i would be so distraught especially if at any time she was also uh swindled into believing he was the person that he tries to present himself in social media yeah like i didn't follow him uh prior to this moment because i don't need no man telling me how i should feel as a woman that's just what we're not gonna do okay um but i do know based off of his following that apparently a lot of women uh bought into what he was saying and i don't know if his advice was solid or not his advice could have been solid and he also could be trashed at the same time however for her if she ever believed the stuff he was saying that's even worse like because she personally was invested if this is their marriage so i can only imagine we were having a conversation about uh the prospect of cheating if we found out our spouses had cheated yesterday and um the just the the thought luckily i don't have that thought often of what if because i mean i don't while there's a rage that i know is in me that would cause a lot of damage to things like rage there's a rage that would burn that mustang to the ground there's a there is a rage that i know exists in me but there's also an overwhelming amount of hurt that i don't i have no idea how long it would take for me to get over and then for her to be pup like her husband is the public figure yeah that has been saying all this stuff it just makes you i would feel stupid i felt so bad for her yeah i think she's she's she's damaged she do damn that she don't right she stay people stay on her for staying if she leave people get on her for leaving again with the internet always it's a different group saying thing but it all feels like everybody's talking to you um you know i i don't know why i i don't want to make her life worse i honestly truly truly feel bad that her first public appearance is is is this yeah and you can if you can tell she's not it doesn't look like she was honestly ready but it was a step that i guess she was um willing to do with him i'm assuming she wasn't held against her own will but i just i can't i can't imagine having to having to do this healing and then look the the thing that possibly would have sent me overboard was the confidence in which he was talking to the camera about it he was still in the car he was stealing the car having these uh and that i've been like so you you okay apparently you're doing fine while i'm over here i'm gonna oh i got a booger thank you see thank you friend did i get it i don't know listen you over here doing fine i'm gonna have to uh call my goddaggon therapist on talk space after all this to get my life together and i hope that she has that account because this does too and he need one too he need about three of them he got to go through that fire okay he need to get three email accounts and set them up talk to all of them thank god for places like talk space because with the pandemic with everything that's going on right now i'm telling you what sometimes it is hard to get through it and you've got to find someone that can listen and help you find the bright spots even on bad days and baby girl is having a bad year now let me tell you there's a lot of benefits to therapy and i am so thankful that especially in um the black community therapy and mental health are being spoken about they're not being um just like swept under the carpet it's something we're taking seriously and it is important now more than ever that you have a professional license yes therapist not your pastor not just your pastor not your home girl listen i do ask god angel that's like just quick conversations that's not therapy real licensed therapists are there to be able to help you through whether it be past traumas because we a lot of us especially in our community have those whether it be major changes in life and transitions you need a licensed therapist and you also find that having that perspective will help you see patterns and understand the core of those patterns that are happening in your life that you while living them can't see them uh well so i wholeheartedly recommend talk space for therapy you can sign up online and start therapy the same day you sign up you can text video or send voice messages to your licensed therapist so it's cred incredibly convenient to have virtual sessions from the comfort of your home which obviously y'all know it's so great that as well that you can have the situation where it's convenient for you because life can get crazy and you just need sometimes to talk to a person now you ain't got time to send no office and try to make appointments that match your schedule uh because you getting your hair done and now you can get to their business no you ain't got to worry about all that you can go you want to do it virtually um talk space is a fraction of a cost of in-person therapy instead of waiting for an appointment you can send unlimited messages to your therapist 24 7 and they'll engage with you daily five days a week talkspace has thousands of licensed therapists with years of experience in over 40 specialties including depression anxiety substance abuse trauma anger management relationship issues feed food and eating and so much more so this is what we want you to do as a listener of this podcast you'll get 100 off your first month with talkspace to match with a licensed therapist today go to or download the app make sure you use the code crew with a k yes with a k to get 100 off your first month and show your support excuse me show your support for the show that's crew and we thank talkspace for sponsoring this podcast so somebody on the patreon said he writes books did you know i saw a picture of a book with them on the front heel together heal together as one don't forget your crown a cheating man's heart oh well there you go he knows part three oh cheating man's heart treatment heart two oh it's a series yes i mean well that's why yeah right he's about to say he made us know things she wishes you understood single mothers are for grown men only that's a very specific title of a book and how can you tell a single mom who she is for that don't make no sense to me he saw an untapped market it was like single moms ain't had a book for them but i will give it to you how you gonna tell us what i still deserve it affirmations for women who refuse to give up on love you're not a woman you're not a woman and just because you got muscles in white teeth does not make it that when you talk to us make it more valid he knows that he's attractive to a lot of people because he's he's aesthetically looks nice and um he's using that as a way to be like now if i say some nice sweet stuff you're going to want to listen to it versus ugly pugly over there if he says you're alright i'm ugly you don't want to be with a head or [ __ ] on you you got to understand love get my book ugly bugley's god from ugly man listen don't nobody want me can't she like truly like i i i i he definitely took advantage of i mean great marketing of the fact that yes women loved not just men but women do love to look at nice things yeah he got pretty privileged right and so he was like then if i talk about nice stuff y'all gonna really want to listen to me apparently he dog men a lot i don't know this you didn't watch him either no patreon can y'all attest on twitter they was lighting him up as you would expect of course uh is there anybody in here who who knew um him was he was he talking about black men bad a lot or was he just talking about men in general but because he was black people know um i watched all of his videos thought he was giving me an advice from a woman advice from his point of view signs he knows you deserve he's only five in here i'll meet him by the same height signs you know mostly because he pretty yeah i mean that's what it is you deserve to be fought for too if you want to look i'm i'm reading the like captions of his uh you know he does the words up top oh god thumbnail five reasons it seems the they nothing that nothing you do is good enough okay he holds me into a super high standard he absolutely dogged him dogged him up yep yep yep yep yep you must make him respect your absence is this when she left you the type of woman men are intimidated by why guarded women are worth the wait he's not busy he just doesn't respect you she can't bring peace to your confusion the