The creepiest world in Minecraft.. (it changed)

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i'm tired of this [Music] such a big mistake you totally should be doing this [Music] shouldn't be doing this guys [Music] oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god [Music] i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it one bit um oh i don't like it guys oh my god what's over there oh don't want to know don't want to know what was over here again who god that goes deeper into the earth the sign is still here it still says the same thing there's still the cross what does it mean i don't oh i'm not going down there either okay guys uh so far not really seeing him um not sure why uh kind of worried but he's not showing himself to us no more uh yeah i think when i was coming down here i seen a steve head that's what creeped me out oh come on yeah um we're not seeing him no more why why is that happening why is he not showing himself he he murders us torments us and he disappears that's great that's real great that's gonna be brilliant to deal with all right so we checked out his lair he wasn't there big surprise big surprise um okay bad news for us essentially uh we have no clue what he's up to what he's doing um was i ultimately prepared to take him out really i think i need more iron so what we might start doing is some mining of our own uh yeah i'm not gonna talk about that wolf right now but what i will do is i will go pay my respect to flash in this episode um since he does have a proper grave not in the best way not in the best way mind you is uh very sad how that came to be but uh we're gonna at least pay him properly let's see what this warner in trader has first he has uh some pumpkins see some stands for fire core we don't really need that i just wish the wondering traders could have something more like efficient for yourself as a player not a bunch of like random like what's the point in using a bucket of tropical fish like what is what what do people use that for in minecraft i don't know but um we got some nice llamas here sir i'm taking one of your llamas hope you don't mind he seems like a nice creature he doesn't move or do anything but he seems nice um yeah so we we do need to patch up a creeper explosion that did happen i got plenty of dirt that i've been collecting from these explosions and all kinds of other stuff um let's see boom boom boom at least get this fixed up slightly um okay i got one cobblestone here that will fix that up a little bit and it's raining that's great that's great anyways i want to pay respect to uh flash's grave rope what i'm i'm tired of this [Music] at this point it's a mind game it's it's a mind game it's not like [Music] i've never dealt with something like this guys his grave is completely gone you gotta be kidding [Music] guys i just realized there's an upstairs to this house oh never mind there's not it just looked like it oh i'm tired of these like weird mind games that this villager is playing on us he won't show himself guys we've been trying so hard to get this villager to show himself to us and he refuses to do that on top of refusing to do that he is playing mind games with his twisted games dark games playing on the death of our dog flash that is so twisted and dark that like i can't even imagine this happening like this is so dark and the fact that he removed his grave is even more messed up he's just [Music] you remember how i was telling you guys about deleting this world well after this video goes up i'm going to look at the comments and there's a lot of people saying fine we're going to do it final guys like here's where i don't want to know [Music] go to the comment section [Music] do we delete this world yes or no and you know usually i'm like guys you got to show support if you want to keep the series going be sure to like the video share with friends and family so we can keep it going uh but this is i i i don't know if you guys know this past people i've not even been like oh guys be sure to like the video because it's been so dark it's been so s i don't know i'll tell you what guys i'm calling the community on this one community assistance if you guys think we should delete this world comment below yes you ain't got to comment nothing else i know a lot of people some you might be one of those people that don't like to talk a bunch of comments you just like to kind of watch the video um if you could at least put yes or no um and that's it really in the comments that would help out a lot uh because we're kind of at a turning point here guys and i'm about to pull the trigger on it for deleting this world once and for all and for good or if we are going to continue so um delete the world yes or no post in the comment section below um [Music] to me it's getting a bit much it's getting into much if we don't decide to delete this world how are we going to find this villager if we're ever going to find him again but if we stay on this world or like if we do decide to do i don't know guys i'm getting confused here but essentially what i'm saying is either we figure out a way to crack this mystery or we leave it behind because it's a bit too much for us at the time um how are we gonna get this villager to appear to us it seems like he's in more control he has abilities that are just insane i mean we watched him build structures in the matter of a split of a second we have watched him manipulate and hurt the villagers and attack us in ways that are beyond what i could comprehend so one thing's for sure i need to get started if we're going to continue this i do need to get started on getting some iron and stuff let's let's take a quick look here yep i know i know i know please hate those things all right so um i want to make sure i didn't skip out on no iron up here because that's very important let's make sure okay that's a pretty brief cave actually it seems like i've seen iron on the surface somewhere i'm not going back to that the layer of that horrible creature i'm calling him he's not even a villager he's a he's a creature of like terror oh hello hello what's this jesus give me the spooks all right we can always use more coal speaking of which i need to optimize my inventory a little bit more slightly more map there's a giant cave near here and that's for sure what if we find a cave connecting to his lair oh god because this all isn't very far away from the villager so i've been reading a lot of comments saying we need to go deeper in the cave we need to fully explore the cave inside and out to the max and you might be right and honestly i've been thinking about that too and we might be pulling the trigger on that one in the next part or so oh this looks great well let's get on in there safely oh perfect it's almost like i walked right to where i needed to go all right my pickaxe is about to break but if i can get enough to mine out these pieces of iron ah so close guys but that's enough iron to get me a better pickaxe so uh that's the first step that we needed we needed a better pickaxe so now we gotta get back smelt this stuff and hope that our house hasn't been tampered with uh knowing what's going on here i wouldn't hold it against this creepy villager [Music] anyways [Music] you
Channel: O1G
Views: 16,667
Rating: 4.9401822 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Pocket Edition, The creepiest world in Minecraft, Creepy Minecraft, Minecraft Creepy, Scary, Creepy, Scary Minecraft, Minecraft Scary, Scary Minecraft Worlds, Scary Minecraft Videos, Minecraft Videos Scary, Scary Videos, Creepy World, Villager, Creepy Villager, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: CEXkxymQo9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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