Prepping for the worst AFTER 5" of rain! 🥺⛈

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this is just really insane Market is literally stuck you're not you're not well this is this doesn't look very good we dodged that bullet [Music] well this is what we have here for like the last three days that's what we've had is rain rain actually yeah pretty much off and on I'm gonna say it hasn't rained that that much but I don't know we probably had close to three inches now the river is getting very high so of course Lawrence is a little worried now that everything's planted on the River Bottom the worst thing that could happen is that the river would get out oh gosh um I think it's supposed to stop tomorrow so we um we just haven't been able to do much this week other than stuff in the house and went to our friend Jimmy's and bought more Tech because we needed that right we did we needed some rains and such and um so now we're heading to town run a couple more errands in the rain we did get to go to gyms yesterday for a little short practice for Austin it was raining then too but um that went really well and hopefully the weather's going to be good enough for us to go practice again this weekend and get out and stretch our legs and stretch the horse's legs well the horses are in and out of the barn they have access to the barn so and rip uh update rip update that's what I haven't done rip is doing much better he's I mean I would say he's back to normal normal self everything's everything's going in and coming out the way it should so really not exactly sure what happened there other than obviously alcoholic could have been a lot worse so very happy about that situation Okay one minute 56 seconds so we're in town and here's a good picture of the river and she is Muddy money in full this is just really insane y'all on the drive home it's like flooding around here Fields were full I mean this has all happened we left less than two hours ago and it was not raining like this in town this is bad because it's rained almost two inches it's rained almost two right at two inches since we left home less than two hours ago Lauren said he was up at our mom's Farm and um trying to kill some groundhogs and it was just missing and then it just kind of started it got heavier and heavier and it just hasn't stopped I guess it's just sitting right over this area right here oh my gosh oh boy y'all well we'll see completely how this goes yikes everything's um washing washing bad turn out to be a good night to make a big pot of vegetable soup it doesn't seem like a summer thing and I guess it's not but it's a rainy it's 60. what is it it's 60 well 67. rainy not typical summer weather so not typical summer food yum Duke said please let me have a bowl of that please let me have something around here okay what's a puppy gotta do to get something something y'all he's getting so big I just can't get over how big he's getting gosh look at how big he is a short order of that mineral day okay you can put it on that I'm trying to get my foot up it's literally stuck okay okay come on foot sorry I'm doing the best I can hot humid muddy to beat the band I couldn't pull in here so we hand washed them out good job good job okay hey kids wake up oh boy extra help today our friend Brantley is here bless her heart we always end up putting her to work is that it good job thank you Brantley I'm on a gate balls for a minute um they only got to put one in the bull lot I told him when we pulled up here we gotta look out because it's wasp season again y'all it's wasp season I haven't seen many yet but they'll be here they always are dirt all over me hey lady [Music] oh [Music] come on [Music] [Music] oh my gosh this is interesting it's always something Austin's pumping oh my gosh I took the big pump out so we'd have room for minerals so now we got this little Mickey Mouse thing [Music] [Laughter] oh my gosh it's really good all right ladies enjoy I gotta I got a quail in the woods okay y'all it um kind of a strange few days the weather's been icky we've had almost five inches of rain over the last I don't know four days we were supposed to have practice yesterday it got rained out at the last minute so we ended up having a relaxing day um a nice break honestly and we went to a local place it's called Aunt Millie's if you're from around here it's it's like locally famous for its Pizza best pizza I've ever had and um banana splits and we got the banana split and we've only done that once and the kids were little and they didn't even remember and um hold on I got traffic coming up here traffic has in a hunter one of our friends on his four-wheeler anyway um and this Banana Split is literally as big as your head bigger bigger I'll show a picture and I posted it online the fact is we finished it y'all it is easily enough for six to eight people the four of us ate it all and it was so good so that was a fun treat and today's been pretty slow too so I'm getting a walk in honestly I haven't been doing the best I kind of got out of the habit of getting my walking I've been trying to get my workouts in a few times a week at least three to five but um wasn't always hitting my steps so I'm trying to get back at it I feel better about all the things I can promise you all the ice cream I ate yesterday well we're just letting it go because we still gotta live y'all we still gotta live and enjoy good things like banana splits once every 10 years this is a beautiful sight Lawrence is mowing the grass for me I didn't know if it was too wet but evidently it's not so I've been pulling a few weeds look what's blooming I don't know what this variety is called but they're so pretty to me day lilies and uh wheat cat mat uh more butterfly well they're um what you call these snowball bushes woo I think they're gonna fill in nicely and I was just looking see that right there I don't even know what that is I planted that one and I think that's the same thing a few years ago and I thought they were gonna die and I don't even remember what they are and I'm afraid that's a bad spot so I might have to move it but um look I've got one bloom on this I mean it bloomed out early of course and now that's when this one showed up I think I need to trim it it's like going way up there anyway I just enjoy walking around looking at the things makes me happy got lots of stuff coming in here those are about to pop those are about to pop and those are about to pop those are pretty too right okay pasta's going crazy Fern I thought it was dead begonias oh my look what I've done kill the ivy and I'm steadily oh that is so dry okay let me give you a drink I have a tendency to forget about this yep that's what happened last year and they everything I had in it died I had different stuff I had herbs tried that yeah I'll show you my herb garden in a second it's doing lovely okay are you ready for this you're not ready for this is my Earth Garden this is what we have