difference between him pursuing versus jogging yeah he knows he was doing all of that uh is he really five six why y'all keep saying that's why he was in the car it's not that short right guys listen i know y'all over here talking about my joshipoo ain't nothing wrong with him being short the angel talked about you like you and her son y'all leave him alone that's right he got six foot swag where they caught him in the car number one come on everybody uh is the same size when you're doing 69 okay no it's not true though no no man because penis is like the way you set it up not necessarily it works longer torsos than right it always works man it's what i'm saying does it does it always works from your years of write a book write a book seven here's my new book 69 always works regardless of height she's 5-1 with the bending it always you know a three-part series because genitals to mouths are always the same distance on body it's just the legs are longer is that but then you bend your legs oh because people's torsos are all a standard all torso torsos are three feet that's like a yeah probably people gonna make it work oh it's definitely gonna make it worse let's be honest 69s are way more complex complicated than what they're worth you think so that is a lot of work it'd be hot that is a lot of work and then i'm focused what am i supposed to be focused on am i supposed to be enjoying what you're doing or am i supposed to be focused on what you're doing now i'm good at multitasking but that after a while god damn you can't tell me that that is the jam that's not it it's not the go-to that's nobody's going to yeah come on put your face in my crotch and i'll put your face in your crotch and then you who's on top who's on bottom are we side to side are we laying sideways and then you got to hold your neck up like it's too much let's just take turns you have never sounded more like a ma i gotta breastfeed and wash the dishes i hate it you go i'll go or i'll go you go it sounds like oh neat oh we tasted that but like to be honest we like math no let's do what is the though it's just it's too much and you all know it you all know it the thing that's going to be hard for him now is you you just you're the whole the wizard of oz you didn't seem behind the curtain that's it's your your target demo your whole thing like i was literally trying to think of what i could do that would destroy my whole thing i could tell you so that you can't do it go ahead here's make a list if i cheat on my wife obviously it's over love hour's not going to work a lot of your stuff is not going but listen i could i could go back to boeing you could go back to both they're not taking you back get out of here but my i would say you know here's the thing wouldn't work either no all blessings angel couldn't sit up here and she just throw the dog on forever mood at me she was like oh you cheated on your wife busting your head with the candle i haven't i already know everybody going with this there's a curvy enthusiasm episode when larry and cheryl got divorced and the friends had to choose and they were like i'm already with cheryl she kind of recruited me yeah she kind of she got most of my audience is black women it's out of here you are out me and josh were literally having this conversation before you got here it's crazy literally before you got here what was y'all saying when i wasn't here i was on my way uh we said that i said when i was listening to derek jackson in his foolishness i was just like i would kill kevin if this was him i said i'm gonna let melissa get her licks first facts we all are there'll be a line i'll be like you go ahead you get it out josh i mean it's lit put the joshie cam on and look it is on no it's not going on um it is a delay it'll be on like the next five to eight seconds i believe but but this is the thing this is it's more so kev on stage i'm grateful to i'm grateful to my brother love you love him today he has presented me with several opportunities and i have said yes to about all of them which means kevin has now monopolized a lot of my time and a lot of my revenue is now tied up into the brand that is kevin on stage you got to throw me under the bus angel if i ever do you wrong i'm telling you joshie throw me under save yourself you said i'm here single cam i never trusted him i never trusted him i'm not going to do it always we knew there was something about her i just didn't like i'm gonna be like i trusted him and this [ __ ] didn't turn stupid i don't know what happened but post it on your channel listen guys here it is i got a new show called here's the thing here's the thing josh you come sit here put deezy where you are keep this train rolling going over there you're gonna you're gonna steal it's still gonna be a crew we're just gonna you're gonna have to work cause we still need you for the numbers we still need that to operate we go put joshua here uh but no uh we literally were having that conversation and uh what's sad again is that he really i feel as though when above and beyond what what the fact that he's like i've cheated with multiple multi at what point in time do you think maybe maybe i should pull back on the relationship advice that's you got the pivot baby yeah at some point you got to go to fitness right forget that you want to know i got the muscles to do it okay protein treatments meal plans 20 bucks yes get that jacked like derek jackson yes get the body you can cheat with with the jackson fitness plan because you can't you can't come out with cheating man's heart part four the autobiography that's right you can't but i bet you he will i bet you he will i bet you you think people will stay he's going to lose a lot of people yes but he'll definitely keep some the the confidence that that man has and men love to fail up he's going to figure out a way to pivot he just didn't pivot early enough if you would have paid last year when it happened or a couple of years ago i've heard his as long as four years ago now he could have been cheating for forever this thing he's been cheating for forever ever and ever and i know instagram kept trying to feed him to me like even before you followed him yes yes i have seen his face before and i know i've heard him talk and then i most of the most of the guys i don't follow if you're not funny i'm not going to follow you if you're a dude because i'm like i'm good but um he could have pivoted so long ago and literally this morning because i did have a feeling that you were going to um put it on the docket even though it wasn't there i was sitting there thinking like is there anything that i talk about a lot on my own platform that i am turning a blind eye to the fact that i am being a huge hypocrite i was like because how i'm like he had to have known yeah this entire time he was being hypocritical in the fact that he wasn't doing any of the things that he was saying to other people they should do so i'm like is there something that i am talking about on a regular basis that i'm lying to people about i can't i i can't find it usually i call myself out if i'm like now i know i'm saying this and i but i haven't done it that's a good audit question that is a good question because a lot of times you can get caught up in the in the sauce in the sauce and get lost in the salt that's why i'm honestly glad for the love hour because it is a reality checker yeah because people tend to think because i'm with a black woman i've been with her for a long time and i'm active in my children's life that i am therefore perfect like people tend to believe that mm-hmm love our viewers be like oh no kev you don't trip i mean you if you why i melissa too like we both be completely honest on there um even on me and jojo's podcast i mean you would think if we didn't have a great relationship that would probably show in in those things but listen that's why i tell people me the person you see on camera is a performative version of my personality yeah when the camera's off i'm not usually this animated all the time uh my friends know the actual person that i am friends who see me when i'm tired josh and melissa even slandering me saying i'm a diva on tour oh my god y'all pray for my strength in the lord you know what we're going to settle this right now we're going to sell this right who are you i'm going