This Faith Build Is INSANE… Incantation Only No Hit Run

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what is up everybody in today's video we're gonna be no hitting Elden ring using incantations coming into this run I already knew that incantations were really strong in Elven ring oh but I don't think I quite realized how powerful they actually are if you like these challenges make sure you subscribe to my YouTube because there's going to be many more of these runs coming and if you're interested in watching me route and complete these runs live you can follow my twitch where I stream almost every single day and we're completing a bunch of no hit runs but for now you should brace yourself because this setup is insane yeah this is looking like uh an amazing route I'm gonna grab these and almost died almost died already hopefully sorcery goes as smoothly I I don't think it will though because I'm I'm not nearly as familiar with sorcery here's my background yeah I did yeah the green screen yeah this run this is probably the easiest run we've done so far this is probably even easier than iron balls it's just it's a little bit more set up and you kind of have to have maybe a bit more game knowledge for it I haven't really done this in a while foreign but I'd like to see you know there's probably really good strats that just haven't been found because I I didn't need them on our all bosses run been a while since we've killed the uh the knights Cavalry on on our runs because what I've been doing instead is killing the tree Sentinel yeah by by the actual team Hitler's rules though doing doing spell only runs you're allowed to use your fists for stuff when you use stuff like this and I'm gonna use the bow at certain parts too it's not obviously it's not for damage it's usually for some utility and so when I do these runs I I allow stuff for utility I'm so excited to get going on this run dude I guess we are already getting going but this is a fun run man most setup it's actually not surprisingly I don't think it is or it's probably pretty close but not all of the setup is right at the beginning I'm sling I think that's all we need here so let's go back it wasn't great but it definitely wasn't bad oh God I should just use the bow I don't know why I'm doing this are there any bow guys there since we killed a nice Cavalry I don't think it's that important to get these runes so I'm just gonna I'll skip that last one because there's a mosquito and I'm pretty sure he's gonna hit me okay last time I did maybe I should have tested this again but last time I just ran here and I was fine oh it didn't take damage there best incantation to buff yourself um I don't know probably Al shabiri which we just picked up so let's get that and let's get that um I guess we gotta go also go get the the tier now might as well all right so let's go to here the nut spell I guess so yeah I mean pest threads one the one thing that's annoying about this cheese is that you have to like first of all you're getting shot by The Archers the whole time but you have to stand here in order for them to actually make it over that little ledge there and so there's a brief moment of time where you have to run across you could potentially get shot the the use cases of Gambit are insane and there's no way they meant for it to be as good as it is I think don't run away from me buddy but is he Reagan no he's actually this is interesting he's looking what if I shoot this thing oh very interesting I didn't know that so you can hit the branch and then keep him here he's not actually accurate to me right now but so if I shoot this again yeah see look at that that's beautiful foreign you guys remember what setup we used to kill Bernal this time because I should probably do Bernal first I don't see why I wouldn't hopefully this setup is fine not an enigma on this run here we go this might be our favorite my favorite run so far that we've done yeah and frenzy burst also isn't input red from bosses I believe so that's why he wasn't trying to you know roll that there whereas some other spells if I Cassidy's Just Gonna Roll It when when something is this powerful things really get start to get precise right with how how much you can optimize things there's a lot of I mean even on this run we're only using a few of the incantations right there's so many that I just haven't used go ahead and cast gambits I said you know we did test this stride out a little bit but this would be a bad time for it to not work I can't take my head off dude yeah that's kind of sketchy I don't I don't know I kind of don't like that but as long as I'm paying attention I guess it's okay but with this and then this one how much faith can we get right now probably at least 30 right just go 30. I'm sure we could do with more but do I think Bill Clinton knows what Elden ring is I'm sure now he does like I'm sure he knows about that person saying his name at the thing right probably I bet you we had no idea what it was until that happened that'd be my guess could be wrong hang on officer thanks for the three-month Prime sub welcome back I'm using the wrong seal that's really unfortunate oh that is a little bit better damage yeah the you know what this boss would die in three of those easily what is actually happening though yeah that's correct Bob yep that's correct here we go all right here we go this will be even more damage than we got last time on this boss because last time I just totally didn't even buff for him we're still getting over 500 damage a catch Flame actually pretty sure I can just run right up to his face and do these veins foreign you know what I guess I should have gotten fire scorpion before this point is my game crashing please don't do this never realized those guys are back there like patrolling um I actually didn't know I could go behind that tent right there um fire scorpion let's actually let's go kill gilika now I think it makes more sense because we just I don't know we might as well foreign TV emotes meant to show on screen uh probably not I guess I could put them on but it's probably better that I don't exactly yeah that's that's like a you know the bonus you get from watching live if you're watching on YouTube it's still fine but you don't get the full experience did I play death stranding I did not now I was listening to low Roar before that stranding existed it was actually it was couch docky back in the day that introduced me to them quite a few years ago I am the Lord of all that is it's been the easiest godric fight you ever will see many times if I complete Elder ring probably at least 100 I guess somebody asked me that the other day I think it's at least a hundred Maybe yeah it's probably around that foreign foreign ER there doesn't even matter all right so the next thing is the Millicent quest line so because I think there was some reason oh yeah we gotta buy pest threads so now let me you get the needle all right so now we go back down it's really nice that I'm already familiar with a lot of these areas because of like other no hit runs I've done like I just I already know how to get through them and stuff oh my God whoa if that was not something I was expecting there Jesus man you just totally tried to hit me through the wall foreign something and then you didn't get hit from learning it should we give her the prosthesis and now then we beam the the lady man I I love shaded Castle it's yeah it's sort of annoying and annoying area but as an area though I really like it foreign