Backcountry Wilderness Basecamp for 3 Nights Alone with my Dog

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everything's good buddy I promise we owe you it's midnight we're gonna start a trip right now I'm really excited for this adventure this will be the longest we've been out together we came in last night found a flat spot on the ground and kind of slept there we got up this morning we've been paddling and portaging burning a lot of energy Wolf's been a super good boy this whole time I'm really pleased really happy with them the whole point of this trip is to paddle into a spot and set up a nice base camp for a few nights I want to make my own Camp I want to make it comfortable then we're going to go and explore the lakes around here hopefully catch some trout and just spend a lot of time together there's no bugs out yet the weather's supposed to be beautiful I've come upon this awesome site which I really like I gotta start working on it quite a bit to make it home [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] for a few reasons it's kind of level kind of level I can I can find a level-ish spot I'm going to set up a nice big tarp to Camp underneath um so I have a good open area here for Wolfie to explore for me to have this to chill and then there's a nice rock outcropping out there working on my fire pit and as you can tell the wind is kicking up the bugs aren't out yet but they have been pinging off me a little bit here and there so I assume by a couple days from now they will be with the breeze coming through this spot nice area a nice Breezy area they won't be as bad here I do want to clean up these branches it'll be good firewood but also so wolf doesn't run around poke himself on it and or the tarp I'm gonna cut them right next to the tree so that there's nothing sticking out and there's a bonus to that there's a little bit of like a Turpin tiny resin fat wood Style right up next to the tree so all this stuff can be used as firewood along with the stuff I had to remove already wolf is just being awesome foreign part of my fire pit Bulls rocks hey bonus rocks we got another one in there somewhere The Rock paw freaking J-Rock rolls up oh see I am very happy to be out here extremely happy I literally got back I woke up in Algonquin Park yesterday morning it's like six or seven hours south of where I live and um we I just did a three night trip with Tosh I was driving home my wife calls and he says we all got the flu don't come home she knows how bad my guts are she doesn't want me to get it was already a little ways home so I went home grabbed the wolf grabbed some gear and headed right out slept again last night like I said so that last night was night four sleeping outside probably do three three more nights tonight hopefully make it a weak consecutive outside and two different trips I want to keep this going guys I really do feeling good dinner oh look at that look at that view Hokey Smokey I'm really excited to try my new shelter out this is the nor tent extreme bivouac extreme I set it up at home try to test it out a little bit and there was still snow but that was no fun because I was done with winter you know done with winter anyway there's two components to this thing there's just the tarp part and then there's an internal which is in here bug screen if I need it with a bathtub floor and it just it integrates in perfectly but I don't think I need it tonight and if I do need it by the end of the trip I'll put it in but let's just set this big very um multi-use tarp up you can set it in a lot of different configurations and that wind right now of course picks up holy smokes okay the wind stopped for a second I got one end tied up um with the other up here I believe this is it it's just it I don't know again that's as far that way as it can go if not if this doesn't work I can fix it up no this should be good sorry this uh tarp rather has sides you can velcro together an awning to pull forward and it also has a stove Jack because you can make it into like a tent style I'm gonna peg this all out and set it up properly I guess I'm gonna wait a sec slap a Joe all right you need uh a few steaks well actually I want my front up I think still um [Applause] I could obviously pitch it lower and I might do that but I kind of want to pitch one side up to have like an awning type thing oh get in there oh and the wind kicks up again but lots of room we're almost done it's a different day out when the when the wind stops blowing foreign all right one more Peg down and she's good to go if it wasn't for that tree in the middle I could get a little bit more taut this guy here but it's pretty good as it is a little little sag not too much go check this out like I got so much room under here there's a stove pipe vent so you can close this all up like a tent A-frame right down right you have plenty of room under here for a couple people uh me and wolf wolf and I are gonna be super spacious and comfortable in here and if inclement weather comes looking batten down the hatches if the bugs come I can buckle it up in here the inner uh screen part which it takes up about half the room as the like this is half this is half they both weigh a couple pounds but it's pretty versatile and I'm super happy to be testing it out for a few nights I'm gonna get my uh sleeping pad and stuff in here I don't have a baby with me I brought a little girl oh I brought a ground sheet so I don't have a baby with me I brought a ground sheet anyway I'm gonna peg this down it's got grommets and tabs and make myself a nice proper little