to tell him right now he's not going to be on your side he's going to call you a diva we'll see he's not uh he might lie in your name actually i don't even want to lie oh he might lie on your name though like he still might so here you are live on patreon and the here's the thing episode i'm live you're live okay okay i got one question for you am i a diva on tour how strongly is this going to affect if you come back on tour you have not anonymity what's it called community you have immunity for your actions we're trying to sell settle a debate i'm not going to tell you what people have been saying you have anonymity immunity okay okay you are not a diva per se you like things there in a certain way which i can appreciate because i'm very you know he's a diva too um you know you you kid i mean ah you're stumbling man let's kill him say it one time i love you man like i love you i love you man and that's what we really need to focus in on this right here like is that i love you as a man and as a brother you know i mean like you are a very particular person you know first class all the way i'm underneath the plane with the bags all right bye bye to here i love you bye bye bye so long story short i'm going on tour with two divas oh yeah i was about to say to here's baby actually low-key we're all kind of baby so diana ross and patti labelle that is who i'm going on tour with they called tony baker he'll he'll know he'll know tony it's tony this is going to be interesting to tell by the way he answers his voice if he's awake or not he ain't picking up like he's calling me at 9am i mean out of all the people the person i'm going to trust with the judgment of who you are is your wife oh man she got ulterior motives what is that what she she's pushing the agenda you calling tony again i'm calling greg oh i was going to say man he'll tell you what's what i'ma call marcus he knows of course mike's gonna be like gav is right i'll be like it wasn't all i need right now it wasn't a yes or no greg you're live on patreon and the podcast quick question greg am i a diva on tour are you a diva on tour yes i don't believe you're a divo tour what do you believe about me greg i believe things are supposed to be done a certain way and uh you expect them to be done a certain way so that's how as always okay greg i love you so much thank you very much [Music] what is the certain way that you like things it's kev certain way i'm gonna tell you uh hold on i'm gonna give you the exact uh way that i because that is i am not that was crazy they both said that do you like things a certain way [Music] this is how i like them done you'll get it in just a second this is how i like these stuff [Music] you ain't got it yet it's coming no yes but i'm saying what is your way my way is the word what is your way and now what is it what is your way kevin like give me an example no why not like i don't want to call her to the stand she hurts my argument like on like on the friday shows are you like more boisterous and as we get further like i'm pretty good the whole weekend i'll give you an example please when we were on the tour last year we had a pretty pretty big crew um my brother who was opening the tour like bringing up the like setting it up he was letting the comedians go long he was letting other comedians pull up do guest spots go along remember specifically we're in south carolina i believe i know if we're going to share the full story no it's a full story okay we'll shut the story all right it was almost nine o'clock uh-huh for us i don't know no yeah it was like it was late it was almost nine o'clock and i hadn't even got on yet what night sunday night sunday people were leaving on a sunday at nine o'clock on sunday you should be doing your grass with sundance so let me do this ad oh my god i literally was like i was like no kevin stop please please that's how good you are i was just like you should be doing your grass on sunday you should also why would you say that right now that is exactly what people were saying go ahead let's let's talk about sunday real quick so for real oh my god that is the name of the company too [Applause] [Music] bless kevin's heart yes i was like yes sunday yes literally wow oh let me tell you a couple of things about um sunday that i like so marcus and i have been working on making our house look a lot more aesthetically pleasing you know uh it's just it's a thing that we have been working on he's been wanting to put in hardwood floors um shelfing in the man cave just making the house look really nice but one of the things that also helps your house look really nice is its curb appeal the landscaping um there's nothing worse than pulling up to a house where it looks like there should be tumbleweeds just blowing through the yard right yeah and um when you're not in a community that has like a like a hoa like people's yards be looking different and you don't want to be that one-yard true that looks like don't know people are like man don't you know other people's talking about you right man we don't talk to him and her they don't they just don't keep it up they bring the whole value the whole value down you're the yard that the kids don't want to go trick-or-treating at because it just looks scary well that's one reason why i actually love sundays because it makes yard care so much easier yeah like truly let me go through the whole process really quickly so you go on the website you give your address they're able to ask you what things you're looking for for like what are your goals for your yard they then take aerial pictures of your yard so it's your specific yard not somebody else's so they're able to figure out one how much stuff they need to send you so that you have enough to do the treatments to help your yard move towards the goals that you have and then they mail you your treatment and let me tell you how easy this is this is not like you know tilling a a garden and having to do a bunch of work you literally connect this pouch to a hose and spray it onto the grass not only that they tell you exactly which day to do it on so there's like it takes out all the guesswork so you don't have to be this what do they call horticulture cultures yeah you don't have to be that you can just be a regular person that don't want the grass to be brown all right so let me tell you what you can do it takes out all the guesswork oh and also if there's no unwanted chemicals and that's a huge thing especially if you have kids or pets you don't want to be having your grass just having a bunch of stuff in it that is unsafe for your family and your loved ones and it's good for the planet sunday uses soil and climate data to create a tailored nutri nutrient plan so you get all the stuff your lawn needs and nothing that it doesn't all i had to do is attach the ready to use pouch the garden hose and spray lawn care used to take up the whole day i mean marcus used to do it but now i can do this because it don't take all day now it takes less than 15 minutes best of all this stuff really works and my grass looks better than ever my grass is very pretty we commented on it we went over to your house when you were sleeping it's a very pretty nice grass this is nice grass we have dinner with marcus we're like and marcus this is a great job this is like easter egg hunt grass it is it is like easter coming up matter of fact we should i usually do one you know what i'm saying like and now we got more moms because last year i'm gonna tell you what you could see all the eggs cause we didn't have no grass you could just see all the eggs now they go baby eggs because grass is so plush and plentiful because of sunday this is what we want you to do let sunday take the guesswork out of growing a greener more beautiful lawn this spring visit sk to get 20 off your custom long plan at checkout that's 20 off your custom lawn plan at slash sk and i'ma tell you what my grass is so soft that i could have sex in it and not hurt myself oh i could and if i wanted to it would be itchy but marcus's meat would be solid you know why blue chew marcus's meat would be solid solid pop yeah that's the garden hose that i want to get on on sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday love this episode is sponsored by blue chew say it with us is making waves and bringing more