The Cross The Defining Line of The Gospel - Sunday Service

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this morning i'm gonna start a series of messages that i believe will will literally drive the devil mad to drive him crazy i um i'm noticing what's going on in the world today i'm noticing what's going on with believers today i'm noticing even what's going on with the bible today how people think about the bible and how it you know is is becoming a book that people are keeping closed and dust is gathering on that book and yet it is the only the only book that gives us information about heaven and hell it's the only book that gives us information about spiritual things and how to conduct ourselves in the physical world it is the wisdom of heaven being released into our lives this book that men are keeping closed and not paying attention to it is the only information by which we can gain of understanding of how to live successfully in this world this book men have tried to get rid of they've tried to in the during the dark ages burn it they try to to go against it now people are saying it shouldn't be read because it's just written by a bunch of you know weird men and this book is is it contradicts itself all of the attacks against this one book and yet it still remains without this book a lot of a lot of us would have lost our mind a long time ago this book this bible is going to be the difference between a journey down a path of great success or we'll continue to submit ourselves to the wisdom of men and will submit ourselves to wisdom that has been passed down from one generation of men to another generation of men as we ignore the answers that's in the book i heard somebody say one time if you want to keep something a secret put it in a book and it seems like the enemy's taking a hold of that that human philosophy and saying you know what all of the answers pertaining to life and godliness are in this book and now people don't want to read it they come to church and and they're they're listening for a a performance they come to church and and they're looking for someone to stir their emotions up they come to church and they're looking for something on what they can agree on and it seems like the bible's not even being opened in church what's on the line what's happening and so today i want to begin this series and i call it the cross the defining line of the gospel the cross the defining line of the gospel i've even seen i've even seen human beings take truth from the word of god and turn it into a tradition and then twist it and then play with it and then decorate it up and all of a sudden it loses its meaning christmas what used to be a celebration of the lord jesus christ how in the world do you get a santa claus and rain deals in there only to try to distract people from the truth of the gospel there must be something amazing in this book that the enemy is working overtime to try to keep from humans because if we're going to rise to that level where god wants us to rise i believe we got to open the book and we got to look and look and we got to just going to go in search of what the enemy is diligently fighting to try to stop us from understanding and knowing let me begin by saying this if you'll go to hebrews chapter 9 verse 16 and 17 as we deal with this issue the cross the defining line of the gospel one of the things i want you to understand is that the new covenant the new covenant or the new testament now throughout the series i will use the word covenant and testament interchangeably because that's that's what a testament is a testament is a covenant a covenant is a testament a covenant is a a a promise between two or more parties uh uh that they will come together in in agreement on on something and and and it'll never be broken it's it's powerful powerful powerful promise uh and so the new covenant did not begin from matthew now if you open your bibles up and and you look in your bible and you get to the end of malachi and once you get to the end of malachi you know you see this this big old page and it says the new covenant of our lord and savior jesus christ and everybody's used to that and i'm telling you right now that the new covenant does not begin with matthew some of you say what are you saying man here it is right here we turn to the book and it says the new testament of jesus christ and i'm telling you right now that the new testament does not begin with matthew the new covenant does not begin with matthew it begins after christ rose from the dead the new covenant doesn't begin with matthew matthew is matthew mark luke and john those are books where we see jesus coming in on the earth realm to fulfill the old covenant you know the bible makes it very clear that god's not going to destroy the law jesus didn't come to destroy the law but to fulfill the law and so matthew mark luke and john is an account of jesus showing up to fulfill the law because nobody else could he didn't destroy it but he says i'm going to fulfill every jot and tittle and not one one bit of this this this this this old covenant is gonna gonna pass away until it all be fulfilled in matthew mark luke and john is jesus fulfilling all of this covenant the old covenant and at the same time making a way for this new covenant but the new testament the new covenant did not or does not begin in the book of matthew now why am i talking about this unless you understand how the bible is set up you'll continue to read it wrong and if you continue to read it wrong you'll understand wrong things and you'll live the wrong way and and you'll continue to be in the dark on what god's trying to show you and most christians are just satisfied with oh i ain't got time to hear none of that how come you just can't pick the bible up and close your eyes and say any meaning mind them on just wherever your finger lands that's god's speaking to you well you ever thought about this what if you try that and you close your eyes and your finger lands and it says cut your hand off you say no let's do that again it says pluck your eye and all this duty no we got to get rid of these fables about this and and you know i know i'm not in a seminary school and and i know i'm not at a bible college but if you're going to live by the word of god it is of necessity that i back up from trying to preach a message that you'll give me a 10 on and say bless god the major problem today is that nobody's reading the bible and then when they read it they don't know how to read it they don't know how to rightly divide it and so we just pick stuff up and then we make up a fable around it and we mislead a whole lot of people and now people are saying i tried that it doesn't work i quit that's what this is about so the new covenant the new testament does not begin from matthew it began after christ rose from the dead it is a covenant it is an irrevocable pledge or promise that begins the new covenant begins after the death of christ jesus so the cross changed everything the cross is the defining line between what used to be without christ and what is now with christ the cross is the defining line and if you don't know that defining line you will take what used to be before christ and you'll continue to try to make it what it is today and not understanding that the cross of jesus christ is the defining line everything changed with the cross of jesus christ everything changed with the cross of jesus christ everything changed and and you have to know that if i mean listen why would why would what does this whole thing mean jesus coming dying on the cross shedding his blood what does it mean if everything stays the same everything changed because of the cross of jesus christ the cross of jesus is the defining line of the whole message of the new testament it starts at the cross of jesus let me show you this hebrews chapter 9 verse 16 and 17. let's look at this he says for where a testament is now a testament we know about the old testament or covenant so but he's talking about where a testament is there must also of necessity be the death of the testator now let's say for example i leave uh last will and testament okay and i leave a will and in that will there are a whole lot of blessings for my family but now understand this there must first of all be the death of the person that wrote that testament in order