The MOST Petty Thing An Adult Has EVER Done!

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what was the most petty thing an adult did to you when you were younger in cub scouts we were doing the pinewood derby i worked really hard on my car my dad helped of course i had already won the first three rounds and before the final round one of the dads of the of the other kids picked up my car to hand it to me it slipped out of his hand and broke the wheels when it hit the floor i'm convinced it was not an accident and he was sabotaging my car so his kid would win this was over 30 years ago and i'm still salty about it one of my packs had to make a rule that only the parent of the scout could touch their car because stuff like this was happening way too often the pinewood derby and the other racing events were meant to build sportsmanship yet some parents take it way overboard there's a movie making fun of exactly this called down and rb yes same with my son's cub scout pack only the parent of the scout and the one person checking to see if the cars were qualified wait etc could touch the cars if this was not followed the offending party was immediately disqualified when i express my shock at this to my husband because all the families currently involved with scouts are awesome he said it was due to huge problems in the past that nearly escalated into fisticuffs that these rules were put in place so the problem was the parents not the kids as usual sai i was feeling sick one day in grade three or four and the substitute teacher wouldn't let me go to the nurse's office because i didn't look sick enough i had strep throat what are you doing strep throat i hate how much i love this comment i was in middle school at a friend's sleepover her parents were very strict she and her siblings got pulled out of public school to go to a catholic school were home sheldon high school and they scared the hell out of me anyway it was probably like 11 p.m at this sleepover and her mom hesitantly let us watch the disney movie xenon girl of the 21st century i laughed it apart and even though her parents were awake they came into the living room to scold me for being too loud not long after i took a drink of water choked and started coughing they called my parents after 11 p.m to come pick me up because i couldn't behave they had no regard for them being asleep and having jobs to get to early in the morning they wanted me out for laughing and coughing in the span of about 10 minutes my parents never let me stay the night at her house again and are still mad at them for doing that almost 20 years later sounds like they just didn't want you there and were trying yo come up with an excuse to send you home if they were that hesitant to let them watch a really tame disney movie they probably saw her as an unknown outside evil i was at an easter egg hunt when i was around six it was in a big park area with lots of rocks i saw a little chocolate egg foil glisten and ran over to pick it up as i reached my hand out to pick it up a man trod on my hand to stop me getting it then he called his kid over to find it jesus this might be the worst one on here assaulting a child over a candy my daughter was 11 and got slapped in the face by a woman at a mardi grass parade over some freaking beads i almost got arrested after that incident when i was like 9 or 10 i was rollerblading home from my mom's work right and i'm heading down 4th street and i find something like 16 on the ground a 10 a 5 and single just laying there on the sidewalk next to some outdoor seating at a cafe being the obnoxiously nice kid that i was i pick it up and kind of look around wondering if anybody lost their money that's when the lady in the weird sweater vest comes around the corner we make eye contact and i tell her i found this money and she goes huh let me see it and my naive ass is like oh yeah that makes sense she's a backslash grown up backslash she can sort this out she looks around hands me the single back puts her finger to her mouth in her shhhh gesture then she just frick us off never to be seen again and that's why i always just pocket money like a thieving little snake i don't know that it's a snake-like thing to pocket the money how are you supposed to track down the owner anyway it's not like it has their name on it and who memorizes the serial numbers on their bills you'll just get some rando claiming it's this and have to take their word for it when i was in like fifth grade i didn't put a book cover on my math book it required cutting up a paperback something similar we couldn't really afford the fancy ones and i just never did it so my math teacher took away my math book so i couldn't do homework or follow along in class like wtf who does that to a kid when my mom found out she went down to the school and raised hell about interfering with my right to an education or something the school district was terrified of her until i graduated we were required to cover our books too but the teachers who were strict about it made us do it in class like literally the day we are handed the book the teacher got out a big stack of paper bags and we'd spend 10 minutes all making book covers i like this they feel strongly about enforcing things and then supply the resources and guidance needed so that everyone can be successful i wish more people will like this grounded me for leaving a hangar on the dryer then extended it for reading while grounded then further for sleeping when told i can't read crap still pisses me off years later what were they expecting you to do stair holes into space-time continuum if only i knew even my older sister by year came out of her room to ask that same question at the time lafayette in elementary school i used to talk to the lunch lady every day and then the one day i didn't say hi she came to my lunch table and told me i was fake funny and a few other things