we have dead cilantro I already killed the oregano and the time or whatever it was oh well I just can't yeah I just can't I might as well just put it out of its misery I just can't remember I just can't remember to water these things I don't know why I have problems so we'll just let that be luckily this doesn't need a lot of water but maybe a little bit and he's all gonna go out here and pick up something we just dropped uh so we just filled out the sprayer he is going down what we call our Moss bottom well not the bottom the top actually it's rain burned down on The Barley field so we can spray I mean so we can seed the words are not coming to me so we can see beans that's the plan this week if the weather cooperates we are under a severe weather advisory for the rest of this afternoon and tonight I do see clouds coming in just watched a little clip from a weather thingamajiggy on my phone and um we're we're in a whole swath in the Mid-Atlantic that could see 70 mile an hour winds possible strong hail a very low risk of tornadoes so I told Austin after I I've been on the computer all day it's already like two something after I get my workout in we will probably bring the horses in in a little while I don't want them outside if it's going to be bad I got Wesley dropped off at church this morning first thing so he is heading to the mountains of Virginia he's gonna be right on the Kentucky line in Wise Virginia at Youth Camp so he's going to be there all week Austin is going to gyms but because of the weather we're postponing it a couple days it's supposed to be kind of yucky today and tomorrow so she's gonna go for the latter Heart part of the week and maybe we're going to be able to get some seed in the ground we'll see this is what this is what I see right now looks like potential for something to build up um hydrangea y'all I love these hydrangea they're called um I can't remember the exact variety it's a lace cap variety I just love them and it's the kind that you don't bring back it grows off of Old growth comes back off of Old growth so anyway I've had these for years and years took them a long time to get any size to them but they finally have how are you today Bonnie so pretty pretty girl okay um since the storm is coming he finished up spraying he said we need to get over here and get this auger down just in case there is high wind because that would be horrible that would be horrible projectile and that thing could get twisted up and anyway so we're getting ready to do that it is warm isn't it it's warm warm very warm all caps oh me well this doesn't look very good oh my gosh what's wrong with old gray okay sounds great [Music] go forward that way that way laughs all right yes we know it's close to the power line you want me to do it the drag here is all tangled up and that's um evidently he wants to work on it right now it's just tight as a tent okay we got that one but um the one in the middle is messed up but it's run through it so I don't know about that came up here to put my truck under the barn we're gonna move the tractor the tractor won't start so anyway it's pulled up as far as we can get it there's a possibility for an inch and a half panel I mean like you said usually they blow stuff up like this and nothing happens but the day that I don't actually take some precautions we'll get a bad storm now we're going to get the horses and bring them up so they'll be next to the barn just in case okay I should have videoed that they ran up there we painted them behind the mule and they just ran up there to the water glad to have all that done we're prepared as we can be we'll see hopefully it doesn't do anything that would be the best case scenario exciting day exciting day y'all so we just just got this from the UPS man this beautiful six quart ice cream maker it's wood Nostalgia definitely Nostalgia here um I'm so excited I used to have I've had electric ice cream makers so you know we have that I have that um like two and a half quart or four quart two and a half quart whatever it is it's small two quart two and a half quart okay stop mayor uh Cuisinart tabletop countertop ice cream maker and I love that and I've been using it some more this summer but I really wanted something bigger to be able to make a big batch specifically for July 4th coming up and um so I got online because I had one and a couple years ago it broke the motor died that was it kaput and that's when I bought the other one but I knew they were expensive but so I got online last week and I did a search and lo and behold these suckers are on sale at Home Depot right now for sixty dollars it was either 60 or 69 whatever really good price for a really nice electric ice cream maker so if anybody's interested in that I'll put the link um I mean I'm not there's no there's no commission or anything but if somebody out there wants one I want to help you get one so I'll put the link in the description um where I found it all right stay tuned ice cream coming up in the next few days I gotta get some rock salt I gotta get some more cream I gotta get some half and half I gotta get some ice all the things we don't even have enough ice in our freezer for our glasses it's supper half the time so I definitely have to buy ice for this but worth it who's the cutest puppy say my name is Duke that's who all right y'all we're out getting a walk in after supper Sun's going down I don't know it's gonna do anything or not go boys go and girl I forgot Claire's in the mix I don't know where Bonnie is she must have tagged out there she is she was waiting she said it's too hot and I'm too old Ma it's too hot and I'm getting too old so I'll just wait back here home for you okay y'all well light of day absolutely nothing not a drop of rain no wind ghosts we missed we missed that we dodged that bullet that's what I'm trying to say so that's good you see it necessarily feels cooler though it's still pretty warm and y's off just got him hooked up he's heading to get bean seed and I reckon we're gonna be we're gonna be planting soybeans this afternoon get the rest of them in the ground so that'll be good and then hopefully we're going to practice this afternoon and going to drop off Austin for a few days at Jim's for for an impromptu horse camp I know she's excited so that is what's on the agenda today we'll see we'll see how it goes [Music] thank you thank you
Channel: This Farm Wife - Meredith Bernard
Views: 64,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, farm wife, farm life, farm living, john deere, farmher, ranching, ranch life, women in ag, woman farmer, women farming, Meredith Bernard, This Farm Wife, farming videos, cattle farming, small farms, old farm equipment, farmall, farming with old equipment, farming in US, farming in America, US Farming, mom, parenting, lifestyle, vlog, how to
Id: k89QNToN1BY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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