confidence to the bedroom or outside it doesn't matter where you want to do it the kitchen the couch by offering chewable tablets that could be at night hey i am sure that is happening all over the walmart parking lot to be honest um this can help make men get stronger longer lasting erections uh kevin um oh is that what that's a bluetooth right here is that is that your it's just you're hitting it you ain't you open the door with it you're telling me it's knocking out is that a jackhammer are you just horny for me you're a swat team one two three swat boom was that a battery rim no that was my penis oh on a hard blue chew boom i came in like a wreck that is that is actual personal experience just in case you got locked out of my car boom car doors open oh you blue chew is a unique online service that delivers the same active ingredients as viagra and cyalis and in achievable form seattle excuse me and at a fraction of the cost the process is simple sign up at consult with one of their licensed medical providers and once you're approved you'll receive the your prescription within days the best part it's all done online so here's what you wanna do so if you could benefit from extra confidence when it's time to perform visit for more details and important safety information and we've got a special deal for our listeners try blue chew free when you use our promo code sk check out just pay five dollars that's you dot com promo code sk to receive your first month free and we thank blitchio for sponsoring the podcast michael jordan let me ask let me ask you gonna ask michael jordan if he uses bluetooth no no he probably do because blue chew is for everybody well you know and it's within the right age and better angel angel is michael jordan how what oh you so sweet third pick in the draft okay third pick i worked in the draft he had the tactic okay one you know i might be a king solid solid solid solid person sam bowie ah bless his heart was it sam louie sam bluey bowie but then doggone in third position is michael jordan i just feel like phil jackson i just feel like man we can win championships we are we're winning championships on tour let me call my brother oh now jason going to tell the truth about you too you want all these people to be somebody's going to be on my side i'm going to call my son so you're bougie too so i got three gosh josh josh just said josh loki he just said he actually he he's bougie but he low-key i can believe they're low-key i can believe that so you're high key that's what makes you the d i'll tell you what it is about me i ain't gonna hold you i want you to be prepared i do that's all i'm first of all you're allowed to look me in the eyes now but on the planet okay jason doing coaching his son being a good dad here's one thing i demand okay come on timeliness okay i already knew that we i didn't realize how much of a time person i am on tour we had a rule first year first year actually on our entire year of tour i think everybody was late one time in two years tony was like once in new york the first year i was late in new york josh was late in new york once i was late one time i i over slept my i set my alarm for the next day to hear was late so here was late one time strange melissa was never late actually melissa was never late she was the only one tour managers all late one time from the car i was thinking about this this morning and it's also part of my control freak nature we usually ride together we usually meet at my house and you know vinnie take us to the airport i was like okay maybe i'll have vinnie pick up angel because the having her car parked in the street there's just nobody else can park because it's like an 18-wheeler on the street but i was like angel's usually like late running late and i forgot this where's my socks at and i was just like ah nope yeah i'll just have her picked up from the house maybe we could drop her off first but ah the whole thing of like waiting it's very late it's just i don't like it uh timeliness doing your amount of time uh-huh on stage uh show run my thing this is what i was called my brother about what we got into in south carolina i always look at the show from the audience's point of view and from the performers you're like oh man keep rocking you're having a good time i'm always thinking people have to do something tomorrow after a certain amount of time it's not funny anymore even if you're having a great time you have a maximum amount of laughs so the south carolina show there was like two comedians both went over uh not tony into here uh but we had guest spots people pulling up just going over and i was back there like people are walking out before they come to see me and they came to see me no sir if you gonna do seven do seven get off you're doing five do five get off you're doing 25 do 25 and get off and i'm and i also hold myself to the same thing i for the most part 45 tops if it's a long show or whatever um other than that that's really the only certain way i like things i just don't i don't like a whole bunch of people in the green room i don't either i don't i i take my job especially after i take my job very seriously and i understand my wife boy we we actually we talked about this on the love hour on the plan i didn't realize this about myself i have a certain routine of like i get into my seat i'd get my my entertainment prepared find a little zen find a little zen because i'd be on planes all the time so i need to do something to make myself feel like i'm at home bluetooth on um when people are in the green room that i don't know i don't like they're right i don't i need to be even if i'm just chilling relaxing i need that after the show oh god please okay like i don't want i know i need some time they they got on me so bad the first tour because we were doing our our uh uh meet and greets we were doing like one second after the show and i was like mm-hmm mm-hmm kevin smile would be like [Laughter] so they were like kev yeah you're smiling during the pictures but then people are in line watching you in between the pictures right you're not a smiley boy you got to get enough energy to laugh through the whole meet and greet so what we worked out is like take 10 minutes after the show while we set up the audience to line up get your dog on self together right get it together that's where we came from oh god that was like you got to get yourself together for the whole experience because people are watching from the line not just will be like but they were like i get it you just performed for an hour i think i was doing an hour the first tour and you didn't have no time to cool compress none of that right so and i was like that's fair but for the most part and i'm also very routine i'd be i need a good amount of sleep i suck when i'm tired that's why when my friend you you know i went to your house big sleep oh no y'all came to my house i went to bed at 11. marcus then was here to one talking stay spend the night have love you i've been to sleep at danny's house mel's house if we hang out at your house i got my eyes on that couch that that corner i sat on that for three minutes at your house that a couple weeks ago i said that's it that's right jack's in this couch my couch is like kevin you've been sleeping on somebody else's couch i'd be like why i made videos about being a a wholesome couch man while holding that couch's hand here's my brother oh please jason you are live on patreon in the podcast i'm live on the patreon on the podcast yeah hello hello okay here's the question here's the question okay am i a diva on tour yeah oh my god yes you're blind [Music] what do you mean by that i don't know that's what everybody keeps telling me i'm a diva what do they mean okay hold that sock one second jay don't hang up tony baker tone you're live on that podcast on the patreon i have one question for you okay am i a diva on tour wait did you say let me think let me think though let him get his thoughts together let me get my feet together [Music] hold on tone hold on i'm gonna merge you in with jay jay and tony y'all are on three-way on patreon i miss three-way calls man hello patreon hello tone tony said i'm not a diva jay said i am go ahead tone i would say the only thing was diva-ish about was the food situation um no that's true you didn't mention that