Creepy Villager killed me in Minecraft..(this is it)

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words cannot describe what we have experienced i don't really i don't think this is something we should be dealing with uh or even messing with for that reason but this is what we do here um the sad moments that have occurred i just i i'm telling you guys this is not something to play with and if you haven't seen the previous videos i'm not even gonna recommend that you go watch those usually i'm like pause this one go watch them they're so twisted so dark and scary that i don't i don't know if i can recommend people to go watch them like that's how serious this has been but what i want to do is i want to just maybe get that potential chance that that possibility that we can find this cursed villager again and this time seize the opportunity to kill him once and for all that's really all i can try to do um that's what i'm going to be aiming for uh i i think this could be a big mistake it could but we're gonna try to go back to the cursed villagers lair the creepy villager cursed villager i don't know whenever he killed the wolf it said cursed villager so like i i'm wondering like is he a creepy villain what what what is his correct i guess we should call him cursed villager but i'm still calling him curse our creepy villager because this world is called creep so that's just how i'm sticking with it at least so yeah there's always bad news here rest in peace to flash we're going to get down to the bottom of this we're going to end this and uh well i am on alert i know all i have is an iron sword i know that and i know i'm probably not prepared to what's going to surf okay the cave sounds are kicking in that means this cave is massive i imagine we do we even hit a dead end over here we did notice there was no steve heads no redstone anything just kind of around here actually does it okay this is 100 a dead end doesn't look like it really goes to anything so we probably don't have to worry right i mean this is a part of the cave where maybe we can be yourself maybe we can just not have to deal with nothing so i want to be very careful i didn't even check to see if it was night time i just rushed in here because my main intention today was let's try and settle this i'm just coming in with a a mentality that probably is going to get it's good guys i'm going to get myself in a predicament all right so we went over there and then there's this [Music] nope nope nope nope nope come on he keeps on knocking me off into the lava no my stuff [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so unbelievable guys unbelievable every time we go to that cave something horrible happens now i gotta go back to the cave to try and redeem some of my items that i probably just lost like all the good stuff now we're far from oh my god guys that was foolish of me to think that i could walk in there and not get killed instantly i i thought i was trying to attack him but it wasn't doing anything it was like i was hitting nothing so like that is just great that's great guys that is really just a wonderful experience and of course he's not here just as anticipated he put lava all up on us there was literally water there i could have jumped in didn't see it because i was panicking this is great and my hair is up where's the zombie i still have a stone sword that's really it one of my tridents surprisingly i kept my bow too and my four arrows we really need to get rid of this all right where are you zombie i'm hearing skeletons and zombies guys at what point like how are we gonna stop this thing he's just so strong like yeah no i'm not doing that one well i definitely am not going to kill him now if we found out that our swords pretty much doesn't do nothing to him like let me check something over here guys i was making sure the footage didn't get corrupt because the footage has been getting corrupted i'm not sure what's been up with that either guys i can't tell you guys the amount of times where like i try to record footage and something insane happens like just now and it doesn't capture it like the footage is just like frozen the frames are just frozen and then i end up losing the footage and you guys don't get to see like a crazy episode um which is not much we can really do about it this stuff happens when it happens and when it doesn't happen it just doesn't there's been countless episodes where we went back to that cave been perfectly safe had no issue whatsoever and then there's been times like now that's just absolutely ruined us uh in every possible way it's just been horrible so oh my god guys this this village is just so some people have been claiming i've been reading the comments people have been claiming that the bell when they've been on this world the bell will ring itself when no one's around it now that does not sound safe that does not sound safe at all like what do you mean the bell rings when no one's around it i don't know guys well that was our first death actually believe it or not and i'm pretty upset about it because we've went so far without dying the the villager never attacked us like he only did things to like kinda hurt us but he never attacked us and we couldn't kill him like jesus i don't know why that scared me i'm on edge right now guys i am literally i'm so spooked for no reason actually there is a reason because of what just happened but oh my god this stupid piece of dirt will not turn i've been waiting forever um [Music] another wolf oh my god why are so many wolf spawning that's so annoying it's sad you know um all right i'm looking at the the wall here guys i i need to fix some of this up here this village is just very much so just all kinds of wrong like it needs to be patched up [Music] there's something we can work on i guess but we got all this i don't know if this is from creeper explosions or what it is but we're getting there all right it's gonna take time but we're gonna gradually bring this village back up to where it needs to be and hopefully once everything's said and done and we find a way to kill this cursed villager we can you know we can pretty much just restore the village back get the villagers back i don't know how you bring villagers back to a village i guess you have to find zombie villagers and then cure them and then it can start kind of they can start working in the village again taking the roles and then proceeding forth from there and i think this might be what we have to do like if we ever find a zombie villager we need to make sure we keep him locked up in one of the houses till we can cure him uh because if we find us a mob spawner we might be able to find an apple a golden apple or we could just make one ourself by the gold resources we find uh and then we can make the little potion of healing or whatever you do to fully get your butt out of here also i i don't know the update on that one villager that we found the creeper villager i don't know the update on that that was just a weird occurrence a weird spawn i have not seen anything else in reference to it so uh that was something that kind of weirded me out too i know a lot of people were asking about that i don't really know what's going on with that uh so right now guys we're dealing with getting killed on and off by this villager he's given us much trouble more trouble than we need to be receiving from him right now but we don't really have a say in that for that matter so i'm gonna patch up the village i'm going to then start regaining my items maybe get full armor this time because obviously what i have had recently hasn't been doing me too much of a favor hasn't been working out too much so um i need to increase my armor uh full iron maybe because it took him some hits to kill us guys in the lava we just the lava really helped him out more than it should have to be honest but it is what it is right so i gotta think how i'm gonna do this because this house here is in an awkward position guys and i'm thinking about uh actually i could do i could just kind of continue that downward um i mean that would work or i could just put a ladder so you can crawl up that way but then you could fall off very easily this cliff here it's predicament guys this is going to take a lot of construction getting this village to a functionable level uh despite its oddities um guys we got to get our items together i was gonna do that previously at least i didn't lose my potatoes that's good let's see what i have in my chest up here okay that's great [Music] no backups [Music] you
Channel: O1G
Views: 18,663
Rating: 4.9311767 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Pocket Edition, Creepy, Scary, Villager, Creepy Villager, Minecraft Scary, Scary Minecraft, Scary Minecraft Villager, Minecraft Villager Scary, Minecraft Village, Minecraft Scary Videos, Scary Minecraft Videos, Minecraft Videos Scary, Minecraft Videos, Videos Minecraft, Creepy villager killed me in Minecraft, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: UXvgxBHamgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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