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foreign [Applause] I've got about 45 minutes left of daylight foreign holy smokes good spot as any right here tucked in what is that there's something here cool there's an animal here foreign foreign foreign I love how easy it is to set up those tents the snow is what's getting me today there's a ton of snow here it's not a very big stove so it'll be a good challenge for me tonight managing my wood but it's a good size for this tent this tent it's not very big so it can get super hot foreign I gotta pull that out [Music] foreign here and I've got one of these steaks with a screw on the end excellent that'll be nice and strong now four falling out the side of my tent here where the wood stove is nice and tight away from the stove that's perfect foreign check out my beard for ostia holy smokes and right here on the outside of my sweater too it's all frosted up my body heat is escaping and it's making it to the outside of the sweater which is a good thing like I like to stay warm and I am staying warm in this wool but at the same time my body heat when I'm moving like this escapes and it frosts up on the outside of the wool foreign foreign [Music] foreign one of the big reasons why I love cots is that you can keep things underneath the cot this needs to dry so I'm going to expose this to heat the stove for a little while and then I'll I'll puff up my sleeping bag on top of it which I have underneath of my cot right now so it's uh it's supper time so the amount of heat that's released into the tent because of these glass walls is incredible like it's it's excessive almost it's a lot of heat if this was all stainless steel the stove would be nice and hot but not as hot as it is with the glass sides it's a really really cool feature it makes for a beautiful glow in the tent and I just love it I love using these stoves because they're so unique and you can just really dial it in I think I'm just going to put right about there slow it down a bit prepare myself some supper [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign wow um a processed hamburger just grind it in the pan some hash browns an onion and then topped off with a smoky and you got to get crispy you have to get it crispy flip it crispy flip it amazing let me know some of your favorite meals like this where you just throw stuff together and fry it all up because I'll try some if you guys let me know of a meal that just sounds to me like heaven when I'm out camping I'll do it it's just so easy right you just throw it in the pan fry it put it on your plate you can't go wrong good foreign comes it's not going to pull that out it's a good load of wood right there I might bring just a little bit more in because I feel like I'm going to have to fill this up every three to four hours overnight but we shall see that's pretty decent there I think I've got three to four stove loads there minus 20 Celsius it's about minus five Fahrenheit [Music] [Music] foreign I had to take off my uh my sweater and my hoodie it's got to be a million degrees in here these tents get hot and stay hot and they are very very very good at what they do there is no doubt these tents are do what they're supposed to do I'm drinking uh tea it's a ginger tea and I've decided that tea is better for me than coffee and uh the reason why I decided that is because I was just like pounding the coffee back I was drinking so much coffee like three a day and I love it and I've been drinking coffee for 30 35 years and uh I sometimes I get on these you know these tea kicks and tea I find it's just cleaner right it's like a cleaner caffeine fix and there's no caffeine in this this is just a ginger tea which I I'm really starting to like it's just a really nice hot flavorful drink to have after supper and but in the morning I'm drinking like a red rose like an orange Pico or an Earl Gray and sometimes green tea as well and I've completely replaced coffee with tea and I don't know how long I'll do it for but I'm really enjoying it I do feel like I'm missing something sometimes I'm like oh man just like that coffee you know that bitter bite from coffee and uh and there's times when I do miss it a bit but I'm I'm making a real effort to go to tea I just feel like it's a bit better for me I don't know what do you guys like do you prefer coffee over tea or tea over coffee and or do you prefer [Music] um like a cappuccino or like a Frappuccino or a latte or any of that stuff I like a black tea and I like a black coffee once or twice a year especially when I'm out camping I'll watch happy people a year in the tiger it's one of my favorite documentaries of all time it's really inspiring and it's about these Trappers who live in the extreme cold and live in these small little cabins and these little Huts there's just something about watching these Trappers and Hunters go out into the bush into the deep deep snow and deep Deep Woods for months on end by themselves completely surviving off of the land they are excellent at trapping and building skis and building snowshoes and building huts and they're inspirational 112 degrees Fahrenheit 45 degrees Celsius this is the hottest tent in the world there is no doubt this is the hottest tent in the world I can tell you guys right now that there's no way I'm going to leave this tent at that temperature I've closed off the stove it really is just to show you that you can get this tent as hot as you want it even when it's minus 20 minus 25 outside you know what minus 35 minus 40 outside you can still do it in one of these tents these little stoves just crank the Heat anyway I'll see you guys in the morning [Music] foreign [Music] I had an excellent sleep last night I slept for about five hours I went to sleep pretty late around 1am and then I slept until about six like in and out of sleep but okay and then I reloaded the stove the stove went five hours now the thing is is I think it was a little bit chilly in this tent but I was like very hot in my sleeping bag I slept with my wool underwear on long underwear and I was really warm in that sleeping bag and uh so I actually had the windows open for a bit and I didn't have the stove even cranked if I was in a sleeping bag that wasn't rated to minus 35 then I probably would have been a little bit cooler and then once I opened up the windows reloaded the stove and turned it like way down I slept for two and a half hours like out like a light I could like feel myself snoring I I must have been snoring because I was sleeping so hard woke up at 8 30 and thought that is the most comfortable bed in the world right now I am not getting out so I threw another couple of pieces on the stove and lay back down and slept for another hour and a half and just like conked out so I slept till 10. I got quite a bit of coals in here which should keep me a bit toasty while I'm packing everything up and then when the time comes hopefully it's pretty much out and then I can put it back beautiful day beautiful day this one here now this one here he was anchored in pretty good just in snow you give that a bit of time and it's going to get even harder to pull out yes perfect I really like how when the snow fell off of the tent last night there's no way it could go in right because I just pulled these anchors down foreign yeah these tents are excellent [Music] my pathway from yesterday which was super soft is now nice and hard and perfectly groomed thanks to the snowshoes and the sled This Is The Life This Is The Life [Music] well that's it folks I can't believe this video is coming to an end already but it is and I had an awesome time I really did had I had a great time and I hope you guys did too and and if you did I'd love for you to hit the like button and you know I think like 80 of people who watch this channel haven't subscribed so if you're one of those who's been on the fence you've watched a few of my videos I would love for you to subscribe it would mean a lot to me and uh it would just carry this channel further and just motivates me to go out and do more of these videos so yeah I'd really appreciate that thanks so much for watching I'll be back really soon
Channel: jay legere
Views: 490,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hot tent, extreme camping, camping, winter camping, tent with stove, rbm outdoors, bear tent, extreme cold, extreme hot tent, jay legere, snowshoeing, deep snow, winter, fire, wood stove, camp cooking, chopping wood, snow, snowing, cold, cold camping
Id: EezMYEVpZx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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