yes that's this is what i meant by diva and this is my honest truth to any performer kev has a certain level of boujee in them and so he likes things a certain way and it's not necessarily it's unconventional to the average person they would take that as d status but when you're performing every night and you know you have to get yourself in a certain level of comfort and you want things a certain way because it's going to help you perform then that's what you might have to do i don't necessarily think it's bad but it's still definitely diva it's not basic by any means at all okay i feel like that was honest that was honest that was good feedback tony you got anything before we let you go uh what is diva what is that what is diva josh since you think i'm diva i mean according to the uh the prophet well it's a female version of a hustler we know that somebody who is difficult to please difficult to please would you say that i'm difficult to please no no i think that it's more of let me have my comforts and that comes off as diva is because nobody else is really asking for i understand why you asked that's definitely not and i'm paying for it so yeah respectful way okay okay thank you guys so much i love you both okay bye i definitely like things a certain way i don't know if you guys got that i think that's fair well i don't think i didn't hear anybody say that but you like things a certain way i didn't hear that at all uh but most of it is is managing my in because my thing is this i always think about what it could have possibly took for somebody to come to a show saving money daycare planning it out how much money they have some people everybody ain't rich some people like bro this this is a night out i'm about to spend 150. i've been saving for this when you come to see me live i want to make sure you get the best version of me so that means if i don't want to hop it chop it up with people before the show y'all come out to dinner i don't do i don't do i don't do hardly nothing before the show like we're planning a travel show and josh was like let me tell you what kevin needs three hours before that because i need to be when i hit that stage if you paid i don't care if it's ten dollars you know my tickets don't get that expensive you're gonna get your money's worth so if that means i can't chop it up with you i listen this is why people say i'm a diva i'm gonna tell you one example please melissa's mom [Music] wanted to bring her friends in the green room at one of the shows he said no no you said no miss mary you better do that you can't do that yeah i can't i can't i cannot do that because y'all just want to chop it up drink water and if i'm entertaining you before the show that means that i can't entertain i'm using inner entertaining energy i got 30 minutes to an hour you eat snacks but especially like we're doing a love hour tour oh no i had i just performed for an hour and a half mm-hmm right now melissa took the lead but i'm i'm on for an hour and a half right now i gotta in between that on when i get to come down before i go on for another hour you wanna you wanna hey remember when you was a [ __ ] so where are me into here like in a port-a-potty waiting until it's time here's another thing about me if you're with me you're you're good i treat my people well i believe it y'all sit right behind me in first class be right here right right past the curtain right right past the curtain a little right paddle you all in the sky club mm-hmm well one's pain no two yeah you get two i get two free so yeah so i'm sorry no we'll figure it out i'll get the reserve card yeah get the reserve come on baby we'll see yeah upgrade but i treat my people well but i i don't like hanging out with a lot of people who are not on tour and all that type of stuff i i do like and it's not even quiet it's just when i am around my friends i don't have to be on when there's one person that's not close to me you guys i'm no longer you have to be kev on stage i gotta come on stage so that that's a okay so let me tell you about me yes because i don't know you you don't i don't know traveling angels except for the nap trip that was great yes that was a great time i am very simple and i am actually quite punctual and i'm not juggling four kids and a husband well i imagine i don't like juggling the husband yes he's a part of the equation you got to get him ready like he gets himself ready but like i have to like be like okay let's let's go so it doesn't allow me to take my time so if i am behind just a little bit on oh i couldn't get my eyelash on that i have all my time has already been eaten up by everybody else got it i also don't like my time to be wasted so a bunch of like extra stuff that really is just kind of just micromanaging will end up getting under my skin mean by that like i for instance when people don't trust that folk are going to be on time they'll be like okay we're going to be here an hour and 30 minutes early for us to just sit around oh yeah for an hour before anything happens that irks my nerves yeah i don't do that um but i am actually a very simple person i like to do my job and then i like to do whatever the heck i want to after that whether that be go to sleep whether that be watch tv um whether that be eat but i do i'm just i am a very simple person when i am on the road good and i've only been on the road once the uh that was by myself well the first time was with the twins oh wow yes and i had my niece who was my nanny at the time come with me and the second time was by myself and when i tell you i was efficient i would fly in that morning do my speaking engagement for an hour then go back to the airport and fly back home really that is how i mean they never even had to get me a hotel room to stay overnight i was like i just need a place to be able to go take a quick a quick nap get myself together maybe you know eat replenish myself make sure i'm taking my vitamins especially my ritual because that was keeping me on my toes keeping my brain focused okay because if you're not feeding your body what it's supposed to have you ain't gonna be able to move that quick and that efficiently and be able to give the people what they didn't pay for so that's why i make sure every single day rituals going in my body all right um because you know what we all deserve a multivitamin that where we know what the ingredients are okay that's what we all deserve we don't need to be having things in there that we can't even pronounce don't know what it is and what to do okay and so that's why ritual is amazing they are clean vegan friendly multivitamin and it's formulated with high quality nutrients bioavailable forms your body can actually use which you won't find sugars gmos major allergens synthetic fillers artificial colorants you ain't gonna find that nobody's ritual and let me tell you this is what i like about a good clean vitamin such as ritual is that you notice a difference instantly when your body is actually it's kind of like if you're say for instance like you have the maserati i do and do you have to put premium in the mazda i'm always 91 okay you can't put cheap gas in the maserati or the maserati is not going to run efficiently all right that is the same with our bodies when you put cheap vitamins that got fillers in it you gonna run but you don't really know what it's like to run at a hundred percent running high octane baby right so when you have something like ritual in your system you actually are going to feel what your body feels like running more efficiently because you're feeling filling it with premium fuel you feel me with that 91 91 baby like where did all this where did i get all this energy from no i love it daddy then josh where'd i get all this energy from where did i get all this focus from it came from ritual you always know that what nutrients you're taking and where they come from thanks to rituals one of a kind visible supply chain ritual is designed with your life stage in mind now available for women men and teens ritual vitamins are scientifically developed to help support different life stages so this is what we want you to do get key nutrients without the bs ritual is offering our listeners ten percent off during your first three months visit slash crew crew to start your ritual today again visit that's k-r-e-w to