for that testament to be available to all of those who who it was left for so if um you know in my in my last will and testament i said i leave i leave all the grand babies a million dollars they can't get it until i die as long as i'm alive there's no force or ability to be able to take what's in the testament there must first of all be the death of the testator the guy who wrote the testament the last will of the guy who wrote the testament he says in verse 17 for a testament is a force when after men are dead otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth so the the you get what's in that will after i die but while i'm still living there is no strength to that to that to that testament because i'm still alive if you understand that in your house say amen so so you've got to understand something this is so powerful jesus was the testator of the new testament glory be to god but he had to show up glory to god and he had to die so that you could get what was in the testament he had to die somebody says well what sense does that mean why was jesus born just to die he was born to die so that you can get what's in the will what's in the testament and without his death glory to god you would not be able to get what's in the testament but he took it a step further jesus was born died so now you can get everything in the testament you can get righteousness you can get redemption you can get wisdom you can get holiness you can get sanctification you can get everything he left in the testament but then he on the third day rose from the dead to make sure that everything he promised he will be your helper and your guide and your leader to show you how to obtain what's in that testament that's powerful that's powerful that's information that every christian needs to know that's information that every christian needs to understand and you wouldn't believe the number of christians that that have no knowledge of what i just shared with you and they go around telling me i stay woke you got to you got to get some understanding for you can stay woke how you going to stay woke and you you you've been sleeping the whole time it's time i stay woke wake up that's what i'm saying the bible says awake to righteousness and so understand this in the old testament in the old testament so you see that the new testament started after the death of jesus christ that's when it started it didn't start after matthew you see jesus alive in matthew you see jesus alive in john you see jesus alive in mark you see jesus alive in in matthew mark luke and john so the testament cannot be enforced until you see him die and the cross is the dividing line in fact matthew mark luke and john would have been just fine as a part of the old testament with jesus in it because the new testament didn't start until after the death of jesus someone says why are you talking about this because if we are going to walk down the path of victor victorious christian living we got to understand what's happening in the book i am calling every world changer to rededicate your life to the book to open that book up and let it speak to you this is the only bible this is the only book in the library of congress that talks it speaks it's alive the word of the living god ain't trying to get deep these next couple weeks it's time to go back to the basic foundation that the bible says with without a foundation what are we going to do without the foundation the foundation has been cracked crumbled broken in pieces and you're wondering why you're still sick you're wondering why you die early you're wondering why you can't stay married you're wondering why all of these things have happened where is god where is god you're wondering now why the bible says in all you're getting get understanding we get trying to get everything else itself understanding go to church i want to hear no bible i ain't come here to hear no bible i came here so i can shout all of them yeah you didn't shout it and scream and moan and groan and you're still broke busted disgusted miserable because you don't understand and with all that getting get understanding understanding of what man's wisdom no human wisdom no the latest tweet now get an understanding of the written word of god and how it's divided amen i can hear you saying amen i can see i can hear you saying amen or oh me praise god now in the old testament i want to show you something here let's look at job job chapter 9 verse 32 and 33. in the old testament job sought for a days man write that word down d-a-y-s-m-a-n a days man job sought for a days man what is a days man a days man is a middle man a davesman is a gold between person to put it simply a dazeman is a mediator and job sought for a mediator a peacemaker between god and man there was not in job's day a peacemaker between god and man you see when man sinned in the garden all of a sudden that sin was enmity between god and what stood between god and man was sin and so there was this big wall between god and man and because of sin there are a lot of things that god couldn't do because he was just and there was a lot of things that men couldn't get because of that sin that was in in front of men but you know we saw the grace of god even operating in that particular time but a mediator someone that could be the peace maker between god and man someone that could be the go-between someone that could be the intercessor not not that jesus is in heaven right now no he's an intercessor because he's between he stands between god and man he's an intercessor because he is the he is the mediator glory be to god between god and man look at this in job chapter 9 verse 32 and 33 he says for he is not a man as i am talking about god that i should answer him he's not a man like i am job said that i should answer him and we should come together in judgment verse 33 neither is there any days man or mediator between us that might lay his hands upon us both he says there's nobody that stands between god and man that can have access to both man and god there's not a mediator so job is letting us know something here there's no mediator job in his own words acknowledge the missing link between man and god and job said the missing link between man and god there's no mediator there's no days man the absence of a days man the absence of a go-between the absence of a mediator between god and man during his own days job said we didn't have one in this testament in this old testament there was no dazeman in this old testament he said under the new testament you know i'm sure somebody said well what was moses moses wasn't a jesus moses wasn't a peace offer moses wasn't the the the compensation or the payment that would pull down the wall of sin between god and man there was no mediator like jesus that could touch both god and man and under the new testament this is not the case under the new testament this is so important remember the new testament did not start at matthew but it started after christ rose from the dead so in the new testament we by the grace of god have the person of the son of god jesus christ as our mediator so in the new testament we have a mediator we have a mediator you know people can i can see somebody right now well the bible says god was looking for an intercessor he was looking for a mediator but but he found none he found none we you see it in old testament god was looking for somebody to pray god he but he found no mediator he was looking for a mediator he was looking for a go between but he found none but in this new testament we have jesus who is our mediator so the difference between the old testament and the new testament in the new testament we have a mediator in the old testament there was no mediator or days man we now have of immediate so what does that do how does that change things now that we have a mediator in the new testament how does that change things from the old testament that had no mediator to the new testament that now has a mediator somebody says bruh we need to see some scriptures you're saying a lot of stuff i've never heard before well thank god that's why we're talking about this so let's go look at some scriptures before i go on first timothy chapter 2 and 5. first timothy chapter 2 and 5. and then hebrews chapter 9 15 we'll look at it in the king james and the new living translation first timothy chapter 