Millicent I had to do it to you all right and now last part of the quest imagine how much it would suck to mess up a questline like this on a run I'm trying to jinx myself but here we go so we got the envis Talisman yeah so the way this works if you kill Millicent there after giving her the prosthesis and then you know you talk to Gallery then once once you turn in his Bell bearing you just immediately get past threads so that's why we do all that we get pest threads and we get the the canvas Talisman strong one so this Talisman we get our hands on because it increased our physical damage for pest threads at low carry weight our seal weighs nothing and so we can actually get to very little carry weight basically the minimum possible almost just buff outside we could buff inside too it doesn't really matter oh wow why did that Miss dude I think the YouTube audience is gonna be um I guess you guys too but the first time we're doing an actual draconic tree Sentinel kill like the first time every single leather run an elder ring for this bet like the the 14 other runs we've done were a cheese kill in the exact same way I just always knock them off the cliff I wonder if if I made a tutorial on no hitting this game should I include a route that kills the tree Sentinel early it really isn't the easiest thing to do so yeah let's say I'm making an optional Choice what would be the replacement because you you do want to get early game runes or the sleeping oh yeah I guess you could do that yeah that's true okay so yeah that is the alternative then foreign took an extra hit this time which makes no sense or maybe he took one less hit or the same amount of hits but I just I was dealing more damage or something oh yeah the fight is definitely shorter than the cheese the cheese does take a while one of the downsides of it okay here we go I don't really need that much anymore that's not accidentally casted howl like mid boss fight that'd be really bad foreign I could also probably kill this assassin with you know either frenzied burst or Edge flame yeah we're good to go here yeah so this this kill we don't kill him in phase one because it's actually very hard to imagine a kill on morgot where you kill him in phase one without getting some sort of stun we deal enough damage so that he cues up his sword rain attack but we deal so much damage that he actually can't even get it off before the phase transition and then he has to do it at the start of phase two but even if he didn't have to do it it actually wouldn't matter anyways foreign oh my God he actually didn't have to do it right there I think I actually think it's because I was too slow in phase one I think he actually just started it up but it yeah it doesn't even matter I would have been a little bit more cautious if I thought it mattered yeah I'm pretty sure I was a bit too slow and I'm sure if I go back and look at that kill again and you know right before that last catch flame he probably you know got into the first frame of starting up that attack and so that's why you didn't have to do it there all right so fire Giant's all about has threads it's like we just nerd like this is after they Nerf the fists and like man we just we nerfed the Beast jaw and now weiner flame of red Mains and then we saw him using the fists and now we Nerf those and now what is this like what is he doing now dude and then eventually the entire level or like the this power level of everything in the game will go down because eventually the the just Nerf everything not realizing that everything was balanced but just at a really high level and it's all my fault yeah everything's gonna suck now Yep they're coming after me dude got a big Target on my back and it's such a weird specific thing that they changed I don't know why they did it unless they're like maybe the spies are watching me right now and they're taking note of everything that we're doing all right here we go so got the right setup got pest threads yeah and glimp blade failings dude if they if they Nerf that next you know for an absolute fact that they are watching what we're doing not not me specifically but just what no hit Runners are doing foreign yeah and meanwhile while they're nerfing all that other stuff that we're just uh you know we got our pest threads we got our common Azure and we're just chilling dude it's tough to imagine an easier kill than not on fire giant like a a toddler who's never played a video game before it could probably execute that kill who knows like maybe it doesn't end up being that good because we just can't get it fully set up or something okay so here with that foreign foreign damage like a lot lower here for some reason I didn't expect her to survive that weird pretty sure I was getting more damage on the on our like practice run kind of scary man foreign yeah I'm not sure if we have less damage or or more damage I don't seem to remember getting to 80 Faith by this point so I'm pretty sure we have more damage so it must have done like one extra hit or something imagine people recently who recently got into Elder ring see me destroy the duo every run with every build is there a lot of those I don't know look at this Malek had Strat works so now I'm kind of concerned dude yes already at 80 phase so I'm gonna start getting some endurance maybe a bit more mind as well that's good uh the damage on fire giant is absurd with this easily the fastest fire giant fight out of any run we've done so far I will not ice foreign yeah I just I whipped one attack there is why that happened at least I that's supposed to be like a kill but I think I whiffed the first Sprint attack luckily I know how to fight the boss so doesn't matter yeah I could have rolled that attack but there's no need to like I it's funny if you just stand still on that slam he does it just doesn't hit you for some reason yeah I guess that probably looked pretty scary huh it actually wasn't scary oh I forgot to get frenzy birth first year yeah so I guess what I should have done on that malekith I should have just not locked on like that was that was just the solution I just had to you know aim my heads to his knee and that's been a common theme on a lot of the the low range especially the fist weapons that we've done oh there you'd go we kind of have to kill him yeah you kind of have to you have to frame it so that you don't whiff like I did yes definitely has a really good Gideon kill yeah I remember there were a few people when we started this run that I were saying that like incantations would be rough or something but yeah in my in the back of my head I was like no way dude incantations are absolutely top tier the only thing that's probably better than incantations is is sorcery it's also Anonymous thanks for the 6.9 I appreciate it foreign yeah pretty easy all right so we just need to rebuff our uh Flame or Hollow shibarity here wow foreign pretty easy yeah what a cool run dude incantations are insane another rundown five to go you guys only five left and all of them I think are gonna be really cool and yeah if you get good RNG on that eldenbeast um with this exact setup or you could set up Red Feather or something you can kill him before he swims away uh I didn't really think there was a point because it's already really stupid but yeah GG you guys very easy dude
Channel: GinoMachino
Views: 969,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R5p6TaU5pYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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