and stopped speaking to me i still don't understand what her problem was my great-grandfather's sister was my elementary school lunchroom lady i got in trouble a few times for calling her aunt sarah instead of mrs hadn't thought about that in years thank you for triggering that memory that brought back a memory we had a school aide who always always went by grandma jane i'm not sure if it was because her granddaughter was in my class or not but we all called her grandma jane anyways we get a new principle when we are in third or fourth grade principal gave us hell and tried to give us lunch detention for calling her grandma jane keep in mind we'd been calling this lady grandma jane since we were all in kindergarten grandma jane came up to us and the principal and just flat out said something to the effect of they call me grandma jane i am grandma jane grandma jane is a badass and last time you still kicking in what must be her 80s or 90s still lives in her own home too i got in trouble in sixth grade for reading during homeroom homeroom was like a random 30 minute period to work on homework but i always did my homework the night before so i would just quietly read for some reason my homeroom teacher hated it one day she just yelled at me for always reading in her class and told me to do my homework i told her all of my homework was done she told me to prove it so i showed her all of my completed homework then she confiscated my book and sent me to the principal's office for being disrespectful i'm still salty about it i freaking hate people who equate being proven wrong is disrespectful what pisses me off the most about it is that it extends beyond the teachers power trip too by teaching their students that proving someone wrong is disrespectful they also teach them that all disagreement is bad and must be stamped out then updated facts and also innocuous differences in opinion are seen as rude and shameful frick that crap had a teacher in kindergarten threatened to expel me because i was sick and didn't show up the day before she put me on the spot in front of the whole class telling me not to lie and that she'd call the principal i cried in front of the whole class not knowing what to do apparently she wanted to win some attendance award and thought confronting a child was a good idea like bruh i was [ __ ] five still salty on how she got away with it attendance awards seem kinda stupid there's no way to predict when a student will suddenly have a personal or family issue that they need to skip school or just a class for it seems incredibly stupid especially for elementary school i could see this maybe being a thing in high school where kids like to skip class but no kid in kindergarten has the ability to choose if they are going to class or not on any given day my aunt was unpleasant or weird with everyone but always particularly cold to me one day when i was about 14 she took me aside and said she held a grudge against me because of my name she had wanted to call her first daughter that name but my parents had had a child first and used it they had no idea she wanted the name and aren't the kind of people who would have done it on purpose she said she tried really hard and had just about forgiven me for it i just remember being baffled by it and then feeling sorry for her for being that spiteful to be honest that it pulled later in comparison with all the other crazy horrible things she did to her own family good thing she was only cold to you but stayed away then her aunt was doing her a favor keeping her niece away from the crazy my swimming teacher promised me a candy bar if i jumped off the board when i couldn't swim and when i did they said they forgot but i saw them eating one in the lounge i was five and i was betrayed another thing that swim teacher did instead of teach me to swim was to try and teach the group how to keep their eyes open underwater and see we all had goggles and had to take them off to do this also i didn't learn to swim there i ended up learning at a hotel on vacation when my sister taught me like a year later man that's not just bs that's dangerous i don't know how dangerous it is how likely is a five-year-old to beat up their swimming teacher over a withheld candy bar on the wedding day of my mom's third wedding i sat in my room alone crying cause it was hard but i made sure to remove myself cause i didn't want to upset my mom when my aunt came to check in on my and saw i was crying she went and told my mom my mom went out of her way to stop hair and makeup to come into my room for being selfish and trying to ruin her happy day even though i purposefully tried to not look upset in front of her in the first place to address some of the questions that have come up yes she is still married to her third husband and i'm grateful for it now because he ended up being great for her even though he had quite the rocky start with me my mom also finally went to therapy after i had already grown and left the house and was diagnosed properly anne given the help she needs and we now have a solid relationship and she still regularly apologizes for the things she did growing up while still have some childhood baggage i've built a very happy life for myself and will definitely use what i learned from my childhood to be a better mom to my kids if i ever have any wonder why it's her third wedding thanks y'all thankfully she's changed a lot the past couple years after getting a lot of help that she needed and i've got my own life where i'm happy and don't have to deal with that kind of stuff anymore when i was young my mom was best friends with one of the neighbors down the street who also had a boy the same age as me as a result i played a lot with said boy and was encouraged to be best friends with him whenever my mum wasn't around though his mum was a complete bish to me she would come out to where we were playing