2 and 5 says for there is one god how many one god how many one god somebody says oh there are many gods now baby there's just one god and somebody says well i got five more were they fake there's one god there's one you ever heard of fake news fake god it is there's only one god for there's one god there and so he says and there's one mediator between god and men so who is that mediator between god and man the man christ jesus the man christ jesus jesus is that mediator that go between that peacemaker between god and man that's in the scripture it's in the scripture come on look at hebrews chapter 9 15 let's look at the king james first and then the nlt hebrews chapter 9 and 15. you know of course i'm tempted to just let her rip just go for it and and just hoop and holler and ah and get you all up and all that but see i got i i i know what god's called me to open the bible up and to look at it and to look at it and to look at it and i still have people that are more busy trying to prove me wrong instead of just looking at the word with me and if you and if you go and find a scripture somewhere where that contradicts that well there's a reason it don't contradict it you just don't know where it is you might be reading it in the wrong setting you know if i wrote a letter to a a friend of mine and and let's say i lived in 1800s and i wrote a letter to a friend of mine and you found that letter and you tried to make my letter that was written to one person you try to make it available to everybody well there are some things in there that everybody might be able to use but then there's some specific things when i say you remember that friday night when we went to the club and did that and that's specifically to them that's what we try to do with the bible if you don't know how to rightly divide it you'll look at stuff that may be the maybe a truth for everybody but it's not it's not the specific truth to who it was written for if you understand that say amen if you don't pray for me and it'll get better all right now watch this verse 15. and for this cause he jesus is the mediator of the new testament that by means of death for the redemption or the deliverance of the transgression that were under the first testament see there was a first testament that's that old covenant they which are called might receive the promise of what eternal inheritance now look at this in the new living translation this is so powerful because what he is saying is there's something that happened in the new testament where jesus is the mediator that did not happen in that first testament where they did not have a mediator he said that is why he is the one who mediates a new covenant he mediates a new covenant between god and people so that all who are called so he so here's here's what he said jesus is the one that's responsible for this new covenant so that everybody that's called can receive eternal inheritance then turn the eternal inheritance god has promised them so god's made some promises that jesus said we're going to need a new new testament so you can get what he promised because obviously you're not going to be able to get what he promised based on the old testament because you ain't got nobody to mediate it you have no mediator between god and man but in this new covenant this new testament you have a mediator you have somebody between god and man so now you can get this inheritance that god promised and jesus says and i'll guarantee it because i will mediate it glory be to god so god promised me righteousness jesus says i'll mediate it god promised me redemption jesus says i'll mediate it these things were not available hallelujah because there was no media you know i look at the old testament you go look at it there's very little said about the devil in demons in the old testament you know what we want to know why we didn't have no authority at that time we had no authority and we didn't have the name of jesus at that time and so why bring up something that you that you couldn't defeat but in this new testament we have the name of jesus we have a mediator in the new testament so that we can rebuild the devil so that we can cast that devils so that we have power over all the power of the devil and nothing will by any means hurt you and the bible says that jesus mediated a new covenant so that so you can receive the internal eternal inheritance there's an inheritance that comes from the will that you can receive the eternal inheritance that god has promised them and look what he says for christ died to set them free what from the penalty of the sins they had committed under the first covenant christ died to set them free from the penalty the penalty if we didn't have christ we wouldn't have nobody to negotiate this and you would be dead in your sins because all have sinned and come short of the glory of god so jesus showed up to mediate an agreement that says i'll die if you will forgive them and take care of the penalty of the sins that were committed under the old covenant so i'll die so they can have a new covenant so they'll be free from the penalty of the old covenant and and and and you the only way it's going to happen is with a mediator in between and you're talking about you don't want jesus i want to have none of jesus having to do with jesus because he white you listen to the attacks that people are trying to take away the only thing we got you subtract jesus you ain't got none bro you subtract jesus and you keep trying to tell people now i'm still living under the old testament you ain't got nothing bro you're on your way to hell you ain't got nothing you can't get none of the promises take away jesus by by trying to get people to think racially about jesus i don't care what jesus was jesus could have been half puerto rican mexican mexican african with some zulu i don't care what he was that blood saved me from my sins it don't matter the penalty of all of my sins and all of your sins has been taken care of because jesus is the mediator of this new covenant hallelujah hallelujah you need to get used to this i'm gonna break it down there may be some people you know in the comment section right now come in i don't care i can't read it right now i'm preaching it ain't bothering me but i'm telling you right now i am preaching the truth i am preaching from the word of god i'm showing you the scripture the only reason you still just arguing and disagree this just don't want to hear you got a devil in you and if you'll keep tuning in we'll get it out we will change some of the things that you believe just by reading the word amen now i want you to look at what jesus said go to john 14 6 look at what jesus said of himself as regards to god look at what jesus said of himself as a regards to god man and himself look at what he said this is powerful familiar scripture but now in context you're understanding it now jesus said unto him i am the way i am the truth i am the life watch this now no man cometh unto the father but by me jesus said i'm the mediator and you can't get to god except through me no man no muslim man no catholic man no baptist man no southern baptist man no word of faith man no pentecostal man i don't care what man you call yourself if you're gonna get to the father you've got to go through jesus so this tom foolery about you know i i don't believe in your jesus well who you believe in well i believe in myself i believe that that i'm my own god brother you're a fool somebody said what oh don't don't call nobody fool no no a fool says in his heart there is no god that was a appropriate word to use for somebody who doesn't believe in in jesus huh we're not going there and i am a defender of the cross i'm not going to let you sit there and just dog out my lord jesus christ without me responding with the word of god and the scripture of god and showing people what it is well and see now here's this new thing normally the bible would be the final authority and people would say okay well you found it in the word no not today today it's like well you just read that out of the bible that ain't nothing but a book that a bunch of white men wrote see you see what i'm saying that's why you got to have a relationship with god for yourself after they tell you that a white man wrote the bible and that jesus was a white man and everybody after they tell you all of that