floor here it's not the most even spot all around but I do have a nice trench I already laid down in it uh where I can lay and we'll sleep on rocks and be happy he doesn't care I've got hap Wilson's book River of fire conflict and survival on the seal rubber I'm gonna read on this trip but we have to uh we have to get everything squared away and go Go Fish there's a couple portages I have to do stuff we won't have to bring a bunch of gear we'll bring a little bit we'll feel have to ride in the back of the canoe as well right here right here right here oh well because there's barely any weight in the in the pack because there's barely any weight in my backpack I put it in the front and put Wolfie in the back I scooted my seat forward so as long as he stays still back there hey sit sit Woofy as long as you say still-ish you should be okay oh my God let's see I might have to put him in the fry I just don't want to plow you know I mean I don't want to be so heavy in the front where I'm pushing the water too much good boy [Music] good boy what do you say bud how's it look up there Stay Stay you're gonna fall if you're coming closer dude well that didn't last too long it's actually not bad with him in the front I slid my seat back put the backpack in the back it's not so bad I'm not plowing that much at all I just uh every time he moved back here I didn't know what was going on because I couldn't see him no I didn't didn't want to just keep telling them to stop moving around so anyways this is working fine as you can see we're moving and we'll be at the Portage pretty soon all right First cast clone troties it's not a good time of the day two o'clock in the afternoon but it's what time I got here there's a big old dirty Portage to give you two good boy good dog um even with only a little bit of gear but anyway we're here we're gonna fish well if he's moving around quite a bit bumping the camera I try to let them go run on the shore but he wanted to come in the boat fish for him for us both into a different little spot here today this is where we are right now oh I got a bite throw a little hit nice okay that's promising okay we got one on see if we can get them in the boat looks nice looks real nice looks like a rainbow maybe or a really colorful Brookie I gotta let him a little bit Stay Stay bud foreign okay that's supper that's supper squared away oh buddy go on good good boy yes yes nope we've got well Wolf's being weird he normally eats it raw I've left a bunch there for him and he's not touching it so I'm gonna light this fire and cuck up his portion first with nothing on it and just I'm sure he'll eat it after it's cooked I don't understand why he's not eating it right now but regardless Fancy Pants husky over here fluffy pants husky use my bag of some sort a little bit of a Wind Block that wind is kicking up at an inopportune time foreign Driftwood here nice and easy he's trying to get away from the smoke a little bit of pine needles never hurt nobody he's interested now go ahead good boy yes too hot how's that working out for you this guy okay good boy all right lovely lovely I got more I'm just I'm gonna cook it one at a time as far as plenty big enough it'll last long enough and there's a lot more uh Driftwood to get if I need it strange that homie eats the skin Raw you see the head I don't really understand but whatever whatever floats your boat bud that's about done that's looking amazing what was that boy look in your chops all right we got our next piece on I'm gonna Spruce this guy up a touch a little bit of lemon juice oh man oh my God oh my God I'm so good oh it's cold more cook more Ebor [Music] of fish man I'm having a great time I was so I don't I don't do well in the winter time I'm starting to understand that like mentally but anyways she's over you know a little dirty Winters over hmm oh I'm gonna cook the rest of this up I'm gonna cook up all the skin and stuff and give it to this guy a couple bones in there nothing like spring trout I've this is all I've ever wanted to take a dog on a canoe trip it's all I've ever wanted and he is doing just so good I know I've said it a hundred times but I'm just super super happy about it super pleased with them oh let's keep that I'm glad you know there's a whole leak well this is a good little outing hey bud we're going to uh let's start making our way back slowly back to the Laker camped on I'm probably gonna fish some uh on the way out I stopped fishing as soon as I caught that uh trout and we came here and did this whole thing so um yeah only caught one fish anyways wouldn't mind pulling a couple of more out and I will definitely be throwing them back but for funsies and to get won't be in the swing of things catching fish you know I can't say good enough things about my fanny pack fanny pack Brigade [Applause] once we found something what's a snake Wolfie what are you doing foreign swamp donkey just munching on grass again I laid this out in the sun with a couple rocks on it the whole day hours and hours so she's crispy so dry she's crispy actually I am going to uh just fold this up until I'm ready to get situated in bed and stuff I got a notepad I got chargers bucks a whole nine yards but I just don't want wolf puncturing anything here so I'm gonna go [Applause] what we're gonna do I'm gonna make my fire I'm really hungry now uh eat that fish hours ago and it was a lot of work getting back here um we'll make a fire and probably make some chili the wind's died right down I'm happy for that right now because there are no bugs what again we shall we shall support