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ladies and gentlemen I am not sure we are ready for what's inside this box because this is the successor to the height y 60 the height y70 touch because yes there is a fraking touch screen on the side of this chassis this could be the best idea since sliced bread or it could literally be a really terrible way of wasting your money but I think it's fair to say we've never seen anything like this before well I mean I suppose we've seen the height y 60 that was a really impressive sh and this isn't going to be too different to that it does have a few changes most notably really being better airf flow and then of course the touchcreen so let's actually take a closer look at this let's do a full build to see how it comes together whether the end result is actually going to be worth buying but before we do that a quick word from this video sponsor the gigabyte G5 is the gaming laptop for those that want to play the latest games without spending an arm and a leg packing the latest RTX 40 series Graphics the gigabyte G5 is ready for for jaw dropping R tracing and frame rate boosting dss3 learn more about this 144hz gaming Beast today with the link down below let's begin by opening this thing up then shall we completely Tess which is nice decent thick panel as well our screen is clearly covered by this cardboard you do want to protect it but I think it's safe to remove this now and yeah here we have our display I mean it's got this nice little label on it that will help to protect it but if we remove that and we are then left with tempered glass with the screen behind it so this is one unit it connects to your computer via display port but all of the cables are actually pre-rooted for you also does require SATA for power but this is 4K in the sense that it's a 4K screen but obviously a lot smaller so the resolution is 1100x 3840 aside from the screen though the main thing I think you'll notice about this is just the sheer volume of case I mean this is very much all about air flow but also modern components I mean if we grab the largest GP that I have the RTX 490 Master you'll see this fits in there with pretty much no issues whatsoever I mean obviously where you do have this corner you do have to be slightly careful with stupidly large graphics cards that it's not going to interfere but if the 4090 Master fits in here as I say I don't think you're really going to be likely to have problems with anything but obviously do always check this vertical GP Riser does come as standard this is the height way they want you to have this in a vertical orientation but obviously you don't have to you can still have this case and remove it but then you are kind of paying for the privilege a bit like buying this variant and then not using the screen wouldn't really make any sense in terms of IO we've got our power button two USB 3s and a USB type-c and then a headphone microphone combo Jack round the side you can see we've got loads of air flow and ventilation here which is great cuz you're probably going to want to populate this with fans or things it is nice that it's not essential I mean if we flip this around again you'll see that it's not going to look its best if you don't have fans and things here but it doesn't look ridiculous like it does on some cases where it is literally just an empty Gap the top of the case is pretty much more of the same plenty of air flow and then on the back you'll find that we have these storage Bays here which does help to sort of neaten up your chassis because everything can be tucked in this rear chamber which is nice and out the way power supply will go down here as well and then there is plenty of cable management as well it might get slightly messy if you're using custom cables and you've got a lot going on here but generally speaking there should be enough space and cable management can be more a case of stuffing it in here rather than really neat management but obviously the choice is always up to you oh and actually that's pretty neat we've got all of our cables here that you'd typically expect I think we also have a block for the front panel y we do which always helps it's easy to plug it in but then this is what I thought was going to be a display port cable but actually it is a pre-rooted cable that terminates in this little display port connection here that's screwed into the back so it is just going to be one run cable that goes from here to your graphics card which is going to be a lot cleaner and a lot neater so not really any on your part at all to build this hopefully in terms of what we actually are building in this we are going for I guess the nicest white build that I could must with all of the parts we've got a z690 board so one back in the range but we're going to update the BIOS on this and then use a 14th gen Intel i5 we're going to go for pretty much all white components we've got white Ram caller graphics card all of the works really but we're also using a 360 radiator I I will leave some links to all of this by the way down in the description below if you're watching on mobile just hit more and then more and you can find everything and I will also leave some advice and a few other things so if you were going to build this yourself I'm going to essentially balance out the build in the description down below but yeah it does come in three colors as well this obviously is white and black but you can get it in black or red red does look nice by the way here are some lovely overlaid footage of the previous build we did in red as you can see looks really really nice but turning back to the y70 in terms of calling you can put 140s in here but you can only fit two on each panel really so you're better off going for 3 120s so you have them here down here in the bottom chamber as well obviously up here at the side and then I guess you could put 140 on