you need to know god for yourself you need to know that you spoke to him in the morning you need to know that he walks with you every day you need to know that he's the one that picked you up out of the ditch you need the one that he was you need to know that he'd pick you up out of a pitch excuse me if i'm getting titan you need to know jesus for yourself you need to know i know him why because he lives in me i i list i ain't paying no attention to what your bibles say well if you don't pay no attention to my bible pay attention to me remember when i was broke busted disgusted sick confused depressed on my way to hell didn't have no happiness look at me now who you think did that it was jesus and the word confirms it there can be no coming to the father in the absence of jesus none forget it forget it you ain't getting to god without jesus well i'm gonna go through more hammond you ain't going to get there you have to make up something you have to pretend like you got there and then come back and tell a lie about it because you ain't getting to the father with you know w without without jesus it ain't happening it ain't happening and and some of y'all gonna be so shocked well i'm going to heaven there's going to be a bunch of versions you're going to be shocked i don't know where you got that frown from the book you're going to be shocked you're going to be shocked see i i don't have to be concerned about defending and working real hard to prove this to you let me let me say prove this to you i'll defend the gospel but i ain't got to work hard to prove it to you because everybody's going to die and the bible says every knee will bow and every tongue will confess you're going to die and you remember gomer pyle used to be a little comedy about this marine name from mayberry the name was gomer gomer powell and gomer proud used to come up say surprise surprise surprise that's what's going to happen to a whole lot of people when they die then they're thinking one way and they didn't get it from the word surprise surprise surprise those of you who think well i'm just going to heaven i i i oh oh no those of you who think well i just believe when you die you just fall asleep you're going to die and be like oh it's hot surprise surprise surprise notice what the spirit of god calls the new testament this is so this is so minister to me notice what the spirit of god go to hebrews chapter eight and six notice what the spirit of god calls the new testament which jesus is the mediator of notice what the spirit of god calls the new testament which jesus is the mediator of are you ready he said but now have he obtained a more what excellent ministry by how much also he is the mediator of watch this a better covenant or testament which was established upon better promises you see look at what he said the spirit of god said that that that this is a better covenant it is a better testament he said it he said all right so so so put it together this is better this this new testament is better than the old one this new covenant is better than the old one he said this new testament got better promises in it than the old one i'm just convinced that when you hear certain teachings that some people just not reading the bible or don't understand that the cross is the defining line and you got to know where that line is it's kind of like football the goal line on the other side you score on the other side i don't care how close you get to the line if you don't make it on the other side of the line it's better on the other side of the gold line than it is on one side amen so why is it better oh i won't get precise with this why is it better because jesus is our days man it's better because we have a mediator it's better because we have a go-between it's better because we have someone that will cause peace to be made happen this new testament is better because i have jesus in the old testament i had a promise of him but he wasn't there yet if there was a prophecy of him but he wasn't there yet there was a talk of a sabbath but they thought it was a day but we know that jesus is our sabbath it is a better covenant because we have what job didn't have a mediator we have what job didn't have a days man hallelujah boy i feel like shouting in this place i made my mind up that i don't know what whatever you didn't get i don't know nine eight ten years ago i'm going around and i want to i want to get so much precision and stuff and it's up to you you got to decide whether you're going to believe it you i'm going to lay it out as best that holy ghost let me lay it out you got to decide whether or not you're going to believe it but i'm going to tell you if you can get an understanding of this word of life your whole life going to change your whole life going to change i i don't know about you but i'm fed up with people trying to be like god without him trying to understand god without the bible trying to think they know god and don't even know these basic simple truths of the bible that once you apply them you'll see simply that what you were saying was just not right look at second timothy chapter 2 and verse 15. let's keep going so i have the bible that's not good enough but now we need to talk about the importance of studying the bible i have it but with the importance of of studying in it the importance of getting in that bible that i don't have a bible just to keep my birth certificates in it or to just hide money so nobody won't find it because i know don't nobody ever open the bible but as a christian i need to know how to study it well you know i ain't the preacher yeah anytime i've been a preacher if you're going to live by it you need to know how to study it what you mean know how to study just open it up and just read it now it ain't that simple that's why you're confused now how do i study and what is the importance of studying the bible you would be shocked of the number of christian people who come to church who haven't studied their bible there's a pandemic going on and there's some people who who lead you to think that their bible's in the middle of a pandemic too because they won't open it up they treat their bible like they got covered 19. we can't touch the bible or we might get contaminated no you get in that bible you'll get contaminated all right you'll get some holy ghost pandemic going on in your life man i don't know what's going on how do you expect to be a successful christian and you you still don't think that studying the bible is important well i don't understand well that's what you're here for today you're with me stick with me i'll i'll go with it and i'll help you study the bible get on the 24-hour network we have a 24-hour network that preaches the word 24 hours a day changing your world network 24 hours a day to help you to figure out how to get in this world and study it but nobody can make you pick the bible up nobody can make you turn on the 24-hour network nobody can make you get involved in grace life can nobody can make you do that stuff you got to be something that i hadn't seen in a long time hungry for god more hunger for god than you are your career more hunger for god than you are your six figures hungry for god hungry for god that you're rushing home so you can get in your quiet place so you can open your bible up so you can speak to god and let him speak to you through through the study of his word where's the hunger what happened to it ain't nobody hungry no more we hunger for everything else you pick up your telephone before you go to the bathroom when you get up in the morning you used to take the bible when you go use the toilet now you take your telephone and see what's going on in the social media instead of seeing what's going on in the spirit what's happening to us man the devil's deceived you the devil trying to jack you up and destroy you and look at you when you're in your ditch and laugh at you and say i fooled you didn't you i fooled you and we are not going to be of that denomination we're not going to be of that reputation of being fooled we're not going to be of that church of being food we're going to say no devil you the food well you're not going to fool us the devil think you're having a good time right now and yet in the middle of all of this the glory of of the lord is about to hit this place your house your life your family