start your ritual today thank you ritual for sponsoring the podcast uh we did have like cat was in the green room listen cat and kb damn some two patreon people helped me out with shirts last year when i tell you they got it cat was in there like oh the army talking in here all right then i ain't gonna be talking kb was like y'all be talking in here all right i ain't gonna be talking on one occasion this is not a fan this is a comic whom i did not know comes up in the green room jess yackety yak chopping it up drinking ordering drinks so you know most comedy clubs almost all of them give you free food and free drinks yeah so he just in there it double hennessy for me y'all want anything no i'm wear actually i don't drink before any uh shows uh to hear i'm good you know i got my incense i got my music there is a premium vibe setter oh i know green room perfect i don't even ask him he just he likes to set the atmosphere for wherever he is he does candles in that little toe although i made fun of him about that toad when i tell you i come in the green room everything incense candles soft music he brings his own speaker brings his own batman vibe center i i know so when you're in there just yesterday man so i went on the road with with ricky smiley down 88. i don't want i why you're talking now you're talking you're you're talking yeah and then that means i've got to talk to because i don't want to be rude yeah so that means i'm not doing what i usually am doing which is relaxing i just i've been on it and this is before i read the dog on energy conservation book i was like when i be doing a whole bunch before the show then i'm not good yeah but one thing reason we can do a travel show this time is because when you're in the same city for three or four days yeah then it's almost too much dead time yeah because you're just in the hotel room like i was like oh i slept as long as i could sleep i've eaten now it's just 11 o'clock and i don't have to leave until six yeah i don't want to stay in a hotel all day yeah you know what i mean but i also don't want to shoot all day so there's some balance i think we agreed on something like 11 to 3 max giving me three hours and you enter here but to here be ripping and running but as far as what you said i only book and work with adults i don't because it my nerves would be bad because i'm not finna check up on you the lobby calls 4 am be down at 4am i can do that in five minutes period five minute grace period if you're supposed to be at the venue by six usually we have an uber leaving the group you to here leaves at this time if you don't want to do that whatever time you got to be there all i ask is that everybody's at the show 30 minutes before the show is there because people aren't there then i start you get nervous yeah start getting nervous theoretically you shouldn't have to worry about that yeah but josh can attest you do whatever you want to do you can party have sex with drunken women after the shows i don't care what you do how long you stay whether you as long as when you're there the lobby call because i can't be checking around adults right and if you miss the bus you miss the bus look at your flight all right uh what to say one sting uh this got bumped last time and it got bumped another time the baby is vision trey songs oh this one dropped in am i right hilarious what is he doing because i saw cameras flashing he was in the club that was the club he was in the club that was the club i thought it was a video shoot this is why this is why i've been going to nold covet underground parties josh put the video in here okay uh just don't monetize the video two women sound effective yeah he is holding two women's mouths they are licking each other then he spits on their tongues and they continue to lick each other huh i spit is gross spit is gross i happily married happily married this that's too much sex if you got to do stuff like that you didn't have too much sex regular stuff don't excite you no more he already had the vid that's right i forgot you had the video i think so that's vinspit he don't care do you think them girls care if he had the vet they don't care what he's had they saw that twitter video that's the problem i just when i saw it and it was the frothy white but the heavier just pack and some of it was falling on the stomach it won't even make it to their mouths and they were like we'll laugh it up now listen listen we're gonna be honest we've probably all put things in our mouths that you know we don't want to be recorded things have been in mouth right things have been licked right exactly so i'm not gonna pretend like there's certain things that people might see as a little more personable than spit but spit in a club i don't want spit at all but spit in a club club spits that just already in a club i'd be feeling like they're just germs everywhere i don't even sometimes i just want to go ahead and peel myself in there in the bathroom one of my homegirls was at the club on instagram a girl was peeing on the floor i can believe she was sold in the in the club part not in the bathroom this is what i'm saying that's what i hoped it was like these la chicks are disgusting the girl was so drunk she's just like and she how long was she peeing that you had the chance so i'm like yo how long what what she was like she was peeing so long i had time to get my phone out of my purse and record six cranberries blowing from my heart you're in your and you're you're [Music] that i just there's so many things just trey songz why i feel like we keep coming back to him is these sexual sexual practices because he wanted somebody he wanted to watch her dookie was that what it was before i think that was odell beckham odell who was on that dude no no trey songz he he he kept that girl's purse and keys you remember i didn't tell is that the same girl that's the selena power girl i think so i can't keep yes selena powell can't keep up with that kiki too yeah or kinky palmer kiki promise said something but i didn't remember if it was by trey songz but that one girl had the purse and the keys and either he wanted to watch her pee on the in the toilet or watch her poop it was something that i was just like i don't how how do you get to that sext how do you get to that part that's like some dark dark corners like how do you get there how does it just like because i feel like there's so many steps before you get there you know you got the regular you know what we consider regular you got sex and regular you got the orals you got the anal you got the multiple people you got the hands going how then do you get to the hands how do you get to or let me spit in your mouth in public while i hold your faces to my pelvic bone how do you get there against jeans against jeans you're gonna get a rash oh he peed on her yeah oh he's on earth on selena powell's friend okay how do you like what makes you go i ran out of stuff we did ari did it in your coochie hear me out the coochie's just so boring now i want to pee on you i can leave or or or or pee on you i could spit i like spitting yeah nah i spit on the ground wait a minute that's the he's the one that i sent melissa the yes okay the large blue chew yeah i was upstairs i just went and went to bed she looked at it so it's not like she is not as if i have seen treyson's penis i did songs because it might not have been here it might not have been but whatever it was she's like ha ha she did that yeah because that's what it's just i don't know before that i was the only peen that she had ever seen i tell myself that i was about to say i don't think that's the accurate let me call her we're not doing this how many penises i don't think that's accurate you know i just don't um yeah it brings a whole new meaning to his songs being doing everything but making songs yes i ain't been hearing no songs out of tray he said oh girl it's your birthday open wide i know you're thirsty he told us right there i but he said it wasn't good he said we won't buy drinks at the bar and i would have been like that's not the drink i ordered i thought you said i thought i wanted a mojito not a mojito i wanted a mojito i did not want it he told her to make that joke no it just it just came to you at once it all flowed together you really are very talented here oh thank you kevin that doesn't