together and shout at me for some minor trivial thing if we were both doing something bad only mentally bad we were not bad kids she would blame it all on me and never reprimand her son at all this was all when i was like 7 10 years old and so i couldn't process it at all and had no idea how to react and it really got to me i found out years later she was basically jealous because i was doing much better at school than her son and she wanted to take me down a peg ultimately the son and i ended up going to different secondary schools and drifted apart which meant that fortunately i stopped having to interact with her our mums are still good friends and she has always been pleasant to me as an adult she even did the flowers at my wedding but even 30 years later i still keep her at arm's length because of how unfairly she treated me as a child my parents were weary of other ppl and would never do something as reprimand someone else's child they'd rather openly shout at us even when we were not at fault later they'd explain that you have no authority over others and should look only at your own i found it really unfair as a child but ultimately made me a better person yeah my parents were the same as were the parents of all my other friends this is why even as a seven-year-old her behavior stuck out to me is unusual slash unfair my grade two science teacher taught us that there is no food weed that doesn't come from plants he gave the example of a cow it eats grass so it comes from plants he offered five dollars to anyone who could find anything that people eat that didn't come from plants and said no one had ever claimed it we all went home and thought about it kids were saying things like marshmallows ice cream candy i put my hand up and answered salt he was quiet for a moment and admitted that i was correct and no one had ever thought about that before not even him and that millions of people around the world eat salt every day but he refused to give me the five dollars an organism that feeds on decayed organic matter or on the waste products of other organisms that feed on decayed organic matter would still fall under the umbrella of without plants they wouldn't have anything to eat rule he had set up i didn't know about the algae and didn't consider it a food when i was in grade 2 but i had actually thought about mushrooms and a kid did suggest them but i knew that even mushrooms wouldn't have food if plants didn't exist i could have mentioned any mineral but i mentioned only the one we regularly ate the lesson was on the food chain and how important plants were to our survival that we would have nothing at all to eat if they didn't exist you know other than salt homeboy didn't have five dollars support your teachers i missed a math test because i was in the hospital i had documentation and showed the teacher but he was adamant that i couldn't make up the test and saying it was fine because he dropped the lowest score for everyone anyway i wanted to take the test because i had studied and wanted my lowest score at the time a 78 dropped i asked to make it up after school still or no i took it to the guidance counselor and explained my situation and they made the teacher give me the test it's important to note that i had printed out my previous assignment grades to show to everyone when pleading my case finally took the test and got an a looked at my assignment grades and noticed my homework score which was 100 turned in assignments before i went over the teacher's head was now at 50 percent had to go to guidance again with both screenshots in order to get him to fix my grade back people like that shouldn't be teachers i hope you saw the last of her after that class [Music] i had science teacher who sucked at teaching i would raise my hand for help ask the question and she would tell me i had done question or look it up myself she would purposefully skip me sometimes and if i asked for help from classmates in her class she would send me outside to the hall so i couldn't learn i was the only one she did that to it got to the point i hated her class because i would turn in blank homework because nothing was ever good enough my parents teacher principal and i gather in principle's office my parents ask why i'm failing teacher said why don't you ask him it's turned on me i say exactly why and in the lady denies all of it saying i'm just lazy and i should ask for help and not turn in blank homework because she'll accept anything my mother said hold up you'll accept anything teacher said yes my mother said so if my child has a question of what's dna and they put the sky as blue you just give them full points teacher said well of course my mother asked what kind of freaking hiring was the high school doing because that is not okay the principal told my mother to calm down and they hired only the best my mother refused and told the principal you hire only the best that fit in your pocket to keep your players on the football team so they pass them without question isn't that right a legal coach in the state i lived in principles could not be coaches for their schools football team conflict of interest the teacher made a comment about you insert my last name here are all the damn same my mother became livid and walked out because she knew it wasn't my fault later that month the teacher was suspended by the board of education move on to the next year her husband was my driving instructor i get in the car to take my test for my license i do all safety measures turn the car on turn off the radio and put the car into gear move ten feet he automatically fails me said that's for my wife good luck trying to get anywhere in the small town now [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you
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Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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