more people come to the lord than you've ever seen you watch what i say they dog us out talk about us right now oh that's gonna change all that's gonna change something happens when hell visits your house something happens when you don't tried everything you could try and it didn't work something happens when they tell you that there's no hope in this world god knows how to get everybody back to their knees hallelujah god knows how to get everybody back to their knees and i'm telling you it's happening church it's happening second timothy chapter 2 verse 15. god knows how god knows how yeah he does even you who say i'm an atheist and i don't believe god knows how to get you god knows how to get your attention bro you ain't the first atheist that god has saved you ain't the first atheist that god had to turn his heart and you know what god's gonna use to get to get you to change your mind his goodness he gonna be so good to you that you know you didn't deserve it you know you didn't earn it but he's just going to show up and do something you know it had to be god and that by itself will put you on a journey to say i got to i got to get this thing right with god the song you sing in the baptist church get right with god and do it now and i'm saying that right now get your house in order get your house in order this is the only time that mankind will ever have the opportunity to be saved without works the only time that the only only time you have the opportunity to get saved without having to deserve it to get saved without having to earn it you better take advantage of it now because there's coming a time where men will be judged by their works but right now you can get saved amen look at this second timothy chapter 2 and verse 15 he says study to show thyself approve unto god a workman that needeth not to be ashamed what rightly dividing the word of truth rightly dividing the word of truth he says correctly analyzing in one version rightly dividing the the the the cross is the dividing line rightly dividing between what is the old testament and what is the new rightly dividing between what was talked about be without without a days man or mediator and what is talked about with a mediator rightly dividing he says study to show yourself to prove unto god you're a workman that needed not to be ashamed because you're rightly divided you're correctly analyzing the word of truth what is true under the new testament with jesus as the mediator may not be what is true in the old testament without a mediator so you see you can't go to the old testament throw it out and tell everybody to see it and ignore the dividing line because that was true without a mediator you see on the old covenant fire fell down and killed a hundred and something men elijah remember that fire he prayed fire fall down and fell down and killed them those leaders but in the new testament jesus was warning them he said one of his disciples said lord should we ask god to reign fire down like elijah did and jesus said you don't know what spirit you are of and rebuke them what happened why didn't jesus just say yeah that's what they did in eliza they do it now jesus was trying to show him this a new day bro i'm here i'm about to mediate a new testament that was without a mediator that's why they wanted a mediator that's why they needed a mediator so the fire wouldn't fall down from heaven and burn people up no more but now it's different in this in this testament because jesus is now there to save men and to be the peace offering and don't need no fire to come down and burn them up see their people do the same thing it might not be with the fire but it might be other scriptures that you'll take out of old testament setting and try to work it in the new testament setting and that's just like taking old wine and putting it in a new wine skin what happens it bursts and you don't get the benefit of the wine or the container that's where we've been that's where we've been and so the big problem we got to deal with is the immaturity in the pulpit and the spiritual illiteracy in the pulpit that you just can't get in the pool pin just start preaching stuff because people listening to you and then i become the fool because i'm telling something that's true but they're so used to listening to that fable fault stuff that when the true stuff come around just like the bible say they'll call a lot of truth and then the truth a lie because they don't know but i'm good bro i'm ready i'm ready ain't got nothing else left to do but go to heaven and i might as well go i might as well go just big time i might as well go with you dogging me out talking about me slandering me cussing me i might as well go like that they did it to jesus i don't know where in the world some people think why oh what he did to me uh i'm saved i love god why did it happen the bible they did it to jesus the bible says they then live godly and shall what suffer persecution why is you surprised just roll your window down and go down and make another deposit and just forget about them people know people ain't in your life them people don't know they don't cook for you they don't buy no food for you ain't no they don't show up for christmas you don't even know their name don't let somebody you don't know their name bother you don't let somebody you don't even know rents space in your mind social media sometimes is just a microphone for fools don't listen to that focus that's what the devil's after your focus focus on what the word of god says focus on jesus because one day everybody's gonna die and we'll see then man when i die i want to make sure i stood up for jesus when i die i want to make sure hey man i stood up for true i stood up for truth when everybody else was against me i stood up for it it was the truth i stood up for i don't want to be that kind of preacher that says well i changed because you know they didn't want to hear the truth so i had to tell them what they wanted to hear so they can keep coming to church and get a tithe ain't got time on that everybody can leave this church like i said before but i got to preach the truth because i got to die one day and i got to know that that i did what god told me to do even though nobody was with me but i'm i'm grateful that god gave me a world changes nation a body of believers that are just as stubborn about the truth of the gospel as i am and i got a body of believers i got a church that say pastor we got you back if they come for you they're coming for me oh how that guy say on this on this movie i'll be your huckleberry hallelujah glory be to god all is well but we got to study we got to study we got to study amen praise god i want i want wanna go just a little bit more uh yeah i wanna go a little bit more so i said i was gonna pre for 45 minutes but you know i'm gonna go by five ten more minutes ten five more minutes then you know fighting by about 124 more seconds or something like that all right all right so so watch this now so he said here if we don't rightly divide the word then the church will continue to raise up only fearful and unbelieving christians if we don't rightly divide the world that's what's been happening we've been raising up fearful and unbelieving christians think of that and if we don't rightly divide the word then we'll continue to raise up fearful and unbelieving christians the ability to rightly divide the scripture is what sets you on the path of victorious christian life if you're not on the path of victorious christian life it's because you are ignoring the ability to rightly divide the scripture look at matthew 22 and 29 matthew 22 and 29 this is this is cool matthew 22 and 29 hallelujah he says jesus answered and said unto them you do air why why why do you air or error you do air why because you don't know the scriptures and he says if you don't know the scriptures you don't know the power of god he says you're an error because you're not a scripture you you're not in error because you you know you didn't pray long enough you're not an error because you didn't fast last friday you're an error because you don't know the scripture think of that you you you you're not in error because oh i laid hands on them too sick and that's why they didn't get didn't get healed you're an error because you don't know the scriptures think of that ignorance is the reason