the back here it's quite nice actually in the way that it's not necessarily so obvious if you don't want to use one it's not like a big gaping hole but then likewise if you do want to have a fan here then you can but I would probably just go with airflow and that orientation first things first we do want to remove our little Riser cable so we can get our motherboard in we place this to one side and then we start our motherboard build as I say we're not going to focus too much on the build side of things but I would like to think that if you are going to go for a case like this and spend up to $370 or $380 on a case like this then chances are you are going to be going for something pretty highend I mean obviously if you want to go for looks over performance then that's your prerogative but I'm not sure that's what I would do so let's open up our slot grab the brand new and definitely not a refresh low to be fair Intel have labeled it as a refresh 14th gen CPU and drop this down into position some Gull Ram not quite in white it's more of a silver effect but I think it looks really nice whoa whoa whoa whoa is this a ddr4 motherboard yes some spectrix D50 to the rescue though to be fair I think this definitely does look better install our SSD this is the sabrin rocket 4 plus G and the g stands for gaming one thing that I have noticed it's not a problem but to be aware of is while we do have a CPU cut out here for Access so you can put like your cooler bracket on your board because of the fact we've got this drive cage here it is going to be easier to do it now so we're going to open up our Kraken z73 and we're going to start the mounting process now just flip the board over and then drop this into position and then screw in the screws now that that's ready to go we will of course flip this on its side pick up our motherboard and then just lay this into our chassis oh we're going to get one of those plastic to tidy things no it doesn't look like it but you do get this display port cable to actually plug in the screen which is cool otherwise it is fairly basic just literally a bag of the screws that you need and your 3o mil to double 3 mil if you're going to use analog audio for the case we take off the plastic sheath and then drop in our Riser card it's actually in a different slot at the moment so no problem but this does need to get moved so let's get that pressed down into position we can then proceed to flip this back over and have a look at our handiwork and something I will point out that I don't think I've really seen from a chassis before is this sort of One Piece cable grommet type solution that actually works really well cuz I think it's really nice and clean but then also you get the benefit of well just less exposed metal I don't often cut myself on a computer chassis but I think it does reduce the risk of that and it also means that if you do kind of like push it a bit too much in one spot the whole thing isn't going to come out like is normal really with those smaller cable grommets so yeah I'm liking this so far we will take the top piece off I should show you the other side it's like this plastic mesh I'm not really sure that this is particularly easy to detach though it's kind of feels as if it's glued on so if this does get bunged up with dust a Hoover is probably your best bet not sure if that matters probably not ideal but it's manageable before we get this bunged up with loads of parts by the way I also want to flip this over to show you the other side that is slightly annoyingly too tight at first but a screwdriver come comes in then you have this removable dust filter I guess there is more dust and you know cat hair and stuff that would come in from the bottom than the top and then this is where you can access your extra fan area so if you do want to put some extra fans down here for airf flow this is where they're going to live I mean I say they're going to live there they are but in order to actually get them attached you want to use this bottom plate here it does actually look as if it's two fans down the bottom not three the fans that we're going to be using for this are from enext these are the f120 white RGB you can also buy Jew light Loop versions of this if you want to go for something extra fancy I mean to be fair this is actually one of the big changes versus the y60 cuz you did get some fans granted they're not obviously going to be the best but you did get some fans as standard on the y60 whereas the y70 touch doesn't have any and I guess that the reasonable explanation for this is that if you are going to spend $380 on a chassis chances are you can afford and definitely want some premium quality Case fans so we rout the case fan cables through and then it should just be a case of screwing this back into position and then dropping our dust filter on top those cables are completely invisible and it's quite nice actually with the white fans in the bottom I think you are going to get a little bit of underglow coming from underneath as well and then hopefully a little bit of Illumination comes through this is where it would be better if you had reverse flow fans or if you had like Duo light Loops or something like that but I don't really think it's essential when it's in the basement anyway I'll start connecting up the I/O and tiny little Grumble if you are going to be using the HD audio connect connector it is going to be very difficult to actually access this without taking the display port bracket out it's really not a problem whatsoever but bear it in mind and then to be fair you have the same sort of problem but it's arguably a lot more annoying with this bottom PCI Riser because it's now blocking all of the bottom ports you probably can fumble your way through and get them all plugged in but let's be honest it's going to be easier just to unscrew this and take it out temporarily or maybe you should