work for like other drinks as much yeah i did not know that it was going to blackberry see why no drinks at the bar not when i can spit in your mouth you want a shot of hennessy first i'll drink that's his champagne i don't want it you guys are kink shaming no don't yup they're yum you over here yucking the yum too don't act like you're not a part of this disgust it is yucky it's yuck to my yum it is yuck to my yum and i stand by it i firmly believe when you have when you're like a person like that athlete entertainer rapper it's just a certain amount of sex that you have that just regular holes just don't do it that's what i said how do you like how much sext do you have to because it's with a t now how much sex do you have to get to to get to that and now you've got people trying to prove how nasty they are so they're probably going past their limits they're like god dawg i want to know the numbers so that when it's coming up close that i can be like it's like it's got to add people though i feel like your number's down if it's monogamous but do they like find each other because it's it's kind of mute i hope it's mutual you know it looks like they looked very muted that's what i'm saying what what tier of dark sex is that that's a that's a i i don't i don't know i don't know but yeah if you got to add people then i'm out already so i'm safe i'm good i ain't adding nothing that's another cold risk now i can't that yeah kobe got the antibodies now he's got plenty of sometimes oh my goodness howard gonna get us i really was i was on her website buying sex toys and she had a um she had a vote for kev on stage on her sex website no it was like dildos king stuff over kept on stage go to goody howard's website she sent me this box that i want to advertise but i am in a brand deal with a competitor but i'm going to eventually advertise this box it has a a bib in there for when you get ahead and i was like i'm obviously a bib i'm not sure i think if a male or woman can wear it but i was like a bib for a head gift no so it's a bib so you can wipe up ah from the this right and i was like as big as this bed was i was like am i not doing it right listen i was like this is a towel this is a sham wow it mean this thing came down to here the bib was huge i was like mom need to watch some classes yes was it a microfiber like yeah yes yes yes it was huge it was huge i was like well golly some dice all of that stuff but yeah i i would never want to get that far personally into sex to wear only things that seem extremely taboo turn me put a hammer in my butthole yes a real hammer yeah but the part that takes the nails out wait that why would you do i don't want to do that somebody said kobe got people acting like stds just went away i know people like y'all gonna get the vid no just herpes gonorrhea 19. this is wait till i get this hurt right just nasty goodies vote for goodie for the love stories ultimate sex educator for kev on stage naacp awards lick replay pick my brain adult toy store goody gear one on one console sex toy console i'm just one among other things yes she got a vulva t-shirt on i listen you know good at holiday no no never mind i love goodies i love goody howard she told us about uh scat play when you play in the poop skath that's what it sound like stop it i'm so glad my headphones are off that's what that seems like [Music] uh yeah no i don't i i like just the regular butt rub being what turns me on that's fine i don't need i don't need the thought your mark is like yeah now dude you'll be like hold on get off hey what did you say he's gonna be online polishing like derek jackson uh some of y'all may have known that i have been exploring myself sexually and my wife is now mad he was trying to play with my dookie y'all he had it on the walls painting like a dress it's so unsanitary that crap's under his nails you ain't never gonna get that dookie from under your nails you nasty that's me in the background under a nail imagine dookie what is this podcast anymore nothing podcast is insane it is insane you got it under your nails yeah that song's fault he keeps popping up he does enough i just i don't i don't i don't want that for myself but you know he found two willing women and they all seemed very happy the pictures were flashing i just knew it was a photo shoot for something that was going crazy yeah they were like ah and he was they were just having a good time so you know what god bless them god keep them god keep them somebody in the comments said next topic therefore more of this oh let's talk and stop playing and dookie i do not like being told what to do but there are some other things that i want to touch on okay we'll be talking about unrelated to what y'all just said did y'all see how the ncaa was treating the women versus how they treated the men when i saw the picture that you put in the doc i was like please don't tell me that this is perfect i mean uh the athletics for schools they gave these women one rack of dumbbells and a [ __ ] they don't get not even a weightlifting [ __ ] like a actually this is a table you say wait a minute this is not a [ __ ] it's a table with yogurt there's a card table and one two and ten dumbbells yep they gave the men a gym gold's gym yeah they gave the women the fitness section at a motel 6. [Laughter] the ncaa got the food the gifts the gifts i mean the gifts every thing was like 50 to one how how much more it was for the men they gave them lysol wipes shampoo deodorant all the toiletries and the girls got they didn't even get the powerade in the bottle they just got the empty powerade bottle in an umbrella whitman are they going someplace in the rain i mean listen it was so a hat and this is actually a good example of social media bullying work and a scrunchie go ahead god dang it they gave him a scrunchie that's a church it is it is border i mean it is like i mean they're not even trying to hide it look at this meat kevin this is the meat they gave the girls this is like uh though even is that it looks like maybe salisbury steak oh it came out of a hungry man yes it's a frozen meal they got them playing in the same gym it took a pandemic for it to be side to side yeah because it wasn't for being huh ncaa been trash though ncaa sports organization history of everything the best thing they ever did is convince people that a scholarship was worth billions of dollars okay you go to uk right what was tuition when you were there 30k something like that yes something ridiculous okay 30k there's a value there right these kids uh who was on the team when you were there i can't remember none of them name taishan prince the bottom line is kentucky for example the basketball team generates millions upon millions of dollars and they're like but you got a free ride but then when you go play for kentucky you can't actually go to class like regularly no like it's mandated basketball first everything else you can barely even graduate unless you take summer classes or stay after well even then d1 athletes got tutors doing all their work for them now listen it's completely one of my friends i wasn't doing the work go ahead go ahead i'm sorry you know you got no i was i was saying i was the uh i tutored them and i was like you don't know anything you did you know i know how to do this they're like um so for an hour we would just sit in a room and i would just wait for the hour to be up or i would hope they wouldn't show up because i would get paid after 15 minutes really did the offer not show up um quite a few but that was also a part of their scholarship so then they would have to if or they would be like could you just sign me in and i'd be like no cause i'm not getting in trouble and i'm a rule follower i cannot imagine angel cheating i mean no i will cheat yes but i'm not going to cheat for someone else's game but anyway so they're that part of the scholarship part aside they're trash but the blatant like i mean it was like the engine only was like i mean what's what is the absolute minimum right like what's the absolute minimum we can give the women because i mean come on guys right really do we got to give them stuff if the women didn't play in the men's facilities like it wasn't at the same school i'm sure they wouldn't even have the stuff that the men have they would be at a park if their tournament