why why why we why we air we are in error because we don't know the scriptures spiritual error is the result of the absence of scriptural knowledge and as long as you have an absence of scriptural knowledge you will continue to make spiritual errors and what can be worse than that what can be worse than that is you think that your error is truth and you think that your error you know is true to the point where you defend it and you think your error is truth but now you become you become an enemy to the cross trying to protect what's error but spiritual ignorance has you in error and spiritual error is the result of the absence of spiritual scriptural knowledge look at colossians chapter 2 and verse 8 in the niv let's just look at niv colossians 2 8 in the niv well i ain't in school why i got to study because this is not studying for a degree this is studying for eternal life first of all it's studying for life here on the earth secondly eternal life look what he says here are we there come on colossians 2 8 in the niv we don't we we don't have the niv okay i'll read this do we have the nlt okay nlt colossians 2 8 and the nlt let's look at that he says don't let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high sounding nonsense that come from human thinking human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world and rather than from christ he says there's some things that come that don't come from christ there's some things that come he calls them empty philosophies and high sounding nonsense that comes from human thinking human thinking that's passed down from one human to another human think about that what if you are the victim of a religious way of thinking that has been passed down from one human to another human it happens i can go back to the 1800s and i see this guy said this and then he come down he passed it down and that guy said what he said and he passed it down and that guy said when he said that he said and it just keeps passing down and it gets in the church and and it becomes this this this mark that it must be so why because that's what they always said and that's what i ran into i started saying things differently that was going against what was being passed down from one human to another human and that religious philosophy and when you start going against that human philosophy then then all of a sudden it's a conspiracy all of a sudden you know it it's like oh my god what is this guy saying that's not what we've always heard i never forget man you know we've always heard it was passed down from human thinking to human thinking god is in control huh and you always heard that god is in control and i never forget man i got rebuked for that and i had to go and study it and i looked in the book of genesis and the bible says that god gave all the control over the earth to man that if something crazy is going on it's because man's in control and he won't use his authority no but brother donald god is in control yeah that's a philosophy that's been passed down from human being to human being but if you read the scripture god made it very clear i have given authority to man over all the works of my hands yeah but god is still in control see you won't submit to what the word says because you have been captured by empty philosophy and a high sounding nonsense that comes from human thinking passed down from human to human and it's a lot easier to put the blame on god than to accept the authority that god has given you and you know what when you don't accept that authority in that area you won't accept the authority to cast out devils to rebuke sickness to handle all the other stuff because it's easier for you to say god's in control than view you to say i lay hold of the authority that god has given to me as a man in the earth to execute this authority yep and some of y'all freaking out right now oh now wait a minute now my grandmama told me that god was in control i can't what your grandma said you ain't gonna find a no way in the new testament baby it's gonna be tight and right it's gonna be hard but it's gonna be god and if you can hang in here with me if you ain't too scarred if you ain't no little spiritual punk if you can hang in here with me over the next several months your life is gonna change and things that should be working right will begin to work right because you are free from the fables and the philosophies of this world look at isaiah 8 20 in the nlt this this this this isaiah you know you can see prophetic things in the old testament as it begins to talk about stuff and and and there's a lot of truth in the old testament the bible said this about the old testament those things that were written a four time were written for our learning not for our living but for our learning we live by that new testament but we can look at the things in the old testament and we can learn some stuff and we can grab hold of some stuff amen written for our learning we keep thinking that it was written for our living we live under the new testament we learn based on what was written before time look what he says here he said look to god's instructions and teachings people who contradict his word are completely in the dark and that was that's something i can learn from isaiah i learned that for myself look at god's instructions look at his teachings people who contradict his word are completely in the dark so be careful that you don't reveal to us that you're the one that's completely in the dark so you got to read and study the bible for yourself this is the will of god for you real quickly ephesians 4 14 acts 20 and 32 second timothy 3 16. let's look at these real quick read and study the bible for yourself this is the will of god for you we're so busy asking god what's your will for me and he has a path for you he has an anointing for you but we're not even doing first base will of god we want we want ultimate will of god and and you don't understand that first based will of god which is studying and getting in the word is going to lead you to ultimate will of god and there's so many people that are ignoring first base will of god well i mean what how is it that you get saved get a christian t-shirt says i'm a christian and you don't study the word first place will of god get in the word and study it he said that we henceforth be no more children so he don't want to be children all your christian life tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind watch this of doctrine some guy comes up with a new teaching and you go for it somebody goes come down then you go for so as you know you get tired of the the truth of the word of god and you're looking for different winds of teaching oh i like him he teaching on that i never heard it like that before i really like that it ain't got to be the truth it's just a new end that's what children do children children just like candy they don't want to keep eating their vegetables honey over the next few months we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna prepare some some spiritual food for you bought some some collard greens and okra you understand some of that real crackling corn bread you guys see what i'm talking about now tater salad shut your mouth up so you understand what i'm saying we're going to do that you're going to eat something that's going to be nourishing he says don't be children cast to and fro with everyone the doctrine by the slate of men and the cunning craftiness whereby they lie and wait to deceive look at the next christian ephesians chapter 4 14 going over to acts 20 20 and 32 acts 20 32 real quick acts 20 32. he says and now brethren i command you to god i commend you to god i commend you to god and i commend you to the word of what of his grace i commend you to the word of his grace why it's able to build you up why it's able to give you the inheritance among all of them which are what sanctified he says i'm turning you over to the word of his grace what are we preaching he says i'm turning you over to the word of his grace and we're not preaching the word of his grace some guy had nerve to say god's coming back in november to judge everybody that's preaching grace that's inaccurate bro what what grace is jesus if we're preaching on jesus what are you talking about now i'm not talking about that weird kind of grace teaching that says you can just go out