do it with the top piece actually either way works just work your way around the problem let's now proceed on to my favorite bit is everyone that watches this channel regularly knows the radiator and with a case this big I honestly don't think you're going to have too many problems but something I have already noticed is that because you are going to be using USB for the case make sure you've got enough headers on your motherboard of your maybe using Splitters or a hub or something cuz I have a feeling once this which is an LCD cooler and all of the fans and of course this touch panel is all connected we might run out I reckon this is going to happen to a lot of people it does look as if this top radiator piece actually slides out which is nice and then you can screw it back on when you're done which means we just need our Radiator on top a gentle screw in then we can pick it up and mount our fans underneath so we make sure of course that the cables are going the right way I realized this is getting very instructional now I was trying to be quick Rapido not funny get all the RGB cables plugged in and then we can drop this back into position oh don't do that easy does it there we go now we can do the pump head pre-applied with thermal paste you guys are always asking why I'm not putting it on it's because it's pre-applied on a lot of new coolers just push that over the top and then use the thumb screws provided oh look it's almost as if I'm pyck we need to use an intermal intermal an internal USB hub now for our next trick I have some cables here that I've wanted to use for ages and I've never really found the right theme and I don't know if this is going to work today this could be a bit out there for some but we're going for yellow cables not white because we always do white last time as well we did white and black for something similar to this and obviously in the Y 60 we did Red so let's mix it up and see if this works these are extension cables as well so this is going to be a real test of this case's capacity for cable management around the back cuz this is going to be bulk City this really could look hideous couldn't it but it's cable mod you can get any cables you want a massive shout out and thank you for cable mod for actually supplying these we can then proceed to mount the rest of our fans and once again I don't think I've made the right choice here because the RGB lighting is going to be facing the wrong way which is a bit of a shame they still look good but they won't look perfect so I would next time go for something else but we can populate them here as you can see the cable management of this rig is going to start to get a lot more tricky now as soon as you add in all of these extra fans this is yet another reason why I say going for Daisy chainable or lockable fans will make your life easier but here we have a lot of cables and they should be able to get them to fit and while there definitely is loads of space here for cable management there's not any clear channels or anything I mean you've definitely got some routable area here but they're sort of tie down points rather than actual straps and things like you see on most cases and this seems very odd to me because there's so much space yet it's not going to be the easiest Cable Management which just seems a bit backwards but let's de that problem when we come to it and instead go on to the most exciting part again of any build I mean probably not this one this this is the most exciting part of this build but no it is the gaming performance it's the graphics card and the graphics card that we are using here today is from Power color this is the 6700 XT this was a limited edition one as you can see in spectral white has blue LEDs this should look pretty tasty when it is all together but I'll leave links for loads of different white gpus that will look good in this down in the description below cuz I a feeling that this one is probably quite difficult to find and down the bottom you'll find a total of four slots which is it's not only great for accommodating larger sized graphics cards but it does mean that your blades aren't going to be right up against the glass and because of the nature of the chassis with those flans down directly below it you're not going to have to worry too much about good air flow and good temperatures this really is a have your cake and eat it chassis where you can see your graphics card and all of its Glory but then as I say not have to worry about thermals then we can move on to hopefully the thing that's not going to look bad are fully yellow cables does white and yellow go maybe I mean why would be the safe bit for this but who likes safe huh I mean it doesn't look bad does it it just doesn't really look right doesn't look white let me know your thoughts on this down in the comment section below and the only real other thing to do before we actually get this thing turned on and hopefully see it working is to install our power supply this is one here from Cooler Master it's the V 750i and this one does actually support atx3 as well if you wanted to go for one of these new Nvidia gpus but as always make sure you're buying the appropriate wattage for the build that you're building one thing though that is definitely worth noting is that the Gen 5 or atx3 connection that you do get with this is only rated for 300 WTS so if you're going for like a 480 or 4090 you're going to want to look at something else really just to make sure you're supplying enough power to your rig I mean to be fair there are Cable Management straps they're just down here right at the bottom which kind of are useful but they still don't solve this but the real test is going to be whether our side panel goes on that real hitch I do love just how tallest this is there you go pushes in plenty of room then you would never know but when you turn it around this side you get