didn't end before the week before the men's tournament people wouldn't even know it would be happening yeah they don't care the ncaa i mean it's just like they are so blatant now they don't even the the the disgusting part was like how blatant they didn't even try to hide it they didn't even try at all they didn't even say y'all used to just give them access to the same thing let me tell you what it would have caused me to lose my mind and hold a press uh interview is that i see on the men's side they have shrimp in some sort of buttery cheesy sauce angela's gonna be in that one she's gonna find that catering i'm gonna find that thing and i'm be like if i y'all put at least 10 shrimp on this plate i'm i'm suing everybody up in here you going to get the line of the buttery shrimp shrimp these are almost prawns they're huge like you can see you can see where their head used to be attached these are look at how big that script is kevin it's as big as the spoon the serving spoon not not a regular spoon and macaroni and cheese they didn't put some extra in there that i don't need but still what you're not about to do is play with me and my food that's what you're not about to do you can keep your little stupid dumbbells and stuff and all that stuff i'll just do squats but what you're not about to do is have me feel as though i don't deserve high quality food just because i don't have a penis you'd have made me up uh-uh nope that's why i don't do sports that's why i show access to the buttery shrimp i'll show em i bet y'all won't bounce no ball huh or throw it or whatever they do with them [ __ ] i won't i'll be over here singing okay oh my god no that is it's strifeling it is shout out to i believe it was tick-tock a girl on tick-tock uh a woman's player will believe she was from oregon she basically out of the ncaa good by putting the video up on tick-tock and then being like here's the women's gym and i was like that's this is like a hotel gym not even have more than this yeah and then she turned she was like oh no space because that's the next thing i thought of maybe they didn't have the space turns around it is a doggone conference room in a while of space and then she goes like i guess around the corner and now look at the man i said wow wow take him down by tick-tock oh tick-tock took it oh really no she the ncaa was taken down by oh cat's about to say i didn't take the video down what they're on cahoots yeah they're all in cahoots yeah no um they've always done women in uh athletic sports like absolutely they they're just like yeah uh-huh you play a sport that's so cute so when are you going to have a baby when are you going to get married and listen because that's all that matters i'm sorry go ahead no go ahead i used to play intramural basketball in college because i wasn't good enough to be on the team one of the girls from uw used to run with the men just to keep her physicality up uh-huh when i tell you she was giving everybody buckets i'm talking about crossing people over finish with the left three strong i was like man i i probably couldn't even make the women's team let me show you this video of liz i believe it's pronounced cam beige going one-on-one with a whole bunch of men just doggone annihilating them josh you gotta show this one hold on i mean they just it was here he is here it is hold on let me turn it up turn it up turn it up this dude corey was getting just completely destroyed this is liz i don't know if this is gonna work can you make it big is that candace who's is that kansas who's this who is that liz cambache oh ah from here bro give me those give me those get big in there he's not going she she well he's not going easy on her she's not going easy on him she's fouling the crap out of him her i mean ah get up oh mouse in the house boys how tall is she six eight [Music] buckets angel give me those buckets get oh yeah [Music] too little man too little oh she just she she flat away she just said get that ah you jumped finished with the lap ah ah fade buddy paid ah buckets that full video is like 13 minutes just working buckets okay the best basketball player i ever played against eighth grade this girl's name was kendra [Music] no one could guard her man woman boy child this girl was so fat so strong she had glasses on head fake jump boy you jumping finish with the left i was like ah i cannot i can't keep up she keeps doing all the basketball tricks i uh my niece um she plays basketball i don't know anything uh i don't know enough about the sport i just go to the games and i scream a lot i yell a lot and as long as you're competitive and i don't care if you're man or woman it's still good for me it's still good to watch i got to watch the la sparks when when my niece came out to visit i got to take her to courtside seats to see the la sparks candace um parker is one of her favorite uh athletes ever unfortunately they lost that game but she still got a picture with her she didn't hear that candace was in a bad mood she was just like i'll take it i'll take you this way oh take it however it comes but for me as long as it's competitive i don't care if it's guy or a girl it's not about like oh you know i understand that men's muscles are set up a little different and so there's some things that they are able to do that maybe a woman has yet to be able to do but i don't it's not all about that for me as long as you're a competitor i will watch anything where people are like truly competing so i don't understand why there is such a huge discrepancy between the sponsorships and the treatment of men athletes than women athletes because i'm telling you you get well they're both on scholarship at the school though yeah like we're not talking about nba versus wnba yeah right we're talking about both of these men and women go to college the ncaa because of title ix that's supposed to be equal no no that's not that's never going to be the case because they're always going to give preference to who is bringing in more revenue or revenue in generating sports and my whole thing has always been um then the students should be treated like employees and be given a salary you here's how i feel about it i agree if you're not getting paid the thing is these rules were based off of before college was a lucrative revenue generating thing uh-huh you go to college i play kentucky you go to texas blah blah blah now the university of kentucky sells those basketball rights millions of dollars they are outfitted by nike adidas jordan whoever millions of dollars that's right they sell your likeness that's exactly the dollars and they don't share that revenue yeah that's what it's like well true y'all making money off of me you're giving me money but it's the offset is very different so yeah no they should definitely be considered employees and um actually not forced to be students if they don't want to be absolutely they're allowing them now to uh have their likeness they can make money off their likeness that's good they should be there's nobody should be making money off of you and you not making money off of yourself as well absolutely all right guys we gotta go uh get ready to do the love hour right patreon we will see you friday yes uh uh everybody else we'll see you next week um make sure to subscribe to kevin stage studios app uh where we are just day by day changing the world changing the world changing the world day by day every day great movie hey you why are you here you could go ahead and subscribe to my youtube channel youtube we trying to get angel how are you at angel let me see i'm so close to 100k i just wanted y'all i've been working at this for how many years how many years angel uh about to be twelve about to be twelve years you're at 97.6 yeah ninety two thousand in here now go ahead just go ahead they're more than likely they already subscribed but that's all right but the people who are listening after the fact even if you don't go watch my stuff after you subscribe just subscribe yes god bless you god keep you [Music] [Music] [Music] the thing in that chicken jail
Channel: KevOnStage Studios
Views: 207,911
Rating: 4.9393792 out of 5
Id: nNg8YMfOtAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 53sec (5453 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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