and just sin and don't have to worry about none just do whatever you want to do i ain't talking about that but the word of his grace jesus says i commend you to the word of his grace which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all of them which are sanctified look at second timothy 3 16 we've already seen that well let's go there second second timothy 3 16. all right i'm almost there i got one more section i want to give you he says all scripture is given by inspiration of god that word inspiration means god breathed in other words there may have been some things i said this morning i didn't have in my notes but god breathed it out of me there's some stuff revelation that came out of me a little more insight that came out of me god breathed it out of me i'm a man i spoke it but he breathed it and so he says all scripture is given by inspiration of god it is profitable that that that that inspiration that inspiring scripture all these scriptures are profitable for teachings or doctrine it's profitable for reproof you can reprove by this or correct by this it's it's instruction in righteousness so that the man of god can be what he need to be all right now i want to give you one last thing now uh i want to give you i think this is the most practical part of the message today how to know when the word is rightly divided to you precisely and specifically how do i know if the word of god is being rightly divided to me whether you're studying it on your own or whether you're sitting in a room listening to it or you're on stream listening to it how do i know that the word is rightly divided unto me number one i it's just three ways and then i'll be through three ways number one how do i know when the word is rightly divided number one here's the thing you ask what is the scripture you are reading saying in light of the finished works of jesus christ what is the scripture or the passage that you're reading what is it saying in light of the finished works of jesus christ so i'm reading this scripture about healing and if it's talking about that i've already been healed that's pretty good because it is now speaking and rightly dividing the fact of instead of me going to get healed it is saying i already am so when i read a scripture i am looking for scriptures that i can read that are stalking and speaking in light of the finnish works of jesus christ it's not i got to work to kind of got to be righteous that's under the old testament under the new testament you're righteous because of your faith in jesus christ that's a finished work righteousness is a finished work redemption is a finished work and so i'm reading the scripture in light of the finished works of jesus christ all the new testament should be read in light of the finished works of jesus christ so if i'm studying something and it's not in light of the finished works of jesus christ it's not being rightly divided it's not being rightly divided number two does it underwrite righteousness as a free gift only by faith does it underwrite righteousness as a free gift only by faith so if you're reading something that says you've got to do these five things and then you'll be righteous it's not being rightly divided but if you're reading this thing that says we are righteous now by faith in jesus christ that has been rightly divided if you're reading something that says you got to do these 20 things in order to get healed it's not rightly divided versus hearing something that says you know by his stripes you were healed so by faith received that it's already done it's being rightly divided so for us who are here in the gospel today we hear it in light of the scripture that has been rightly divided and then the last one does it show the end of the law by making the old covenant obsolete according to the book of hebrews 8 and 13. look at hebrews 8 and 13 so you'll know example under the old testament people were blessed if they were good but in the new testament we're blessed because jesus is good so does it show the end of the law by making the old covenant obsolete now look at what he says in hebrews 8 13. he says he in that he saith a new covenant he has made the first one what oh now that which decayeth and waxes old is ready to what to vanish and so that's in light of this new covenant in light of this new testament it's something that that we've got to begin to understand uh in romans chapter 15 and four that's a scripture you can also look at we understand that the old testament is uh jesus concealed but the new testament is jesus revealed and so whatsoever things were written before time were written for our learning i've already talked about that romans 15 and 4. but the bible go back to hebrews 8 13 the bible makes it clear uh look at the nlt hebrews 8 13 look at the entity you have to understand that it's obsolete somebody says why is the old testament obsolete because the new testament says so look what he says when god speaks of a new covenant it means he has made the first one obsolete he speaks of a new one the first one is obsolete it is now out of date and will soon disappear how do you get clearer than that you have to make your mind up to read that and to listen to that so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna stop right here put a pen and then i'm picking up next week and what we're gonna do next week we're gonna actually show you what was true under the old testament and how it changed when jesus came what was true under the old testament here and how it changed when jesus came and i want you to be people be prepared to take notes because i'm gonna go over several things on the old testament this was true but under the new testament now this is true the bible doesn't contradict itself it's just saying in this particular testament that was the truth but under the new one this is the truth and some so what as christian people we're tempted to mix them and the bible says do not do that the worst thing you can do is to mix the old and the new together because you know what you get zero that's what you get so it's going to be awesome don't miss a thing uh share this message with people uh we've got two more services today and get people to join in and hear this thing over and over and over and over again rededicate yourself to the things of god in fact let's pray that prayer right now father i come before you right now in the name of jesus and i pray for all of my friends and partners and members of world changers this morning and i ask that there will be such a stirring on the inside of their hearts that they're ready to walk with you they're ready to let go of the fables of the past they're ready to hear you jesus and i thank you lord that our lives are never going to be the same again that we will be defenders of the cross as we walk in love towards others but as we bear witness of the truth even in our lives even as a living epistle that people can look at our lives and see the difference blessings upon those who are part of this service today and i pray that the word was massively anointed in their lives and in their homes today and that something by the holy spirit happened that will be eternal in jesus name and in fact for those right now lord that they don't know you as their lord and personal savior and those of you who have not been saved and you want to give your heart to jesus while we're praying just say this simple prayer after me heavenly father i realize that i'm a sinner i realize i don't deserve anything from you but i believe god i believe in your son jesus i believe that he's the only way to you and i accept him as my lord and savior jesus come into my heart sit on the throne of my life save me and so by faith i declare that i am saved and i receive the gift of righteousness right now in jesus name thank you lord for saving me amen now if you prayed that prayer with me i want you to text the key word i'm saved that's one word to 51555. you provide some information for me your name and email address and i want to send you a free ebook as a gift for you today and it's going to be awesome we celebrate your salvation today uh go in the comment section and and tell them you know what i just got saved so we can celebrate with you and welcome you to the family of god amen well it is offering time it is it is time to complete our worship and i i just don't