your super neat and tidy rig so yeah I'm I'm liking this actually I think this was really easy to build in I mean there are always going to be improvements you could make too things like cable management but then everything else was a breeze really make sure you do it in the right order don't put your graphics card in straight away but especially for a beginner I don't think you'll have any real issues with this and the only difficulty really that comes with it is putting all of the other components in so the more complicated your setup the more complicated the build is going to be whether you should go for yellow cables I'm probably going to say no but until we turn this on we won't know for sure let's plug our monitor in and wish me luck yes I know I can't find the button it's here let's do it boom there we go that certainly looks like it's turning on uh the fans aren't spinning on the cooler though which doesn't bode well but then I don't want to turn it off because if we've up the BIOS it could break it no there's no calling this is a disaster this is a disaster don't die don't die I must have missed a Setter let's go again let's do it for real and I also want to see the screen illuminate this time cuz we've not got anything at the moment right okay so we are in Windows but now comes the moment of truth cuz I want to connect this display port cable and just see whether our screen comes on it does there it is it Windows completely the wrong way but we were expecting this sort of thing to happen and I must admit already I can tell this is ridiculously high res and I just don't know whether it needs to be I guess it's a good thing and I shouldn't be complaining but it probably would have brought the cost down a little bit if it wasn't quite a highr but hey there we go right hello hello everyone this is future markers taking the Reign for the rest of this video cuz frankly you don't want to see a really boring video of how to set it up when it is literally just a case of install the software and you'll be at this same stage and besides I needed to use this for a prolonged period of time so I could actually understand how it all works understand the flaw limitations But ultimately all the good things as well and essentially it is very straightforward it won't really do much when you first plug it in it will display as a display which is pretty cool so there is a bit of a bug with this software so if I press windows and D you should see that it goes to the desktop cuz this does actually display as its own separate display in Windows some people have actually already commented on my shorts video on this chassis saying that this is a great feature and they actually wanted to do this cuz I suppose you could use it as a display and put anything there so you know useful but it will bring a few bugs as a result but the secret source is all in this height software so we're open this up and it looks very cool but it is still a fair bit buggy cuz this is a brand new product and the software I I mean it's really impressive actually for just how new it is you compare it to like some motherboard software from I don't know like a or MSI that frankly should be a lot better than they are and frankly I think it is better than those but there are still a few limitations so you can use this a bit like NZXT Cam and IQ to monitor everything and control RGB lighting and stuff which is cool with different Integrations but then this is where you will be able to customize this screen and the screen itself is really nice actually it is very very sharp it's a lot sharper than I thought I mean you hear 4K and I don't know I thought this might be a bit gimmicky but no it really is just like using a high-res tablet screen or something and I've kind of set this up the way I would want it so you have your different statistics and things for both the GPU and the CPU clock time and date weather everything I would want at a glance but you can add extra things as well like twitch chat which would be useful but the moment you can only have it as like a small block rather than taking up the whole thing and in the future as well you'll be able to have RSS feeds so you could get news and things broadcast straight to your PC case that would be pretty cool but you can see some of these are actually grayed out at the moment things like if this then that that will be pretty nifty as well once you can get this on there but as this is a work in progress just tell height on Twitter on contact us on Reddit however you want tell them what you actually want to have on this and I'm sure their development team will be implementing the best ideas cuz they're trying to sell more cases right they want it to be as useful as possible and this is a bit like a blank canvas at the moment so there's definitely room for improvement but I quite like the way it is Straight Out The Gate I mean there are some weird bugs like you can't move things around you should be able to click and drag them but you can't you can't right click as well which is a bit weird but if you want to add something let's say media you choose the size of it so let's say 4X two we hit add and then that will pop up on the screen here and you can create different windows and things so you can swipe between them which is quite nice all your statistics are always available at a glance you can actually swipe down from the top as well you can change the brightness of the screen which is Nifty as well as your microphone and headphone volume which I suppose would be pretty useful for people but the software itself does use a lot of resources which is a bit odd so if we open up our task manager and go over to Performance you can see that our GPU is at about 8 to 10% and I think it does do something with this background here as soon as you open that up it spikes so we're now about 20% Which is a little bit odd but when this case really