your world you can see how uneven the ground is when you look back here it's herbs set up to the ground and then you've got like a foot two foot Gap almost but now I've got there to no Gap that's nice what are you doing so far away just staring at me good boy what are you doing wolf hey now he's laying down he's laying down over there so wild 75 meters out across a little like ditch thing and up on a rock laying down just looking at me so strange I don't hate it like I like it I think it's cool it's just weird he's I think he likes me you know when we were over there after I fed him all that trout he was like sticking right by my side and giving me kisses and the whole nine yards even if uh his love is comes with the I can't think of the word even though I have to buy his love of food I'll take it his love is what is the word starts with a C eils anyways I'm gonna stop worrying about that now it's going well as you can see nice night no chair today I didn't bring one I'll have to make one up tomorrow I had a lot of stuff in my backpack for Wolf and I and I figured I just brought a little piece of nylon to make a TP chair thing out of parachute chair mm-hmm that looks good why are you standing on your food bud you're standing on your food boy all right we're gonna have some real food this time not just fish it's a well made up dog food I've got one two three [Applause] hello four five six and if I feed them two of those a day it's plenty he got one this morning when we woke up and then he ate all that fish so I'm sure he's okay but I'm still gonna give him one or at least some of one this is chicken beef pumpkins uh pumpkin innards um rice peas carrots probably I think corn hold on hold on so this is freeze-dried obviously and this is the texture of it you can eat it like that if he really wants to but I'm gonna add some water to most of it for him all right sit so yeah yeah wait [Applause] wait Give Them All to that all with that now this water does not have to be warm or hot this is warm water though I mixed the hot with the cold of the lake the hot that I had left and you don't have to Mush it around either I just want to show you what it looks like so it's legit it's all really good snow sit see we hit throws his head up when I say he said sit see that good boy it's defiant but anyway uh it's all cooked not raw just so it's easier to deal with out here okay good boy [Applause] there are some mosquitoes out Wolfie trying to catch them in his mouth oh I don't know I wanted to get back on the boat and uh do a little Sunset paddle and maybe fish some more but back excuse me a little bit of problems ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha it'd be nice to lay down but maybe I'll go I can lay down when I get back we got some wood cut it's uh quarter after eight foreign for light so if I get just a little bit of this cut I'll feel better about it and we will go for a little paddle both scaled foreign I had to wake wolf up to hop out of it canoe once we got back to camp [Music] sleep is a designer so we're gonna smoke this up and uh warm put some layers on change out of my wet socks once I go to bed because I only have the one pair of boots so that should be pretty warm tonight hopefully and I should sleep pretty good too because I busted my butt today hey buddy you too you too you're my good boy my good boy huh you did a good job you did such a good job today good boy wolf good boy [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] much oh under a little crack look at me I have a chair no way no way okay Swift okay Swift we need to talk maybe we maybe a little insert like a plate that snaps on the bottom which is a plastic thing it snaps on the bottom that gives it rigidity and structure because as of now this is carbon but it's only got at least one rack that the um that it attaches to the canoe with but you know what I mean with a little bit more rigidity or structure this very well may be a highly useful thing you don't have to bring a camp chair if you're canoe or practical seat is one right here if I had flat now commodity right oh yes yes this is so good this is so good I can tighten in the back or loosen it oh so good okay I gotta put layers on my book and all that stuff but this made me happy it's the little things you know let's just move you from bed pretty awesome right the symphony Symphony of frogs my dog out there loving the fire and I get to enjoy it all [Music] nothing left to do now freaking hit the hay bud get change into those clothes like I said and uh I'm sure I'll have a nice sleep tonight as well well needed much needed some room man we're gonna go to bed now I'm gonna go to bed now this guy's killed [Music] all right folks good night I'll see you in the morning good morning it's just after six I'm gonna lay here for a little bit longer I think I had a good sleep a big brook trout Wolfie state is a big Brookie look at the size of this thing holy crap that's maybe a personal best
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 102,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, camping, winter, wintercamping, offgrid, adventure, off, grid, outdoors, wander, hiking, outside, steak, dog, tripper, scout, dutchshepherd, joerobinet, wilderness, forest, woods, fort, wild, wildcamping, tent, hammock, bivy, tarp, shelter, build, building, builder, cooking, cook, grill, bbq, food, skills, outdoor
Id: -8LDwQFHrac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 1sec (2701 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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