believe that worship is complete without gift-giving it's just something about me saying this over and over and over and over and over and over again because offering has been turned into this kind of like you know i got to give this in order for god to do that and and that's that's not what it is i know the bible says as long as the earth remains seedtime and harvest uh summer and winter and day and night shall not cease i understand the principle of a farmer sowing a seed into the ground and getting a harvest i understand that and that will happen but it's the motivation behind all of that that we cannot be motivated by the wrong motivations we give because of our gratitude and our thanksgiving and our appreciation to god for what he has already done see that's in light of the new testament i'm giving out not out of necessity under the old covenant maybe out of necessity but in the new testament the bible says don't give out a necessity for god loveth a cheerful giver and so i'm a giver that's giving because i i'm grateful to what god's already done he's already blessed me he's already healed me he's already delivered me he's a mediator of a better covenant he's done enough for me to say i want to bless you with my with gifts that you have given into my life and right behind you worshiping god without any motive of god doing something for you right behind that then the bible when he says seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and then all these other things shall be given unto you it's like jumping in the water and never have to worry about getting wet because the wet comes with the water when you give out of appreciation with for god you don't have to worry about blessings coming your way it's attached to that time of worship to god and i believe today as you worship god with your gifts that you do it out of a sincere heart of gratitude and appreciation and honor father i thank you for this time to give and that our worship is being complete because of how we do what we do today recognizing what you've already done and for that lord we give you worship and praise in jesus name now if you're given through text you can text world changes space and then the amount to 74483 you can also dial the number on your screen eight six six four seven seven seven six eight three to give you can also give online uh at uh world changers or creflo dollar ministries you can use your paypal and some things there and some people still like the old-fashioned way of um you know mailing it or bring it to the church it's 2500 burdette road college park georgia we are grateful and thankful for your participation uh you would be blown away to see how we have ministered to the people in our community and around this world um your giving has enabled us to feed a lot of people people are out of their jobs and a lot of things are happening and we're able to take care of those families this past week we have we had a lot of folks to show up for groceries and we were so grateful that we were able to put it in their hands thank you guys for allowing us to to be able to minister to people that need it the most and so we appreciate all that you do for this ministry and god bless you and may god's riches and best continue to be yours as you seek him first it's an awesome thing to be a world changer in this day and time amen at this time i want you to take note of some announcements i'm sure they will bless you and i'll see you right after for the final [Music] blessing hello world changers family thanks for joining us online today we appreciate your commitment to stay connected until we can be face to face again but hey one thing is for sure we miss you all right and we want to keep you in the know so stay tuned right there for the latest happenings and events world changers nation be sure to spread the word about our new sunday service times what new sunday service times that's right airing every sunday at 10 a.m 2 p.m and 6 p.m eastern for your viewing you can stream via facebook youtube or websites or via the tv app so start a streaming party and invite your family and friends to service as always we look forward to seeing you online sermon songs is back and this time we're getting face to face with our emotions sermon songs volume 4 delivers new music from creflo dollar featuring jordan dollar exploring the different dimensions of our emotions from fear to faith and everything in between and how we can conquer all of them through christ so visit today to get a sneak peek of what sermon songs volume 4 is all about and be on the lookout for emotions live a conversation on mastering your emotions all right world changers it's testimony time testimony and this week yowanda kendricks has a special message to share with you let's take a listen hi my name is ewanda i have been so blessed to be a member of this ministry i am loving to life my ability to join in the morning prayers for your telephone and participate in the daily confessions via youtube especially now during this challenging time i can recall receiving a devastating all one night regarding my sister who had been involved in a very serious vehicle accident the caller on the other end was screaming and crying all i could hear was that they could not get my sister to respond and that someone may have died not knowing what to do that word just sprang up in me as i remember pastor dollar declaring god's wisdom and guidance in our life he had read 2nd thessalonians 1 and 7 estates so you who are troubled rest with us the next thing i heard was the holy spirit saying peace be still after that portions of my daily confessions from psalms 91 began to resonate as i started saying that i will not dread any disaster that strikes at midday and that my system is covered and protected by god's outstretched arms the holy spirit on me don't answer any more calls he said just peace be still i kept watching the broadcast and making my confessions letting peace rule when the holy spirit released me to receive those i learned that my sister was not injured and the other person who ran into her ass of mine i could not help but say thank you god where would i be if i had not received that word and passed it down i am ever great listen yo wanda thank you for sharing your testimony with us now your story is a living example of what happens when we put our faith in action well that blessed me [Music] [Laughter] what's that oh it's changing our world news now have you heard because of your support our back to school drives around the world were able to help thousands of kids have the tools they need for a successful school year so take a look at this video from our atlanta georgia schools drive let's take a look now if you want to get involved in our next drive simply visit we want to thank you again for your continuous support it helps us continue to reach people throughout this time of physical separation now don't forget to check out to hear our new music from errol records and make sure to follow the three b's this week be connected be informed and be in touch be connected online for the word be informed of upcoming events through these announcements and be in touch by connecting with us on facebook instagram or twitter throughout the week you can also give us a call at 770-210 now even though we can't be together in person we are still world changers and we want to hear from you you'll be blessed world changers have a great week praise god amen well guys thank you so much for joining us today take this thing listen to it over and over again and i just believe healing hit people's house today definitely we just believe that you got exactly what you need you got your week started off in a great way and so you put the word of god first and did what matters the most amen well god bless you have an epic day now unto him who's able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the almighty god be glory majesty dominion and power now and forever and everybody said amen god bless you we'll see you [Music] [Applause] [Music] soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 45,410
Rating: 4.8932843 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: xdkBNdR8muw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 34sec (4774 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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