does start to come alive is when you actually use it to display high resolution video I mean we've got another bug here this is actually the first time I've seen this bug um but as I say it's a work in progress so that is some major feedback if you are going to buy this case expect it to not be perfect straight away but be a lot better over time but frankly I still think it's in a pretty good State generally for something so brand new right we're back in and you go over to here where it says theme and you get all of these different ones that you can use Straight Out The Gate you can choose different accent colors um as well that they recommend so you don't get this problem that we have here we can't see the text but I really like the theme I have um I will show you this one now so they have this fish as a default and a lot of people think this case looks like a fish tank anyway so lean into it that's pretty cool you can have that here and then I like having one separate window that's completely blank so you can have it as a more visual thing but then you can also use your own media files and it's quite cool because you can even go into videos and I don't know let's choose some Ratchet and Clank you can have this 4K video and it will just load that up and then it will play it back back which is going to use a lot of resources and it's not the smoothest playback in the world I mean it's not really the right file for it so instead go for something it's probably a lot easier to run like this online royaltyfree fish tank video and then you see that will pop up I mean I don't know why it's lagging cuz this is the first time it's actually done that I'm not entirely sure why it might be because of the resources that the software is using then it's done that bug again where it gets rid of it but there we go we're back when it's working this is pretty Dar cool so this is how I want to have it with this little fish tank mode where you have it completely blank or as I would have it where you have the fish tank behind and then all of your stats and then there is also a little bit of a Easter egg that's not really an Easter egg and that's actually a built-in game and I imagine they will have more of this as time goes on this is called block game it's definitely not familiar and you've never seen anything like this before uh but this is actually formatted for this screen and it's quite cool it's it's not 100% responsive all the time but it's near enough that you're going to have a pretty cool experience I think we're just marred by the fact that smartphones are obviously like 120 HZ and super responsive all the time but yeah you could absolutely play block game on your PC case if you want and overall I would say that it is it's a really easy case to recommend purely because there's not really anything majorly wrong with it other than the fact that obviously having high resolution video running whilst you're playing a game doesn't matter how many displays you have most people won't do it well I would love it if you could have different profiles that would automatically activate and deactivate depending on what you were doing and I would say to hyp maybe look at what wallpaper engine do which is to sort of shut everything down as soon as you open a high uh activity or high GPU utilization game and then just default to the solid color cuz I think at the moment you're going to have to do this yourself which is going to be a little bit annoying but I'm sure this would be one of the first things that they patch in besides that though it really is a fantastic case though I mean I it's so easy to build in I love that it's very easy to get a CL classy build cuz everything is just ready to go straight out the gate they thought about all the cable management the fact that all of the cables are pre-done for you on the screen and very neatly comes out the back here I think is fantastic I would like a little bit more cable management on the inside of it with some extra straps and some more obvious channels but it's something that you can forgive because this was a quite complicated build and I've still managed to get it set up very easily so overall I'm really impressed with this and I'm looking forward to see what height do with it over time but I think the question very much goes out to you on this are you interested in having a display like this on your PC case would you use it and if you would what would you put on it please let us know down in the comments section below if you've enjoyed this video please smash the like button get yourself subscribed 80% of you aren't subscribed what are you doing it's so simple completely free just hit that subscribe button down below and you'll get all my videos alerted to you when they go live but if you do also want to check out current pricing on anything featured in this video then you can of course check that down below with our Amazon affiliate links and while you're down there why not check out gigabyte G5 gaming laptop the G5 packs a 144 HZ display into a solid Sterly laptop body with up to a 12 core Intel processor and an RTX 4060 graphics card no matter whether you're wanting multiplayer action or R Trace deals S3 immersion the G5 is the laptop you've been waiting for it even comes with a 2-year warranty grab yours today with the link down below thank you so much for watching this video we'll catch you in the next one [Music] n
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 383,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pccentric, gaming, pc gaming, gaming computer, pc centric, pc build, gaming pc, hyte y70, hyte y70 touch, hyte y70 build, y70 touch build, hyte, hyte y70 touch review, gaming pc build guide, ultimate gaming pc, best pc case, pc case, pc centric build guide
Id: w-tx5DGqsVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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